207-2000 Federal Police

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fh..1'"", ~1..~"4£ -'l'fPht-f\1ce tTfh\.h

~Y-o~A" ;Jl.T;JUlfJ
6th Year No. 37
l\Y.-l\"'~: '~uP'''' ch,.'t: I!):!:
,..~ t) ""J I,i~~~ nh.''''f-k,f 4..1..1,.",£ .It'l"ht."'.,f'P. ('TO('lLh ADDIS ABABA - 27th June, 2000
"~.l\"n" f ih1'ofI +lBtaf"~ 9"he o.~'"111"ct~TIBIIJ

Proclamation No. 20712000
"'P~ ch,.'t:~~?:;:':;i~:H{ '~'9'" Federal Police Proclamation Page 1331
f4..1../'./;\ ;I'lLl\ "cp~ 1~ iif.r.fr!)l!

"cp~ -I~'.'t: ~~?:!:l]iJ.:il PROCLAMA nON No. 207/2000

f ~1../'./;\ ?'lLl\'J"'.I.~:f. ..,.'1 "", s1.e A PROCLAMA nON TO PROVIDE FOR THE
1\"lDa'''''}f (1,11)It ".~ ORGANIZAnON AND ADMINISTRA nON OF THE
4..,~../,.,,'r. ('TO(llLh ih1
1\".''''f'''',r ~.''''h/'''''.,f'£
OIl"}..""".,. :J.II'~~I,' nih" lID'}"""",: oPlPl."" 1\"7.IBm- ih1~ WHEREAS, it has become necessary to have a strong civil
".,,..,: fll'~ : 1\1I0',f(l)' n-I: fll'~ ''''/;\m'l f''''''mtD-'I 0(1.+"" police institution which is loyal to the Constitution of the
,rl\(o, : I\,'h'",n ""/;\:J~',' "'O(I'~'P.'.' .It'l"h/""",f'P. oPo(H':Y'"} Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and governed by
f"7.,rh,nt:',' f ,},''''f1"} "'''9''',' Y.U'}~'''' f"7_f 1.;1'11' f"'m'lhl. laws enacted in accordance with to the Constitution that has
the adequate training and efficiency in the police profession,
"-ii./;\ f 7"lLl\ "'*9" "'}~.'it: II',V,:I.'" "l\~."'L noPlr~ :
that serves and ensures peace and security of the public and
n",.''''f-''',r &..I../'."'r. ~.'I"h/""'.,f,£ t.TO(llLh ih1 duly respects human and democratic rights and freedoms;
lID'}"'",:" ""}.,.,,,. ~f?;(?:) ),'1' ~?;(Ii) 011IP I."" . f"7.h+l\tD- NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(7)
:J'(I)'~:(.\ :: and (I) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
h't:/;\ i,'u': Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
Ii' "-L"t: t: II l\ General
y,u 1',cp:~ uf4..Y../'./;\ ;I'lLl\ "'P~ +'1'C '-J.%/IilJ.1.I" I. Short Title
".,..".. lLlIl,,'l\ ~"}'.,,/;\ :: This Proclamation may be cited as the "Federal Police
~. Proclamation No. 20712000"
2. Definition
IIILU 1',"':(): (I)'l\'" u"7.~l\'''"f:'' (1)"9'" u"7.tl\'I:C" "'11\"" ,
),'} Y.:,.Y.9" "'h"'I\' f'.:'''','h "7.tl\'h: (1)~9'" flj:''''ih In this proclamation' 'Minister' or "Ministry" means the
117.~l\'I:t: ~(I)' ::
Minister of Justice or the Ministry of Justice, respec-
h'.:/;\ Ij~I\''''
l\"4..1../'./;\ ;I'lLl\ t''''I:li") 011**9" PART TWO
Establishment of the Federal Police Commission
f:' 11D*~I:9'"
3. Establishment
Ii' f&..I..(,.(.\?'lLl\ t''''1.'li'}/h'LtJ n~" ut1"7.1i~" "f'f"11\ I) The Federal Police Commission (hereinafter' 'the
f~.IIl(,'; lULU "CP:£'." /,.,...'} f!FI\ f ih'" "'IB'~"" ,fl\lB'
Commission") is hereby established as a federal
f &..1../'.(,\ 1',ItA 1I"i "'*-1:":1./;\ ::
organ having its own juridical personality.

,r')"',..,: J 3 .4(J ";Jt..). ;m.t" ;""""1:' .",if.?!

Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,00 I
(t), ?;.
'IX' ?iir.n~(!)!~ &...\!../..A ,,;,/.:,. :"',"/ "='I'L:I!)'!, "") :Ol~:Ht'H,u.Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 37 2T" June, 2000-Pagc 1332

~{. t,ll'l."i~. l1i),,,,'j 11"1>',(' flPUj 1.(1)' ~~',.,: ~'H;.'l-tnn.,. 2) Without prejudice to its legal and professional)
11";' "'mt.~.,: l\il'U.iH:<;. ,(lJII"jA :: independence, the Commission shall be accountahle
ii. ft,ll'/:ii~. 'IJ'j tlP'''t.J' n.:" to the Ministry.
ft,II'/:ii ',. cpC,' tiP r t.J' 11.:,. 11i",ltit 1',n'l W'j ~ ~ Y.hitt.1\ 4. Hetld Office
The Commission shall have its head office in Addis
'I:"': 11/I,i\ cl'/'j:':(I).'J" '''',:/.. :"C')6b).'~ 'TDP't.,f O,'}'
!!Jc;'I. 'P A :: Ahaba, and it may have branch offices in any other place.
ft,II'/:ii~. C~"'",/ as may be necessary.
5, Objective
ft,II'/:ii',. C~"II'/ flJ'lk':'} i),'1 ITD'}",p"}'j I\.I\':'}" ,n-f'}',
nfll/ The, objective of the Commission is, hy honoring the
/I'"'/tlll£: f .),11 (V} ".t) :,.t.': lIP II' I.:" X'I.", lD'):lA"}
Constitution and other laws of the country and hased on
ntlPhi\hA fa,II'()') IJ''''"'/CI~~.(':'j WI':';~itmn:" ~lD'::
th~participation of the.public, to}11Ciintainthe peaceful
?;. ft,,"ll:ii~. f,\J')')'j ,J''',ltC '
'" ~l ".- fife and s~urity of th~,Feople through prevention of
t,ll'l.'/i't. fll'/.\1"'I\:::" r Ann'j "'''''It..,}. fJ'j<;,:}1-A r~ ~ri
crime. "

?,. 1I,/'g:(I).')'J" (I)'}:~:A ftlphi\hA :

6. Powers and Duties
~{. n&..,l'..t..f,\ I~C,~' n"Y.:}"' rAil)"}. P't: ftPJ.lD1.."h
, the Commiss{on shall have the following powers and
(I)'}~~:I\':'}""} flIf)IIP(:iIDC : duties:
t. l1i)'''' f,l~:~~:', rAn)') 11i\:':(o" It:t:,~' n,'Y':}', ftPJ.{1 I )" to prevent any crime;
m(l)"} :"{)'I"II (I),('.'J"m.'t)),fITDt,~'J" : 2) to investigate crimes. that f~U under the juri~diction
ii. f(l)')~~:A 'J"CtlPt.:} (H'ITDl\tH' h&..,~t..A o..I>n, tn'" of Federal Courts;
fll'/,fUI\(I)"} :"{)'I"II fITD&J~'J" : 3) to execute orders and decisions issued by courts
(i' fml.(,: ,l"..l'n,}') : fM"C II'/I.&,n')',}'.,) : fIUN: having judicial powers;
tll>ittlll(~"'}"")',' "'CtII/SI\,:,f'} : ftllM,~'"} fII/lD,6b). 4) to execute orders issued by the Federal Public

(1:' '9J',)".'} : '"j ""j f &..,l'..t..A ITD')", r,} "'*'I>':;."} Prosecutor conceminginvestigation of crimes;
f{/lJml1')' : 5) to safeguard the security of boarders, airports,
(1.~.,).,.,.~: 1'"Il.:J '1.11, {)(:,I~:" ft'TDitm,}t'j htPJ,OOt\tl railway lines and terminals', miri'ing areas, and vital
:":':(1). :JC filP"~.lII1C : institutions of the Federal Government;
%. I\h(,:"'~: \,&..,l'..t..I\' IIP'}",r,} I1l\r AiI)'j'}'r, I\lD.61!"
6) to provide assistance in time of emergency and
cooperate with concerned organs;
1'1'u: ~,')"lJ!:'}" 'I'n,'" f""/,~'I.'" :
7) to give protection to higher officials of the Federal
~I> MIAA f.'l'l\.it t,il'/:ii') frAm'j : f'/D',f'j f,,:tJUJ
Government and dignitaries of foreign countries;
'J"tl£:Cj .II:;J',: fl/llitm:" : ~,')~,lJ''J'' I1hAI\""}" 'I',f<l:
8) to render professional and ~hnical advice and
f) . 'I'r:,n fhAA f(l)'n'A., '1.,IW:,}""}I\t'TDhi\hA'.' "00
support to regional police c0'mmissions and, upon
'IIJ£:tllI£: ~,'I'I fil'/.Il:I.'" :
the r~que,sts of regio~s, to give assistance in the
!!. tJ(lI'}~~:A ~~ ftlPII',),) II'/itl.~ fuoitm'}' :
'j. f(l)'H' ., A IID~ i't' 'J"tn ,(',y:,}"")nfll/'I'Cj'}' foohl\,hA 1
prev~ntion and investigation criminal cases;
9) to issue certificate of no crimmal record;
IIY..9)"}""} fl/D'H",i,: :
10) to study causes of crimes
and design the preventive
)),. f&...l'../..A (I)'):~:A f,TDIIPCt'TDC rAil)') ~"}Y.hittA ,
methods thereto;
'I:"': I\t/AA f.'l'I\,it t'lp/."ii"} I1m.hAc.' fooitm"" : 11) to"delegate the powers of investigation of federal
:(!{. f(l)'}~~:A ITDI.:'f9)"}""}'j it:,.,}it,,:h..a",}'."} f"1{1'1{111 : , offencesto regionalpoliceCommissionsas may be
fll'/'I'Cj:"',' fil,/{1/..(,L1,:" ~ "}~.lJ''J° flD"}:lA necessary;
tllIl.:({9):}"' lI'Il1'1{1(U"',' 1I'/mCjht.,f WI(: h"'t'~ p't:'H' 12) to collect, conduct research and distribute criminal
fll'/ ~':~':'J" : information and statistical data; and, create a nation-
:(!~. 1',il/.."". ,,'ci' 11:1:'; I\/I,/I":)', hili\'} (l)fJ'}o "".itA wide system for criminal data collection and proces-
ftlll'}",r:,' 'J'/..".1,'''',}'. f"'m{1',. P'/..9)"}""} "fII/hr,lIJ"} smg; , . ~
'(tI'/..('il'1'A f.'l'I\.it P'A(II') fCTDitm:" : 13) to delegate police powers to other origans or civil
:(!i. 1\/'...l'../..I\.Cj MIA A 1',ili\:" f'I:tIU' ')"C t'TD
1,.SfJ:}'. servants fpr the execution of c\:l1ainactivities as may
tI'/hCjm'}ij 'J"ittJ(:~:" '(l/llitm:" : be necessary;
14) to carry out technical investigations and give tes-
Hi' h1',I\'J" 1'"",,: .'l'I\.it :J(: "'Tf.~'} nt'TDt'~tnC fOOI.~
timony to federal and regional organs;
Am.m"I' fll'/.Il:I.'" :
15) to ex(;:hange information by establishing relationshi, i
D;' m'A f(IIIC,U,JA : f'HII.:" '11\11,:" ft'TDlr"} nitoo.
f(lfJtlf)it'j f(lDhllit :: with international p~lice; .
. 16) to enter into contracts, to own property, to sue and be
:'; ft'tI'/:ii~. 1',~':'J"
sued in its own name.
t ItI'/:ii ',. :
7. Organization of the Commission
?,. ~,'HJ: ft,tII/:ii',t~':f- '1,'I)'b (hllU n:\i\ "'1"111,(1)'"
The Commission shall have:
~,f"'1J1\ fill/,m/..):
I ) A Council of Commissioners (hereinafter referred to
~{. ~,'}.l': t,tI'/:ii~c :
a~"the CouncW');
I:' 'J"tl:"A t,tI'/:ii',(~"'}": 2) a Commissioner;
ii. I.,I~:" t,cl'/:ii't(~"1' : 3) Deputy Commissi(:mer,,5;,
(i' /I,/I':')"' f/...,l'../..A .'l'(\.(I:}". : 4) Assistant Commis'sioners;
:,;. ~,il/.-"'1. '(II",. .1l::J(,: II{./.),'J'/..".1,;",}'. : 5) other federal police men; and
,<',Ci'oI,-:I'A :: 6) the necessary supporting staft~
27111 Junc, 2000-Page 13:n
'/~' ?ij-i.!:~:@:t.Y../..A ~:,t.;" :'''.''1 -':'1'(; 'M, M. r;' "") :o;~:Ht '}.?". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 37

'X. Members of the Council

~,~ . f.,.llh,(I)' K'f" .). Members of the Council shall be:
f'"'11,,(1)' 1,11":" I) the Commissioner , Chair person
{i' \"'"I.'Ii',.; .' .(t,()Itn. 2) Deputy Commissioners... ... memhers
~{. 'J"!\'"'I:ii',(~'''}"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ..1,'1":"
3) Assistant Commissioners... ..................
!:. o~:,' \'''':ii~(~'':}"'''''''''''''''''''''''':'''''''''''' »
9. Powen, and Duties ofthe Council of Commissioners
y, II' fi It.:: , The Council of Commissioners shall have the following
f\''''I:ii~(~''1' ".'11" rAI.,.}'i .,.",'tt:

!;. powers and duties:

ft'''':li~(~'''}"' .,.'I'~. f"'.\ 1'1'It.:..:'
rAflnfi "'''''M.')'' I)
to direct and coordinate the activities of the
,~,'j'';':''A : Commission;
y,(IO/..A : 2) to present to the Ministry the appointment of the
(i'" --n''''I:ii',.') fr/.. },'):"l\:"(a. ,lIn"y,~:"
.~l\"""'M.A : Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commis-
~{. ft'''"I.'ii ~.') 'J" It''''I:ii ',(~"'}"'i oH' tl'''I:ii ~(~"1'~:(JO')' sioners of the Commission for approval;
3) to take the necessary measures to upgrade the
},')"~.tJJ,::"It:" 1t""I.~l\":';, .~,"t:'IA :
capacity and efficiency of the Commission;
t. f\"'"I.'ii~.') f r/.. 11:":"'i w'm,:""'~'}' 1t"'llty.'" 4) to decide upon complaints investigated and presen- ~

1,l\"""l.lIJ") },t:~r:~ Y,lIJl\P,A : ted before it pursuant to Sub-Article (3) (c) of Article
ii. nrrJll,tp:~: ),')cI'?" :({i 'f(J.l\ ~,.,.?. (!:) (,h) (/PII'I.')' II of this Proclamation;
,"flU;"'lIJ. 1I"'I."'t:II' 1,(I.-'::"9)';.)"' "y, (f).It), ,e.(tIJIA : 5) to evaluate the annual performance of the Commis-
?;. ft''''I:ii',.') '~(lP:"f'~ f pi/.. 1,".??'J" (1(";"9"'19" h~l\ sion and submit same to the Minister with its
"',~r:" :'t: 1t"'Ul\~':';. .(lcJ'{:'IA : 6) to conduct inspection to ensure the effeciency of of
1;' f"..Y../..A ;,.".l\') fr/.. 'II."':" It'''II.:J'''I' f~,'l\'l.' the Federal Police;
)..ii') P'/.. ,~tWtIJ"iA : 7) to prepare and submit, to the Minister, the budget of
:,. ~1r.'J:~:,r,It"'1,tl\'I:';, ,f"'C'IA:
'/: ft''''I:ii ~.'} lc'::" n:~: the Commission and follow-up its implementation
,,-,,.c,, .~:'J" 1,".X?"IJ,.}y,tl;""'I\A : upon approval;
X) to prepare and submit, to the Minister, draft
~I;- 1,"':~'.~} 1t"'Il\/.,?'J"f"',I.'v,. I.-I::" 'h')"}"' ~1I;J:e.".r.
legislations necessary for the implementation of this
""'.~l\":';, J'cf'{:'.IA : Proclamation;
!;. fIt''''I:ii~~ },'i UhAA 7.1t.l\"''''1:li'} (1OIIhA (IOAI'19" 9) to make efforts with a view of retaining a good
fp'/'. "'T)'..,:,. },'}.tt'i'(: 'I'I.'}' ,fy,(::JA : working relations between the Commission and
'j. y,.n 1,"':~:fi IIItU 1',tp:~: flOlI'I.')' f"'/,wm. y.,(t",}'., regional police Commissions;
(lpllO/.,f9)';.}'" ,fWfllA : III"/.. "f. 10) issue directives necessary for the implementation of
/t'''Il\'',"I.'J'' f"'.V~,
(lIJ"'" :':lIJ")9U ,~I.:;c"fI'A:: . this Proclamation and Regulations issued in accor-
dance with this proclamations and ensure the im-
):- f"'Ul\',:';, rAflnfi ,"""It: plementation of same.
"'Ul\.,:.;. f"',h"'''':'' rAflnti .,.c"'I/'.:" y,'j'';,:''A :
10. Powers and Duties of the Minister
t'''':ii',.') iHl"r.',:" y,(lIJ/..A : y,.y.fllm/..A :
f!' The Minister shall have the following powers and duties:
. I) to direct and supervise the Commission;
~{. ft''''I:ii',.') 'J"h:"A t''''I:ii~(~'1' },'i I.P,'} t''''1:ii~(~'''}''
y, '{I''''IA : 2) to appoint Deputy Commissioners and Assistant
Commissioners of the Commission;
!:. ft''''I:ii',.'}. f r/.. .fl:":"'i lIJ'm,:""'~')- 1t"'1ItY.'"
3) to take the necessary measures to enhance the
1,l\"""l.lIJ") },t:'J":~' .~,lIJitP'A :
efficiency and fruit fulness of the Commission:
!!. f\''''I:ii~.') '~(lP:I'('~ fr/.. 1',"."1."'9" h1',l\"'.ff')' :J(:
4) to submit to the government the annual performance
It(l"')""":" ,~-I.t:'lA : of the Commission with its recommendations;
(;. f "..!t../..A 7.It,l\') fr /.. 'II.<J>..}1t"'I.'li'4'A f,' 1t"'11.:111' 5) to carry out inspection to upgrade and ensure the
f}',:)l\",:h'ii'} P'/'. J'h'illJ"iA : efficiency of the federal police;
fttlP') """,:,. ,N'C'IA : 6) to submit to the government the budget of the
1;' ftl"'I.'ii',.') I.-I::" n:~::"
: , Commission and follow-up its implementation upon
1'-",-" .~:'J" }',",~"I."IJ") ,e,h:""'''A approval;
~... if~' }',"':~':) 1t"'l\","I.'J" f"'I.V~. I.-I::" ,'h')"}"' ItllO')"'P':" 7) to suhmit, to the government, draft legislations
~f:cI.t:I)A :: necessary for the implementation of this
Hi; .
..., l\ Itt' o?1i " t: Proclamation.
~:,. IIcn:""y, "'/,tl\')-';, II. Tl1e Commissioner
{Y' 'i;"'f.-iiH. 1I"'/,tl\:,',;. },':"/':'1.
.~,fI''''1 't.\' ::"
I) The Commissioner shall be appointed hy the Prime
,.;/.. },"):"l\."'(a. f"'Il\,,'IHlCfi Minister, upon the recommendation of the Minister;
~{. t''''I.?iH. rt""I.'ii',.')f
2) The Commissioner shall have the powers and duties to
~I~.C f(/IJ""~n:" '.'A")")'i "'''''IC y,'j'I."-A ::
coordinate and manage the activities of the Commis-
t., fJL11 }',')cI''''' ') (I."" }',')el'?;j r../ }',m."''',e. ~ ~:J'lt: sion.
, },').~-'hnIJ-" ""i' t''''I:~H~ : 3) . Without prejudice to the generality of Sub-Article (2)
0) f "..Jt../.-A 7.1t.l\'} (/P,"}~.Y./..f f:HI ,fitt."""'/A : of this Article, the Commissioner shall:
It) IM...~../..A 7.It,l\ ~ :,. h.,.-I>tn...'} (0'."" ,f It..)-') (a) cause the implementation of the Regulations of
the Federal Police;
f Y::,(,: (t(,I.'. IJ'/.-.,.1f"'}"'(M..,l'../..Act itA (tCitl\
(b) employ and administer the supporting stall.
,),'" ('''''''1.:,. ,~,-'ul'/..A : ,~l\;"P'Y:/..A :
other than those employed as federal pol ice
,It) IJ"..,l'../.,A 7.1t.l\ "y. f""A'(:II' I\IJ,'f::"9)',}'. men, pursuant to the federal civil service laws:
~,').'tfll';. 11"'1.\':1.'" Itt'uv..'li~(~~}" ".'Ih.. ~'t~, (c) cause the investigation of complaints made
-,., :'() !!!t,t::J A : 'r'I'~(I)' fc'tm(f)"Wu (D.It), against the federal police and submit same to the
1t~\IJ,'I::J' ~,:"/..II.(U. .fit:J'(I)'."'A : Coundl of Commissioners; and notify the
decision of the Council to the complainant:
'IX' ?ijr.i:~r!H! ~...~..t..f.\ ~ :)/..1' :m.1I1.~trt: WI. ...~?} 4" :OB::Of'HID. Federal Negarit Gazeta --- No. 37 27thJune. 2000-Page .

lID) ft,tII1.'li).'} '~(ID:"'P. f I"t.. Tr.,..It..~li I.<t:" (d) prepare the annual work programmeand budget
II:~::" ,r":J~ft.\ : ".t.'" Y.:9Un/"t.. /tf., .rco./tA : of the Commission; implement same upon
'I') t\t''''l.'ii). 1I"'''.''',v.(I)' II:~:'}' 00'1' I. ,}. 1'''''') approval; .
(lJ(,/.). ,r,v.c:Jt.\ : (e)
effect expenditures in accordance with the
I.) 1''''/:ii ). approved budget of the Commission;
III" iH';;: (I)" 'j:}'. :JC nlll/.,ry.c',co,
(t) represent the Commission in all its dealings with
"/T'i- '1:,. ,Jot\. t,m':ii ',.'} f~(lJh/tt.\ ::
third parties.
!i. 1''''I:ii H. I\I,tIIl:ii). f r t.. rt.\tl'(~li II"t.1\1 t'lDm'}
4) The Commissioner may delegate part of his powers
h,.. t.\ lIn'i ""'I'I~. IIh".t.\ 1\9Dh'}'A tllII/:ii'1r::}'. mf.,9u
and duties to Deputy Commissioners or Assistant
I\O~:" t""I:ii'1(~"'}" (l)f~9D I\I\.I\":)" 'I.t..".?f':f'. nco'hAli ~
Commissioners or other employees to the extent
'I' .r:,}'./tt.\ :: necessary for the efficiency of the Commission.
:r:~. II:~:'} 12. Budget
ft""I:ii). II:~:'}' .It..,l'..t..t.\ llD'}"lr'}' f~ooY.IIA :: The budget of the Commission shall be allocated hy the
'ij:. "1\y""NI l/fll'''NI'} Federal Government.
. "".°,/ 1\",' ,H,hl\;;:
f'L""") ool''''''')-''f. . 13. Books of Accounts
f~f~I't.\:: I) The Commission shall keep complete and accurate
~. ft""I:ii). fY,,"NI lIDI'''NI'}'li 1'}""') .,h "'11'.1' books of accounts.
Wpl,'(I). l,~.'fo(: (l)f,9" "'lico, Mt.fo(: nlll/."f.,ooCD- 2) The books of accounts and financial documents of
l,~."'C IIf'~t'ID": .r~llDl.llDt..I\' :: the Commission. shall be audited annually hy the
Auditor General or by an auditor designated by him.
.,l';t.\ ,..",}.
"1\t..Y..t..t.\ ;I''''''' h""'P'Y.C Administration Of The Federal Police
:Oi' 1\;1''''''''':'' flll/.,r'N~ t'1Dt'1D";;:9':}"
14. Criteria for Recruitment of a Police
;1' U'r);;:(I)'9Ufh.'}'f'A',r It:J nt..Y..t..A ;1'1\."""" 1\00 .
I) Any Ethiopian citizen, to be recruited as a police,
llDt.\l/flt.\ flll/J1'I'I\,.},'} 0000";;:9'1' f"7J":I./t 001f'}
shall fulfuill the following requirements.
,1!~'jCII:"'~\ : (a) to be willing to serve as a policeman;
0) II;I'",,"''''}' 1\"'/1A',A t.,"".;;: (b) -to be loyal to the Constitution of the Federal
fl'" :
1\) 1\1',.'}f'A',r t..Y..t../t'P. -\ 'l"tJt.."..P'P. (,T..,)ft.tJ Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
,}," (ID'}"II"'}' :"U,/:~ fin: (c) to have fulfilled the educational standard and
,It) 1It..,l'..t..t.\ ;I'I\.""'}' 1\t'lDoot.\t'IDA f"7.,r"t.A physical fitne~s required for recruitment as a
'ltf).'} f'}'9uUC:" Y.I.'P,'liJ'tI-J/t'P.,n,"',} flll/J"J.It' federal police;
lID) (f)f.,9u nr., (d) t() have a good reputation in the community for
IItNII.,,'''n. (1)''''1' II~.".T""),
9"el/'I~. ooA tw" "9u ,r"'l.t. : his discipline and moral character;
(e) to have no previous record of participating in a
'1') hlLU "'.<'.9u n(l)'}:~:t.\ f:C'L'}' co."", l\ooPf.,.4.
criminal act;
/.t'C,f.: fl\.l\n:,. I
(f) to be of not less than 18 years of age;
I.) iI,f.;'''I.(f).h:r:~~ '~llD'}' ,r/t.,,, : (g) not to, ~ a. member of any political or-
ft) f",/');;:(f)'9u f;l'I\":1-J J',:C:(-'}' h'lA ,PAl'" :1
~. 'IILU 1','}"'"" '}(J." J't'}"'''(J/i) 0011'1.:" f"' 2) The recruitment to be made in accordance with Sub-
9Ut.\l/fl/t fP:" I fo(l,',,(~':}" I 1)th.1.1I(11'li ft1t1W1''} Article (I) of this Article shall take into account the
: balancedrepresentationof sex, nations/nationalities
"V"i'P' "'''''',:l> ,rt1'l"" f.,lfliA II
t. f;l''''''' 9Ut.\t'ID" n'h'",n '\"'H',,:/tf., f,,'oo'I'I.'" and peoples. .
f~lfli t.\ I: 3) The recruitment of the police shall be based on
X?;' ,<J>I\ (1D,1t" "l\llDt.K9" popular participation.
nt..,l'../../.\ ;I''''''''''}' f"'llD/\t'1D1\ f".n)/\n:"'} ih1")'P.li 15. TakingOath .
llD',r'p' 1,Y.t.. n:"lII/:~.,,},li n:":"/,,,:,, /\ooCDlfJ"" ,+1\ A federal police recruit shall take oath to carry out his
llD,lt/t f.,t.K''''IA II public and professional responsibility with loyalty and
:r:'k 1\1IJ(/.\ fllD'}elll"'}' ".t.,"'?f:}'. f;l',\J, I"'AlfJ'} "/\00
16. Delegation of Police Powers to Civil Servants
I) Police powers may be deleg,atedtoa civil servant for
;1' t.\ f. lJlJ',r 1\lII/.mf~"~ "'P'f'':f'. /\lI. itA foo'}..,r:"
"./..".;;: f;l'l\:." p'An)'} ""lI1' f.,1'''A II -

.cases that r~quire special skills.

2) The Police po'w~~to be delegated pursuant to Sub-
~. 'IILU 1'"}.,.,,,. '}(J'" J't'}"''''' (;1) oo'PI.:" f"7.lImCD- Article (l) of this Article shall be only to the extent
f;l'I\,,, p't.\nJ'}I\',.p,f.' J't"t./t'L ,1I'''co, oom') ..,);F that may be requi~ed for the case.
f~II'li t.\ :: 17. Duration of Employment .
, "
:r::!:f k, t.\"1/\":" "t'ID'} . ,
I) The duration of the service of any federal police shaUoc.
;1' f"'n;;:(I)'9u ft...l'...t..A ;I'ft." hl)A V"IY..:" h1A be seven years. The Particulars shall be determined
by Regulations.' .
"I/\"'}' "t'ID'} 1IIH, '~ID'}' f.,lfliA II 1'C1'(; ht.~?~
ny:}.() f~(I)lI(,'A II .' 2) The service of any federal police shall be terminated
~. f"'r);;:(f)'9u ft..,l'..t..t.\ ;I'fL" h'lA V..,Y.,;J' J't1A for the folltlwing i'easOIIS:' -.
~ ~' f
"I/\"'}' nlll/,h"'/\"} 9utn,r".:y. f.,!l:l.lfJA I
.,~. jt1t:tr.u.)?; I..Y..I..I\ 'I:,,,.).
;'"."1 -It'rt: c.i¥tM. t)"" n;r~o( 't,".Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 37 271hJune, 2000-Page 1335
11) ,.,,1».'1-:
(a) upon death;
1\) fIYHI')' -I',f-,: "'C(1 UY:)O' ~1P,,'~'l' "'''''If,~'''' (b) where a request for resignation is accepted in
It.r',;~ : accordance with the relevant Regulations;
Ih) U,h h.'1"':.}" (IC.\': U,I"t~:J"II' 1'h11P'J"I\P'I.,lD' ..Ich (c) where he is found unfit for the job due to health
",f.II'" ,.., "'C :
. problem certified by a Medical Board;
lIP) (II':C.(' (V,. UIIJ":(!>:A #I'~"";;: Ir'i h""')'c,' (d) where he is found guilty by a court of law and
m'f(!>:1\' I\P'I..II)' 'Uch 1\,f f.C,lD''J''
"'''I'''' the commission decides that the crime shall not
Ht'O?:M. """.(}'j :'''C1'tf, UO?,lDtlJlD' f:HI make him fit for the job; the particulars shall be
,r,t""",'A : determined by regulations to be issued;
".) UP'I.. 1\t,~~'J" "".9" U1\ool..C ..Ich 'I"oolr') (e) due to inefficiency or incompetence in leader-
".,,'}" U~,"',T":) -I,~,'l' : ship or disciplinary misconduct;
(t) upon retirement.
I.) Um'~:" ,..:,I\A ::
IIP,U :,. 18. Rights
:':~I;' ,
I) Any member of the federal police shall:
;1' '''I');;:II}''J''ft.,Y..I..A ;"l\.fl1\'IA : (a) receive his salary according to the salary scale
11) UIIP')"'P")' "'''I,~.f.':'' ff.OOIlI" flh,A oo,p~'l'
approved by the government;
"',luIII'" ,f";;: A : (b) be entitled to rations, 9ifferent allowances,
1\) m""I.'li). fllP"'p''''.I.,r f:HI ~1P,,'~'l' "'''''1 : f. uniform, and medical treatment in accordance
Af.1'\(I""':.}": f,..:HI A"lfI',' f,'hh9uc,'1\1A"''''''''' with administrative regulations of the Commis-
,("''''':A : sIon;
Ih) UII1-~:" 1'11'" IIP".(.,). fll1-~:" CIP"I'l' "'i ~"'/A I (c) enjoy his pension rights pursuant to the pension
lIP) P'I..III") n""HI,III' ~1P')1.(' noolfJnl'l' ",. "',('" laws;
"'''/,f.l:flU'l' ''''n.t'cJ:~'l' ooP'I.,' (1.": mn,cJo (d) have the right to be represented by a lawyer of
.(','M"":"A 'IIC"C 1\t."~fIO' nf.')..1 the Commission for liabilities that may arise i.n
,f.m"'I,'A: relation to discharging his responsibilities; the
".) U"''g:lfJ'9" 1\:Jnl"'l. ~"t.~:f'') n1\..,lIo, Particulars shall be determined by regulations;
fllPmf:" : fltN"l' "'.,'f, foom~'J" : (e) have the right to appropriately question
UIII".,.,)' "}""Il~"'f") fllP~'::"'l' ~1P"I'l' 1\l\lD' : superiors under any circumstances, inform mis-
takes, resolve problems through dialogue, to
1tfltA'L'J" "'.11") f,uAnn ".".~.(,') m"l~
institute complaints following the chains of
1\U,"::" '''/:r'I.'U '.':.}""A I
command, where necessary;
~) hP'I.,II)' :'C (I"',f,fll lJ'~:" 1\"'I,f.CflU'l'
,. 1}".lfJ'l' III.tW" fl',I)A ".p.'l' IIlf,t,'l' U"'I.llItlJlD'
(t) have the right to receive compensation for death
or bodily injury sustained in relation to his
,..:HI IIP,,'~'l' fl)", h',:,f ,f";;:'" :1
activities, in' accordance with regulations to be
~. h"', h""'I\~,')' IIP,u,r.':.f. U".t.U.O?I. nt.,Y..I..A t.1''i issued.
,...I.:1i 7'I\,fI~'l' "'1'" .f.'UIII' 1\00,II'tf. 1\11""':.f' t''''I:li~ 2) In addition to the rights stated under Sub-Article ( I)
fllu'i'I.,(' t)'J"T ,('II:':(!>,".":':'I'AII of this Article, the Commission shall prepare
j:. UUII. 1',1'''(1),". . .. h",,/Ul\h"::" 1I).6~ .fl\' oo"l,r,':.f'') '''''011 dwelling camps for Federal Emergency Force.
"h'" ft..Y..I..A "'.iLA "'1:;LfI ,'h'" ".t,~"'I, f,lrr,/A II 3) Those rights which are not provided for in this
Xj;' "'Y..:" Proclamation shall be governed by the Federal Civil
"'1');;:11)'9"f t",r..I..A l'l\.fI : Servi<reLaws.
ii' U,'h', IIP')"',u,,: f"'(.:J"II1-'l'') , ,cer, .tlIfPht.. 19. Duties
, f'P' IIP.u,r,':.}', ",.i'-I..Clf: n""lhne nm,=,=,,1i'-:"1 Any member of the federal police has the duty:
'u~ p'I:'H' ,'hu",' n"'''..':.}',1\""1'" q":f~ ,'h')':.f' I) to perform his activities in accordance with the
IIP,p~.l' IUI.,lD") fO?h'.III') . Criminal Procedure Code and other appropriate laws
~. 7'1\.,,'p' /ul..III") , fh','IO" by honouring the human and democratic rights
"'I'~1:' f""l.1/AJt -
lIP :"III-1:.f """,,,,,.}. I
ensured by the Constitution.
2) to show his identity card while performing his police
"'Y..:" 1\"",1, II '

?). f m'~:" IIPlfJ'6Ii. iJ.(''''I.

20. Age of Retirement
0?')~lfJ'9" ft.,Y.I..A' 7'A.fl1\'I/A nm-~:" f"'.1"/An+
The age of retirement for. any member of the federal
iJ.(''''I. nlt.,f Y?i '~~IP'l' '.lr','A II police shall be 55 years.
?) Ii. lfJ: J' Y,I.. 'eO? iJ~ °, 11" 1/11:"~ ,,:
21. Abolition of Military Rank
ii' '1""I')~:'1I'9U,,1.1, f"'l,1~~ ft.1.t.,'/A l'l\.l1 m;J-1,t.,ce I) Any federal police, who is at any level of position,
""IiJ~u, 1\f,lrl.lO'9" I 1~'i9""" "0,) f""l."''' f;rl\.l1 shall h~ve no military rank. However, there shall be a
flr~ ""IiJ~"'c,' 9UAh,}' f,ti ",A. I "C:1'tf. nf.'... substitution of a police rank and badge; the par-
f,lfJ"'~/A11 , ticulars shall be determined by Regulations.
tf. ft.Y..I.,A l"l\.l11\'I'" flu/.. (llJ1,"'')~..'-''h+ 2) A member of the federal police shall have uniforms
fOD".f ',''''I fA"'I" I ",.).tlu-'" ""'~1:') f""l.1/AJt that indicate his position as well as a badge or sign
"9" I cfr1'1: I htt:I\")',' :~"t.~.,:' fl" Ill' m",. showing his name, numbe'r,department and respon-
'J"Ah'l' f,'i ~"'AII sibility.
.,~. ?ijQ:;~.!):~ t..!!../..A '1;M:" ;J/J.II,
":'1'(; '!;?; (ak ~ -", !iif:f~ Ii,"', Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 37 27thJune, 2000-Page 1336

?)~. },II'/'.C
;i' .)/...J'../..A ;"iLh IIP'P.h: (lfY,(.~ID' '11\''''' ~1\4.1P~'Ci 22. Performance
II'/...,.'ll",}', f(l'.f."} },II'/',C If'Ci I ) Group performance, by officials and employees
f"'''''le: h4,~~9'"
},')'illf'bl, ,r,I1"iA :: found at all levels in the structure of the federal
~. 1I&..1../..A ;J'iLh ilP'P:l'l: (lfY,(.~ID' f"?,1')" :~1\4.sP~'
police, shall be the main direction of executions.
2) The officials found at all levels of the structure of the
'J-I'ftilJ:':"" P'AiI)'} (I 1'10aJ (a') :~1\4.~:":':ID''}
federal police shall have the obligation to carry out
f(/lltIJl'J:" "11..:" },I\IFl:fO'::
their duties within their respective responsibilities.
t. hI" /.. ":,, .f.' }, ~P'Y.t': ),hh h4.~~S'II~' "'9'"1OY Y:(.h 3) The Federal Police officials and employees shall
f &...I!../..A ;J'iLh :"I\&.9J:}',li UI/.,.,.tf~. no- Y:,} noo.,. perform their. duties in a group from planning to
'i:(}::" ,r.II'/.,I\' : fll' .f.:'} h"I/.,r::Y. f-;J/.,Ci f..,A implementation and evaluation of their activities.
:,,,,\&.,,:,..} ,("hh'}'I\I\' ::
The group work shall entail joint and several
ji. f ;J'/'Ut },II'/.,C f 1')""'11 ."".),(.,:'} OOIP(."" .'Y,(.1 liability.
IIPII"} ,r.':'C(I:"A :: 4) The activity of the police shall be based on the
?J"t. f'Ntl\hl\ .f.'C'L'}' participation of the public.
"'li:':""9" ,."ft'lIn'P' aJf,9'" h.ue:'} f"?, ~Il h.'.'"Ci 23. Prohibited Activities
.f.'C'L :" f'Ntl\ ::
hl\ Any inhuman or degrading treatment or act is prohibited.
?J'!!' hl\&..1../..A ;J'iLh nil,"::" ft°'/, 24. Federal Police Complaint Hearing Committee
;i. m'''':ii~. ""h'I' f&...I.',,/..A ;J'iLh hU.'I::" (aOY.hilA I) There shall be a Federal Police Complaint Hearing
f,~I:~I:'"'IA:: Organ within the Commission.
~. 2) The Federal Police Complaint Hearing Organ shall:
f&..1../..A ;J'iLh },(I,"::" ft"? hilA:
(a) receive and investigate complaint, comment or
0) f&."I.'../..A ;J'iLh m,fPI:ii), hlll\'}' r'/., 'h4.~~9'"
criticism forwarded by individuals, offices or
tIJ ,r.9" },'J A "1/\":" n(afl)'I' I\,e. hll/l\(a.,1 :
organizations or the public on the performance
twp P' I..f (1,:" : h.f.'cJ:')' flJ,e.'}D h;h".,. or service of the federal police and organs of the
\"tll/""C'II 1',11,'1::" : hh"'.ff'}',} aJ,e.'}D .}.:}'..}.'} Commission.
.(I,',.,II\A : .fl'I/..A : (b) require any Concerned member of the federal
1\) 1I"'1""C'III\:,' },II,'I::" CID~"i~.}' OYCi:':ID''}9D police to reply to the complaints lodged;
f&...I.'../..A ;J'I\,h },IIA hl\1',II,"::"'O' clDAh
(c) submit to the Commissioner recommendations
),'},(t(a'I' .f,I!.C:JA : on the measures to be taken after investigating
tit) \""('fll\:"'} },.I..,::,. : hh"'.ff'}' the complaint, comment or criticism.
1IJ,e.'}" .F.}'.:,.
3) A federal police member who has been requested to
1I'"'/lIl/...}. IIPIIJ(a.f.' hI\O?:,'lfO' hC'}D~ .fl\lD"}
reply in accordance with Sub-Article (2)(0) of this
},h"'.ff'}' I\iltl'l:iiH, .N'CIIA ::
Article is obliged to do so within 15 days.
t. 1111.11 },'}<f'"" '}lJ.h },'}<f.",. ~(I\) CIDU'(.')' (/DAh
),})t,"I' f.l"tnfcl' f &..,I!../..A;J'iLh hIlA (In; .,.') 'UL PART FOUR
tIJ'h'l' IllIAil fllllhm:" "11..:" hl\lI'}:: Miscellaneous Provisions

h',:A },/..:,. 25. Relations of the Commission with Regional Police

A f. A f. .f."}:J'I.9Q. Commissions
I) The Police Commission shall have relations with
?}?;. tltl'/:ii~. hhAA ;J'iLil iltll/:li'i~" ."JI: hl\"?/i (.ID~ regional police commissions concerning federal
"/T)'.~:,. cases.
;i' lltllJ.'ii~. f&..1../..A "'P'f':}"'} n ,,?,CID
1\h,}' hhAA 2) The regional police organs, while investigating
;J'iLh i,tl'l:ii't.}'. :JC "/T)'.~.). ,e.'i (.If'A:: federal criminal cases. and preventing crime in
~. fhAA ;J'iLh (/I1P't'..f n,.y,:)', nfo.hA'.' (/D'v(.,)'
accordance with delegation, shall be accountable to
f &,.1../..A tIJ'}:(}:A ".,a":}"'} (a,(/D(.'}o...Ci(a,hl\hl\' the Commission.
3) The Commission and regional Police Commissions
.I"tnt'. ~:,.:,:"" 1\&..1../..A ;J'iLh il,,?:li') ,e.lrCiA ::
shall hold a joint meeting at least once a year.
t. lltl'l:ii ~.'i fhAA ;J't\,h ilfPJ.'li'i:f lI'~oo.}, O..f,}h
4) The Commission shall give training and professional
},'}.f.' 'I.IL f:1/.. h'lIft'l .fY.C:)I\' ::
assistance, and other supports to regional police
!!, iltl'l:ii',. t\hAA ;J'/\,il iltllJ.'ii'i:Y' r'Am~' : foo,.,Ci
f.,..t.)"t. 9"hc'i .f.':J',: .f,I!,C:)A :: 5) The regional Police Commissions shall send reports
?;. fhAA ;J'iLh iltl'l:ii'i",}'. flJ'}':A'} : ')'/..4.tJ'}Ci and statistical data to the Commission to be com-
f"I':"'} (l'III,IIIII\h')' I.;J'I::"'.' h:"')'{\":hh I\'I".-.)'Ci monly used for research anq general purposes
I\IIJA mcl''''l:'' ),'},(ttIJ'A (If'ULID' MI"?,1i), I,;J'I:')' concerning crimes, traffic offences and security.
,('h"./tA 4,1\':: 6) The following activities shall be dealt with in the
'';' m'tl'l:ii~"i m.AA ;J't\,h tl"7:li'it f:1/.. n(all joint meetings of the Commission and regional
f'I'IJI'I'I\':,' "'''lllf~':)"' f.h'.'flJI.'I\' : police Commissions:
0) fllJ'}:(}:A IIDhl\hA'.' '}'ICCID/., /"/'. h'}:,oh.<J>f\1P (a).exchange.of experience by evaluating the crime
, prevention and investigation activities;
:'::':tIJ,,} (lI/II'I'/"','}" f AS'° .f.' AID'lDoIl' .fY.C;J 1\' :
1A- Ititrft!)i ~'D"'A. ~;J/.'}' :J'Ln, 4:1'(;~ I'8k1t +1 Xill'. ,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 37 2'" June, 2000-Page 1337

1\) f:J(,. fm-})':A O8hl\hA ":"IlJ~"~' (b) devise and decide on, joint crime prevention
""'1 ,.m"'i 1\, : (c) identify jointly police related matters that
tit) ",y: m-r O808II~ f"7..'''L/.\;J:t=m-, 7"ft." ~h
require uniform standards; frame the standards;
"''-;f-~ II;J(,. ,.".,,,. : O808llJi'm-,,.. II;J(,.
evaluate their implementation.
.,mllJI\. : ".I.~~~, II;J(,. "'08"""& II
26. Repealed and Inapplicable Laws
n. f.,.?i",,'i "'.I.""7.~"" f",,.'i (,.:t=m-ihO)~
1) The following are hereby repealed:
Ii' f"7..t""1\."" fULU,,":(- "'1il1'/'\ I (a) The Police Force Organization Proclamation
U) f7'ft." :""/'\ "71.('.-P;"":(- cfr-rc:i/Iiifcjji No. 6/1942;
1\) f 7 'ft. ,IP(,.'£'}' O8h-"}'i1' """''-;~C ""611" (b) The Police Officers Administration Order
-h-re: "tl/Iiif:!i?il No. 82/1973;
tit) f 7'ft." 1P(,.cr.:,' O8f1"}'i1' f"76l"l ~Y:1"'" (c) The Police Officers Promotion, Obligatory
""IlJ-r : f"".:1' "'/'\"1"...,.'1' f"'''m~ ~,.... Service and Dismissal Regulations No.
-h-re: ifcjj/Iiif:!i?i : ~'i 430/1973; and .

08) """,6hl\,£ f1i"l"le: O8"}"IP'''''f"'C tlDhl\hl (d) Provisions Concerning the Police Forces in the
'11(,.,£"'" ""'/''''''1' "I\'7"ft." ="',,/.\ tlDt~,. Deployment of the State Defence Army of the
IImllJm- "1':(- .-rt: ~/Iiif.ti ,.,. 7"ft.'" Central Transitional Government and the Es-
f"7.tlDI\h-t:"" y:, :J1."":('II tablishment of the Police Force Proclamation
No. 8/1991.
I' hllU "1':(-;JC f"7..cJol"}"''i:fm-r ih"l "'.I'''''7..~:,.
2) Any law inconsistent with this Proclamation shall not
""li 4m-,.. II be applicable.
fl' ~, f"7m-IlJ"'"P'/.\IlJ'
27. Powerto IssueRegulations
f"7..t"""'r.-~ ,.he ft.}. "U"} "1':(- I\",,,u.,. ~, The Councilof Ministersmay issue Regulationsfor the
Mm-IlJ"" P'/.\IlJ"},.li l1'/.\ II implementationof this Proclamation.
r~' "1')1: f"7..0'in"'" "LIt 28. Effective Date
,.,.. 1.,.r.- flJ'i ,.11'iA II
"U "1':(- h"~ &"+, Iiif~1 This Proclamation shall be effective as of the 27mday of
June, 2000.

"Jl" "n'l ,,~ t) .,."}Iiif71 ,.,. Done at Addis Ababa, this 2~ day of June, 2000.

',Ie: ~;J(8 "L.-s.-s NEOASO GIDADA (DR.)

f~""'f-'" "-1..(,.1\«£ JllfDh(,..v-r ~T""A.h PRESIDENT OF nIB FEDERAL



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