206-2000 Seed

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fh.:'-f"kf ~1..''''''f Jt 'fPht..(}-f'f t.Tlll\.h

~Y-o&.A ";J~T ;JUlfJ


ilJ~'il'f'~: l~aD.} +",'C iM; 6th Year No. 36

nh.:)-V'A'.f &..Y..t.I\'e .It'l"tM.c'l..f'e ~T"Ih.h - 6111June,
h.l;.il MI'1 .'nn.)' r;,! .,.1 nH~~~~ ADDIS ABABA 2000
V,n,,.,1 "'(I)I1V."f 9"1')(; n.:r. m'I<l:H- V(I)fIJ


Proclamation No. 206/2000
htp:(- -'~"'C ~O;!:(jl~~~~ '~'9'"
Seed Proclamation ,., , , Page 1317
f"{)tp.). IIC t,tp:~ 'lR" liitr.f.I%

t,tp:~" -h','C ~~1;;:':'!~:~!{ PROCLAMATION NO. 206/2000

WHEREAS, Ethiopia, within its territory of vast land
h.')'V'A'.f '11\')' c'l~, ft'lll~.). tJAAc.- f.,.l\.ff. il~9"U~c.':t".
mass, and a microcosm, is endowed with a variety of agro-
fAf. Af. I~.e~:" f"{)tp.). II(~"'}"'£III"~: nt'llllf1 (I).e9" h(l)-6J!'
ecological zones which made possible for a great diversity of
frill Ill' f.f'I\J'f. f"Y,tp.). II(~"'}"'n-"I\I\' n"7.1\t'III.f.-'I:t:(I)- I\hC7i
crop species to originate, or, least, to grow and perform as
"'illll/"7. .un. A f. A f. il~9"UP,(~"'}"'f ;'-Y.I\':j. nt'llllfS:: ViJ{)tp"', nicely as they do in their home areas, and crop production has
9°C')'9" 1\lJ'lt..,: td11iOllS I\tdlt'~:(I)' ,n,,.,1 ~c.' f:lC'1 been and will certainly continue to be the backbone of the
t,',"H' 1I"i naD-f.f":£i (IJY.~':"9" f"7."'1'A nt'llllf~: coul}tfy's economy and the livelihood of the great majority of
fiJ{)tp:,. 9"C:"') 1\11111)'<',"1 h"7..fil"}"'I\' IIYo?'"{- t'IIIl1hA
the£thiopian population;
tp~~:lIJ' hCr' t,Y.~. "'1.,'1: f'f"lnll"'IIC1 n.f'I\.e9° f.f'7i7il\' A f.
WHEREAS, one of the most effective means of
achieving increased crop production is enabling farmers to
A f. 9°C'" f"{)tp:" 11C~"}"'1 },').I;.m"'9° c'l.Y./,"Ie; h ~ILU111c.'"{- use high quality seed particularly of improved crop varieties
""'1\1\' h'i 11"'-"I\m~. t'III')"Y: f"7.J''l~~n'} 0-);;" c'l.t'III:F"1' and making such seeds available as smoothly, effectively and
n rillII",.: quickly as possible;
"'I.,":') fllln." 11(; I\hCr' h.(I.~. f"7.Y.Cil')-)'1e; 9"C1' IIC WHEREAS, realizing the need for creating conducive
nil ), 1"'1.. I\Y, f"7.lIJ'A')-)") 0'),;" I\t'IIIC':mC he; l\iJ{)tp')'IIC conditions for the distribution to the farmers and the wide
"'lIl,4>UIJ.?,'.}'.},Ii h9° I..:y.'.}'.:t,II:J ,:..}".: h h i-r-:t:e; :f:c:F~?'"{' utilization of quality seed; and the need for creating a legal
framework for the protection and control of the interests of
,,':"9° f ,''''''' "'11 ,4>Ii +",",'C flll/..(1./,"I1)-)'1 U');;" f"7..f /.;1:"1' users, originators, processors, wholesalers, and retailers of
l'.Ic'H' IIIlil~.I\'" "nt,n. .t"'-f nlllll"'.: plant seeds;
9"C'I' 11(: f"7..t'£IIIC":: flll/..t'II.~~:: mI. CD.lil!'f"7.A h": WHEREAS, it has been necessary to designate govern-
lIJl. t,',C (D'il',' f"7..t'il'l')-: flll/.rim.li f"7.J'c'lI..l.(;1: "'1\c'ln"{-1 mental bodies which support, advise and control individuals/
(.f.:c:~".r:'}"")) ftll/..t'''III' : ftll/..t'UlJh~- he; f"7A"flJm~ t'1111.., organizations engaged in production, processing, import,
export, sale and distribution of quality seeds;
,'" :J,t'~ t, 111\:"') IIIIc'lf9" nllllil~.I\"': NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article S5( I)
IIt,.')'f'A'.t' &...~ol.,I\t'~ .I;/I~)hl.,c'l..t''e ~T.nh.h ,n'l of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
rlll')"lp':" t,'N'X' ~U; (f!) 110,,,,/.,), f"7.h'f'I\(D' :"lIJ'~:A:: Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
),I':A t,') .e.'
III :,.1\1\ General
,.f! ' t,61!'C C"il I. Short Title
This Proclamation may be cited as the "Seed
.eu t,tp:~: "f"{)tp.). 11(: t,tp:~" -h','C ~~?;/:I]!~1.!{" "'''11\'' Proclamation No. 20612000"
t\.1Il"'il ,r;'}"'I\A::

'" 'I' . ~'H5

.f'''.p- ";11.-1' ;JJl.tIJ ?',"""1'
'J 'ii';f,?!
Unit Price Negarit a.p.O.Box 80,00 I

.,~. jij'i.t((~~ / f!..('.A '1:1(',:" :JlI.('1 ":1'C: '!;?; "1111.)' ~i! .,,"} 6th June, 2000-Page
IiWH~ ~'9'" Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.36 131X

I' .h:=itPJ.
2. Definitions
f.cJ>t\. h','l.n t\.I\ '}'CHlu fOl/.J'''m(l)' ttA.f~ ni\.,..,.c
In this Proclamation, unless the context reqUires
UllO h'P'(): m'i\,,':
(i. "(..(:,~." 1IIJt\:" f-(1,.h.~,1f "iJ'P')- h.,}J;.i\'}'~ otherwise;
I) "Board" means the Board of the National Seed
}..'e}". (IC,~' ~m':
~. "i,::l>:'}"." OIIt\:" .(i,.h.~,'p' f"iJ'P')' IIC 1' '}.p,.i\'}'~ industry Agency;
}..(\"}" ~(I)': 2) "Agency" means the National Seed Industry
e. "'iic.r;' 1IIJt\.},flllJc,':,:m.'}u "iJ'P:" (1.'''''''1 .f'i': Agency;
ht\./\.:.}'. 'uc.rsP:}" n"'A~ fOl/.t\f.n:" "'(I)~,~:ii 3) "Variety" means sub-division of any kind of plant
fIn clDt\.r 'lihc.r.}- ,rt\eD'Cj fU'C C;::~'J".f~ nt\,I\ species that can be clearly differentiated from other
OD'}",~' (}.'II, 'lihC,r.,:') fflllf.t\m-", f""'P:" IIC varieties of that kind by heritable characters; and
~m': . that remain stable when reproduced sexually or
!~, "ue:" 1IIJt\:" hm''} IIC: hh.~,:r: """,c;:: .,.tJA; asexually.
fOIl'.' ""Ii\"~"Cj f=ic.' h:"tJA:" :r..,7f:r (l)f.'J" 4) "Seed" means true seed, bulbs, tubers, cuttings,
t\"iJ'P')' IIIJ~"I'}' f"t.f1i\..,A OI/Cj~m-'J" f.,.tJA nursery plants offield and garden crops or any other
hC~A enf.'}u httA ~m':
plant material used for the propagation of plants;
?i' "f'I-.{'. ~'11 IIC" 1IIJt\.}. f'lO h'P:Eo ~'} ;J1.9':r 5) "Prescribed Seed" means any seed to which the
'ht7.lIIJ, fOl/.lfHI')'Cj It.1:'}fl.(I). n"tJ'(I)tl}m-
(1D(1D('..rfOl/.m"') IIC ~m': provisions of this Proclamation are applicable and
?;, "f",(/p"h~t\,), IIC" 0I1t\:" nh1c (I)'i\", which are designated as such by directives to he
m,('J'}u my. 1',"C m'i\'I' f1'1 hi\t..I\'L9'~,) fh.'} issued by the Agency;
V'A'.r fllC Y,~'P,'sP:}"""clDi\t.C'Y.1' 1IIJ~.I\1: nlt.~ 6) "Certified Seed" means a seed produced in
'}".m' mf.'}u f.UT} r~. t\lIIJhCjm'} nlt.:~'}fl.(I). Ethiopia or imported seed which has been certified,
(JrI'mht\ /\,1\ 1',11A f"'~;J1mt\').Cj t\IIC~')' by the Agency or other body delegated by the
fOl/,m'A IIC ~eD': Agency, for conforming to the standards established
% " (II/t\:" .n,.h.~.If V1M'P')- l' c.r
" ",.,.v,.t 1'101/..,; and which is intended for planting;
h"")~'I~ 1'101/..,;~m': 7) "Release Committee" means the National Variety
~~. 1IIJt\,}-f.,.t.'I'(~'
""m' " "m' enf.'}u nih", f"m'~:" Release Committee;
OD.n:,' f"'''mm. },11A ~eD': 8) "Person" means any natural or juridical person;
;1' "fllC CID~:6,'OIMhA" OI/t\.), f'n,.h.~.1f ""'1':,. IIC
9) 'Seed Data Base" means the Seed Data Base of the
1',:}.':.i\:"~ h.:l>:'}". fllC CID~:6,'(IIMhA ~m':
'j. "f1',,,)'V'A'.r file; .(',I.'P,'sP:t." 1IIJt\')' nh.')'V'k.f National Seed Industry Agency;
~ I0) "Ethiopian Seed Standards" means national seed
'I't.:'.,; .~..~jf9).'}.. '1t\/Vt:\flJ'} f(lJlllc filiJtp,).. lie;
y,I.:'fsP:}'. (":':eD': standards issued by the Quality and Standards
Authority of Ethiopia;
I(i' "'I'~':"" OIIt\:" f"'.(', ~"1m' IIC t\IIC~')' .rt\(I).
.n.cJ>.)' ~eD': II) "Quality" means the planting value of the pres-
"m,,,,.11 fh~'}u ue:" "'/t\'}' UllO h'P:l'.: ,~''};J1.9'~'' cribed seed;
ODII'I.')' .,'t\f.'Y' f :J-(u,,' A f. fhl.,}u '(F':~: 1,c.r IIC 12) "Objectionable Weed Seeds" means seeds of a
~m': specific variety of weed species identified pursuant
Ir' "'}uAh'}'" OIIt\:" (II/c":':m.'}o nllc OD*m~.f I\f. to the provisions of this Proclamation
fOl/,,(',I.'" mf.'}u f07..f.r1' mf.'J" hllc ;JC f"tm.f.'Cj 13) "Lebel" means any legend, symbol or design
fllc;.') 'I'~")'c,' (10m') t\OD.,'t\~ fOl/..f1t\..,A applied or attached to package of any seed or which
OI/.n~,~.r '}oi\A mf.'}u '} f.'c;:: ~m':
goes' with the seed and indicates the quality and
n~. "fllC IIIJII;J:6,'(1:"" OI/t\')' t\IIC IIIJII;J~ h'}!.hiat..1\ quantity of seed;
'L H: t\1IIJf.'I."": fOllf.t.t\1' ~1C:1''} hll~ (I)'ia", 14) "Seed Processing Plant" means any premises
t\",/{)m1f.': n(/Pm') t\ODt\f:": nOD~~t:"
which has adequate facilities for seed processing
t\C1Dt\enia:t\(II/'(i",: (I<I~'II.,(~.}CjlllJhlllJ;F (1;1' .fi\m-
(drying, cleaning, grading, treating, bagging and
:a;. "f""'.(',n IIC" ".",:" m!. h,,)'V'A'.f h ').v,f.11}
labeling, as required) and storage,
m.('J'}uh1',,,)'V'A'.r ~,'}.v,f.mlll f"'ht\hi\ 15) "Restricted Seed" means seed prohibited from
f"'.('.I.'UJ-}' IIC ~(IJ': being imported into Ethiopia or exported from
I'k ".('.I.'P,' .rl\ 0.'/.1\ f '''''''P')' IIC" 0I1t\.}, fh.')'f'k.f'} Ethiopia or seed put under restriction;
fllC 'I'~")' Y.I.'P," (10
{)t.C'Y.1' .fl\a:l.1\ IIIJ'}~(I).'J" 16) "Sub-Standard Seed" means any seed which does
f""''P')' IIC ~m': not conform to the quality requirements of the
:(%. "fllC h'}o~,":f',,, (II/t\:,. f"iJ'P:" IIC') f"t.fODC:" Ethiopian Seed Standards;
"(lJ' ~m': 17) "Seed Producer" means a person who produces
J~~' "fllC 1'''';J:l'.:'' (II1t\.)- fllC IIIJII;J~ OD"'~.f seed;
n(lDm"''}u h ') y,1',{)tA'L H: IIC'} fOlJ..fI.C""; f"t.f 18) "Seed processor" means a person who dries,
n'I'c: .(',1.:6,'fOi/,"'I': nOD.f.;~t:" fOlJ.t\m-iaI hCj cleans, grades, treats, bags and labels seed as
clDt\.r '}uAh')' n(lll,~'~'" f"t.f"ii.., "(I)' ~m-:
required by using seed processing machines;
:m. "1',:}ia'l:h'N:" I''/t\')' 1IIJ'}~':(I).'}oIIC fh. :"r-k.f'} 19) "Inspector" means a person authorized by the
fllC 'I'~':" .(',I.'P,'sP:}'.') ODiat..C'Y.:}"ha:l.A.,. i\i\OD
,,.f.,: nllc OII,}u1.:1::OIIII."J~: fIIIhflll;F: hCj n:Eo'J"I\Cj Agency to inspect seed for conformity to Ethiopian
n:}"C:I:('.: (/Djf...,.}.P'(~~,sP:1. nOD1'f.}. h'}-'t.y.tl}mC Seed Standards and requirements by visiting seed
(}}..:l>:'}".m. FAlin production, processing and storage premise as well
f"'''m(l)' "(I)' ~(I).::
seed as wholesale and retail shops.

o'~:.~~..i;/~1?~:~'~:!1J:~~.,:'!~~~~~1J'o)'"~,,t} ;';I!r.'~+:r'~~,re<g,eral ~e~rltG_~zet~ ::::T';I.bj~,:'~lb,Jl!n~2000~p'~ge! 3!9

i:' f"'l..itry. 'I':,. 1M'"} 3. Scope

.' "
t .. ,- .~
tb:~:"}{t.(IJ' H';'7.ml1.,w.
- ' -
.#" ; 1 ! ,;;


. .

I)' This P~otIalTIatidn shall apply to any prescribed

Ii' , .
~'i', ,,£ "fJ "'4:"011, "'l'fJCi i.tp~;~' seed spedfledby the Agency.
~{. \"11.;' t,')~""" ')ej.it ~"'}~ft. (li)~"}",'l'lnn.,. 1fti' flUJ 2)Wifuout prejudl~eto Sub-Article (I) of this Article,
~,q':~:y':'} :J",~',}'. n~":"h'.'" 'H'oo~'" IIe:li 1\e:" the ProviSionsot this Proclamation shall not apply
~,,('.r: t\t\." ~,e:(I ~,',e: ntry.ltmrD' lie: "f. '''l.~01/. to a seed produced by a fanner. and sold directly to
~,f.I1")?":: W'.'J" "n mrc: "liJ'iifJ' JP(.. I\t t\001P another fatrl'ter; However; this Proclmation shall
1111(..:,.II...') nt,ll"..cpdJ'" utry"}~:rD''J° 1\'J°('."'y, mf.9" apply on any producer or farmer, processor, dis-
~,e:(I ~,,(I.r:: },fl.~J:~"': M1'~,~.f.li :':C::f-t. ,,~ f1\tp:(. tributor and retailor who advertised seed to engage
"'l.ftl"l. .,..,~ f".'tnflc" '1m.:: in a sale of seeds.

t\1U:" ki,*~)t\".1-
'!,"" ",1'

fli'1.m't\' "JAin

flll,,'.,.e: flLtJ
3) Unless the seed is used for planting purpose, the
~,tp:~~ .f;') :J", lit\." 'I':"'J" flOI/.m.t\. fiJiJtp.y.-:;, IIC:-:;' provisions of this Proclamation shall not apply to
,,",,-,,01/. ~,fJll")'J":: " seeds of plants intended for other purposes.
jj. 4. Approval, Naming, and Registration of Varieties
°1U:.f9,"Y"J llh"'l""f;"': llt\c/D{tf9"li 1l"ooOD1,.,11
Without prejudice to the provisions of this Proclamation,
flLtJ ~,tpl: ).'.:"}.n.9"'}" 1<)rf,'hnfl~ If~W' : ftryli:':w'9"
iJiJtp.1' ~,)tll °l,'c;~rfl"/.fl.f;,"'(IJ' : fOl/~{tf~lIJ~ "'li fOl/.ooll
anew variety of any plant species shall be approved,
named and registered only when.such a variety conforms
'lUel)' t,,,,'p'.1: t'OI/.'1; t)(IJ(JF':IIJ'~' hOl/..faul):':IIJ' 1'C1'C to the terms and conditions prescribed and to be
lJ.t.:h9"'Y' :Je: I\,IlJ.lfJ'JU'U:l: 'IeIJ':: ; prescribed by the Release Committee.
hC':A 1I.t\'}.
1lt\,u.<J>.1.1I1/1.:J"l"'il.f'Jullhe: ml..,..1'
Competence Assurance Certificate
?;. f1J.<J>.1'"'II.:J.,,,,'"#. f'J"llhc: (lJ1..,.,1'hlll.l\1. '1.1'
5. The Necessity of Competence Assurance Certificate
OIn~:eIJ''Ju {t(IJ. 'llJiJtp..,. IU: 111/9"1.,1.,tryll;J:f.:", m'.1IJ.6f.I' Any person, shall in order to engage in seed production,
C/DI\h: m.(I.~,',e: m'll'I' tryll','J,1': tryh~t.A "'li OOTe::':e: proces,sing, import, export, wholesale and retail
p' (.. "fJ t\C/DI#'try(...1. h~b:~:"}{t.m. f11.cJ>:'~ "? ~;J"6liJ. opep1ion possess a competence assurance certificate of
f'Julltu: "'1..,.:,. III/"1")'.}-fJc.r:U:J'A:: thtlAgency.
~. UiJiJtp.1' lie: P' (.. t\£/D'JtOI1(..:,. f"?,fU~ "').:"91-:;'
Conditions Enabling to Engage in the Seed Business 6.
?!. "'I'g:(IJ.'Ju {tm. fMiJtp,}- lie: 111/9"l'}-: "?";J:f. :", mfo I) Any person, in order to engage in seed production,
ku: m'll'I' OIlll",,:,,ci m,. lIJoIjJ.1'OOl\h, "?h~l,A processing, import, export wholesale and retail
'Ni C/O:,:e::,:e: r(.. ,,~ t\ooIPlll/(.,'r h.:f."}""IIJ' operation, shall obtain competence assurance cer-
.rml'':':'IJ'') c/olll.e:,r:.}', 1\o.',A.r. hlt-:f."}""IIJ' tificate from the Agency by fulfilling the
foiL"':" III/1.;J',h'i! f'Jullhe: 1IJ~""1' III/",.r:,. f.ti'e: requirements issued by the Agency:
n:"A:: 2) Without prejudice to Sub-Article (I) of this Article a
~. flLtJ 1\')"'", '}{J'll 1\"}.,. "'. (Ii) "'"}','''mn.,. I'ti' person who required competence assurance cer-
f,U."'.1' 11111.:11"'101. f'Jullhe: aJ~"'.1' fmf'" (t1lJ.: tificate shall have:
IJ) fiJiJtp,1' lie: f,,?.rooe:.1' fl''1 "'"}fol''1 fU,e: (a) qualified professional personnel who are direc-
'''I'Jul..1. p'(.. ,,~ fI.,...,:" f"?IP"?'" foo-.f tly engage in production, the necessary farm
,U.4>,1.e,' ~1'.t\":J' .rl\:':(D' ",'(...,.7f'f : f"'cif equipment, land and shall be 'able to catTy out
C/D''1t.rS"',}'. "'c,' e/D~'1' .ft\.,h "'"}-\0-9" internal. quality control, where he is a seed
felJ'c)'I' '1'(.,.1, .h'I"I'.:t\III/I1th.,(, fi-II;J:f. producer.
C/DU"}f.c.e:U:J'A: (b) qualified professional personnel, who are
")fiJiJ'I',1' ur: 1\11.'J:l- fl''1 "'"}folf'1 fU,e: directly engaged in the seed processing, have
1I'I".'J:f..1' 1.'(.. I\f. n.,...,:" fO?"'''?... foo-.f the necessary equipment for cleaning, grading,
,n.4>'1''''' ~Y''''':'' .rl\:':(D. 1P(..".7f-:;. "'li: "?nm
treating, bagging the labeling, and appropriate
t..re,' "?"{h..r OOPft..f9'-:;' '" "}-\0-9" "?h"?:fo stores for seed storage, where he is a seed
elf);JIJli":f'. .1'"..1' C/DI'"} f.ti't:n:JoA:: processor.
(c) personnel who have basic knowledge of seed
eh) fiJtJtp.1'ur: "ti: 1\trtlb'L1.:1\h~.~f.li :':t::fot.
and an appropriate storage, where he is a seed
fl'~ "'"}'.I''1 ll"iJiJtp,}, ur: oolPl:Jo«£ exporter, importer, wholesaler or retailer.
"'rD'''''}' .fl\:':rD' "t\oo'.f9'":f'li ,,"C "?.,,.f 7. Application for Competence Assurance Certificate
"'1l111/O? c/D:JII') .rt\IIJ' OOI'"} f.ti'Cn:JoAI
I) An application to obtain competence assurance
.: t\,u.<J>.1."'II.:J.,,,,liJ.9"llhe: eDl.,..1' llt\O?.,.c:.O ,,?ooAh:fo certificate in accordance with Article 6 of this
Proclamation shall be submitted to the Agency by
Ii' UII,tJ 1\tp:l- 1\"}"''''' ~ C/DII'!.:" f-fI.cJ>,}."?l;J.,6Iil,
9"llhr: elJl..,..1. t\1II1",.';.1."'Lo- .,...,,: "'"}'.fJP(.. duly filling and signing in the form prepared by the
ur:4. flh.:f."}{t.rD'n''''I.~J:():IIJ-:'''''' "''I''A.y.Cj "-loe:'I" Agency for each field of activity.
2) Without prejudice to Sub-Article (I )of this Article, a
"h.:~:'}{t.rD' 00:"1.'" 1\",H."
fllLtJ 1\,,,,,,,, "}{J.ll 1\'J.,.,.. (Ii)f""', .,.,.,m. )."},..,. persQn who applies for competence assurance cer-
H' tificate, shall. submit to the Agency try filling and
enn.,. ,"i : f.".4>.}. ""/';11-"1 f9"l1he: ml+:r.
.. signing in the form prepared for such purpose
fenf'" (t1lJ., indicatinlI:
',K' fjif.!:¥.r) A.,.~../..A ";J/.')' ,;J'l.f" "rrr: C!j?;."''}(1.).~t!!i .,.'} IiifU<\''''' F:ede,ral Negarit Gazeta - No)6 6th)un,e 2000-Page 1320
,-~ ..~ ""?'-''\Ioi..' '-''''<!-

0) f(Jt~«P,}, flL: h'Jul.,:}" tU'~JlIIC:,~rl'}- "'1., I\f, (a) the qualification and capacity ~f personnel who
H""I':" foy,'J'II'/~, '1I\~-.fsP1'"} fllO:l 1t+.}'tj are directly engaged in seed production. and
"}"/\":I': ~.}JtO''Ju. ~1II/_r~C;~ND-f/)(';P:" flC whether; a hiboratory ~as been established or a
contraciuMagteenienthas been made with seed
f'I'I.,:" .(I,(.;fCD-'} fmU'" "oo,r'~ r,:-t-7i ffll/..ff.e ' quality'. control 'Iahoratory delegated by "the
"If) :,. 1\,11.,.r,e o'/~*tio,"} Wf,1}" U"'-:l"} I't.w-
Agency to conduct'seed quality test, where he is
tH'(I)h/\ flit: 'I'I..'}' OO"'IIJII1~.f I\Pt,1'-& ;JC : a seed producer; ,

f'I'I..'}' r,:.,,;'i ~.}Jtf,(''''A:'' (1)</.\ f 4,000 (b) the qualification and capacity, of personnel,
(UVIOI", h.:~:"}(a,CD-A'UIMI1C 11f1;J:lw- :,.~ availability of suitable ..seed processing plant
1\'. OOIIO-I'\'}"i 4_(;'1" OO{bn:" hAU:"; cleaning and hagging plachine, and appropriate
/\) f""«P'}' fie hfl;J:l- hrr~ flPt.,"'~~"} fllD-.f seed stores where heis,a'.seed processor;
(c) the qualification and capacity. of personnel and
'II..,..}'tj 1'/\~:1': '11."':'- .fl\=fw- "7nm&.ftj
the availability of proper seed store where he is
"'I7""..f oo'-t/..fp»°o}', ~tj 00 ;J"'r1' OO'i I.,~:w'"} a seed exporter, importer, wholesaler or retailer;
II:"?, I\;J rIO/JD'I\.}-tj 4,L:'I" ",:"('11 hA.H,: 3. For the purpose of appropriate decision on an
fh) ,",,«po}, fie I\tL: hhOO'''l~: "h~4f.f, mf,'J" application for .issuance of; the, competence as-
:,:e!J:/. tu'~ fll'I.."'iF:':"} fllD-.f 11.+:"tj 1-/\";" surance certificate to a producer, processor, impor-
},'}~,O-'JU '''''111'/111/,00 ;Jtf"} iI/\OD'iot- n:"~,I\f, ter, expoiter, wholesaler and retailer of a prescribed
seM, the Agency or the body delegated by it shalI
rlrlOtio'I\'}- 4.c:'fP' oJ-iNII':'- h/\n:";
inspect the production area, ptocessing'plant, store
t. f-"o(l.""1 flC fll'/~I.'}': f"7I1;J:l'}': f"7i1OOIIJ:": ~tj and wholesale and retail sales shops which the
fllOI\h: foojt14~J,/.\ ~r. foo:f:t:r:e f11.+:" applicant proposes to use in and about his business.
"'/(.:J,,"'i}. f'JU{the OJ(..,.:" /\"7"rr:,. nfll/..,.e11
8. Conditioqs for Refusal . of Certificate of
. Competence
"'/lIOAh!J: I\f, 'J"'U,w" ~(IIJw(a") h..~"}I't.w- w"'J" A~urnnre'
h.:():"}(a,w, w'nAli f(amw- hl1/.\ fhoo/.\I1:f"} ffle
The Agency'shall not grant competence assurance
"'/'}"(.!1:: "711:J;f: "'/hiS-4_.f ~tj oo~~e=f&.f it."}iI certi{,cate to a person for the, folJowing ,~easons;
o..'h:,' .fY.e;JA:: . .
I) where th~ pf.~vious, certificat~ of competence as-
surance has ~een. cancelled apd the period between
~~. f'IIo""}' O?l.:n.fiIiJ.Slu{)tu: (D(.""}' f"7_filhAn/\-
cancelIation and request is Je~s than' one year;
O,).:I'9':r, 2) where, before the issuance of this proclamation, the
h.:f."} ("1.(1)' UIII/,h"-/\-'}'.. 'J~tl7tf.r:-1' f11.~:" "71.:J165J. applicant I}as been convicted of an ()ffense under
'Juilne (f)(.""}' h"(}'I'~u: other laws concerned with seed production, proces-
;!. .,..(I.'JU 11/\" f"l1l.,o, "7l.;J165J.
'J"ilne sing, ,marketing and distributIon, and has not served
'11:"':" , the penalty;' ,
(l)1.""}~f"'''l.m)'}o~- f~ilne: Wl..,.i: h"'(al.lU1:" '3) where the applicantdoes not fulfill the provisions of
v.. :():'Jur:~"}y,"'i~ilh"'mf.,..H' 'UL f:l.iI h"}f: Article (6)ofthis Proclamation; and
(~llO:" .fA'I"I\to' Air"): 4) where the applicant has been convicted and hasn't
~, fJtl h«P:l- hOOOJ,nJ": ']d.:" nbb'P:" fie "7'J"l.:"; served the penalty of, an offense under this
"'/II :J:():.},: "111f,fJ,l,- I':"C~:" JP I., I\f, 1'4-:" 4.~'I" Proclamation and directives to be issued there
11/\.1\ fh'" f"'4,(..(I,H'}",' :"IIJ":"} .fA(JJ.(.(} 1't.I'"}= under. .
t, .UlU },«P:l- H},'}''''''". '7; f""~"11"}'1 .fl\,,:/-" ~9.'
Vbtairtingl~epJacement CeitificateDf Competence
},'} .(1,1"": '.','
'Assurance' .'.
!~. 'UlU },«P:l-c,-AllU 1,«P~"h4,~~9" W"1,wlIJ OOOO/,.f I) Any, person whose <;ertificate of competence
llOlI'(.'} f"'4,(.Y.H:"'i :"IIJ.,:"} .r/.\~l.(a
I't.rr"}:: " assurance is lost or destroyed may, upon an
applicati6n to the Agency in' writing, obtain
i!. 'Ju'}~h f'H.""}- 1I'/(.;J1f.,i}.'j"iltle ml..,.:t-il/\"7"":" replacement of su~hcertificate.
;!. f'II.""}' II'/I.:n61i}. 'J°ilh{: ml."''':'fm~U:'' mf,'J" 2) An)" petson, whQse certificate, of competence
f'N)I\;-iH'}' II'/'P'':OJ''J~ (alP' (\~J:11't.w- U~Ih-1j:
assurance is destroyed, should.retum the des-
troyed certificate to the'A~ncy when applying
U°'/lIDAh.}' 'JU'}'h 11'/"1')-:" .e.~I\A:~
for a repla~ement. ,

~, f'II.""}' "7(.;J16'i}. 'JUilne Wl.4'i: .f1"UI\1fn:" (aW- ,,

3) The,Agency sPalL i~ue a replacement cer-
'J°'}'h ~ "}Jtltffiw, (a,I1t,e.:,.f+l11\ 1fw-") IPCof;kh.:" .
~tifica.~to ap~son .whose certificate of com-
. , 0000/\'" hluH-:: petence~~,surance is Ipst, as' provided for in
i~' 'UlU h"}"'~' 10,hh"}"'~ (Ii) OOIPI.:" f11.4':" Sub-Article /1/ of this Article, within one
"'/(.:J16'i}. 'jU{)tu: t,,(..f.,: fm~.H- (aW- 'JO:"h month after 'the 'request ,ror replacement is
publicized in it newspaper; by the Agency, at
f'J°ilhe: (I)(.""}' llOlIlf+.") fOrJ,1A~ f ;JILIIJ ooJiI:l" the applicanCs ex,pense and, provided that no
(1)":,(' h.~"}h.w' Hh'~AI1~ ID'Ll, ~"}.&llDtIJ()~l.1 obj~cti(;m'arises and service charge is paid
Uh")Yo';"e: 'l.1I. (lj'iI'f, '~'.+CPJt hAoo:"l.J)-") n"7 l. thereto. .\

:J"'I"i fh1/.\ ",/\...}- n(j:.f '~!)b4~A 'JO:"h f11.4':" 10. Period ,of Validity of CQmpetence Assurance
"'/I.:J'I,.,i}.'J"iltu: WI."':'- ~f\~-= Certificate
x. f.n.""}' O,/.I.:n6'..}.
friahe: (01."':"01'" h/\~ff,n:"1.'L
., A certificate, of,c<m1pe,tence assurance issued
.t,. -
" -' "1- . under this PrO<?taInationshall be valid for a period
'Ult) 1\P:~" OOIPI.'}~ f.f'(}m f11.4':" "71..;J,11ili 'JOilhc
of three years.
(O(.""}' /\''iI'}' qoo.}, fOtj f,I,tj/.\::
.,x- (ii'l:i=~~li t..y../..I;\ ~:Jt..)- .:J'Ln, "!'PL:I!)?; ""f1"" ~ii .,., Ii!~jg ,.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.36 6thJune 2000-Page 1321

Hi' foil.""'''' 111/

I..;J 1 61>1.f 9u i\ tU: (I)I...,.:,. ~.(-,,:,.,
11. Renewal of Competence Assurance Certificate

1II/1..;J161>1.9ui\hC ,(1)1.."':" f1'(1mw- l) Every holder of a certificate of competence as-

Ii' foi""")'
1P/'}~:(I)'9u "(I)' lULU- 1'..,I1C, f1'tl;J1:w-1 ~K' surance, desiring to renew the certificate, shall.
quA,Y. friahc (1)1...,.-1: f"t,f1l\..,AO:" 1.ti. make an application to the Agency in accordance
with the form designed for this purpose, within one
hlll/-1"""-I: nd.:" '11\(1)' h'.(- mc 1.ti. w-ia1' month before the date :af expiry of the said
f~.("-':" lII/oPAh:F(I)''} I\~'ia.w- "7~I..-f1 certificate.
hl\n""c: 2) On receipt of an application for renewal the Agency
Jf- h.J!'}(1.(I)' fhoPA'1:t:' ffP~. h'aJo'}'i" h»it-"f h..,11 shall, evaluate the performance ofthe applicant and
-I1"'}- J'I\ThJ.'} u-~:J"SJI"f h1oP?OD n~I\ "7oPA other relevant circumstances, and by charging
h:Fm. n1.1..(1(1)' nH'; .,.'} iD-ia-tfh1A..,it-:" 'P;J ,service fee renew the certificate. of competence
assural!ce within 15 days p~riod.
nlll/hht.A f-l"""'}' "71..;J161>1.S"'iahc ml...,.-I:'}
'. . 12. Cancellation and Suspension' of Certificate of Com-
petence Assurance
H{' f-l"""'}' "71..;1161>1.f9ui\hC (l)1.."'¥t ia1\00(11..11 ~'i" . '1) The Agency may cancel a certificate of competence
assurance on any of the following grounds;
Ii- h.~' (1.cp- n"7.h1'I\':" ~h'} ,f.,."f f-f1 "" (a) where the certificate' has been obtained by
"7(.:J161>1.9uiahc IDI.."':"'} A.ltC11 f,"fl\IA; fraud, false documents or misrepresentation as
V) f-f1,"":" "71..;1161>1.9'"iahC tDi.+-I:, ,f11aJo to material particulars; ,

n"7:J"1\1A 1Df,9'" fV(1:" oPl..){ CDf,9'" oP..,1\6I>I.

(b) where the certificate has been transferred to
nlll/~l..-f1 ~Ir)' (1.:~CD~;
any other person without prior pepnission of
the Agency;
1\) h.1:'}l1.CD''} ",fitJ.~.(- f-f1 "" "71..;111i1i1.
, (c) where the certificate has not been renewed
9uiahC CDI.."''':,} 1\h»1\ (101- '1ia"'I\I\4l.; pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of this
,h) nlLtJ hCP~ h'}.,.K' Ii U1'1."11W- oPlPl..:" Proclamation;
f,n."":" 111/1..;1161>1. 9'"iahc CDI...,.-t:'} '11\,,1.(1; (d) where the holder of the certificate of com-
oP) f~K'CP"" tiC f1'I..:" 1.1..){ oPi\4l.c.,."f'} pe~ence assurance has been found selling sub-
,fl\":l.I\ tiC (1.ri1' h1'11; standard seed;
lP) f,}"',(- 4l..""P,. f1'lPl..tH1:" hrr.,~
(e) where the license for seed business has been
!.{, fri\hc IDI...,.-I: h1'(1mI1Tw- 11C1IC U-k:J-9'"f
cancelled; -
2) The Agency may suspend or cancel the certificate if
CD.6J!>f9'"i\hC IDI.."''': '11\0.:" lPC'" n. 1~ h.1:'}l1.w- .the owner of the certificate has been found using it
f9ui\hC CDI...,.-I:'} l\.,f..,1.aJo CDf,9'" A.(1Ctfw- ,
for other purposes than the terms and conditions it
f,":J"I\1A:: has been issued for.
r- h.:():'}(1.CD'f-ll-?'}'1II/1..;1161>1.9'"i\hc CDI...,.-I:'}~,}1. 3) The Agency after paving cancelled the certificate of
(1(,11 f'}.., J.': ~..~9'" ~ '})l(11..11 1\4l.""''(- (16£1'w- competence assurances shall notify, same in
writing to the licensing Authority to cancel his/her
h'1A n~-,h.r.: ,fl}CD'.""Au , .
seed businesslicense;
If.' oPl..){ i\l\oP,f11'i" i\1\1II/~I...n
13. Keeping and making A vailahle Records
III/'I'T(I)'9u f,N'."11 IIC foil :" "71..;11~ f9'"i\hc
Any owner of Competence Assurance Certificate as
CDI..""}' '11\0.'''' fir., h9ul.,"f: htl;1:E-I hiaoPaJ.; I\h.; producer, processor, importer, exporter, distributor and
hh~oS..e: :,:c:Ft,: retail~r shall:
Ii' f~J''}P,,}P,. '} 111/1}:,foP(.,"(I]., tfCI ,ftf;11:w-'} tfCI l) record and keep particulars of each field, seed
,fi\oPffJ(I).'} tfc: fl\hm.'} tfCl ,fhoS.4l.I\w-'}'i" fTI..T produced,.. seed processed, seed imported and ex-
1..(1)")'tIC: n11C11c oP11..,P f,f,IIIAI ported, and seed distributed and retailed;
2) keep records and seed samples on which analysis
g- oP(.j1,SJI":f-'}'i""'-'}1''I' f"-'1.-h.1.I1TW-'} f~')'P:" t~C
have been made keeping. The period for keeping
'I'11O''I'9'"f f,f,IIIA: .}.'}.f''i'' f1''1.-h.1.I1Tw-'} fl'),)'P:"
seed samples on which analysis have been made
IIC lillO.t;'9'":f-'} n"'oPl\h1' I\h,}'(- qoP:" oP,f11 should be one year; keeping samples may also be
hl\U:h t;'oo.t;'9':y.'} ~,}1.hi\4l.I\'L"-I: h.ltJ9'" nl\f, for more years, as the case may require.
oP,r11 f,":f-I\A:: . 3) transmit to the Agency such records kept as
f' hl\f, (no-" h,}"''''' (A) ~'i" (Jf) oPlPl..:" f.ftfw-'} provided under Sub-Articles (l)and'(2) hereof and
oP(.j1, I\h.1:'}(1.(I)' f,1A'11A; ~')lU-9'" fh.1:'l1.w- submit same for inspection where requested by the
1\.,i\'r.'h,,.c oP(.){m-'} I\ck1'1'C nmf.,. 1..t. Inspector.
hr':lA Y'i\:" Production Processing, Marketing
i\t\ I')",-tp.}- tfC 1II/9u('",,: tllJtf;11::"; ..,.,.f,:"'i" 1'1,.:" and Quality Control
14. S~d Production, Processing and Marketing
I!!- i\1\ 1\l"IDI._("}-:htf1jf:~""t;' ",..If,:" Any.seed produced and processed locally, or imported
1II/'}~:m'9U nV1C m'i\,,' f"7.oPl""; \'''ttf;1:E-I hw-6£I' or to be exporteq, or to be sold and distributed in the
ftPJ.oPl"'ll,' IDY. (I)".J!> ftPJ.I\h ; ftPJ.ri1''i'' f"tlPl..6£I' country shall be a variety registred by the Agency and
fl')()tp..,. ilL: 'm:,fm. (U,.:():'}(1.m.f1'CAJtf1nt;' tf-r f1\.""(1- shall conform to the requirements and seed standards of
A.',r'} filL: Y.(.jfSJI'.y."1,liuoi\~,C,"":f- .f":l.I\ oPt" hl\n:"~
',K' ?ii\:;:K?;~ ~,Y..t.A ~.7(.'1' ;J,/.II, "~'I'C '!;?; "1'}(1.1.?;i! .,.'} Ii!f.2~ 'H'''' Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.36 6th June 2000-Page 1322

I?;, "'I\T~.')' -k"'TC 15. QuaJity Control

~---!i. lI"/'g:m.9'" f.,.f. 'I'" lie; ~\""l-o,fl\m" fh.'}'f'k,f' I) Any prescribed seed shall conform to the
flle: y.~."c; OP"'t.C;')' II"/"J.'t.}.f.'icn:rA:: f'LIJ9'" requirements of the appropriate Ethiopian Seed
.,.0,.)(..ce'1.}' nh.=~:'{}.m' nh.~ f.~,;J1f1JA:: Standards and such conformity shall be ascertained
~, tULIJ h'.,.", by the Agency.
'0'''' h'}"'"" (fi) OP'Plo.}'h. ,,,,'r;h.,.?
nOl/".':':m.9'" II"/'JDloII:: II"/II;J"'; II"/hll"/:F ; II"/h4-4C.,fC; 2) The inspector shall, pursuant to Sub-Article (I) of
oo:':C:':("f P'(':~.sP'.}'. 11-1\- nOP1'fo}- 1I"/c;:fm-9'" . this Article, appear at production, processing,
f"'.V. '111 IIC h'I'lIJ{}'1m, fh. .}'f'k.f fllC f.l.'" ;JC storage, wholesale and retail sites of a prescribed
..10flJ flJ "',,' f.~flJ m ~.A: ", Y.1'\"'4C.I\
1."":9'" II"/?f?f seed and inspect conformity to the designated
.f9J'.}'.: (1I"/"""l1h.fsP'.y.) : "'Jl'.l.1- ql\o.-I:, Ethiopian Standards. He shall also advise the owner
f.OPh~.A: '11\0.":9° 9'"h?' "''''-0'''' h"'4C.I\1.m-,. of a seed, as may be necessary, to take corrective
1I"/"It'1i.f: (1I"/"""l1h.f): 11"/
Y:l..., f.'iCn;J-AI: measures towards improving his seed's standards.
f~' 'ULIJ h'.,.", '0'''' h'.,.", (If) UOlPl.o}-lI"/c;:fm-9'" The owner of the seed must, pursuant to the advice,
f"'Y~'111 IIC h"'"/t'"It't\ mf.9'" h., ,.l1h" n~I\ make the necessary improvement.
IIt\.I.": fll~' ""IJO'C; "'hl.1.l1"/(, 9'"Cuo~. m1. 3) Where any prescribed seed has been improved
9°Coot'..m. lI"/~hA "'JlAh pursuant to Sub-Article (2) of this Article, the
h. ,,,,-r;h.,.?,
t\.mf,.,.m. f,":J"I\A:: ftlC uoCII"/(,m.9'"II? owner may request the seed-inspector to send his
A" seed sample to a seed-testing center for further lest.
f~f,'1')' 9'"Coo~~f"7.t.A °, I1AI''1 n ,..,.c f.,.1. 'I
The seed inspector shall notify the owner of the
''''tD' IIC: h+(IJ(}'1m. fh':f"f'k,f fllC '.l.'" ;JC
"lDflJflJIJO., "11"/lo:)1 seed, within 15 days starting from the date of
'" fllC C;""'C;m-, "Y: ;J"7.
receipt of the sample by the seed testing center, the
9°C(ID~. nUOl\h 9°Cuo~. OwJ~h"-h1.l.{}no}-.,.,
conformity of the prescribed seed to the Ethiopian
=~:9~'C~ n1.?; .,., 'UI. m''''T m-m.-I:, "II~ q"o.o}-
uoo,,,,,,. f,'icn:"A:: Seed Standard provided the seed does not require
fll? '1"0.0}-9'"""'hJl,fm-1.H.
f.,.y. '111m., IIC "tiC h1A ..,,,..0}- uo7fT special test. Until such time, the owner cannot offer
the prescribed seed for sale.
4) Where repeated testing of such a seed as prescribed
!!. tULIJ h'.,. ,
'" o-il h'.,. (f.) uo IPl. 0}-"" m- in Sub-Article (3) of this Article is made, the owner
.,..V.:):)"7. ftlC 9°COD~. '"'11\0.-1: "",f'.c;,~ ""7.'.
shall pay such fees as may be prescribed for each
1.1(IJ' 9°COD~. f"'(IJ{}'1m-' he;:,f f.he;:I\A:: .
?;. t.'=~:'{},m' nll"/';;:ID'9° 1..1. nOD.'JtI'c; n1i,f6fJ' 5) The Agency may, at any time, take seed samples
OD.V.Cf.("f I\f. "'ii,flil!' f.,.tI;J1f, u~if', C;""'C;
from stpres, wholesale and retail shops and conduct
n"ID(IJ'{}.f.'fUC f.lo'" m. IUIC T~.'}' OD"'''Alm- laboratory tests to check whether the sample
"1D"'lo'}' ODI').' -h,,''''C .f!.C;JA; m-m.-I:9'" conforms to the particulars indicated on labels and
(IDOIl\61'-l.m~ I\f. f1'l'OD"h.,.m- h'(a ft.1~ t1t;J'C take legal O,1easureswhenever lower test results are
"C9"'" f.IIJ c;A:: observed.
..10t\,f 9" A h ,).
I'k "'''11"/ .f.'lo °, 16. Labeling
fJLIJ htp=~".f.";J1.sPif. "'f.'''mn<h 1''1m- nh'.,.", I~ Without prejudice to the provisions of this
OD'Plo')' f"'uol.uol. 1I"/c;:t:io.9'"f.,.'. '111 tiC' f"7.7f'l'C; Proclamation, any registered seed seller who sells any
nh'.,.",' I% I\f. f"'1""'.o}-' 11-),;J-sP'f f"7.,f"'-I\ prescribed seed which has been tested in accordance
1I"/,;;:m'9" f,,,uoll1n ftlc: "It'6fJ'h'llJ n;J-'f f"'tll.tI~o}-' with Article 15 and found complying with the
"'''''I~:Y' fuot."'9° o'Yr.:1-J.\t\no}-; provisions of Article 17 has the obligation to cause the
lJ) f 1\9"~.:t: "'9°C; ht;1I"/ printing or stamping with an indelible ink upon such
t\) h'}f.u.),:1-m. "f,f'(ID{}hl.".}' tiC flJ1C container or upon a specified lable attached thereto and
(lJf,9° "f'f'OD{}hlol\')' IIC fm'~" f"7.A .4>A; enclosed therein the following particulars in accordance
"It)f"',V.'111m. IIC f"'ODlo.,.no}- "OD'" 9'"1J1..}~"C; with the directives:
f"'l'lDloODlon.}. .,., "C; 'iOD'" 9'"lJl..h (a) the name of the producer and its emblem;
OD) f{}.nA 'if.'1')'''' f11C,f ...9-': (b) the words "Certified Seed Local" or "Certified
",) ",,,"":J'~fll".' f'I'~'.}' 11-),;J-f"7.1A"'- 1'C11~'f,; Seed Imported" as the case may be;
nl'lDl'lD("fm' OD'Plo')' OD,f'trm- I\f. "'Jl;J-.,.9'" (c) year of prduction and the date on and year within
. which the prescribed se~d was tested;
(lJf,9° 'H'(IJ{}'1 ftlc: f.l.'" OD"'''Al I\f.
-I>/Wo .,.",.t.m. hm.61!' "'Jl"m4. (d) type of crop and name of the variety; and
"C; hm-"'T9'" (e) other particulars specifying the seed quality.
~\.})tf.lo1' ,ff.C;JA:: .

17. Control of Sale of Seed

I%' fUC 'ii,f'61!" "'''OD~flJtnC ,.
lI"/'g:~D'9'" (}m. n.n.cJ>.). 1I"/1.;J161.-1.
I. No person shall sell any prescribed seed unless he
fi' 9'""'hc ml."'o}-
I\f, lJ.),:,."if. OOlPloo}- fUC ?f6fJ'
has a seed seller's competence assurance certificate
f9'"...hc ml."':" h,,""m- n ,..,.c issued in accordance with the terms and conditions
specified in the competence assurance certificate.
1I"/".':':m"9° f'f'f. '1','. tiC "oo7fT h~'fA"'::
',y.' iii'IYri;-i' t..J'..I..t\. '1:J/.:" :J/I."/ ":"'1: ,ii',; "I'}[I:" i;'ji ,"'} "jjir'ii!, '}.?". Federal Negarit Gazeta - 61hJune 2000-Page 1323
., "., No.36

~. "'n;;:m'~U I''lfn. ml',~":':m~"'Juf""Y. .,"" tI£: i\t'lDff.-" : 2. Any person may sell, keep for sale, offer for sale,
i\'ii,('hl,'" i\1I'Ii'I-"tIU',': i\.ii,fh#!, i\Ul/-"'I.,n: n~f.."') exchange in kind or supply through other means a
i\tlui\m'" flJJW" ("".1\ hi,',:\,') /rUl/:"I..n flPi.':f"i\CD': prescribed seed only' where:
11) f""li\(I)' II£: 'H'..,:,. 1,f,' 1'£:,(" tlDl''',. (}.I.:11"': (a) such seed is identifiable to its kind and
i\) nll.u ~,,,.:~.. IN'fIJ(}"(I)' tlD",I.:" f.fotn(}y,CD' variety;
fll~. ';fI')oI; n;l-tl)-" fll£: t'1Dt'1D£:{/IIt..fflJO.,(" (b) a sample of the seed drawn pursuant to the
f"'f/Ul.tlPl. 1,';: II~. f~\.'}"''''.f') fll£: y,l;r provisions of this proclamation has neen
fml)<l' I"'i' (}:,;~: tested at an official seed testing station and
,It) (/U,(""'(1). tH',')<I'X' W~ I)-I'y, ""'UD' t'1D1J'l')' found to be in conformity with the Ethiopian
,r,II": "'AX' 1111'''',' n,fotn(}.,«" t'1D1J'I.')'tlDi\.f Seed Standards;
(c) its content is clearly indicated on the lanel as
~"Ah:" f"',".I.'II1:" (}.I'''): 1,f;
prescribed under Article 16; and
tl'") fll'l.1im(l). f"'J'. .""j II£: n;J'i'J", tlD.f"" (}..,')
(d) the prescribed seed offered for sale is in a
sealed container.
:r:~';, 11£:') i'li\II'II.:}',','
18. Seed Certification
fll.U ~I"':~" J':'):n9,"}'-1,'),",'l'tnl)<l: ""(1).:
,) Without prejudice to the provIsIons of this
{i. m" :,,,,."'.f (I).i'I'" f"'tlU I. ". Ill: tll"" f".tlD(}hli\
Proclamation, seed shall be certified by the Agency or
fll"£: (I).i'I'" Ill: f/ulI''', : (l)f.'Ju other delegated body: .
~{, f,"tIU(}hl.i\:" II£: f(l).h#!, tlPlI''',:
I. in the case of seed produced in Ethiopia, that it is a
111..:~:')(}.(I)' fIJ,r.~" ,r.ln P' /.' i\ tlD 1'" (,,:,. nh.:~: .
Certified Seed Local; or
'M,(I). IN'mhi\ ni\.I\ ~,I)A tlDl.:}','" hi\n'}::
2. jn the case of foreign seed, that it is a Certified Seed
i\(I).hl!' 1I'1t: fll£: ~,I.:} :}hl,b J':£::~'Y:'}"' 1,(D.:"f; i'li\t'1D Imported.
i'lm:" 19: Recognition of Certification Agencies of Foreign GJlIn-
i\II.U ~",,:~.. ~,/..XX~" (}.'lA '..:~:')(}.lD' (D'.#!, 111£: tries
i\ "'~I:~':fll" lI'I',':':lD'~" f ~" :N""'.f') fll£: y,I.'P,'9I"}"f;t'lDi'I/.. The Agency may, for the implementation of this
£:'Y:'}"' fll'l..('''.'I.i\' 1Il~"'}"') i\II'I..('I.:p'lm,' ,n,"':,' I\'H:lD' proclamation, recognize any competent certification
fll£: ~,I.:} :}hl,b Y.:C:~..,y:,}',1,lD':"'; i\.(}'" f.."}"I\A:: age'ncies established in any foreign country to certify
,jeed in conformity with the requirements of the
?t. f~"i'ltll: ml.<":" i'li\tlui'lm:"
lEthiopian Seed Standards.
{i. II'I';:':(I).,)~" f'" ,"..,.,., II£: f°'l.,ftlP£:'}: flPi. if'I':
i\ 'ii.('hP.' fll'l.,(' i'I-"~""': i\'ii.fh#!, flPi..f.,.£:.n: 20 Llisuance of Certificate
fll'I.i\mol" (I),r.~" nt\,1\ ~,i,\:\'} flPi..N'£:.n (}CD': I) A person who produces, sells, keeps for sale, offers
11) f,,'I)i\(I)' ur: f~"i'lh£: (1)1."")' 1,,)~.'i lCD' hlPi. for sale, exchanges in kind or supplies through
,('i'I",r:.'!,(I)' f(},nA '~f.."'} (l).i'I'" tll"" f'J°i'lhC other means any prescribed seed, shall:
(1)1.-"":') t\II'I"rf:" i\'..:~:')(}.lD' Ul/{/IIAh') f..'i (a) apply to the Agency for the issuance of a
cn;J'A: certificate if he is producing a crop/crops
t\) IHI.U ~,')<I'X' ')tJ'i'I ~,')"'X' (/i) (11) {/IIIJ'I.,). registered under compulsory certification,
fll'ly.,.cn(l)") 1I'ltIUAh:l: h'fotlJ(}"lD' ht'':.f ;JC (b) present the prescribed fee together with his
wllell£: IH"'i\X(I)' t'IDIJ'I.:" UI/:"l.n f..'iC application to be submitted in accordance
n;J'A:: with Sub-Article (I) (a) of this Article.
~{. f~"MIl: (1)1.-":" "(}t,,.,, nUl/.h"'i\lD' lJ.);;J. 2) Issuance of certificate shall be carried out in the
,r./..tllI'l A: following manner:
(a) Regarding the prescribed seed produced in
11) m,.:",,',,',(' m'i'I'I' f,"tlPl.'" f"'Y, ""1 IIC')
Ethiopia, an applicant shall show to the
Agency that his seed:
{i' n:"c,n '1./1. IH'II:}:~:lD' f1,e:.f '11£:1'C I) is of a registered variety in the current
(I).i'I'" f,"tluII'lIl 'IIC." t'1D1r'I.,):
Variety Register;
~{. f~"i'lh£: (1)1."':" hlPi.(}tlJ:':lD' Y,I.;rS":.)'. 2) is of a known certification class;
(I)'i'I'I' tIUII''',') : 3) has been produced by a holder of Com-
!:' f,n,"':,' II'/I.:}"",,/. 'J"i'ltu: mI."")' petence Assurance Certificate;
IN'(}mm. fill: ~,'J"(,:'}" f.,.t'IDI.'" (/II"".') 4) has been produced in accordance with the
ji. nlll: ~,(/u('.I.:,. t'1Dt'1Dt..f (/II"ll')' standard seed production procedures;
tlUtlUI. '1:'): 5) has been inspected during production'
?;' n~,tIU("I.:" '/..r,,} (lJ:"')' -h"""£: f.,.y.1. process, and
',n.)' (/UII''','): 6) has been tested in accordance with the
,r:') :J'l,S""}" tlD"II.'} f.,.{/II
~/;' lULU h"':~ provisions of this Proclamation and
I.tlPl. t/PI"""}',' hhi'l/..I\'lS":': fh.')'''''''.'' found to be in conformity with the
file: Y,I.:~'9':}" :Jl: f.,.tlJtlJ{/II f"'Y, "11 lie: Ethiopian prescribed Seed Standards.
tIP" "") : (b) Regarding the prescribed seed imported into
~,tlP A I):,: 1\1..:~:') (}.(D' .f It.f A:: Ethiopia, an applicant shall show to the
i\) (I),r, ~,.')'f''''.(' f"f) f"'Y, "11 lie:') IH'{/IIi\h.,': Agency that his seed: .
{i. Nt"',), 11'11.:11""1. f'Jui'lhC CDl"':" I) is import~d into Ethiopia by a holder of
IN'(}(I\(I)' fll£: 1. {\OII'''', CDY. h.')''''k,(' Competence Assurance Certificate of a
f',,) tlPl"""}: seed import~r; .
~{, "'. :H!: H; 'h r. I ~ 1:');J
IU l tJ ~,'p :e." h ')<1> 2) is tested in . accordance with the
'1.9':}'. tlP"II.')- f.,.t'IDI.OIIl. .(/III'''''): provisions of Atticles' 14, 15and 16 of this
.,~. ;ii'i.i:~?!!i ~..!!..t..A ~:Jt.:" :J/I.", ":'I'C: If)';. "I'}II:,. ?Ii; ".'} :Wf.11; 'i.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 36 61hJune 2000-Page 1324

t. nt.,~~:'M.Cf).','i II';. l1oPlI)l1')' 01C U'? 3) is declared as "Certified Seed" hy the

,IPII',.:,. "CD':"'.' '111" .r:c:(:o.l' f"'oPllh Agency and by an organization recog-
1./\.). m: ""11/\" f'h~;Jlen ll.1f1: nized
jj. . . by the laws of the country of its

HllU ~,CP:~" IIP,PI.')' f"'oPllhl./\"" IIC ongm;

fO?11P 1.:"n:,..} ft\.~)'f.t..,f1 ftlC f.l.;f, 4) is produced, under conditions equal to or
1111P.11/\'I' CIJ.f,'r -',h'A 11lIPlf1 f"'oPl.'" higher than the Ethiopian Seed Standards
lIP 11'~.'} : provided in this proclamation for the
(;. IMilCP:" ~.\t~:H:1 f.1'11 f"'f. "ll'f~/.. production and certification of Certified
'}of:1 IlPit4.C'Y':}"1 ,f":/.'\ oPln.1: Seed.
5) complies with the provisions of Plant
'';' lULU ~,CP:~h'}"'~' !! f'f-.('."11CU'1 .f".'\. Quarantine as provided in the Quarantine
11P11'~'}: regulations;
~,IIPAI1:': /\1\.:~:11l.cu'.flt.fA:: 6) complies with the provisions of Article 4
lh) 'b~~:'}ll.CIJ' lULU ~,1"'~' 10.it h1"'~ (~) (0) of this Proclamation.
},li (/\) itc f"'III.II';.')' tr).:"sP""', ilkI' ;JO. (c) The Agency may, having ascer taindd that the
".).:,. 11P":/.I\:":':CIJ.'}
111.;Jlen It"'l\ ncull.,cu, conditions enumerated under Sub-Articles
".).:,. ','i n~", :J:~:cu' C::C9" "1 f.tr).:"cu, (2) (a) and (b) of this Article have heen
"f"'IIPII,'hl./\:" tiC fOll: cu.it'l''' cu~9" satisfactorily fulfilled, certify such seed as
"f"'IIPII,'hl./\')- IIC fCU.6f.b" 110?/\"" /\..fl. "Certified Seed Local" or "Certified Seed
ImportedP, as the case may be, in such form
:Jo"I' f.,:}"I\A::
lIP) and on such conditions as may be decided.
'b:~:11l.CIJ' lULU ~,1"'~' 10.it h1"'~ (~) (0) (d) The Agency may, having certified any seed as
','i (/\) 1IP,,,,I.')- orn't'/cu'9" IIC "f'''oP,ph Certified Seed on the basis of Sub-Articles
1./\:,- Ill:" nor//\,). 111..~len 11:\1\' 'h1f.tr (2)(a) and (b) of this Artilce, issue to the
).:"CIJ. f9"ithc ClJI..,..). IH'ClJll.,m- c:.C9"C; producer or improter, as the case may he, a
".).:,. /\~,9"/.:'}" ClJfJ9" /\'i\itoP6f.b ~llI1)A:: certificate in such form and on such con-
ditions as may be decided.
?;'ii . 9"ittu: ClJI.-"')-'} it/\clPlll.-11
'b~:'}.(l,Cf). IUU' ~,CP:~:lIPII' I..). fllenco'1 f9"ittiC 21. Revocation of Certificate
ClJI.-,,:,. f'"/.llCIICIJ': I) The Agency may revoke the certificate issued under
0) nll.u ~,CP:(': ~,'}"'?t. ?, 1IPII'I.')" f.,.llenm- this Proclamation where:
(a) the certificate issued t,mder Article 20 is found
f9"ithc ClJI.-,.:,. hit4.1\'1. lJ,).:"sP";f-1 l1.,.oP
to have been obtained by misrepresentation as
/\h"- fU'I6f.bncnc "'''''Il: l1oP4.~9" f'''l'r to essential conditions; or
(].II"}: CIJfJ9"
(b) the holder of the certificate has, without
/\) f9"ithcClJI.-"": '1/\11')' f9"ittiC wl."''': reasonable cause, failed to comply with the
fo?ll'I"FI:CIJ..} -tlC1'C tr).:"sP1' .f/\l1<1: conditions under which the certificate has
9"h'}.f')' 'hU,'"/. 11I\f.1.1C; f/lU1 "cP~ .r.-1 been issued or has violated any of the
:J'l.9".}'. ClJJ',9" lULU "cP~ oPlI'I.')' fO?men- provisions of this Proclamation or directives
11P11Pt..f9)'.}'..}'1'(l1l:1:~: to be issued pursuant to this Proclamation.
,1',11'1.' A:: 2) The Agency, before revoking the certificate, shall
~. ",:~:'}f1.CIJ' f9"ittU: ClJI.""':1 hoPlll.lI' IM,')- give a written notification stating the reasons for
f9"ithc ClJI.-'''': f'"/.(]1.1'11')'1 lJ.),:" l10PlICIlC revocation to the holder of a certificate; and shall
/\9"ittU: C"I.-,..,: ')/\n':,' f~'lh.("': lII/iten1"'<I:.f "1.1t
give the necessary decision within a period of one
,l'.C(]I'" .r,~.C:JA: ~,itt.l\'l.co'19" co.It), 11"11.' WC
-',/1. CIJ.it'l' f,llI'JA :: 22. Establishing Seed Testing Centres, Delegating those
Established or to be Established and Appointing Seed
?;'~. fm: 9"CI/"/.. u'Iilhl\;''''} it/\or/**9": /\"'**00''''' m~9" Analysts.
/\ uVI:~I:(I"';" CIJ.hA'i it/\llPlten')-C; fllC "'1 :"'1f'"i'1
. I) The Agency shall establish seed testing centres
and may delegate those established or to be
ii' ",:~:'}ll.CIJ' f,"f.""" 1Il:9"CoP/., fO?hC;m1'FI:co', ~stablished testing centers.
fllC 9"C£IP/.- "'Iilhl\')-'}.f*-t:lII/A: /\"'**00-"" 2) The Agency shall appoint Seed Analysts to
ClJ,f.9" /\0?.!1:tJ:11D':"cu'hAC; /\.ll'l' ~:}"I\A:: perform seed testing in accordance with the terms
~- n"'ClJll',.,). 1J,).:"9"'}"' lIP II' 1..)- fllC 9"CoP/.. "1.1th and conditions as may be prescribed.
1.'ClJ'} fill: :,.;-,u',}'. fJ£IPJ~'.IA::
"'1 23. Seed Testing
?}i~- tlC1 it/\"'/{}IIPCIIPC I) Any person who has proudced or acquired any
'1'/..,,: .fA"'11P1.11P1. f."f."11 IIC .foPl.'" w~9"
prescribed seed which has not been tested for
ii' quality and intends to sell such seed shall, before
fJ'II "'I'i:':CIJ'9° (]CIJ.tlO;:} /\oPi'i'l' h4./\1 hoPi'icn- selling, have the seed sample thereof tested by a
n/o.:,' IHI. U ~,CP'(l;n,,'ClJ(]"cu,
,. oPlI'I.')' fll.;.1 C;oo'C; seed testing centre establis~ed or delegated by the
IUb~~:'}ll.Cf).11"'~"'~"'(IP'ClJ~9"lUb:~:11l.cu'co.tlA C; Agency, or have it tested in his own laboratory in
I),,'f fm: 9°C 11P/.."'I/lhA m~9" n/..ll. 1\(1/'..,./. accordance with the provisions of this
proclamation. .'
"'I it l/DClIPC ~,t\I1:f-::
~. hl\f~ ",1 f,"';/o/\11"'CD' II/\It.,: fllC c;oo.c; 2) A person who delivers seed samples for testing to a
/\9"CIIP/.. h/..ll.t\tl/.~'f't. CO'6f.bmf. /\.1\ f9"CoP/.. testing tenter other than his own laboratory shall
or/'M1A "'.Cf){}.\':.,II';. J1f~)' "1f.oPlI): "}f.,"11:1C; prescribe the origin, the type of the seed and other
ti,:~:'}ll.cu' 11O?..fCIJ"I cu. oPoPt..f f"'l.cull~ /\./\"1" particulars as may be determined by directives to
-IIC'/I(~"'}"'} .fll""" IIPO,i\6'i. lII/:"I...1 h/\I)o)':: ' be .issued by the Agency.
',K' {iif,!:¥.?!?;t..Y../..A '1;)t',:,. ;)""'1 "1'1'(; '!~% ""}(1.1' ~ii ,I'') Xiir.j!{ ,\.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 36 61hJune, 2000-Page 1325

;:' nll,1I }',')"''''' ')O.it }',')cI'"" (A) 0011'1.')': 3) Pursuant to Sub Article (I) of this Article;
0) }',itrIDCUI/t.(I)' hl.,'" f9"COOl.. UIJ~hA m,lil!" (a) A person who seeks the testing of a sample of
1\"7.Y.I."(I)' f"'Y. ""111C 'i11D''i 9"COOl.. f'f'm prescribed seed outside his own testing
""(1)") h(,:,r 9"cool..m'1 I\hh'im.,m' center, shall pay the prescribed fee to the
f9"CrlDI.. "'IMIA frlDht,A "'IY..:" hl\n')':: center performing the test.
i\) f"'(I)"Y.(I)' Ii 110.I,' fU'C 9"Cool.. UIJ~hA ~1Y. (b) Upon receipt of any sample drawn at the seed
,<-'.1." f"'(IO ,<-'.n (I)' fllC "'1 :,.:~ f"'m,,.,m'1 testing center the official seed analyst shall
v IIP(ID/.,r n(/ot1'l'A Wi IID''im. I\~ 9"Cool.. analyze the sample in prescribed procedure
~,'l"lf. 9"C (101..(1)' ~ 1~.t]~.f...I\'}'i f9"C and provide the person who sought the test
(IDI..(I)' (1)'111':" },') "tY.C" (I)' I\t,1\1m. "m' with the report thereof, the findings therein
f9"C(IDI..(I)") (I)'I11,'}'i I\/.;"C": hitt.l\'L and such other particulars as may appear
1,':':(1)' f(llI.l\:':(I).') i\.I\':'}', 1.C11r.-':t'. noo"'ll\~ necessary for or relevant to the report.
24. Seed Inspection and Duties and Responsiblities of
?}!!. itl\lIC ~,:)it";t"li')li fill: ~,.1it":h'N: "'"'I'lC'i Inspectors
:"I\t,,, :,. I) The Agency shall appoint a Seed Inspector for the
A' 1\11.11}',tp:~ ht.~"'9U ".'lA h.:f.1".m, fllC h.1itT
implementation of this PrQclamation.
tH'L: f,(1D,f.'IlA:: 2) The Agency shall issue to each seed inspector a
~, ~b:~:')".(I). t\}"r'M').~ fllC }',.1it":h'N: foo'" certificate which shows his authority to inspect.
IIJII1L:P'A(I)') },')J~I\(I)' fOO/.,t'''~ f9"ithc mI."''''' 3) A seed inspector shall produce his certificate of
,r,"(IJA:: authority given to him pursuant to Sub-Article (2)
;:' fill: }',:)it'L'h"'';, mb:~:')".m' IH'''mm' rAnt1 of this Article, upon request of the person affected
II' I.:" P'I..(I)") fJIIIl.,rh'im'1IH' m:"')' <h1"r<r by the inspector in the course of exercising any of
f"'l.'I~.f.'n')' u'n~'':(I)'9u "m. nmf.,. 'UL lULU his powers given to him by the Agency.
}',')."",. ')O.it ~").",,,. (~) f,"00I\h'f'm-1 f9"ithc 4) A Seed Inspector may take samples of any seed or
CIllo""'" (II/"f')' }',I\n,)':: plant for any of the following purposes:
!!. filL: ~,:) it'L'h"",;,: (a) to determine whether the seed is a prescribed
0) 11';.f"',('. .,',', Ill: rlD.,.,.1 1\00(1'''1 ~ 1~.:r-A: seed;
1\) f"'Y. ".,.lll)' If(: fUlU htp:~ 001l'1.'} h".(IJ (b) to test a seed in order to determine that the
""(1)' f'I'I.,')' Y.l.l, ,;JC f"'I11I1100 001'.,.1 prescribed seed conforms to the quality stan-
I\"'II.,'J"'I' f;'}"'A "'),f.' 9"Cool.. I\UlJt]~f.': ~'i dards prescribed under this Proclamation;
Ih) mb:~:')".(I)' n"'''mm' P'AtlJ1 0011'1."" (c) for such other purposes as he may deem
~,itt.l\'L "(1)' 'nl\" I\rlD"'FI:m' 1\1\.1\"-:;'9"h1 necessary in relation to the powers given to
,r,y.',}'. 11.1\': him by the Agency.
filL: (1J,(-',9"f"'hA lillP.C,'~"1'1 (\.mit,f.' ~-:;'I\A:: 5) A seed Inspector may, for the implementation of
?;. flf(: ~,:)it'L'h"',;, }',tp~:1 1\(IIlitt."'9" "-IlA nUIJ'i this Proclamation, at any reasonable time any field,
:':(IJ'9" ""111. 1111'" "I~,). ~U11 htp~ nootIJit store, vehicle which carries seed and seed proces-
f"'.v. .,',', If(: ')"'I,f.' f,'l~f.'n:"A ,nl\" fOO/.,t'9"1'1 sing plant which he has reasonable cause to believe
:':(IJ.') (1111',':':(1).')9"'''I''f~:}'': 00 ;JW:"-:;': IIC f65l..,. that it is being used in the business of prescribed
(Ioh.'i:}'.: },Ii flf(: '''Inm/.,t'~:1'1 noot.,"7i seed in violation of this Proclamation and when he
1..(1)' ')'hhA ~,l\rlDll'''.1 "..t' 1.,')"'11' ~ 1:"it,cJ> confirms that the Proclamation has been violated,
(I.(IJ.') (II/",f.' f;'}"'1\ A:: may suspend the operation of such business.
1;' nll.1I }"')",,,,")o.it }',')"'"" (?;) IH'''mm' rAtlJ1 6) The inspector shall, pursuant to powers given to
(IOII'I.') fllC ~,:)it'L'h"',;,: him under sub-Article (5) of this Article:
0) itl\~',p'(I). ''''1..(1)' 1\:"1Y.IH' "m' f~v-tt: (a) give a written evidence to the person whose
"'itl.'!'" ,(-',"IIJA:: business is suspended.
1\) l\~b:~:')".(IJ. fh'IP'(I)") 1'C1'C lJ'~:" nOO"'II\~ (b) report to the Agency the details of suspension
",:~:')".(I)' n1:,P'I.. h9uit'). .,.1 'L'L m'it't' to enable the Agency to take appropriate
""111.(1).') },L:9"1, },')"tmitf.' ,t'Y.C,;JA:: measures within 15 days;
25. Import and Export of Seeds
?;?;. IIC h(l)'''1!" itI\UlJit",):,.I,' (I'Y.m,lil!" itl\OOl\h

A' f,n,"',)' (IIII.,'J'l6'.1.9"ithc (lJ1."")' f,t'II'iIlC fOO/it1 I) No person shall import into or export from Ethiopia
,),).1,' fOO/it(l)a),} t.,'" ,r: hh.:f.1".m' ,t'1'-; t]AI'" for sale any prescribed seed unless he is a holder of
nit",,,,c ",/C,':':(1)'9U"(I)' f"'Y."11I1C1 1\7i,t''T" mY. competence assurance certificate and has obtained
1"':""'''',t' t\(IIlit'I')')' m~9" hh,')'f'k,t' my. m-'T" seed import or export permit from the Agency.
t\(IPI\t, h~:}"A'J"r: 2) any seed importer or exporter shall import into
~. "'1');;:(1)''1'' flf(: hit(ID(,I.l. (IJ~9" 1\h. f'''Y. "11 IIC1 Ethiopia or export from Ethiopia any prescribed
(lJY. h.')''''k,f 1\(IIlit"Il')' (1)~9" hh.:"f'k,t' mY. seed where:
(I)'''I!" t\flDI\h f"7:,ft\(I)': (a) such seed is not a restricted Seed;
0) Wi. f""".n If(: ,fAI'" "-1'1: (b) such seed conforms to the Ethiopian Seed
1\) "". fh,')'''''''.f') fllC Y.I.~~-:;' ~'i ooitt,C"':y.
Standards and requirements;
,fo.'I.1\ ",1'1:
.,~. jii'i.i:;:?;,?; t..."..t..A '1;Jt'..). ;mal
'I:'I'C: If}?;""W'}?;'!l .,., :mn!( 'HI". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 36
June 2000-Page 1326

ell) UIlt} "1fJ:~ .~:'}:n.9'";f. OOIPI.'}' II~ OOIt,' (c) such seed is labeled and packed in such a
9"/.\h'}' f"'.~.t..,It.}.'i Uoo.,"r f:";f1 l1.1r'h container which complies with the provisions
lIP) (Mf)IfJ.}. ~\/..'H:,} f"'f. '111"}''} ft.J./..'}i;'}
"". of this Proclamation;
J':} (1:'t'. t, t~'. /.\ .y. ():, ~: (d) such seed complies with the provisinns-of
11-') "". (JllU "ep:~ "'}".~ !! 001Pt.:" hOf."': plant quarantine as provided in quarantine
h''''WOOII' t..,.tIPII1U 1'C,' f'''1'f l1.1f,): h'i regulations;
t.) f'm:,'(D' (WU hOOfl'U:" h1C f1IC.' 0011111 (e) such seed is obtained from a variety which was
(I)' it'., f.,.tlPII'II1'i UlII/itl.hO,,' .}>~ CD~IJ"
released, named al'ld registered pursuant to
UIt'" {t'1.r.: ",eo f.,..'It~ Irli {t,1:~ '1(D.:: Article 4 of this Proclamation; and
I:' "".'} U"it:,:~,{'.. (l)f. V1C (D.it'l' Itlll/it1'1'}' (f) where the name of the variety appears in the
hllP&.It°' f"''''''! fll".,} f9uithc CDt."',}, hooll}U:" Variety List of the country of its origin and it is
lJ'1{: tlP"'U/'\ t1/.\.,.:/:1t CD~9u CDf. h,'}'f'k,' shown on a delivery note or other documents.
f"?:"ICD' IIC 1t9uC9"C .,.0"IC f"7,(D'A hl''1 CD~IJ" 3) The Agnecy may exempt, the importation of a
mb:~:'}{t.tD' UOI/.W{t.,.UIt,lt°";f. (}').:"9':'t'. IJ"h'},':" prescribed seed, from conditions stated in Suh-Ar-
Jb:~:.}{t.(D' wY. lJ',C (O.it'., f"7,1'n f"'f. '111 IIC ticle 2(f) of this Article when it is not possible to
UII,II "'}"'~' '}lJ.it "'}".~ (~) (t.) ,,~ h'''11t~,:'' receive a certificate from the country of its origin
1/').:"9"')" '1" It..f.V.Co, ~:}"'''A:: due to the urgency of the need to import the seeds, or
!~. lIP'}
"., :''If'i fO, /.\ 9uCIJ"C Y:C~.,.";f. ItIJ"CIJ"C
\ where seed is imported into Ethiopia for experimen-
"'''''IC f6f)1fJ.}. 'IIC.f9'";f.'} CD1. "1C (D.it'l' "7it., tal purposes or due to such other conditions as may
'1:,.11' IlI.V. (D.6J.bIII/itlllfl'.}. f"7.";f.ltu}. h1..:f.'}{t,(D. be perscribed by the Agency.
&.:" .f.' {t..f'n'.li f6f)1fJ.}. ft.J./..'}.,:'} f. '}11 Y:'};J 4) Research Organizations, both public and private,
".9)")" 111/".'.":":':(11'{t,t.:J1'" 11:F '1(D.::
shall import or export varieties for research pur-
?;. U?'P'i(D'9u {t(O. U:( '1":h h. '}~~'1/.,}'" 111.. mf)f.'} poses only after obtaining permit from the Agency
f."f t. f'hf)IfJ.}. IIC'} h(D.6J.b (OY. "1C (D.itT and when these satisfy meeting the requirements of
"?it"'l'}' f"7,:}'.ltllJ' fh'11lU'} 6f)1fJ.}. II~";f. "1'HI the Plant Quarantine Regulations.
, U"'IIPlth'" 01(.-': U9u:"WlI}:':(O. ih'I-";f. 001P1.:" 5) Seeds which are genetically modified through
1111it&.c.y.:}'.li (lPIIP/..f9'";f. 00"",,:,.:t:(D.') genetic engineering, shall be improted only if the
".:~:.}{t,(O. .,.,v,f. hlll/.oolthof'(O' "i'JA "71.;J161iJ. Agency receives assurances from the concerned
{t..f":~ .n:F '1(1).:: body that these seeds or planting materials are in
~. lII/,g:(D.1J" {t(D. UI/.It"';;:(D. IN: f"7~U.}>A'i /..(}.'}
conformity with the laws issued regarding the
flll/,{'..Y...,9u W~9u 'N:"7,~"'C j{'} 'I;hlilt"j{ importation of genetically modified plants and other
,fit'»}''} IIC (IIY. lJ',C (D.it'l' "7it1'1'}''i OOifT pertinent directives.
t,.f, :)'.A 9U:: 6) No person shall import and sell seed whose second
?J~' f.n.}>It:'. .v.I.~(D. 'II.}>"';;:fIY'1,} IIC itltooifT generation seed cannot germinate or seed which has
flU} t,IfJ:();.:.f.',} :J".9"'}" h '}Y."'mn<h Ir'1(D. "7'};;:(D.1J" terminator gene technology.
{t(D' "?II':,:w''}9u n"',c (I).it'., 26. Selling of Low Germinability Seed
f"'ool.'" .fA'Nlhlt'i
f'II(:,f '}""UII' :}'...U: .f":J m 00 (D.: '11C ..,') 11.}>1t'1:
Without prejudice to the provisions of this
UIIP.y,;;: ht,.'}'f'A',f fllC .n.}>It.}. f.I.~$P";f. I noo.,. Proclamation; any person can sell, offer for sale, stock,
(TC{t'FJ') 'II.}>,fit f6f)1fJ.}. IIC n"7.h.,.It.:,. (}o~:J'$P'f exhibit for sale or distribute any locally produced seed
00 if',,: It 'fLf6f.1' ",.}> I. ,n : ",h"7:t::": It 7i,fOliJ.b"7 It f:"
which is pure (physically and genetically) but the
(1I~9U III/h...&./.\ ~:}""A:
germination percentage of which is lower by 10% than
ii' fiJf)IfJ.}. IIC 6"'t..}. n"1C (D.itT ht,:.,.;;: 001'). the Ethiopian Seed Standard, s~bject to the conditions
{t,t.:J',,,': hll' that:
ft. f.n.}>It.}. Y.I.~w"} .f"".'." f6iJlfJ.}. IIC 1t00ifT I) there is an acute shortage of seed in the country; and
hlb:~:'}{t.(D. "it"'.f.'q" &..+Y: f"'1'f h,}f.I"':: 2) prior authorization of the Agency is obtained to sell
?J?:' ",/.,":'}/.V.t.~(D.'} ,f/.\mU'" f6iJlfJ:" IIC'} itlt"7itCD1Y.: the said seed.
IIIn;;:(I)'9u f6f)1fJ.}. IIC ft\.'}-f'k,''} fT/..'}' f,l.~ 27. Disposal of Poor Quality (below standard) Seed
IIPI'''. h.,.t.;J"m ".:~:'}{t,(D. n"7..fCDlI}(D' 0000/.,' Any seed shall be disposed in accordance with direc-
tIP II-'t. :,. h II e 'I'}' ~ (W,,v,
/.\ :: tives to be issued by the Agency, where it is ascertained
?J~~' it It &.:" .f.' "{t fl"" that the seed does not fulfill the Ethiopian Quality
f6iJlfJ.}. lie 1t",9"I.'}': It",II;J:f.:" n~IJ""'i n'fc;J=~ Standard.
1t00.'11.f.' "'OOAhY: It&..+Y: (t".l.m- l1."'C11It:" L:J>Y: 28. Licensing
(t£I.1.(I)."ooA i'J:,: h1..:~:'}{t.(I). f11:J>.}. "71.;J161iJ.lJ"ithC
The licensing body, upon receipt of application for a
(Dt."',}, f.,.{tm(D. OOI').'} ",t.;J1'1' "ltn:"::
license in seed production processing, wholesaling and
retailing, shall ascertain that the applicant has obtained a
competence assurance certificate from the Agencv.
',K' iiif -........
i;V~;i A..f..t.-A ";J(.:" ;J/I."' '/:'t'l: '!1?;"",1.1'tJil+, IP'f'J( ,.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 36 6[hJune 2000-Page 1327

hr':A t,I..:" PART FOUR

f tb:~:'}("(I). f 1'" I.. .r.;c7i The Role of the Agency

rm. fM~'}H: t,tIIJ..1: "'''''ICt,' :~/t&.~.). 29. Duties and Responsibilities of the Release Committee
f'lll t,tp:f.- .f.;,):J'lJIJ:}". },')y..I'tnn'l: In (I)' fO'/');;: Without prejudice to the provisions of this
:':(I)'~" ""tp.). hJ;.ii 'IIC.f fO'/,1oP1oP(I)' },r; fO'/,1..r.;"'(I)' Proclamation, new variety of any plant is evaluated and
t,""I.n tl/t:':CD' tlOp'/..f n..':'}" 'NIJ-II}'I"" IH'WWoP(I)'
released by the National Variety Release Committee
(NVRC), composed of members assigned from ap-
.n"h.I..('~ f'IIC.f t,1.'p"': t,tIIJ..1: ~m'::
propriate bodies.
~). f tb:~:'} (},(I)' "'''''Il:',' :~/t&,~ .).
30. Duties and Responsibilities of the Agency
tb:~:'}(},CIJ' : n(l8/*~"'OI/..f t,tp~: f"'(}m(l)' P'/'\tI}')r;
Without prejudice to the powers and duties vested on it
"'''''IC },.}.t'.'l'Inn." l1"j:
;;. CIJ.I.'.WI(: (I)'il'.' fOl/:,n"}')9" In nU1C (I)'il... under its establishment Proclamation, the Agency:
I) shall decide the type of varieties to be improted or
fll'l."PI.";:"'} 'IIC.f9J:}'. f,(I)ilr;A:
locally produced;
~. '}a.. :J'('~ f'IIC.f9J'.}". 'IIC-IIC (i:.:f.-il"'C) hll;J:f.-.y. 2) shall prepare and issue the annual variety register,
.f (l)flJA : i:.:f.-il"'~, f\ 'I'In:J>tIIJ,51'':f'.oP Y."~(}',) ,e.h;t- follow up and make sure that the register is
"'/tA: .f 1.:)"'flJA: received by users;
I~' f ""tp
.).Ill: OI/~"I.')-: (18/11
:J:~:.)-: 01/iloPtI}.)-: oP/t tI: 3) shall issue, renew, suspend, and cancel com-
()"():~"/t'i If,}"c:J:(~' tlOl'i..,'). n"'oPf\h'" fi1.<1>.}' petence assurance certificate in matters related to
0'/1.:)""'''1. f~"il)u: ClJl."")' f.(}tI}/,\: .f f:"A! production, processing, import and export,
.f"'}~A: ,e.(}C"A: wholesale and retail of seed;
!!. f,"f. ~.,., IIC ~"CtlOl.. fDIJ.hr;m')II:r:(I)'') fllC 4) may establish seed testing centers for conducting
~"C,,/PI.. °'l"h/t:"'} .f*'I:(I8//'\: f\"'*WOO-T mf.9" tests on prescribed seed and may delegate those
f\1''l.*~'''tlP''} OI"'h/t:', (I)'hAr; l\.(}... f.".y./t/.\: established or to be established centers;
(;. nt,'r:~: tlOu.,1.:,. flit: ~"CoPl.. .fhr;(I).r;A: file: 5) shall perform seed testing by itself in accordance
.,.'} :J''''';'''}"''}~'' f,ap .f.;IIA: with the provisions of this Proclamation and
t,.:~:'}(}.(I). n(l8J'}~:(I)'~" '1..11.f"'oPl."'(I)''): f"'nm~ appoint seed analysts;
(I)"}'if\'}"'Y: f''''':):~:CD'') IIC r;,IP.r; (l)il?- :,.').,.r; 6) may take at any time sample for analysis from any
1I'/tl'l.e.' f.:}'./tA: place of seed production, processing and from
%. f,lI') t,tp:f.-f\(I8/il&,1.~" ft,.,)il'r:)),li') 0'1.',) h*<hlfP
seeds ready for sale;
7) shall by establishing a team for inspection assign
h:} il'I.'h.I-t~.:}"..} f,tlO .f.;'I/.\: /tnl...,.t,51':r:')
inspectors; establish, organize and administer
.f*'l:l"/A: .f.I.'.I..'f{A: .fil"'P'.r.'I..A: fil"tp.).') lie:
laboratories, and carry out seed quality testing and
'1'1..:" ,f,tlOl.~ul..A: f,~nlml..A:
control activities to enforce this Proclamation;
~I;' f\1''l,tIO.I.'.nCf).°'l'g:(I).~u f""tp.). lIC h,')il'r:tI.t-c: 8) shall issue a certificate of authority to each
ftb:~:'}(}.cf)' t,:}il'I.'h.l-t: oPlr).') fDIJ..f~;J"l1'
assigned seed inspector that ascertain he is an
a.. :"'f)":.f f,flnIA:
inspector of the agency;
11' II'rg:(I)'~" fllC '}",.e.. \"-11.<1>.)' 0'/1.;J1""'1. f9"iltlc 9) shall issue a seed quality assurance certificate to
(1)1..,.:,. t, .";~.r. nllt: .}.., .r.' /tf. f"'(}O'/ I.. (}(I)' any person who, possesses a competence as-
f\,"I)f\(I)' lit: f9"ilhc (1)1."")' ~')J;.'j ~(I)' t,:/t.,..:,. surance certificate, is engaged in seed business and
tlf\(I)"i tltlOf\h'" tb:~:'}(},(I)' .fmtl}:':(I)' oPil4..C.y.'f who desires to have certificate for the said seed and
tlOl~'I.It:J':':CD"} hl.:)"'tn file: 1'1..:,. 0'/~;J166J. applies for it after assuring that such seed fulfills
f9" iltu: C'JI..,..} ,f,(}nJ A: the Agency's prescribed ceriteria;
';. nll,lI t,'},,'1.' '}(J'il t,'}<I'1.' (11) oP'#'I.')' f"'(}mm'') 10) shall revoke the certificate issued under Sub-Ar-
f""tp.). Ill: f'I'I..')' 0'11.:11"'''1 f~uiltlc m~"':".
ticle (9) of this Article, if the certificate issued has
fl''l6p,.ncnc "'."'Il: ntlO .c.1.~U Cf)f.~u f9" p'he: been obtained by misrepresentation as to the
ntr.'~": fOi/.(}'I"lrc,J-'} 'IIC1,e: lJ').:"51'':f'' .ff\n<t essential conditions or if the holder of the cer-
9"h'}.f')' ,,'.c.K"./. ".ff.C'" (},"'C Cf)f.~u IHlll htp~ tificate has failed to comply with conditions under
tlO", I.')' f(l)m' tlOtlO/..f51'-:"',) ..'... (},1~ f(}mm.') which the certificate has been issued or has
violated any of the directives issued in accordance
flU: '.'1...). f~Uil)u; (lJI."")' f.(}e:I'A:
~,:~:'}(},cD'f\c'J.6p,. h.'t: flit: h~;J."J61!" 1.'C~.y.':f"
with this Proclamation;
Hi' II) may recognize any seed certification agencies
~,(I)':"'" f\,fI'l' f,:}'./tA:
established in any foreign country;
:r:~. tb:~:'}(},Cf). f,U'} htp:f.- f\O'/il.c,1.~u P'AtI}).') 12) may delegate its power and decide the conditions
nCf),h/.\',' t\tlOilm')",' (I)'h/.\r;m, ',..c,~"7. f"7.If,)')
upon which the delegation to be exercised for the
:':(I).'} lJ').:"PJ:}', f\(IOCf)(}'} f.':f"/t/.\:
implementation of this Proclamation;
:r:1~' ~,:~:'}(}.CD' t\~uc:~uc:,,' t\~uc:.), "'''''1/...), my. h1C 13) shall give import or export permits for seeds to be
(I)'il'l' f\DIJ,..o.r,' mf. m.6f!' t\DIJ.Ith. lI~':f'. fO'/il imported or exported for research and production
(lJ"'''I.'r"ftllJ"..n..f .c~"'1.' f.fltI}/.\a: purposes,
nit. fh.')il'I.'h.l-t: "'''''Il:t,' :~/t.c.~.), 31. Duties and Responsibilities of the Inspector
t,:} "'I.'h.,'''' nh.:~:'}fI.m' ftllJ,oPf,.n Irr;> lULU htp~ The inspector shaH be assigned by the Agency and shall
t, '}"'"" ?}!! "C: f.,.tlOf\h.f:.), "'''l'1/...).r; ~/t.c, ~,"'f have the duties and responsibilities specified under
f,'r..,:J'A:: Article 24 of this Proclamation.
'/X' iijQ:xtt~~ ~...~../..A .,;1/.:,. ;l'L"' "='I't: I!;?; "nit.} ttil .,.'} Iilx'!( ,\.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 36 61hJune 2000-Page 132!{

h'':A "9"it.1. PART FIVE

A f. A f. .f.:'} ;J'I,1P":j. Miscellaneous Provisions

i!H(' f(/O""IIIC "',\'..:" 32. Duty to co-operate

lULU ~"P:~ (/011'1.:" ~,:}it'l.'h"'~ "'''''I~.,) DIIh«;,m'} Any concerned person, if so required by the inspector,
), '}~.:}"'A fOl/.I/Ol\h''''I)' OII'}i1m.9" (}m. fOO""lnC shall be bound to afford all necessary support in order to
""..:,. "t\,H':: enable him to exercise his duties under this
i!W' itl\ "n",::" ""'/..I.,n
33. Appeal
ii' 'ULU "tp~ (/011'1.'1' IIDII.m(}p,. "e9"l,1P":j. :"e
I) Any person aggrieved by measures taken pursuant
f".(}')" 0I1'};;:(I)'9" (}(I).: (IN"~m' nY.I.(}m' ne!) .,.«;,,1'
to this Proclamation may appeal to an appropriate
(I).it'l' ,e...,'n'.') "",'I,n "I\m' ooY.ni1 r,:cy': (1.,1'
regular court within 30 days after he is notified of
117:"I.,n ,e.'.}"." A ::
the decision.
~, ')1\(1). (/OY.II;;: r,:c.(' (1.,1. f1'(}mm.
""''''11 2) Any decision made by a regular court shall be final.
OIrg:(I)'9" (I)'''), fl/OI.I.1.I.7)' m'''~ ,,«;' "it1J;J:9"
"i(1)0:: 34. Penalties'
I) Any person who:
@!. it1\:"(,):,,
(a) intentionally offers for sale or sells helow
OIrg: (1)'9" () (I)':
ii' standard or unregistered seed shall he
0) II''} .nl\" Y.l.l,(I)''} ,fAmn.,.fiu')'P:" flC punished with imprisonment of not less than
(I),e.9" ,fA"'r/01I1n f()iI'P.1'
flC 1\1i,f'T' 10 years and not more than 15 years and with a
,(""'I.n (l)Y,9"frim ,,') Y.lr~ hI ~oo.1' '1" ~(}«;' fine of not less than Birr 50 thousands and not
hn; '~(/O.1' 'IAIIl\m f"JV/...1. :"flJ-1.«;,hllc ~ more than Birr 100 thousands.
ir. nOl/,f'}it'i h'lIe ~n: nDll,e.nA1' 00"""" (b) offers for sale or sells seed in violation of
,(',"'fI)A:: Article 17 of this Proclamation shall be
1\) 'ULU "tp:~: "",}"'~' If: h"'Y.~11m' m.'T' punished with imprisonment of not less than g
f },..1'f'A'.f'} .(I.l.l,1P:}"'.f""'-" filil'P:" flC years and not more than 10 years and with a
t\'ii.f6f.b.N'I.II (l)f,9" frim "'}Y.lr~ ht ~OO:" fine of not less than Birr 50 thousands and not
""~(}',' hI 'l(/O.1. 'IAnl\m f"JV/..:" :"tIJ:"«;, more than 100 thousands.
h.nc ~ n: 'I"~(}',' h11C ~it 'IAnl\m OO""'ilo (c) gives or offers a gift or any other benefit to
cause the commission of fraudulent act on
,e."'fli A::
seed production, processing, export, import,
III) nflc 01/'11'.1':OI/II;J:l.h mY. m.'T' oo"h: mY.
distribution, retail sell and quality control
h'u: (I).it'l' lI'Iit1'1.1'1 DIIh.s.I.AI OOTC~:C«;'
process shall be punished with rigorous im-
n'I'/...1. -I:'I"I'C 'I.Y..1' ",e. fDII'T'nCnC
prisonment of not less than eight years and not
.f.'cv1' ),'}~.I.~9" OOY.I\.f(I),e.9"
"''' itlO:" mqre than ten years and with a fine of not less
f(}m (l)f,9" 1\(/Oitm.1' f""hl. "'}Y.lr~ ht
than Birr 50,000 and not more than 100
'l(/O,1. nOl/,f'}it',' hI ~oo:" nDll,e.nA1'
)".' /...1. "h',' h.nc ~ it nDII,("'}it«;'
hllc fit (d) knowingly offers for sale or sells seed in bags
n "'/ y, n A'l' (/0"" blo ,e..,. tIJ A II which do not comply with the standard shall
(/0) fhl.m.:" itt.'I: Y.l.l,m.') .fAmn.,. OOlr~'} be punished with imprisonment of not less
"h.f(l)'" n'hn"'(}(D' hl.m. .1' f,')/I'P:" flC'} than 3 years and not more than 5 years and
l\'ii.f6f.b .f"'l.n (I),e.9° frim "h'}Y.(r~ hf. with a fine of not less than Birr 15 thousands
'l(/lJ,1. 'I"~(}',' h?; ~OO:" 'IAnl\m f"JV&::" and not more than 25 thousands.
:"fI)'1'«;, h.nc n;n: nDII.f'}it«;' hllc 3'?;it (e) intentionally alters the sample drawn or de-
nOl/,e.nA'I' (/O.,.,blo ,e."'tlJAII livered for test and thus resulting in an
1#') f"'(I)(}Y. 'ilIP"i (I),e.9" I\9"COO&. f"'(}m incorrect representation of the produce, shall
','IID",' n.1'hhA 9"C":,) "'}J;,e.mhA Ir'} 111\" be punished with imprisonment of not less
.fl"1 "'}Y.II'~ h~ ~oo.1' 'I"~(}«;' h ?; ~oo,} than 2 years and not. more than 5 years and
with a fine of not less than Birr 20 thousands
'I Anl\m f),'''' /...1' :"fI"1",' hilC 3'it '1" ~(}«;'
h.ne c!jn: 'IAnt\m OO"'£IiI>,e."'tlJAs: and not more than 30 thousands.
I.) nhl.m.,1. "y.. f9"Ah.1' "Y.&.I...,«;' fhl.m.i:
(0 offers for sale or sells seeds in bags whose
labeling and packaging do not comply with the
~,it.,.7)'n''', Y.I.~'(D''} .fAmn.,. I nhl.m.i:
(I).it 'I' ,fl\(I). standard and the weight of the seed in the bags
fil""'P'} ffiC h1IY.:" oom'} is less than the amount paid for it, shall be
h.I-III.l\n.1. tp;J .f~(} f()c')'P:" flC tr,} 111\"
punished with i¥lpQsonment of not less than 2
l\'ii.f6f.1' .f"'l.n (1J,e.9°frim "'}Y.(r~ hI 100:"
years and not more"than 5 years and with a fine
'I"~(}«;' h?; '~(/D'1' 'IAnAm f"JV&.:" :"tIJ:"«;, of not less than Birr 10 thousands and not more
h,nc I n: '1" ~(}«;'hilC 3' if. 'IAnl\m OO"'£IiI> than 20 thousands.
Y,"'tlJA I:
"K' ftj\'.!:~?)i; ~.J!,!~,~ ";M:" :1II.f" ":'I'f:f!;~
"11(',1' ttitt1 :Oif:tK ~'9'" FegeraJ.Negari,tGa~eta - No.\36..;6Ih June 2000-Page.1329

(1) II';} ,nl\" , .U1'\.~}~'~'h'~:.: , f;"f1'1._!!";JIIT}. (g) intentionally opens a.store sealed by inspector
; shall be puriisli~dwifu'ifuprisonment of upto
fht.'f' },'H'.II'~. },ilh !{~OD~}. nO?J'.Cil ;

t'1,/""(,"}' :,,(,,:,: "hfi h,nc I n: '1" ~(}'i"h1lC 1) ~.f', 2 years and .with. fine of not leSSthan Birr 10
thousands and:not' more! than 20 thousands.
if. 'IA nAm fIP'N."'" f,"'(1)/,\:;
(h) refuses. to coof)etalie and provide information/
10 f1,,~~:'}("(IJ'1',:}il'I.'h'N: OJ~'u IPt~,;,.~:lULU
data when requested by-the Agency's Inspec-
t,1':~" (IPII'I.:" /"/.\(1).,.'i" ,"~'ft~' l\oPCDfIJ:" tor who is exercising his powers and duties
f/'/ill.~ (}.mf'~ .AoP"'~IIIC: . 4..4",~ ,fAlr~. .
pursuant to this Proclamation shaH be
},'H'.II", hb f~(IP'}' nUIJf,UA'I' f"hrt."'-
... ,i
~. :.: , . punished with imprisonment of not more than
.1' .'.' "
:"IIH.fi.h~n(: 1;,f\: ')"~(}"h1l.~ I ;t.'1AnAm " "
I year and with a fine of not less than Birr 5
,/ileN."'" f,"'("A ::. .
thousands"and not more than 10 thousands.
"')f1IlU"\'}cI'.~' '~O'il h't~. (ii) (0); (A) : (oP) (i) violates SutPArticles (I), (a),(b),(d) and (t) of
},f.- (I.) r'hI1.,.(}tlJ"} "'''At.': f"'1')' (}CD'II~
this Article will b~ confiscated.
f,ml.iln:"A :: 2) Any official or Personriel of the Agency who:
~. "r}i;:m-'u fh.:f.'}(}:tlJ'i'i.9u (°f.9u I#.t.",~ : (a) 'by, directly or indirectly, receiving a bribe or
- 0) '~1'''''f':''(lJf,,)u ""'II'r"& oP11Y: oP'.t\,f any other benefit or on groundsef relation,
mJ~;9"(: A;" ,,"1>'9'"
noP"'()A en,.~ n11~.f."'i" intentionally or neg~igentlysupplies or causes
"',}"f.~'}' IW()".~:fi n".6c-nl.ill UlJill~ the supply of a certificat~or veriijcat~on wit~
(1Jf,9u n=t:A"'~~"".4U'C regard to seed production:processifig:export,
,"(lPiu:'Y, II"} 'nA"
'. "-,. iIriport, distribution, 'retail selland quality
",,/2101.''''r ~'III:J,:'1-,: CDf..OJw1!"oPI\h ; CDf.
t,',c CD'il',' fl8/il1')'}' : UlJh~~~~ : oP:fCTC'i" control process based on a false or deceitful
f"'(,.'} -h',""C 'I.'.'}' "f. ch(}".~: f'/'"iltJC document or;
(f)I..,.:"i(lJf,')" UlJI.:J1~'"I.f"in X".I'~ CD"'/'" (b) with the intent to receive a bribe or any other
},')J;.(}'" ,r,~.I." },'H'.I1'~ : mf.9u benefit or to injure other person, holds or
A) tIP,~.I\.r mf,')" A," "':"9'".T~J(lPt.A'" CDf.,/,"
delays the decision or action on request or a
case that is brought before him in his official
(}m"}:AlIP"J.,'H' HfI8Ul-I)~):~".t;~~~rffl'l.nt\'}-'
"'.f"':'JI.r,.~" .,,,:..,,e R(O~..I: ')t\OotO(}' '11\1' . shall be punished wfth imprisonment of not less
,(~f.') ,r',."" },'},~.In hI qoP'}' nUIJ,f'il'i" hI?;
than 10years and not more than 15years and a tine
'~{/P,} n"'/,f,nA'" },ilt.,}. },fi h,nc ~ it
of not less than Birr 50 thousands and not more
()f/'/,r')ilfi h,nc
~ if. nUIJf,nA'I' oP""- than 100 thousands.
f.,"II'A :: 3) Any person or organization delegated or authorized
i~' f1',,'}'V'A',r fliC ",(,.,}. "...,.)(..,}-, nrt. "" t\UlJtpA by the Agency to implement seed quality control
hh,:~:')(}.(IJ' tf)'h/.\fi CD"'/'" rAil)'} ..f+tUneD- activities and who:
fl8n~:m'9" (}CD'(f)f,9U .l'.'c~.}. : (a) by, directly or indirectly, receiving a bribe or
0) n.,,,,,:,. mf.')" n,,.,,'rtp/. oP'} 1 y.- oP~t\.f any other benefit gain or on grounds of
m,f,')" A," ",:"'),, nt'lP.,.nA (f)
"9'" n1',/,"y'-'i" relation, intenti~nally or negligently issued or
..,'}")..~,} nY(},',~:f.' n",6c-nl.nl UlJill~ causes the issuance of a certiticate or
"" verification with regard to seed production,
"'flPilC,Y. I"~ 'nA" (1Jf.,/," IF':A"'~~'}' nllc
f/'I'I":" : "'''I.'J:~::'' : m,. m-61!' oP"tJ : OJ'.h1C
processing, export, import, distribution, retail
(I)'il',' "'I il "I):" : fI8/h~-t_/.\ : oP:,:c::,:c:tj sell and .quality control process based on a
f"'('.:" -,:'.",'C 'I.,~.'}' y(}".~ f'/'"rtJc false or deceitful document, or
~ "" (b) with the intent to receive a bribe or any other
(l)1.""}' (l)f,9" "'/I.:n6.J, f(}m CD"'/'" ~'Jl(}'I'
,f,~.I." "h')'.I1'~ (l)f.9u : benefit or to injure other person, holds or
A) tIP'.A,r (l)f,9'" A." ",:,.'/'" noPt,I\'"
delays the decision or action on request or a
11f18I(}") case that is brought before him in his official
AtlP'"P"}' IJY"t.H: f"'lnl\:", 'I',f4:
enf,9" ".p'f,' nen:",,: .)t\oPCD(}', l)t\1-J;f.'
shall be punished with imprisonment of not less
,f',."" "h'}'.Ir~ hI '~oP,}. I1U1J,f'il'i"hI?; than 10 years and not more than 15 years and a fine
'~tlP'}' 11f18lf,I1/.\',' "hilt.,}' ~'i" h1lC !f if. of not less than Birr 50 thousands and not more than
n"'/.f!')il'.- h,nt: ~ If. IJUIJ"nA'I' oP"'~ 100 thusands. The delegation or authorization shall
.f,"'II'A : ~')J;.(}'9'" f,,,,pmm- m-tJA'i" CD"'/'" also be cancelled.
I" /.\II"} f,(}I." A : 4) Any person who misrepresented himself to be an
!!. ",/')~:en'')'' (}(I). I1f"(}'}' fh.~:'(},m- h.'il'CtJ.,.C ~~ inspector of the Agency or hinders or obstructs an
,nA" },(,.(}.'} ,r"'l.n enf,~ 1'1.'il'CtJ.,.~ "''''fl~' inspector in the exercise of his powers and duties
nfl8/.,rh'.'(I)")eJ-}. en:",}, "h,:,.~,}. OJ"'/'" oP(}'i"tJA frr~ shall be punished with imprisonment of not less
"h'}Y.I"" hh't?' '~(IP'}'nUIJ,f'il'i" hr. qoP'''' 11",,,nA'I' than I year and of not exceeding three years and a
},ilt.,}. "hf.' h..)t: ?;If. 11"'1,t"il'i"h'f1e:I?; it 11",,,nA'I' fine of not less than Birr 5 thousands and not
tIP"',"'" f,"'flJA :: exceeding Birr 15 thousands.

""'lii\:!~r.;; ~Y..t..A ~;M:" ;J'L"',":*I": c!;?; -n'1.}.t)iJ"" !.!tf!f~'t.9"'. Federal NegaritGazeta - No. 36 6111
."', - <", - -";r'
June 2000-Page , 1330
,(>"''''.:~ .'..' <-- 7:--:\"-,... ~.

. .
., ..
ui~~. ':)ofl") 'hH ~lPu'o4.f'J:}'. VOIJ(lJ.tIJ..,.~AtIJ' 35. -Powertd Issue Regulations and Directives
. VOIJ.~18.}.t~:1' ,..tl(:, U.'}' toll"}htp~ 1) The Council of Ministers may issue regulations
- A' ftOlJ184.1.'I'" '
,t}-n A.,fIPII' f,:}:'''A I: necessary for the implementation of this
~. "-:t\:'Ut.ID' y,IJ'} h":t.":. "...,'It..'P. 1t000':l.., V"'.lP,. Proclamation>
2) The Agency may issue directives necessary for the
'1P(tIJ~,f~':f' /L,ftl)II, f,':f"I\A II
implementation of'this Proclamation.
r!J~' V'l'if~.',' 'hC.1.",. ~.}. ,f":':'O' ('ft,,-':f. 36. Repealed Laws and Applicable Laws "

ji,Vl,.,}'r'A'.f VI,,)"~}' "{:V~.~.Jh}.tr':f' 'l'"hc: (].,}. I) The Ethiopian Seed Council' of Ministers
':HI -h'.'t: I?;h("iilllltJh"~ '''7iZ:A II
Regulati6ns, No. 16/1997 is hereby repealed.
~. VI,:} ii 18'}'uP'H' h'}.Ilv~S''' V,..,,:
'4.:J>f.''i '1'"1..,'1 2) The Investment and Commercial Licensing and
1,'P ;lH'. 'M,)"~}' 11(: '1"'1.. U'h#'OIJI..IV' "IV' "to Regisrations Proclamations shaH be applicalbe to a
~,'H'. "",'IU' "'''.1.OIJ. f,lI'r,ft. II person engaged'in seed business, as the case may
t. "?');;:IIJ'S''',f\.'' u.., 41JY,,.. V'H\-,. hlPl..C: hlllJ be.
"":~":. :J(; VOIJ..+l') 1I''i.-ttA,,..,'f .U18''''''C: UlllJ 3) Other laws or customary practices shaH have effect
with respect to matters covered by this
h ":~":. (N'uPfth'h'}' 'f..&:r-':f' "'4.1."t ~..,.
"" Procl.amation unless. they are inconsistent with this
f,'i'l'P/.\ II
r!J?;. "CP)f.f'''I.O',''H' 'UI.
., 37. Effecti ve Date
"IJ hCP~ h",~).(1'}' WU,"" IUf~fl, ,.'1'"' l.'I'"tr ro'i
This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 6111
".f','A II
of June, 2000.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 6111

day of June, 2000.
1,);.18h.)') "n.I,}. Wii.,., lulul ,.'1'".


V',/,'r'A',f 4I..Y..I.."'P. .c;,'fPhl..f\.f,£ ~T"1ft.h REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA

""9"' "'1.,."'1..('I:C;E-')' :""'00


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