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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat ii
Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat iii
Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat iv
Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... v

List of maps............................................................................................................................. viii

List of figures ............................................................................................................................ ix

List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. x

List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... xv

1 Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission ........................................................................ 3

1.1 About the ICAP ........................................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) ................................................................ 4

1.1.2 Selection of Clusters ............................................................................................ 6

1.2 Clusters Selected for SPMRM in Gujarat ................................................................... 9

1.2.1 CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and its role in ICAP .. 10

1.2.2 About the report ................................................................................................. 11

2 Cluster Context ................................................................................................................ 15

2.1 Introduction to Umarpada cluster .............................................................................. 15

2.2 Location and Connectivity ........................................................................................ 15

2.3 Characteristics of the cluster ..................................................................................... 18

3 Methodology and Approach for Preparing ICAP ............................................................ 23

3.1 Approach ................................................................................................................... 23

3.2 Detailed Methodology ............................................................................................... 25

3.2.1 Understanding the cluster .................................................................................. 26

3.2.2 Reviewing the Cluster ........................................................................................ 26

3.2.3 Deriving the need of the cluster ......................................................................... 26

3.2.4 Proposals for the cluster ..................................................................................... 27

4 Cluster Profiling ............................................................................................................... 31

4.1 General Profiling ....................................................................................................... 31

4.1.1 Demography....................................................................................................... 32

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4.1.2 Social Profile ...................................................................................................... 35

4.1.3 Cultural Profile................................................................................................... 39

4.1.4 Economic Profile ............................................................................................... 40

4.1.5 Administrative Profile ........................................................................................ 42

4.2 Component Profiling ................................................................................................. 46

4.2.1 Skill Development Training Linked to Economic Activities ............................ 47

4.2.2 Agri Services and Processing............................................................................. 53

4.2.3 Digital Literacy .................................................................................................. 58

4.2.4 24*7 Piped Water Supply .................................................................................. 62

4.2.5 Sanitation ........................................................................................................... 75

4.2.6 Solid and Liquid Waste Management ................................................................ 84

4.2.7 Access to Village Streets with Drains ................................................................ 91

4.2.8 Village Street lights............................................................................................ 95

4.2.9 Health ................................................................................................................. 98

4.2.10 Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools ................ 105

4.2.11 Inter Village Roads Connectivity..................................................................... 121

4.2.12 Citizen Service Centres .................................................................................... 124

4.2.13 Public transport ................................................................................................ 127

4.2.14 LPG Connections ............................................................................................. 131

5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 137

5.1 SWOT Analysis and Vision .................................................................................... 137

5.1.1 SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................... 137

5.2 Summary of Gaps .................................................................................................... 139

5.3 Proposals ................................................................................................................. 144

Annexure 1: Household Questionnaire .................................................................................. 152

Annexure 2 : Sarpanch Questionnaire (English) ................................................................... 156

Annexure 3: Sarpanch questionnaire (Gujarati) .................................................................... 167

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Annexure-4 : List of meetings ............................................................................................... 180

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List of maps
Map 1: Location of Five Clusters in Gujarat ........................................................................... 10

Map 2: Map 2: Location of District, Taluka and Cluster ......................................................... 16

Map 3 Regional Connectivity .................................................................................................. 17

Map 4: Connectivity/ Road network of Umarpada cluster ...................................................... 18

Map 5: Forest area under Umarpada cluster ............................................................................ 19

Map 6: Population Density (in of villages within the cluster ...................................... 34

Map 7: Percentage distribution of ST population in the villages of Umarpada cluster ........... 37

Map 8: Existing ITI and KVK in Umarpada cluster ................................................................ 48

Map 9: Existing percentage area under agriculture in Umarpada cluster ................................ 53

Map 10: Percentage distribution of HH having digital literacy in the village ......................... 59

Map 11: Existing availale LPCD in Umarpada cluster ............................................................ 71

Map 12: Percentage distribution of HH having laterine facilities ........................................... 78

Map 13: Existing health centres in Umarpada cluster ........................................................... 101

Map 14: Location of proposed health centres in Umarpada cluster ...................................... 103

Map 15: Location and number of existing secondary schools in the cluster ......................... 110

Map 16: Road Connectivity of Umarpada Cluster ................................................................ 121

Map 17: Existing CSC facility in Umarpada cluster ............................................................. 125

Map 18: Location of major bus stops in the cluster ............................................................... 128

Map 19: Percentage of HH with LPG connections at village level ....................................... 132

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List of figures
Figure 1 Components of ICAP .................................................................................................. 5

Figure 2 Step by step selection procedure of ICAP villages ..................................................... 6

Figure 3: Components of ICAP ................................................................................................. 8

Figure 4: Role of CRDF in preparartion of the ICAPs for five clusters of Gujarat ................. 11

Figure 5: Approach for preparing ICAP .................................................................................. 23

Figure 6: Methodology ............................................................................................................ 25

Figure 7: Land area distribution in the villages of Umarpada cluster ...................................... 33

Figure 8: Population Density within the cluster ...................................................................... 34

Figure 9: Literacy arte at village level ..................................................................................... 38

Figure 10: Male and female literacy rate at village level......................................................... 38

Figure 11: Working population distribution of the cluster ...................................................... 40

Figure 12: Devghaat waterfalls ................................................................................................ 39

Figure 13: Available water sources in Umarpada cluster ........................................................ 62

Figure 14: Distribution of Water Supply in the cluster............................................................ 63

Figure 15: Sanitation facilities in Umarpada cluster................................................................ 76

Figure 16: Diagram for fecal sludge management ................................................................... 82

Figure 17: Illustration of proposed fecal sludge managment plant.......................................... 82

Figure 18: Informal dumping of solid waste in Umarpada cluster .......................................... 84

Figure 19 Hierarchy of Health centers in India ....................................................................... 98

Figure 20: Umarpada community health centre..................................................................... 100

Figure 21: Education facilities in Umarpada cluster.............................................................. 106

Figure 22: Number of Anganwadi in Umarpada Cluster ....................................................... 107

Figure 23: Location and number of Primary Schools in Umarpada Cluster.......................... 110

Figure 24: Location and number of existing senior secondary school .................................. 111

Figure 25: Anganwadis in Umarpada cluster......................................................................... 112

Figure 26: Bus depot in Umarpada village ............................................................................ 128

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Figure 27: People using LPG for cooking ............................................................................. 131

List of Tables
Table 1 Components of ICAP .................................................................................................... 5

Table 2 Step by step selection procedure of ICAP villages ....................................................... 6

Table 3: Components of ICAP ................................................................................................... 8

Table 4 Details of five identified clusters of Clusters for Phase II ............................................ 9

Table 5: Role of CRDF in preparartion of the ICAPs for five clusters of Gujarat .................. 11

Table 6: Village list of Umarpada cluster ................................................................................ 15

Table 7: Approach for preparing ICAP ................................................................................... 23

Table 8: Methodology .............................................................................................................. 25

Table 9: General Profile of Umarpada Cluster ........................................................................ 31

Table 10: Demographic details of Umarpada cluster .............................................................. 32

Table 11: Land area distribution in the villages of Umarpada cluster ..................................... 33

Table 13: Social profile of Umarpada cluster .......................................................................... 35

Table 14: Literacy arte at village level .................................................................................... 38

Table 15: Male and female literacy rate at village level .......................................................... 38

Table 16: Devghaat waterfalls ................................................................................................. 39

Table 17: Cultural profile of the cluster ................................................................................... 39

Table 18: Working population distribution of the cluster ........................................................ 40

Table 19 Economic Profile of the Cluster................................................................................ 41

Table 20: Details of Gram Panchayats in Umarpada cluster ................................................... 42

Table 21: Administrative Profile of the Cluster ....................................................................... 44

Table 22: Gap Identification in Skill Development Component ............................................. 50

Table 23: Estimated cost for the introduction of beauty parlour course .................................. 51

Table 24: Costing of construction of the proposed KVKs ....................................................... 51

Table 25: Total cost estimates for upgrading exiting KVKs ................................................... 52

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Table 26 CGF Skill development training and linked economic activities ............................. 52

Table 27: Agriculture details: type of crops grown in Umarpada cluster ................................ 54

Table 28 Deficiency analysis Agri-services and processing.................................................... 55

Table 29: Unit cost of community well and lift irrigation device............................................ 56

Table 30: Total estimated cost for irrigation facilities ............................................................. 56

Table 31 Agro processing unit detail ....................................................................................... 56

Table 32: Estimated cost of Collection centres in Umarpada cluster ...................................... 57

Table 33: CGF of Agri services and processing ...................................................................... 57

Table 34 Gap Identification in Digital Literacy ....................................................................... 59

Table 35: Gap in digital literacy in Umarpada cluster ............................................................. 60

Table 36 Project detail for digital literacy ............................................................................... 60

Table 37: Proposed project phasing for Digital Literacy ......................................................... 61

Table 38: Available water sources in Umarpada cluster ......................................................... 62

Table 39 Village level water supply system ownership ........................................................... 62

Table 40: Distribution of Water Supply in the cluster ............................................................. 63

Table 41: Scenario of water suppli in Darda village................................................................ 64

Table 42: Water supply scenario in Ambadi............................................................................ 64

Table 43: Scenario of water supply system in Khodamba ....................................................... 65

Table 44: Scenario of water supply system in Panchamba ...................................................... 66

Table 45: Scenario of water supply system in Pinpur.............................................................. 66

Table 46: Scenario of water supply system in Umargot .......................................................... 67

Table 47: Scenario of water supply system in Umarpada........................................................ 68

Table 48: Scenario of water supply system in Unchvan .......................................................... 69

Table 49: Scenario of water supply system in Ghanavad ........................................................ 69

Table 50: Summary of water supply scenario.......................................................................... 70

Table 51: Issues of Water supply system in Umarpada ........................................................... 71

Table 52 Deficiency analysis water supply .............................................................................. 73

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Table 53 Gap Analysis in Water Supply .................................................................................. 73

Table 54: Proposed project phasing for Water supply ............................................................. 75

Table 55: Sanitation facilities in Umarpada cluster ................................................................. 76

Table 56: Laterine facilities in the villages of Umarpada cluster ............................................ 76

Table 57: Toilets built under SBM and MGNREGA .............................................................. 77

Table 58: Sanitation issues of Umarpada cluster ..................................................................... 79

Table 59 Deficiency analysis for sanitation: ............................................................................ 80

Table 60: Gap analysis and projections for 2021..................................................................... 80

Table 61 Project details of Individual toilets ........................................................................... 81

Table 62: Diagram for fecal sludge management .................................................................... 82

Table 63: Illustration of proposed fecal sludge managment plant ........................................... 82

Table 64: Project details for Sewerage network ...................................................................... 82

Table 65: Proposed project phasing for Sanitation .................................................................. 83

Table 66: Informal dumping of solid waste in Umarpada cluster ........................................... 84

Table 67: Issues with Solid Waste Management in Umarpada Cluster ................................... 85

Table 68: Gap Identification of Solid and Liquid Waste Management in Umarpada Cluster . 86

Table 69: Gap Analysis of Solid Waste Collection & Treatment ............................................ 86

Table 70: SWM projection....................................................................................................... 87

Table 71 Proposed Solid Waste Management System ............................................................ 88

Table 72: Need of vermi compost plant and the estimated cost .............................................. 89

Table 73: Estimated cost of Solid waste management............................................................. 89

Table 74: CGF for solid and liquid waste mangement ............................................................ 90

Table 75 Gap Identification in Streets with Drains ................................................................. 92

Table 76: Gap Analysis of Village Streets and Drains ............................................................ 93

Table 77 Street Light Information in the Cluster ..................................................................... 95

Table 78: Deficiency analysis of village street lights .............................................................. 96

Table 79: Gap analysis of street lights ..................................................................................... 96

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Table 80: Proposed project phasing for Street lights ............................................................... 97

Table 81 Hierarchy of Health centers in India ......................................................................... 98

Table 82: Existing health facilities in Umapada cluster .......................................................... 99

Table 83: Umarpada community health centre ...................................................................... 100

Table 84: Details of health owrkers in villages in Umarpada cluster .................................... 100

Table 85 Projected Scenario for health facilities in the Umarpada Cluster ........................... 102

Table 86 Gap identification of Health ................................................................................... 102

Table 87: Location and costing of proposed sub-centres in Umarpada cluster ..................... 103

Table 88: Proposed project phasing for Health...................................................................... 104

Table 89 URDPFI Guidelines for educational facilities ........................................................ 105

Table 90: Education facilities in Umarpada cluster ............................................................... 106

Table 91: Schools and Anganwadi in Umarpada Cluster ...................................................... 106

Table 92: Number of Anganwadi in Umarpada Cluster ........................................................ 107

Table 93: Details of facilities available in schools at village level ........................................ 107

Table 94 Details of all the schools present in the cluster ....................................................... 109

Table 95: Location and number of Primary Schools in Umarpada Cluster ........................... 110

Table 96: Location and number of existing senior secondary school .................................... 111

Table 97: Anganwadis in Umarpada cluster .......................................................................... 112

Table 98 Infrastructure details of the schools in the cluster .................................................. 112

Table 99 List of Anganwadis and Schools in villages of Umarpada cluster ......................... 113

Table 100 Gap identification for up gradation for primary, secondary and senior secondary
education ................................................................................................................................ 115

Table 101 : Infrastructure requirements in schools of Umarpadar Cluster ............................ 116

Table 102: Computer requirements and estimated cost for primary schools......................... 117

Table 103: Estimated cost for schools in Umarpada cluster .................................................. 118

Table 104: Infrastructure requirements of Anganwadis in Umarpada cluster ....................... 118

Table 105: Total estimated cost for up-grading education faclities in Umarpada cluster ..... 119

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Table 106: Proposed project phasing for Education .............................................................. 120

Table 107: Umarpada Cluster Inter Road Connectivity Deficiency Analysis ....................... 122

Table 108: Estimated cost for providing inter-village roads in the cluster ............................ 122

Table 109: Proposed project phasing for Inter village road connectivity .............................. 123

Table 110 : Deficiency Analysis CSC .............................................................................. 125

Table 111 Proposed project phasing for Sanitation ............................................................... 126

Table 112: Bus depot in Umarpada village............................................................................ 128

Table 113 Deficiency analysis of Public transport component ............................................. 129

Table 114: Project details for bus stop infrastructure ............................................................ 130

Table 115: People using LPG for cooking ............................................................................. 131

Table 116: Percentage coverage of LPG facility in Umarpada cluster .................................. 132

Table 117: Gap Identification of LPG connections ............................................................... 134

Table 118: List of proposed project of the LPG connection .................................................. 134

Table 119: Proposed project phasing for LPG connection .................................................... 135

Table 120: Compiled Gaps of all Rurban components .......................................................... 139

Table 121: Compiled estimated costs of all the proposals in the cluster ............................... 144

Table 122 Total Funding for Umarpada Cluster .................................................................... 146

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List of Abbreviations

APMC Agricultural Produce Market Committee

CAA Constitution Amendment Act

CEPT Centre For Environmental Planning and Technology

CGR Critical Gap Funding

CHC Community Health Centre

CRDF CEPT Research and Development Foundation

CGF Critical Gap Funding

CSC Citizen Service Centre

ESR Elevated Storage Reservoir

DDO District Development Officer

DGR Decadal Growth Rate

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

ICAP Integrated Cluster Action Plan

ITI Industrial Training Institute

FGD Focus Group Discussion

GoG Government of Gujarat

GSRTC Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation

GWSSB Gujarat Water Supply and Sanitation Board

Ha Hectare

HH Households

ICAP Integrated Cluster Action Plan

ICDS Integrated Child Development Services

IPHS Indian Public Health Standards

Km Kilo Meter

KVK Kaushalya Vardhan Kendra , Krishi Vigyan Kendra

LED Liquid Crystal Diode

LPCD Litre Per Capita Demand

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LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas

MNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

MoHFW Minister of Health & Family Welfare

MoRD Ministry of Rural Development

NH National Highway

OPD Out Patient Department

O&M Operation and Maintenance

PHC Primary Health Center

PNG Pipe Natural Gas

PHSC Primary Health Sub-Centers

SBM Swachh Bharat Mission

SH State Highway

TDO Taluk Development Officer

URDPFI Urban and Regional Development Plans Formation and Implementation

WASMO Water and Sanitation Management Organization

Pr. Primary

Up Pr. Upper Primary

Sec. Secondary

H. Sec. Higher Secondary

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1 Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission

The National Rurban Mission aims at development of a cluster of villages that preserve and
nurture the essence of the rural community life with focus on equity and inclusiveness without
compromising with the facilities perceived to be essentially urban in nature, thus creating a
cluster of ‘Rurban villages’.

The Mission intends to simulate local economic development, enhance basic services, and
create well-planned Rurban clusters. About 300 Rurban clusters will be developed over the
next five or more years, which have latent potential for growth, in all States and UTs, which
would trigger overall development in the region.

Under this Mission, every Rurban cluster will be developed as a project comprising
components covering training linked to economic activities, developing skills and local
entrepreneurship and will provide necessary infrastructure amenities. These projects will be
implemented over a fixed timeframe of three years by integrating and converging the
implementation of project components. This will be followed by an operations and
maintenance period of ten years.

1.1 About the ICAP

In order to guide the development of the Rurban cluster, the mission recommends preparation
of an Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) for each Rurban cluster. The ICAP for a cluster
will have two components, which will form an integral part of the ICAP and will be undertaken
in parallel. Following are the two components of ICAP:
1. Socio economic and infrastructure planning component
2. Initiation of spatial planning.

Socio Economic and Infrastructure Planning Component: - This component of the ICAP
will essentially identify the socio-economic and infrastructure requirements of the cluster,
converge various government schemes and implement the project level interventions in the
cluster as per the process indicated in this framework. This socio economic and infrastructure
planning exercise is expected to take about four months and would form the basis for the next
steps of the mission i.e. identification of project components converged, assessment of funding
requirements and critical gap funding etc.

Spatial Planning Component: - This component of the ICAP will be initiated after the
selection and delineation of the Rurban cluster and the process shall follow the planning norms
as laid down in the state town and country planning acts/similar central or state statutes as may
be applicable for the state. The spatial planning component of the ICAP will result in a structure
plan/land use plan for the Rurban cluster along with an enforcement mechanism for the same.
The process for preparation of spatial plans may be executed over a longer period as mandated
by the state act. However, under the ICAP and within the mandated period of 4 months, under
the spatial component, it is only intended that States would work towards notifying these
clusters as planning areas under the relevant state town and country planning acts and submit
the draft notification as part of the ICAP.

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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

1.1.1 Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP)

The ICAP preparation will follow a systematic process as explained in the following section.
The two components of the ICAP will be prepared in parallel with linkages amongst the
documents. Some of the key points of interface between the socio-economic and infrastructure
planning components and spatial planning component are:
● The cluster selection process will be followed by a consent by the State Government to
notify these clusters as planning areas under the relevant Act.
● The submission of the socio-economic and infrastructure planning component of the
ICAP for approval by the mission will be accompanied by a draft notification declaring
the cluster as a planning area in accordance with relevant acts.
● The spatial planning component will be prepared taking into consideration the findings
and relevant recommendations of the socio-economic and infrastructure planning
component of the ICAP.
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) shall be a key document covering baseline studies
outlining the requirements of the cluster and the key interventions needed to address these
needs and to leverage its potential. The ICAP prepared for the cluster will enunciate:
1. A strategy for the cluster integrating the vision for each Gram Sabha, identified in the
2. The desired outcomes for the cluster under the Rurban Mission
3. The resources to be converged under various central sector, centrally sponsored and
state sector schemes.
4. The Critical Gap Funding (CGF) required for the cluster.
1. ICAP would delineate the cluster areas to form well-planned layouts following the
planning norms (as laid down in the State Town and Country Planning Acts/similar
Central or State statutes as may be applicable). The cluster area would be duly notified
by the State/UTs Finally, ICAP would be integrated with the district plans/master plans
as the case may be.

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Table 1 Components of ICAP

Source: Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP), National Rurban Mission

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The State government of the each respective cluster will prepare the ICAPs for all the clusters.
As prescribed by the Ministry of Rural Development, the preparation of ICAP will follow the
steps that are enlisted in below figure.

Table 2 Step by step selection procedure of ICAP villages

Source: Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP), National Rurban Mission

1.1.2 Selection of Clusters

The State governments are responsible for the clusters selection, which has to be done, based
on the potential for development of cluster. The clusters need to be selected in a way that they
fulfill the criteria mentioned in the ICAP document issued by the Ministry of Rural

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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

Development. The document has identified two types of clusters, namely, tribal and non-tribal,
and both have different sets of criteria to be fulfilled.

Selected clusters are required to accommodate geographically contiguous villages. However,

population criterion for the selection of villages varies based on the type of the terrain of the
region and type of the cluster (tribal/non-tribal). For non-tribal cluster, total population has to
be about 25,000 to 50,000 in plain and coastal areas and population of 5,000 to 15,000 in desert,
hilly or tribal areas.

Selection of leading sub districts, both for tribal as well as non-tribal clusters is done by the
Ministry of Rural Development, while the State Government is responsible for the selection of
contiguous villages that will form a cluster.

Non-Tribal Clusters

While selecting Non-Tribal clusters, following are the aspects that the Ministry looks into:
● Decadal Growth in Rural Population
● Decadal Growth in Non-Farm Work Participation
● Presence of Economic Clusters
● Presence of places of Tourism and Religious Significance
● Proximity to Transport Corridors
Tribal Clusters

While selecting Tribal clusters, following are the aspects that the Ministry looks into:
● Decadal growth in Tribal Population
● Growth in Tribal Literacy Rates
● Decadal growth in Non-Farm Work Force Participation
In collaboration with Central government, respective State governments plan and implement
development of the selected clusters. Ministry of Rural Development has identified 14
components for development of the cluster, which are required to be considered while
preparing the Integrated Cluster Action Plan for the selected cluster.

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Table 3: Components of ICAP

Source: Adopted from Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP), National Rurban Mission

Following are the 14 components that have to be taken into consideration while preparing
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) for the selected clusters:
1. Skill Development training Linked to Economic Activities
2. Agri-services and Processing
3. Digital Literacy
4. 24x7 Piped Water Supply
5. Sanitation
6. Solid and Liquid Waste Management
7. Redevelopment of Village Roads with Drains
8. Village Street Lights
9. Health
10. Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools.
11. Inter village roads connectivity
12. Citizen Service Centers
13. Public transport
14. LPG Gas Connections

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1.2 Clusters Selected for SPMRM in Gujarat

Under phase I of the Mission, Government of Gujarat had prepared ICAPs for four clusters,
viz. Ambaji, Shamlaji, Ravapara, and Vadinar. For phase II of the Mission, the State
government has identified five clusters, viz. Morva, Sanjan, Umarpada, Bechraji, and
Umarpada. General details about these clusters (Phase II) are given in the table below.

Table 4 Details of five identified clusters of Clusters for Phase II

Cluster Sub – Name of No. of Cluster Tribal

Category Area (Ha)
Name District District villages Population Population

Sanjan Umbergaon Valsad Tribal 6 26,241 13,077 2591.84

Morva Morva(H) Panchamahal Tribal 12 37,742 27,319 7,472.36

Umarpada Umarpada Surat Tribal 9 15,488 12,630 2,442.34

Becharaji Becharaji Mehsana Non-Tribal 7 25,944 0 7,761.17

Umarpada Halvad Morbi Non-Tribal 11 18,028 0 17,154.66

Source: 1 Census of India, 2011

Considering the guideline mentioned in the ICAP by the Ministry of Rural Development, the
Government of Gujarat has selected and delineated boundary of these clusters. Out of five
selected clusters, Bechraji and Umarpada are two non-tribal clusters, located in Mehsana and
Morbi district respectively. Remaining three clusters- Morva, Umarpada, and Umarpada are
tribal clusters. Morva is part of the Panchmahal district. Sanjan and Umarpada clusters are
located in Valsad and Surat districts respectively.

Sanjan is the coastal cluster with presence of small and medium scale industries; while
Umarpada is primarily tribal cluster and has significant area under reserved forest. Bechraji is
famous for its pilgrim place, Bahuchraji Temple. Umarpada has presence of salt pans and is
located in proximity to Little Rann of Kutchh. ; is a tribal cluster with prominently scattered
settlement pattern.

For the preparation of the ICAPs for these five clusters, the Government of Gujarat has
appointed CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) as State Technical Support

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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

Map 1: Location of Five Clusters in Gujarat

*Above map is only for reference and should not be referred as a legal document. It should not be used a source of any data
or intervention.

1.2.1 CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and its role in ICAP

CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) has been established by the University
to better manage the consulting, contract research & capacity building activities.

CRDF has been appointed to prepare ICAPs of the five clusters identified by Government of
Gujarat. CRDF team is involved in the tasks from step 3 and step 8 (as per the ICAP
framework). At the end of the project, the team will prepare final Integrated Cluster Action
Plan for each of this cluster and submit it to Development Commissioner of Gujarat.

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Table 5: Role of CRDF in preparartion of the ICAPs for five clusters of Gujarat

1.2.2 About the report

This report incorporates outputs related to the step-3 to 8 of the ICAP framework. The report
compiles primary and secondary data of all villages of Umarpada cluster (9 villages). Census
data from 1991 to 2011 are used as a secondary data. Analysis of the secondary data has helped
in understanding the cluster from demographic perspective. In addition, the secondary data has
helped in developing a framework for the field visits. Primary data collection included visits to
all villages of the cluster, taluka head quarter, district head quarter, and state level offices.

During the field visit, data related to each fourteen components has procured from district and
taluka headquarters, representatives of associated agencies, Sarpanch (head of the gram

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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

panchayat) of each village, and perspective of villagers through FGDs. In addition, the team
has conducted stakeholder consultation to understand the ground situation, and validate the
secondary data. Primary field visit helped in procuring and verifying data.

The stakeholder surveys included:

1. Meetings with officials at the District level
2. Meetings with officials at the Taluka level
3. Interviews with the villages’ Sarpanch and Talati
4. Meetings with the Agencies involved in provision of services to the villages
5. Numerous focused group discussions at village levels with different citizen groups
Refer Annexure 4: list of meetings for more details.

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Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

2 Cluster Context
Umarpada cluster is one of the five identified Gujarat cluster for the phase II of SPMRM. This
part of the report introduces the cluster from regional perspective as well as general details at
the cluster level.

2.1 Introduction to Umarpada cluster

Umarpada cluster is located in umarpada taluka of Surat district. Umarpada cluster, comprising
of nine villages namely Khodamba, Panchamba, Umarpada, Unchvan, Pinpur, Darda,
Umargot, Ambadi and Ghanawad. These villages have similar geographical, climatic, and
cultural conditions. Umarpada cluster is characterized low laying area with an average
elevation of 20 meters above the sea level. As per the Census 2011, the cluster is spread across
area of 2442.34 hectare, consisting of the total population of 15,488.

Table 6: Village list of Umarpada cluster

Name Rural Population(2011) ST Population (2011) Share of ST Population
GUJARAT (Rural) 34,694,609 8,021,848 23%
Surat (Rural) 1,232,109 6,83,413 55%
Umarpada (Taluka) 83,723 80,986 97%
Village List of Umarpada Cluster
Darda 483 483 100%
Ambadi 622 619 100%
Khod Amba 1,673 1,633 98%
Panch Amba 1,119 1,119 100%
Pinpur 1,164 1,164 100%
Umargot 1,894 348 18%
Umarpada 2,300 2,008 87%
Unchvan 2,642 1,666 63%
Ghanawad 3,591 3,590 100%
Cluster Total 15,488 12,630 82%
Source: Census of India, 2011

Surat district has 55% of total population of tribal population. Within the district Umarpada
taluka is classified as tribal taluka. The taluka has around 97% of total population being tribal
population. This characteristic of the taluka is seen even in the cluster. Umarpada cluster has
around 82% of its population as tribal population. Five out of nine villages in the cluster have
100% tribal population. Only one village ‘Unchvan’ has comparatively less tribal population
(63% of total population).

2.2 Location and Connectivity

Umarpada cluster is located in Umarpada taluka of Surat District of the Gujarat state. Surat
district is situated in the south west direction of the state. It shares its boundary with various
other districts likes Navsari in south, Bharuch and Narmada in the North and Tapi in the east.

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 15
Cluster Profile Report Cluster - Umarpada

Umarpada taluka is located in the north eastern part of the District. Mandvi is the nearest town
(35 kms away).
Map 2: Map 2: Location of District, Taluka and Cluster

*Above map is only for reference and should not be referred as a legal document. It should not be used a source of any data
or intervention.

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 16
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

Map 3 Regional Connectivity

Umarpada cluster has moderate good road connectivity. The cluster is accessible through SH
613 and SH 205 connected by internal village roads. The main district headquarters is located
100km away from Umarpada taluka and the nearest town Mandvi which is 34km away is
connected through SH 613. In this cluster, Umarpada and Umargot have bus stops connecting
the villages to nearest towns and cities through GSRTC buses. As not all the villages have got
bus connectivity, other local modes like chakkda, rickshaw and jeep are the other modes of
transport used to travel. Also modes of travel inside the villages are privately owned 2-
wheelers, bicycles and walking.

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 17
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

Map 4: Connectivity/ Road network of Umarpada cluster

2.3 Characteristics of the cluster

Umarpada cluster is on the north eastern side of Surat district. Umarpada village is the taluka
headquarter and so other villages are dependent on this village for facilities like health,
education etc. Umarpada has majority of tribal population and most of the population are into
farming and animal husbandry. They grow paddy, maize, dangar, ground nuts, kapas and they
supply milk to Sumul dairy in Surat. Also there is a reasonable amount of people who are casual
labors and go to Surat, Mandvi, Vyara and Bardoli to earn their livelihood. Most of the housing
in this clustered is dispersed as they have farmland adjacent to their houses. The cluster has a
forest reserved village named ‘Ambadi’. (Source: - taluka panchayat) Over a period of time
the forest area is diminishing gradually. Kher, timber and babul are collected as main forest
products. Moreover, teak wood, firewood, and charcoal are also collected from the forest.
There is a water fall named Devghaat which is 12km from Umarpada on Dediapada - Netrang
Highway, which attracts regional tourists as it has a trekking site too. Local tribals often come
to this place to offer their prayers and devotion to the
God. (

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

Map 5: Forest area under Umarpada cluster

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 22
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

3 Methodology and Approach for Preparing ICAP

This section explains the approach and methodology followed for preparing ICAP for Morva

3.1 Approach

Preparing an ICAP for a rural cluster selected under Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission
is the main goal of the project. In addition, the project report would be served as a guiding
document for the development of the cluster. Objective of the project is to capture systematic
assessment of the requirements of the cluster in terms of social physical infrastructure. Based
in the assessment, the project also identifies the key interventions required to be addressed.
Table 7: Approach for preparing ICAP

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 23
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

SPMRM guidelines for the preparation of ICAP were comprehended to determine the
approach for the preparation of ICAP for Morva cluster. To achieve the above stated
objective, the approach was to divide the whole process into four main steps, which were
further sub divided into stages. In the first step (Understanding the Cluster), secondary data
related to the cluster was collected and analyzed them prior to the primary survey of the
cluster. During the primary survey, meetings were conducted with the key stalk holders.
Later, based on the primary survey and the meetings with the key stalk holders, the secondary
data was reviewed and revised respectively. At the end of the second stage (Reviewing the
Cluster), cluster profiling was prepared analyzing the existing condition of the cluster and
highlighting the key issues that the cluster is facing. Based on the outcome of the second
stage, gap analysis for each fourteen-mission component was done in the next stage (Step 3:
Deriving Needs of the Cluster). The gap analysis then followed by deriving projects including
the operational cost, which would be then combined with various schemes application to
arrive at the CGF estimates. The last step (Proposals for the Cluster) prioritizes projects
looking at the dire needs of the cluster as well as the finance available for each.

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 24
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

3.2 Detailed Methodology

This section describes the above-mentioned approach for preparation of ICAP in detail,
highlighting tasks, and activities performed during each four steps.
Table 8: Methodology

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 25
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

3.2.1 Understanding the cluster

For the understanding of the cluster, secondary was procured from the Census 2011, and the
civic department websites, which were compiled and analyzed in Microsoft Excel. Meeting
with the Development Commissioner, Morbi District Development Officers, and with other
related key stalk holders were helpful to understand the cluster further in detail. In addition, for
preparation of the base map for Umarpada cluster, cluster relevant village boundaries, and
features like roads, and water bodies were procured from the Revenue Depart website.

3.2.2 Reviewing the Cluster

Primary survey was undertaken to understand the on ground reality; in addition, it was
necessary to substantiate the secondary data, which may have changed over time. Primary
survey was also helps in procuring the data that were not available from the secondary sources.

Prior to the field visit, a framework for the primary survey was developed. A survey kit was
prepared for the field visit. The kit included compiled secondary data sheet, prepared forms for
each components that were required to be filled during the survey, relevant maps, and set of
questionnaires. Considering the nature of the project, different questionnaires for the District
Development Officer (DDO), Taluka Development Officer (TDO), Gram Panchayat officials
and for villages were prepared. A pilot survey was conducted for the Morva cluster to check
the usefulness of the kits. Later, based on the results of the pilot survey and prior to start the
survey for the remaining four cluster of the phase II, required alternation in the kit were done.

Average a week period required the team to conduct the primary survey and to collect all the
necessary data. Three level (District, Taluka, and Village Levels) consultation with various
stalk-holders was undertaken during the survey. To understand the village dynamics,
aspirations and issues faced by the villagers, various focused group discussions with different
groups, communities were conducted during the survey at each village of the cluster. Data
regarding the work done under various schemes and present ongoing schemes were also
collected during the site visits. For the detailed list of meetings undertaken during the primary
survey and for snapshots/sample of the questionnaires that were filled on site, refer the

Post survey, all the collected data was documented and analyzed in the form of a Cluster
Profile, where existing condition related to each fourteen component was detailed out. In
addition, based on the various meeting and FGDs, the issues faced by different stalk holders
were documented in the cluster profile.

3.2.3 Deriving the need of the cluster

Based on the SPMRM guidelines and highlighted existing issues at the end of the step two, at
this stage requirements and needs under each component were identified for the cluster. Next,
population projection for each village of the cluster for the horizon year 2021 was calculated.
Three different methods (Geometric Growth Method, Arithmetic Growth Method, and

District Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 26
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

Incremental Increase Method) were used to project the population. Average of the projected
population using three methods was considered as the final foreseen population for the year
2021. Population projection was then followed by sector wise projection of the infrastructure
or amenities for each village. Taking population projections and identified requirements in
consideration, component wise gap/ deficiency analysis was done for the cluster.

3.2.4 Proposals for the cluster

After the gap analysis was done, based on the existing situation of the cluster a vision was
formulated. Based on the gaps identified for each component, possible projects that can be
undertaken to solve the issues/gaps were listed and cost estimations for each of the project was
done. During the survey, data regarding all the schemes presently ongoing in the cluster,
assessment of finance available under various schemes was done, which was then linked to the
costs of the related projects to converge the schemes and to estimate the Critical Gap Funding
for projects were estimated. Later, the proposed projects were prioritized based on the funding
available, the level of intervention required, ease of implementation, and more importantly the
relevance of the project for the village. Lastly, implementation strategy were formulated which
are essential for the proper execution of the Mission and to meet its objectives.

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Cluster - Umarpada

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

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Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

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Government of Gujarat 30
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4 Cluster Profiling
Cluster Profiling has been detailed out in two sections. Section 4.1 is the general profiling of
the whole cluster while section 0 describes in detail the fourteen components of the Rurban
Mission highlighting the existing scenario, issues and the gaps in each of the sector.

4.1 General Profiling

General profile of the cluster is detailed out based in five components, which are Demography,
Social, Economic, Cultural, and Administrative. The component helps to explain the area
characteristics of the cluster with respect to the five components. Each of the components is
detailed out in subsequent sub sectors below.

Umarpada cluster comprises of 9 villages, namely, villages, namely, Khodamba, Panchamba,

Umarpada, Unchvan, Pinpur, Darda, Umargot, Ambadi and Ghanawad. As per the Census
2011, the cluster is spread across area of 2442.34 hectare, with a total population of 15,488.

Table 9: General Profile of Umarpada Cluster

Parameters Umarpada Cluster Umarpada (Taluka) Surat (District)

Total Population 15,488 83,723 1,232,109

Decadal Growth Rate
(2001-2011) 1.90% 2.26% -3.84%

Avg. HH Size 5.17 4.83 4.57

Sex Ratio 981 989 925
Child Sex Ratio 926 970 934
Percentage of SC
population 0.23% 0.12% 3.14%
Percentage of ST
population 86.32% 96.73% 55.47%

Literacy Rate 67.59% 67.65% 76.92%

Male Literacy Rate 77.21% 76.97% 82.76%
Female Literacy Rate 57.87% 58.25% 70.60%
Source: Census of India (2011)

Table 9 summarizes the key parameters of the cluster and compares them with that of Umarpada
Taluka and Surat District. It is clear from the table that the decadal growth rate of the Umarpada
cluster is comparatively lower than the rural population growth rate of the taluka but it is higher
than that of the district. Sex ratio of the cluster is low compared to that of the taluka; however,
it is significantly higher compared to the district ratio. The juvenile sex ratio of the cluster is
very low as compared to that of the taluka, and of the district. Literacy rate of the cluster is
marginally low as compared to that of the taluka.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 31
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.1.1 Demography

Detailed demographic analysis of the nine villages within the cluster is explained in this
section. This defines a comparative overview of all the villages on various demographic
parameters. Table 4 gives the details of demographic profile of the villages.

The average DGR of the entier cluster is 1.90%. It is observed that the DGR in most of the
villages of the cluster is higher than the average DGR of the cluster, except Khod Amba and
Umarpada villages. These two villages have significantly low DGR, 0.09% and 0.35%
respectively. The villages with highest growth rates are Ambadi and Ghanawad with 3.07%
and 3.04% growth rate respectively.

Sex Ratio of the entier cluster is 981. Many villages in the cluster have significantly lower sex
ratio ranging from 924-926. However, it is observed that few villages also have significantly
higher sex ratio ranging from 1006-1052.

Average household size of the cluster is 5.17. However, higher than the average cluster
household size is noticed only in two villages which are Ambadi and Ghanawad. All the other
villages within the cluster have significantly low household size, ranging from 0.28 to 1.28.

As per the Census data, total number of the household recorded in the cluster is 2,997.
Ghanawad and Unchvan are the big villages within the cluster, and home almost 40 % of the
total household of the entier cluster. Darda and Ambadi are the smallest villages within the
cluster, which account for only 7% of the total households of the cluster.

Table 10: Demographic details of Umarpada cluster

Panch Amba
Khod Amba






Total Population 483 622 1673 1119 1164 1894 2300 2642 3591 15488

No. of HH 96 117 368 237 232 348 398 551 650 2997
2.64 3.07 0.09 2.50 2.01 3.01 0.35 1.98 3.04 1.90
HH Size 5.03 5.32 4.55 4.72 5.02 5.44 5.78 4.79 5.52 5.17

Sex Ratio 924 968 1006 933 1010 935 966 941 1052 981

Age Profile (Age

bracket with the largest 14-35 NA 14-35 14-35 14-35 35-60 14-35 NA 35-60 NA
% of population)

Total Area (ha) 110.71 375.14 136.77 303.25 236.44 273.56 486.43 155.36 459.72 2537.38

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 32
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Panch Amba
Khod Amba





Agricultural Area (ha) 92.2 0 91.2 273 193.1 0 128.4 115.5 412.6 1306
Forest Area (ha) 0 375.14 23.93 0 0 273.56 301.8 0 0 974.43
Projected Scenario- 2021
Population 598 798 2,395 1,357 1,368 2,380 2,480 3,070 4557 19,003
2.39 2.84 4.31 2.12 1.76 2.57 0.78 1.62 2.69 2.63
Source: Census of India (2011) & primary survey

Total land area of the Umarpada cluster is 2,537.38 ha. 37% of the total area of the cluster lies
within the jurisdiction of Umarpada and Ghanawad villages. Khod Amba, Darda and Unchvan
are smaller villages in terms of land area under their jurisdiction. They account for only 15%
of the total area of the cluster. 51.47% of the total land area of the cluster is under agriculture,
and 37.33% is under forest area. The census data shows that four villages out of nine villages
of the cluster have forest area within its boundary. The census data (2011) also shows that
Ambadi and Umargot villages are completely classified as forest area, and do not have any
agriculture area under its jurisdiction (Table 11).

Table 11: Land area distribution in the villages of Umarpada cluster

Land area (ha) distribution in the villages of Umarpada cluster



Khod Amba

Panch Amba
Area under forest
Area under agriculture
Umargot Total area




0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 33
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Land area (ha) distribution in the villages of Umarpada cluster



Khod Amba

Panch Amba
Area under forest
Area under agriculture
Umargot Total area




0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Unchvan village has the highest population density with the cluster with around 1700 people
per, while Ambadi village has the lowest density of 166 people per Umarpada
village has relatively a higher population in the cluster (2300 people), but a density of only 473
people per (Table 12 and
Map 6)
Table 12: Population Density within the cluster

Population density ( of Umarpada villages

Panch Amba
Khod Amba

0.00 200.00 400.00 600.00 800.00 1000.00 1200.00 1400.00 1600.00 1800.00
Source: Census of Inida (2011)
Map 6: Population Density (in of villages within the cluster

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 34
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Source: Census of India (2011)

4.1.2 Social Profile

The social profile of the cluster has been carved out through parameters like literacy rate, work
force break up, education levels and percentage of disabled population and single women/
widow population as shown in Table 13

Table 13: Social profile of Umarpada cluster

Panch Amba
Khod Amba






0 0 0 0 0 0 20 15 0 35

483 619 827 1119 1164 1893 2008 1666 3590 13369

59.61 79.11 77.43 72.63 66.40 63.04 80.39 71.35 58.24 67.59

% of
Population 33.98 23.73 3.87 27.60 29.22 44.13 12.06 64.22 2.91 40.68

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 35
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Panch Amba
Khod Amba






% of
14.90 11.87 30.97 25.42 19.92 12.61 8.04 49.95 5.82 29.57
with Senior
% of
8.94 7.91 38.71 18.16 13.28 6.30 20.10 28.54 37.86 29.75
with Higher
of disabled 0 3 6 7 15 4 9 15 0 59
of Single
3 17 16 8 13 20 49 29 0 156
(out of total

As Umarpada is a tribal cluster. According to Census 2011, approximately 87.3% of the total
population of the cluster is classified a scheduled Tribe (ST) and only 0.87% is classified as
Scheduled Caste (SC). The ST population belongs to the tribes like Vasava, Kothavadiya,
Kathodiya, Govadiya, Aadim, Aamit, Chowdhary, Gami and Bharwad. Map 6 shows the
percentage distribution of tribal population across villages in the cluster.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 36
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Map 7: Percentage distribution of ST population in the villages of Umarpada cluster

Source: Census of India (2011)

Literacy rate of the cluster is 69.80%, which is quite low compared to the average district rural
literacy rate 76.92. The literacy rate within the cluster ranges from 60% to 80%. The highest
literacy rate is observed in Umarpada (80.39%) and lowest in Ghanawad (58.24%). Out of the
total literates, 40.68% have primary education, 29.57% have secondary education and 29.75%
have higher secondary education. Umargot village has the highest number of literates with
primary education, while Ghanawad village has the lowest number of literates with primary
education. Large part of literates has literacy level only up to primary education. The average
female literacy rate of the cluster is 57.87%, and that male is 77.22%. Table 14 and Table 15
shows the literacy rate at village level and male – female literacy rate respectively. The graph
clearly depicts female literacy rates in all the villages are really low compared to male literacy

The percentage of disabled people in the cluster is 0.38% while that of single women is 2.03%.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 37
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 14: Literacy arte at village level

Literacy Rate of villages within the cluster

30.00 Literacy Rate


Source: Census of India (2011)

Table 15: Male and female literacy rate at village level

Male and female literacy of villages within the cluster

Darda Ambadi Khod Panch Pinpur Umargot Umarpada Unchvan Ghanawad
Amba Amba

Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate

Source: Census of India (2011)

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 38
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.1.3 Cultural Profile

Umarpada is a tribal cluster. The major tribe in the Table 16: Devghaat waterfalls
cluster is Vasava, however, other tribes like
Kothvadiya, Govadhiya and Kathodiya are found
Ghanawad village. Major population in the
villages of the cluster is Hindu by religion. The
tribe commonly speaks Gujarati and local tribal
language (Vasavi). The cluster does not have any
religious place that is of regional or state level
importance. There are few local religious places
in the different villages of the cluster. Hanuman
Mandir near Pinpur village is significant temple within the cluster. The cluster does not have
any major tourist center or heritage monument of regional importance. However, in vicinity of
Umarpada cluster there is a waterfall, Devghaat waterfall, which is a tourist attraction spot as
well as a trekking destination, attracting few regional visitors. This waterfall does not lie within
the cluster boundary.
Table 17: Cultural profile of the cluster
Panch Amba
Khod Amba






Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati Gujarati

% of
following 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 93% 100% 99%
Type of
Vasava Vasava Vasava Vasava Vasava Vasava Vasava Vasava Govadiya,

No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No

No No No No No No No No No
Places of No No No No No No No No No

Source: Taluka and Gram Panchayat, Primary Survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 39
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.1.4 Economic Profile

Economic profile of the cluster has been analyzed through parameters like percentage
population engaged in total work force, in total farm work force, percentage of women work
force, etc. Table 19 shows the village wise details of the parameters.
Table 18: Working population distribution of the cluster

Working population (46%)

Primary sector workers Secondary sector workers Tertiary sector workers

81.99% 1.92% 16.09%

Tertiary sector Tertiary sector

Primary sector Secondary Secondary
Primary sector marginal marginal
marginal sector main sector marginal
main workers workers workers
workers workers workers
70% 83% 17%
30% 85% 15%

Source: Census of India (2011)

Out of total population, 46% of population contributes to work force in the cluster. Panch Amba
and Pinpur have higher work force participation rate (approximately 58%), while Ambadi and
Khod Amba have lower work force participation rate (32% and 27% respectively). Out of them,
81.99% of the working population is engaged in farm work. Unchvan and Ghanawad village
has highest percentage of population engaged in farm work force. These villages are mainly
dependent on agriculture as source of economy.

The average percentage of women contributing in the work force is 28.07% for the cluster.
Khod Amba village has lowest percent of women in work force which is 26.90%, while the
highest is in Panch Amba. Darda and Pinpur show around 50% of women participation in work

Primary survey of this cluster reveals that the entier cluster of Umarpada exhibits dependence
on agriculture. At least one person from each household is engaged in farming. Major crops
sown in the cluster are Dangar, Tuar, Corn, Wheat, Cotton (kapas), Jowar, and Groundnut.
People of the cluster work in farms during the monsoon season and later migrate to nearby
towns or cities to work as casual laborers. Only some people of the cluster work as full time
casual laborers in towns/cities like Surat, Ankleshwar, Mandvi, Vyara and Bardoli. Ghanawad
village has few communities that are involved in home based economy. There are households
skilled in basket making. However, the number of households involved in home-based
economic activity is significantly low. Thus, Umarpada as a cluster is dependent majorly on
agriculture as main source of economy.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 40
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 19 Economic Profile of the Cluster

Juna Amrapar
Panch Amba
Khod Amba




Total work
force in
470 315
absolute 281 199 450 649 672 819 860 1337 1817
Total work
force as %
of total 58.0 37.3 7% 4%
58.18 31.99 26.90 57.73 43.24 50.61 50.60
working 0 9
Women as
a % of
49.9 39.1 46% 27%
Work 49.82 17.59 50.89 49.85 39.44 43.16 44.91
2 9
Occupation NIL
by Industry
Average Majority of the people are into farming hence they do not travel long. Some of the people from the cluster
distance to work outside as casual laborers. Places they visit are Surat, Ankleshwar, Mandvi, Vyara, Bardoli. However,
work place the related numbers are not available through primary survey or secondary data.
majority of
the work
force in the
GP (km)
Any home
based or NIL
clusters- NIL
No. of
Type of
Source: Census of India (2011) & primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 41
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.1.5 Administrative Profile

Rural administration is done by the elected members and state government appointed
bureaucrats. The whole administrative structure is well integrated with elected members and
bureaucrats. In Gujarat, rural development is managed according to Panchayati Raj System. In
the Panchayati Raj System, administration is done in three tier; Gram Panchayat (Village
Panchayat), Taluka Panchayat Samiti (Taluka Panchayat), and Jilla Parishad (District
Panchayat). At all three levels, elected members and bureaucrats are very well integrated with
each other.

There are nine villages in the cluster. The villages of Darda, Pinpur, Khodamba and Panchamba
are administered by Chokhvada group Gram Panchayat. Villages like Unchvan, Ambadi,
Umargot, Ghanawad and Umarpada have separate village panchayat. Umarpada is the taluka
headquarters, and is located within the cluster. The cluster villages are well connected with
Umarpada through roads and public transport. Further details of the same have been discussed
in section 0
Table 20: Details of Gram Panchayats in Umarpada cluster

Name of village Gram Panchayat

Khod Amba Chokhvada
Panch Amba
Ambadi Jumavadi
Umargot Umargot
Umarpada Umarpada
Unchvan Unchvan
Ghanawad Ghanawad
Source: Umarpada Taluka office

Surat is the district headquarters and lies at a distance of 90km from the cluster. Villages Darda,
Unchvan and Pinpur are connected to Surat through SH 205 while Ghanawad, Umargot, Panch
Amba, Khod Amba and Umarpada are connected to Surat through SH 613. Further details have
been discussed in section 0

State Level Setup

At state level there is a department called Panchayat, rural housing & rural development
department chaired by Minister and Chief Secretary. The minister stays in contact with the
Pradhans of all the elected constituencies and supervises the development, while Chief
Secretory supervises the development through the development commissioner. The C.E.Os of
Zilla Parishad is monitored by state level entity called Office of Development Commissioner,

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 42
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

headed by the Development Commissioner. The Development Commissioner is an immediate

boss of all the CEOs of The Jilla Parishad.

Figure 12: Administrative structure

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 43
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 21: Administrative Profile of the Cluster

Details Umarpada Cluster
Number of Gram Panchayats in the
Name of the Taluka Head Quarters Umarpada
Name of the TDO (Taluka
Mr. N. M. Hadpati
Development Officer)
Distance of the Taluka Headquarters from
the largest settlement in the cluster. ( in 4.4
Agencies providing key services
Water Supply and sanitation
Gram Panchayat
Village streets and drains Gram Panchayat

District Panchayat & District Development Officer (DDO)

The District Panchayat or Jilla Parishad is the apex of the three tier structure of the Panchayati
Raj system. Generally, the Jilla Parishad consist of representatives of the Panchayat Samiti; all
the members of the State Legislature and the Parliament representing a part or whole of the
district; all district level officers of the Medical, Public Health, Public Works, Engineering,
Agriculture, Veterinary, Education and other development departments.

The Chairman of the Jilla Parishad is elected from amongst its members. The District
Development Officer deputed by the state government becomes the Chief Executive Officer of
the Jilla Parishad. The Jilla Parishad performs coordinating and supervisory functions. It
coordinates the activity of Panchayat Samiti falling within jurisdiction. The Jilla Parishad also
renders necessary advice to the State Government with regards to the implementation of the
various development schemes. It is also responsible for the maintenance of primary and
secondary schools, hospitals, dispensaries, minor irrigation works etc. it also promotes local
industries and art.

Taluka Panchayat & Taluka Development Officer (TDO)

The Taluka Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti is the second tier of the Panchayati Raj. The Samiti
was envisaged as single representative and vigorous democratic institution to take charge of all
aspects of development in rural areas in Balvant Rai Mehta committee report. According to
committee, Samiti offers ‘an area large enough for functions which the village Panchayat
cannot perform and yet small enough to attract the interest and services of residents’.

Generally Samiti consists of 20 to 60 villages depending upon area and population. The
population under Samiti should be in the range of 35,000 to 100,000. The president of the
Samiti is Pradhan, who is elected by an electoral committee which consists of all the members
of Taluka Panchayat Samiti and all the sarpanchs of the Gram Panchayat falling within the
area. Besides the Pradhan, the Up-Pradhan is also elected.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 44
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

The Pradhan convenes and presides over the Taluka Panchayat Samiti meetings. He guides the
Panchayat in making plans and carrying out production programs. Also the Pradhan ensures
the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Samiti and Standing Committee. He
exercises administrative control over the Taluka Development Officer (TDO) and his staff.

The TDO becomes the Chief Executive Officer of the Taluka Panchayat Samiti and he is
entrusted with the responsibility for implementing the resolutions of the Samiti and its standing
committees. He prepares the budget of the Panchayat Samiti and places it in Samiti for
approval. He also prepares the annual report of the Samiti and sends it to Zilla Parishad and
State Government. He is also accountable to the president of the Samiti for his actions.

The principle function of the Panchayat Samiti is to coordinate the activities of various
panchayats within its jurisdiction. It supervises the work of the Panchayat and scrutinizes their
budgets. It also reserves the right to suggest measures for improving the functioning of the
panchayats. The Samiti is charged with the responsibility of preparing and implementing plans
for development of agriculture, animal husbandry, rural health, etc.

Village Panchayat & Talati

Village Panchayat is the lowest unit in the Panchayati Raj institution. Generally for each and
every village there is a Gram Panchayat except for some villages whose population is very low.
For them there is group Gram Panchayat that is common between two or more than two
villages. The Panchayat consists of representatives elected by the villagers. The panchayat is
responsible for conducting general body meetings known as Gram Sabha of the village atleast
twice a year. The Gram Panchayat must present its financial documents and budget before
Gram Sabha. The president of elected representatives is known as Sarpanch who is elected
directly in Gram Sabha either through the show of hands, or through secret ballot

Sarpanch is responsible for supervision and coordination of activities of panchayat. He is the

one who plays major role in decision making and allots various departments to the appropriate
elected members.

Talati is the Government appointed officer to assist the Sarpanch in administration. He also
keeps the Panchayat informed of various development programs and reports to the Panchayat
Samiti about progress of the schemes and achievements of the targets. The Gram Panchayat
can levy certain taxes and duties to meet their expenses like; tax on animals, vehicles, house,
vacant land and professions.

The principle functions of Panchayat are as under; maintenance of roads, wells, schools, burial
grounds, sanitation, public health, libraries, community centre etc. except these functions 11th
schedule of 73rd CAA also allots some other functions

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 45
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2 Component Profiling

ICAP guidelines have identified 14 desirable components. These components are given
considering the laying out of the urban infrastructure under the rural context.

The 14 components that have been given are:

1. Skill development training linked to economic activities
2. Agri Services, and Processing
3. Digital Literacy
4. 24*7 Piped Water Supply
5. Sanitation
6. Solid and Liquid Waste Management
7. Redevelopment of Village Streets and Drains
8. Village Streetlights
9. Health
10. Upgrading Primary, Secondary, and Higher Secondary School
11. Inter-Village Road Connectivity
12. Citizen Service Centers
13. Public Transport
14. LPG Gas Connections

Each of these components is structured in detail to understand the existing situation in the
cluster. In addition, evaluation of each of the component is carried out in terms of the demand
and supply.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 46
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.1 Skill Development Training Linked to Economic Activities

Skill and knowledge are the important driving factors for financial growth and community
development. Skill building can be viewed as a tool to improve efficiency that would not only
provide more options for income, but also promote options for alternate economic
opportunities. It could also be seen as an instrument to empower the individual and improve
their livelihood conditions. Relevance to Cluster

The 2011 Census reveals that around 46% population of the cluster is working population, and
is involved full time or marginally with some kind of economic activities. The main economic
activity of the cluster is agriculture. As per the Census data, around 82% of the total working
population of the cluster is involved in primary activities, which means they are involved in
activities related to either agriculture or animal husbandry. Primary survey of villages within
the cluster revealed that majority of them are involved with agricultural activities, and very
small number of people are involved with animal husbandry. However, due to the climatic
conditions of the cluster, the villagers are able to take only single crop. Hence, the agriculture
as source of livelihood and economic base is limited to monsoon season only. Hence, for the
remaining period of the year, some villagers migrate to nearby town and cities like Surat,
Ankleshwar, Mandvi, Vyara, Bardoli and work as casual laborers. Villagers involved in casual
work for the entier year are very less in number.

The cluster does not have a strong base of household industry. Few women pursue courses like
sewing and tailoring in nearby towns and work on their own. However, the number is quite
negotiable and hence, almost works out as alternate economic option for the village. Primary
survey in Ghanawad village reveals that there are few communities in the village that are
involved in home based industry of basket making.

Hence, Umarpada as a cluster is still primarily dependent on agriculture for its economic and
livelihood. Hence, this particular component appears to be important for the cluster, as
upgrading the skills of villagers in the cluster will improve their economic opportunities. Existing Scenario

The impartment of skill based training is done through Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in
Umarpada cluster. The ITIs fall under Directorate General of Employment and Training,
Ministry of Employment and Labor, Government of India. It was established in the year 2007.
ITIs float various diploma courses to develop industry based skill set to students. These courses
can be undertaken after passing 8th and 10th standard based on course syllabus. They are mostly
hands on courses providing technical knowledge.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 47
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Map 8: Existing ITI and KVK in Umarpada cluster

Source: Primary survey

There is an Industrial Training Institutes located in Unchvan villages. This ITI has total of 8
long as well as short term courses. These courses are of fitter, electrician, wire men, electronic
mechanic, welder, mechanic diesel, computer operator cum programming assistance and
cutting and sewing. In the year 2016-17 there were 368 approved seats out of which 322 seats
were enrolled in April 2017. There are 242 male students and 81 female students. 241 students
come from within the district and 81 students come from outside the district. In the year 2017-
18 the sanctioned seats are 450, out of which 61 students are from previous batch. However,
there are limited courses that are of interest to women. Women generally prefer two courses,
viz. computer operator cum programming assistance and cutting and sewing. Majority of the
work force in the cluster depends on primary sector. Presence of an ITI in this agriculture
dominated area has opened up new opportunities for the youth. The course details with type
and seats are shown in table below.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 48
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 10 Courses of Unchvan ITI (Year2016-17)

Approved Seats

Enrolled seats
Since (years)

S. No.

Enrolled Enrolled ed
Enrolled (Category)
(place) (Gender) (Cate







1 Fitter 2 48 43 33 10 0 36 1 6 0 43 0

2 Electrician 2 48 50 33 17 0 50 0 0 0 50 0
3 Wire Men 2 48 45 35 10 0 44 1 0 0 45 0
Electronic 10th
4 2 20 9 9 0 0 8 0 1 0 9 0
Mechanic pass
5 Welder 1 48 24 19 5 0 24 0 0 0 24 0
Mechanic 10th
6 1 48 37 25 12 0 36 1 0 0 37 0
Deiseal pass
cum 10th
7 1 60 67 56 11 0 67 0 0 35 32 2
Programm pass
Cutting 8th
8 1 48 47 31 16 0 47 0 0 45 2 0
and sewing pass

Source: Unchvan ITI

The villagers were dependent of KVK located in Deesa (426km).However, a new KVK has
been established in the year 2012. This KVK is located in village Unchvan. Currently it has
four courses running which are basic sewing operator, ladies tailor, spoken english and basic
computer fundamentals. Presently there are 80 students enrolled in KVK. Kendra has in total
3 trainers teaching all the courses and 3 classes to accommodate the students. Spoken English
and basic computer fundamentals are the courses which have both male and female students.
The remaining two courses have only female students. The course details with type and seats
are shown in table below.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 49
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 11 Courses of Unchvan KVK

S. No. Courses Duration M/F
1 Basic Sewing Operator 3 months 20 Female
2 Ladies Tailor 3 months 20 Female
3 Spoken English 1 months 20 Female and Male
Basic Computer
4 1 months 20 Female and Male
Fundamentals Issues

Issues pertaining to this sector were identified through consultation and discussion with
stakeholders which included ITI officials, students. Issues pertaining to 2 skill development
centers are outlined below.

The ITI is located on the out skirts of Unchvan village. Hence, students have to reach ITI
through village settlement road which is as narrow as 8 feet and is kutcha road. They have to
generally walk from bus depot to ITI. Hence, there is a requirement of feeder system or
widening of village roads, so that they can use paratransit like rickshaw.

The lack of awareness among the people in the cluster is the major issue for this sector due to
which the level of skills among the population has become limited. So for them the only option
for employment becomes agriculture activities.

There are four courses that are offered by KVK, however, they have only 3 classrooms and
only 3 teachers. Hence, there is a requirement of additional classroom and one teacher. The
other major issue is that there are no industries for the placement so people find it difficult to
find jobs and most end up migrating or returning back to farming. Deficiency Analysis

Table 22: Gap Identification in Skill Development Component

A B C D= C-B

Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
-At-least 70 percent
Widening of road between
Skill -1 ITI in Unchvan with total household with one
bus depot and ITI in
Development 368 seats. 8 Courses offered. beneficiary in each
Unchvan village.
training Linked household
to Economic - 1 KVK in Unchvan with  1 Classroom (35-45 sq
Activities 80 enrolled students.4 meters)
Courses offered.  1 Teacher
Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 50
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

The desired level of service delivery in this component is 70% of households having at least
one beneficiary of the government training program that is ITI. The total households in cluster
are 2997, while the numbers of ITI seats sanctioned are 450 which is just 15% of the total
households. So there is serious requirement of upgrading the quality and quantity of training
programs and also introduces engineering based degree courses Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Addition of a course in the existing KVK

Cureently, Umarpada cluster has one KVK in Unchvan village that provides four courses, viz,
sewing operator, ladies tailor, spoken English and basic computer fundamentals, but during
FGDs,according to the people of the cluster, a new course catering to beauty parlour services
should also be introduced in the KVK to train people in that field. For introducing this course,
it would require certain infrastructure to be provided for practical training.

Table 23: Estimated cost for the introduction of beauty parlour course
Cost per chair Total cost of Cost of other Total cost for the
Number of chairs
(Rs.) chairs (Rs.) equipments course (Rs.)
2 25,000 50,000 20,000 70,000

Cureently, Umarpada cluster has one KVK in Unchvan village that provides four courses, viz,
sewing operator, ladies tailor, spoken English and basic computer fundamentals but has only
three classrooms and three trainers. Hence, there is a need to provide one more classroom to
accommodate the four courses. The proposed classroom would be of 20x20 sq ft, and would
cost a total of 2.8 lakh (at a cost of Rs. 700 per sq.ft.)

Project 2: Provision of new classrooms in the existing KVK

Currently, the KVK in Unchvan village provides four courses but has only three classrooms,
and with the introduction of a new course as per project-1, KVK needs a total two new
classrooms to accommodate a total of five courses on its premises. The proposed classrooms
would be of 20x20 sq ft each, and would cost a total of 5.6 lakh (at a cost of Rs. 700 per sq.ft.).
Table 24: Costing of construction of the proposed KVKs
No. of class Total area of class Cost per sq. ft
Village Size (sq. ft) Total cost (Rs)
rooms rooms (sq. ft) (Rs)

Unchvan 2 400 800 1,000 8,00,000

10% of the total cost (building and equipments) has been taken for operation and maintenance.
Therefore, a budget of Rs. 6.93 lakh is required for the introduction of a new course and
addition of new classrooms in the existing KVK.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 51
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 25: Total cost estimates for upgrading exiting KVKs

Building construction (Rs.) 8,00,000
Equipments (Rs.) 70,000
O&M (Rs.) 63,000
Total cost (Rs.) 9,33,000

Project 3: Awareness training camps

Under this proposals, camps will be organized for creating awareness regarding different skill
development among the population to increase their economy. This camps will allow people
to identify their skills and will promote them to adopt those skills for their employment purpose.
There will camps organized for 200 people at e very 3 months in different villages of the cluster.
The cost of each camp will be 1.5 lakhs.
Equipment Cost (in lakh)
Total no. of camps -12 18 Project Phasing and Scheme Convergence

Table 26 CGF Skill development training and linked economic activities



Skill Development

t(In lakh

Total investment

wise (In
CGF require (In

Total fund from


(In lakh rupees)



each scheme
lakh rupees)


2016- 2017- 2018 201 2017 2018

17 18 -19 6-17 -18 -19
Provision of
2 new
in the
KVK at
training 18.00
26.70 Liveliho 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.29 9.72 7.29
camps- 12
Addition of Mission
a beauty
course in the
existing 0.70
KVK- 2
chairs and

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 52
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.2 Agri Services and Processing

The component outlines the particular of agriculture services and processing industries that
needs to be provided supplementing the agricultural sector. The component has been brought
up with a view to support the better functioning of the agriculture as a market. Relevance to Cluster

Total area under agriculture in Umarpada cluster is 1306 ha, which is 51% of total area.
Majority of the people in the cluster are dependent on agriculture as source of their income.
Census data shows (2011) around 82 % of population are involved in primary activities, like
agriculture and animal husbandry. The primary source of irrigation is ground water Existing scenario

The crops harvested in the cluster are Dangar, Makai, tuver, juvar, cotton, rice, soyabean and
Adad. The major source of irrigation is ground water as majority of irrigation is done through
wells and tube wells. The nearest APMC market is in the Kevdi which is 15 km away from
Umarpada. There is no agro processing industries, cold storage and warehousing facility in or
around the cluster.

Along with agriculture some of the villagers are also involved in the livestock rearing. There
is a dairy in Umarpada where the villagers sell milk produce from their livestock and is also
sent to SUMUL.
Map 9: Existing percentage area under agriculture in Umarpada cluster

Source: Census of India (2011)

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 53
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 27: Agriculture details: type of crops grown in Umarpada cluster

Umarpada Unchavan Pinpur Darda Ghanawad Umargot Khodamba Panchamba Ambadi Total
Cultivated Area (ha) 410 110 190 91 355 230 92 275 1753

Bin Area 80 20 50 20 90 60 20 70 410

Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1500-2000
Area 35 10 25 5 25 25 14 45 184
Per Hectare Cultivated 4200-4500

Bin Area 45 15 25 15 40 25 10 30 205

Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1800-2000

Bin Area 50 10 15 10 40 25 5 35 190

Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1110-1500

Area 55 17 15 10 45 30 17 25 214
Kapas Per Hectare Cultivated 1000-1200 N.A.
(Cotton) Area 30 8 15 5 35 20 5 15 133
Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1200-1500

Bin Area 50 10 15 3 20 15 5 10 128

Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1600-1700

Bin Area 10 5 5 3 10 5 2 10 50
Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 1500-1800

Bin Area 25 5 10 5 20 10 7 10 92
Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 700-800

Bin Area 30 10 15 15 30 15 7 25 147

Piyat Per Hectare Cultivated 3000-4000
Source:Agriculture Department

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 54
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Issues

The major issue that got highlighted during the Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) is lack of
irrigation facilities in the cluster.

The taluka receives around 1300mm of average rainfall. However, due to lack of rain water
harvesting not much water is being stored, so that it can be used in other seasons as well. Also
as the farmers have single crop a year and the livestock are not sufficient for their livelihood. Deficiency Analysis

Table 28 Deficiency analysis Agri-services and processing

A B C D= C-B

Desirable Component Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

There is no agro processing

Warehouse/ storage industries, cold storage and Need of storage and
facilities warehousing facility in or warehouse facilities
around the cluster

Gram Sevaks
The existing Gram Sevaks
should visit the Need to provide more Gram
Gram Sevaks do not visit the villages at
farmers at Sevaks to help the farmers
regular intervals
frequent and
regular intervals

Use of bore well, wells and Need of irrigation facilities

Irrigation facilities
river for irrigation throughout the year Projects and Proposals

Umarpada cluster has a primary sector based economy, as 82% of total workforce in the cluster
is engaged with primary sector.
Project 1: Provision of irrigation facilities through community wells and lift irrigation

Although Umarpada cluster receives considerable annual rainfall, it fails to capture the required
water for agricultural activities. Therefore, it is proposed that community wells be provided in
each village to help farmers use water for irrigation. Lift irrigation is a method of irrigation in
which water is lifted with pumps or other means from the water source, here, community wells,
to the main delivery chamber, which is situated at the top most point in the command area,
from where it is distributed to the farms through a distribution method. According to the total
cultivated area in each village, required number of community wells and lift irrigation device
has been calculated.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 55
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 29: Unit cost of community well and lift irrigation device

Equipment Cost (in lakh)

Community well 7.00
Pvc Pipe Line 200 mm Dia 200 mt & 160 mm Dia 800 mt 5.50
Distribution Chembers 20 nos 2.40
Delivery Chember 1 No 0.50
Machine Room 1.10
Diesel Engine 1 No of 12.50 H.P. 1.50
Total 18.00

Table 30: Total estimated cost for irrigation facilities

Total number of community wells and lift

Unit cost (Rs.) Total cost (Rs.)
irrigation devices
23 18,00,000 414,00,000

Project 2: SHG’s (self help group) for self employment setups at Umarpada

The main agricultural produce of the cluster includes Dangar, Soyabean, tuver, Makai, adad,
juwar, kapas, groundnut, from which the production of rice and soyabean is more. So this
proposal includes agro processing units for different products of the crops which are grown in
this area.Agro processing units for rice and soyabean products are introduced in Umarpada.
Also there is provision given for irrigation facilities through which the production of crops will
increase in the cluster. These units will be developed under agriculture department which will
be run by SHG’s. These SHG’s will train people of the cluster to work at the agro processing
units and will be involved in the whole process from manufacturing, packaging and marketing.

These will provide different economic opputunities to the people and will generate employment
to people throughout the year. This will invite agro processing setups in future to the area
through this initiative.
Table 31 Agro processing unit detail
Equipment Cost (in rupees)
Soya Sauce 5,05,4900
Soya milk, soya paneer, curd etc 3,82,4422
Popcorn Manufacturing unit 3,88,3609
Poha manufacturing unit 2,01,8110
Paddy processing unit 1,31,6694
Murmura manufacturing unit 1,31,6694
Total 3,06,65,429

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 56
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Project 3: Provision of collection centres in each village

While consulting the agriculture department officials, it was inferred that collection centres of
the agricultural produce are required in each village. Each collection centre would be equipped
with storage facilities and packing materials. The produce from these collection centres would
then be sent to the nearest APMC, which is in Kevdi (15km away from the cluster), through
tempo facilities. Each such facility costs approximately 5 lakh each while each tempo costs 2

Table 32: Estimated cost of Collection centres in Umarpada cluster

Facility Number of Units Unit Cost (Rs.) Total Cost (Rs.)
Collection centre building
8 5,00,000 40,00,000
construction and euipements
Tempos 4 2,00,000 8,00,000
O&M 60,000 4,00,000
Total Cost 52,00,000

The total cost of the two propsals for the component Agri services and processing works out to
be 4.12 crore.

Project 4: Provision of Gram Sevaks (Agriculture Assistants):

Major responsibilities of a Gram Sevak is to regularly visit the farmers, inspect their crops and
offer them advice and directions on all aspects of crop production. They are also responsible
for identification of needs of the farmers and actual beneficiaries for availing assistance under
various schemes of the Agriculture Department. They need to make arrangement for the
conduct of group visits and discussions, seminars etc; and are responsible for submission of
progress reports to the Agricultural Officer, regarding the progress of implementation of
various schemes.

The farmer in Umarpada, currently practice single cropping pattern and face an issue of low
crop yield. From primary survey, it was also noted that there is lack of programs conducted for
the farmers imparting them the information on how to achieve maximum crop yield. Therefore,
there is a need of Gram Sevaks.

Since, majority of the agricultural land in the cluster is dependant on rainfall for irrigation, on
an average 1 Gram Sevak is required per 800 farmers, and therefore, a total of 10 Gram Sevaks
is proposed, so as to felicitate the farmers with the opportunity to increase their maximum crop
yield and to improve their farming techniques. Project Phasing and Scheme Convergence

Table 33: CGF of Agri services and processing

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 57
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

schedule scheme
CGF require (In lakh rupees)


Total fund from each scheme

schedule total
wise (In lakh

lakh rupees)
Total investment (In lakh

State/Central scheme








Provision of
through 207. 207.0 62. 82. 62.1
community 00 0 10 80 0
wells and lift
irrigation Vikas
device (23 no) Yojna
SHG’s (self (RKVY)
processi 291. 389. 291.
help group) for Pradhan
ng and Mantri
79 06 79
self 306.
services 306.65 Krishi 0.00
employment 65
setups at Sinchai
Umarpada 0 0 0
Provision of
centres in each 252.00 0.00
village-8 no,
tempos-4 no

4.2.3 Digital Literacy

“Digital Literacy is the ability of individuals and communities to understand and use digital
technologies for meaningful actions within life situations” (National Digital Literacy Mission). Relevance to Cluster

The basic definition of digital literacy which focuses on understanding and use of digital
technology, and the person who fulfill these criteria is considered as e-literate. Expectation of
this component is to have at least one digitally e-literate person in every household. Umarpada
is a tribal cluster. Digital literacy in the village is low. The sources of digital library are Kaushal
Vikas Kendra (Unchwan), ITI (Unchwan), Common Service Center (CSC). Existing Scenario

Average desired level for digital connectivity as per SPMRM guidelines is one e-literate person
per household. The percentage of digital literacy is low in the village. There are 15% of the
total population of the cluster who are connected with digital literacy, this includes use of

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 58
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

phones and computers. This number is because of recent shift in the pattern of usage of mobile
phones especially smart phones with internet. When asked about number of people with
computer knowledge, hardly anyone had knowledge to use computer.

The data documented here has been acquired through primary survey and discussions with the
panchayat authorities and through household survey done for limited number of households.

Map 10: Percentage distribution of HH having digital literacy in the village

Source: Primary Survey Issues

Average desired level for digital connectivity as per SPMRM guidelines is one e-literate person
per household which is not seen currently in the village. Hence, there is a need for improvement
and serious requirement of upgrading the quality and quantity of training programs. Deficiency Analysis

Table 34 Gap Identification in Digital Literacy

A B C D= C-B
Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 59
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

● Only 15% of HH have one e- 585% HH are not having

At least one e-literate digitally e-literate person at
literate person.
Digital Literacy person in every
● Access to digital library is cluster level
very low

Table 35: Gap in digital literacy in Umarpada cluster

Panch Amba
Khod Amba




literacy 15% 5% 2% 25% 50% 2% 10% 25% 3%

85% 95% 98% 75% 50% 98% 90% 75% 97%

Source: Primary Survey

Not all the households are having one digitally literate person. There is an average gap of 85%
from the desired level which is, all the households must have at least one e-literate person.
There is a strong requirement of training institute with proper infrastructure that can provide
digital skills and computer training. Apart from that, the number of people that can actually use
computer are very less under digital literacy Projects and Proposals

For achieving the desired state of the component 2547 people from remaining HH will be
trained under National Digital Literacy Mission. For that 13 training camps will be organized
with strength of 200 people in each camp.

Table 36 Project detail for digital literacy

cost in Schemes available
Project Number of person Unit cost
lakh for convergence

2547 125 Rs per person for

Digital Literacy general population
0.5 NDLM
(382 Gen., 2165 (ST,SC have to pay no
ST&SC) cost)

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 60
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 37: Proposed project phasing for Digital Literacy

Total funds from scheme wise

schedule scheme wise

investment (in lakh

Total investment (in lakh)

CGF required (in lakhs)


State/Central scheme

(in lakhs)


(in lakhs)

2016- 2017- 2018- 2016- 2017- 2018-

17 18 19 17 18 19

Digital 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.15

0.5 0.00 NDLM .50

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 61
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.4 24*7 Piped Water Supply

Sufficient and satisfactory amount of water supply is essential for any kind of development.
On the same principle and to have assurance towards the water security this component is seen
to be framed within the guidelines. Relevance to Cluster

On reviewing the water supply system for domestic purpose in gamtal areas, it is found that
the Umarpada cluster receives water from the shallow and deep tube wells situated at different
locations in the village. The whole cluster is dependent on groundwater. Various bodies which
are involved in providing water supply in the village are Panchayat, GWSSB / Pani Purwatha,
WASMO, through NRDWP and other such water supply schemes. Existing Scenario

The water is supplied in the villages through hand-pumps and the mini scheme. In general one
tap in the village is shared by 9-10 households. Mini schemes and hand pumps are either
provided by WASMO GWSSB or Panchayat. But in most of the cases it is provided by
WASMO due to lack of funding with panchayat. All the villages in cluster have Mini Pipe
Scheme which aims at provision of the safe drinking water facilities. As the cluster depends
mainly on bore wells as source of water it is difficult in summers to get the water for drinking
and for other purposes. Thus current scenario exhibits water deficit at source and infrastructural
provision. The water quality is hard and is potable in nature.

Table 38: Available water sources in Umarpada cluster

Table 39 Village level water supply system ownership

Water supply system Capital works O&M

Source of water GWSSB GWSSB
Treatment plant NA NA
Main trunk line NA NA
Primary storage NA NA
Secondary storage(village level) GWSSB,WASMO,Panchayats Village Panchayats
Inter village water supply network WASMO,Panchayats Village Panchayats

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 62
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Water supply system Capital works O&M

Household connection NA NA
Source: Primary Survey

Thus with this understanding further subsequent sub sections will describe the complexity of
the village wise water distribution system. The distribution of water supply from the two
secondary sources available for the cluster can be shown as below:

Table 40: Distribution of Water Supply in the cluster

Panchayat bore
wells and hand All Villages
Ground Water
Mini pipe line All Villages

Water Supply infrastructure at Village level

The details regarding the water supply system of each of the villages in the cluster has been
described in detail in this section. The villages of the cluster are fully dependent on the ground
water. This is a very unsustainable and unpredictable source to rely on. Serving the village thus
becomes difficult. The same was also gathered when Focused Group Discussions were


The main source of water in Darda is through ground water. They fetch water from Community
taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There are 13 hand pumps and 3 mini
schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 300 feet while in winter it
reaches till 200 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 100 feet. It does not have any ESR. No
other treatment happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of
monsoon which is done by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold level. The
individual level treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 63
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 41: Scenario of water suppli in Darda village

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 0

Capacity of ESR NA

No of Hand pump 13

No of Mini Scheme 3

Tap water connection 45 HHs (Working: 45 HHs)

Mini Capacity 15,000 litre

Age of network NA

Per capita water supply 70 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Ambadi is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There are 15 hand pumps
and 1 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 250 feet while
in winter it reaches till 150 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 70 feet. It does have an ESR.
Currently the ESR constructed is not in working condition; water is not supplied in the village
using this ESR. Water pipelines were also laid in the village but water was never provided
using them, they are not in working condition.No other treatment happens except for dropping
chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of monsoon which is done by the Asha workers
and individual treatment at house hold level. The individual level treatment includes straining
and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if required.

Table 42: Water supply scenario in Ambadi

Parameters Values

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 1 (Not Working)

Capacity of ESR 30,000 litre

No of Hand pump 15

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 64
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Parameters Values

No of Mini Scheme 1

Tap water connection 15 HHs

Mini Capacity 5,000 litre

Age of network 3 years

Per capita water supply 40 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Khodamba is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 36 hand pumps and
6 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches around 500 feet while
in winter it reaches till 150 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 100 feet. It does not have any
ESR. Only 15-20 HHs are connected to piped water network due to lack of funds. No other
treatment happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of
monsoon which is done by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold level. The
individual level treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if
Table 43: Scenario of water supply system in Khodamba
Parameters Values

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 0

Capacity of ESR NA

No of Stand Post 0

No of Hand pump 34

No of Mini Scheme 6 (3 working)

Tap water connection 90 HHs (Working: 45 HHs)

Mini Capacity 30,000 litre

Age of network 10-15 years

Per capita water supply 35 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 65
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

The main source of water in Panchamba is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 29 hand pumps and
9 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 300 feet while in
winter it reaches till 200 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 100 feet. It does not have any
ESR. No other treatment happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at
the time of monsoon which is done by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold
level. The individual level treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the
water if required.

Table 44: Scenario of water supply system in Panchamba

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 0

Capacity of ESR NA

No of Hand pump 29

No of Mini Scheme 9 (3 working)

Tap water connection 135 HHs (Working: 45 HHs)

Mini Capacity 45,000 litre

Age of network NA

Per capita water supply 60 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Pinpur is through ground water. They fetch water from Community
taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 41 hand pumps and 3 mini
schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 300 feet while in winter it
reaches till 200 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 100 feet. This village has one ESR with
the capacity of 60,000 litre but ESR is in dilapidated condition. No other treatment happens
except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of monsoon which is done
by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold level. The individual level
treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if required.
Table 45: Scenario of water supply system in Pinpur

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 66
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

No of ESR 1 (Not Working)

Capacity of ESR 60,000 litre

No of Hand pump 41

No of Mini Scheme 3

Tap water connection 45 HHs

Mini Capacity 15,000 litre

Age of network 5 years

Per capita water supply 70 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Umargot is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 47 hand pumps and
11 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 350 feet while in
winter it reaches till 250 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 40-60 feet. It does not have any
ESR. No other treatment happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at
the time of monsoon which is done by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold
level. The individual level treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the
water if required.

Table 46: Scenario of water supply system in Umargot

Parameters Values

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 0

Capacity of ESR NA

No of Hand pump 47

No of Mini Scheme 11 (2 working)

Tap water connection 165 HHs (Working: 30 HHs)

Mini Capacity 55,000 litre

Age of network New

Per capita water supply 55 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 67
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Parameters Values

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Umarpada is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 70 hand pumps and
4 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 450 feet while in
winter it reaches till 300 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 70-80 feet. It does have one
ESR with the capacity of 50,000 liters but the location of ESR is not able to pump water because
of the low water table. No other treatment happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the
storage tanks at the time of monsoon which is done by the Asha workers and individual
treatment at house hold level. The individual level treatment includes straining and at the time
of monsoon boiling the water if required. The ground water source creates problem in summer.
Hence, villagers have to depend on tankers for water.

Table 47: Scenario of water supply system in Umarpada

Parameters Values

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 1 (Not Working)

Capacity of ESR 50,000 litre

No of Hand pump 70

No of Mini Scheme 4 (3 working)

Tap water connection 60 HHs (Working: 45 HHs)

Mini Capacity 45,000 litre

Age of network 10 years

Per capita water supply 70 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Unchavan is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 48 hand pumps and
8 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 300 feet while in
winter it reaches till 250 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 50 feet. It does have one ESR
with the capacity of 50,000 liters but it is in dilapidated condition. No other treatment happens
except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of monsoon which is done

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 68
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold level. The individual level
treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if required.
Table 48: Scenario of water supply system in Unchvan

Parameters Values

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 1 (Not Working)

Capacity of ESR 50,000

No of Hand pump 48

No of Mini Scheme 8

Tap water connection 120 HHs (Working: 0 HHs)

Mini Capacity 40,000 litre

Age of network 20 years

Per capita water supply 70 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey


The main source of water in Ghanawad is through ground water. They fetch water from
Community taps (connected to bore) and Community hand-pumps. There 74 hand pumps and
2 mini schemes present in the village. The water level in summer reaches 300 feet while in
winter it reaches till 200 feet and in monsoon depth of water is 100 feet. It does have one ESR
with the capacity of 40,000 liters but it was not used as a water facility. No other treatment
happens except for dropping chlorine balls into the storage tanks at the time of monsoon which
is done by the Asha workers and individual treatment at house hold level. The individual level
treatment includes straining and at the time of monsoon boiling the water if required.
Table 49: Scenario of water supply system in Ghanavad

No of sump 0

Capacity of sump(lakh lit) NA NA

No of ESR 1 (Not Working)

Capacity of ESR 40,000 litre

No of Hand pump 74

No of Mini Scheme 2

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 69
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Tap water connection 30 HHs (Working: 0 HHs)

Mini Capacity 10,000 litre

Age of network 20 years

Per capita water supply 70 LPCD

Water quality Potable

Source: Primary survey

Table 50: Summary of water supply scenario

Khod Amba





483 622 1,673 1,119 1,164 1,894 2,300 2,642 3,591
supply 33,810 24,880 58,555 67,140 81,480 10,4170 1,61,000 1,84,940 2,51,370
33,810 43,540 1,17,110 78,330 81,480 1,32,580 1,61,000 1,84,940 2,51,370
Gap 0 18,660 43,540 11,190 0 28,410 0 0 0
Total HH 96 117 368 237 232 348 398 551 650
Total Tap
0.5% 0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0% 0%
Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 70
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Map 11: Existing availale LPCD in Umarpada cluster Issues

Table 51: Issues of Water supply system in Umarpada







Source of water
1 supply Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground Ground
Any Treatment
2 Plant facility- type Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
and capacity
Any problems
3 with leakages/old NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
piping systems
Total 3 Mini Total 4 Mini Total 8 Mini Total 2 Mini
Total 1 Mini
Schemes. Schemes. Schemes. Schemes.
Scheme. Total 11
Total 3 Total 6 Total 9 Capacity of Capacity of Capacity of Capacity of
Capacity of Mini
Storage Mini Mini Mini 15,000 20,000 40,000 10,000
5000 litres. Schemes.
Reservoirs- Schemes. Schemes. Schemes. liters. liters. liters. liters. One
4 One ESR of Capacity
number and Capacity Capacity Capacity One ESR of One ESR of One ESR of ESR of
Capacity of
capacity of 15,000 of 30,000 of 45,000 Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
30,000 55,000
liters.l liters. liters. 60,000 50,000 50,000 40,000
liters. (NOT liters.
liters. (NOT liters. (NOT liters. (NOT liters. (NOT

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 71
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada






Coverage of WS
5 0.5% 0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0% 0%
(piped) at
household level
No of Hand-
pumps and
6 coverage of each 13 15 34 29 41 47 70 48 74
stand post ( no of
Per capita
availability of
7 70 40 35 60 70 55 70 70 70
drinking water
No of hours of
water supply
Any metering
systems available
Quality of water
10 Potable Potable Potable Potable Potable Potable Potable Potable Potable
Water supply
systems of

Source: Primary survey

Note: Each mini scheme tank has capacity of 5000 litres.

 The per capita water supply is 70 LPCD in Darda, Pinpur, Umarpada, Unchavan and
Ghanawad, however there are villages which gets less LPCD as shown in table.
 There is provision of ESRs in five villages but it was never used for water supply. Some
of them are in dilapidated condition or there are issues of level difference at
constrcucted location (Umarpada).
 There is a high dependency on ground wate. Hence, in summers there are issues of
water as 40-50% handpumps stop working.
 There is no treatment of water supplied as they use directly from ground water. There
are diseases identified like kidney stones, because water is hard in nature. But there is
some primary treatment done by Asha worker by dropping chlorine balls in storage
 Cluster faces critical issue during March to June as water table depth decreases during
this period. Hence 40-50% hanpumps become non-functional.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 72
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Deficiency Analysis

Table 52 Deficiency analysis water supply

A B C D= C-B

Desirable Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps


In Umargot and Panch Amba

villages have on an average
availability of water is 55-60 lpcd.
Khod Amba and Ambadi villages
have on an average availability of -Considering the desired
water is 35 and 40 respectively. level there is a gap of 10-
Darda, Pinpur, Umarpada, 15 lpcd in Panch Amba
70 liters per capita per day
Unchvan and Ghanawad villages and Umargot villages and
24x7 Piped Water (lpcd) of safe drinking
have achieved desired level of 70 about 30-35 lpcd in
Supply water for every
lpcd. households throughout the Ambadi and Khod
year. Amba..
-Pipe network coverage is nearly
0% in most of the villages only -Need to cover 100%
few villages have some HHs with households with piped
pipe connection connected to mini network in the cluster.
schems storage tanks
-Water quality in all the villages is
potable but has high turbidity as
per the FGD & HH survey.

Even though there is no gap according to the desired level of project guidelines, most of these
villages do not have a pipe connection.

Table 53 Gap Analysis in Water Supply







1 70 40 35 60 70 55 70 70 70
water (lpcd)
30,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 40,000
2 No.of ESR 0 (not 0 0 (not 0 (not (not (not
Working) Working) Working) Working) Working)
3, 6, 9, 11, 4, 8, 2,
1, Capacity 3, Capacity
3 Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
Mini of 5,000 of 15,000
of 15,000 of 30,000 of 45,000 of 55,000 of 20,000 of 40,000 of 10,000
liters liters
liters liters liters liters liters liters liters
4 Hand Pump 13 15 34 29 41 47 70 48 74

5 Piped
0.5% 0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0% 0%
Projected no
1 of 115 154 460 261 263 458 477 590 876
2 0.04 0.06 0.17 0.09 0.10 0.17 0.17 0.21 0.32

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 73
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada






(MLD) Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Kakrapar Juthpani Purtvatha Yojana (Kakrapar Regional Water Supply

According to GWSSB, this scheme is for provision surface water supply in Mandvi, Mangrol
and Umarpada proposed by GWSSB. The main aim of this scheme is to solve the issue of
drinking water for villagers of Mandvi, Mangrol and Umarpada. This surface water will be for
kakrapar reservoir built on Tapi river which is perennial. Through inatake well water will reach
to sathvav village of Mandvi taluka and from there, there is a provision of underground tank
and then it will be provided by to gram panchayat through underground tank. From Umarpada,
42 villages will be covered under this scheme with 100 lpcd and all the villages which are in
this cluster will be included in this scheme. The scheme will be implemented in the cluster in
March 2018.

Taluka No of Villages Proposed Project Cost

Mandvi 93

Mangrol 24
Rs. 243.35 Cr.
Umarpada 42

Kakrapar regional water supply scheme will be implemented covering 159 villages with the
total cost of rs. 243.35 Crore. Hence, cost of the scheme per village will be around rs. 1.53
Crore. Therefore total cost of scheme for the cluster will be around rs.13.77 crore.

There are 2 propsoed sub head works in the cluster. The storage details are given below:

Sub Head Work name Capacity of Sump Capacity of ESR Height

Umarpada Sub HeadWork 26.30 lac lit 10.30 lac lit 20 M

Panchamba Sub HeadWork 3.0 lac lit 1.40 lac lit 15 M

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 74
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 54: Proposed project phasing for Water supply

Sector Projects Total CGF State/Cent- Total Implementation Implementation

invest- (in ral scheme fund schedule scheme schedule total
ment lakhs) from wise (in lakhs) investment (in
(in project lakhs)
lakhs) wise
(in 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
lakhs) -17 -18 -19 -17 -18 -19
24x7 Regional
piped water
(Kakrapar 1377 0.00 1377 413 550 413 413 550 413
Water supply
Supply scheme

4.2.5 Sanitation

Sanitation as component seems to be partially in line with the other schemes like Swachh
Bharat mission with the aim to provide individual toilets to 100% households. Relevance to Cluster

On referring SPMRM guidelines, it is desirable that all the villages in the cluster achieve
universal sanitation and are open defecation free. For this, the guidelines suggest that 100%
HH should have individual latrine facility. Existing Scenario

As per the primary survey, a significant percentage of population of the cluster does not have
provision of toilets; however, the overall condition of the available toilets is good and

Most of the toilets in the cluster have been built under the Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) till
2016, after which Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)
took over the construction of toilets following a re-survey of the existing scenario. Since then
MGNREGA has been responsible for providing latrine facilities in Umarpada cluster.

In the cluster, the disposal is done through soak pits (khad kua), as there is no drainage network
available in the villages. Only one village (Umarpada village) has around ten households which
have a piped network for disposal.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 75
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 55: Sanitation facilities in Umarpada cluster

The existing condition clearly shows that nearly 26% of the total households of the cluster do
not have a toilet at household level. Therefore, it can be inferred that they rely on open
defecation or public toilet, but the Sarpanch of the villages affirms that there is zero open
defecation in either of the villages of the cluster. From the primary surveys too, it was observed
that only three villages of Unchavan, Umarpada and Ghanawad villages practice open
defecation at 20%, 10% and 1% respectively. Rest of the 74% households have individual
toilets, which have been built under either SBM or MGNREGA or the households themselves
have invested in the construction of those toilets.

Umarpada village has 10 households which have piped drainage network. General dimensions
of a soak pit are 10x10x15 ft., As it was observed through the primary survey, cleaning of the
soak pits is not done at regular intervals. Individual households clean the soak pit once in 15
years, which ideally should be done once in 7 years.

Table 56: Laterine facilities in the villages of Umarpada cluster

Total HH of village HH having latrine HH without latrine
(2017) facility facility
Darda 96 96 0
Ambadi 117 115 2
Khodamba 368 60 308
Panchamba 237 216 21
Pinpur 232 183 49
Umargot 348 341 7
Umarpada 398 135 263
Unchvan 551 426 125
Ghanawad 650 648 2
Total 2997 2220 777
Source: Primary survey

Based on primary survey, it was found that there are no public toilets in the cluster except for
Umarpada village, where there is one public toilet in the main market space with five cubicles
each for both, male and females.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 76
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

For sanitation facility, there is a Central sponsored scheme i.e. Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM).
In Umarpada cluster, provision of sanitation facilities was taken over by MGNREGA from SBM
in the year 2016. After taking over, MGNREGA, carried out a survey to get the exiting status of
sanitation facilities in each village. Table 31, summarizes the number of toilets in each village
built under Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) and the number of toilets which have been completed
and which are in progress under MGNREGA.

Table 57: Toilets built under SBM and MGNREGA

Total Enrolled MNREGA HH with HH
Implemented Public
Villages HH of under On individual without
under SBM Completed Toilets
village SBM going Toilet Toilet

Darda 96 79 21 0 75 0 0 0

Ambadi 117 117 35 18 80 NA 2 0

Khodamba 368 129 25 0 35 NA 308 0

Panchamba 237 136 53 0 100 63 21 0

Pinpur 232 186 88 0 95 NA 49 0

Umargot 348 307 260 0 81 NA 7 0

Umarpada 398 209 18 0 117 0 263 1

Unchvan 551 522 98 20 70 258 125 0

Ghanawad 650 843 260 210 373 15 2 0

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 77
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Map 12: Percentage distribution of HH having laterine facilities

Source: Primary survey Issues

A significant percentage, 26% of the households, does not have toilet coverage in the cluster,
with Khod Amba village having the maximum number of households without a toilet facility.
Only 16% of the total households in Khod Amba village have toilet coverage, while Darda
village and Ghanawad village are the only two villages that have 100% toilet coverage at
household level with Ambadi village following them closely at 98% of coverage.

The cluster also lacks the provision of public toilets. There is only one public toilet in the entire
cluster in Umarpada village.

The cluster also lacks in a sewerage system and still depends on soak pits for the disposal.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 78
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 58: Sanitation issues of Umarpada cluster

Panch Amba
Khod Amba




Coverage of
100% 98% 16% 91% 79% 98% 34% 77% 100%
with Individual
Any Open
0% 10% NA 0% 0% 0% NA 20% 1%
condition of the Good Good NA Good Good Good Good Good Good
IHH Toilets
Connection (10 HH
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
with soak pits have piped
Coverage with
systems- type
and condition
Any sewage
treatment plant
and condition
Any alternate
systems of
treatment being
Any recycling
facilities NO
Source: Primary survey Deficiency Analysis

As mentioned earlier, only 74% of the households of the cluster are have toilet facility at the
household level and 26% of the households still need to be provided with these toilet facilities.
As can been seen from Table 59 in the projected scenario for the year 2021, a total of 1,434
toilets need to be provided at the cluster level.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 79
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 59 Deficiency analysis for sanitation:

A B C D= C-B
Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
● 74% (2220) of the HH have
Individual toilets in the
● 100% septic tank connection
100% HH with 26% (777) of HH do not
found in all villages
Sanitation Individual Household have individual latrines
● In Umarpada, 10 HH have
piped network
● There are no public toilets in
the cluster except for one in
Umarpada main market.

Table 60: Gap analysis and projections for 2021

Panch Amba
Khod Amba





Coverage of
with 96 115 60 216 183 341 135 426 648
type and
HH without
0 2 308 21 49 7 263 125 2
Network - - - - - - - - -
Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 80
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Provision of Individual Toilets

Taking the existing number households of cluster into consideration, there is need for provision
of 777 individual toilets to achieve the desired level. These toilets will be built at household
level. The finance for the same will be derived from Swachh Bharat Mission Funds/ MNREGA.

Table 61 Project details of Individual toilets

Project Number of
Proposal Unit cost Project Cost Scheme Applicable
Components Toilets
Provision of Toilet Block as
Individual per SBM Swachh Bharat
777 12,000/- 93.24 lakhs
Toilets guidelines Mission/ MNREGA

Project 2: Provision of Faecal/Sludge management

Fecal sludge management (FSM), is a management system that safely collects, transports, and
treats fecal sludge (also called septage) from pit latrines, septic tanks or other onsite sanitation
facilities (OSSF). It is basically a decentralized system where there is no sewerage network. In
other words, it deals with the mixture of human excreta and water that is collected in certain
types of decentralized toilets and sanitation systems, instead of going into
centralized Wastewater systems, it is collected and transferred to a common disposal treatment
plant. The waste disposal per person is considered 250 grams which is multiplied by the total
population to get the total waste generated.

The solid Waste collected from pits and septic tank are passed through screen into the feed
tanks and it is then discharged by honey sucker trucks. The screenings are stored in a plastic
container and disposed with municipal solid waste once the container is full. The faecal sludge
is stored in the feeding tank for 3-4 hours which causes to get seprate liquid and solid layers.
The gas generated by the digester is used for cooking by the operator of the plant. Once the
solid is stabilized they are sent to the drying beds and the dried sludge can be sold to farmers
at Rs. 1/ Kg. The gas generated by the digester could be used for cooking by the operator of
the plant. . The liquid part is treated through baffled reactor and is polished through gravel filter
and the water then collected could either be used for gardening or discharged in the river.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 81
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 62: Diagram for fecal sludge management

Table 63: Illustration of proposed fecal sludge managment plant

Table 64: Project details for Sewerage network

Projected Produced Capacity of Total capital Operation
Popultion(2031) per person plant(M3) cost(Lakhs) Cost(Lakhs)
24176 250 6042 6 70 3-4 lakh per year

The total cost of the project would be total capital 70 lakhs for Fecal Sudge management Plant
and the the operation and maintance cost would be 3-4 lakhs per year which consists of labour
charges for temporary jobs. This excludes the salary of the permanent operator.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 82
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 65: Proposed project phasing for Sanitation

Total fund from Scheme


CGF required (in crore)



(in lakh)
wise (in
Total investment (in



Central scheme

wise (in crore)









Provision Swach
of h
Individual 93.24 Bharat 65.29 48.97
Sanit 48.97
Toilets 70 Missio 93.24 27.97 37.29 27.97 6 2
ation 2

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 83
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.6 Solid and Liquid Waste Management

Solid and liquid waste management is directly related to the health and hygiene. It is also an
indicator of the socio-cultural condition of the village and town. This component outlines the
existing status of the system available for managing the waste and the scientific ways of
disposing it. Relevance to Cluster

Aim for this component as per SPMRM is to have collection of waste at individual household
level and treatment it at the cluster level. At present, there is no scientific method of managing
solid waste in the cluster. There is no door-to-door collection of solid waste facility in any
Umarpada cluster village. At the cluster level, the waste is dumped without any treatment in
Table 66: Informal dumping of solid waste in
open filed without practicing any segregation
Umarpada cluster method. Villagers follow the “Ukarda*” system.

*Ukarda: Ukarda system is done at individual HH level, daily generated solid waste is dumped
in the backyard of the house and it is used as fertilizer after one year period of time for
agriculture purpose. Existing Scenario

Umarpada cluster lacks proper solid waste collection method. From the visit to all the villages
it is clear that mostly people follow the Ukarda system. General practice which is followed in
all the villages is the waste generated at household level is dumped in the backyard, and the
organic waste is re-used again after a year as fertilizer in their farms, while the non-organic
waste is burnt in their own fields. There is also absence of community bins in the villages.
Roadside littering was found during site visit. This littering is unhygienic and creates
hindrances. There is no sweeper or agency appointed to clean the roads.. Issues
1. There is no effort for door to door collection facility in all villages.
2. No community bins.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 84
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

3. Segregation method is not practiced in any village.

4. Solid waste is directly dumped into open field without any disposal treatment. This
creates a lot of problem to the settlement around the open field.
5. Inorganic waste is been burned.
Table 67: Issues with Solid Waste Management in Umarpada Cluster







Existing Facilities for

Collection at Household NO

Any Segregation Done at

Household Level

Frequency & Mode of


Existing Facilities for

Disposal &Treatment

Type of Treatment facility (

need in 2021)

Any Non-
conventional/Traditional Ukarda System
methods/Organic of Solid
Waste Treatment

Any Recycling
Organic waste is been used as manure

Waste Disposal Facilities for

Not Applicable
Hazardous/Industrial waste

Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 85
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Deficiency Analysis

Table 68: Gap Identification of Solid and Liquid Waste Management in Umarpada Cluster

A B C D= C-B
Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
● Ukarda system is practiced
in all villages
● Door to door not been ● No Door to Door
● Collection at HH collection in 10 villages
Solid and facilitated
Liquid Waste ● Solid waste is disposed in ● Treatment at
Management open space without any Cluster Level ● No treatment of waste
treatment collected
● Burning of inorganic

Table 69: Gap Analysis of Solid Waste Collection & Treatment








Door to Door
Facilities for
Door to Door
Projected 115 154 460 261 263 458 477 590 876 3,654
Number of
Source Primary survey
Total households:- 2997
For household projection- Considered household size- 5.2 (present average household size in the cluster) Projects and Proposals

Considering the existing situation of waste collection at cluster level and at the same time
keeping in mind the desired level, proposals for waste collection and management are given.
Projects and proposals are based on projected population of 19,003 for the year 2021.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 86
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Project 1: Door to Door collection and Transportation

Desired level under SPMRM for Solid and Liquid waste management is to provide 100% door
to door solid waste collection in the villages. Projected population of Umarpada cluster in 2021
is approximately 19,003 and number of households are 2997. According to URDPFI
guidelines, waste generation per person per day is 0.3 to 0.6kg. Here, waste generation per
capita per day is taken 0.4kg. With that estimate, approximate solid waste generated in the
cluster will reach up to 7603 kilogram per day.

For achieving the 100% door to door collection, there should be sufficient equipment with gram
panchayats, equipment includes tri cycle for villages with population up to 2000 and narrow
streets, chota hathi for villages with population more than 5000. For complete door to door
collection in the cluster there is a need of 1 chota hathi (LCV) and 8 tricycles with hydraulic
tipping containers. All these will also transport the collected waste to the Treatment plant/
Vermi compost plant.

At present, there is no Door to Door collection system in villages. Considering the situation,
proposals for solid waste collection are mentioned in table. For completion of the 100% door to
door collection and its safe disposal there is need of 4 chota hathi between 2 villages, 9 tri-cycles.
It will require estimated cost of around 97 lakh as establishment cost.

Table 70: SWM projection

Type of collection equipment Scheme
Projected Estimated
Staff required Estimate available
populatio waste
Village Chota Staff d cost for
n for generated/ Tri-
hathi details (lakhs) Convergenc
2021 day (In kg) cycle
(LCV) e
Darda 598 240 1 1 driver
Ambadi 798 320 1 1 driver 0.30

Khodamba 2395 958 1 1 1 driver 5.15

Panchamba 1357 543 1 1 driver
Pinpur 1368 547 1 1 driver 0.45 Swasth
Umargot 2380 952 1 1 driver
Umarpada 2480 992 1 1 1 driver 5.15 &
14 Finance
Unchavan 3070 1228 1 1 1 driver 5.15 Commission
1 driver 2
Ghanawad 4557 1823 1 1 labourer 5.15
per LCV
Total 19,003 7603 4 9 9 driver 21.35

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 87
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Project 2: Provision of Composting Kits at Household Level

There will be different systems for organic waste and inorganic waste in solid waste
management. For organic waste, there will be provision of composting kit at individual
household level. Hence, organic waste will be used for farming purpose. Inorganic waste will
be collected through door to door collection and segregated at temporary storage at village
level. Later segregation, recyclable waste will be reuse while, non-recyclable waste will be
dumped to the land fill site in Umarpada village.

Table 71 Proposed Solid Waste Management System

Solid Waste

Organic Waste Household Level

Household Level bins (Inorganic
Composting kit Waste)

Door to door
Farming Purpose

Segregation at
Temporary Storage

Dumping at Landfill
Recycle & Reuse

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 88
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 72: Need of vermi compost plant and the estimated cost
Estimated cost for
Projected Unit cost of Compost kit
Village Composting kit
households for 2021 (Rs.)
(lakh Rs.)

Darda 115 3.45

Ambadi 154 4.62
Khodamba 460 13.80
Panchamba 261 7.83
Pinpur 263 7.89
Umargot 458 13.74
Umarpada 477 14.31
Unchavan 590 17.70
Ghanawad 876 26.28
Total 3,654 109.62

Project 3: Provision of landfill site with services

Collected waste will be transferred to the landfill site that will be treating organic waste as well.
It will have services of packaging and selling the manure generated from the organic waste.
Table 73: Estimated cost of Solid waste management

Waste generated Area of landfill Cost (in lakhs)

4800 sq. m. 60

For completion of the 100% door to door collection and its safe disposal there is need of 9 tri-
cycles 2 chotta hathi and 1 landfill site. It will require estimated cost of around lakh as
establishment cost.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 89
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project Phasing and Scheme Convergence

Table 74: CGF for solid and liquid waste mangement

Total investment (In lakh rupees)

Total fund from each scheme (In

CGF require (In lakh rupees)
Solid and Liquid waste

State/Central scheme
schedule total
schedule scheme

lakh rupees)
investment (In lakh
wise (In lakh







Door to Door solid 6.4 8.5 6.40
waste collection 05 4 5

Provision of
Composting Pits at 109.60 Swachh
Household Level Gram 72.4
21.3 96.64 72.48
241.6 Swasth
5 8
Provision of Yojana 0.00 0.00
Container dustbin (2
per villages, 18

Provision of landfill
site with services

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 90
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.7 Access to Village Streets with Drains

Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area.
Generally, we see that the internal drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent
severe waterlogging. But in case of the gamtal, the roads are kuccha and this forms troughs and
crests where the water gets disposed and stays for a long time resulting in waterlogging which
eventually becomes a source of diseases. Drainage system being in conjugation to roads, it is
imperative to develop road infrastructure. Relevance to Cluster

Under this component, the mission aims to provide 100% drainage facility and complete
coverage of the road network in all the cluster villages. None of the villages of Umarpada
cluster has closed drainage system. In fact, they don’t even have systematic open drainage
system in place. In all the villages, bathroom and toilets outlets were connected to soak pits
and left open directly on the village street or into the agricultural farms creating untidy and
unhygienic. Existing Scenario

None of the villages had streets covered with drains due to which all the villages face issues of
water logging which in turn raises health concerns.

Intra Village Road Connectivity

Length of Kaccha Length of Pucca
Village Name Total Road Length (km)
Road (km) Road (km)
Darda 0.89 0.22 1.11
Ambadi 0.73 0.18 0.91
Khodamba 2.07 0.52 2.59
Panchamba 3.37 0.84 4.21
Pinpur 2.66 0.67 3.33
Umargot 1.62 0.4 2.02
Umarpada 2.68 0.67 3.35
Unchvan 2.16 0.54 2.7
Ghanawad 3.10 0.77 3.87
Total 19.27 4.82 24.09
Source: Primary survey

The villages of the cluster are also connected amongst themselves through sufficient layout of
village streets and district roads. Majority (80%) of the village streets within the villages are
kuchha roads. Issues
 In all the villages, wastewater is disposed off in open without any treatment
 None of the villages has streets covered with drains due to which all the villages face issues
of water logging which in turn raises health concerns.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 91
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

 Almost 80% village streets are kaccha streets. Deficiency Analysis

Table 75 Gap Identification in Streets with Drains

A B C D= C-B

Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

All village More than 80% of the length

Redevelopment of
streets to be of village streets in the
Village Roads with No coverage of village streets with drains.
covered with cluster needs to be covered
drains with Pucca roads.

Road connectivity between the villages is good
Inter village roads connectivity Better connections to the
but not all the villages are directly connected to
connectivity between all main transport route.
the major roads.

Ensure width of
Width of the internal village roads is not the internal
Width of the internal sufficient enough for chakkda and jeeps; hence, village road is Width of the internal roads
village roads sufficient should be updated.
villages have to walk till the peripheral village
enough for
road to catch paratransit.
paratransit ride.

Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 92
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 76: Gap Analysis of Village Streets and Drains

Panch Amba
Khod Amba




% of streets
covered with
Type of drains(
Storm water
% of Pucca
roads 20%

Need of drains 100%
%Need of
Pucca streets 80%
roads Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Provision of pucca intra village roads with drainage facility

Rural roads provide basic inputs for all round social economic development of the rural area.
The provision and construction of roads and road links bring multiple socio-economic benefits
to the rural areas and results in forming a strong backbone for the agro-based economy. There
is an urgent need of storm water drains to avoid waterlogging. This network has to be aligned
under the road network. Below is the table listing the lengths of roads in the villages.
Length of
Village Name Road Length (km) Kaccha Road
Investment (Lakhs)
Darda 1.11 0.89 78.85
Ambadi 0.91 0.73 64.64
Khodamba 2.59 2.07 183.99
Panchamba 4.21 3.37 299.07
Pinpur 3.33 2.66 236.56
Umargot 2.02 1.62 143.50
Umarpada 3.35 2.68 237.98
Unchvan 2.7 2.16 191.80
Ghanawad 3.87 3.10 274.92
Total 24.09 19.27 1711.35

According to the desired level of SPMRM, all the village streets should be covered with pucca
roads. However, there will be provision of 100% streets with pucca roads. Hence, a proposal
of CC roads for 19.27 km of road length with underground drain is made in the cluster, which
will cost around Rupees17.1 crore.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 93
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence


scheme wise
on schedule

on schedule

(in lakhs)

(in lakhs)
Total fund from each
Total investment (In
Inter Village Road

Central scheme










Access Provisio Pradha
to n of
n 1197.
village pucca 513.3 359.3 479.0 359
1711 Mantri 90 513.3 513.
streets intra 0 1 8 .31 684.4
Gram 3
with village Sadak
drain roads

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 94
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.8 Village Street lights

Street lights increases safety and of course visibility during the night time. Generally, street
lights are seen as an urban amenity but recently, we have witnessed lots of effort from the
government to light the villages- not just the households but proper illumination of the village
streets as well. Relevance to Cluster

As per the 14 components street lights forms one of the component which can be seen as
element of the better facilitating the village area. The standard of street lights per 30m as per
URDPFI needs to be checked for the cluster. Existing Scenario

No villages in the cluster have streetlights installed on the side of road/street. There is only one
LED light near market area in Umarpada village. Secondary data obtained through ‘Village
Profile’ from Development Commissioner Office states that six villages i.e. Darda, Khodamba,
Pinpur, Panchamba, Unchvan, Umargot etc. have solar lights. However, during primary,
discussion with village panchayat and site survey it was found that none of these villages had
solar street lights. No street lights were found on the approach road of these villages that
connect to the main town Mandvi. Also there were no street light near the Taluka office in
Umarpada. Villagers normally uses torch when they commute in evening or night.

Table 77 Street Light Information in the Cluster

Villages having
Village name connection for street Solar street light Number of street lights
Darda NIL No 0
Ambadi NIL No 0
Khodamba NIL No 0
Panchamba NIL No 0
Pinpur NIL No 0
Umargot NIL No 0
Umarpada Yes No 1
Unchvan NIL No 0
Ghanawad NIL No 0
Source: Primary & Secondary data Issues

As none of the villages have got street lights it becomes difficult for people to commute at
night. Roads connecting nearby town also do not have street lights. There is just one street light
in whole cluster. Due to lack of street lights people generally avoid travelling or going out for
any kind of work at night. And if people commute them normally uses torch when they
commute in evening or night

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 95
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Deficiency Analysis

Table 78: Deficiency analysis of village street lights

Exisitng Facility Projected

Village name Need of

Total Number of Non-functional street new
Existing Road Length
Street Lights lights to be replaced street
Darda 2700 0 0 37
Ambadi 3350 0 0 30
Khod Amba 3300 0 0 86
Panch Amba 2020 0 0 140
Pinpur 3870 0 0 111
Umargot 1110 0 0 67
Umarpada 4210 1 0 112
Unchvan 2590 0 0 90
Ghanawad 910 0 0 129
Total 2347 1 0 896
Source: Primary data

Table 79: Gap analysis of street lights

A B C D= C-B
Desirable Existing Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Component Situation
No street lights
All village streets to be
Village in all the villages
covered with street lights as Needs 896 street lights
Street lights except for Umarpada
per norms
village Project and Proposals

Project 1: Provisions of street lights

There should be provision of streets within the villages with adequate street lights and safe
alignment design according to desired level of SPMRM. Facility of solar street lights will
enhance the safety and movements of the villagers in the night time too. Thus based on desired
level cluster will be covered with the provision of total 896 new street lights.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 96
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Number of Estimated cost

Proposal Project Components Unit cost
street lights (in lakhs)

Provision and Replacement Provision of new street

of Street Lights lights 896 25,000 224 lakhs Project phasing and scheme convergence

Table 80: Proposed project phasing for Street lights



Total investment (in

(in Lakhs)

CGF required (in

wise (in

Total fund from
Central scheme

project wise (in






201 201 201

2017- 2017- 2018
8- 9- 9-
18 18 -19
19 20 20

Village Provision Jyoti

street of street 224 0.0 Gram 224 67.2 89. 67. 67.2 89.6
lights lights Yojana 60 2 0

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 97
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.9 Health

The component is focusing on existing health facilities available and need of the health
facilities in the cluster. According to the norms given by Indian Public Health Standards there
should be one Primary Health Centre for every 30,000 population, followed by two sub centres
and dispensaries. Based on these norms and finding the demand and sufficiency of the health
facilities is marked out. Relevance to Cluster

The health facilities in the villages are provided as per administrative setup of India. This
facility is to be provided through Primary Health Sub-Centers (PHSC), Primary Health Centers
(PHC) and Community Health Centers (CHC).

Table 81 Hierarchy of Health centers in India

A Sub-Health Centre (Sub-center) is the most peripheral and first point of contact between the
primary health care system and the community, while a Primary Health Centre (PHC) is a
referral Unit for 6 Sub Centers, equipped with 4-6 beds, manned with a Medical Officer In
charge and 14 subordinate paramedical staff. Community Health Centre (CHC) is a 30 bed,
hospital/referral unit for 4 PHCs with specialized services. According to Indian Public Health
Standards, given by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), one sub-center is
required for a population 5000 people in the plains and for 3000 in tribal and hilly areas, one
Primary Health Centre (PHC) for 30000 population in plains and 20000 population in tribal
and hilly area, and one Community Health Centre (CHC/Rural Hospital) for a population of
one lakh.

The services at the primary health sub center is provided by appointed Female Health Worker
(FHW) and Male Health Worker (MHW) at each PHSC, whose responsibility is to provide
vaccination and regular health check up to the village residents. These sub centers get an annual

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 98
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

grant of 20,000 INR for maintenance and operation from the state government. Similarly, the
PHC also gets an annual grant of 1, 75,000 INR.

The female health worker looks after the kids and the women for delivery, family planning and
also is responsible for vaccinations of the entire village. She is supposed to visit each village
Anganwadi center once in a week. The male health worker looks primarily into diseases like,
leprosy, malaria, and water borne diseases etc.

A PHC is supposed to have a medical officer, who should be a doctor, an officer responsible
for school health, a male and a female supervisor, a pharmacist, lab technician and an
ambulance. Existing Scenario

There is one Community Health Center (CHC) in Umarpada village and two sub center in
Ghanawad village and one in Umarpada. Each village has an Asha worker and a Female Health
worker. All the health facilities present in the nine villages of the Umarpada cluster were visited
and reviewed. As per the primary survey, all the villages in the Umarpada cluster do not have
PHC. They are dependent on the sub center and sub center existing in Umarpada and
Ghanawad. There are in total 30 beds in CHC, one operation center, 4 medical officer, X-ray
technician, laboratory technician and pharmacy store facility is available in the CHC of
Umarpada. There is a facility of ambulance too.

Each village has been allotted a Female Health worker from CHC. This worker visits each
village anganwadi once a week and village school once a month. Asha worker has been
identified in each village and appropriate training has been provided to them. Mamta divas are
celebrated once a month in each anganwadi of all villages in the cluster. During this, the Female
Health worker and Asha worker they educate and give medicine to pregnant women.

Table 82: Existing health facilities in Umapada cluster

Name of No. of Bed Medical Sub Centre Under Name of Villages Sub Centre
CHC in CHC Officer PHC Covered under SC Staff
Hospital and Ghanawad Sub Darda
30 4 2 Male
Community centre Ambadi
Health Centre
Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 99
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 83: Umarpada community health centre

Health workers visit in Aganwadi known as ASHA Workers. In Umarpada Cluster all the
villages have the health workers facility and all the ASHA workers visit once in a week.

Table 84: Details of health owrkers in villages in Umarpada cluster







No. Asha
1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 4

Frequency of Once Once

Everyda Once a Once a Once a Once a Ever Once a
2 Female Health a a
y week week week week yday week
Worker week week

Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 100
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Map 13: Existing health centres in Umarpada cluster Issues

The Major issues in CHC (Community Health Centre) are of under staffing. In Umarpada
cluster only 3 Sub Centre are present. They need two RO water machines because the existing
are not working. They also need physiotherapist. In current situation C.B.C analyzers lab is not
proper working so they need C.B.C analyzers lab requires repairing. In CHC the nurse is
working their but they need a training for obstetrics & gynecology (OBGY) training. Deficiency Analysis

Requirement of health facilities was calculated based on the current scenario and also
considering the projected scenarios. According to the projected population and the IPHS
Standards, there should be sub centers in Unchvan, Pinpur, Umergot, Khodamba but currently
only two sub centers are present in Ghanawad and one in Juna Umarpada. According to
URDPFI, there has to be one veterinary hospital for every 5 lakh population. The numbers is
huge because these guidelines are applicable in urban areas, while there are no rural guidelines
for these parameters. According to population projection there is a need of one PHC in the

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 101
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 85 Projected Scenario for health facilities in the Umarpada Cluster

of Nursing
Projected of
Requirement of Home, Child Requirement
Village Name Population Veterinary
sub centres-2021 Welfare, & of PHCs
2021 centres-2021

Darda 598 0

Ambadi 798 0

Khod Amba 2,395 1

Panch Amba 1,357 0

1 per 45,000 1 per 20,000 1 per 5 Lakh
Pinpur 1,368 1
to 1 Lakh Pop Pop Cattle Pop
Umargot 2,380 1

Umarpada 2,480 0

Unchvan 3,070 1

Ghanawad 4557 1
Total Required by 2021 19,003 1 0 1 0
Existing Situation 15488 0 0 0
Gap - 4 - 1 0

Table 86 Gap identification of Health

Desirable Component Existing Situation Desired Levels Gap
-Not all villages have
-Access to Health Additional Sub Centers
Primary Health Sub
infrastructure as per Required by 2021
Health norms - Sub centre are required
-CHC should be fully in Unchvan, Khod amba,
-1: CHC
equipped Pinpur, Umergot.
-1: PHSC Project and Proposals

Project 1: Provision of sub centers in Umarpada Cluster

The total projected population as per 2021 of the cluster is 19,003 people, which in total
requires 7 sub center as per the norms given by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. At
present, there is 2 sub center located in Ghanawad and 1 sub center in Juna Umarpada. But this
is not enough for 9 villages of the cluster. The villages which currently don’t have a sub centre
do not fulfill the population criteria of 3000 people (as they are tribal cluster), but requires a
primary medical facility within the village. Hence, a sub centre can be provided in such villages
which can then be shared between the nearby villages. This project looks into establishment of
4 sub center in Pinpur, Uchvan, Umargot and Khodamba which can be shared with villages
located in close proximity. The below table describes the same along with the estimated costs.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 102
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

A total of 50 lakh is estimated to get used in the project. The health commissioner, in
collaboration with PIU (Project Implementation Unit) is responsible for the construction of the
health facilities.

Table 87: Location and costing of proposed sub-centres in Umarpada cluster

Locations of Sub Centers Status Villages to be covered Costing

Pinpur Proposed Darda 25 lakh

Uchvan Proposed Uchvan 25 lakhs

Umargot Proposed Ambadi 25 lakhs

Khodamba Proposed Panch Amba 25 lakhs

Map 14: Location of proposed health centres in Umarpada cluster

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 103
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 88: Proposed project phasing for Health

Sector Projects Total CGF State/Central Total Implementation Implementation

investm required scheme fund schedule scheme wise schedule total
ent (in (in from (in lakh) investment (in lakh)
lakh) crore) scheme
wise 2017- 2018- 2019- 2017- 2018- 2019
(in 18 19 20 18 19 -20

Healt 30
of Sub 100 0.00 NRHM 100.00 30 40 30 40 30

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 104
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

4.2.10 Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools

Right to Education is one of the fundamental rights and is an obligatory function of the
government to safeguard child’s education by provision of quality services and ensuring
primary and secondary school within a reasonable distance from all households along with
facilities of drinking water, toilet blocks (separate for boys and girls) and adequate classrooms. Relevance to Cluster

Education is one of the major aspects for overall growth of settlement. URDPFI guidelines
(mentioned in the table below) provide with norms of the number of schools and colleges as
per the population of the area. The government of Gujarat also has its own set of norms for the
educational infrastructure. There has to be one primary school within 1km of the village, an
upper primary school within 3kms, secondary school within 5km, and a higher secondary
within 7km of the village.

Table 89 URDPFI Guidelines for educational facilities

Category Student strength Population served per unit Area requirement

Pre-primary, Nursery School - 2500 0.08 ha

Primary School (Class I to
500 5000 (NBC,2005) 0.40 ha
Senior secondary School
1000 7500 1.80 ha
(Class VI to XII)

College 1000-1500 1.25 lakh 5 ha

Source: URDPFI Guidelines Existing Situation

The cluster has 26 anganwadis and 16 schools across nine villages. As per government norms
each village should have one anganwadi and number of anganwadis increase based on the
population of the village. Ghanawad village has highest population in the cluster and thus
highest number of anganwadis. Also, each village is supposed to have one primary school
within the village boundary. Few villages like Panchamba, Ghanawad and Umarpada have 2
to 3 primary school, based on the population of these villages.

For higher level of education only two villages (Umarpada and Umargot) have senior
secondary education available (i.e. up to standard 12th). The cluster has one Arts and Commerce
College for degree course. Skill development centers, like ITI and KVK are located within the
cluster boundary.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 105
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 90: Education facilities in Umarpada cluster

Table 91: Schools and Anganwadi in Umarpada Cluster

Village Primary Senior Senior Total
Aanganwadi Upper
Names School Secondary Secondary Schools
Darda 1 1 0 0 0 1
Panchamba 2 1 0 0 0 1
Ghanawada 7 3 1 0 0 4
Khodamba 2 1 0 0 0 1
Pinpur 2 0 1 0 0 1
Unchwan 4 2 1 0 0 3
Umargot 4 1 1 1 0 3
Umarpada 3 2 1 1 1 5
Ambadi 1 1 0 0 0 1
Total 26 12 5 2 1 20

A primary survey was conducted in all the schools and Anganwadi’s to measure their
enrollment and infrastructure condition. All the Anganwadis were visited and studied to
measure the infrastructure facility they had. The Anganwadis had the facility of Mid-day meals
that is handled by the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). ICDS also gives
nutrition pockets for the children. Two people are allotted for each Anganwadi out of which
one is teacher and the other is the helper, who does cooking and bring children from “Teda
Ghar” to Anganwadi. All the Anganwadis had separate room for cooking and storage, except
for one Anganwadi in Panchamba village, where there is no separate building for the
anganwadi. It is operated in the teacher’s home, due to which teachers and students both face
problems. In terms of water and toilet facilities, two anganwadis in Darda and one in Ghanawad
village do not have water facilities. One anganwadi in Umargot and one in Ghanawad do not
have toilet facilities while anganwadi in Darda the toilet is in dilapidalated and usable

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 106
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 92: Number of Anganwadi in Umarpada Cluster

Table 93: Details of facilities available in schools at village level

Village Name Mid day Room for

Water facility Toilet
meals cooking

Anganwadi 1 No Connection Yes - dilapidated condition Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 No Connection Yes - dilapidated condition Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes YES Yes Yes

Anganwadi 3 Yes Yes Yes No

Anganwadi 4 No No Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ambadi Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Umarpada Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 107
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Village Name Mid day Room for

Water facility Toilet
meals cooking

Anganwadi 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes YES Yes Yes

Anganwadi 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ghanawad Anganwadi 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 5 Yes YES Yes Yes

Anganwadi 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 7 No No Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes YES Yes Yes

Anganwadi 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 4 No Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Anganwadi 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes

Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 108
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada


The table below shows the number of the schools in all the nine villages of the clusters.
Table 94 Details of all the schools present in the cluster
School Name Management Classes
Tedga Faliya Primary School Umarpada Govt. Pr
Vanjali Primary School Govt. Pr
Umarpada Ashram School Umarpada Govt. Pr. Up.Pr.
Vanraju High School Umarpada Semi-Private Sec. and H.Sec.
Sarkari Uccharttar Madhyamik Shala Govt. H.Sec.
Umargot Primary School Govt. Pr.
Umargot Prathmik Shala Kadvani Govt. Pr. Up.Pr.
Adarsh Niwasi Shala Umargot Govt. Sec. and H.Sec.
Khodamba Primary School Khod Amba Govt. Pr.
Panchamba Primary School Panch Amba Govt. Pr.

Darda Prathmik Shala Govt. Pr.

Unchwan Primary School Govt. Pr. Up.Pr.
Unchwan Unchwan Navi Vasat Govt. Pr.
Unchwan Chipran Faliya Govt. Pr.
Ghanawad Mukhay Primary School Govt. Pr. Up.Pr.
Ghanawad Varge Primary School Govt. Pr.
Ghanawad Ghanawad Fadiyu Limanvad Primary Govt.
Ghanawad Fadiyu Patanwadi Primary Govt.
Pinpur Pinpu Primary School Govt. Pr. Up.Pr.
Ambadi Ambadi Primary School Govt. Pr.
Pr.- Primary Up. Pr.- Upper Primary Sec.- Secondary H. Sec.- Higher Secondary

Source: Primary survey

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 109
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 95: Location and number of Primary Schools in Umarpada Cluster

Map 15: Location and number of existing secondary schools in the cluster

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 110
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 96: Location and number of existing senior secondary school Issues


In Umarpada cluster out of 26 anganwadis 5 anganwadi do not have water connection facilties.
All the anganwadis have RO plants installed, but they are not yet functional. Out of all, 1
Anganwadi in Umargot, 2 in Darda, 1 in Unchvan and 1 in Ghanawad there is absence of water
facility and the teacher provides for water from her house. This unavailability of water also
restricts use of toilets where there are sanitatiokn facilities. Most of the Anganwadis in
Umarpada Cluster neither had water supply nor usable toilets. Also, most of them have
dumpsites is close proximity of the anganwadis and therefore create unhygienic conditions.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 111
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 97: Anganwadis in Umarpada cluster


The table shows the status of the infrastructure facilities available in all the schools in various
villages. Schools were assessed based on five parameters: Water supply, Separate toilets for
girls and boys, playground, provision of computers and mid-day meals.

Table 98 Infrastructure details of the schools in the cluster

Mid-day meals
Computer Lab


Girls Toilet

Boys Toilet






Govt. Pr Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Pr Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes

Govt. Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Umarpada Up.Pr.

Semi- Sec. and

Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
Private H.Sec.

Govt. H.Sec. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes

Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes

Govt. Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes
Umargot Up.Pr.

Sec. and
Govt. Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes

Khodamba Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Panchamba Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Darda Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 112
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Mid-day meals
Computer Lab


Girls Toilet

Boys Toilet





Govt. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Pinpur Govt. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ambadi Govt. Pr. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes

Source: Primary survey

Table 99 List of Anganwadis and Schools in villages of Umarpada cluster Ghanawada






No of
1 3 4 2 2 4 2 7 1 2
i anganwadis
No of Primary
2 3 2 1 1 3 1 4 1 1
No of senior
3 secondary 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Any schools
for physically
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 condition of 1- fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair fair
Purifie Purified Approach Purified Purified Purified Purified Purifie
Up-gradation d water, to school is water, water and water water, d water
6 nd wall
needs for 1-4 water, Comput very bad Comput Computer and Comput and
Comp er lab, and needs er lab, Lab in Sanitati er lab, Compu

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 113
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada






uter Sanitati Rooms the road Sanitati Governme on Sanitati ter Lab
lab, on in school infrastruct on nt school Facilitie on in
Sanita Facilitie ure Facilitie required s Facilitie Govern
tion s s s ment
Facilit school
ies require

Projected 2480 2380 1357 2395 3070 1368 4557 798 598
Projections for
2 primary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
schools (Gap)
Projections for
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
schools (Gap)
Source: Primary survey and census of India (2011)

Most of the schools in the cluster have a playground within the premises. All the schools have
drinking water facilty but some of the schools don’t have RO plants. Higher secondary
schooling is available only in Umarpada and Umargot while other villages have only primary
schools. None of the schools have computer lab except Umarpada and Umargot higher
secondary schools but condition of rooms is poor. Also, the water facilities, and toilet facilities
are poor in the schools. Umarpada and Umargot higher secondary science school does not have
a prayog shala (laboratory). Also, Umargot higher secondary school needs street light because
existing street lights are not working. Compund wall is a need constast across all the schools. Deficiency Analysis

While in terms of calculating the number of schools required in the villages, private schools
have also been taken into consideration but while assessing the infrastructure needs, only
government and grant-in-aid schools are taken.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 114
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report - Umarpada

Table 100 Gap identification for up gradation for primary, secondary and senior secondary education


Existing situation Desired levels Gap

Additional Number of Schools required

in each village:
Primary: None
Secondary: None

Compound wall, R.O. water facility,
sanitation facilities, Computer lab

Ensuring primary and Sanitation facilities and WCs for boys,
Up ● There are 16 secondary school computer lab
gradation Primary schools in within a reasonable
of the entier cluster distance from all Ghanawad
primary, ● 2 secondary households along with R.O. water facility, sanitation facilities
secondary schools, facilities of Drinking for students, computer lab
and ● 3 higher secondary water provisions,
Panch Amba
higher schools, 2 in Toilet blocks
secondary Umarpada and 1 in (separate for boys and Compound wall, store Room
schools Umargot girls) and adequate Khod Amba
Approach road infrastructure.

R.O. water facility, sanitation facilities

Building structure R.O. water facility
sanitation facilities and WCs for boys ,
computer lab

Store Room, R.O. water facility sanitation
facilities and WCs Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Up-gradation and reconstruction of existing infrastructure.

All schools require up-gradation of infrastructure. This includes water RO systems,

reconstruction or new rooms for class and laboratory, repairing of roofs, computers, sports
equipment, and sanitation facilities.

Development Commissioner,
Government of Gujarat 115
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 101 : Infrastructure requirements in schools of Umarpadar Cluster

Khod Panch
Facilities Darda Ambadi Pinpur Umargot Umarpada Unchvan Ghanawad Total
Amba Amba
0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Water facilities
Unit cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 48000 0 0
Total cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 144000 0 0 144000
Number of
toilets to be 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 4 6
Size of each
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Saniotation Facilities unit (sq. ft.)
Unit cost 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Total area
200 200 0 0 200 100 0 400 600
(sq. ft.)
Total cost 140000 140000 0 0 140000 70000 0 280000 420000 1190000
No. of
Computer 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 1
Size of each
400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
unit (sq. ft.)
Unit cost 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Total area
Computer Facilities 0 0 0 0 400 800 1200 400 400
(sq. ft.)

Total cost 0 0 0 0 280000 560000 840000 280000 280000

No. of
0 0 0 0 11 22 33 11 11
Unit cost 0 0 0 0 45000 45000 45000 45000 45000
Total cost 0 0 0 0 495000 990000 1485000 495000 495000 3960000

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Khod Panch
Facilities Darda Ambadi Pinpur Umargot Umarpada Unchvan Ghanawad Total
Amba Amba
Number of
0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0
science labs
Size of each
0 0 0 0 0 400 400 0 0
Total area
0 0 0 0 0 400 800 0 0
(sq. ft.)
Science Laboratories Unit cost 0 0 0 0 0 700 700 0 0

Total cost 0 0 0 0 0 280000 560000 0 0 840000

Unit cost of
equipements 0 0 0 0 0 200000 200000 0 0
Total cost of
equipements 0 0 0 0 0 200000 400000 0 0 600000
Total Estimated cost (Rs.) 67,34,000.00

Since, primary schools do not have Computers has a subject, provision of two computers and one printer per school is done for administrative
purposes. The cost of the same has been detailed below.
Table 102: Computer requirements and estimated cost for primary schools

Number of primary schhols 12

Cost of 2 computers & 1 printer 100000
Total Cost 12,00,000

The total estimated cost for upgradation of schools and provision of infrastruction is 79.34 lakh.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 103: Estimated cost for schools in Umarpada cluster

Services Estimated Cost

Upgardation of schools 67,34,000
Provision of computers in Primary Schools 12,00,000
Total estimated cost (Rs.) 79,34,000

Project 2: Infrastructure up gradation in Anganwadis.

Anganwadi in some villages lack basic amenities like water facilities, toilet and room for kitchen. Table below shows the requirements of
angandwadis in Umarpada Cluster.
Table 104: Infrastructure requirements of Anganwadis in Umarpada cluster
Khod Panch
Facilities Darda Ambadi Pinpur Umargot Umarpada Unchvan Ghanawad Total
Amba Amba
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Water facilities Unit cost 48000 0 0 0 0 48000 0 48000 48000
Total cost 96000 0 0 0 0 48000 0 48000 48000 2,40,000.00
Number of
toilets to
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Size of
Saniotation Facilities
each unit 100 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 100
(sq. ft.)
Unit cost 700 0 0 0 0 700 0 0 700
Total area
(sq. ft.)
200 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 100
Total cost 140000 0 0 0 0 70000 0 0 70000 2,80,000.00
Number of
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Cooking room
Total area
(sq. ft.)
0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Khod Panch
Facilities Darda Ambadi Pinpur Umargot Umarpada Unchvan Ghanawad Total
Amba Amba
Unit cost 0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0
Total cost 0 0 0 0 0 700 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 75600 0 0 0 75,600.00
Total Estimated cost (Rs.) 5,95,600.00

Total finance of the projects

Table 105: Total estimated cost for up-grading education faclities in Umarpada cluster
Identified list of projects Estimated Project Cost Schemes or Funding Authority

Project 1: Up-gradation and reconstruction of Existing Infrastructure. 76,34,000 Sarva Shikha Abhyaan

Project 2: Infrastructure up gradation in Anganwadis. 5,95 ,000 ICDS

Total ₹ 82,29,000 Project phasing and scheme convergence

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 106: Proposed project phasing for Education


ion schedule
ion schedule
scheme wise
CGF required (in

Total investment

Total fund from

(in lakhs)

(in lakhs)
Central scheme

project wise (in

(in lakhs)



2017- 2018- 2019- 2017- 2018- 2019-
18 19 20 18 19 20
Up-gradation of Existing Infrastructure
Upgradation (water supply facilities- Umarpada village,
Construction of toilets-17, 79.34
of primary, Provision of 8 computer labs in senior
secondary secondary schools) 85.29 SSA,
0 0 0 0 25.58
and higher ICDS 34.11 25.58
secondary Infrastructure up gradation in Anganwadis.
(water supply facilities in 5 anganwadis, 5.95
Construction of toilets-4,
cooking room in Umargot )

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

4.2.11 Inter Village Roads Connectivity

Mission aims to provide all-weather road connectivity to unconnected rural habitations. Better
connectivity is always seen as better economic options made available and easy access to
amenities and facilities. This section analyses the existing road connectivity in the cluster. Relevance to Cluster

All Gram panchayats within the cluster are well connected with road, but they are not well
connected by the public transport however, few of the villages in cluster don’t have state
transport facilities to travel to taluka and district level.

Map 16: Road Connectivity of Umarpada Cluster

Source: Revenue Map Existing Scenario

Overall, Umarpada cluster has good inter village connectivity. The cluster is accessible through
SH 613, which is connected to the NH 953. Via NH953 the cluster is connected to Mandvi
which is the nearest town also where majority of population of the clusters dependent for
services and aminities. NH 53 connects Umarpada to Surat where the district headquarters is
located. While via SH 205, the cluster is connected with Rajpipla in the north. Out of all the
villages Pinpur and Unchvan are connected to Umarpada through SH 613 through their

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

respective village roads. Also Umarpada village could be approached through SH613 and
SH205. The villages in the cluster are well connected with each other, but all the roads are
kachha roads (with a width of 3m), while they are connected by pucca roads to the main
approach road. Deficiency Analysis

According to the desired level for cluster there should be connectivity among all the villages
selected in the cluster.

Only Pinpur and Unchvan are connected through SH 613 along with Umarpada village and
Umarpada can also be approached through SH205 from Rajpipla in north. There is a bus depot
in Umarpada and bus stops in Pinpur and Unchvan which is also connected through SH613.

Hence any villages seeking to travel to any other part of the state has to approach through
internal roads via paratransit like jeeps or chakkdas. There is a good connectivity of GSRTC
buses connecting the cluster to Surat, Navsari, Bardoli, Vyara, Rajpipla etc. with a good
connectivity. Other Villages are connected to the bus stops through paratransit which makes it
easier for villagers to commute. In addition, majority of internal village roads are wide enough
for paratransit, villagers have to walk till the peripheral road to catch paratransi.
Table 107: Umarpada Cluster Inter Road Connectivity Deficiency Analysis

A B C D= C-B
Desirable Component Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Road connectivity between
Better connections to
Inter village roads the villages is good but not all Ensure connectivity
the main transport
connectivity the villages are directly between all villages
connected to the major roads.
Width of the internal village
roads is not sufficient enough Ensure width of the
Width of the internal
Width of the internal for chakda and jeeps; hence, internal village road
roads should be
village roads villages have to walk till the is sufficient enough
peripheral village road to for par transit ride.
catch paratransit. Proposals and Projects

Project 1: Provision of Pucca intra village roads

To redress the issue of connectivity of Panchamba and Khodamba villages to the cluster, pucca
roads are to be provided.
Table 108: Estimated cost for providing inter-village roads in the cluster

Village Name Need of Pakka Streets (In Estimated Cost (In Lakhs)
Panch Amba 1.3 28.86
Khodamba 0.7 15.54
Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 109: Proposed project phasing for Inter village road connectivity

Sector Projects Total CGF State/Centr Total Implementation Implementation

investm require al scheme fund schedule scheme schedule total
ent (in d (in from wise (in lakhs) investment (in
lakh) Lakh) schem lakhs)
e wise
(in 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019
crore) -18 -19 -20 -18 -19 -20
Inter Provision Pradhan
village of Pucca Mantri
13.3 17.7 13.3 13.3 17.7 13.3
roads intra 44.4 0.00 Gram 44.4
2 2
conne village Sadak 6 2 6 2
ctivity roads Yojana

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

4.2.12 Citizen Service Centres

Citizen Services Centers (CSCs) are a strategic cornerstone of the Digital India program. They
are the access points for delivery electronic services to villages, thereby contributing to a
digitally and financially inclusive society. Relevance to Cluster

The Government of Gujarat has converted its e-gram centres to Citizen Service Centres. Thus,
ideally each of the Gram panchayat should be provided with a computer and internet
connectivity which can be used as an e gram center.

Thus citizen service center are necessary for the provision of necessary e- services through
which general tasks like issuance of various certificates, knowledge sharing, service delivery
to residents of cluster. The cluster is dependent largely upon nearby urban centers for many of
its activities Existing Scenario

Citizen service center at Umargot, Unchvan and Ghanawad villages are in working condition
as both centers in these villages have provision for computer, internet facility and operator;
while in Panchamba and Khodamba computer and internet facilities are provided but operator
is not there. In Umarpada and Darda the computer is provided but internet and operator are not
provided. Ambadi and Pinpur come under group/ juth panchayat of Jumanwadi and
Chokhawada, respectively, where citizen centers are facilitated with computer and internet
facilities, along with operator. As these villages come under group panchayat, residents of these
villages have to avail the facility at the respective panchayat.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Map 17: Existing CSC facility in Umarpada cluster Issues

Other than Unchvan and Ghanawas, none of the remaining villages have citizen service center
in operating condition due to the lack of the infrastructure. Umperpada and Darada, both the
villages have computers but internet facilities and operators are not available; while, in
Khodamba and Pach Amba have computers and internet facilities, but operators are not
available. Deficiency Analysis

Table 110 : Deficiency Analysis CSC

A B C D= C-B

Desirable Component Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

 Panchamba and
 Need operator at
Khodamba the computer
Panchamba, Khodamba,
and internet facilities are All existing citizen
Umarpada, and Dards.
provided but operator is service centers should be
 In Umarpada and
-Citizen Service Centers not there. facilitated with
Darda the computer is
 Umarpada and Darda computer, internet, and
provided but internet
the computers are operator.
and operator is not
provided but internet and
operator is not provided.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada Projects and Proposals

At present, there are computers at the service centers located in Panchamba, Khodamba,
Umarpada, and Darda; however, computer operator is not provided; hence, there is a need to
provide a computer operator at citizen service center located at these villages. In addition,
internet facility needs to be provided at the centers in Umarpada and Darda. Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 111 Proposed project phasing for Sanitation


ion schedule

ion schedule
scheme wise

CGF required (in crore)

Total fund from project

(in lakhs)

(in lakhs)
Total investment (in

Central scheme

wise (in lakhs)









Citizen Provision of
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
service internet 0 0
centres connection

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

4.2.13 Public transport

Mission aims to improve public transport connectivity to nearest urban center from villages
with economic importance and the villages within the cluster. As per the mission, provision of
public transport should be through State Transport Agencies or through licensing of routes to
private operators for provision of buses or intermediate modes of public transport. This section
studies the existing availability of the public transport in the cluster. Relevance to Cluster

Public transport is an essential element for connecting people and is a function of livelihood
generation, connecting villages to nearby villages, towns as well as other important places
related to health, education, livelihood etc. It is imperative for the government to provide
efficient and sufficient transport facility, and connect these villages to other important places. Existing Scenario

The public transport facility was analyzed in two ways-GSRTC bus connectivity and
connectivity through para transit modes like rickshaw, chakda (large rickshaw), tempo etc. The
information regarding the GSRTC connectivity was derived by visiting GSRTC office at
Umarpada taluka, as well as discussions with Sarpanch and Talati of each village. Information
regarding paratransit was derived by discussing with Sarpanch, Talati and Focus group
discussions in villages.

With respect to GSRTC facility, it was found that Umarpada village has a major bus depot
which was built in 2010. Every day on an average it caters to 72 buses connecting people within
the cluster and around Gujarat state. Major destinations from Umarpada bus depot include
Rajpipla, Mandvi, Surat city, Navsari, Valsad, Olpad, Selumba and Mangrol. Villagers also
highlighted that they use para-transit mainly chakdas and shared jeeps to commute to their
work places

There is a railway station at Umarpada village, which earlier used to cater to a train to and from
Kosamba, but lately the station is not functional.

Majority of the working population of Umarpada cluster are enganged in agricultural activities
for a period of six months, but for the rest of the year they are engaged in construction work in
the near-by areas. These public and para-transport mediums help the people in easy movement.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Map 18: Location of major bus stops in the cluster

Source: Primary survey

Table 112: Bus depot in Umarpada village Issues

According to the people during FGDs, they require more frequency of mini buses and auto
rickshaws to facilitate better connectivity within villages, also there are no direct train
connections for the villages. Deficiency Analysis

As per the desired level of SPMRM, connectivity through public transport of all the villages to
Taluka must be there, but in Umarpada cluster 6 out of 9 villages are not connected through

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

public transport to Umarpada Taluka. Hence those 6 villages must be provided with public
transport connectivity.
Table 113 Deficiency analysis of Public transport component
A B C D= C-B

Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need

- GSRTC bus stops at Umarpada,

Umargot and Pinpur village Requirement of daily buses
Public transport to from all villages to taluka
Public transport --Rest 6 villages do not have direct taluka from each headquarter Umarpada
public transport connectivity to village
Taluka head quarter
Source: Primary Survey Projects and Proposals

Project 1: Provision of Public transport routes to cluster Villages

The deficiency of bus services in most of the villages makes it difficult for the villagers to
commute to and from their respective villages to umarpada bus depot. Thus, there has to be
provision of mini buses from villages (Panchamba, Khodamba, Ambadi, Ghanawad, Darda and
Unchvan) to and from taluka headquarter (Umarpada) in morning, noon and evening to make
their journey’s safe and affordable.

Timings Pickup Drop

6am/7am Villages Umarpada
12:30 pm Villages Umarpada
12:30 pm Umarpada Villages
2:30 pm Umarpada Villages
2:30 pm Villages Umarpada
5:30 pm Villages Umarpada
5:30 pm Umarpada Villages
Souce: Primary Survey

Project 2: Upgradation of existing bus stop infrastructure

There is a requirement to upgrade the existing bus stops of the umargot and pinpur village.
There are just bus stands with absence of shade facilities. The Proposed bus stops at each
village would have 5 seating capacity.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 114: Project details for bus stop infrastructure

Project Unit Cost Total Project Cost available for
14th finance
Provision of Bus 10 lakhs for each
Bus stop 20 lakhs commission
stops at Pinpur and village
Umargot Project Phasing and Scheme Convergence

Total fund from scheme



CGF required (in lakh)


State/Central scheme


(in lakh)

(in lakh)



wise (in lakh)








Pub Bus
lic stops
tran at 20 20 0.0 0
0 0
8 6
spo Pinp
rt ur

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

4.2.14 LPG Connections

LPG is an important component that will replace the wood and kerosene – run chullas that is
used for cooking. Most rural households use chullas that are made up of mud or fertilizer and
are fired by wood or kerosene. This increases the risks related to indoor air pollution. The rural
households also find difficult to find wood, kerosene or cow dung in nearby vicinity. Hence,
the government aims to provide coverage of LPG facility at rural level. Relevance to Cluster

LPG as a component under the Rurban mission aims towards availability of LPG retail outlets,
so that rural households can avail LPG connections. The guideline mentions atleast 1 LPG
outlet per 1800 Household or at every village. It’s important to look at the condition of LPG or
PNG gas connections in the villages. Such initiative will help the cluster or the village area to
avail the facility of LPG at every household. Existing Scenario

For the entier cluster, the LPG dealer is located in Mandvi and Mangrol which is average 33
km and 45km away respectively from the cluster. In order to find out number of households
that have LPG connections, a sample primary survey and FGD was carried out. Table 116
shows village-wise number of households that have LPG connections. It is found that most of
the villages have less than 20% of LPG connection at household level. Few villages like
Unchvan and Ambadi showed that coverage is comparatively high. However villages like
Khodamba, Panchamba, Pinpur, Umargot and Ghanawad have quite low LPG connections.
However, a common issue faced by the households, is related to transportation of LPG
cylinders. People of the cluster are receiving their LPG cylinders by transporting it by themself
as there is no proper delivery at HH level.
Table 115: People using LPG for cooking

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 116: Percentage coverage of LPG facility in Umarpada cluster

% HH with
alternatives usage
No of LPG Percentage
Village name Total HH (Firewood +
connections (HH) coverage
Kerosene+ Cow
Darda 96 20 21
Ambadi 117 55 47
Khodamba 368 20 6
Panchamba 237 35 15
Pinpur 232 30 13 Firewood , kerosene
Umargot 348 48 14 and cow dung

Umarpada 398 50 13
Unchvan 551 220 40
Ghanawad 650 50 8
Total 2997 528 17.61
Source: Primary survey

Map 19: Percentage of HH with LPG connections at village level

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada Issues

There is no LPG retail outlet in the cluster and no facility for delivery of gas cylinders at
Household level. The LGP agency is almost 30 kms away from Umarpada. Further, the gaps
in the coverage of LPG facility have to be fulfilled as shown in the table below.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada Deficiency Analysis

Table 117: Gap Identification of LPG connections

Desirable Existing Desired
component situation levels

Need of 2 LPG retail outlet in the cluster

Darda:-79% household require LPG connections
Ambadi:- 53% household require LPG connections
One LPG Khodamba:-94% household require LPG connections
Access to LPG
retail outlet
LPG connections at Panchamba:-85% household require LPG connections
per village
Connections the household Pinpur:-87% household require LPG connections
or per 1800
level is less Umargot:-86% household require LPG connections
Umarpada:-83% household require LPG connections
Unchvan:-60% household require LPG connections
Ghanawad:-92% household require LPG connections Projects and Proposals

The number of BPL households in the cluster is 2411, currently there is no LPG retail outlet in the
cluster. According to desired level of SPMRM there should be 1 outlet per 1800 households or 1
outlet per village. Some of the villages have less population to provide individual LPG retail outlet
at village, therefore based on location and household number, there will be provision of 2 LPG
retail outlets and 2411 households LPG connections to cover 100% BPL households in the cluster.

Table 118: List of proposed project of the LPG connection

Proposal Unit cost Project Cost Scheme Applicable

Provision of LPG 2,168 Rs. Per connection 52.27 lakhs Pradhan Mantri Ujjwal
connections to BPL Yojana

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada Project phasing & scheme convergence

Table 119: Proposed project phasing for LPG connection



Total fund from scheme

(in Lakhs)

wise (in



Total invest-ent

Central scheme
CGF (in crore)

wise (in crore)


2017 2018 2016 2017 2018 2019
-18 -19 -17 -18 -19 -20

Provision Yojana
LPG 15.6 15.6
of LPG 20.9 15.6 20.9 15.6
Connecti 52.27 0.00 52.27 8 8
Connection Rajiv 0 8 0 8
s Gandhi

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

5 Summary
The project at preparing an Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) for rural cluster selected
under Shyama Prasaf Mukherji Rurban Mission, which will be a document guiding the
development of the cluster. The cluster was first assessed on the basis the secondary data and
then reviewed and revised after primary survey and meetings with key stakeholders. On the
basis of assessment and gap analysis it was found that there is a major problem of irrigation in
Umarpada cluster and at the same time Agriculture is the base of economy of the whole cluster,
hence on the basis of the gap analysis proposals are given to facilitate them with better irrigation
facilities like community wells and lift irrigation device and also to improve their skills
concerning these techniques and different skills through provision of new courses and
upgradation of infrastructure of KVK.

There are problems in basic infrastructure like the cluster is highly dependent on ground water
for drinking purpose which is untreated and in summers almost 40%-50% hand pumps become
non-functional. Only 74% of the households of the cluster are having toilet facility at the
household level, hence to add to basic infrastructure facilities. Proposals look upon providing
and upgradation of basic facilities and infrastructure like providing individual toilet and
drinking water in the cluster. As there is lack of solid waste management hence chotta hathi
and tricycle for door to door collection and to dispose this collected waste provision of
composting kit at individual household level for treating organic waste and landfill site is
proposed for inorganic waste. There is no sewerage network and wastewater is disposed off in
open without any treatment hence fecal sludge management was proposed to treat these
sewerage waste. The Major issues in CHC (Community Health Centre) are of under staffing.
In Umarpada cluster only 3 Sub Centre are present, According to the projected population and
the IPHS Standards, there should be sub centers in Unchvan, Pinpur, Umergot, Khodamba.
Schools require up-gradation of infrastructure this includes, water RO systems, reconstruction
or new rooms for class and laboratory, repairing of roofs, computers, sports equipment, and
sanitation facilities. Hence proposals are given to cater these needs of the cluster. Along with
strengthening the economy of the cluster, proposals also caters the physical infrastructure as
well social infrastructure facilities as per the guidelines of the mission.

5.1 SWOT Analysis and Vision

5.1.1 SWOT Analysis

Based on primary survey a SWOT analysis was done for the cluster to identify key sectors that
need immediate attention. This analysis was used to derive proposals and interventions required
in the cluster.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

5.2 Summary of Gaps

The table below shows the deficiency analysis for each component which was taken as a base for deciding the projects and interventions to develop
the cluster as a whole.
Table 120: Compiled Gaps of all Rurban components
A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
-At-least 70 percent household
1 ITI in Unchvan with total 368 seats. Widening of road between bus depot
with one beneficiary in each
Skill Development 8 Courses offered. and ITI in Unchvan village.
1. training Linked to
Economic Activities 1 KVK in Unchvan with 80 enrolled  1 Classroom (35-45 sq meters)
students.4 Courses offered.  1 Teacher

APMC Nearest APMC in Kevdi (15km)

Support to the Agriculture and Need of collections centres to

Agri-services and There are no Agri Services and
2. Allied Activity components as per felicitate storage and distribution of
Processing Processing Industries in the Cluster.
RKVY farm produce actross cluster
Need irrigation facilities throughout
Use of bore well, wells and river for
Irrigation facilities the year and rain water harvesting
 Only 15% of HH have one e-literate 585% HH are not having digitally e-
At least one e-literate person in literate person at cluster level
3. Digital Literacy person.
every household.
 Access to digital library is very low

-Considering the desired level there is

In Umargot and Panch Amba villages 70 liters per capita per day of safe a gap of 10-15 lpcd in Panch Amba
24x7 Piped Water
4. have on an average availability of water drinking water for every and Umargot villages and about 30-
is 55-60 lpcd. households throughout the year 35 lpcd in Ambadi and Khod Amba..

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Khod Amba and Ambadi villages have
on an average availability of water is 35 -Need to cover 100% households
and 40 respectively. with piped network in the cluster.
Darda, Pinpur, Umarpada, Unchvan
and Ghanawad villages have achieved
desired level of 70 lpcd.
-Pipe network coverage is nearly 0% in
most of the villages only few villages
have some HHs with pipe connection
connected to mini schems storage tanks
-Water quality in all the villages is
potable but has high turbidity as per
the FGD & HH survey.
● 74% (2220) of the HH have
Individual toilets in the villages.
● 100% septic tank connection found
in all villages 26% (777) of HH do not have
100% HH with Individual
5. Sanitation ● In Umarpada, 10 HH have piped individual latrines
Household Latrines
● There are no public toilets in the
cluster except for one in Umarpada
main market.
● Ukarda system is practiced in all
● No Door to Door collection in 10
6. Solid and Liquid ● Door to door not been facilitated ● Collection at HH level villages
Waste Management ● Solid waste is disposed in open ● Treatment at Cluster Level ● No treatment of waste collected
space without any treatment
● Burning of inorganic waster

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Redevelopment of More than 80% of the length of
No coverage of village streets with All village streets to be covered
Village Roads with village streets in the cluster needs to
drains. with drains
Drains be covered with Pucca roads.
Road connectivity between the villages
Inter village roads Ensure connectivity between all Better connections to the main
is good but not all the villages are
connectivity villages transport route.
7. directly connected to the major roads.
Width of the internal village roads is
not sufficient enough for chakkda and Ensure width of the internal
Width of the internal Width of the internal roads should
jeeps; hence, villages have to walk till village road is sufficient enough
village roads be updated.
the peripheral village road to catch for paratransit ride.
No street lights
Village All village streets to be covered
8. in all the villages Needs 896 street lights
Street lights with street lights as per norms
except for Umarpada village
● Additional Sub Centers Required
-Not all villages have Primary Health
-Access to Health infrastructure as by 2021
Sub Centers.
9. Health per norms ● Sub centre are required in
-1: CHC
-CHC should be fully equipped Unchvan, Khod amba, Pinpur,
-1: PHSC
Additional Number of Schools
Ensuring primary and secondary required in each village:
● There are 16 Primary schools in the
school within a reasonable ● Primary: None
Up gradation of entier cluster
distance from all households along ● Secondary: None
primary, secondary ● 2 secondary schools,
10 ● 3 higher secondary schools, 2 in with facilities of Drinking water Infrastructure
and higher secondary
Umarpada and 1 in Umargot provisions, Toilet blocks (separate
schools Umarpada
for boys and girls) and adequate
classrooms. Compound wall, R.O. water
facility, sanitation facilities,
Computer lab

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Sanitation facilities and WCs
for boys, computer lab

R.O. water facility, sanitation
facilities for students,
computer lab
Panch Amba
Compound wall, store Room
Approach road infrastructure.
R.O. water facility, sanitation
Building structure R.O. water
facility sanitation facilities and
WCs for boys , computer lab
Store Room, R.O. water facility
sanitation facilities and WCs
Road connectivity between the villages
Inter village roads Ensure connectivity between all Better connections to the main
is good but not all the villages are
connectivity villages transport route.
directly connected to the major roads.
Width of the internal village roads is Ensure width of the internal
Width of the internal Width of the internal roads should
not sufficient enough for chakda and village road is sufficient enough
village roads be updated.
jeeps; hence, villages have to walk till for par transit ride.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
the peripheral village road to catch

 Panchamba and Khodamba the

 Need operator at Panchamba,
computer and internet facilities are
All existing citizen service centers Khodamba, Umarpada, and Dards.
-Citizen Service provided but operator is not there.
12. should be facilitated with  In Umarpada and Darda the
Centers  Umarpada and Darda the computers
computer, internet, and operator. computer is provided but internet
are provided but internet and operator
and operator is not provided
is not provided.

GSRTC bus stops at Umarpada,

Requirement of daily buses from all
Umargot and Pinpur village
Public transport to taluka from villages to taluka headquarter
13. Public transport
Rest 6 villages do not have direct each village Umarpada
public transport connectivity to Taluka
head quarter
Need of 2 LPG retail outlet in the
Darda:-79% household require LPG
Ambadi:- 53% household require
LPG connections
Khodamba:-94% household require
14. Access to LPG connections at the One LPG retail outlet per village LPG connections
LPG Connections
household level is less or per 1800 households Panchamba:-85% household require
LPG connections
Pinpur:-87% household require LPG
Umargot:-86% household require
LPG connections
Umarpada:-83% household require
LPG connections

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

A B C D= C-B
Sr. No. Existing Situation Desired Levels Gaps/Need
Unchvan:-60% household require
LPG connections
Ghanawad:-92% household require
LPG connections

5.3 Proposals
The following table shows the total estimated costs worked out for each Rurban component in Umarpada cluster.

Table 121: Compiled estimated costs of all the proposals in the cluster

Estimated Estimated
Component Projects
Costs(in lakhs) Costs(in
Provision of 2 new classrooms in the existing KVK at
Unchvan village
Skill Development Training linked to economic activities Awareness training camps- 12 18.00 26.70
Addition of a beauty parlour course in the existing
KVK- 2 chairs and other equipment
Provision of irrigation facilities through community
wells and lift irrigation device (23 no)

Provision of collection centres in each village-8 no,

Agri services & processing tempos-4 no 972.65

Agro Processing unit at Umarpada 306.65

Digital Literacy Training camps- 2542 people will be trained 0.50 0.50

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Estimated Estimated
Component Projects
Costs(in lakhs) Costs(in

24*7 Piped Water Supply Provision of 100 lpcd of water supply covering 100% 1377.00 1377.00
households through piped network
Provision of Individual Toilets-777 93.24
Sanitation 175.24
Provision of Faecal/Sludge management 82.00
Door to Door solid waste collection 21.35
Provision of Compost pits at household level 109.60
Provision of Container dustbin (2 per villages, 18
Solid and Liquid waste management 302.95
dustbins) 72
Provision of landfill site with services
Redevelopment of village roads with drains Provision of pucca intra village roads 1711.00 1711.00
Village street lights Provision of street lights- 896 224.00 224.00
Provision of Sub center- 4 (Pinpur, Unchvan, Umargot,
Health 100.00
Khodamba) 100
Up-gradation and reconstruction of Existing 79.34 79.34
Upgradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools Infrastructure.
Infrastructure up gradation in Anganwadis. 5.95 5.95
Inter village roads connectivity Provision of Pucca intra village roads 44.40 44.40
Citizen service centres Saturated
Provision of Public transport routes to cluster Villages 0 0
Public transport
Upgradation of existing bus stop infrastructure 20 20.00
LPG connections Provision of LPG Connections 52.27 52.27
Total 5036.85

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Table 122 Total Funding for Umarpada Cluster

Total Implementation schedule Implementation schedule total
Project CGF
fund from scheme wise (In lakhs) investment (In lakhs)
wise require State/Central
Sector projects each
investment (In scheme6
scheme 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(In lakhs) lakhs)
(In lakhs)
Provision of 2 new
classrooms in the
Skill existing KVK at
Development Unchvan village
Awareness training
Training 18.00
camps- 12 26.70 Livelihood 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.01 10.68 8.01
Linked to
Addition of a beauty Mission
Economic parlour course in the
0.70 (NRLM)
Activity existing KVK- 2 chairs
and other equipment
Provision of irrigation
facilities through Rashtriya
community wells and 414.00 207.00 207.00 62.10 82.80 62.10
Krishi Vikas
Agri lift irrigation device (23
no) Yojna (RKVY)
291.79 389.06 291.79
Services and Provision of collection
Processing Pradhan Mantri
centres in each village-8
no, tempos-4 no 252.00 252.00 Employment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Total Implementation schedule Implementation schedule total

Project CGF
fund from scheme wise (In lakhs) investment (In lakhs)
wise require State/Central
Sector projects each
investment (In scheme6
scheme 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(In lakhs) lakhs)
(In lakhs)
Agro Processing unit at Programme
Umarpada (PMEGP)
306.65 306.65
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Training camps-2542 Digital
Digital 0.50 0.50
people will be trained 0.00 Literacy 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00

Provision of 100 lpcd of

water supply covering
24x7 Piped Juth Pani
100% households
Water 1377.00 0.00 Purvatha 1377.00 413.10 550.80 413.10 413.10 550.80 413.10
through piped network
Supply (Regional water supply
Provision of Individual
93.24 Swachh
Toilets- 777
Bharat 65.296 48.972
93.24 27.97 37.29 27.97 48.972
Sanitation 82.00
Provision of Faecal Mission,
Sludge management MGNREGA
Door to Door solid 21.35 21.35 6.405 8.54 6.405 74.34
waste collection 0.00 99.12 74.34

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Total Implementation schedule Implementation schedule total

Project CGF
fund from scheme wise (In lakhs) investment (In lakhs)
wise require State/Central
Sector projects each
investment (In scheme6
scheme 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(In lakhs) lakhs)
(In lakhs)
Provision of
Composting kits at 109.60 109.60
Household Level
Provision of Container
Solid and dustbin (2 per villages, Swachh Gram
Liquid 72.00
18 dustbins) 72.00 Swasth Gram
Waste Yojana
Provision of 2 landfill
sites 60.00


Access to 14th FC grant

village Provision of pucca intra 1197.90 359.31 479.08 359.31
1711.00 513.3
village roads 513.30 684.4 513.3
streets with MP/MLA
drain fund


Village Provision of street Jyoti Gram

224.00 0.00 224.00 67.20 89.60 67.20 67.20 89.60 67.20
Street Lights lights- 896

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Total Implementation schedule Implementation schedule total

Project CGF
fund from scheme wise (In lakhs) investment (In lakhs)
wise require State/Central
Sector projects each
investment (In scheme6
scheme 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(In lakhs) lakhs)
(In lakhs)

Provision of sub centres
– 4 (Pinpur, Unchvan, Rural Health
Health 100.00 0.00 100.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 30.00
Umargot, Khodamba) Mission

Up-gradation of
Up gradation Existing Infrastructure Swachh
of Primary, (water supply facilities- Bharat
Umarpada village,
Secondary Construction of toilets- Mission
and Higher 17, Provision of 8 79.34 (SBM) 0.00 25.58 34.11 25.58
79.34 0.00 0.00 0.00
Secondary computer labs and 88
computers at cluster Sarva Siksha
level, 3 computer labs Abhiyan
in senior secondary
schools) (SSA)

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Total Implementation schedule Implementation schedule total

Project CGF
fund from scheme wise (In lakhs) investment (In lakhs)
wise require State/Central
Sector projects each
investment (In scheme6
scheme 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
(In lakhs) lakhs)
(In lakhs)
Infrastructure up
gradation in
(water supply facilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5.95 5.95
in 5 anganwadis,
Construction of toilets-
4, cooking room in
Umargot )

Provision of Pucca inter Pradhan

Inter Village village roads (Panch Mantri Gram 44.40 13.32 17.76 13.32 13.32 17.76 13.32
Road Amba-1.3 km, 44.40 0.00
Sadak Yojana
Connectivity Khodamba- 0.7 km)

Public Provision of Bus stops

at Pinpur and Umargot
20 20 0.0 0 0 0 6 8 6

Pradhan Mantri
LPG Provision of LPG
52.27 0.00 Ujjwala Yojana 52.27 15.68
20.90 15.68 15.68 30.0 15.68
Connections Connections

Total 5036.85 1734.54 3317.66 995.08 995.08 1511.04 2014.72 1511.04


Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Annexure 1: Household Questionnaire

1) Background Information
Caste Age:
Education No. Of family members:
Main Occupation Secondary occupation
Contact No Income:
2) House hold information
Use of electronic Smart phones Computer Other
Internet usage Yes No
No of skilled
family members
Type of skill sets
3) House’s physical condition and amenities
Type of house Kutcha Semi kutcha Pucca
No of rooms
Toilet availability?
Bathroom “?
Cattle shed?
4) Basic Infrastructure Information

Water source A. Individual GP connection B. Public tap GP C. Bore well

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

D. Tanker/ bottled E. hand pump private F. hand pump public

Water purification A. No B. Filter C. RO/ D. Alum E.Boiling F. Treat @

UV Society
@ HH level Level
Other water source A. Yes B. No
used in summer?
If Yes, specify the A. Purchase bulk from B.Bottled water C. Other sources
If yes, monthly
expense on it? Rs
Toilet Usage? A)Individual B) Shared Toilet C)Community D) Public E) Open
Toilet toilet Toilet Defecation
If Individual, toilet A) Open drain B) Soak Pit C) Septic tank D) Sewerage
connected to
If not connected to A) Side Drain B) Side Drain (Open) C) Discharge to open D) Discharge to
(Closed) plots / roads Water bodies
sewage, Alternative
Grey water
If dependent on
community toilet,
distance of the
community toilet?
Solid waste
Door to door solid A. Yes B. No
waste collection?
If Yes, service
charges? In Rs.
If No, where do you A. Outside house B. Nearby C. Community D. Others
waste dustbin
dump it? dump
Do you reuse the Yes Where: No
solid waste
Electricity, Cooking fuel, Telecommunication
Have Electricity A. Yes B. No
Power cut Duration
/ Issues (hrs/day)
What is the cooking A. Gas B. Pipe system C. kerosene D. Fire wood E. others
energy used?

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Amount spent on
cooking fuel
A. Landline B. Wireless C. GSM/CDMA D. Others

Social Infrastructure
Where do your A. Private B. Govt. School C. Pvt. College D. Govt. E. Others
School College
children go to
Distance from
Where do you go A. Private B. Govt. clinic C. Pvt. hospital D. Govt. E. Mobile
clinic hospital health
for healthcare? Unit
Distance from

Inter village road
Good Bad
Village to Taluka Public Private(Chhakada, Private buses)
and other places
Public transport Good Bad Good Bad
Environment Information
Drinking water Good Satisfactory Bad
Do you harvest rain Yes No
water (got under
any scheme?)
Usage of renewable Solar Biomass Wind Other
Major Polluters Vehicle Industries Sewage Solid waste

Any family
members suffered
from - diseases (last
2 years)

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Information of household member

Sex Age Occupation

Perso (4) Educati and Work Income
n Relation with Occupati
on Type (Rs./Mont
the respondent on level
No. Level (Industry/Sect h)
(3) M F (7)
(1) (6) or) (9)
1 1 2

2 1 2

3 1 2

4 1 2

5 1 2

6 1 2

7 1 2

8 1 2

9 1 2

10 1 2

Perception questions

1. What are current problems in the village?

2. What do you want for your village?

3. Role played by Panchayat?

4. What are the roles played by other institutions?

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Annexure 2 : Sarpanch Questionnaire (English)

1. Background Information about Sarpanch

Name Age:



Contact No

2. Cultural Information about village (Source: Sarpanch/Talati)

Languages spoken Gujarati Hindi English Other

Religion and Hindu Muslim Christian Others

(Population %)
Types of Caste

Types of Tribes

Pilgrimage Centres
in Village
Tourist centres

Monuments and
3. Educational Profile of village (Source: Schools of villages)

% of population
with higher
% of population
with secondary
% of population
with Primary
Enrolment and
Dropout rate M/F

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

4. Skill Development (Source: Sarpanch/Talati)

% of population with Smart Phones Computer

knowledge of digital
gadgets (e-literacy)

Campaigns for
Digital literacy

No of beneficiaries Total Male Female

% (M/F)
Total No Total No

Percentage Percentage

Types of skills with


Schemes undertaken
for skill development

No of beneficiaries Total Male Female

% (M/F)
Total No Total No

Percentage Percentage

Identified needs for

skill development

Agencies involved in
5. Demographic data (Talati/Sarpanch)
% Population
% Population of
single woman
Age profile (age
bracket with the
largest % of
Age profile of the 0-14 14-35 35-60 >60

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

6. Basic Infrastructure Information of the villag (Sarpanch/Talati/ Water

supply dept.)
Water supply Piped Public Tap Public Hand Pumps
Water supply Lake Ground Water Canal Tankers
Water supply Panchayat State Govt. Agency Other
Depth of water Winter Summer Monsoon
Timing for water Once in a day (Hours) Twice in a day(hours)
Water supply Type capacity
treatment plant
ESR and Ground No of ESR: No of sump:
storage capacity Total Storage Capacity: Total Storage Capacity:
Age of
Number of Hand Pumps Stand Posts

HH Covered by
each hand pump
and stand post
% of HH with
individual WS
Per capita
availability of water
Metering system yes no Coverage(%HH)

Quality of water

Water supply
systems of

Sanitation and Drainage

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Drainage system Open Drainage Closed Piped drainage No drainage

in the village drainage network
Toilet coverage in Total (%)
the village (%)
Caste wise
Condition of
individual toilets
Percentage open
Number of public
toilets in the village
Condition of public good average bad
Public toilets A) Open drain B) Soak Pit C) Septic D) Sewerage
connected to tank
If not connected to A) Side Drain B) Side C) Discharge D) Discharge to
sewage, Alternative (Closed) Drain to open plots / Water bodies
Grey water (Open) roads
Sewerage system
coverage (%)
Sewerage treatment Type Condition
Alternate system (if
Recycling system
(if any)

Storm water drains

% of streets
covered with

Type of drains
( covered

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Storm water
disposal facilities

Solid waste
Solid waste Door to door Secondary Dumping No collection
methods used
Agency for solid
waste collection
Service charge for
Door to door
collection (Rs.)
Existing facilities
for treatment
Existing facilities
for disposal
Any non-
nventional method
for organic
Waste disposal
facilities for
l waste
Do you reuse the Yes Where: No
solid waste

coverage of village
Availability of Yes No
three phase
Residential Agricultural Industrial
No of connections
connections connections Connections

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Power cut Duration

Issues (hours/day)
source of electricity
Potential of Wind Solar Mini Hydel
renewable energy

Cooking fuel/ LPG availability (Sarpanch, LPG agencies)

What is the cooking F. LPG Gas G. Pipe H. kero I. Fire wood J. othe
cylinder syste sene rs
energy used?
No of HH with
LPG connections
No of LPG
Social Infrastructure (Sarpanch, Schools, Hospitals)
{All School data to be written individually on left page for each school}
F. Primary G. Seconda H. Higher I. Govt. College J. ITI
No. of Educational School ry secondary cent
institutions in School school re
(If not available
Gov Pvt Govt Pvt Govt Pvt Govt Pvt K. Aan
then distance of it
t gan
from the village) wad
No of Total No of No of No of female students
standards no of teachers male
classes students
Separate Drinkin Bench Play Comput Mid-day meal
toilets g water availabilit ground er Lab
School for
challenged person
F. Primary health G. Samu H. Gov I. Mobile health J. Vet
Healthcare centre hik t. unit erin
Arogy Hos ary
facilities in village
a pital hos
and no. Kendr pital

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

K. Lady health L. Pathol No. M. Doctor availability in

visitor? ogical Of village
servic beds
If not in village than
Distance from
No of beds: Operation theatre Maternity service Ambulance
facilities at health
X-ray, Citi scan
care centres

Diseases in last one

Road Network
Coverage of village
Length of roads in
Kutcha Semi-Pucca pucca
% (length in km)
Connectivity with
MDR State Highway National Highway
major roads
Width of village
streets(motorable/n motorable Non-motorable
Capacity of existing
pathways available
Transportation (ST depot, Sarpanch)
Public transport at
Chhakada Rickshaw Tempo Others
HH level

Direct connectivity to taluka HQ Direct connectivity to District HQ

Public transport
Frequency per day Frequency per day

Destination with Bus Chhakada

highest frequency
Public transport Bus Terminals Railway stations Local Trains connectivity
connectivity at
Cluster level
Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Village street lights

Street Light Yes No

Type of street Sodium vapour
lights LED

methods for Street
No of street lights
to be replaced
Irrigation (Talati/Sarpanch)

Source of Well/Tube well Canal Khet talavadi Rain water

Area under
(in hectares)
Fuel used for Electricity Diesel Kerosene Non-
irrigation conventional
Area under drip
Environment Information (General public)

Drinking water Good Satisfactory Bad

Usage of renewable Solar Biogas Wind Other
energy in village
Major Polluters Vehicle Industries Sewage Solid waste

7. Economic profile of the village (Talati/Sarpanch)

Presence of Agriculture Industrial Home based Others
occupations in the industry
Occupation that
villagers are
involved in

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Home based or
MSME cluster No: Types:
Generated by
Average distance
to work place
8. Agricultural Services and Processing (Talati/Sarpanch)
Type of crops

Crop Yield and

Any Existing
agricultural service
Yes No
Issues and need for
up gradation
Agro processing Type Size Scale
Yes No

Presence of
adequate storage &
Presence of cold
storage facilities

Presence of
agri produce
( No and distance
between these
Issues related to
optimum yield

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

requirement of
additional support
infrastructure to
improve agri-
9. Digital Aminities (Talati/Sarpach)
ICT enabled front Issues :
end Common
Service Centre
yes no
Connectivity under
Band connectivity
Coverage of the
above 2 services
Coverage under E-

% of households
with digital
% of households
with at-least one e
literate person
10. Institutional infrastructure (Talati/Sarpanch)


Sahkari Mandali
Post office

Cooperative dairy
Panchayat Building
Gram Hat
Distance of APMC

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Ware houses & cold

Public Distribution
Petrol Pump
Religious institutions
in village
11. Programmes, schemes and sanctioned amount for the same in 5 years

Scheme Year of No of Funding

starting beneficiaries
Received Used

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Annexure 3: Sarpanch questionnaire (Gujarati)

1. સરપંચ વિષે માહિતી

નામ ઉંમર:



મોબાઈલ નંબર

2. ગામ વિષે ની સંસ્કૃવતક માહિતી (Source: Sarpanch/Talati)

ગામ માં બોલાિી ગુજરાિી હિન્દી અંગ્રેજી અન્ય


ધમમ પ્રમાણે વસ્િી ની હિિંદુ મુસ્સ્લમ ખ્રિસ્િી અન્ય


ગામ માં જાિી ના પ્રકાર

જનજાતિ ના પ્રકાર(ST)

ગામ ના ધાતમિક સ્થળો

ફરવા માટે ના સ્થળો

ઐતિિાતિક સ્મારકો િથા


3. ગામ ની ભણતર વિષે ની માહિતી (Source: Schools of villages)

ગામ માં ઉચ્ચિર માધ્યતમક તિક્ષણ પ્રાપ્િ

કરે લા લોકો ની િંખ્યા અથવા %

માધ્યતમક સુધી ભણેલા ની િંખ્યા અથવા %

પ્રાથતમક સુધી ભણેલા લોકો ની િંખ્યા અથવા


Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

િાળા છોડી જનારા ઓ ની િંખ્યા

4. ગામ ની ભણતર વિષે ની માહિતી કૌશલ્ય વિકાસ ની માહિતી (Source:


હડજીટલ યંત્રો વાપરી સ્માટમ ફોન વાપરી િકનારા ની ટકાવારી કોમ્પપ્યુટર વાપરી િકનારા

િકનારા લોકો ની


િે િીખવાડવા માટે કોઈ

પ્રોગ્રામ થયા િોય િો િેના


પ્રોગ્રામ નો ફાયદો Total કુ લ પુરુષ સ્ત્રી

લેનારા લોકો ની િંખ્યા

કુ લ િંખ્યા કુ લ િંખ્યા

ગામ ના લોકો કયા કયા

પ્રકાર ના કૌિલ્યો ધરાવે છે

કે જેનાથી કમાણી કરી

િકાય ?

કૌિલ્યો તવકિાવવા માટે

કોઈ યોજના કે પ્રોગ્રામ િાથ

ધરવામાં આવ્યા િિા ?

ફાયદો થયો િોય િેવા લોકો Total કુ લ પુરુષ સ્ત્રી

ની િંખ્યા
કુ લ િંખ્યા કુ લ િંખ્યા

ગામ ના લોકો માં કોઈ ખાિ

કૌિલ્યો તવકિાવવા ની


કઈ િંસ્થાઓ કૌિલ્ય

તવકાિ માટે પ્રોગ્રામ કયામ છે


5. િસ્તી વિષયક માહિતી (Talati/Sarpanch)

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

ગામ માં અપંગ લોકો ની


એકલી રિેિી, તવધવા િેમજ

એકલી કમાનારી સ્ત્રીઓ ની

િંખ્યા અને ટકાવારી

ગામ માં કઈ ઉંમર ના લોકો

િૌથી વધારે છે ? િેમની

ટકાવારી કે ટલી ?

1. Basic Infrastructure Information of the village

(Sarpanch/Talati/ Water supply dept.)માળખાકીય સવુ િધા વિષે ની માહિતી


પાણી પુરવઠા ની રીિ? પાઈપ નેટવકમ જાિેર નળ જાિેર િેન્ડ પંપ

પાણી પુરવઠા નો સ્ત્રોિ િળાવ નિેર ભ ૂગભમ જળ (બોર) ટે ન્કર

પાણી પુરવઠો પાડનાર ગ્રામ પંચાયિ રાજ્ય િરકાર અન્ય


બોરમાં પાણી ની ઊંડાઈ? િીયાળા માં ઉનાળા માં ચોમાિામાં

પાણી હદવિ માં કે ટલા

િમય માટે આપવામાં

આવે છે ?

પાણી ને સ્વચ્છ કરવા ટ્રીટમેન્ટ નો પ્રકાર ક્ષમિા (લીટર પ્રતિ હદન)

માટે પ્લાન્ટ છે ?

ઓવર િેડ ટાંકીઓ ઓવર િેડ ટાંકી ની િંખ્યા અન્ડર ગ્રાઉન્ડ ટાંકી ઓ ની િંખ્યા

િેમજ અન્ડર ગ્રાઉન્ડ

ક્ષમિા ક્ષમિા
ટાંકી ઓ ની િંખ્યા

ઇન્રાસ્ટ્રક્ચર સુતવધાઓ

કે ટલા જુ ના છે ?

કુ લ િંખ્યા જાિેર િેન્ડ પંપ સ્ટે ન્ડ પોસ્ટ

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

પ્રતિ એક િેન્ડ પંપ અંને

પ્રતિ એક સ્ટે ન્ડ પોસ્ટ

દ્વારા કે ટલા ઘરો ને પાણી

પિોચે છે ?

કે ટલા ટકા ઘરોમાં પાણી

નું પાઈપ કનેક્િન છે

પ્રતિ વ્યસ્ક્િ કે ટલા

લીટર પાણી મળે છે ?

પાણી ના મીટર છે ? િા નાં જો િા િો કે ટલા ટકા ઘરો માં છે ?

પાણી ક્વોલીટી કેવી આવે

છે ?

ઐતિિાતિક વાવ કે એવું

ખરું ?

ગટર વ્યિસ્થા

ગામ માં ગટર ની ખુલ્લી ગટર ઢાંકેલી ગટર પાઈપ ગટર લાઈન નથી

વ્યવસ્થા લાઈન

ગટર વ્યવસ્થા કોણ

આપે છે ?

ગામ ના કે ટલા ટકા ઘરો કુ લ (%)

માં િૌચાલય છે ? (જાિી

પ્રમાણે પણ લખો)

બધા ઘરો માં િૌચાલય

ની સ્સ્થતિ કે વી છે ?

ખુલ્લા માં િંડાિ કરિી

વસ્િી ની ટકાવારી

ગામ માં જાિેર

િૌચાલયો ની કુ લ િંખ્યા

જાિેર િૌચાલય ની good average bad

સ્સ્થતિ કે વી છે ?

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

જાિેર િૌચાલયો િેનાથી A) ખુલ્લી ગટર B) ખાળ કુ વો C) િેપ્પ્ટક ટે ન્ક D) પાઈપ નેટવકમ

જોડાયેલા છે ?

બાથરૂમ નું ગંદુ પાણી ઢાંકેલી ગટર લાઈન ખુલ્લી ગટર C) ખુલ્લા પ્લોટ D) નદી અથવા િળાવ માં

ક્ાં જાય છે ? માં નાખી દે વાનું

ગામ ના કે ટલા ટકા ઘરો

માં ગટર લાઈન છે ?

(જાિી પ્રમાણે પણ લખો)

ગામ માં સુિેજ ટ્રીટમેન્ટ


ટ્રીટમેન્ટ માટે અન્ય

કોઈ વ્યિસ્થા છે

રીસાયકલ વસસ્ટમ છે ?

િરસાદી પાણીના વનકાલ ની વ્યિસ્થા

ગામ માં કેટલા ટકા

િેરીઓમાં ગટર છે ?

ગટર ના પ્રકારો (

ઢાંકેલી / ખુલ્લી )

સ્ટોમમ વોટર તનકાલ

ની સુતવધાઓ

ઘન કચરો

કચરો તનકાલ ના પ્રકાર ઘેર ઘેર િામુહિક એક્થીકરણ ખુલ્લા માં ભેગો લેવામાં માં નથી

કરવો આવતું

કચરો ઉપાડવાનો


છુટ્ટા પાડવાની રીિ


Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

કચરો ઉપાડનાર


ઘેર ઘેર કચરો

ઉપાડવા ની સુતવધા

માટે નો િતવિિ ચાર્જ

કચરો શુદ્ધિકરણ ની


કચરો તનકાલ કરવા

માટે ની સુતવધા

ઓગેતનક કમ્પપોપ્સ્ટિંગ

કરવાની ની રીિ

ઇન્દસ્ત્રસ્ત્રઅલ કચરો

તનકાલ ની રીિ

કચરા નો િા સ્થળ ના
પુનઃઉપયોગ ?

િીજળી વિષયક માહિતી

િીજળી કનેક્શન નું

કિરે જ

3 ફેિ વીજળી ની િા ના

કનેક્િન ના no ઘર દીઠ કનેક્િન ખેિર માટે ન ું કનેક્િન ઇન્દસ્ત્રસ્ત્રઅલ કનેક્િન

પાવર કટ ની િમસ્યા

(કલાક/ હદવિ)

વીજળી નો બીન

પરં પરાગિ સ્ત્રોિ

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

બીન પરં પરાગિ પવન ઉજામ િૌયમ ઉજામ િાઇડ્રોખ્રલક ઉજામ

સ્ત્રોિ નો ઉપયોગ ની


K. LPG ગેિ L. પાઈપ M. કેરો N. લાકડુ ં O. બીજો
રિોઈ બળિણ નો
િીલીન્ડર િીસ્ટ િી પ્રકાર
પ્રકાર મ ન

ઘર દીઠ LPG


LPG ગોદામની કુ લ


2. સામાજજક ઇન્રાસ્ટ્રક્ચર (સરપંચ, િોસ્સ્પટલ અને શાળાઓ ની વિગત)

સામાજજક ઇન્રાસ્ટ્રક્ચર (સરપંચ, િોસ્સ્પટલ અને શાળાઓ ની વિગત)

{ બધા શાળા માહિતી દરે ક શાળા માટે ડાબી પ ૃષ્ઠ પર વ્યસ્ક્તગત લખી શકાય }

અ. બ. ક. ડ. ઇ.
ગામ મા િૈક્ષખ્રણક
પ્રાથતમક િાળા માધ્યતમક િાળા ઉચ્ચિર માધ્યતમક િરકારી કોલેજ આઈ.ટી.આઈ.
િંસ્થાઓ ની
િાળા કે ન્ર
િંખ્યા (જો ગામ

મા નથી િો
િરકાર ખાનગી િરકાર ખાનગી િરકારી ખાનગી િરકારી ખાનગી અ.
ીી ીી

ધોરણો ની િંખ્યા વગો ની તિક્ષકો ની પુરૂષ સ્ત્રી તવદ્યાથીઓ ની િંખ્યા

િાળા ની
િંખ્યા િંખ્યા તવદ્યાથીઓ
ની િંખ્યા

અલગ િૌચાલયો પીવાના બેન્ચ ની રમિ ગમિ કોમ્પપ્યુટર મધ્યાિન ભોજન ની

પાણીની ઉપલબ્ધિા નું મેદાન લેબ સુતવધા


Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

તવકલાંગ વ્યસ્ક્િ

માટે િાળા ની


અ. પ્રાથતમક આરોગ્ય કે ન્ર બ. િામુહિક ક. ડ. ઇ.

ગામમાં આરોગ્ય
આરોગ્ય કે ન્ર
ની સુતવધાઓ
િરકારી મોબાઇલ િેલ્થ યુતનટ પશુરોગ
અને િંખ્યા
િોસ્સ્પટલ, િોસ્સ્પટલ

અ. મહિલા આરોગ્ય િપાિનીિ? બ. ડ. ગામ માં ડોક્ટર ની ઉપલબ્ધિા

પેથોલોજીકલ પથારી ની
િેવાઓ િંખ્યા :

જો ગામ મા નથી

િો અંિર

આરોગ્ય િંભાળ પથારી ની િંખ્યા: ઓપરે િન તથયેટર પ્રસ ૂતિ િેવા એમ્પબ્યુલન્િ ની સુતવધા

કે ન્રો ખાિે

માળખાકીય એક્િ-રે , િીટી સ્કે ન મિીન


છે લ્લા એક વષમમા

નોંધાયેલ રોગો

રોડ નેટિકક

ગામ મા િેરીઓ

નુ કવરે જ

રસ્િાઓ ની

લંબાઈ % કાચો અધમ પાકા પાકા

(લંબાઈ હકમી મા )

મુખ્ય રસ્િાઓ
મુખ્ય સ્ત્રજલ્લા માગમ રાજ્ય ધોરીમાગમ રાષ્ટ્રીય ધોરીમાગમ
િાથે જોડાણ

ગામ મા િેરીઓ

ની પિોળાઈ મોટર જઈ િકે િેવો મોટર જઈ ન િકે િેવો

(મોટર જઈ િકે

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

િેવો / મોટર જઈ

ન િકે િેવો)





ચાલનારાઓ માટે

માગો ની


ટ્રાન્સપોટે શન (ST ડેપો, સરપંચ)

જાિેર પહરવિન
છકડો રીક્ષા ટે મ્પપો અન્ય
ની પિંદગી

િાલુકા મથક થી િીધી કનેપ્ક્ટતવટી સ્ત્રજલ્લા મથક થી િીધી કનેપ્ક્ટતવટી

જાિેર પહરવિન
હદવિ દીઠ રીકવન્િી હદવિ દીઠ રીકવન્િી

િૌથી વધુ લોકો ક્યા બિ છકડા

આવ જા કરે છે

ક્લસ્ટર સ્િરે જાિેર બિ ડેપો રે લવે સ્ટે િન લોકલ ટ્રે નો ની કનેપ્ક્ટતવટી

પહરવિન ની


સુધારા પ્રસ્િાવ

ગામ મા સ્ટ્રીટ લાઇટ ની સવુ િધા

સ્ટ્રીટ લાઇટ ની િા ના

ઉપલબ્ધિા (પ્રતિ


સ્ટ્રીટ લાઇટ ના પ્રકાર LED બલ્બ / ટયુબ લાઇટ

િેરી લાઇહટિંગ માટે ખ્રબન

પરં પરાગિ પિતિઓ

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

કે ટલી સ્ટ્રીટ લાઇટ

બદલવાની જરૂર છે

વસિંચાઇ (તલાટી / સરપંચ)

તિિંચાઇ નો સ્ત્રોિ કુ વો/ ટયુબ-વેલ કે નાલ ખેિ િલાવડીઓ વરિાદી પાણી

તિિંચાઈ િેઠળનો



તિિંચાઇ માટે ઉપયોગ ઇલેપ્ક્ટ્રિીટી ડીઝલ કે રોિીન ખ્રબન-પરં પરાગિ

મા લેવામાં આવત ુ


ટપક તિિંચાઈ િેઠળનો


3. િાતાિરણની માહિતી ( સામાન્ય જનતા)

વાિાવરણની માહિિી ( િામાન્ય જનિા )

પીવાના પાણીની િારી િંિોષકારક ખરાબ


ગામ માં િૌર બાયોગેિ પવન અન્ય


સ્ત્રોિ માંથી ઊજામ કે

જ્યારે વપરાય છે ત્યારે

ક્ષીણ નથી) ઊજામ


મુખ્ય પ્રદુ ષકો વાિન ઉદ્યોગો ગટર ઘન કચરો

1. ગામની આથીક પ્રોફાઈલ ( તલાટી /સરપંચ )

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

ગામ માં થિા મુખ્ય વ્યવિાયો કૃતષ ઉદ્યોગ ગ ૃિ ઉદ્યોગ અન્ય

ગ્રામવાિીઓ કયા વ્યવિાય

િાથે િંકળાયેલા છે ?

ઘર આધાહરિ અથવા

પરં પરાગિ ઉદ્યોગો

MSME ક્લસ્ટર તવગિ નં: પ્રકાર:

રોજગાર કોના દ્વારા પેદા થાય

છે ?

કામ કરવા જવા માટે ની

જગ્યાનું િરે રાિ અંિર

2. હડજજટલ સવુ િધાઓ ( તલાટી / સરપંચ )

ICT િહિય રન્ટ એંડ િમસ્યાઓ :

િામાન્ય િેવા કેન્ર

NOFN / બ્રોડ બેન્ડ

કનેપ્ક્ટતવટી િેઠળ


ઉપરોકિ બે િેવાઓ નું

કવરે જ

ઈ-િાંતિ (E-Kranti) િેઠળ

કવરે જ

ડીજીટલ કનેપ્ક્ટતવટી

િાથે જોડાયેલા કુ ટુંબો ની


Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

ઓછામાં ઓછો એક ઈ-

િાક્ષર િભ્ય વાળા કુ ટુંબ

(ઘરો )ની ટકાવારી (%)

3. સંસ્થાકીય ઈન્રાસ્ટ્રક્ચર ( તલાટી / સરપંચ )


િિકારી મંડળી

ટપાલખાિાની કચેરી

(Post Office)


િિકારી ડેરી

પંચાયિ મકાન


ગ્રામ િાટ

એપીએમિી માકે ટનું અંિર

ગોદામો િથા િીિાગારો

જાિેર તવિરણ વ્યવસ્થા

પેટ્રોલ પંપ

ગામમાં ધાતમિક િંસ્થાઓ

4. પાંચ (5) િષકમાં કાયકક્રમો , યોજનાઓ અને મંજૂર થયેલ રકમ

નંબર: યોજના ચાલુ થયા નુ ં લાભાથીઓની ભંડોળ

વષમ વપરાયેલ
પ્રાપ્િ થયેલ કે

મળે લ

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada




Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

Annexure-4 : List of meetings

The following table gives list of meetings that were held during primary survey

No. Date List of Participants Key findings

TDO, Sarpanch and General overview of cluster and explanation of ICAP along
1 4/07/2017
Talatis of 9 villages with data requirement for the survey

Current schemes and funding available along with their

District Agriculture implementation pattern
2 4/07/2017
Gaps between applicants and beneficiaries

Number of Anganwaadis and their programs

3 4/07/2017 District ICDS Officer
Funding of these Programs

IRD officer, Taluka Works done under SBM, MNREGA, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan,
4 4/07/2017
Panchayat Total Sanitation Coverage, IAY

List of development projects in the cluster villages in last five

5 4/07/2017 years and schemes undertaken for the developments and their
budget and expenditure

Incharge Block
Data regarding works done under each schemes for every
6 4/07/2017 coordinator of
village, Funds available and future works to be under taken.

Taluka Health Officer Data regarding CHC, PHC and sub centres and facilities
7 4/07/2017
at Health Department provided in taluka & villages

Data regarding no of primary schools and infrastructure

6 4/07/2017 Education Department
facilities provided for schools

Agriculture Data regarding crop pattern and irrigation facilities available in

8 4/07/2017
Department cluster villages

9 4/07/2017 Mamlatdar Office Data regarding LPG connections provided by private agencies

Sarpanch & Talati of Filling of questionnaire along with discussion of components,

Khodamba, visit of village, meeting with sectorial experts at village level,
10 5/07/2017
Panchamba, Pinpur Budget, village maps and list of works done in past 5 years with
and Darda future proposals under various schemes.

General overview of cluster and explanation of ICAP along

11 5/07/2017 DDO
with data requirement for the survey

Data regarding public transport facility available in taluka and

12 5/07/2017 Traffic Department
cluster villages

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat
Integrated Cluster Action Plan (ICAP) Report: Umarpada

No. Date List of Participants Key findings

GWSSB, Current water supply situation in the district and taluka and
13 5/07/2017 schemes present in the cluster and responsibilities of GWSSB
WASMO(Surat) and WASMO

Roads & Building

14 5/07/2017 Data regarding development and length of roads

GWSSB, Current water supply situation in the district and taluka and
15 6/07/2017 schemes present in the cluster and responsibilities of GWSSB
WASMO(Mandvi) and WASMO

Data regarding public transport facility available in taluka and

16 6/07/2017 GSRTC Department
cluster villages

Filling of questionnaire along with discussion of components,

Sarpanch & Talati of visit of village, meeting with sectorial experts at village level,
17 6/07/2017
Ambadi & ghanawad Budget, village maps and list of works done in past 5 years with
future proposals under various schemes.

Filling of questionnaire along with discussion of components,

Sarpanch & Talati of visit of village, meeting with sectorial experts at village level,
18 7/07/2017
Umargot Budget, village maps and list of works done in past 5 years with
future proposals under various schemes.

Development Commissioner
Government of Gujarat

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