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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 10
Grade 10
(Demonstration Teaching)

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of probability.

Performance Standard: The learner is able to precise counting technique and probability in
formulating conclusions and making decisions.
Learning Competency: Solve problems involving probability.
Learning Code: SSP_M10SP-IIIh-i-1

I. Instructional Objectives
At the end of a 60-minute lesson in mathematics 10, 80% of the students are expected

A. define experiment, sample space, outcome, event and probability;

B. determine the formula in getting the probability of an event;
C. find the probability of an event; and
D. participate actively in a group activity.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Probability of an Event
References: Next Century Mathematics, page 418-419; Mathematics Learners Module, page
328-329; Contemporary Mathematics, page 218-224; and
Instructional Materials: (Dice, Cards, Coin), Power Point Presentation, Traffic Light(Timer), Box,
Jumbled Letters.
Values: Participate in all the activity actively and honestly with discipline and cooperation.

III. Instructional Procedures

Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Prayer/Greetings

(Teacher enter the room) (All students rise)

: Let us pray the WATCH prayer in unison. (Everybody prays the WATCH prayer)
: Good Morning class. : Good Morning ma’am
: Before you take seat, arrange your chairs
properly and pick the pieces of papers below it. : Yes ma’am

B. Checking of Attendance

: Andrea, as an attendance officer will you

please enumerate those who are absent. : None ma’am
: Thank you very much.
C. Preparation

1. Motivation/ Pre-activity/Unlocking terms

: Before we proceed let me first divide the class

into four groups. Everybody count 1 to 4 one after
the other.
: Are you ready? : Yes we are.
: You may now start. (Students count 1 to 4 one after the other)
: You may now proceed to your groupmates
quietly then create a small circle. (Students will proceed to their own group)
: Stay with your group, which will be your group
in your activity. This will be group 1, group 2,
group 3, group 4, and group 5.
: Each group should have their L, M, N, O, P.
: Everybody please read. : L – Leader
M - Material Officer
N – Note Taker
O – On time Keeper
P - Presenter
: Choose your leader.
: Please clap if you already have a leader. (Students clap their hands.)
: Leader will assign M, N, O, and P. M for material
officer, N for the note taker, O for the on time
keeper and P for the presenter. Bring out one
whole sheet of paper, write your names, section
and the date today. (Each group leader assign their L, M, N,
O, and P.)
: Are you done? : Yes ma’am.
: Are you familiar with this? : Yes ma’am
: What do you call this one? : Traffic Light
: Very good.
: Where do we usually saw this? : Highways
: Exactly
: What are the colors that you can see? : Red, Green, and Orange.
: Very good. Then, what is the meaning of red,
orange and green? : Red is “Stop”, Orange is “Ready, and
Green is “Go”.
: This will be your guide in your activity, if the
Orange color lights meaning you need to get
Ready, if the Green color lights you need to start,
and if the Red color lights you need to stop finish
or not finish
: Is it clear? : Yes ma’am
: Material officer come in front. (Material officer go in front.)
(Teacher distributes the materials in each group.) (The Students will get the materials)
: Each group is given 1 box with 5 envelops having
5 sets of jumbled letters and each envelop is
numbered 1 to 5. Those jumbled letters will serve
as your clue.
: For every question you are going to arrange the
letters inside the envelop to come up with the
final answer. Write your answer on the board
given to you. After reading the question wait for
my signal before you open the envelop. Then
when I show red light you need to raise your
answer. The group who will get the correct
answer will have a corresponding points.
: Is it clear? : Yes ma’am.
(The teacher will show orange-ready, then
red- go)
: This word pertains to all the process you’ve
done in order to get a result or It is the activity
or process that generates well-defined results.
: Open the envelop : (The students will arrange the jumbled letters)
(Show red light) : (The students will raise their answer)
: What is the right answer? : EXPERIMENT
: Very good.
(The teacher give merit to the group who gives
their correct answers)
: What are the processes done in an experiment?
( Call a member of each group to give an answer.) : Rolling a die, drawing a card, tossing a coin,
picking a ball, selecting a polygon and picking a
: Next term
(The teacher will show orange-ready, then
red- go)
: When you do the experiment, there is always
a result, right? : Yes ma’am
: What do we call the result of the process or the
: Open the envelop : (The students will arrange the jumbled
(Show red light) : (The students will raise their answer)
: What is the right answer? : OUTCOME
: Very good.
: What is an outcome? : It is the result of the process or the
: Very good.
(the teacher give merit to the group who gives
their correct answers)
: Next term
(The teacher will show orange-ready, then
red- go)
: In the process of experiment there are many
outcomes/results that came out.
: What do we call the set of all the results/
outcomes in the experiment?
: Open the envelop : (The students will arrange the jumbled letters)
(Show red light) : (The students will raise their answer)
: What is the right answer? : SAMPLE or SAMPLE SPACE
: Very good, so a sample space is the set of all the
results/outcomes in the experiment.
(the teacher give merit to the group who gives
their correct answers)
: Next word
(The teacher will show orange-ready, then
red- go)
: It is the subset of the Sample Space.
: Open the envelop : (The students will arrange the jumbled letters)
(Show red light) : (The students will raise their answer)
: What is the right answer? : EVENT
: Very well said.
: Illustration

Sample Event

: For Example in tossing a coin.

: What are the Sample Space? : {H,T}
: Let say the result is head, the element of the set
is? : {H}
: That is now an example of the Event because
we get it from the set.
: They are both an example of Outcome.
: Do you understand? : Yes ma’am
: Very good.
(Give another example)
(the teacher give merit to the group who gives
their correct answers)
: Please take note of this vocabulary.
: What are those again? : Experiment, Outcome, Sample Space, and

D. Presentation/Discussion

: Thank you, now we are ready to enter the new

world in this lesson.
: Last term, last envelop for 10 points.
(The teacher will show orange-ready, then
red- go)
: Our lesson pertains to the chances that an
event will happen.
: Open the envelop : (The students will arrange the jumbled letters)
(Show red light) : (The students will raise their answer)
: What is the right answer? : PROBABILITY
: Then we will now enter the world of probability.
: What is probability again? : Probability pertains to a chance in an event.
:Very good.

: If Probability is denoted as P and Event is denoted as

E then the probability of getting an event is P(E).
: Why do we need to study probability?
Can you site a real-life situation involving
probability? : Win a raffle draw; pass the quizzes; graduate
from college; and etc.
: Very good.
: It is very important to study probability
because prediction is very usual in every
day lives.
: Now, we will find out the chances that a
particular event will happen.
: Let’s have an example:
: What is the probability that a pig can fly?
: Can a pig fly ? : No
: So the probability of a pig being able to fly is
: What is the probability of getting a natural
number on rolling a die?
: How many natural numbers are there in a die? :6
: So whenever you roll a die you always get
a natural number because all of which are natural
: So the probability of getting a natural
Number in rolling a die is 6/6 or 1.
: Zero also means 0%, that is impossible event
and One also means 100%, that is certain event.
: The Probability of every event will only lie
between zero and one inclusive.
: Let us see what’s define the formula of probability,
we look at three example.
: First is the tossed of a fair coin.
(Show an improvised coin)
: What are the possible outcomes or the sample
space? : Head and Tail
: Very good.
: What is the probability of getting a head?
: How many number of heads are there? :1
: How many total possible events are there? :2
: Now what is the probability of getting a head? :½
: Exactly.
: What is the probability of getting a tail then? :½
: Very well said.
Number of ways an event can occur
: Then what was the formula now? : P(E) =
Total possible events
: Exactly
: A probability is really defined by the formula.
Number of ways an event can occur
: Kindly read. : P(E) =
Total possible events

: Thank you.
: The probability of an event occurring is equal to
the number of ways an event can occur over the
total number of events.
: What if we tossed two coins simultaneously?
: What are the possible outcomes? : Head and Head, Head and Tail, Tail and Head,
Tail and Tail
: So what is the probability of getting both head? :¼
: Very good.
: Second, Rolling a fair die.
: What are the possible outcomes or the sample
space? : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
: That’s right.
: When we roll a die, it will land one of these six
: Now what is the probability that a die will land at
three? : 1/6
: Exactly
: Then what will be the probability of getting an
even number in rolling a fair die? : 3/6 or ½
: Correct, because there are three even numbers
out of six possible outcomes.
: Let’s say we roll two dies together.
: What are the possible outcomes? : 1, 1; 1,2; 1, 3; 1, 4;…
: So if we are to list them all there are too many.
: There are a total of 36 ways.
: Now what is the probability of getting a sum of 6?
: What are the possible outcomes? : 1,5; 5,1;2,4;4,2;3,3
: So there are 5 ways that the sum will be 6.
: What is the probability of getting a sum of 6 then? : 5/36
: Exactly
: Can you follow? : Yes we can.
: Very well said.
: Third example, Pack of cards.
: Just a reminder to everyone, do not use cards
for gambling purposes because that is against
to the Law.
: Let assumed a pack of 52 cards.
: Now, what is the probability that we will pick a
Jack randomly?
: When we say random, we are going to pick
without a particular pattern.
: How many Jacks are there? :4
: So what is the probability that we will pick a
Jack? : 4/52 or 1/13
: Do you understand? : Yes we do.
: Very good.

E. Application/Drill

: Let’s have another example.

: Kindly read. : What is the probability of obtaining at least
one head after tossing two coins?
: With the same group.
(Show orange light)
: Try to answer the example for just 3 minutes.
(Show Green) (Students answer the example by group)
(Show Red)
: What is your answer? (Students possible answer.)
(Call each group one by one) : P ( getting at least one h ead )=
(Give merit to the group got the correct answer.)
: Who can give me the reason why we obtained
the answer P ( getting one h ead ) = ? : There are 4 possible ways for the 2 coins to
fall. Of these ways, there are three ways of
obtaining 1 or 2 heads {HT, TH, HH}, Hence,
P(E)=P(getting at least one head)= .
: Very well said.
: Can you follow? : Yes we can.
( Teacher give merit to the group)

F. Generalization

: May I ask each group.

: Let’s recap the lesson we learned.
: Group 1
: What is an Experiment? : Experiment is the activity or process use to
obtain the result.
: Very good.
(Give corresponding points)
: Group 2
: What is an Outcome? : Outcome is the result of the experiment.
: Exactly.
(Give corresponding points)
: Group 3
: What about a Sample Space? : Sample Space is the set of all outcomes.
: Very good.
(Give corresponding points)
: Group 4
: What is an Event? : Event is the subset of the sample space.
: Very good.
(Give corresponding points)
Group 1
: What about Probability? : Probability is the study of measuring the
chances that particular event will happen.
: Very good.
(Give corresponding points)
: Group 2
: Then, what is the formula we use in the
Number of ways an event can occur
probabilityof an event? : P(E)=
Total possible events
: Very good.
(Give corresponding points)
: Group 3
: In rolling a Die. What is the probability of
getting Prime numbers? : P(Prime Numbers) = 3/6 = ½
: Exactly
: Group 4
: In selecting a card. Assumed a pack of 52
cards. What is the probability of selecting Queen
and King? : P(Queen and King) = 4/26 = 2/13
: Excellent

G. Evaluation

(Teacher post a question on the board.)

: Another activity answer this for just 10 minutes.
(Show- Ready)
(Show- Go)
: Are you done? : Yes we are.
: Ok present your answers on the board. (Call them one by one)
(Students present their answers)
(Teacher checked if their answer is correct.)
: Very good
(After answering the activity)
(Give merit to the group who got the correct
: Pass your papers forward. (Students pass the papers forward)
: Any Question about our lesson? : None ma’am
: Very well said

H. Assignment
: For your assignment, answer activity 2 on
page 330
of you book. : Yes ma’am
: Arranged your chairs properly and clean
your areas. : Yes ma’am
: That’s all for today, Goodbye class. : Goodbye and Thank you ma’am Cris Ann.

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