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KS3 Revision All-in-One CU eli- 8 Practice Get the best results with proven revision techniques About this Revision Guide & Workbook When itcmes to geting the best results, practkce realy does make perfect Export nave proved that repeatedly tering yourcelt on 2 topic er mote affctve than eteaiing information lover and over agar nd, tobe as atfecive as pestle you should space out the practice wes sessions overtime Ths flln-One Revision & Practice book is specially designed to support this approach to revision and includes seven differen opportunities to test youself on each op, spaced out overtime = ‘These pages provid reap of everything yeu need to now for coc top “You thet read tough al th ntermation before {shing th Quick Tera th ene This lest athe Jou can eal tha ay fee ‘Tes topetaies questions appear shorty ater the seen pages fo 20 opi ae test whether you have Uncerstond he tole you get ory the Quetcrs wrong, make sus you read he crac arse cael ‘Ther topic bed cucton appa ntrin she beck, slowing yout et tha top and test howl youve ‘evembered the norton you got any of requester wrong, make are jou read the erect ne eu co ‘These pages teste a mcot cuestions fo athe tere tos, ju ike you ned eta est They wl make ‘re you can reste relent nfomatin te arsine a question nia Delng tis WH Cpl ereats 1 cm Ver our wetnke at wom collascoutiolisstrevhion and pint off «et of Mashed Thess pocket zed ars {eature uesors and arse s0 tht you cn est youself on al the key facts anytime and ange You il aso {ind et mere information abot the advantages ol space proce ane how tpn for "his section features even mre topcase and ite teste questions proving Wo Fre race Spportunias fer cach topic te guarantee tha bat ole hs oho ate win nator mrt oe a pan Uh Syne oe wo tiga quent tt by @ moientct terri) rosem sing (B) Fer Sls Thtemweesman quan pnbie wien wing sor ution uta aedatorsmst nat be nes aremarcee wm soy: Maths Advanced Revise Key Stage 2: Key Concepts Practise Review pu HB Numbers p6 p26 ‘Negative Numbers ‘Malipcavon and Owsion aioMas EB Wumber2 pe p16 p.26 Squeres and Sguare Roots Prine Factors Losvest Common Muttpe ard Highest Comman Factor EB sequancee p10 p27 [| Sequences Findeg Missing Terms HEB sequences2 pa The nth Term Findirg the nth Terr Quadtc Sequences HEB resimeter and area 1 pe pas Perimeter and Area of Rectangles ‘Area of Tangle ‘Area and Perimeter of Compound Shepes IED Perimeter and area 2 p20 p38 ‘ea of a Paralielogeam ‘rea 049 Tapesium Circumference and Ares of Cle HEB statistic and pata t pe p29 p39 ‘Mean, Median, Mode and Range Choosing which Average to Use Constructing a Tally Chert, HEB statstis and data? paw p29 pao ‘Grouping Date ‘Stom-and-teat Diagrams Two-Way Tables IED decinas 1 p30 Powers offen Ordering Decimals ‘Adding end Subtracting Decinels ‘Multebing Decimals EB ne EB avers TB cts maton Ce ey Revise Practise Review ED vecimais 2 p.32 p40 p.50 ‘Ding Decinate Rounding and Estimating Stoncrd Form HD Acerca pat pat pst olectng Like terns Expressions with Produets Substestion ED Alvedra2 Expanding Braces Factoring pat EB 20 shapes: Volume and Surface Ares 1 Naming end Drawing 2 Shapes Using Nets to Const 30 Shapes Surtace aren of 3 cubs Voume ofa Cabo ps2 ps2 HEB 30 Shapes: Volume and Surface Area 2 pase ps2 pez Volume cfe Grinder Surface Area of @ Crnder Volume anc Surtace Area of a Prism Volume of Comoosite Shapes HEB interpreting Data 1 pas. ps3 pss Pe Charts Perograms Frequerey Diagrams Dota Cempariton TED interpreting deta 2 pag p53 | interpretng Graphs and Gtagrams Drawing 9 Setter rach Stata nestgations HED Fractions 1 ps4 Equbatene Fractions “Aceing ae Subtacing Fractions Fractions 2 pss pst pra Matting and Diving Fractions Miked Numibes and mnorope Fractions ‘acaing and Subiractng Mixed Numbers IED Coordinates and Graphs 1 pss p65: 7s Linear Graphe Graphsofy =ax +b Solving Linear Equations from Graphs ace Erie HE a ronnie Gn : | Contents HEB coorainates and Graphs 2 p.60 Drawing Queda Goh Solving Simataneoss Eaton Grahicaly BD arcs p66 ‘ow to Measure and Draw an Angle Angjes in Triangle ‘Angles ine Guedriatral ‘Rescting an angie EB Angie: 2 pés ‘Anges ral ines ‘anges tn Potygons ‘olgon: ad esetston HD Probavity 1 p70 Probabilty Words Probably Scale Probabity ofan Event Net Occuring Sample Spaces ED Probabitty2 p72 ‘Mutual Exchasive Events Calculate Probables and Tabxéating Events ‘BxpermentalProbapity| Venn Diagrams and Set Notion HEB Froctions, Decimals and Percentages 1 p78 Diferent Vays of Saying the Same Thing {Converting Fractions to Decimal to Percentages Fractions of a Quantity Percentages of a Quantity Compartig Quantities using Percentages BEB Fractions Decimals and Percentages 2 peo ‘Percentage heres snd Decrease Fading One Quanity os a erento of Another ‘Site nerest, ‘evereePereanages ED Ecuations 1 a2 ‘Shing Equations Eauotirs with Unknow on Both Sides ‘Sohng bare Complex Eauatens Revise Procite Review pes | nw | | pes ars [| pes p77 p87 om [|] esr [| a8 es [] pee 58 p80 im pos | | p09 p99 HED Equations 2 pat Setting Up ond Solving Equations Equations Involirg x ese IED symmetry and Enlargement 1 flection ara Relecsonal Symmey Trareisten Rotational Symmetry Enfergerert [ED syrmmorry and enlargement 2 ‘Cengruence ‘Seale Drawings Shape ere! Ratio [ED Fatio and Proportion 1 Introduction to Rates Siping Ratios HEB etio end Proportion 2 ‘Sharing Ratios bec roporton Using the Unitary Method Inverse roporton IED Fealtite Grephs and Rates 1 ‘Graphs fron the Real Work) easing 9 Conversa Graph Time Graphs Grachs of Exponent Growth HEB reatLite Graphs and Rates 2 ‘aveling at 3 Canstane Speed Uni Preng Densiy HED rioht-ancted Tianales 1 Pythagores' Mevrert Finding te Longest side Finding 2 Shorter Side HEB Right-Ancled Triongles 2 “Side Ratios Finding Angles hn gh-Argjed Tangles Finding te Length of 2 Se Mined Test style Questions Answers Glossary Indox cee Ty Revise Practise Review p90 p.100 p10 pez tof | pato| p94 p.to1 pam p96 ptr pam p. 102 p.m2 pie p. 108 paz pa, p. 106 pm pus p.108 pas pens p1s| | pone p39 pa Number 1 ‘You must be able to: + Cary out calculations with negative numbers ‘+ Mukiply and divide integers ‘© Cary out operations felloving BIDMAS. Negative Numbers + Am integer isa whole number, ‘There san infinite * Negative numbers are numbers es than zero, sia ‘numiser of postive and Negative numbers Positive aumbers negative numbers SAT SS4aG HTT ETE + Symbols can be used to state the relationship between wo numbers | svritel [eening >| Steter than = [es than >| Grester thon oreavalio = [less than or equal ta Equalto = [Not equate Example Sisgreater than ~10 can be waitten 5-10 + When carrying out calculations with negative numbers the ‘table below snows the rues. + When adding and subtracting negative numbers the rules only apply ifthe signs are next to each other. Multiplication and Division ‘+ To multiply large numbers using the grid method, partition both numbers into their hundreds, tens and units 33 Maths Revision Gu Bample Colculate 354x273, 354 is made up of 3 hundreds (300), 5 tens (50) and 4 units (4). 273 1s made up of 2 hundreds (200), 7 ters (70) and 3 units ©). ‘Then ade together the numnbars in the grid: {60000 + 10000-+ 800-+ 71000 «3500 + 280 +900 + 180 +12 =96 642 So 354 273 = 96 642 “Division ean alzo be broken down inte steps. anal mo 31762 3/762 3/762 3/762 me lene (ieee eco peor: fee |cen BIDMAS + BIDMAAS gives the order in which operations should be cartied cut Examale Assad x5+36+4 Multiply ody Add S Subtract Work out 5 x7 Work out 435 «521 Work out 652 +4 Work out axe +74 pene eee tation gi Stross B Key Point : Incices are alo called powers B Key Words nogative postive Number 2 Youmustbe ableto: © Understand equare numbers and square roots ‘© Write a number asa prociuct of prime factors ‘© Find the lowest common multiple and highest common factor. Squares and Square Roots + Square numbers recalculated by muteying a number by salt Example <= escapee + A square root's the inverse or opposite of a square. Example 36 + Notell square roots are integers and they can be approximated bya decimal Example Y= 20502 4p. Prime Factors + Factors ere numbers you can multiply together to make another number + Every number can be written as product of prime factors. + Apple number has eeactly two factors, teat and 3 eample 45 can be expressed as a product of prime factors. ‘This is called a prime factor tree. Ps - wos Se 7% soas=345%5 —_ xa Lowest Common Multiple and Highest Common Factor +The fowest common mls OM) isthe lowest muito prmore pubes have ormon, + The highest common fcr (C7 the highest factor to or rote sumer: have common Example Find the lowest common multiple and highest common factor of 12 and 42 \Write both numbers asa product of prime factors. W2-2x2%9 Complete the Venn diagram. 2 2 ES <—— Smt rae cdne (.8, ) = “+The LEM is the product ofall the numbers in both crces. 2x 30.7 = 8 3x7 {©The HCF isthe product of the numbers in the overlap. Hor 22-6 = LM and HGF are used te solve many everyday problems. Example ‘Thomas straining to swim the Enolish Channel. He has 10 visit his doctor every 12 days and his nutritionist every 15 days. if, on October Ist, he has both appointments ‘an tho cama day, on what date will ha next have hoth ‘9ppointments on the same day? Find the LCM of 12 and 15. This is 60. 60 days after October tet is Novernber 30th, square number square root 1. Write down the value of factor 2. Write down the value of /6 product 3. Write 40 as a product of prime factors. prime 44, Find the lowest common multiple of 4 and 36. owest common multi 5. Find the highest commor factor of 24 and 32. highest common factor Sequences 1 You must be able to: ‘Recognise arithmetic and geomet sequences + Generate sequences froma term toterm rule ‘Find missing terms na sequence, Sequences + Asoquence is a sat of shapes or numbers which follow a pattern or rule ‘+The outputs from 9 function machine form a sequence, example Inthe sequence below, the next pattern is formed by adding an extra layer of ties around the previous pattern smicecig smiles mutes Wr tie ‘With each new layer the number of new tiles needed to Increase by This pattern can be used to predict how meny tiles will be needed to make larger designs. ‘+ An arithmatic sequence isa set of numbers with 2 common ifference between consecutive terms. Example 4,7, 10, 13,16, arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 3. 12,8, 4,0, -..{s.aso an arithmetic sequence with a ‘common difference of 4. There are many other types of sequences, {for example square rrurnbers, exponentials and reciprocals + A.geometic sequence sa set of numbers where each term is ‘ound by multisying the previous term by o constant. Example 3,9, 27, B1, a geometric sequence whore the previous ‘erm is multiplied by 3to find the next term. 12,6,3, 15,..lsalsoa geomettic sequence where the previous torm i multiplied by } to find the next term. + When calculating terms ofa geometric sequence, itis quicker to use powers i + Arithmetic and geometric tequences ae used to solve many \ everyday realtfe problems. Aymara starceseien Btmmaiacae Example ‘Aclture of becteria doubles every 4 hours. there are 1900 bacteria at the beginning, how many wl there be in 12 hours? 1264 =3,<0 it will double three times 1000 «28 = 8000 bacteria Fae Finding Missing Terms ‘The term to term rue lik each term in the sequence to the previous term. Example 5,64, 79,9, 103. In this st of numbers the next term is found by adding 1} ‘to the previous term. Therofore che term to term rule is +13 ‘This rule can be used to find the next numbersin the sequence: toheigang — rferpera 134th =t4y ‘Therefore the next three terms in the sequence are 19,13, 14 +The term to term rule can ako be used to find missing terms. Example 13.8.3, Tow ‘The tarm to torm rule 6S and so the missing term is 2. Quick Test 1. Write down the teem to term rule for this sequance: 24, 12,6, 3,15. 2. Which of these sequences is arithmetic? A)4,6,9,13, 18... 85,9, 13, 17,21. 23. Find the misting term inthe following sequence of numbers. 159.3, “9,15, 4A. Which of these sequences it geometric? A) 4,8 16, 32,64... 8)16, 14,12, 10.8 Sequences 2 You must be able to: ‘© Generate the tems ofa sequence from a position to term rule ‘© Find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence ‘© Recognise quadratic sequences, The nthTerm ‘+ The ath torm isalso called the position to term rule, ‘The mth termisan algebraic expression which represants the ‘operations carried out by & function machine. ar pur oureut the sequence, » avays i 8 equals 1 2 2 3 | xa +5] 3 ” 45 + The mth term can be used to generate the terms of a sequence. Example “The nth term of a sequence ik given by 3n 5, “To find the first term you substitute m= 314528 Bisthe frst tormin the sequence ‘To find other terms you can substitute different values of ‘When n=2 Whenn=3 ‘When axaeset1 |ax3+5-18 | |axaeser7 Tisthesecond | 1aisthethired | 17 ie the fourth ‘terminthe termin the term in the sequence __| sequence saquence ‘The nthterm 3 +5 produces the sequence of numbers: 8.11, 14, 17,20. ‘The rule can be used to find any term in the sequence. For example, o ind the 50th torm inthe sequence substitute = SC: 3x50+5=155 Finding the nth Term + To find therith term look for a pattern in the seavence: of numbers Example ‘he fist five terms of asequence are7, 11, 15,19, 23. ‘The term to term rule is :4 so the ath term starts with 4 ‘The difference between an and the ouput in each case is 3 so the final rule isn +3. input ‘Output 1 7 2 2 n 3 2 5 4 6 19 5 20 23 a a an Quadratic Sequences + Quadratic sequences are based on square number. Example The frst five terms of the sequence 22+ 1 ate: 3.9.19, 33.51 + Wiangular numbers ate produced from a quadatie sequence + There are many other sequences, for example the first five ‘terms for are 1, 8,27, 64, 125. + ArFibomacci sequence ie formed by adding the two previous ‘terms together to find thenext term: 1,1, 2,3, 5,8, 13,21, « Quick Test Use BIDMAS when calculating terms in 1. Write dovin the first five terms in the sequence Sn +3 2. Write dovrn the tire ve tarme inthe sequence Sr? — 1 3. a) Find the wth term for the following sequence of numbers: 20, 16, 12.8.4, i) Find the 50th term inthis sequence. 4. What isthe mth term alo known as? sth term position to term substitute quadratic Review Questions Key Stage 2: Key Concepts @ writ ofthe fotloning numbesis over to 20002 1995 2007 Explain how you know. B Coleulate 476-231 ry © complete the table below by rounding each number to the nearest 1000. ‘To nearest 1000 asco 457658 45669 ia © wie tes inorder starting wth the sales oss sm 06 063 eB iy tk a ot as Rash Rashmi 3 years younger than John, John is 25 years old. How oldis Amy? el © cateuere 46734 6 @ colculete 156-3 i © onthe scale below draw an arrow to show 1.4 and 3.6 ' I ] 1 el ‘otal Marks re ——e> tS © Aboti hots re offi crink Made pours four lanes or her end | Foch gl contains 20m i How much fizy drinkis left in the bottle? BI © below are fine sit cars. |e) J fe) El Choose two cards to meke the folowing two-digit number numbers: 2) A square number m By A prime number m0 ©) Amultipleof 6 m| 3 ) A tactor of 60 m © Aneauiteteral langle has perimeter of 27cm. What isthe lenath of one oft sides? el @ Jota number iez2. What fs the number? ei © Here ison isecles triangle drown irside's rectangle. ld @ send Tare oo whole numbers $47=500 1s 100 greater than T Find the value of Sand 7 RB) (Total Marks 16 eH Practice Questions Number @® @ Jessa and Holy hove been given the fellowing question: What isthe velue of 3+5%4+72 Jessa thinks the answer fs 30 and Holly thinks the answer is 39, Who is right? Explain your erswer. a ©) @ A netbat cubis planning a tip. The cb has 354 members and the cos ofthe trips £12 per member 8) Wiork out the tora cost ofthe tip. fey ‘They need coaches for the trip and each coach seats 52 people. ) How many coaches do they need to book? BI 2 How many spate seats wil there be? a Alia wants to buy 15 hotdogs. Dave's dogs Harry’ hotdogs ‘hotdogs £4.00 S hotdog? £6.00 Is Dave's doge or Hary’s htdogs cheaper? Show your working, BI the missing number. 5 a ==> ### @ 0 ® 48x 52-2096 Use this to help you wer out the following calculations Baxse= a 12482496 = 52 = BL ‘The lowest common multiple of two numbers is 60 and their sum is 27. What are ‘the pumbers? a ‘Gemma ishaving a barbecue and wants to Invite some friends. Seusages come in packs of 6, Rolls come in packs of 8 she needs exactly the same number of sausages ond roll. What Is the minimum number of each pack she can buy? a ‘Total Marks ie @ isannamane A525x3 542202? 4) Fie the values of any. a a5x54= 55253" b) Write down the value of z. a ©@ 257 must @ square number: Expiain why. 0 © Wwonumbers haves sum ofS onda product of White down the twenumbes. © Tom states thatthe sum of square number anda cube numbers always pesive ike ight? Give an example to usty your answer. a a xs3iaistenion ite) BMC Sequences = @© Ae expression forthe th term of the arithmetic sequence 6,8 10, 12.16 2n #4 ) Find the 20th term ofthis sequence, ty 1) Find the 100th term ofthis sequence, WW © The oc numbers orm an arithmetic sequnce wit a common dfrence 2 Find the nth teum forthe sequence of odd numbers. RB © Lynne ports 2 new flower bush inher garden Five ofthe bud have lend lowered. ach week another tree bus ower 2) How many bud wil have lowered after three weeks? 0 'b) How many weeks will it take for 32 buds to have flowered’ oi a Ita represents the numberof weeks since Lyne planted her ower, wat a ne t0 represort hon any uc wl fewer after nek ow} Total Maks i] )@ Trent tem fora sequence of numbers is e+ 2 Wasi tins the Yh tri 1502 Cindy thnks the 0th es 02. Wo sight? : Explain your answer a) | © cerinna visited tne optkians tobe fed with some canta lenses She adised to wear them for tree hourson the fist yan increase this by 20 minutes each day ‘After how many days nll she be able to wear her contact lensos for 12 hours? By at arts a a Practice Questions Perimeter and Area ©) @ The are ofthe rectansle shown is 48 Find the values of X'and a a © Ketyis ting a wall inher bathroom. “ ‘The wal isd by 3m Each 25m by 2m a) Work out how many tiles Kelly needs to buy for the wall. Bl The es come n packs of 10 and eat pack cot 15 b) Work out how much it will cost Kelly to tile the wal a 1) How many tiles will she have loft over? 1 © Tre aisgram shows» rhombus inside a reangl. ‘The vertices of the rhombus are the midpoints of the sides of the rectangle. Find the area of the chombus. son idclait le Statistics and Data ) @ Phitane oave are god drs players “They record ther scores for 2 match. Their results are shown below. a] 7 | 6 | 100 | 57 | 100 | 41 | 56 | 2 t ae [vm [21 veo | | 5 | 23 | 5 | i a) Calculate the mean score for each player. io by) Find the range of cores fr each player ei / One of the rw players can be picked to playin the next match, el ‘Would you pick Phil or Dave? Explain your answer, Ltr rs 16 © Pre rune freuen table Blow hes deta ofthe weekly iflina town in Sey over a year. esac 2 <4 <20 1% msd Perimeter and Area © Frances ants to pont the front of her house. ‘The diagram roprasents the front of Frances’ nous, 4 Find the area which Frances needs 0 pain “| B Each tn of paint covers ?, ») Werk out the number of tins which Frances neds to buy. m ach tn cons £12 19. Work out hew much it wil cos Frances to paint the fron of ner house. a ‘Yoon buys a new bicycle and uses it to cycle 6000m to work every day and then catches the ‘rain home. His whoa ia circle with a diameter of dem. ‘Work out how many times his wheel makes a full rotation during his journey. a (Total Mor © @ 0» which ofthe two sectors below has the bigest area? Show working ojstly 'b) The porimeter is made up of two straight edges and the ac length. Which of the two sectors above has the biggest perimeter? ‘Show working to justify your answer, cy “otal Marks 16 \ Bon) Statistics and Data ® © Aménite sted 6octherpatens it tay wares home esta er water 16 of her patients were teenagers. 10 ofthe teenagors wanted a hospital bith, 48 of the non-teenagers wanted « home birth. 4 the 10 pation who wanted a water birth were teenagers. How many patients wanted a hespital birth? 1 @® @ thecota below shows the umber of peopeatending the ist si home matches for Sandex United focal cb yea 13541306 1480813781430 ‘You want to calculate the average attendance. |Would you find the mean, median or medle? Give @ reason for your answer. a — 4 ‘Total Marks 14 Sophie catries out e survey to calulate the mean shoe size in her class There are 28 pupiis in her class. She calelatos the mean to be 7.5 ‘She thinks this 2 tte ign, qven her data, and Gecldes ro check her cakulations. he teases she has used the value 40 instead of 4 Calculate the correct mean. B) @®@ saboliais organising a charity netball evant. Se planning on selling Tshirts to help : Init extra money shes tying to decide how many ofeach size Fair to order soshe does asurvey of all the people inher clas to find out thes Thi size Should Isabella use the meen, median or mode 2s the average size in this case? Give a reason to justify your answer. a oral wars 1s Decimals = © Werk overhe fotoning @ a) 34542 423.29 by 6521-4523 2 2181x346 4) 432402 { e02 | 0.08 [= | 02 *] [2] ~ | [05 © © wete 6290000 in sterdad form, 'b) Write 0.008766 in stondard form. Justify your answer. a ‘somata eviionsaide Practice Questions EE © sein the pinot cards thet muliply to mabe 4 12 Which is larger, 5.989 « 10 or 59 890 0007 io} m 0 0 ‘Total Marks 4 nm m 1 Algebra ® © chonee thinks the perimeter ofthe rectangle 82x +2. Lawrence thinks the perimeter of the rectangle is 2 + y)- ‘iho i right? Chanda Lavrenes or both of them? pain your anewer: a ©) @ Thecest (nO of iting acer for the day and ekiving iy miles shown by thi formula: C=75+04y ‘Work out how much it would cost to hire the car fora day and travel 120 miles. Expand and simplify 2(41-+1)~5(e~ Factorise completely ube + 6a ° °o @@ oo e Find the value of 3° ‘Complete the algebra grid alongside, Each brick és made bby summing the two bricks underneath, pees @ erpana ine neces cere) © compte the following factorsations: Pezee2ery(—+_) Pesr-6etr98(_-_) © Kathleen states that for all numbers (r+ yl?= x24)? Show, that Kathleen is wong. =n 2a Total Marks. Total Marks 8 a ca) py a 3 ra a 16 =x 3D Shapes: Volume and Surface Area 1 You must be ableto: 4+ Name and draw 3D shapes ‘+ Draw the net ofa cuboid and other 3D shapes ‘© Calculate the surface area and volume of a cuboid Naming and Drawing 3D Shapes = A130 shape can be described using the number of faces, vertices end edges it has. 2a cubsie 2 . 5 ‘Key Point ' faces asurtace for LP | angsiar orm a acneple aiid ota Q\|seonevsed pram] 8 ire ae CD | pentagonal prism 6 Using Nets to Construct 3D Shapes + Tocteete the net of a cuboid, imagine itis 2 box you are unfolding to lay it out flat Nets for a triangular prism and 2 ‘square-based pyramic look like this: Surface Area of a Cuboid +The surface area of a cuboid i the sum of the areas of all sic ‘faces and Is measured in square units cr’, rm, etc) example To calculate the surface area of the cubsid on the previous page. you can use the net to help you Work out the area of each rectangle by multiplying the base by ts height: cere eesstc on tena ‘There are two of them, so 24cm? x2 = 46cm? [EI te ee ter en ert “There are two of them, so 18cm? x 2 = 36cm? Pik rectangle: en 30m = tem? “There are two of them, 30 12em?x2= 24cm! Sum ofall six ateas 2a +48 +36 = 108m? Volume of a Cuboid * Volumes the space contsined inside a 3D shepe. Example To calculate the volume ofthe cubold on page 42 you need to fist work out the area of the front rectangle: em xem = Tem? Next multiply this area by the depth of the cuboid, 4cm. <10= 18850 (2 619) Then add the areas together: an 56.55 ~ 188,50 = 285.05cmé Volume and Surface Area of a Prism ‘In general we can say that the volume of any given prism isthe ‘roee-sectional area multiplied by the length of the shape. Thie ia tlangular prism, Work out the aree ofthe tiengle (0 12)4.2= 54cm? tse i ‘ond multiply by the length. Fn sae? 1gem=sr2eW em — For surface ree, the trienguler sides (9 12) + 2= 54cm? ‘Wo of these sides so 108m? “The rectangular sides: 18.1 18x1 Volume of Composite Shapes + | tmetsoceii iabut ark na a Si pa camp “Thisdope bul from wo ubsids aay Calculate the volume of the en foomeeae Guid Saag vara pee ise (Gem 2em) x53 = G0cm* Geom 4 acm) 2 = Yen? sm S00 70 130! Quick Test the nearest vihote unit. a sn » 2. Work out the volume of this composite shape. “1. Work out the volume and the surface area ofthese shapes to LL Finding the surface area of atrangular ‘ism fellows the sare method as or the surface area of cuboid ‘There ate only two duplicate sides — escanegiente — Interpreting Data 1 You must be able to: ‘© Create. simple pie chart from aset of data © Useand cieatea pietogram ‘© Drawe frequency diagram Make comparisons and contrasts between data, Pie Charts + Ple charts are often shown with percentages or angles dicating the sector sze ~ this and the visual representation helps to interpret the data, Example 136 students were asked the fellowing uestion Which is your favourite flavour of crises? “To work our the angle for ech sector 360 236 = 10° om as ras Saltand vinegar a ay CCheate and Onion a 10 ‘Always align your Ready Salted = 2 12x10 120 protractor zero line vith your starting ine Pravin Cocktail 4 4 10=40 : i ‘unt up irom zero to c= 2 2510620. measure your angle Dont forget to label your chart Pictograms “+ Doto is represented by a picture or symbol ina pictogram. example “The pitogram shows how many pzzs were delivered ty Benin one week. Key = 8 pizzas Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu Fei sat @e@| @ | ¢| @ | ee | ee @ ee How many pizzas cd Ren deliver on Friday? 8 x= 32 (On Sunday Ben delivered 20 pizzas, Complete the pictogram. 2032-25 @ € = _, sun Frequency Diagrams + Frequency diagrams are vied te show grouped data. example “The heights of 100 students are shown in this table 121-130 | 131-140 | 147-150 asl eaal 2 70-80 | 81-90] 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 3 [¢[e2f{a [ » Using the span of each height category plot each group at a block uring the Frequency axis. Data Comparison + You can make comperisons using freaveney diegrams. Example ‘his graph shows how much time two students spend on ‘helt mobile phones in a week, What does the graph show? ‘Apart from Thursday, Helen uses her phone more than Andy. Also, both of them use ‘their hones more at the weekend. Quick Test 1118 people were asked « question and you wore to create a ple chart to represent your data, what angle would one person be worth? 2. Using the graph above, on which day eid both Helen and Andy use thelr mobiles the most? 3. The following weak Andy had a mean ute of 40 minutes per day. Does this mean he uses his phone more than Helen now? bom | Think about what i= similar about the data and what is different. Look for any patterns ple chart percentage ‘angle Interpret pictogram frequency data axis Bb Key Words Interpre' You must be able to: ‘© Interpret diferent graphs and diagrams ‘+ Drawa scatter graph and understand cortelation ‘¢ Understand the use of statistical investigations ig Data 2 Interpreting Graphs and Diagrams + You can interpret the information in graphs and diagrams example ‘What does this graph show? Es ba Tansee CO = 1B tomar et i a ay 2 . a Perry February has the lowest temperatures because it has the shortest yellow ber. Example Method of goals scored in the 2011 Using tis pie chor, 88080" = Mathletica Grd, wat isthe most ogee licely way the team ME fares scores a goal? The largest sector thd oe Sar hrs esccone ealintecpiny es Drawing a Scatter Graph “+ A.seatter graph shows two pieces of information on ane graph. = You can use a scatter graph to show a potential relationship between the data. = Youcan draw line of best fit throuch the points on a scatter graph 8 KS2 Math Revision Guida Example Here isa plot ofthe salesf ice cream against the amount of sun por day for 12 days. The scatter giaph shons that hen. ‘the weathers sunnier (ard hott) > more ice creams are bought. Taig Plot each date pair at 3 coordinate. + You can describe the corrdation and use the line of best fit to ‘estimate data valuoe. {ine of bast ie dowsert have to start at zer0 or “+The graph ebove shows a postive correlation between ice 190 exactly rough any cream sales and sunlight in a cay, points +The graphs below show examples of negative correlation and 10 correlation. Example Negative corelation No correlation Statistical Investigations + Statistical investigations ute surveys and experiments to test Statements and theories to see whether they might be tue or false. We call these statements hypotheses. Example Jia needs to throw a 1 ona dice. She rollsit 25 times and still hasn't rolied a 1. What hypothesis might Jia make? Hypothesis: The dice is biased. You could test this hypothesis by rolling the dice a large ‘number of times, determining whether it favours a certain ‘number or not. » Quick Test 11. Look atthe pie chart on page 48. What ifthe least likely way that Mathietica € © zara rots an cihtsded dice more than 30 times and never rllsan 8 \Whet hypothesis might Zarfa suggest? How could she test her hypothesis? a ee ae Fractions 1 You must be able to: 4 Find and calculate equivalent fractions (© Add and subtract fractions Equivalent Fractions ‘Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal despite the denominators being different. Example + You can create an equivalent fraction by keeping the ratio ‘between the numerator and denominator the samo. You do this by multiplying or dividing both the numerator anct denominator by the same number ‘This is very useful when you went to compare or evaluate citferant fractions. Example ‘Which isthe larger fraction. 3 0° 3? To compare those fractions you need to find a common denominator, a umber that appears in both the S and 7 times table. 5x7=35 m0 a # Et S0 Becomes and jcan be Now the denominators are equal, you can evaluate the two fractions more eat You can see that 12= 2s larger. ey SS Mathe Revlon Gude ‘Acconunon denominator isa number that shares 2a relationstip with both Fractions denominators For examole, for 5 end 3 this would be 15, 30, 45, 6, .. Adding and Subtracting Fractions + Adding ations with the same denominator is straightforward. ‘The ‘tops, numeretors, are collected together Example i ED ea Notice the size ofthe piece’, the denominator, remains the same in both the question andthe answer ft - $+ 3 a - o- ) + When you have fractions with differant denominators fis find equivalent fractions with a common denominator. example 2 rece Hare the common denominator is 12, as itis the smallest ‘number that appears in aoth the 3 and 4 times tables, This ‘means that, forthe frst fraction you have to multiply both ‘the numerator and dencminator by 3 and for the sacond multiply by 4 ow the fractions are of the “ame size pisces’ you can add the before. ‘Quick Test 1. Find three equivalent frctions for 3 eh 2 ot 2 | ‘The ze ofthe piece the denominator, has to bbe the same to do either function. {tis esential v0 find equivalent fractions 50 both fractions have the same denominator. Fractions 2 ‘You must be able to: ‘+ Multiply an divide fractions ‘+ Calculate sums involving mixed numbers. matoying and Dividing Fractions Multiplying fractions by whole numbers isn't very different from multiplying whole numbers. "= The numerator is multiplied by the whole number, Example rs ide ia aia, ‘When multiplying fraction: ky fractions, you multiply the tops’ ‘and then multialy the ‘bottoms. Example pa 4-35 ‘When you multiply these rwo fractions tis ik saying there are Pots of * When dividing you use inverse operations. You change the ‘operation to multiply and invert the second fraction, + When you divide fractions you are saying how many of one of the fractions is in the other example pled. $-2-34+4 2 cvided ico halves ives twice as many Pecos Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions + Amixed number is where there is both a whole number part anda fraction, for example 15. *Aniimproper fraction is where the numerator is bigger than the denominator, for example $ ‘Improper fractions can be changed into e mixed number and vice versa, ‘+ Understand mined numbers andimproper fractions for multiplying or viding fractions Example Changing an improper fraction to@ mixed number: — ot =m tite, Changing a mixed number to an improper fraction: ag eD12_ 1a a5 le Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers + To work with mized numbers you fst have to change them to Improper fractions. “+ Thare are four stops for adltion: convert to imoroper fractions -» convert vo equivalent fractions “ade convert back to 2 mixed number ‘Always write the ‘remainder’ as a fraction, Example 443)- 22,138 224 1349 _ 205 Begg ae ae ae ‘i + Thesame sequence of steps is needed for subtraction: convert to improper fractions > convert to equivalent fractions : = subtiact — convert back to a mixed number. Bxample ihe te he . Coordinates and Graphs 1 ‘You must be able to: ‘© Plotineargrapns ‘© Understand the components of y=ux-+ Solve equations from ineer graphs. Linear Graphs + Coordinates are usually given in the form (x, ») and they ere used to find cartain points on a graph with an axis and a vans + Linear graphs form a straight tine. Example Mnelacreschec nay pa. Seana oo rr Praia yas Graphs of y=art+b + ais ued to represent the gradient ofthe graph. +b isused to represent the intercept. + To create the graph we substitute numbers for sand y. ‘A positive value of «wil ‘ive a postive gradient. ‘The graph will appear “upbit A negative value of ‘wil give 2 negative ‘radient. The graph will ‘appear ‘downhill Example Plot the graph y=2r+ 1 lfax=1 you can work out whet y is as follows: ya2utd tas Now change x to 2,3, ‘Any value can be used for sto generate y, just ‘ty to piek one thet son your xe for ease ~~ rns incest ny ase Sa + You cen work out the equstion of a graph by looking at the gradient and the intercept + The graciant can be worked out by picking two points on ‘the graph, finding the cfference between the points on both ‘he y-and waxes and diviéing ther: guest 2 = gradient + The intercept ie where the graph crosses tho y-axis Solving Linear Equations from Graphs + Youcan use graph fn the solution to an ecuation xamle Using the graph y ~ 2x 1 (above), you can find the solution to the equation 5=2e+1 First ofall plot the graph ese above, Then find where con the exis ‘Trace your finger across until it meets the graph and finally follow it down to read the axis value: x= 2 Quick Test ‘Complete the table below for the equation of y =31—4, then plot ion a graph, a ae]. 2] coordinates near He graph hasa gradient of §and an intercept of 3, what gradient ‘Would the equation of ths graph be? intercept Coordinates and Graphs 2 You must be able to: 4+ Plot quacratic graphs ‘© Solve simultaneous equations using a graph Drawing Quadratic Graphs + Quadratic equations meke graphs that are not fnear but curved. Example past Remember that when ‘multiplyine a nesative ‘weth another negative, itbecomesa positive umber. Substitute values of to ereate the coordinates. Ws [2 [7 ]°]+]z [3 »-? EES EERE —— EXER ga + Quadratic can take more complicated forms, but you stil just substitute + for a number to get the coordinates. Example yes ert If =-3 you can work out what yi flow ETT eC) 1994 641-4 Stes verom te See oma Mes pe tte i D messmncan BET Solving Simultaneous Equations Graphically + When you plot simultaneous equations, the solution to both ‘equations can be seen at the point where hoth equations cress ‘Simultaneous equations ‘are two equations that re linked. xe2ondy=4 1. What are the gradient and intercept of these equations? Ap ynBe15 by mB? y= Bev2 2, Copy and complete te table for y=? = 34-44 Fue p ‘quadratic equations substitute Simultaneous equations oordinatesand Graphs2: Review Questions 3D Shapes: Volume and Surface Area © Workout the surface ares andthe volume ofthis abo Do not forget the units. unit and state the units. © workout ine volume of tis drum tothe neerest whole ai e © tine volume of eae 512m? what the langth of the sides in em? ea Phil has 1200 Using tho word and in probability can imply ‘hat we mutiply the ‘What isthe probability of picking out # green or a blue ball? probablitie ofthe aee ee rents Bs 7 There are three cifferent colours in thishag of 15 balls: 3yollow, some red and somo blue balls Use the table to work out the numberof each colour Dal Yellow [Red Blue 02 06 2 The probability that any balls chosen is 150 we can caleulats the probability of drawing a blue bal: 1 ~0.6-02=0.2 One ney of working out the actual number of each colour s ‘0 multiply the probability by the total number of ball: 15x06=9(red) 02*15=3 (olus) Experimental Probability 4+ “The probability of getting 2 6 when rolling a siesided dice i 3 If you roled the dic sx teres would you definitely get 0 6? You may not get a6 in six rll, however the mare times you roll the dice the more likely you are to get closer to. This is ‘experimental probability. Example Yellow Hayley sat outside her school and counted 25 cars that went past. She noted the colour of ‘each carin this table. #} Whats the prebobility of the nex car going past being white? Bad=02 ') How mani black cars would you expact if $0 cars go past? Fx036 036 x50=18 Venn Diagrams and Set Notation + Venn disgrams cen be wed to organise sets and find probebiitis. example Or) = Set Ais the children who Bike ‘green beans, Set 8s the ciliren wino Tike carrots. (2)= 10-4 6= 16 children tke green beans (= 6+ 15 =21 chldeen ike carots (AUB) = 10 +64 15=31 children ike et least one, <— LSE ‘You are using probabilities to guess ‘events. These don’t map. ‘exact outcomes but Should be used to guide Yyou to likely ancl eas Iikely events. (A..8) =6 childron tke both green beans and carrots, mcemaietaracen ct snd (AU By’ = 4 children like neither green beans nor carrots, =~ These" ean notin Ao 1. A bag has 20 balls of four eferent colours 1} Complete the table. [yellow Red 2a, Green 18 [Bue a 1b) What isthe probability of not getting o yellow ball? ©) If picked out and replaced a ball $0 tims, what i the expected probability that I would pick out a green ball? mutually exchisive experimental probability Fractions © soba sing your anes in that spl forms @) a bbe » Fede opt © s0We, giving your answers in their skmplest form: @) ood: » Prim o ide a ede ob§- 6 © saty won some money in the lottery. She gave $toherhusbend and $0 her daughter @ What fraction did she keop? Xam was aking cake Hicrcige wat $ ow, 5 cugar and biter and the estan cual spt of chocolate and eggs. @ What fraction does the chocolate part resresent? “Total Marks. num ames © Gorceane toning risen rapper rane) ag » ow ‘Total Marks = ‘suinteteiconenie Review Questions ? 81 a 8 i 3 Coordinates and Graphs [> © copy and complete the errove andthe table below, then plot the equetion y=24—4 ona graph. Bid w the equation 1 2 3 | 2) ‘otal Marks 7 ar 6 have the coordinates (2, 3)7 sty your answer a 8) Fi the solutions forthe following simultaneous equations graphically. a) © @ waren the equations withthe same gradient: a) y=2ee 12 by yer @ y=4e-9 AB yeters fe) aysaree ) y=19 4dr 8) Total Merk 1 _aasuconeestna Practice Questions Angles (© Fina the marked angen tinsel tangle, A © Find a tho angles marcen sandy indicated in ach diagram Te $ © wrar isthe name of polygon with 1 sides? (©) @ each interior angle ofa eaula polygon Is 150, how many sides does ithave? Tote Marks © create stsselstion using at lasts duplicates of these shapes. Total marks 4 nm ca 19 oT Probability = $_____ © Pritdoes en experiment dropping «paper cup a umber of times. The pobsbilty oft landing upside-down O65. : ‘What isthe probability of it NOT landing upside-down? @ © A dice has ben roe 20 ines and ecerded inthe frequen tbe below, 18} Copy and complete the table. Give the probabilities as fractions. 8) Cs | 1 Ls - I 2 i 2 3 C7 4 [7 5 [_s 6 [os “Total b) Use th resus in your table to work out the estimated probability es fraction) of geting 1D thenumber6 i) anced number ii) anumberbigger than 4 B) ©) Bo-you think the dee is far? Give a reason for your answer, By = © brady hase puck of oloured car The table show the probability of ech colour being chosen. [Yetiow Fed Blue Green Pink 026 018 0.03 045 ') Copy and complete the table to shovr the probebility of choosing a green card. [1] bb) What s the probability that a card is chosen and isnot yellow? RB ©) What ithe probability that Bradley chooses a blue or green card? a —(etaimans 14 | Deere Cherian Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 1 You must he able to: * Convert between fraction decimal and percentage © Calculate a fraction ofa quantity © Calculate a percentage ofa quantity ‘© Compare quantiles using percentages. Different Ways of Saying the Same Thing ‘+The table below shows how fractions, decimals and percentages are used to represent the same thing rs eatin [Dacia [Parentage 1 } oa | 25% i J os som Key Point | ae 3 Percent means ‘out of i i o7s | 75% = Percentages + For conversions you don’t know automatically, use the ules below, +100 (20 + 100) Fractions of a Quantity Converting Fractions to Decimals to a 4 ut over 100 and Fractions Divide top by bottom (7 +3) Decimal 02 Neal [oe x10 + Tofind a fraction of a quantity without a calculator, divide by the doneminator and multiply by the numorator. Example Find §of e120, = 12083%2- 480 BS xssatnsmovioncuce = Tofind e rection of quarity witha calulator, use the fraction button(a¥/} Calculators can cifer though, so find out how yours deals with factions example Find’ of £120. 2(B)2» 120-80 Percentages of a Quantity + Tofind a percentage of a quantity without a calculator: Example Find 20% of $60, 10% of $6060 10-6 20% =$6x2=$12 + Totind a percentage of a quantity with a calculator: example Find 20% of Seo. (020% = 02 09% $60 50 20% of $89 is 20-100<60=$12 0.24 $60=512 Example Find 120% of $60, OR 120% =12 20% » $60 0 120% of $50' os 20 100%60=$72 12%S60=872 Comparing Quantities using Percentages + To compare two quantities using percentages: Example Which is bigger, 308% of £600 or 25% of £7007 1096 of £600 = 600 + 10 =€60 50% of €700 = 700 +2 = £380 130% of £600=60x3=£180 25% of €700= 350-2= £175 30% of £600 is bigger. by 5. Quick Test Change & toa decimal and percentage 2. Work out {of £70 3. Find 35% of £140, Useful percentages to ove 50% +2 10% ++ 10 1% +100 Drone sib bigger han $8 zo Fractions, Decimals and 5? Percentages 2 Pid ‘You must be able to: ae + Wer outa percentage increeseordecreave bs «Find one quantita percentage of nother oe «Workout simple interest By 1 Calculae a reverse percentage Percentage Increase and Decrease + Tofind a percentage increase or decrease, add on or subtract ‘the percentage you have found. Example A calculetor i priced at £12 but there isa dscount of 25%, Work out the reduced price of the calculator, 25% of £12 = 25% £12 25+ 100% 12-43 Reduced price = £12 €3= €9 Bitte seit tata taney OR A reduction of 25% means you are let with 75%, and amen 75% =0.75 75x £12 = 69 Example A laptop computer costs £350 plus tan at 20%, Work out the actual cost of the laptop. 20% of £350 20% % £350 20-100 «350-70 ‘Actual cost = €250 + £70 = £420 + eget adden oe (OR An increase of 20% mears you pey 120%, and 120% = 1.2 = 1.2 £350 = £420 Finding One Quantity as a Percentage of Another * Tofind one quantity a5 2 percentage of anothe ae Ee eis gala si nian et ee Mowe a Gerisisoroeram 18+20x 100 Without aceleuletor: xs D, - 90% 385 si rs Simple Interest + Find the interest fr one yearthen muliey by the number of years. Examole ‘Alex pus £200 into a savings account, He gets 5% simple interest per year. How much does he have in his account after two years? Interest is mot added on atthe end of each year. 5%=20-2=610 —— miss rece eran vas Aftor two years lox roceives £10 «2 = £20 ‘Alex has £200 + €20 = €220 in his account, Reverse Percentages + You are given the cost after the incieaseldecrease and will have tofind the original cost. came ‘ar Gcreassin value by 20% to 300 nd the oial piateca: 0% = £500 ay ‘ie E500 +00 6250 i toow = 250 ee ‘The origina price = £6250 Quick Test 1. ATV costing £450 is reduced by 10%. What is it sale price? A houte casting £0000 inreaces in value ny 15%. What i the cost of the house now? 3. Anna gets 3! in a tect. What percantage ic this? 44 Write 24cm a5 a percentage of 30cm. 5. {save £900 ata simple interes of $6, How much willl have after three years? 5. Fin the orginal price of a house that has increased by 1095 t0 £16500 Equations 1 You must be able to: ‘© Soe a simple equation ‘= Sole an equation with unknowns on both sides ‘= Sole more complex equations + Use negative numbers Solving Equations + | Wheatsheaf hs Value ofthe eter = Remember to think of the letter as ‘something’. re ‘Sanole Seer met be. Solve the equation 2y +3 = 15 “This simply means something’ +3= 15, 1 a2 Nor look with the inverses: 2ysse ts, 3) ate 2 ys Equations with Unknowns on Both Sides ‘An equation may have an unknown number on both sides of the equals ign. example Solve the equation Se-2=3r+5 edo allen sense of Sx-2=30+5 Bene (302 <— feo oitenneie G2 ze ao 2 Solving More ComplexEquations + An equation may include a negative of the unknown numbé +The unknown number mey be pert ofa fraction, or Inte brackets, example Solve the equetion 3x+1=11-2e example Solver equation 253 (<2) are oo) coy Example Solve the equation 32-1) = ar +2) Multiply out the brackets fist then solv in the usual way. 3Qe~ N= Ae 42) r-3=4r48 ay e-3=8 rs 7) Quick Test H6= 30, what isthe value of 1? Solve the equation 2y -2= 13 Solve the equation 3: +7=2:~2 Solve the equation 2x +1= 13 Solve the equation 26¢+2)= 2-2) yawns Revise estes ding tbr gs thermpatie =| Remember to multiply everything inside the bracket by the number outside the bracket Equations 2 You must bo abloto: ‘© Set upand solve an equation + Solve equations with” + Usea method of tial and improvement. Setting Up and Solving Equations + Younill have to follow a set of instructions in a given order. ‘© Usually you only have tox + + or square. “Ifyou have to multiply ‘everything’ then remember to use brackets. Example ‘Anumber is doubled, then 5 is added to the total and the result is 11. What was the original number? ‘Anumber a doubled 2 adds ass ‘The result is 11 er5= 11 You can now solve this nthe usual way to find the original umber oquals 3 Example “Three boys were paid £10 per hour plus a tip of £6 to wash “They shared the money and each got £12. How mary hours id they wash cars for? toes itupameauton 2 aD Nene aan ne 3) t0r45=36 © 10r=30 G10 a kssmatnstevsion Guide) ‘The boys worked for 3 hours. gee Remember o do the same to both sides of the equation. Equations Involving x” + Solving more complicated aquation involving + ic usually done bythe tril and improvement method. + Ty different values of to get a cose asyou can to the answer + Fi a value of «that give an anewer that 100 big and one ‘thet is too small. Then try one that isin between, Example : Solve the equation? += 15. Give your answer to 1 decimal place. Ty. By3e943=12 time Ty. Bs4=1644=20 <— mesteonis Now ty 2 value between 3 and 4: Tyr=35 357+35=1225+35=1575 <— Ms swonie Tryx-34 34.34 1156434~ 1496 <— Pre stenea Now ty 2 value between 3.5 and3.4, Tys=345 3.4524 245~ 11,9025+ 2.45-15.3525 = maateoti, ‘The answer must be between 3.4 and 3.45 and therefore ‘must round 103.4 (14) 50,2034 + Ifyou have to give your answer to 2 decimal places, you will need to show trials to 3 decimal places. Alvrays make sure your ‘ria are in order, Rendom tres will mean yeu do mare werkt ‘A number is multiplied by 3 and then 8 subtracted from it. “The result is.25. What isthe number? ‘A chicken is roasted for 39 minutes for every kilogram plus ‘an extra 20 minutes. f te chicken took 110 minutes to cook, hhow heavy was i? Round 1.7610 1 decimal place 4, Solve the equation x? =5 Give your ansiner to 1 decimal place Solve the equation x" + += 43 Give your arsiver to 1 decimal place ‘tial and improvement rounding Review Questions | Angles @ Fira the missing anges in te paral ne diagrams below. @ © Whetde the iota © reach inarior ange of rgulr polygon is 160, how many side door it have? rir engles add up to in e nonegon? m bh Totol Marks 18 © exten wn regular pentagons cannot be used on ther own fr teseltion ©) @ Tessetate the following shape at east: Total Marks 1s a Ksamatnchevisen Guide -/ Probability =< $_$____ © Leone runs an ice-cream van. At random she chooses whch kindof sprinkles to put on theice-ceams. Te table Below shows whst Leanne dd on Sunday. Chocolate 1" Hondreds and thousands 4 | Stawbeny 7 | Nuts 10 rental probebilities in the table above. RB a) Complete the exper 'b) What was the probability of getting either nuts or chocolate sprinkles? Ry © trthe probability of wining 2 rae rie is 0.47, what ithe probably of ret winning arate prize? @) tw © 4 complete te tbe below @ Ere London 026 carat 015 Chester 02 Manchester ‘a 1) Which othe leastlixey destination to tavel to For sales? 1 ‘Total Marks @ Yeonne works in insance. The probity that Wenne gets acim from alls 0.68 (om Monday sne gots 225 call, Whats the stimtec number of ais? el 1) @ atic sa baker on Monday he made 250 bread rol. However, Patricks oven i slightly faulty and burns 0.14 of them. How many rolls were good on Monday? Ri (total Marks 4 Practice Questions Fractions, Decimals and Percentages J Copy and compete the following tab 3 ss 02 i “4 © @ workout: a) Fofsis ia ) J of5210 cy 9 $ots27 a — Total marks 110 : Werk out: @ 2) 15% of sm a 1) 35% of 1600 a 2 5% of $70, fa 4 [jacket costing £75 srecicad by 20% a sal, Whats the sale orice ofthejacket?@ 3] © Kirn puts £00 inte a savings account She will eceve 5% simple interest each yan How much vl she have inthe bank after the following? a) two years a b) five years BL Total Marke n6 —_ Xssmathotovision aide) Equations ©) @ sohe thee equations: 2) 2-5-3 a by aerexe7 ca a a © Aoumber's mattpied by 3, then 2 is added to the total and the results 11 ‘What wes the original number? a _At Anne's party thers wore cans of drink, Everybody atthe party hed 4 cans each How many people were atthe party? a {Total marks 2 © soe the equation e+ 1)=2 42-2) a © Soke the eavation 52u+ 1) + 382-4) 430-8) 8 © A ctolution of.° 1-50 ies between 3 and 4. Use 2 method of vial and improvement to find the value of to 1 dacimal plac, ta © solve the equation 74 21= 75, Use # method of tel and improvement and give your answer te 1 decimal place. “ © The rectangle andthe triangle have the same perimeter. ‘Write dow an equation ancl solve it to find the value of x cy Symmetry and Enlargement 1 You must be ablete: * Reflect a shape Find the order of rotational symmetry Rotate a shape Trandate a shape Enlarge a shape. cc oy fees cee Reflection and Reflectional Symmetry ame 0 + Reflect each point one ato time. Use a line that is parpenslicular to the mirror lina + Make sure the reflection is the same distance from the mirror line asthe original shape + A shape has reflectional symmetry if you can draw a mirror ine through ft Translation + hehe hed ight (adored 6) + meinen ses vce(*) Perpendicular means at ‘ight angles (86° to, Check by placing a mirror along the mirror Rotational Symmetry + shape has rotational symmetry If it looks exactly like the original shape when itis rotated, The ‘order’ of rotational symmetry isthe number of ways the shape looks the same. ‘+ Torotate a shape you need to krow: er Ges oak es The centre of rotation ~The direction i will rotate The number of degrees to rotete. Example 4) Rotate shape A 180° from (1,0). b) Tranelate shape A, bres (4) Enlargement + To draw an enlargement you need to know two things: ~ How much biggerfsmaler to make the shape. This is called the seale factor. = Where you will enlarge the shepe from, This is called the contro of enlargement + Remember: Enlarged shapes are similar (the same shape but a litfacent se) the scale factors mote than J, the shape will be bigger I the scale factor is ess than one, eg. J, the shape wal be small Example Enlarge shape A by 2 scale factor of 2 from the point (3,4). Sometimes you will not bbe given a centre of ‘enlargement and can do the drewing aryehere, + Use rays to check the postion of your enlargement. They wil touch corresponding corners of the shape. Quick Test 1. What ithe erder of rotadonal symmeuy of this shape? 2 a) Reflect this shape across the mitror line 5 b) Rotate the shape 180" about the corner A, Sarena reflection rotation centre of rotation enlargement scale factor cente of enlargement similar 3. 9) Rotate the shape in question 280° clockwise about the comer 8, by) Enlarge this shape by 2 vale factor of 3 Symmetry and Eiorgement ” Symmetry and Enlargement 2 You must beable to: Recognise congruent shapes © Interpret a scale drawing Work out missing ses in similar shapes Convert between units of measure, Congruence = Conaruence simply means shapes thet are exactly the seme meter Sane tape ‘= Theso arrow shapes are congruant- they have the same size Oe cnccomnen ={=_ ~ three peirs of sides are equel (35) wo pal of sides andthe angle betvieen them are equal (SAS) = two pas of angles enc the sie between them are equal (ASA) ~ both trangles have right angle, the nypotenuses are equal and one pai of corresponding sides is equal (RS). Scale Drawings + Asal drawing s one that shows areal object th acaurate mensions, except they have all been rechiced or enlarged by a Key Point certain amount (ale the seal ‘Similar shapes are enlarged by the same scale factor, but the. sa arr asda segiesneg a ine oe Example ‘Aszale of 1: 10 mears in the real world the object would be 10 times bigger than in the drawing. ‘These horses are ax Sitilar=seme shepe, Ss dltferent size. Wo use scale drawings to make copies of real objects. 7 j eres =).l# Sa DULLED sche SS rssmatnsnevsion Guide) Shape and Ratio + Youcan se ratios to workout the 10 ze of a bjt. The tales genase ratio nit he saber ei fr Example Estimate the height of the houre using the scale of 1: 160 Here, the height of the house is Sem s0 in real life the house ie actually: 5 x 160 =800cm = 8m ‘The width of the house i Gem 20 in ral lfe the house is actualy ‘6 160 = S60em = 9m 602m 2. Which shape is congruent to shape A? 3. Estimate the lenath, in metres of the boot. Scale: 1:80 ~~ Eo 5, Draw two shapes that are similar Bis nlrb eee Seales are given asa ratio, usually 1: whore ‘nis what you multiply by Remember: 100em ie 33 Ratio and Proportion 1 ‘You must be able to: ‘© Underscand what ratio means = Simplify aratio ‘+ Mulkiply nd divide by whole numbers Peenicer ir Cee ae Ge) Introduction to Ratios + Ratios a way of showing the relationship between ‘wo numbers + Ratios can be used to compare costs, weights and sizes, Example ‘On the deck of a boat there are 2 women and 1 man. There: ate also 5 carsand 2 biggles. “The rato of cors to bicycles is 5 to 2, written 5:2 “The ratio of bicycles to cars 152 t0 5, written 2:5 “The ratio of men to women is Ito 2, written 1:2 “The ratio of women to men is 2t0 1, written 21 "to" rreplaced with + Ratios can also be written a fractions for example: are women end are men, or § of the vehicles ae cars and of the vehicles are bigyes. cam ies ba onion piety Uowaad flour and 20e batter Y > Terai of four to biter 4102 " weitendea ‘The ratio of butter to flour Is 210.4, writen 2:4 Example ‘What isthe ratio of black tiles to blue tiles? Fae “The ratio of lack tls to blue tla is 5:9 a s3mathsnevisionculde Simplifying Ratios +The following ratios are equivalent. The relationship between each pair of numbers is the same: 10:20 4 36 i 2s ¥ " lowest terms. Example Simply the ratio 3 10) example Write 49 cents to $1 asa ratio in its lowest terms. ‘This ratio is 9 simpler way of writing the ratio 10: 20, You can simplify a ratio fyou can divide by a common fac, + When a ratio cannot be simplified, itis said to be in its Key Point When there arene | move common factors, the ratio isin its lowest terms 10 GH00HIO] <—bceannuntesy First get the units the same: 40 cants to 100 cents written. 40100 } Now simplity +10 4°19 andagain +2 2/5 Example ‘The angles of a triangle are 20% What isthe rat 60" and 100%. 20° 60°: 100° wy rsa: s Boar |. Look at this pattern of grey and green tes 3) Write down the ratio of green Blas to grey tiles b) Write down the ratio of grey tls to green tiles 2. Write the following ratios in ther lowest terms: 9)3:9 by 28:4 25em: 1m of the angles in their lowest terms? equivalent sity factor lowest terms Ratio and Proportion 1Revise ee Ratio and Proportion 2 You must he able to: + Shateina given ratio + Multiply and divide by whele numbers ‘+ Workout proportional amounts ‘© Workout amounts that are inversely proportional Ceeereetys Cet are} Sharing Ratios + Sharing ratios ere used when @ total emount is to be shared or livid imto a given ratio, Example Shate £200 inthe ratio 5:3 ‘Add tegether the ratio to find how many parts there are. 543=8perts Divide £200 by 8 to find out how much 1 partis 200+8=25, 1 partis £25, ‘Now muitiply by each part of the ratio, 525 = £125 3125-575 £200 shared in the ratio S 3 is written £125: £75, Divide to find one, then multiply t find al example ‘A-sum of money is shared in the ratio2 3 If the smaller share is €30, how much isthe sum of money? 2 paris = £30 so part=620-2-415 Sperts=£15 x3 = 45 “The sum of money = £20 + £4 d Direct Proportion ‘+ “Two quantities are in divect proportion if their ratios stay the some cothe quantities gel lager or ster Example c Ifthe rato of teachers to students In one cass 1:30, then. three clases will need 3:90 Using the Unitary Method + Using the unitary method, find the value of one unit of the ‘quantity before working out the required amount. Example Five loaves of bread cost £4.25. How much will three eaves cost? One loaf costs £42545=a5p x Fractions, Decimals and Percentages ©) @ a convert $8 toa percentage. @ m1 1) convert 0375 ta fraction in tstowest terms, @ a ©) Convert 366 to a traction in its lowest terms. nm © seams raves £5 pocet money vary week, he sponds} ot er money on magazines and 2 on sweets. The rest she saves. 2) How much does Seema spend on sweets? a | by How much does Seems save? a OO worcour® 2) 20% of xm a ) om of $100 al 0.38% of 28009 a ©)@ Acoatcosting £90 reduced by 15% in ase. What the sale price of the coat? @ 3d © © Karine puts e150 nt a sovings account. she wil receive 6% sme interest each ye How much wil she have in the bank after the following: 2) Vyear a by 4 years B “otal Marke 124 © @ Place the fotoning number | 2 2 | 08 we 02 a L 2) order of size, starting with the smallast: Total marks R © sore these equations @ a) &-5=4047 a by 50e+2)=260-0) a 0 31-124-2 a 4) 8558-7 fa © A chocolate ber machine holds 56 bers of chocolate. If 29 are left how many were sold? @ a © @ tour builoors re togehor paid £20 per hour plus a bonus of £150, They share the pay and each got £50. How many hours di they work? @ Solve the eauation At 1 1 Expand te bracket fint collect ike terms then sole inthe wvel way Remember: © sotve the equation 8-20~ 2120+4) @ a © A solution of 322 70s between § and 6 Use a method of tra end improvement o find the vale oft 1 decimal place. Total Marks 110 Practice Questions Symmetry and Enlargement G) etic shape A arte dotted mir ne Label the new shape B. by Enlarge shape A by scale factor 3, with centro of enlargement (3,4), Label the naw shape C. ‘0 Which of the shapes ae congruent? 4) Which of the shapes ere similar? @) @ map is crawn ona sae of tom 2k ©@ 2» rotate shape A 90" dockwive aout the orksin @.0. Ri a io} 1 ‘Total Marks a 12 If 2 read is 13% long in real life, how long will tbe, in cm, on the map? a Ratio and Proportion ©) @ what isthe rato ot back les to white es? Give the ratio in ts lowest terms. © @ simpy the totlowing ratios: 2) 0:28 1) 40 minutos: 1.5 hous 6 $3: s0cents © © Ann pen and care share 480i the rtio4 5:3 How much dos each parton get? © Asumot money sare in the rato 2:3 the larger share £27, how much money there atogether? ‘Total Marke ©) @ Aree fr Sepceke needs 40g of butter and 1009 of flour Hom much bute and fur is need to make 15 cupcakes? © © Sore rnen can tid a garage in 10 days. Working atthe some rate, how long would tee: 2) 10 men? b) Sen? — ‘otal Marks. a m a a a 2 co) ay 16 ‘= Roada time graph ‘© Drawa graph of exponential gronth, 5 Real-Life Graphs and Rates 1 cS Youmustbe sble to: \ ees Le) Graphs from the Real World + Graphs from the real worl include conversion graphs. Ad + You may be asked to convert between these units he ands Eandeuros pints ard litres mph endknvh miles and ken gallons and litres e € Reading a Conversion Graph + To convert from one unit tothe other, read straight across to the line then go straight down until you reach the other exis. If you are converting the other way, go up until you reach the line, then read across. Example Convert 20 miles into kilometres, Draw tine etalght up from 30 miles until Jehits he tne, To go from Kilometres to miles read straight across to the line then 90 straight down until you hit the miles as Go straight across ‘to the kn aie 30ralles is ‘equivalent to 48km, Time Graphs + Distance-time graphs give information about journeys. Use the horizontal scale for time and the vertical scale for distance. + Distance-time graphs are also used to calculate speeds. Example [Amanda cyees to the gym and back every Sundoy. The graph below shows Amanda’ journey. a" femme) [ee Gasca rerape sea [perms hn ser tio Graphs of Exponential Growth + Exponential growth means thatthe rate of growth is slow atthe stort ‘and increases rapily unt it becomes massive fxample [peecereiicme | aad ‘orton2} ety inte =| Sera retire, ua Za 2 smo} : Whine seetowyorve 2 seal eee Sein Quick Test ‘Use the milestkm conversion araph on the previous page, 4. Find how many km ate equivalent to: a) 25 miles b) 10 miles Key Words 2. Find how many miles ae equivalent to: a) 30km Bb) 40km 3. Sharon charges £1 forthe use of her taxi and 50 pence par ‘conversion rile after that. Werk out the cost of a journey that is ‘graph a) 4 miles b) 6 miles ong ‘exponential { Reahite rephaend Rates tei & Real-Life Graphs and Rates 2 You must beable to: = Workout speeds distences and times © Workout unit prices ‘© Workout density. Cae Cae) Rates of Change Travelling at a Constant Speed © When the speed you are travelling at does nt change, it remains constant, + You can work out a speed, distance o formula wiangle. reusing the Example Acartravels 120 miles at 40 miler perhour, —_/) How long does it take? ‘ime = dletance » speed time =120 +40 =3 hours SS, corm wont re Example A Alone takes 2) hourste travel 720mies. —/\ # para Unit Pricing dollars, ‘© This often used in conversions of men ~ Divide to get the pounds, How much would ¢ TV costing $525 be in £? 525.4175 =£300 Density Demotech pach ee branele Find the dancity of an object that has a mass of 609 and a volume of 25cm A density density = mass + volume = 60425 = 2Agfem? Example “The volume of a gold ber fs 100cm* “The dersty of gold is 193g/em? ‘Work out the mass ofthe gold ba, — & mass = density x volume sass = 18.3% 100 = 19309 oF 1:93ig Example Calculate the volume of a piece of metal that thas a mass of 2000kg and a density of 4000kg/m? volume = mess + density volume = 2000 + 4000 ‘What i 90 minutes im hours? Stuart drives 180km io 2 hours 15 minutes. Work out Stuart’ average speed. John travelled 30km in #! hours. Kamala travelled 42k in 2 hours. Who had the greater average speed? £1 = 61.2, wnat would £200 be worth in €? What is the mass of 250m of water with density of tg? TES Coneapnstyouse wn 7 whe Remember to use the correct units Volume: em? Mose: ke Density: e/a’, kg/m? ese Graph = Right-Angled Triangles 1 BS You must be able to 23 + Label right-angied tangles correctly Be + Know Pythagoras Theorem g 4 Find the length ofthe longest side ‘+ Find the length ofa shorter side Pythagoras’ Theorem ‘+ Remember the formula for Pythagoras! Theorem: a? +6? = 2 Finding the Longest Side ‘+ To ind the longost side (hypotenuse), add the squares. Then, take the square root of your answer, The longes: side, the | hypotenuse, i called « ‘and is opposite the right ‘angle. “The two shorter sides are a ane bin any order. Example Find the length of y. Give your answer 10 1 decimal place. = Label the sides a, band efirt, » ate @ Now? use the formula 4 Finding a Shorter Side + Tofind a shorter side, subtract tho squares. Then take the square root of your ansmver Example Find the length of y. Give your answer to 1 decimal place | sam cS Tem = Mow use the formula: y= 196-49=107 Via7 = 12.10 (1d) Example Find the length of y. Give your answor to 1 decimal place {LER How use the formula: Pattee : | You will aways {at the end, B Key Words 3. Work out the longest side ofa right-anglad triangle if Pythagorar Theorem the shorter sides are Scm and 2.2cm, hypotenuse ‘A. Work eut the sharter side of aright-angied triangle it the square longest se is 12cm and ane of the other shorter sides is Sem. square root Cite teas anges Renee 4 Right-Angled Triangles 2 ‘Youmust be able to: Remember the vee ratios + Work out the size of an angle + Work out the length ofa missing side. Side Ratios ‘Label the sides of the triangle in relation to the angle that is marked, ‘+ There are three ratios: sn, coe and tan. Ty to find a way of remembering these: con tan’ ~ You can use a rhyme: Some Gi Hors0s Can lays Hear Their Owners ipproach Example Use your calculator to work out the ratios for these angles: Ensure your calculators 9 tangy" = 19.0811 In ‘degree’ mode. Example Use your calculator 16 work out the angle for thete ratios: a) sinst=05 eatin! 05 =20° cos! G4 5)=53.17 9 tans=29 xaton!29=71° a s3maitstevsioncuite) Finding Angles in Right-Angled Triangles + You need to know two sides of the triangle to find en anale. Example Find the size of angle. Give your answer to 1 decinal place < tate ses Aan = [As A and H are lett we will use the cos ratio. cont x=cos! 32 +7)=628" inding the Length of a Side + You need to know the lensth of one side and an ani. Example Find the length of the sce labelled y. Give your answer 10 1 decimal place. [As 0 and Hare lett wo will uso the sn ratio. sin6#x7=y — y=62m 1. Ure your calclator to work out the ratios for re angles 2) sin2" b)cos3P ten as 2. Use your calculator to workout the angles for those ratio: 2) sin =08357 Bees § tana? =32 Key Point “The inverse of cos incos Key Words Review Questions Symmetry and Enlargement é Roflect shape A across the dotted mirror line. (ais R © # rotate snap A109 chou the pont 2.2, i Label the new shape B. (2) CI LL 'b) Enlarge shape A by a scale factor of 2, with centro, KH | 3] { | hn cna ag 0 ee | (3) @ Find the width of the enlarged photograph. a -_ = Ratio and Proportion i ®© sinotiy ine oi cats | 2) 16:24 my] by 25 conts: $2 fa 00.754 : 200m ra © Work out the mising ratio, a) 82307515 om )7:7263:108 m 0 455-6: a © share 40 pens inthe ratio3:5 a ©@ Aswmotmeney shored inthe ratio =4:3 If the largest share is £120, how much money is there altogether? (3) @ A rmscrine can proce 140 plastic cae n 8 hours Atte sme rte, how mary plate cupe canbe made in 2) 10 hours? ra 1) 12hours? a © @ trierakestwomen 3 ¢ayst0 paint a room, now long would it ake three men topsin the same roam? a © were bag of ont wil be enough for thee donkeys for eight dys How ong will 10 bags last four denkeys if they are given the same amount each day? [3] Total Marks rs |

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