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Questions -

Q1. What is adaptation?

Q2. Think of new adaptations in
plants or animals to survive
according to the changing climate
and air quality.
A1- The presence of specific
habitats which enable a living
organism to live naturally in a
place is called ataptation.
New adaptations of animals due to
change in climate and air quality
A2 - Seasonal Forests or Rain
forests -
The climate in seasonal forests or
rain forests change season to
season and the conditions to
survive can easily be adapted by
Mountain Adaptations -
Climate on mountains is genrally
moderate and plenty of water is
avalaible. Thus, animals find it easy
to adapt in the mountains.
Moderate Climate - Plants need to
perform Photosynthesis in the
presence of all four conditions. To
perform it, a moderate climate is
important for survival of plants.
Places where Neither to hot nor too
cold -
Places like Africa, Aisa and North
America have the suitable
conditions for survival of plants.
Activity -3
Finger Puppets
Endangered Animals -
Asiatic Lion
Javan Rhinos

Adaptive Features -

a. Asiatic Lion - The color of the

body is slight brown which helps in
hiding from the prey.
The eyes are located in the front
which enables better vision.
Activity -3
Finger Puppets
b. Javan Rhinos -

It has a single horn of up to about

10 inches.
Rhinos have thick but sensitive
They have a prehensile lip which
they use to grasp and strip leaves
and bark from woody plants.
(Rest will be presented in class.)

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