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As the study of Rahman N.

(2018), the jackfruit seed has a lot of potential in food

can, paper bio nanotechonology industries, especially, its uses as a thickener and

binding agent

According to the Article 2017 ID 432718(H.Mowry) Jackfruit excretes an extremely

sticky latex substance from the rind and parts of the jackfruit. Jackfruit sap can be

used as an alternative ingredient in the production of roof sealant. Jackfruit is one of

the most significance trees in home garden and perhaps the most widespread and

useful tree. It is a medium-sized amaranthine tree mostly reaching 8- 25 meters in

height that is easily identified through its fruit, the largest among cultivated plants. Its

luscious fragrant and delicious.

According to Thakor (2018) Sealant is a viscous that solidifies after application. The

application and purpose are to protect againts dust, smoke,gas, air, water and other

unwanted materials. Sealants of various types are used to protect various surface

from external damage such as dry walls and roofs. Roof sealant is expensive costing

between 300- 1000 pesos, and the less fortunate ones cannot afford to buy some

According to Viuda (2017) Jackfruit is one of the most widely grown fruit crops in the

Philippines. However in the process of consumption of this delectable fruit , the

peelings that were acquired are either wasted or thrown away. Brilliants minds have

formulated a solution to recycle these organic wastes and make them into something


Based on our own observation many boarding houses here in South Philippines

Adventist College nowadays have roof problems such as rusting and holes. This
could be a major issue, such as easy roof failure due to poor quality, it is difficult to

find a solution in this problem, especially since almost all of us are experiencing

financial difficulties We know that the sap is extremely sticky and can be used as an

effective roof sealant

The purpose of this research is to determine whether the sap extracted from.

Jackfruit ( (Artocarpus heterophyllus) can be used as alternative ingredient in the

manufacture and production of roof sealant. The primary goal of this research is to

develop an organic and safe alternative. In addition m due to the rising market price

of commercial roof sealant, the researchers devised a homemade sealant using

materials that can be easily gathered

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