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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results NEWTON CLASSES in terms of percentage selection ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL| CLASS - XI ra DEFINITION An angle in the form nA, where n is an integer is called a multiple angle of A, for example 2A, 3A, 4A, ..., etc., are multiple angles of A. In this chapter, we shall express trigonometric ratios of multiple angles of A in terms of trigonometric ratios of A. TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF 2A (DOUBLE ANGLE) IN TERMS OF TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF A Fer all values of angle A (sin 2A =2 sin A cos. A = +tan?A (ii) cos 2A = cos” A ~ sin? A =1-2sin?A=2cos*A-1 (ii) tan 24 = —2 tan A 1-tan?A Proof: (i) We have, sin (A +B)=sin A cos B + cos A sin B Replacing B by A, we get sin 2A =sin A cosA + cos Asin A =2sinA cos A _2sinAcosA__2sinA cosA_ 1 ~ cos? A + sin? A Divide the num. and denom. by cos” A, we get 2sin A cos A 2 sin24-— 8A __2tam A 1+tan*A 2tanA 1-tan?A 1+tan?A (ii) We have cos (A+B) = cos A cos B sin A sin B Replacing B by A, we get cos (A+A)=cos A cos A~sin A sin A cos 2A = cos” A - sin? A = (1 - sin? A) - sin? A =1-2sin’A cos 2A = cos” A - sin? A = cos” A - (1 - cos A) 2cos*A-1 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLA: R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 2A — sin? cos 24 = cos? Asin? A = S08 A= sin A _ 908" A - sin? A cos*A +sin?A Divide the numerator and denominator by cos” A, we get cos*A _ sin?A cos*A _cos*A _1-tan?A cos? A , sin?A 1+tan?A cos’ A" cos*A cos 2A = cos 2A = cos” A - sin? A=1-2sin?A =2cos*A tanA+tanB_ (iii) We have, tan (A +B) WOT Replacing B by A, we get _tanA+tanA_ tan(A+A)= Teen atan a 7 | tan2d ae . The formula for tan 2A is valid, when 2A is not an odd multiple of 5 In all these formulae, the function of a double number is expressed in terms of those of half the number. Thus, sin (a double number) =2 sin (half the number) cos (half the number) Bl Ak th a tog eh x For example, cos 3 =cos" 5 — sin’ 5 =1-2sin” & =2cos! &—1 sin 5 =2.sin © cos = 2 44 2tan 4x tan? 4x tan 8 TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF ANGLE 3A (TRIPLE ANGLE) IN TERMS OF AN ANGLE A For all values of angle A. @ sin3A=3sinA-4sin°A (ii) cos3A=4 cos’ A-3cosA Stan A-tan*A 1-3tan?A Proof: (i) sin 3A =sin (2A +A) = sin 24 cos A + cos 24 sin A =(2sin A cos A) cos A + (1-2 sin? A) sin A sin A cos”A+sinA-2sin°A =2sin A(1 - sin? A) + sin A - 2 sin? A =2sinA-2sin?A+sinA-2sin°A (iii) tan 3A = Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2835608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI (ii) cos 3A = cos (2A +A) = cos 2A cos A - sin 2A sin A = (2cos? A - 1) cos A - (2 sin A cos A) sin A = 2 cos° A - cos A- 2.cos A sin” A cos® A - cos A - 2 cos A(1 - cos” A) cos* A ~ cos A - 2.cos A +2 cos*A e08 BA = 4 cos! A= 3 c05A (ii) tam GA = tan (2A + A) = fan 24 stan 2tanA wan A _-letan®A 2tan A +tanA-tan?A I rs ery. a 2tan A tana 1 ~tan?A-2tan?A 1-tan*A Stan A-tan°A tan 3A= x 1-3tan?A SUMMARY OF THE FORMULAE @ sin 2A = 2sin A cos A= PA 1+tan?A c (ii) cos 24 = cos" A ~ sin? A =1-2sin®A =2 cos” A 1 2tanA_ 1-tan?A (iv) sin3A=3sinA-4 sin? A (v) cos 8A = 4 c08° A ~ 3 cos A -tan? (vi) tanga = Stan A—tan A ‘ 1-3tan?A ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF A IN TERMS OF TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF A/2 A ete., are called submultiple angles of angle A. (iii) tan 24 = For all values of angle 4 +) cin 2 cin coe - 2 tan A/2 ( sin =2 sin} cos = Dene if =cos?4 — sin?4.21-2sin?4 =2 cos?4 (ii) cos A = cos* 5 - sin? > =1-2sin?> =2cos? > \ (ii) tana = 2420 A2- 1-tan* A/2 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Proof: Replacing A by 4 in the results of Art. 19.2, we get the above results. HALF ANGLE FORMULAE) IN TERMS OF cos A We have cos A= 2 cos? 4 2 cos* 4 =1+cosA costa evi toon 2 2 cos A= 1-2 sin? ‘The sign on the right hand sides of the above formulae will be deter- mined by the quadrant in which the angle 4 lies. AID TO MEMORY cos (any number) = + \/ ++ 228 (double number) sin (any number) = +“) +=228 (double number) tan (any mien T= cos @ouble number) ij 1+ cos (double number) ‘Type |. Problems based on conversion of trigonometric ratios of 2A and vice-versa, Working rule ‘Use the following formulae, whichever is applicable : (@ sin 2A=2sin A cos A=2tan a (ii) cos 24 = cos” A - sin? A=1-2sin® A =2cos*A-1 2tanA Git) tam 2A = ra Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET z 3 Ie sinA=g and 0° If tan @- >> then find the value of a cos 20 +b sin 20. 1-tan’@ 2tan 6 ree a Deere ry 1+tan’@ 1+ tan*@ Solution. a cos 26 + 6 sin 20=a @ =o, 26% wait bene se ae Wy 14 _a(a? ~b? + 2b? a(a? +b?) a+b? a+b? Prove that + S0080=1 = Solution, LHS. = Se cos 46 — _ (1-008 86) cos 40 _ cos 46 (2 sin? 40) (1 ~ cos 46) cos 88 cos 80 (2 sin? 26) 2 sin 48 cos 46 _ sin 46 sin 80 2 sin 26 cos 20 2sin?29 cos 80° 2sin* 20 tan 86 = tan 89 cot 20 = 56 =RHS. [Example 5 > Show that : V2+V2+\2+2e0s80 =2cos0. Solution. LHS. = V2+V2+ 2d + cos 88) Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI = V2+V2+2- (2 cos” 40) =V2+V2+2cos 4 = V2 + V2 (1 + cos 40) = V2+V2(2 cos” 20) = = V2+2cos 20 = V2(1 + cos 26) = V2(2 cos” 6) = V4 cos” @ = 2 cos 6 =RHS. [Example 6. > Prove that : tan {+0} tan Solution. LHS tan{F+ 9} tan($ 4 tanf+tand tan? —-tand 1-tanFtano 1+tan Ttand _1+tane , Lotan @ _ (1+ tan 0)? + (1 - tan 6)? “1-tano*i+tan6~ (1—tan (1 +tan®) _ (1+ tan? @ + 2 tan 0) + (1+ tan” @ ~ 2 tan @) 1-tan?0 = 2+ tan 8). 2 9 sec 20 1-tan?@ cos 20 =RHS. Show that: V3 cosec 20° - sec 20° = 4. va 1 sin 20° ~ cos 9 2(%8 cos 20° sin 20° Ycos 20°~sin 20° || 2 2 ~~ sin 20° cos 20° sin 20° cos 20° _ 2 (sin 60° cos 20° — cos 60° sin 20°) sin 20° cos 20° _ 2 sin (60° - 20°) “sin 20° cos 20° 2 sin 40° 4sin 20° cos 20° ‘sin 20° cos 20° HS. [Example 8. >> Prove that : cos*A+cos*(A + 120°)+cos*(A- 120)=5- Solution. L.H.S. = cos" A + cos? (A + 120°) + c0s” (A ~ 120°) =4 [2 cos? A +2 cos? (A + 120°) + 2 cos? (A - 120°] Solution. L.H.S. = V3 cosec 20° - sec 20° =} [(1. + cos 2A) + {1 + cos 2(A + 120°)) + (1 + cos 2(A - 120°)}] 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES if tole tole nol [1 + cos 2A + 1 + cos (2A + 240°) + 1+ cos (2A - 240°)] [3 + cos 2A + cos (2A + 240°) + cos (2A — 240°)] u [3 + cos 2A +2 cos 2A cos 240°] [cos (A + B) + cos (A - B) = 2 cos A cos B} =i i = 32+ 24 +2e0824/ 2] cos 240° = cos (180° + 60' 1 3 = 3 [8 + cos 2A — cos 24] = 5 =RHS [Example 9. > Prove that: cos 4x = 1-8 sin®x cos" x. Solution. L.H.S. = cos 4x = 1-2 sin? 2x = 1-2 (sin 2x)’ = 1-2 (2sin x cosx)* =1-Bsin’xcos'x-RHS. tan’ 6 [Example 10> Prove that : tan 40 eat Solution. L.H.S. = tan 40 = tan [2(20)] 2tane 2tan20 _ ~1-tan?6 =p a _W 1 eer 1— tan? 20 vf 2tan® 1 tan® 4tan@(1-tan?@) __4 tan 6(1-tan”@) (1-tan?6)?-4tan?0 1-6 tan?0+tan‘o =RHS. + cost = 43m 4 Sn 47n_3, |Example 1. Prove that : cos’ gt cost tcos' "5 +cos! y= > Solution. cos 8 ele 8 in> BE) «cone cos “g = cos | m~ 5 |= C08 «3m wees costo Br cog! E LHS. = cost £ + cos! + cos! + cos! & = 20084 + 2c0s¢ 38 = 2[{cos?®) +c0s2 28) 8 8 8 8 2 4 4 2 t+c0s®) (1+c0s 2 or ee ee (cd 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI 0+ 4 cos (0 +a) sin a sin 0 + cos («+ 6) is independent of 8. Solution. 2 sin” 0 +4 cos (0 + @) sin a sin 6 + cos 2(0 + 6) = 2sin? 6 +2 cos (8 + a)(2 sin a sin 8) + cos 2(a.+ 6) =2 sin? 6 + 2 cos (0 + at) [cos (8 - &) ~ cos (6 + @)] + cos 2(0 + 0) =2 sin? 6 + 2 cos (6 + «) cos (6 - «) — 2 cos? (0 +.) + cos 2( + 8) = 2 sin? @ + 2(cos? 0 - sin” a) - 2 cos” (0 + @) + [2 cos? (a + 6) ~ 1) =2sin?0 +2 cos” 6 -2sin?a-1 2 (sin? @ + cos? @) 2 sin? a-1 - 2sin? a -1=1-2sin?o 's 20, which is independent of 6. [Example 15> If 0 = aay prove that : 2" cos 0 cos 20 - cos 270... cos 2""'9=1 Solution. L.H.S.= 2" cos 6 cos 26 cos 270 ... cos 2"-* 6 _ 2" 1 (2 sin @ cos @) - cos 26 - cos 27 @ ... cos 2"" "0 ~ sin ® _ 2°" 1(sin 26 cos 26) cos 276 ... cos 2°7 16 = sin @ _ 2°72 sin 20 cos 26) cos 270... cos 2""*8 ~ sin _ 2"-%sin 2°0 cos 26) cos 2°6 ... cos 2"" 18 S # sind _ 2°75(2 sin 2? 6 cos 276) cos 2°0 ... cos 2"~ 18 _ ~ sin® ~ _2sin 2"-16 cos 2"~19 _ sin 2"°8 eae “ ain = "Sing (Continuing above process) (n-0) sin® sin® 8 =RHS, 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES [Example FE> Prove that cos A- cos 2A - cos 2A - cos 2°A.... cos 2" 14 = SID 2"A 2" sin A Solution. L.H.S. = cos A - cos 2A - cos 27A - cos 2°A ... cos 2°~7A 1 2 i 2, 24 = Faind ((2sin A cos.A)(cos 2A:cos 2°A cos 2%A ... cos 2"~ *A)] « i 2, 3, 1, = Jaina [(sin 2A cos 2A) cos 27A - cos 2°A ... cos 2°~ 1A] _ 4 Pind 1 ? sin A [(2 sin 2A cos 2A) cos 2A - cos 2°A ... cos 2°~ 1A] [sin 4A - cos 2A cos 2°A ... cos 2"~ 1A] 4 7 [2 sin 2A cos 274) cos 2°A ... os 2*-2A] A [sin (2 - 27A) cos 2°A ... cos 2"-* Al = Sc [sin 2"- "A cos 2"-'A) sinA sin (2-2""*A) in (2A) sin (2"A) 2 sinA a , 2 sinA 2 sind + The above result can be used as standard formula in compititive exams. [Example 15> Prove, without using tables _ that. tan 20° + 4 sin 20° = 3. Solution. Let x = tan 20° + 4 sin 20° sin20° 4 aoe = 20.205 + 4 sin 20 = x0 20°= sin 20° + 4 sin 20° cos 20° = x c08 20° = sin 20° + 2(2 sin 20° cos 20°) = 0s 20° = sin 20° +2 sin 40° = (sin 20° + sin 40°) + sin 40° =2sin 3") cos 3"): sin 40° = 2 sin 30° cos 10° + sin 40° => = 2x cos 10° + sin 40° = cos 10° + sin 40° = c08.10° + cos (90° - 40°) = cos 10° + cos 50° Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI = 2 cos {10° +50") ogg (10° = 50" 2 2 = 2 cos 30° cos 20° n tan 20° + 4 sin 20' 2n a [Example 16> Prove that : cos cos * cos! =- 3. 2 Solution. LHS. = cos © cos 2 cos “= cos % eos 2 cos = Here, and A= fusing the formula of standard result] Solution. L.HLS. = cos 20° cos 40° cos 60° cos 80° =} feos A cos 24 cos 44] where A = 20° 1 24) _ 1 sin (2°A) =5 ‘A] = 3 [eos A cos 24 cos 2°Al=3 "55 oy sin8A _ 1 sin 160°__1 sin (180°~ 20°) - 2 sin 20° 24 sin 20° =RHS. * Thestudents of C.B.S.E. Board must attempt this question as example 7 of chapter 18. an). 8", lan_ 1 [Example 18, Prove that cos 15 °°8 15 08 15 COE 1s 15 ~16 Solution. LHS. = cos 2% cos 4 cos 8 cos 44% 2n 4m 0, x l nse oe ne 38 where A= =~ cos A con 24 cos A cos 7A 15 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES _ sin (2‘A) __ sin 164 asinA 16 sinA __sin(15A +A) __ sin (+A) ~~ 16sinA ~~ 16 sin A ‘Type Il. Problems based on conversion of trigonometric ratios of 3A in trigonometrical ratios of A and vice-versa ise the following formulae, whichever is applicable : 1. sin 3A=3 sin A-4sin°A => sin' A= 4 (8 sin A — sin 34) 2. cos 8A=4c0s°A-ScosA => cos*A= 4B cos + cos 3A) tan A-tan?A 1-3 tan®A Prove that : cos A cos (60° — A) cos (60° + A)= 708 3A. Solution. L.H.S. = cos A cos (60° ~ A) cos (60° +A) = cos A (cos? 60° ~ sin” A) [+ cos (A +B) cos (A - B) = cos A ~ sin? B) salt: sist) -conaly -a- na] wef et) ae Ac34 4m) =} (4 cos'A -3 00s A) = 4 cos 34 =RHS. Prove that : sin A sin (60° A) sin (60° + A)=4 sin 34. Solution. L-H.S. = sin A sin (60° - A) sin (60° +A) = sin A(sin” 60° - sin’A) [- sin +B)sin (A -B) ~ ; (3 sin A - 4 sin® A) = =RHS. Prove that : sin 20° sin 40° sin 60° sin 80° ‘Solution. | L.H.S. = sin 20° sin 40° sin 60° sin 80° 4 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI_13 = *}- sin 20° sin (60° — 20°) sin (60° + 20°) [3 sin 20° - 4 sin® 20°] (8) _ 3 2 |" 16 [Example 22> Prove that : sintarsint +a) sit $+ sin® 9=4 (8 sin 9 ~sin 38) in3 (2 ind (4% nt Be) a8) sip sin sin So] + f° sin +a}-an (en 20)] 3 1[, (4% + f° sin (¢ + ¢| in (4m + 3] [8 sina ~sin 30] +4 if oF +a- sin 2a] +4 [asin ($+ 2)-sinae] sin 2n-+ 0) =sin 6 and sin (4n +0) =sin@ 3/ (2m . (4n im . " [nn (B+) sane] Soin eran en 30 nx 3 374 ange {using the formula, sin C + sin D) ina sin (60°- a) | sin (60° +a) cos 0." cos (60° a) "cos (60° + a) Sin @ (sin? 60° ~ sin” a) _ cos ot (cos? 60°- sin?) cog (1 _ sin? a 4 +: sin (A +B) sin (A -B)=sin?A - sin? B and cos (A + B) cos (A - B) = cos A - sin? B 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES _ Sina (3-4 sin*o) ___sina (3-4 sin® a) cos (1-4 sin?) cos a [1 - 4(1 - cos® 0) _ sing @-4sin?a) _3sina-4sin’o ~ cos «(4 cos? 2-3) 4 cos® a 3 cos 0 sin 30, cos 30. =RHS. [Example 24> Show that : cos 5A = 16 cos® A - 20 cos’ A + 5 cos A. Solution. L.H.S. = cos 5A = cos (3A + 2A) = 008 3A cos 24 - sin 24 sin 24 = (4.cos*A - 3 cos A)(2 cos’ A — 1) - (3 sin A - 4 sin® A)(2 sin A cos A) (8 cos®A - 10 cos*A + 3 cos A) ~ sin A (3 - 4 sin? A)2 sin A cos A cos’ A - 10 cos A + 3 cos. A - 2 cos A sin” A [3 — 4(1- cos” A)] cos” A - 10 cos*A + 8 cos A - 2 cos A(1 ~ cos* A)(4 cos” A ~ 1) cos® A ~ 10 cos® A +3 cos A ~ 2 cos A(5 cos” A ~ 1-4 cos‘ A) cos® A - 10 cos® A +3 cos. A ~ 10 cos*A +2 cosA +8 cos’ A = 16 cos® A - 20 cos*A +5 cosA =tan 30 Type Ill. Problems based on conditional identities If 2 tan = 3 tan f, prove that tan (a — ) on 8. Solution. Given, 2tana=3tanB = tana 3 tan B - tanB —py=tangactanB 2 _tanB Now, tan (a -B)= 1+tanatenB~;,3 3 tan tan p 243 tan® B sin B cos B sin B cos B a: 3 intB * 2 cos? B +3 sin? B cos” B _—2sinBeosB_ sin 2B “40s? B+6 sin? B (6 cos” B — cos”) + (5 sin” B + sin” B) S sin 28 ~ B (cos? B + sin” B) - (cos” B - sin” B) . ina * B= cos 28 Exemple 26> oe that: tana+2tan2a+4tan4a+8cot8a=cota. cosa sina cos? a ~ sin? o Solution. We have cot a.~tan a = 5% — S26 = OF 0 2 0 — gin? = cos? a= sin? a) _ 2.008 26 _ 9 oot 96 2sinacosa sin 2a. > tan a = cot o.— 2 cot 20. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546846949, NEWTONC ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI_15 Similarly, we obtain cot 2a ~ tan 2a= 2 cot 4a => tan 2a = cot 20 - 2 cot 4a and cot 4a — tan 4a = 2 cot 8a = tan 4a = cot 4a- 2 cot 8a Therefore, we get LHS. = (cot a - 2 cot 20) + cot 2a ~ 2 cot 4a) +4 (cot 40: — 2 cot 8a) + 8 cot 8a. =cot a Type IV. Problems based on changing trigonometrical ratios of 0 in trigonometrical ratios of : and vice-versa Prove that ;) Ltsine-cose_ 8 0088 _ tay (_ 2 @ Trsino+cos0 ~ "2 head ioamo-t(t 3] fs _ L+sin 6 cos @ Solution. (i) LHS.= 7-5" 9+ cos in? 4 9in® _ (= cos 0) + sine _ 780" gt 28img eos (1+ e080) + sin © 9 cos? 8 + 2 sin 2 cos Prove that : (cosa scons (cin d-sinB)*=tcos' “52 Solution. L.H.S. = (cos A + cos B)? + (sin A - sin B* (cos” A + cos” B + 2 cos A cos B) + (sin? A + sin? B - 2 sin A sin B) (cos? A + sin? A) + (cos? B + sin? B) + 2(cos A cos B ~ sin A sin B) =1+1+2 cos (A +B) =2[1+cos (A +B)] caper (C2 (t3") 2 =RHS. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 3n 5n In rcoste ea Prove that : {sse08§ 1120s . 1-cos 0 = 2 sin? 6) (-"] afea{t-a}-3 Type V. Problems based on finding the trigonometric ratios of Ve alo apte g7to gzle 75° W14% 225°, 375°, 675°, ete. Working rule Le, 12, gphe, g7to, g7te Let A= 75% 117% 225% 375% 675 = 28 = 15°, 223% 45, 75°, 135° ‘Then use the following formulae whichever is applicable @_ cos (i) sino = V9 " _ 1-08 20 _1+cos 20 (iii) tan 8 = Fo o5 (iv) cot 0=~ 9g Since, here 8 is an acute angle, we have taken + ve sign with the square roots. [Example 30> Find the value of : . Ly si) ain wel? ‘i i (i) cos 2255 Gi) sin 2254 (ii) tan 225 Solution. (i) We have cos 4 = \+*» when : @ tanz=-S+x lies in quadrant II. Gi) cosx=- 3 +x lies in quadrant ILL. Giii) sinx= 2°* lies in quadrant IV. Solution. (i) In quadrant II, sin x is + ve and cos x is - ve. Also, Rx n ze <" = 7<5<5 7 4<2%2 2 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES } lies in quadrant I. Each one of si nt os 5, tan 5 is positive. Now, sec x is negative in quadrant II. aa 1+%8 --8 cose =-% a je ee - «f1=C30) a) og «fa me ae ar = sin= : Ene) cos 5 =2 (i) In quadrant III sin x <0 and cosx<0 Also, nex< it 3x £ live j <"F = Flies in quadrant IT sin 5 >0, aoe <0 ve ell “ [exc @]--F (iii) In quadrant IV, sin x <0 and cos x > 0. Also 3n Sn ox Bexcan = Beicn 2 4°2 z lies in quadrant II. 4% x x sin 5 >0, cos 5 <0 and tan 5 <0 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI_19. we 2 Prove that : () 2908 28+ sin 20 sin@ + sin 29 T+e0s20+sin20~@™° — Teo + cos 20 ~ 8° eur ay * pecan A ay peta ual e8) on Vanya rT tend (i) 1+ eos” 20 = 2 (cos* 6 + sin’ 6) . ‘a-p (i) (cos & + cos B)* + (sin a + sin By? os" #) (iii) _cos* 20 + 3 cos 20 = 4(cos® 6 - sin® 6) () cos 4A = 1-8 cos A+ 8.c0s4A ii) 4A =4 sin A cos’ A-4 cos A sin? (iii) sin 6A = 5 cos‘ A sin A - 10 cos” A sin’ A+ sin A i ° ° 5° sin 68° (@€08 7° c08 14° cos 28° cos 56° = Faas (ii) (gin 84 + sin A) sin A + (cos 3A — cos A) cos A= 0 (tan + tan 60° +A) ~ tan (60°~A)=3 tan 3A (ii) cot A + cot (60° +A) ~ cot (60° - A) cot 3A (iii) cot A + cot (60° + A) + cot (120° +A) =3 cot 34 2% _ 6 cost = Show that 8 cos? ~6 cos 5 = 1 3 £ z Ifcos x =~ and § 0] a2 tan O= 7 3 cos = 5 5 24 sin 20 =2 sin 0 cos 8 = >= sin 40 = 2 sin 20 cos 20= 48/7) __ 336 26 || 25 625 12. ote =tead 9-semne=afi [er] - R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 2 1= e088) —(1- cox 88 2 ‘\e a 2 2 ¥ Hea | cos 3A = 4 c0s° A - 3 cos A = 4.cos* A = cos SA +3 cos A Put A y°, 40° 4-cos® 20° = cos 60° + 3 cos 20° 4 cos? 40: 8 120° + 3 cos 40° 4(cos* 20° + cos® 40°) = 8(cos 20° + cos 40°) cos? A = (8 cos A+ cos 3A) and sin’ A= 4 (9 sin A-sin 34) LHS. = 4 (8 cos A + 008 9A) cos 8A +4 (9 sin A sin 3A) sin 3A 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 (£08 84 c0s A + sin 3A sin A) ++ (cog? 34 ~ sin? A) cos (@A ~ A) + c0s (2 8A) 1 1 0s 2A +4 cos GA = 7 cos 2A +7 cos (3 - 2A) cos 2A +4 (4 cos? 24 - 3 cos 24) |sin 6 sin (60° - 8) sin (60° + 6)| st |singol s3 |sin 30] <1] Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI 1 1 1,088" 184i) and (ii) tan 825° tan (oor —15*) cot 73 aS 2 2 _ae+r1, +1 * sin 15° 3. ” 3-1 Wri HVR+ VT + VE +E aly sin 7 18 i) cot 22he= 19. (i) _ Nave - VR “NOR +I -1) = V442N2 - (02 +1) Lo. + 5220) Gi) tan 1425 =a (30 +9") H cos 15° = (BBaV + B+1 [see | 2 Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES [223 (3 +1- 2V3)) 2 ~ W2(N8 - 1) - @- ¥8)) -V6 +V2 +2-VF=24+ 2 - = cosec + 2sin $ cos sin? 23 2 @ = cosee 0 + cosee 5 Now, cosee 6 and cosec $ are each greater than or equal to 1. Also, both cannot be 1 simultaneously because, if showing that cosec @=1 and cosee$=\2>1 Also note that $+ since, 0s0 2 Benn? cos 6 = 1=tan? 1+ tan? 9/2 _a-o-asountd doorarount? ~tan?® 1- tan? 20 ‘1+ tan’ 2 aaa, 1-ecosd 1-tan? arent] 1+ tan? Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546846949, NEWTONC ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI TO EXPRESS THE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF THE ANGLE A? IN TERMS OF sin A sin? 4 + cos? 4 2D) and 2sin 4 cos 4 = sina A 7 in? 4 + cos? +2. 5in 4 cos 4 = By addition, _ sin? + cos”) + 2sin } cos} =1+sinA : awk A - (inser sana = By addition and subtraction of eqs. (3) and eq. (4), we obtain sin and cos 4 (two values for sin and two values for cos for different values of A). ‘These four values may be explained as follows. We know that 2 2 A n An =a sing 2 f+ os inf) =F sn(§ 3 Wis Pr. ee Al sin 4 + cos 4 =12(sin4. f+ cos #) The R.HS. is positive, it4 +t lies between 2nn and 2nn +m (i.e., in I and TI quadrant) or => in As coe! in positives i nA an Hence, sin $+ cos 4 is positive, if 2nn- F<} <2nn+"f and sin ay cos 4 is negative for other values of 4 A i nA _Wsin(4_2 Similarly, sing -e00 9 =P iS 3) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES in 4 cos 4 is positive if ann<4—" conn n 24 sin ~ cos 4 is positive, if an +2 4 conns 5 and sin = cos 4 is negative for other values ot 4 7 ‘These results can be shown graphically. sin A cos A >0 ia TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS OF SOME IMPORTANT ANGLES (a) Values of (i) sin 18° (ii) cos 18° (NCERT) (i) Let @= 18°, Then 50 20 sin 20 = sin (90° - 30)= cos 30 2 sin @ cos 0 = 4 cos’ 0-3 cos 2sin @=4 cos’ 6-3 [." cos 6 = cos 18° + 0} =4(1- sin? )-3 4sin?6+2sin@-1=0 =2+V20 _-1+V5 sin 18° = “P= (ii) cos 18° = Viva T= Vi es a [16-6 +1-2V5) _ VI0+2V5- _ 16 a Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI 10 + 2V5 cos 18° (b) Values of (i) cos 36° (ii) sin 36° (i) Since, cos 20 = 1-2 sin?@ cos 36° = 1 ~ 2 sin? 18° -1-2( (ii) sin® 36° = 1 - cos* 36° = 1 -| =1-(Stit 05 2 16 sin 36° SE The other t-ratios may be obtained with the help of above results sin 64° = sin (90° - 36°) = cos 36° = 2 *4 VI0- NG £08 54° = cos (90° ~ 36°) = sin 36° = [10 + 2N6- sin 72° = sin (90° - 18°) = cos 18° 7 cos 72° = cos (90° ~ 18°) = sin 18°= sample a2> Prove that 5 (@) sin? 72° - sin” 60° = “16 =RHS. (ii) LHLS. = cos” 48° - sin? 12° = cos (48° + 12°) cos (48° - 12”) = cos 60° cos 36° = 3 (7) _We+1 ‘ a) =RHS, 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC 28 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Prove that N5-1 ii) cin + sin 28% ‘ 9 94° sin® 6 = 24 sin 122. (i) sin? 24° ~ sin? 6° = Gi) sin 75+ sin 5 Gi) sin sin 388 ams 0 10 Solution. (i) LHS. = sin? 24° - sin? 6° = sin (24° + 6°) sin (24° - 6°) = sin 30° sin 18° =} =RHS. a) ata 13K | | Pa sh ans Gi) sin 75 + sin [p= Sin 18° + sin 234° = sin 18° + sin (270° - 36°) = sin 18° ~ cos 36° NB-1 VE+1 = as Gii) LHS. = sin ct sin 1s = sin 18° sin 234° = sin stew gore (52) (57) far 4 4 =RHS. Prove that : (i) sin 12° sin 48° sin 54: 8 Solution. (i) LHS. = 5 (2 sin 48° sin 12°) sin 54° nad 2n (ii) 16 cos TF (cos 36° - cos 60°) sin 54° = 3 (cos 36° - cos 60°) cos 36° SF EET ET) 4 2) 4 4 4 14 32° 32 =RHS. ‘ Qn 4m 8m l4n (ii) LHS. = 16 cos 7F cos 7= cos += cos = 16 cos 24° cos 48° cos 96° cos 168° = 4(2 cos 24° cos 96°(2 cos 48° cos 168°) = 4(cos 120° + cos 72°\(cos 216° + cos 120°) [." 2.cos.A cos B = cos (A + B) + cos (A - B)] Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI__29. ES) 2 4 4 2 [. cos 72° = sin 18°, cos 216° = - cos 36°] 24 (8215 \(3+V5 )_ 9-5 4 4 =RHS. Prove that : 5 2n 3x 4n Ban's S05 “16 avcerT 7 a Sn in 9n\_ 1, ao (1 eon scot sco acon) Solution. (i) sin £ sin sin ae sin = sin 36° sin 72° sin 108° sin 144° = sin 36° sin 72° sin 72° sin 36° [Si 108° = sin (180° ~ 72°) = sin 72° = sin 86° sin 72° sin 72° sin 36° [= 144° = sin (180° - 36°) = sin | (@ sin § sin = sin? 36° sin? 72° = sin? 36° cos” 18° [sin 72° = sin (90° - 18°) = cos 18°] Vio—as \ (ior ave Y _(10-2N5 \/10+ 25 4 “16 16 100-20 80° 5. “256 ~~ 256° 16 =RHS, - n 31 Ix oo {aron sca 8) (t seo] . z Sn)(4_ -{t on [tt (1-on “(0 = cos? a(t ~ cos? ae (4 = cos? 18°) (1 - cos? 54°) 10 10 = sin” 18° sin? 54° = sin? 18° cos? 36° _(W-1) (41) _ 6-0? a 4 =RHS. Prove that tan 6° tan 42° tan 66° tan 78° = 1° : _ sin 6° sin 42° sin 66° sin 78° Solution. LHS. = cos 6° eos 42° cos 66° cos 78° 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES _ (2 sin 6° sin 66°)(2 sin 42° sin 78°) * (2 cos 6° cos 66°)(2 cos 42° cos 78°) _ (cos 60° ~ cos 72°)(cos 36° - cos 120°) ~ (cos 72° + cos 60°)(cos 120° + cos 36°) _ (cos 60° ~ sin 18°)(cos’36° - cos 120°) 18° + cos 60°)(cos 120° + cos 36°) and cos in terms of I 540° > Prove that : 4c0836°+ cot 74°VT +12 +N + +15 +6. Solution. We have that cos 24 = 2cos*A-1 2 cos 36° = 2 cos? nn 4 5 a 8 4 soos aor = (53) Wr 2 glo 2 cos? 75 14 cos 15° sin 15° sin 75° 2sin 7° cos 73° a8 Qe _ NP + V3 +1 W-1 We-1 ae 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES a 22+ VB +1 BHI SW-1 “WH _ 2N6 +22 +3+V8 + VB +1 ~ 3-1 =V6+VB+V2+2 =V6+VB+V2+V4 Adding equations (1) and (2), we get 4.c0s 36° + cot 73° = VE HEH TT + 5 HE [Example 42> 11: tan’ A tan” B + tan” B tan* C+ tan” C tan? A +2 tan” A tan? B tan? C=1 Prove that: sin 2A tan A + sin 2B tan B + sin 2C tan C =2 Solution. Let tan?A=a, tan?B=6, tan?C=c Then, _it is given that ab + be + ca + 2abe =1 sin 2A tan A + sin 2B tan’B + sin 2C tanC =2tan tan A+ 2H B tan py 21am anc 1+tan’B 1+tan’B 1+tan*C 2tan?A | 2tan?B | _2tan®C “Ta tee A Ts tak Ts tan? 1+tan*A 1+tan*B 1+tan*C 2 | _%& 1+b Ite -2[aa+h 1 +c) +b(1 +a)(1 +e) +e(1 + a) 10) (¥ayl +b) +e) 7 [ess + abe] 1+ (a+b +c) +(ab +b + ca) +abe SD peceererieses oabe | [Using Eq. (1) 1+ (a+b +c) +1 - 2abe + abe (ld Now, ‘a+b +c+2-abe =2[erpreta-we| 2 It ne Nyprove that | (1 + sec 26) (1 + sec 40) (1 + sec 80) ... (1 + sec 2"0) = tan 2" 0 cot 0 Solution. L.H.S. =(1 + sec 28) (1+ sec 48)'(1 + sec 88) ... (1+ sec 2" 8) (1. + cos 26) (1 + cos 48) (1 + cos 88) ... (1 + cos 2"8) cos 28 cos 48 cos 86 ... cos 2°6 _ (2 008” 6) (2 cos? 20) (2 cos” 276) ... (2 cos? 2""* 6) cos 26 cos 278 cos 2°09... cos 2"0 = 21.208 8 fco9 9 cos 20 cos 2" 8... cos 2"~%6] cos 2°0 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS- XI 2" cos | 8} sin 26 26 cos 20 [2 sin 8 stan 20cotO=RHS. [Example 43> Prove that : sin 2 + sin 4 + sin SF -7, Qn an 8n Solution. Let x= sin = + sin + sin 22m dn St 2n 4m Then, x? =sin® 7 tsin® 7 tsin® 7+ 2sin sin 7 in 2 gin 8% Qn. 8k +2sin F sin +2 sin sin 7 16x BF _ cog 38 a or a 7 rAriK'Ss?-* 5 _ gin 38s sin ™ - sin Bs sin sin 3 + sin [Example > Prove that ‘28 5* never lie between 3 and 3. Solution. Let y= "25" 5 then tanx _ Stan x- tan’ x tan x(1- 8 tan” x) 1-3tan?x tan? x (8y-1)=y-3 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0851-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES tan? x>0 for all x. 2=3) aar20 hy Case I. When 3y-120 = y2} (2) Multiplying both sides of eq. (1) by 3y — 1, a positive quantity. y-320 = y23 -(8) From equations (2) and (3), we get y23 4) Case II. When 8y-1<0 = ys} (5) Multiplying both sides of eq. (1) by Sy 1, a negative quantity. y-850 = ys3 (6) From equations (5) and (6), we get 1 ys eal) From equations (4) and (7), we conclude that y does not lie between 3 and 3. Prove that: 4 sin 27°= 5+ V6 - 13-5. Solution. We have 16 sin® 27° = 8(1 ~ cos 54°) ~81- singe =8 1-2 = 2(4 - V10- 2N) = 8 - 2V10- 25 = (6 +15) + (8 - V5) - 2V(5 + 513 - 1B) = (NB + VB)? + (V8 = V5)? - 2V(5 + V5)3 - V5) = (V5 +5 - Vevey}? 4sin 27° = V6 +6 - V3-V5 Prove that sin 7 is a root of the equation, Bx? - 4x - 4x +1 =0, 5 n x Solution. Let 74 = then 70 => m = 40=5-30 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546846949, NEWTONCLA: ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI__35 sin 4o—ein(-90)x coe 38 2 sin 26 cos 20 = cos 30 4sin @ cos 6(1 — 2 sin? @) = 4 cos 6 - 3 cos 6 4 sin @(1 - 2 sin? @) = 4 cos0-3 4 sin 6-8 sin’ 6 = 4(1 ~ sin? 9) -3 8sin® 6-4 sin?@-4sin@+1=0 sin @ is a root of 8x*-4x?-4r+1=0 uuduUDo YD sin 7 is @ root of 8° —4e"— de + 1=0. 4 OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS The value(s) of cos % cos “ cos 5F is (are) NF 1 1 i, - @ -% ) -4 O§ @ sy 1etanotan(§ +9)tan(-§ +0) tan 30, then b=: @ 4 + -1 (4) none of these Range of fx) = sin® x + cos® x is : @ 01 ©) (i j | © [o i (€) none of these If cos (x ~ y), cos x, cos (x+y) are in H.P, then [ror snee¥ = @ @ oe 1 (a) none of these Boog 2 cog 4 cog 2 cop 15% cog I2E ig; ‘The value of cos G5 cos G- cos = cos Ge cos “Ecos Ee is JS 32 For a positive integer n, let (a) oe @-4 @ -2 32 o fal) = tan & (1 + soe 6) sec (1+ 28) (1 + 860-46) .. (1+ sec 2°8), then : @ al)=2 ) ass} © aa) @ (sia) If the mapping flz)=ax +b, a <0 maps [- 1, 1] onto (0, 2], then for all values of ©, A =cos” 8+ sin‘ @ is such that : @ ifa}sa 4zR0 (@ f-)SAsf-2) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0851-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES If tan y = sec a sec B + tan a tan B, then cos 2y is necessarily (a) 20 () <0 © <0 (@ >0 If in the expansion of (1+ x)"(1-x)", the coefficients of.x and x” are 3 and -6 respectively and cos® a + sin® a+ sin® 2a=1/0 cos? x cosy = cos? ~sin?y Office.; 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI_37 > = cos? x(1 - 08 y) = cos? x- 2 sin? > sin? 2 cos? = 2 cos? x sin? Z 4 sin? 5 cos? 5 = 2 cos? x sin? > cos x sec >| = V2 a= Let y be the value of the given expression, then | ne 65 8s. 8 sin 98 sin = Beings sin ge sill 2o 64 (a), (0), (©), (d) Fa(0)= tan 9 1+ £08 01 + 08 26). (1 +c08 20 08 @ 608 28... cos 2°0 a stat Ny sina 2% $ 2s? 0... 2e0s* 2 “e082 cos 0 cos 20... c08 20 sin $ cos 8 cos 0... cos 2"~ 10 =n—2_2 (i) 16 Aa] =e (3) - 7. (a) Given, ftx)=ax+b a , since, a <0, fix) is a decreasing function. and ft 0 - and a+b=0 => and 6=1 ‘Thus, xt) Clearly, 0) = 1, “+ iy f-2)=3, (a3 f-=2 ‘Aloo, Lise eae “0) 20+ Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ESs)}=0 3 qsasi (a) $A so) 2424-6 Vera 8 9 (b) Given, tany=sec asec f+ tana tan B a itsinasin§ ‘cos a cos B inp? =1 = tsi a sing 08” a cos” B, in’ 1+sin asin cos” a cos? B (si in 6)? (sin a+ sin <9 cos? a. cos” -tan?y A=ter <9 = cos 2750 1+tan®y (b) Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET ‘TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF MULTIPLE AND SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS-XI_39. - a sera-at-[ +mxt Since, coefficient of x is 3 and coetficient of x is ~ 6 Se m-n=3 and = mn MEAD , n= D) (m-n)?-(m +n) =-12 9-(m+n)=-12 => mtn=21 From Eqs. (1) and (2), m=12,n=9 8 a+ sin® a+ asin? 24=1 Given, cos' (cos? o + sin” a) - 3 cos” sin” a (cos? a + sin” a) + o sin? 2a = 1 1-3 sin? 20.42 sin? 20=1 a= 4 3 4 REVIEW AT A GLANCE T-ratios of multiple angles : For all values of angle A = (i) sin 2A=2sin A cosA (ii) 008 24 = cos” A - sin? A (ili) cos 24 = 2 cos” A- 1 or 1+c0s 2A = 2057 (iv) cos 2A=1-2sin?A or 1-cos 2A=2sin?A 2tanA 2tanA 1-tan?A (vi) sin 24 = $i) cos 2A = 5 1+tan?A (v) tan 2A= 1-tan?A 1+tan?A T-ratios of submultiple angles : For all values of angle 4 : AA () sin =2sin cos 2A (ii), cos A= 2.0841 or 1+ c08A=2 cos? 4 (iv) cos =1-2sin?4 or 1-con A = 2 sin? 2 tan A/D tan Ad () tanA= $ (vi) sin A= 2 1 = tan? A/2 1+ tan? 4/2 (vii) cos 4 = 2B AB 1+ tan? A/2 T-ratios of some important angles @ =} | cos 19° = OTE. Vio = 2N5 Gi) cos 36° ==, sin 36° =~ Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608812, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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