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R. K. MALIK’S JEE (MAIN & ADV.), MEDICAL + BOARD, NDA, IX & X Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results NEWTON CLASSES in terms of percentage selection SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI zy INTRODUCTION If three points in a plane are not lying in a line, then they form a triangle. In any triangle, there are three sides and three angles, which are generally known as the elements of the triangle. In triangle ABC, the three angles are denoted by the capital letters A, B and C and the three sides opposite to the angles A, B and C are denoted by the small letters a, b and c. We know that the sum of the angles of a triangle ABC is 180° or x i.e., A+B+C =n. Also, we know that for any trianglea+b>c,b+c>aanda+c>b. Hence, the six elements of the triangle are not independent and they are connected by above relations. A triangle which has a right angle i.e.,90° or 7 is called a right angled triangle and a triangle which does not contain a right angle is called an oblique triangle. In this chapter, we shalll discuss the sine and cosine rules and some other rules obtained from these rules and their simple applications. 7B.2 | SINE RULE (SINE FORMULE) To prove that the sides of @ triangle are proportional to the sines of the angles opposite to them i.e. In any triangle ABC abc sinA sin. inC where a, b, cand A, B, C have their usual meaning. Proof : We shall take the triangle to be acute, or right angled or obtuse. Case I: Triangle ABC is acute: Let ABC be an acute triangle with a = BC,b =CA and c= AB. Draw AD as perpendicular from A to opposite side BC. Then, AABD and AACD are right angled triangles. So, in AABD, we have AD . SprsinB AD -sinB € AD=csinB Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES And in AACD, we have, From (1) and (2), we get csinB =bsinC é sinB Similarly, if we draw perpendiculars from B and C to their respective opposite sides, we get the expressions similar to (3) as ac ae “and "4 Gnd" sinB Hence, from (3) and (4), we get a_i} c sinA sin. sinC Case II : Triangle ABC is right angled : Let ABC be a right angled triangle and it be right angled atC. Clearly, In AABC, ZC =90°, then we have sinB (8) (4) cA AB inB From (1) and (2), we get a sina But ZC =90°, so sinC =sin90 <8 sind From (8) and (4), we get o—5—b_ 5 sinA~ sinB’ sinC Case III: Triangle ABC is an obtuse : Let ABC be an obtuse triangle and let ZC an obtuse angle. Draw AD as perpendicular from A to opposite side BC which meets BC in D on producing. In ADB, 2A=90°, then we have AD AD -sinB AB Fig. 78.3 Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2835608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI AD WsinB ¢ AD =csinB a) In AADC, 2D =90° and ZACD =x-C, then we have AD _ gi 2B =sin(ZAcD) AD _ gi BB -sin(x-C) AD =CA sinc [y sin(x-6) =sin6] ‘AD =bsinC (2) From (1) and (2), we get csinB=bsinc be ainB~ sinc Similarly, if we draw perpendicular from C to AB, we get « sind ‘Hence, from (8) and (4), we get ‘The sine rule may be expressed as 24 a b c t= gh p= gig tl cay) Non-zer0) = axksinA, Similarly, SA = sin A = 1a,sin B= 15, sin C= he Some Results to be remembered In ABC, we have L.sin(B+C) =sin A, sin(C + A) =sinB, sin(A +B 2. cos (B + C) =-cos A, cos(C + A) =-sin B, cos(A + B) =-cosC 3. tan (B + C) =-tan A, tan(C + A) =-tanB, tan(A + B)=-tanC A sin( SA) -coeB,sn(A#) cena cord sin(254) mond, in(AZB) on C+A)_.B A+B)_. (S44) =sinB com(422) ain B cot, tan| [Example I> In any triangle ABC, prove that: sin 25€)-(2 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 6 000(2 £)-(22) sin z @ Solution : By Sine Rule, we have et =h(say) , b= ksin B, c= ksinC AsinB-ksinC hand (using (1)] sinA [using (1)] Gi) asin B - ©) + b sin(C- A) + csin(A -B)=0. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI [- sin(B +C) =sin A) (Multiplying Numerator and ‘Denominator by sin A] (B+) sinB—-C) AB aC an, .A=n-(B+0)) in? A _sin(B +) sin(B -C) sin? A in? B - sin?C A _Psin? B - Hsin? Pint A (Multiplying Numerator and Denominator by A") =RHS. sin(B-C) _6?- BC) Gi) LHS. =asin(B -C)+bsin(C - A) + esin(A-B) =ksin A sin(B -C) + ksin Bsin(C ~ A) +ksinC sin(A -B) {using (1)) =2lsin (x -(B + C)) sin(B—C) + sin (x-(C +.A)} sin(C - A) +sin(x-(A + B)} sin(A -B)] (AtB+C=a) = {sin (B + C) sin(B -C) + sin(C + A) sin(C ~ A) +sin(A +B) sin(A-B)) =h{sin? B -sin?C + sin®C - sin? A + sin? A - sin? B =k) =0 =RHS. Hence, a sin(B -C) + bsin(C -A)+csin(A -B)=0. In any triangle ABC, prove that : (@) a sin (B - ©) + 6% sin(C- A) +c sin(A-B)=0 (ii) acos A +b cos B+ ccosC=2asinBsinC. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have a ble A" ainB anc 7* (ay) > a=ksinA, b=ksinB,c=ksinC od) @ LHS. =05 sin(B -C) + B® sin(C — A) +c sin(A-B) = sin’ A sin(B -C) + k* sin’ B sin (C - A) + k° sin®C sin(A + B) fusing (1) Hence, 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES =} [sin? A sin A sin(B -C) + sin? B sinB sin(C - A) +sin?C sinC sin(A - B)) = [sin” A sin(B +C) sin(B ~C) + sin? B sin(C + A) sin(C - A) +sin?C sin(A +B) sin(A -B)] : sin(B +C) =sin A, sin(C + A) =sinB, sin(A + B)=sinC] =#8[sin® A (sin? B - sin®C} + sin? B (sin®C - sin? A} + sin*C (sin® A - sin? B}] =4°(sin? A sin? B - sin? A sin?C + sin? B sin?C — sin? B sin? A +sin?C sin? A - sin?C sin? B] cos A +b cosB +.¢.cosC sin A cos A + ksinB cosB + ksinC cosC fusing (1)] [2sin A cos A + 2sin B cosB + 2sinC cosC] =Risin2A + sin2B + sin2C] =H isin 2A + 2sin(B +C) cos(B-C)] = pl2sin A cos A + 2sin (x - A) cos(B -C)] =k{[sin A cos A + sin A cos(B -C)] =ksin A [cos A + cos(B -C)] =hsin A [cos (x-(B + C)} + cos(B-C)) =ksin A (-cos(B + C) + cos(B -C)] =ksin A (2sinB sinC) 2ksinA sinB sinC 2asinBsinC fusing (1)] =RHS. [Example 4.> In any triangle ABC, prove that : ;) @sin (B-C) _bsin(C-A) _csin(A-B) Or e-F a-F et __ 8 -o _,_o 8 cosB+cosC cosC+cosA cosA+cosB sy Sine Rule, we have Gin A ~ sinB “sind ~* 9) a=ksinA, b=ksinB,c=ksinC 1) {) 28in(B-C) __ksinA sin(B -C) {using (0) (. sin(B + C)=sin A] __ksinB sin(C - A) # sin? -k sin? A Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI sin(C + A)sin(©-A) 1s sin(C + A)= sin ‘, esin(A-B)_1 Similarly, 2B k asin(B 5 e-F =a? ae Bae? et-a? a?-o? Gi) LHS. - [55+ cos0 * cosO+ cow A * cosA + cos _#4sin®B -sin®C) , k%(sin®C A) , Bein? A - sin® B) cosB + cos cosC + 008 A + cosB using (1) =H ~ cos? B-1+ 008°C) , #1 ~ cos? C - 1+ cos? A) cos B + cos cosC + cos BAL - cos? A -14 cos?) cosA + cos B ow [scence cos? A -cos®C , cos® B - cos? | Hence, cosB+cosC " cosC+eosA cosA+cosB =F [eosC - cosB + cos A - cosC + cosB - cos A] =Hx0=0=RHS. [Example 5.> In any triangle ABC, prove that: ( 2087.A- cos? B , cos? B-cos* C , cos? C - cos" A a+b bre eta # sin(B-C) , b* sin(C- A) , c* sin(A-B) i EO ee Solution : By Sine Rule, we have @ Las, = 908 A=c0s?B , cos? B- cos? , bt+e ““TRGinA+sinB) * —_k(inB+sinC) 4 Gcsin?c)-0 R(sinC + sin A) = Sin?B-sin?A , sin?@~sin?B | sin? A~sin?C R(in A+ sinB) k(sinB+ sinC) * k(sinC + sin) = jlsinB - sini A + sin ~sinBB + sin A -sinC] R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 4 Hsin®B sin(C - A) , R®sin?C sin(A -B) sinB = sinC =? sin A sin(B -C) + k®sinB sin(C ~ A) + k’sinC sin(A - B) =? [sin(B +C) sin(B -C) + sin(C + A) sin(C - A) +sin(A + B) sin(A-B)) (vA+B+C=x) =#?[sin® B - sin®C + sin*C —sin® A + sin® A sin B) =#x0=0=RHS. In any triangle ABC, prove that : a? sin (B-O) , b* sin(C- A) | c sin(A-B) _ sinB+sinC sinC+sinA sinA+sinB Solution : By Sine Rule, we have b a=ksin A, b=ksinB,c=ksinC b?sin(C - A) , c*sin(A -B) sinC+sinA " sinA+sinB -M sin? A sin(B-C) , #? sin? B sin(C ~ A) , k?sin?C sin(A -B) sinB + sinC sinC + sinA sinA+sinB fusing (1)] =w [sna sin(B +C)sin(B-C) , sinB sin(C + A)sin(C ~ A) sinB +sinC sinC +sinA 4 Sin€ (sin? A sinA +sinB = #? [sin A (sin B -sinC) + sin B (sinC ~ sin A) + sia (sin A - sinB)] =# [sin A sinB ~sinA sinC + sinB sin -sinBsin A +sinC sin A ~ sinC sin B] =h?x0=0=RHS. [Example 7.> In any triangle ABC, prove that: 2452 T+eos(A-C)eosB a? +c? Solution :; By Sine Rule, we have ab sin A ~ sinB ~ sinC a=ksinA, b=ksinB,c=ksinC _1 + c08(A ~B) cos LHS. = Ty c0s(A -C) cosB 1+ cos(A ke TpontAa Cam Gotan WA+B+C=0) _1-c0s(A ~B) cos(A +B) /: 008 (x - 0) ==. “T= eos(A-C) c08(A +0)- tenis Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI _1 (cos? A ~ sin? B) “I= (cos? A ~ sin*C) _1-cos? A + sin?B “I= cos" A + sin? _sin?A+sin?B © sin? A+ sin?C watt bP “aed =RHS. [Example 8.> In any triangle ABC, prove that: @ a? sin 2B + b sin2A = 2ab sinC (ii) a*(cos* B — cos? C) + b*(cos* C - cos* A) + c? (cos® A -cos* B) =0. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have ab sina a=hsinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC ) (i) LHS. =a? sin 2B +6? sin 2A =} sin? A (2sinB cosB) + #sin?B(2sinAcosA) —_[using (1)] = 2h sin A sin B (sin A cosB + sinB cos A) = 2k? sin A sinB sin(A + B) = 2h? sin A sin B sin (x-C) WA+B+C =a) =2(ksin A)(ksinB) sinC =2ab sinC lusing (1)] -RHS. Gi) L.H.S. =a*(cos* B -cos®C) + b%cos*C —cos? A) +c? (cos A —cos® B) =a?((1 - sin? B) -(1-sin?C)] + b?[(1-sin?C)- (1 - sin? A)] + c?[(1- sin? A) —(1 - sin? B)] =a?[sin?C ~ sin? B] + 6%{sin? A —sin®C] + ¢®[sin® B ~ sin? A] =? [sin? A (sin?C — sin? B) + sin? B (sin? A - sin?C) + sin?C (sin? B - sin? A)] =#? (sin? A sin?C - sin? A sin? B + sin? B sin? A - sin? B sin? +sin?C sin? B — sin?C sin? A] fusing (D) =H?x0=0=RHS. [Example 9.> In any triangle ABC, prove that : @ bsin( 3 +c) (e+a)sin 3 Gi) b (cos C+ cos A)=2 (c+ a) sin? Z, Solution : By Sine Rule, we have 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Boek 2sin 5 cos [Muttinying Nr. and Dr. by 20088] sin B cosC + (1+ cosB) sinC sinB _sinB cosC + cosB sinC + sinC B sin(B +C)+sinC in _sin(x—A)+sinC B _sinA + sinC sinB ksin A +ksinC { ~ Bend hein (Multiply Nr. and Dr. By A] aes fusing (1)] Boo). B Bec)aasosin’ fusing (0) _sinC + sind sinB _2sin( S54 a cS 2 2sin2 cosB sin(252 2 i Multiplying Nr. and Dr. by 2sin Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI asin { =C+A)) agg(C-A [eA+B+C =n Hence, b(cosC + 008 A) = 2(¢+ a) sin? 3, [Example 10> Im any triangle ABC, prove that : © -crcot 4 + (ea) cot B + (a-byeot £=0. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have a > a=ksinA,b=ksinB, c= ksinC LHS. =(6- eat +(c-a) oot +(a boot =H(sinB - sinC) cot 4 + k(sin@ - sin A) cot + k(sin A - sin B) cot S {using (1) B+. B-0 A CA gin Cad 2 ~#[ 200252 5 2 cot | + 4[ Zoos CHA cot B 3) R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES = onl sinB+e ~24[in 2 =2k| sin? 2 oot =2k(0)=0=RHS. \Example 11. If (a? + b*) sin(A - B) =(a? - 5") sin(A+B), then prove that the triangle is either isosceles or right-angled. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have inB a=ksinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC Given that (a* + 5%) sin(A - B) =(a? - 5%) sin(A + B) sin(A -B) sin(A+B) using (1)) sin? A ~sin?B sin? A+ sin?B ‘_sin(A + B)sin(A-B) sin? A + sin? B i 1___sin(A+B)_]_ na [ee “sin? A+ sin?B J sin(x-C) [oA+B+Ced 5 + sna - ea B . 1 sinC = sna 2g aera ane either sin(A-B)=0 or ls in either © A-B=0 or sin?A+sin?B-sin?C =0 either A=B or a?+b?-c?=0 fusing (1)] either A=B or a? +b? =? either the triangle is isosceles or right angled. [Example 13> If in a right-angled triangle ABC, ZA = 60°, C = 30°, then find the ratio of its sides. Solution : SABC is right-angled and ZA-=60°, ZC =80°, then 2B =90°. By Sine Rule, we have a sind“ sinB a=ksinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC a:b:e=ksinA:ksinB =ksin60°: ksi dB yh 20°32 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI In a AABG, ifa=2,b=3 and sin A= Solution : By Sine Rule, we have If in_a triangle ABC, 2A = 45°, 2B=75°, and 2C=60°, then prove that a+ cV/2 =2b. Solution : By Sine Rule, we have a _b Gnd“ ainB” ainC a=hksinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC =h(say) a= keinds* = b=ksinB=ksin75° = ksin(45°+ 30°) = Ani AS eoe00"4 cos 45°sin30°) 8,11 “et dll -(4 +1 we and c=ksinC =ksin60°: #0, ore- to a(r8) ak, 8 a nce -*WS+n=2b a Hence, a + cV2 = 2b. If in any triangle the angles are in the ratio as 1: 2:3, prove that the corresponding sides are in the ratio as 1: 3:2 Solutions : Let the angles of a triangle ABC be x, 2x and 3x. ie, A=x,B=2x,C =3: Since, A+B+C=n x+Qe4+3e=n 6x=n x=n/6 0r30° A=30°, B=60°,C =90° Now By Sine Rule, we have 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0851-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ab ile sinA sinB sinC 6 Hence, the ratio of the sides are 1: V8 :2. Eeemrle > ‘The angles of a triangle ABC are in A.P. and it is being iven that 8:2, find the angle A. Solution : The angles A, B,C of AABC are in A. P. Then, A+C ppAte e() But we know that {using (1)) By Sine Rule, we have b ainB sinC = (8) sinB sinC =Besineo» (eb:e=V8 :V2) snc -2(8) C45" 2 A=2B -C = 2x 60°- 45°= 120° 45°=75° prove that a?, b,c? are in A.P, Solution : By Sine Rule, we have a=ksinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC sinA _ sin(A-B) ‘sinB~ sin(B-C) sin A sin(B -C) in B(A - B) sin[x-(B + C)] sin(B -C) =sin[x-(A + B)] sin(A -B) [vA+B+C=n) sin(B +C)sin(B -C) =sin(A + B)sin(A -B) sin? B - sin®C = sin? A ~sin?B 2sin? B =sin? A + sin? Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XL > 2k? sin? B = k? sin? A + k? sin? (Multiplying both sides by k?] 28? =a +0? {using (1)] a?, b,c? are in AP, If the sides a, b, c of a triangle ABC are in H.P., then A, sin? 3 jhow that sin’ 2’ sin’ 2 Solution : By Sine Rule, we have a e. 3nd ~ ind ~ sino ~*(60”) a=ksinA,b=ksinB,c=ksinC Given that a, 6c are in HLP. a ¢ A(sinA -sinB) _k(sinB : Resin A ksinC peette (A 2enA +B ginA=B aco B+© sin B= a, 2sinA cos 2 sin? $ (sin? 4~ sin? 4) 2 a 2A in? B sind Dividing by sin? 4 sin? 3 sin? S sin? sin? , sis 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES [aisle SrA In any triangle ABC, prove the following : 1. (a-6) cos $=esin B+C z A-B 2. (+0) cos a sin (A-©) +O) a? sin (B-C) =(6? -c?) sin A sin A -VsinB _ ‘Vein A + JsinB 082A _ cos 2B , SAZA _ 90835 . a (sin B—sin ©) + 6 (sin C-sin A)+¢ (sin A ~sin B) =0 acos A +b cos B+ ¢ cos C= 2asin B sinC = 2bsin A sinC = 2csin A sinB (6? ~c*) cot A + (c? -a*) cot B+ (a*—b*) cotC =0 tan 4 —tanB -—# Z, tan $+ tan Ifin any triangle ABO, ZA = 60°, then show that b+c=2acos2=C 2 If in a triangle ABC, £C =105°, 2B = 45°, a= 2, then show that b = 2V2 If ina triangle ABC, ZA = 45°, 2B =60°and ZC =75°, then show that the ratio of the sides is 2: 6 :(¥3+1) In AABG, prove that, if @be any angle, then 1b cos0=c cos (A -0) + acos (C+ 0) In any ABC, prove that bsecBresecC _csecC+asecA asecA+bsecB_ tanB+tanC tanC+tanA tanA+tanB 2A In any AABC, prove that a (cos C- cos B) = 2(b-c) cos* 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI In any ABC, prove that 1 (cos B cos C+ cos A) =b (cos Ccos A + cos R) =¢ (cos A cos B+ cos C) In a ABC, prove that asin sin (220). in Bein (274) + esin Sein (47) 0 If in AABC, acos A =beosB, show that the triangle is either isosceles or right-angled. Ina AABC, if sin® A + sin? B = sin? C, show that the triangle is right-angled. . Inany ABC, ifa®, 62, c*areinAP., prove that cot A, cot B, cot Care alsoin A.P. Ifin a AABG, ifcos A cos B+ sin A sin B sin C= 1, show that rbre: 1:1:v2 SC, prove that the triangle is equilateral. Let O be « point inside a triangle ABC such that ZOAB = ZOBC = ZOCA = then show that : (cote = cot A + cot B+ cotC (ii) cosec”w = cosec”A + cosec”B + cosec”C. (Using Sine Rule] 2003 SA sin -—pi ee 2sin SFA cos dein A - Vein B sin A-VsinB fein A _ Wain A-sinB _sin.A + sinB-2 Vein A Vein B sinA-sinB -atb-2Vab a-b 18. LH.S. = (6? -c*) cot A + (c?-a”) cot B + (a? -b") cotC *(sin?® B- sin? C) 284 4 4%(sin? C-sin® A) S23 sind sinB +#4(sin?® A= sin? B) 8S sin€ cos B sinB c + sin (A +B) sin (A ~B) ? [sin (B-C) cos A + sin (C- A) cos B+ sin (A ~B) cos C] = #® [sin (B-C) cos (B+ C)- sin (C- A) cos (C+ A) ~sin (A ~B) cos (A+ B)] 2 [sin 2B-sin 2C + sin 2C-sin 2A + sin 2A ~sin 2B) [Using Sine Rule} = sin B+ ©) sin B-C) 284 + & sin (C+ A) sin (C-A) sind Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 15. In AABC, 2A = 60° By Sine Rule, we have B18 nA” SinB” aint a 6 c sin60° sinB~ sinC b= Fein, c= FE sinc 20 (gin Be is b+c=—=(sinB+ sinC) B B+C., B- see (asin BiCe B22) A vee (aso eB b+e~ 22 (200930°cos 252) bre=2ae05(: 5 cos A = bcos B ksin A cos A =hsinBcosB 2sin A cos A = 2sin B cos B sin 2A =sin 2B 2A = 2Bor 2A =x-2B A=BorA+B=x/2 A=BorC=n/2 [eA+B+C=rl it ither isosceles or right-angled. vuvusug. Ba? ae? 0? sin? B-sin? A =sin? C-sin? B fusing Sine Rule] sin (B+ A) sin (B- A) = sin (C+ B) sin (C-B) sin C sin (B-A)=sin A sin (C-B) [:A+B+C=n] sin C (sin B cos A — cos B sin A) = sin A (sin C cos B-cos C sin B) cot A ~cot B= cot B-cotC 2eotB = cot A + cotC cot A, cobB, cot. are in AP. 8A, c08B _ 08 C (given) By Sine Rule, we have a sind sinB sinC tan A =tanB=tanC A=B=C AzB=C=60° [vA+B+Ce=x) ABC is an equilateral. COSINE RULE (COSINE FORMULAE) To prove that in any triangle ABC 2g? @ cosA = — Gi) cosB +82 2ab where a, b, cand A, B, C have their usual meanings. = = = = > = 08 2 2+ a?-b? (iii) cosC = Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI Proof : In order to prove above cosine formulae, we may take the triangle either to be acute or an obtuse or right-angled. Case I : AABC is an acute : é Let ABC be an acute triangle with a =BC,6=CA and A ¢=AB. Draw CD as perpendicular on AB. In AADC, we have © AD a cos A AD =CA cosA = bcos A and CA? = AD? +CD? In ABDC, we have CB? = DB* + CD? Subtracting (8) from (2), we get CA? - CB? = AD? - DB? CA? -CB? = AD® -(AB - AD)? CA? -CB? = AD? - AB? - AD® + 2AB.AD CA? =CB? - AB? + 2AB.AD 8? =a?—c? + 2cbcosA B+c—a? ie Case II: AABCis an obtuse: Let AABC an obtuse triangle and let A be an obtuse angle. Draw CD as perpendicular from C to opposite side BA which meets BA in D on producing it. In ACDA, ZCAD = x— A, we have 8 cos ZCAD AD =CA cos(x- A) AD = 6(-cos A) AD =-b cos A id CA? = AD? + CD? In ACDB, we have BC? =BD? + CD? Subtracting (3) from (2), we get CA? - BC? = AD? - BD? CA? - BC? = AD? -(AB + AD)? CA? - BC? = AD? - AB? - AD? -2AB.AD CA? = BC? - AB? - 2AB.AD 6? =a? ~c? - 2c(-bcos A) BP =a? —c? + 2becos A B+c?-a? oo Case III : AABC is right-angled : ‘Let AABC be a right-angled triangle and it be right-angled +8) (» AB=AD + DB) fusing (1)] cos A = (2) (8) [- AB+ AD =BD) [using (1) cos A =. Fig. 78.6 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES a? ac? +B? 2becosA fy A =90°and cos.A =0] b+ ca? 2be Hence, in all cases, we have B+ 0? 2be Similarly, other cosine formulae can be proved. Ezy PROJECTION FORMULAE To prove that in any triangle ABC @a=beosC +ccosB i)}b=c008 A + a.cosC (iii) e=acosB +b cos A where a, b, cand A, B,C have their usual meanings. Proof : In order to prove above projection formulae, we may take the triangle either to be acute or right-angled or an obtuse. i Case I: AABCis an acute: Let ABC be an acute triangle with a= BC, b=CA and ¢= AB, Draw AD as perpendicular on BC. In ADB, we have BB = cosB BD = AB cosB BD =ccosB In AADC, we have dels CA DC =CA cosC DC =bcosC since, D is on BC. Then we have, cos A = cos A = cosC fusing (1) and (2) a=bcosC + ceosB. Case II: AABCis right-angled, Let AABC be a right-angled triangle right angled at C. In AABC, ZC =90°, we have [LC =90°, so cosC =0] a =bcosC + ecosB. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI Case III : AABC is an obtuse : Let AABC be an obtuse triangle and let ZC be an obtuse angle. Draw AD as perpendicular from A to BC, which meets BC in D on producing it. In AADC, ZACD = n-C, we have, BF -cos(n-0) CD =CA cos(x-C) CD =b(-cosC) CD =-bcosC In AADB, we have wf2) cosB -(-b cosC) fusing (1) and (2)] a=ccosB + beosC a =bcosC +ecosB. Hence, in all cases, we have a=bcosC + ccosB. Similarly, other projection formulae can be proved. * Incase of acute and obtuse triangles, BD and CD are the projections of AB and CA on BC respectively. Thus, these formulae are known as projection formulae. NAPIER'S ANALOGY (LAW OF TANGENTS) To prove that in any triangle ABC @ tan BSE -(P=*) oor 2 (bee) 2 (i) tan 4 (= 2) cot eva) 2 3 A a-b c Gy ton 9g -(3 ?) cot S where a, b, c and A, B, C have their usual meanings. Proof : By Sine Rule, we have _ b(sinB - sin) 4 “}(sinB + sinC) {using (1)] 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES eos: Similarly, other results can be proved. rz ‘AREA OF A TRIANGLE To prove that the area of a triangle ABC is A=}besinA = casinB=3absinC where A denotes the area of a triangle. Proof : Case I: AABCis an acute triangle Let ABC be a acute triangle with a=BC,5=CA and c= AB. Draw AD as perpendicular on BC, In AADB, we have IfAbe the area of the triangle ABC, then we have A=5(BC)x (AD) 37 (csinB) fusing (1)] 1 gocsin. Case II: AABC is right angled: Let ABC be a right-angled triangle and right angled at C. In AABC, ZC = > > Fig. 78.11 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI If Abe the area of triangle ABC, then 7 (B0).(CA) 1 A=5a(csinB) A=docsinB. Case III : ABC is an obtuse : ‘Let AABC be an obtuse triangle and let 2B be obtuse angle. ‘Draw AD as perpendicular from A to BC which meets BC in D on producing it. In AADB, ZABD = x~B, we have AD ~ sin(n—B) AB AD = AB sin(x- B) AD =csinB If Abe the area of the triangle ABC, we have = }(BC).(AD) 4-}(@(csinB) 21 a=dacsin’ Hence, in all cases, we have A=dacsinB Similarly, we can prove that A~Zbesin and A=}absinC. 1) (@-8) (8c), where 2s =a+b+e. In any AABG, prove that : @ a (bcos C-ecosB) =b? -c* cos A, cosB , cosC _a*+b?+c? a 6 € Babe Solution : (i) LHS. =a (bcosC -ccosB) =RHS. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Gi) Lats, =284 , 0088 , c0sC abc _ becos A + ca cos B + ab cosC 2) (Ef [using cosine formulae] 4 (62 4c? a? +02 +a? —b? 407+ b?—c%} abe [Example 20> In any AABC, prove that (6 ~c*) cot A +(c? ~a*) cotB + (a? -b*) cot C= 0. Solution: LHS. =(b? -c?) cot A + (c? - a”) cotB + (a? ~ 6%) cotC cos A cos B cosC = (0? 0?) SAF + (c? 0) SO (a? EE _2(b*=c*) cosa , b(c?-a%) cosB , b(a® ~b*) cosC 7 @ é c using sine Rule} = B(6? ~7)(6? + 2-0) | R(c? — a?) (c? + a? ~ 6) abe abe 4 Bla? 0%) (a? + 0? ‘abe qiigltt - ef a0? + ofa? + cf a4 6%? + 78? +a* ~bf - ac? + be] =4 x0 Babe =0 =RHS. In any ABC, prove that : OF Jeannene[ ; sa Be") ARE) {using Sine Rule and cosine formulae) Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI a apg lO? 22)? + 0? 02) + (0? 0) (c? + a? 8%) + (a? 89 (a? + 8-8) = aggldt ~et - 0b? + ofa? +04 —at — be? +098? 408 — bt ofa? + 8%) abe 1 x abe =0 =-RHS. (i) LHS, =2(be cos + ca cosB + abcosC) ofa) Eo 3b? +0?-a? +07 +a7?-b? +07 +7 ~c? a? +b? +0? RHS. ample 22> In any AABC, prove that: * cos (B - C) + b® cos (C- A) + c* cos (A - B) = 3abe. 0 Solution: LHS. =a cos(B -C) + b° cos (C - A) +c* cos (A -B) =ha® sin A cos(B -C) + kb? sin B cos(C - A) + ke? sinC cos(A -B) [using Sine Rule] =ka? sin(B +C)cos(B -C) + kb® sin(C + A) cos(C - A) + he? sin (A +B) cos (A -B) A+B+Cax =! singe + sinzo1+ ME tsinge +sin 2A] + fe tsin2 + sin 2B] =ha%(sin B cos B + sinC cosC) + kb%(sinC cosC + sin A cos.A) + ke%(sin A cos A + sin B cos B) =a" (ksin B cosB + ksinC cosC) + b*(ksinC cosC + ksin A cos A) +c7(ksin A cos A + ksinB cos B) =a%(b cosB + ccosC) + 6c cosC +a cos A) + c%(a cos. A + bcos B) [using Sine Rule) =ab(acosB + beos.A) + be (b cosC +¢cosB) + ca (a.cosC +e cos.A) =ab(c) + be (a) + ca(b) {using projection formulae} =3abe =RHS. [Example 23> Im any ABC, prove that @ (6 + 0) cos A + (c + a) cosB + (a +b)cosC=a+b+e J-ta+b+0F ic 2 Gy) 4(be cos? 4 + cacos? B + ab.cos? (tit) a? =(b ~ 0) cos? A + (6 + 0)? sin? 4 Solution : @ LHS. =(6+6)cosA + (c+ a) cosB + (a+b) c0sC =(ccosB + bcosC) + (c cos. A + a cosC) + (a cosB + bcos A) zatbee [using projection formulae) 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES di) LHS. =4 (boos? 4 + ca cos? B+ abcos?S) = 2be( 200 4) + 200 2eos? B+ 2ab( neo? =2be(1+ cos A) + 2ea (1+ cos B) + 2ab (1+ cosC) B+ c8—a? +a? ats bt? ain Bagi) nels ag] mafia] {using cosine formulae} =2be + b+ c2—a? + 2a +e2 +a? -b2 + Zab +a? +b? —c® =a? +62 +084 2ab + 2be + 2ca =(a+b+0)? =RHS. Gil) RHS.=(6~c)* cos? 4 +6 +0)? sin? 4 = (08+ €2 ~ abe) cos? + (82 + c? + 2b0) sin? =0 cos? 4 sin? 2A, sin?A)_ =*(cos Be sin’ 4) + cos 4 + sin 4) abe =b? +c?—2bcosA 2 yg? =b? +0 2be| oo [using cosine formula] ab? 4c? =a? =LHS. In any AABG, prove that : B_c-acosB C b-acosC 0 2(asint 2+ sin? 4 a+e-b Git) 2( Beas? $+ cos Jra+bve 2 c-acosB a. cos inC -ksin A cosB Resin B kein A cosC sin ~sin A cosB Solution : (i) RES. using Sine Rule] =2fasin®®+esin? wi LHS. -2(a sin C +esin?A pac’ 2A =a(2sin?)+e(2sin? 4 a( 2 ea Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Gircular Road, Ranchi-t, Ph. 066%-2662825, $836600812, 7648646943 NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI =a (1-cosC) + ¢(1-cos A) =a+c-(acosC +¢cosA) sate-b [using projection formulae] =RHS. Gi) LHS. =2( doa? $+ com? 2) =0( 20m?) + (zoos? 3) =6(1+ cosC) + ¢(1+ cosB) b+ e+ boos +.c00sB sb+era {using projection formulae) natb+e =RHS. [Example 25> In any AABC, prove that w A + cosB 4208 € 2+ b2 +07 ceosB+bc0sC acosC+ecosA acosB+beosA abe Gi) a sin (B- © + b sin (CA) + esin(A-B)=0. Solution: ars, «co cosB co @ LHS.= eB +b cosC +ec0sA GcosB+bc0sA = 008, C088, eos fusing projection formulae] | gtactua? , otaat 24 p22 * ae , abe 2 =e RES. (ii) Consider first term : asin(B -C) =a (sinB cosC —cosB sinC) ab = Foose ~ Geos fusing Sine Rule] [using cosine formulae] ) (using cosine formulae] =2 (2, ey Similarly, b sin (C - A) =2(c? ~a),esin(A -B) = 2 (a? ~b% Now, LHS. =a sin(B~C) + bsin(C - A) +esin(A -B) = 200-08 +o? a? +a? -B%) =2x0=0=RHS. Ina triangle ABC, if bee eta a+b i 10 9 cosB _ cos cosA then prove that °o54 = £6 = 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES b+e_c+a_ato_ Solution : Given 2X€ = £40 «+9 = (cay) = b+e=1ljct+a=10,a+b=9% Adding these equations, we get 2(a +b +0)=110410A+94=302 a+b+c=15h Subtracting each equation of (1) from (2) successively, we get, a=4,b=54,0=62 6? + c?-a? _ 2577 + 3677-1607 _ Bbe 2-0? _ 1677 +367" 2ac 480 b+ a? 2ab cos A = cosC = 08 A :e0sB :cosC = 3 cos A _ cosB _ cos wz” 9 2° [Example 27> fina ABC Henee, 2cosA a then prove that the triangle is ight-angled. Solution; 208A , c08B , 2cosC _ ab ¢ 2be cos A + ac cos.B + 2ab cosC b2+c?-a? a2+c2- ae Png ae Hes | “gee 2 BP acta? pete, gy 52. 2 opty Stet 0" _ oo gp 2 4b? +a? +c? —b? = 2a” + 2b” B4c%=a? AABC is right-angled. [Example 2> In a triangle ABC, if cos A= pms. show that the triangle is isosceles. Solution : Given, cos = S23. ‘sinC [using Sine Rule and cosine Rule} AABC is an isosceles. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI [Example 25> if in a triangle ABC, cos.A + cosB + cos C -3 then prove that the triangle is equilateral. Solution : Given that ¢08.A + cosB + cosC = 3 eee ot, ate ee {using cosine formulae} a (6? +c? -a”) +b (a? +c -b%) + c(a® +b? ~c?) =Sabe a (b? +c) + b(a? +c?) + c(a? +b”) =a° +b +c° + Babe a(b-c)? + 2abe + b(a— 0)” + Zabe +.c(a ~ 8)? + Zabe =a° +b* +0° + Babe a(b-c)? + (ac)? +e(a —b)? = a9 +b +c% Babe a(b-0)? + b(a-c)? + c(a-b)? =(a + b +c) (a? +b? +c? —ab —bc - cu) 2a (b -¢)? + 2b(a -c)? + 2c(a-b)? =(a +b +0) (2a? + 26? + 2c? - 2ab - 2be ~ 2ca) 2a (b ~6)? + 2b (a —c)? + 2e(a -b)? =(a +b + ola -b)? +(b- 0)? +(a~c)"l (a-b)*(a + b ~c) +(b-0)%(b + 0-a) +(a-0)? (a +e-b)=0 oD) But in AABC, we have, at+b>c=>(a+b-c)>0 bre>a=(b+c-a)>0 a+e>b=(atc-)>0 ‘Thus equation (1) holds, if (a-b)? =0,(a-c)* =0 and(b-c)? =0 = a=b=c Hence AABC is an equilateral. [Example 30> Im any triangle ABC, if C= 60°, prove that 1 1 3 e1 b+ VULUUN UY uu + e 1,13 ate bee atbte (+++), 3 @+06+0) (a+b+o (a+b+2)(a+b+0)=3(a+0(b+0) a? +B? + 2c? + 2ab + Bac + Bbc = Sab + Sac + She + 3c? 2+ b?-ab=c? a? +b?—c?=ab at4BP-c? 1 a a} cosC -} (using cosine formula] Solution : Now, C =60° which is given. If in a triangle ABC, cosA+2cosB+cosC=2, prove that the sides of the triangle are in AP. Solution : Given that cos + 2cosB + cosC = cos A + cosC = 2(1~cosB) A+c 2B > 2eos AF cosATE =4 sin? 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES iB AC _4..aBe A+C xB sing ae a 4 sin’ 370 [ 2 7273 asin [ene Ase 2sinB|=0 = asin 3 ght BuosB e085 cos 5 = 2sin 5 cos cos 452) sink 2 Jilsin A + sinC}=sinB L a fab [using sine rule} a,b, carein AP. If c*, b,c? are in AP. prove that cot A, cot B, cot C are in AP. Solution : cot A, cotB, cotC are in A.P, if 2cotB = cot A + cotC 2cosB _ cosA , cosC ‘sinB ~sinA~ sinC ie, if zene = see 2 see fusing Sine Rule] a? +c?-b?) _b?+c?-a? 2abe abe 2abe 2(a? +c? —b) =b? +c? -a* + a? +b? a? +c? = 26? a”, b,c? are in AP. Hence, if a®, b?, care in A-P., then cot A, cot B, cotC are in A.P. [Example 33> Im any AABC, prove that ie, if ie, if af: Solution : We know that A= fbesina 1p, sin A cos A A= 5c a om 1,,.c08A a3 Oe cota Bs Be b24c?—a? 1 atu In any AABC, prove that : 8a acosA+bcosB+ecosC=52., abe’ Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI Solution: LHS. =acosA+bcosB + ecosC =ksin A cos A + ksinB cosB + ksinC cosC [using Sine Rule} =Hisin2A + sin 2B + sin 20] = fu sin A sin B sinC] =2asinBsinC (Again by Sine Rule} -»(S)() ca )\ ab RES. In 2 AABG, if =5, b=6 and C= 60°, show that its area is 15V3 353 oq, units. Solution : we know that 4=2.absinC > 4=4(6)) sin6o° ‘ s-1o( Hoc (Example 36, Ina AABG, if a =2, 6 =V8, c= 5, find its area. Solution : By cosine formula, we have at+?-2 2ab’ (/2)?-+ (V8)? -(/5)® 2(V2) (V3) cos = ST — —— — — [aia ede Ps In any AABC, prove the following : - i) b(ecos A —acosC) =c?—a?, (ii) (acosB- bcos A) = a?— 8? Bac? ca? ato? * asecd * bsecB * csecC ~ - 2 (be cos A + eacos B+ ab cosC) =a +b? +0? cosB _¢-bcos A * cosC "b= ceosA 5. (a BF cos? E+ (a+ 6) sin® 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 2 abe coat A (b+ ¢)? - 4be cos’ 2 a? + 6%) tan A = (a? -b? +c”) tan B = (6?-c? + a”) tanC a (cos B + cos C-1) + b (cos C+ cos A -1) + ¢ (cos A + cos B-1) =0 sin? A cos (B-C)+ sin? B cos (C- A) + sin® Ccos (A -B) =3sin A sin BsinC . Hina ABO, 2# 2-249 252, then prove that 2A = 2088. 208, The sides of a triangle ABC are a=4, b=6, c=8, show that 800s A +16 cos B + 4cosC=17. ‘The sides ofa triangle ABC area =9,5 =8,c = 4, show that6 cos C= 4 +8 cosB. Ifin a ABC, cos A + cos” B + cos C = 1, prove that the triangle is right-angled. Ina AABC, nce soe show that the triangle is isosceles. In a ABC, if cos A = sin B ~ cos C, show that the triangle is a right-angled. Ina AABC, if 2B = 60°, prove that (a + b +c) (a—b +c)=3ca Find the area of a triangle ABC in which ZA =60°, b= 4 ande= 3. }. Find the area of a AABC if ZA =30°, 2B = 45°andc = 2cm. . Prove that in any AABC, 24 2c? cot A + cotB + cot C= S22 Ae In any AABC, prove that : (ii)? sin 2C + c? sin 2B = 44. ANSWERSP 17. 3 sq. units, 18, (V3 -1) sq. HINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 2%? + ac? 04a bc? + 9b? +a —bt— cla? + b%e%] =0 . 7. (-a?+ 6%) tan A = (0+ c?—a%) SDA . ss A . sin ng cosi = (2be cos A) 7 {using cosine formula) = 2be sin A = 2abe using Sine Rule] Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONC SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI Similarly, (a?~0? +c) tanB = 202 2abe (?~e8+ a) tan C = AE +e 6?+8?-4? _g4 2be 96 96 cls a?—0? _8t+ 42-6? 44 1 Bea ae 42462- ab a 8c08.A +16 cosB + 4 cosC=7+11-1=17 18. Given cos? A+ cos? B+ cos? C=1 cos” A + cos® B (1 - cos? @) =| cos? A + cos? B-sin?C =0 cos? A + cos (B+ C) cos (B-C) =0 cos® A +cos (nA) cos (B-C) =0 cos” A —cos A cos (B-C) =0 cos A [cos A - cos (B=C)] =0 4 YUUddLUUY AABCis a right angled. en tet be ~ Bac + c?-b? mac a? +c? + 2ac—b? = (a+ 6)? -b? = (a+c+6)(a+e-b) 20, LHS. = cot A + cotB + cotC = 208A, cosB , cos in A * ‘sinB Ane 7208, ont = abe Sipe (Adc cos A + 2eacos B + 2ab cos C) asic etre ac? + a?-b?+a"+ b?=c2) _ h(a? +b? 40%) Babe arbre? [ = cos B = cos 60 -4 A= dbcsind and —2— 4a sing =RHS. Ezy ‘APPLICATION OF SINE RULE AND COSINE RULE 7B.7.1 Circumcircle of a triangle and its radius Circumcirele : A circle which passes through the vertices of a triangle is known as circumeircle. Circumcentre : The centre of a circumcircle is known as circumeentre which is defined as intersection of the perpendicular biscecters of the sides of the triangle. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608812, 7546846949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Circum radius : The radius of circumcircle is defined as the distance between the circumcentre and any of the vertex of the triangle. It is always denoted by R: ES © The circumcentre may lie within, outside or upon one of the sides of the triangle. © Ina right-angled triangle the circumcentre is the vertex where right angle is formed. ‘Theorem : Let AABC be any triangle. Then the circumradius of AABC is given a el ee 2sinA 2sinB 2sinC Proof : Let AABC be any triangle and let O be a point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors of sides BC,CA and AB’ of AABC. Then O is the circumcentre of AABC such that OA =OB=0C =R () We know that ZBOC =22BAC ZBOC =2A Since D is the mid point of BC BOD = ZCOD > BOD = BOD = COD =A In ABOD, we have Similarly, we obtain R-FeinB’®" Feind Haney, Ro Fein ~ DeinB (ii) We know that A= Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI 78.7.2 Incircle of a Triangle and its radius Incircle : A circle which is inscribed within a triangle so as to touch each of its sides is known as incircle. Incentre : The centre of a incircle is known as incentre which is the point of intersection of bisectors of angles of the triangle. Radius of Incircle : The radius of Incircle is defined as the length of the perpendicular from its centre to any one of the sides of triangle. It is denoted by r. Theorem : Let AABC be any triangle. Then the radius of incircle of AABC is given by @r=4 8 Go) r= AR sin sinB sin where 2s =a+b+0. Proof : Let I be the point of intersection of bisectors of angles A, B,C of a triangle ABC. Then Lis the incentre. Suppose the incircle touches the side BC, CA and AB at D, E and F respectively, then \e 1D =18 =IF =r (@ Area of AABC =Area of ABIC + Area of ACIA+ Area of ABIA A=} (BO) UD) + $(AC) TB) + 3 (AB) IF) Tw Bart gor Ser oe 1 A=dria+b+0) a-37(@s) [rat b+e=2] (ii) We know that the lengths of tangents to the circle from a given point (out side the circle) are equal. ci BD =BF, DC =CE, AE = AF wf) But, 2s-a+b+e 2s = BC +CA+ AB 2s =(BD + DC) + (CE + AE) +(AF + BF) 2s =(BD + DC) + (DC + AE) +(AE + BD) (using (1)) 2s = 2(BD + DC + AE) 2s = 2(BC + AE) IC + AE s=a+AE AE=s-a YVUUUEEUY 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836508812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Now in AAET, we have r=(s-a)tan4 Similarly, we can prove that mile = B pals - g r=(s-0) tan D,r=(s —0) tan> Hence, r=(s-a)tan4,r=(s-bytanB, r=(s -o tan. 2 2 (ii) Wehave BC =BD + DC a=BD+DC Now In ABID, we have In ACID, we have Putting the values of BD and CD in (2), we get B c a=reot + reotS [:A+B+C=a) Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI Similarly, we can prove that (iv) We have {using (3)] inA sinB sin® > r= 4R sin sin> sin. 78.7.3 Escribed Circles of a Triangle and their Radii Escribed Circle : A circle which touches one side and other two sides produced of @ triangle is known as escribed circle, From definition of escribed circle it is obvious that there are three escribed circles of any triangle. Suppose a circle touches the side BC and two sides AB and AC produced of « triangle ABC, then it is escribed circle opposite to the angle A. Ex-centres : The centres of escribed circles are known as ex-centres, ‘Therefore, the centre of escribed circle opposite to the angle A is the point of intersection of the external bisectors of the angles B and C. The internal bisector of the angle A also passes through the same point. This centre is usually denoted by J. Radii of Escribed Circles : There are three escribed circles of any triangle, so that 7, 7 and r, denotes the radii of escribed circles opposite to the angles A, B and C of a triangle ABC respectively. ‘Theorem : Let AABC be any triangle. Then we have, 1y=4R cos4 sin 2 cos& =4Rsin4A cos? cos’, Cc (iv) 5 = AR sin cos 5 cos $ sin 5 cos 2 2 2 1y=4R cos 4 cos sinS. Proof : Let ABC be any triangle and let J, be the centre of a escribed circle opposite to the angle A. Suppose the circle touches the side BC at D and AB and AC at E and F on producting respectively. Then we have, LD =1E =LF =1, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES (@) Area of AABC = Area of AI,AB + Area of AI,AC - Area of ABC. A= FUE) (AB) + Fear (Ac) - zap) (BC) 1 1 A a=FOMe+ZOMo-Fiya d=$n(e+b-a) A=$n(a+b+e~20) A=dq (25-20) A=7(s-a) 1" S-a Similarly, we can obtain n==4 Hence, sess i) We have AE = AF, BD = BE,CD =CF Now AE =AB+BE=c+BE=c+BD AF =AC +CF=b+CF =b+CD AE+AF =b+c+BD+CD=b+e+a AE+AF=a+b+e DAE wat b+ a+bee oe) AE=s [-2s-atb+d In AL AE, we have 1E AE Similarly, we ean obtain c r., tan, rynetan$ Hence, tan, n=stan¥,n=stanS. (iii) Wehave DBE =180°-B and ZDCF =180°-C But and ct, -d(aor) =} ag0--c) = Now in ADB, we have AD .tan(cpBi,) = tan(90--2) = BD " 2 > 4=BD cot 3 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI = BD =n tan In ADC, we have 1, 38 = tan(z0ch) =tan(90 = A=DC ot S Do =n tan But BC =BD + DC a=ntanZ +n tan€ a=y ls A+B+C =180° Similarly, we can obtain beosS cos : Bo 2R sin A cos") cos R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 2R(2sinA cos ) cos cose A cos 4) cos A cos =4Rsin4 cos? cos = 4Rsin} cos) cos 5 Re Similarly, we can obtain = A sinB cosS %=4R cos 4 sin 3 cosS and A cos sin’ 7 =4R cos cos sin[, gg In a AABG, if a =13, b =14 and c = 15, find: @ A Gi) R Gi) r Gvir, (W) ry (WI Ty Solution : we have, a=13,b=14,c=15 poGtbte 13414415 42 2 2 2 @ A=Js(s-a6-B(8-9 A= 21 (21 -13)(21-14) (21-15) = (21x8x7%6 = 21x 2x 4x7x3x2 = 21x 21x 4x4 =21x4 =84 9q. units. 21 A cosBeos® (iii) 4Rr cos 4 cos F cos $= A Solution : (i) We have a b “QsinA ~ 2sinB ~ 2sinC india, int nD wr ainA=> sinB A? sinc aR LHS. =sinA + sinB +sinC Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET On anin A sinE: ~2sin$ [asin sin Blea =4sinA sin sin =4sin4 sing sin$ +1 =Rtl (142 -(1+ z) RES. <4 Recor conB cos? (it) LIES. =4Rreos4 cos B cos E 4 oA sin ~4R[4Rsin 4 sin sin =2R% 2sin4 cos4)\(2si =2R' {2sin 308 4) (2sin =2R?sinA sinB sinC “(al c 3|¢ =A =RHS. In any AABC, prove that : acotA+bcotB+ccotC=2(R+r). Solution: L.H.S. =a cotA + bcotB+ccotC =2RsinA cotA + 2R sinB cotB + 2RsinC cotC =2R (cos A + cosB + cosC) = ar(a + 3) fusing part (ii) of Ex. 38] =2(R+n) =RHS. 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES “G-O6- 36-0 rp a8) s@-a [ss 0) +(s -a)(s | nC Biorletpe dee [Pe (25) + a) Solution : LHS. BP, cos? B + cos? S wt cosA , 1+ cosB , 1+ cosC 2 2 2 #4 [B+ 008A + cos + cos] -3[e+(1+§)] [using part (ii) of Ex. 38] r =2+ 3 =RHS. [Example 43> In a ABO, ifa:b:¢=4:5:6, find R:r. Solutions : Given, a:b:¢=4:5:6 a= 4x, b=5x,c=6x Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI watbte 4x +bx+6x _ 16x “slut _abe/ 4a arr abe 4a - abes 4s -a)(s-B6-0) Ns =e) (4x) (5x) (6x) ) 2(4)(5) 6) 2° MO@x* 16 7 Hence, R:r=16:7. [example 44> In a AABC, if 8R? =a? + b* + c?, show that the triangle is right angled. Solution : We have R = 5-4 wo A” ZsinB 2: Also, we have R sin A)* + (2R sin B)? + (2R sin)? |R?[sin® A + sin? B + sin?C] in? A+ sin? B + sin?C (1-sin? A) - sin? B +1-sin?C cos? A sin? B + cos*C 0s (A + B) cos(A -B) + cos*C =0 cos (n~C) cos (A ~B) + cos? [A+B+C =a) —c0sC cos (A -B) + cos? =0 ~e03C [eos (A - B)-cosC]=0 ~eosC [eos (A - B) + cos (A + B)]=0 [rA+B+C =n) cos C [20s A cos B] =0 either cosA =0 or cosB =0 or cosC =0 it =ZorB=ZorC=2 either A = For B= orC =F Hence, AABC is right angled. If pi Ps Ps are respectively the lengths of Perpendiculars from the vertices of a triangle ABC to the opposite sides, prove that 1 11 1 " atb?c? pt.t,Lb1 a of5 ee GD PyPap; - Solution : Let ABC be a triangle. Draw AD, BE and CF as perpendiculars such that ° 2 °e ° e e e e e ° ° ° e AD = p,, BE = pz,CF = py 06 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0851-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES If A be the area of the triangle ABC, then wlan, dat 2 A= Dapp A= 5 Pad, A= 5 Pye @ uHs.-44,41,1 Pr Pz Pa Fig. 78.16 Example 46> Solution : We have Sat inA 2sinB = 4R? (sin? C -sin? A) 4RsinB fusing (1)] _Rsin(C +A) sin(C- A) - sin B _Resin(x-B) sin(C ~A) =Rsin(C -A)=RHS. Example 47> In a AABC, prove that (a+b)=4Rcos| Solution : We have ¢. D) LHS. -a+5 ‘ =2R(sinA + sinB) using (1)} =2R[2sin4 ; B cos A=B | Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608812, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI = (2-2) c9g4=B +B+C=n) 4Rsin( 5 S eos 3 [eA+B+C=n) = © gA=B =4ReosS cos“5= =RHS. [Example 48> In a AABC, prove that =r? cos A cot B cot ©. A=r? cos 5 cot 5 cot 5 ‘ A ag oC Solution: RS. =r? cos $ cot cot 5 i =2[(reor4)(reor)(reueS)] =e -ay(s (5-0 2 cot cot eat [rot cor cot] _(s-anls 5 ‘ATs _8(s-a)(s Ws -2) 4 (Example 49> In a triangle ABC, prove that r b-c ,c-a,a-b Solution: L.H.S. = = (0-08 -a) , (C-a)(s ~B) , (a-dN(s - 0) ry a a =4ls(6-c+e-a+a-b)—a(b~0)-b(e~a)—e(a—D)} = His «0-ab + ae~be+ ab ~ae + be} =1)=0-=RHS = 40) 0=RHS. Example 50> Ina \ABC, prove that ryry + rry = ab. Solution: LHS. = 17 +™, A ALA A a's s =n taessl -a(ss ) +(8 = He= 2) 3(5- ans -B)(s =o) =2s? (a+ b+c)s +ab =ab=RHS. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONC R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES [Example 51> fina AABC, 5 Ki al - (4) then prove that AABC is right angled. Solution : a 1-tan$ tan 2 tan4 + tan ie a Oe Pe 1-tanStan5 tan$ c Ce Aa B 2 stan tan’ tan tan! ‘Now from (1) and (2), we have A tan tan 2 2 2 24 tan’ 3 1 Ina AABC, ifa = 18,5 = 24, and c =30, find the following : @R Gr GDR, GV Wry ‘The sides of a triangle are 22, 28, 36, centimeters. Find the areas of the inscribed circle, and the circumscribed circle. Ina ABC, ifa=13,b=4 and cos C==25, find R, r Ina AABG, if} = 15 em. and cos B = *, find R. 5 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET SINE AND COSINE RULE AND ITS APPLICATIONS [BOARD LEVEL] CLASS - XI 5. Ina AABC, prove that @ 2R? sin A sin BsinC =A, Gi) acos A + bcosB+c cosC=4Rsin A sinBsinC, 2? Gi) =" -RsinB-0, (a+ 6) = AR cos Ina AABC prove that: )EME-)-3 (FE) (oF odo c 2 =4R4n) + e)tan 4 + (+a) tanZ+(a+0) tan’ =4R (cos. + cos B + cos C) G) = 2 (ad + be + ca) — (a? +b? +c) If p,, Pz, Py are respectively the lengths of perpendiculars from the vertices of a triangle ABC to the opposite sides, prove that @ cosA , cosB , cosC r Po Ps OR ji) OL, Pa , Ps _ a+ OF Gi) oe eee OR “. =>—_—_————________| 1.» G) 15, G4) 6, (i) 12, Gv) 18, (0) 86 2. 161,076 sq, em., 1018.81 sq. em. ges 4.12.5 3'2 HINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS B+ a?- 2ab c? =a? +b? - 2ab cosC cos C= e? = (13)? + (4)? 208) (4) (2) c? =169 + 16+ 40 c? =225 e=15 sin C = y1-cos*C Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES _ 4R? (sin? B-sin? C) ~ 2Rsin A _ 2Rsin (B+) sin B-C) ~ sin A _ 2Rsin (x— A) sin (B-C) ~ sin A -R sin (B-C)=RHS. A BG 2 cot A cot cot & cot $ cot 5 cot S =i Se _ (S-a) (6-b) (6-0) 7 a) (s ~b) (s-c) ~ Als = £8-9 6-0) 6-0) a A=LHS. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2895608612, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET

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