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Sometimes ago in a meeting of with the APEC members, the president felt very embarrassed
because Indonesia, our beloved country, is the third most corrupt country in the world. The fact has made the
president decide that wiping out corruption must be the first priority in his programs. The president himself
leads the movement. He instructed his staff to struggle hard against corruption.
Many members of the House of Representative in the district level were arrested. Many of bank
directors were put in jail. Some government staffs were also arrested. They were proved to corrupt money in
their institutions.
It seems that this effort is very successful. However, people believe that there are many other people
who have corrupted money, but they haven’t been arrested and processed. This was because they were so
“clever” in hiding the evidence of their corruption that the law in our country cannot put them in jail. In this
case, there must be some kinds of mechanism to uncover the corruption cases.
People also believe that there are still some kinds of “protection” to certain people, so that they
seemed like the untouchable man. Besides that, the existence of many old men in every institution made the
struggle against corruption felt harder. The old men had been accustomed to corruption actions. It also
possible that some of them have also corrupted in the past time, so when they are urged to fight against
corruption, they feel it hard, and of course, uncomfortable.
If these kind of people are still found in every part of the country’s life, how can we fight against
corruption effectively? However, we must not underestimate what the government has done to fight against
corruption. The effort has been much better and harder that of the previous time.

1. What made the president decide to wipe out corruption in our country?
A. He met the leaders of the APEC members. D. He wants to make a good impression.
B. Indonesia is the third most corrupted country. E. The leader of the APEC members urged them.
C. He has made some programs

2. Who leads the struggle against corruption in Indonesia?

A. The Minister of Law D. The presidents himself
B. The Minister of Domestic Affairs E. The Justice of Supreme Court
C. The Attorney General

3. What is the writer’s opinion about the effort to wipe out corruption in the country?
A. It has succeeded but must be continued more seriously.
B. It is not successful, so it doesn’t need to be done anymore.
C. It is successful, so the government doesn’t need to continue it.
D. It is not successful, so the government must continue it.
E. He doesn’t have any idea about the efforts.

4. Which of the followings is the best description of a corruptor?

A. A person who steal money from the government’s cash.
B. A person who borrows money from other person and doesn’t return it.
C. A person who acts dishonestly about the money under his responsibility.
D. A person who takes out money from the bank
E. A person who borrows money from the government’s cash.

5. What is needed by the government to discover corruption case and put the corruptors in jail?
A. Large amount of money D. New methods of handling corruption
B. Many volunteers E. Certain/spatial way
C. Old methods

6. He instructed his staff to struggle hard against corruption (first paragraph, last sentence).
The underlined word mean….
A. APEC members C. the president E. Many of bank directors
B. Indonesian D. members of the House of Representative

7. …that the law in our country cannot put them in jail. (second paragraph, third sentence).
The underlined word synonym is….
A. prison B. hospital C. police station D. market E. store

8. Besides that, the existence of many old men in every institution… (fourth paragraph second sentence).
The underlined word antonym is….
A. teenager B. adult C. young D. child E. children
9. The kind of the text above is….
A. Hortatory Exposition C. Narrative E. Report
B. Analytical Exposition D. Spoof

10. The first paragraph of the text above is called….

A. Orientation B. Thesis C. Newsworthy Event D. General Classification E. Identification


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