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I. 单项选择。
1. C。in the sky 意为“在天空”。a plane 泛指“一个飞机”。
2. C。否定祈使句用 don’t,forget to do...意为“忘记做……”。
3. B。ask sb. not to do sth.表示“要某人不要做某事”。
4. C。interesting 常是物作主语,表示“某事很有趣”。be interested in 常是人作主语,表示“感兴
5. C。句意为“他很高兴因为他的梦想实现了”。come true 意为“实现”。
6. C。 not only...but also...意为“不但……而且……”,连接主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语一
7. C。考查过去进行时。句意为“昨天当我去学校时,天正下着雪。”
8. D。由答语可知是询问来中国的次数,问频率,所以选 D。
9. A。something special 这里指“特色内容”。当形容词修饰不定代词时,要后置。
10.D。由句意可知要保密,所以选 secret。keep a secret 意为“保密”。
11. A。why not 后接动词原形,表示提建议,意为“为什么不……”。其他三个选项也表示提建
议,how about 后接动词-ing 形式, let’s 后接动词原形,would you like 后接动词不定式 to do 形式。
12. C。物作主语,表示“花费”,要用 cost。
13. A。句意:——不要向动物园的动物扔塑料袋子。——好的。本题考查情景交际。A:All right.
好的,行,表示对建议的赞同;我也是。B:My pleasure.那是我的荣幸,回答感谢的答语。C:
Not at all.一点也不;。D:Don’t mention.不要再提了。由对话情景可知答案为 A 项。
14. A。句意:马丁如此忙于帮助老人,以至于他放弃了他的兼职工作。be busy doing sth.忙于做某
事。结合所给选项的形式,答案为 A 项。
15. A。这里考查重要句式“It is+形容词+to do sth.”。不定式是真正主语,it 是形式主语。当形容
词是修饰人的品质时,用介词 of, 故选 A。
II. 完形填空。
1.C。carry a message 这里指“承载,传递信息”。
2. D。句意为“没有语言可以交流吗?”。without 意为“没有”。
3. B。a smile on your face 表示“面带微笑”。
4. A。这里的 others 泛指 other people,意为“其他人”。
5. C。put up 意为“举起”。
6. B。or 这里意为“或者”。
7. C。由句意可知 nod(点头)表示“同意”,所以选 yes。
8. D。句意为“车站牌帮你指示坐哪个车”。take a bus 意为“乘车”。
9. C。门上的标志告诉你怎么进去和出来。how 意为“怎样”,表示方式。
10. D。本句是现在完成时,所以用 have 提问。
11. A。from 表示“来自……”。
12. D。in other ways 表示“用其他方式”。
13. B。an artist 这里泛指“艺术家”。
14. D。books 作主语,用被动语态。后面的动词不定式表示目的。
15. A。这里是 what 引导的宾语从句,指“世界上发生的事”。
III. 阅读理解。
1.C。由句子“With this one China won four gold medals in the women’s short track speed skating.”可
2.A 。 由 句 子 “ Wang Meng first got to the finishing line in 1 minute and 29.213 seconds in the
women’s 1000 meters short speed skating final at the Vancouer Olympic Winter Games” 可知。
3.C。由句子“It was with the help of my team that I won the prize.”可知。 1 海量教学资源分享
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4.D。由句子“That helped China first win the team gold medal in Winter Olympics history.”可知此句
5.B。根据第一段中的“One day it was said that the island would go down”可知答案为 B 项。
6.A。根据第四段内容可知 Sadness 看见了 Love。
7.B。根据第五段“Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even notice
when Love called her.”可知答案。
8.D。根据倒数第二段中的“Who helped me?” “It was Time.”可知答案。
9.B。由句意可知仅有时间理解 love 是多么的珍贵,所以可推测 valuable 意为“珍贵的”。
10. B。由句子“The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert”可知。
11. D。由句子“We got closer and closer”和“Behind the car was a large kangaroo lying completely
still on the ground.” 可知。
12. C。由句子“a large kangaroo lying completely still on the ground.”和“He took off his sunglasses
and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket.”可知 Chris 认为袋鼠死了。
13. A。文章主要介绍了自己在澳大利亚的沙漠之旅,以及与袋鼠的不寻常接触的经历。
14.B。指代判断题。由第一段中的“ A new study by Japanese scientist Miho Nagasawa seems to
have found the answer”可知,答案同拥抱化学物质,即催产素有关。因此,it 指代“the answer”。
故选 B。
15.A。细节理解题。由第三段第二句“In order to better understand how the cuddle chemical worked
between dogs and humans,Nagasawa and his team did an experiment.”可知,Nagasawa 研究人和狗的
关系是为了更好地了解催产素是如何起作用的。故选 A。
16.A。细节理解题。由最后一段第二句“However,levels were the highest in the humans and dogs
that simply looked into each other’s eyes,without much petting or talking.”可知,当人和狗互相看着
对方的眼睛时,催产素会达到最高水平。故选 A。
17. D。推理判断题。由最后一段第一句“The researchers found that levels of oxytocin were higher in
both humans and dogs after they interacted.” 及 最 后 一 句 “ Nagasawa did the same experiment with
humans and wolves(狼),but it did not give the same results.”可知,人和狼之间的交流不会使其体
内的催产素增多。由此可推知,通常情况下,人和狼之间不可能产生亲密的关系。故选 D。
IV. 选词填空。
1. cost 2.spend 3. pay 4.borrowed 5.lend 6.keep
V. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. listening  2. to live  3. easily  4. translation 5. not to talk
VI. 根据汉语提示补全句子。
1. one of the animals
2. get on well with
3. Yesterday, asked for, improving
4. It’s very dangerous, cross
5. always proud of, children
VII. 书面表达。
Our Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Everyone enjoys it. It usually
comes during every year’s February. Before it comes, people often buy so many delicious things to eat
and something to use.
On New Year’s Eve, after the big and important dinner, the family sit in front of the TV set and watch
something interesting of CCTV or talk on and on. Soon it is midnight and the New Year bell will ring. At 2 海量教学资源分享
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this moment, all the people say “Happy New Year!” happily. And then people will eat some dumplings.
On the morning of New Year’s Day, you can see all the children are wearing their new clothes and
playing outside. It is said that “If you are happy on New Year’s Day, this year’s everything will go well.” 3 海量教学资源分享

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