Quiz Word File

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Round 1

1. What is the sum of 569 and 2907? Find the digit at

the tens place of the sum.
2. 400 less than 5765 is ___ ?
3. What is the missing number?
_____ + 422 = 523
4. If Ankur is 44 years old and Shilpa is 7 years old,
then Ankur is ____ years older than Shilpa.
5. If the weight of 12bags is 108kgs, what will be
the weight of 1bag?
6. There are 44 cars in the parking lot of a Mall. 14 cars
are black the rest are white and red. There are 6 more
white car than red cars. How many cars are in red ?
7. What is the cost of mobile phone call that last for
6minutes at the rate of 50p per 30 seconds?

8. Kajal bought 3kgs apples and 5kgs oranges. If the

cost of 1kg of apples is 100 and 1kg of oranges is
₹60.How much money did Kajal pay to the

9. Piya draws 2 circles on the first page, 4 on the second

page,6 on the third page and 8 on the fourth page. If
this pattern continues, then how many circles will she
draw on the fifth page?
10. Lookers in a school are lined up in the pattern
shown below. Write the number that belongs on the
blank locker. 51
11. The table shows the number of boxes of juice in
different number of cartoons. How many juice boxes
would you get in 7 cartons? -- 21
12. What rule can be used to find the number of legs
on 7 grasshoppers?
-- Multiply by 6

Audience - 50,525 + 40,399 = 90924

Round 2

1. Shivam works from 9 am to 5 pm. He has an hour for

lunch. If he types 15 pages every half an hour, how
many pages does he type in a day?
ANSWER :- 8 hr – 1hr break = 7 hr
15 X 14 = 210 pages

2. If you walk 3km in 80 minutes, how far will you

walk in 3 hours?
80 min – 3km
180 min – 6.75 km

3. Praveen purchased 3 pens at the rate of rs14 each, 6

books at the rate of rs 64 each, 7 maps at the rate of
rs8 each and 9 notebooks at the rate of rs7 each.
Make a bill for the purchases.
3 x 14 + 6 x 64 + 7 x 8 + 9 x 7 = 42+256+56+63 =

4. Rajan has withdrawn 15,000 from the bank. He has

an equal number of 100 and 50 notes. How many 50
notes does he have? - 100
5. In a car factory, 6 machines can make 6 wheels in 6
minutes. How long will it take 30 machines to make
30 wheels? - 6minutes
6. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 37. What are
those two numbers? – 18 & 19
7. If there are 74 apples and you take away 3, how
many do you have? – 3 apples

8. I am not divisible by 2.
I am a prime number.
I am 11 more than 13 × 2.
Who am I ? -- 37
9. If you multiply all of the numbers on the dial pad of a
smartphone, what would the product be ? -- 0
10. I am a 2 digit number.
I am between 6×8 and 11×5. The sum of my
digits is 6.
Who m I? -- 51
Au- A bullet train travels 2500 km per day. How
much distance will it travel in 30 days? – 2500 x 30
= 75,000

Round 3
1. Julie Identify how many buckets of water was she
able to fill by 11:00, if 1 bucket represent 10L
water? -- 22 x 10 L = 220 L

perimeter = 38cm

3. 12 x 4 = 48 sq cm
4. the mirror Image – option 3
5. 2: 15 to 5:45 – 3 h 30min
6. How many students are there in the class? – 170

Au - Calculate the perimeter and the area of the

corn field, which is in the shape of a rectangle. The
length is 11 m and breadth is 8 m.
Ans – P-38 m , A – 88 sq m

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