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我吃西红柿 (Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi)

Book 32

Translated by Translation Nation & Nyoi-Bo Studio

Copyright © 我 吃 西 红 柿 (Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi).
All rights reserved.
This is a non-profit fan-work. Do not use it for any commercial
purposes. Also, support the author in any way you can.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without written permission from the author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and
incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is
purely coincidental.
Swallowed Star Book 32

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin
On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential
apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest,
militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots.
On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is
a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently
on the edge of the roof.
At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and
there was a refreshing breath within the air that
blew towards him.
However, there was only silence within the
ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl
that makes your heart skip a beat.

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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1450: THE FIVE TECHNIQUES OF SECTOR BEASTS ...................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER 1451: FINAL PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 1452: TREASURE EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER 1453: STAR TOWER.......................................................................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 1454: LAND OF DARKNESS.............................................................................................................................. 32

CHAPTER 1455: THE MOST POWERFUL ..........................................................................................................................40

CHAPTER 1456: PEARL OF THE GOLDEN OCEAN ........................................................................................................... 47

CHAPTER 1457: THE REINCARNATION PASSAGEWAY ................................................................................................... 53

CHAPTER 1458: COMPREHENSION UNDER DESTRUCTION ............................................................................................. 61

CHAPTER 1459: ESTABLISH A UNIVERSE WITH A SINGLE THOUGHT ....................................................................... 68

CHAPTER 1460: GREAT EXTINCTION ................................................................................................................................. 77

CHAPTER 1461: THE INVINCIBLE LUO FENG ...................................................................................................................84

CHAPTER 1462: THE FINAL EXCITEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 93

CHAPTER 1463: SCIMITAR............................................................................................................................................... 100

CHAPTER 1464: HAULING IN THE NET ........................................................................................................................... 107

CHAPTER 1465: EXTINCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 115

CHAPTER 1466: EXTREME FEAR ................................................................................................................................... 122

CHAPTER 1467: CATASTROPHE ...................................................................................................................................... 130

CHAPTER 1468: THE CRUELEST MOMENT ................................................................................................................... 137

CHAPTER 1469: RELEASE TEACHER ORIGIN .................................................................................................................145

CHAPTER 1470: FORCE LUO FENG................................................................................................................................. 153

CHAPTER 1471: PROTECTION........................................................................................................................................... 160

CHAPTER 1472: SWALLOW LUO FENG’S UNIVERSE................................................................................................... 168

CHAPTER 1473: THE LAST FIGHT WITH THE SECTOR BEASTS ............................................................................... 175

CHAPTER 1474: LUO FENG’S TEAM .............................................................................................................................. 183

CHAPTER 1475: BIRTH ...................................................................................................................................................... 189

CHAPTER 1476: SPLENDID BECAUSE OF BATTLE, BRIGHT BECAUSE OF YOU ...................................................... 197

CHAPTER 1477: ULTIMATE BATTLE .............................................................................................................................. 204

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CHAPTER 1478: THE FINAL VICTOR............................................................................................................................... 210

CHAPTER 1479: THE BIRTH OF THE KING OF SECTOR BEASTS .............................................................................. 220

CHAPTER 1480: THE DESTRUCTION OF PURPLE MOON UNIVERSE ......................................................................... 226

CHAPTER 1481: DEEP IN UNIVERSE OCEAN ................................................................................................................. 235

CHAPTER 1482: RELEASING TEACHER ORIGIN ............................................................................................................. 242

CHAPTER 1483: WORLD OF JIN DISAPPEARED ........................................................................................................... 249

CHAPTER 1484: THE END OF ORIGINAL UNIVERSE..................................................................................................... 255

CHAPTER 1485: TRANSCENDING REINCARNATION (THE FINAL EPISODE) PART 1 ................................................ 261

CHAPTER 1486: TRANSCENDING REINCARNATION (THE FINAL EPISODE) PART 2 ............................................... 286

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Struck by a thought, Luo Feng speedily deduced and came to an understanding.

Out of 33 Sector Beasts, one higher-stage Sector Beast could be born.

Based on this ratio, out of one billion first-stage Sector Beasts, slightly more than 30 million
second-stage Sector Beasts could be born, one million third-stage Sector Beasts could be born,
more than 30,000 fourth-stage Sector Beasts could be born, 1,000 fifth-stage Sector Beasts could
be born, and slightly more than 30 sixth-stage Sector Beasts could be born.

“For now, the strongest ones within the Sector Beasts’ nest are fourth-stage Sector Beasts, and
the majority of them are second-stage.” Luo Feng made a mental calculation. “Indeed, it is still
the early stage of the evolution of the Sector Beasts.”

In normal evolution, it was necessary to wait until this reincarnation era was about to come
to an end before the last king could be born. Yet the threat posed by Luo Feng accelerated this

“Morosa.” Luo Feng looked at the Sector Beast before him. “What are the powers of Sector Beasts
like? Between the first stage and the sixth stage, what are the differences?”

Morosa replied deferentially, “For every breakthrough to the next stage achieved during
evolution, a Sector Beast will get stronger than it was at the preceding stage. When it was just
born, that is, at the initial stage after birth, it will only possess some basic means like splitting
bodies to escape, or swallowing origins of miniature universes... These are the most basic
means that all Sector Beasts are capable of.”

Luo Feng felt a sudden burst of pressure.

“The moment a Sector Beast crossed over to second-stage, its power naturally becomes
stronger, and it will gain an additional supernatural prowess,” Morosa explained. “That is the
ability to use the blood burning technique.”

“Blood burning technique?” Luo Feng responded. “That was the technique that you used
previously, the move of shooting blood light with your eyes.”

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He could still remember the first time he’d had to fight Morosa. He had used the Universe
Chain to bind him. Yet, with both eyes shooting those bloody lights, Morosa had managed to
break through the chains and had escaped. At that time, its power had been different by two

Morosa replied deferentially, “That’s right, my Master. By burning up the blood within the
body and transforming it to bloody light, my power will skyrocket! This is a commonly used
combat method. Previously, when I crossed paths with Master’s Teacher, Primal Chaos City
Leader, and his company, I was merely a Sector Beast at the level of second-stage pinnacle.
Therefore, confronting them was extremely toilsome for me, and I had to execute the blood
burning technique several times.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“The blood burning technique merely consumes the blood. It is not harmful to its origin,”
Morosa said. “If a Sector Beast moves up to the third stage, it will acquire a method that was
truly meant for escaping: Sector Light Passageway. This method seems harmless when not
executed, yet the moment it is executed, the Sector Beast will be able to escape for sure almost
all the time. But this method is, on the contrary, harmful to its origin.”

“This was the passageway that was filled with colored lights,” recalled Luo Feng. “The one that
previously allowed you to escape via the method of instant transportation.”

Morosa nodded. “Yes, those colored lights are actually sector lights. The energy released when
I blazed the ‘sector’ within my body. This is an energy of time and space, and it could instantly
construct a passageway of time and space where I can transport myself away. However,
burning up the sector... the sector is the origin of every Sector Beast. That previous time, I had
initially thought that declassing myself from a third-stage to second-stage Sector Beast would
suffice for me to escape; it had never crossed my mind that Master also has a method that
allows you to exert your influence within time and space. Therefore, I was forced all the way
back to be a first-stage Sector Beast just so I could escape.”

Luo Feng fell deep into thought. He had relied on “single-thought void space” to keep this Sector
Beast suppressed. A single-thought void space had absolute control over that space. Therefore,
it was naturally able to exert an influence over the Sector Light Passageway.

“What about stepping up to the fourth stage?” Luo Feng continued to ask.

Enslaving a Sector Beast was advantageous to him, as he could learn every single detail about
the Sector Beasts and also understand all the methods they would deploy. Then, as much as

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he pleased, he could redeem any treasures from the World of Jin that would be useful in
subduing the Sector Beasts.

“The moment a Sector Beast progresses to the fourth stage, the sector inside its body gets even
more powerful.” Morosa sighed. “Without burning up, the sector light within its body can be
dispersed to the outside world, thus affecting the outside world. The region that the sector
light is scattered all over is known as Sector Light Domain! Within Sector Light Domain, the
Sector Beasts’ control over the area is greatly increased, and their power will be exalted. Thus,
humans like Master—yourself—would be bound to feel their influence.”

Sector Light Domain? Luo Feng started to worry. This seemed to be a little like a single-thought
void space.

“If a Sector Beast progresses into the fifth stage, it will acquire a killer move with an implicit
intention of destroying the origin,” Morosa lamented. “From birth, a Sector Beast never really
possesses the true prowess to kill. The methods it knows only involve the consumption of
energy, the burning of blood, and escape techniques—until, at this stage, it finally possesses
a killer move. It is a technique named Destruction. This is why, advancing from a fourth-stage
Sector Beast to a fifth-stage Sector Beast, there is a great leap in power.”

Luo Feng’s expression became solemn.

“How powerful?” Luo Feng asked.

“Once ‘Destruction’ is executed, destroying a miniature universe should be a piece of cake,”

Morosa said.

Luo Feng muttered to himself. To destroy the miniature universe of a true god, an outburst of
pinnacle combat power of a true god of void space was required. If he had relied on any secret
technique on blazing godly power—or relied on Wu Qi God, Blood Ghost Blade, or Shi Wu
Wings—he could still attain this level.

“How terrifying.” Luo Feng shuddered at the thought of this.

“This killer move only contained the partial prowess of destroying the origin,” Morosa said.
“Only the true and last king of all Sector Beasts wields the complete prowess of destroying the
origin. A fifth-stage Sector Beast... when it executes this killer move, it also has to pay quite a
heavy price, as this is extremely energy-consuming. It might not be willing to execute it so

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“What about the sixth stage?” Luo Feng persisted in asking about every single detail.

“The sixth stage...” Morosa said, momentarily startled. Then slowly, he said, “The moment a
Sector Beast enters the sixth stage, it will almost be as good as telling the other Sector Beasts
that all hope is gone. This sixth-stage Sector Beast will eliminate everything that poses a threat
to it. Right away, it will kill all other fifth-stage Sector Beasts that might be a threat to it, and
it will do so as early as it can. So long as it is not a foolish Sector Beast, the first to enter the
sixth stage will almost certainly become the king.”

Even though it had been enslaved, Morosa was still quite obsessed with the title of king of the
Sector Beasts. After all, since birth, it had been fated to live with the purpose of becoming king.

Luo Feng was quick to return with another question. “What is special about this sixth-stage
Sector Beast?”

“In terms of ability, it would be slightly stronger than the fifth-stage Sector Beasts,” Morosa
said. “Because it possesses a much greater amount of power, the technique Destruction can be
executed a great number of times.”

“What is special about it?” Luo Feng asked without a pause.

There was something special about these Sector Beasts at each stage; it was no different for
the sixth stage Sector Beasts.

“Ten million other bodies,” Morosa responded slowly.

“What?” Luo Feng’s mind blanked out for the moment.

“This is also why the first Sector Beast who becomes a sixth-stage Sector Beast is most certainly
going to become the king,” Morosa said. “Crossing over to the sixth stage, the increase in
combat power is not considered tremendous, but when equipped with the ability to execute
technique of ten million bodies, the Sector Beast will be able to divide its body into ten million
other bodies and scatter them all over Universe Ocean in its attempt to hide from enemies.
Even if you meet one of the ten million bodies, fighting with it and killing it would only mean
that you have gotten rid of one of its other bodies. It would not have much of an effect on it.
But, of course, out of the ten million other bodies, there will still be the original body.”

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Morosa continued, “That original body will be the one with the strongest combat power. The
other bodies are generally very weak... Those other bodies are not used for the purpose of
battle, but rather, more for increasing the chance of survival. So long as there is one other
body that remains alive, it will be able to rapidly absorb energy to restore power. Then, once
again, it can recover back to the sixth-stage pinnacle. So even if the 100-plus fifth-stage Sector
Beasts were to combine forces and kill the original body of a sixth-stage Sector Beast, after a
period of time, another body of the sixth-stage Sector Beast, which has been absorbing energy,
would once again appear...”

Luo Feng found it all so crazy. A Sector Beast gained a new ability each time it went up one
stage. By the time it reached the sixth stage, it would gain the ability to execute “ten million

“How do I kill it?” Luo Feng asked.

“First,” Morosa began, “by killing the soul! So long as you manage to attack and kill the soul of
any of its bodies, all the other bodies will be annihilated once and for all. And, of course, for
the sixth-stage Sector Beast, its soul will be incomparably powerful... Even for you, my Master,
it is impossible for you to kill its soul. At least for now.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Second,” Morosa continued, “kill all the fifth-stage Sector Beasts that pose any threat to you.
Killing all the leaders within the pack will ensure that no sixth-stage Sector Beast can be born.”

Luo Feng understood. It was a precautionary measure.

“Third,” Morosa went on, “is through the influence of fate.”

“Fate?” Luo Feng was befuddled.

“Mmm.” Morosa nodded. “The fate for all one billion Sector Beasts is ultimately to give birth
to a king, so there are a few ironclad rules that must be adhered to. For instance, after a sixth-
stage Sector Beast is born, if another sixth-stage Sector Beast emerges, the two must fight one
another to the death. Even all their other bodies must be involved. The victor lives on while
the defeated one shall be annihilated. This is why, for sixth-stage Sector Beasts, no matter
what, there will only be one who truly lives at any point in time. Two sixth-stage Sector Beasts
fighting one another to the death—this is an ironclad rule.

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“There is also a specific time limit in which all the living Sector Beasts must fight one another
in life-and-death battle. This is the final time limit. Or, for instance, if there are only two
Sector Beasts remaining, where one is at the fifth stage and one is at the fourth stage, then
they must fight one another... The surviving one becomes king.”

Luo Feng was shocked to learn this. “You are saying that a fifth-stage Sector Beast can also
become king?”

“Yes.” Morosa nodded. “Our fate dictates that out of one billion Sector Beasts, the final one
standing will be king, regardless of whether it is at the first stage or the sixth stage. In the
end, there is one survivor! So long as the others are dead, only one needs to survive. It will be
speedily exalted to the position of king. Of course, under normal circumstances, the final one
standing will be a sixth-stage Sector Beast. “

What Morosa said weighed heavily on Luo Feng’s mind. These creatures were truly worthy of
representing destruction. Even without a king, they were already so terrifying.

Crossing over to the second stage, there was the blood burning technique. Crossing over to the
third stage, there was the Sector Light Passageway technique. Crossing over to the fourth stage,
there was the Sector Light Domain technique. Crossing over to the fifth stage, there was the
Destruction technique. Crossing over to the sixth stage, there was even the ten million bodies

What would it be like if one of these Sector Beasts actually became king?

“The moment a king is born,” Morosa said with a heavy heart, “no one shall be able to stop it!
Master, even if you are ten or 100 times stronger, you will still be unable to stop the final king.
This is because the king of Sector Beasts does not actually need to be present to make a move.
It is able to breed many powerful warriors, and any single one of these warriors is already
more terrifying than a sixth-stage Sector Beast. Even if you managed to defeat one, it would
breed another warrior that will be stronger than it was. In the end, you will be the one being


Luo Feng finally understood that the willpower of the origin held him in high regards. Given
the potential and power of the Sector Beasts, even without evolution, ten million of them
would be able to subject the various races of Universe Ocean to tens or even hundreds of rounds
of extermination.

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Relying on the other great beings of Universe Ocean, there really was not a trace of hope. Even
for him, there was only a single trace of hope! But the greater possibility was extermination.

“Master,” Morosa said solemnly. “I have one more matter I need to inform you about. This
matter is of the utmost importance.”

“Hmm?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

Morosa continued gravely. “From the moment I came under your command, millions of Sector
Beasts from our Sector Beast nests caught wind of the news. This is because all of us Sector
Beasts are able to detect one another, so they are all able to detect current goings-on. From
that moment, all the Sector Beasts became extremely angry. They see Master as their greatest
enemy! At the same time, I also became their greatest enemy, and everyone will want to kill
me and you, my Master. Also, their evolution will certainly be greatly enhanced... Master, you
must deal with those Sector Beasts as soon as possible. If we delay for too long, I’m afraid we
might allow the births of too many fifth-stage Sector Beasts.”

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“The biggest enemy?” Luo Feng was terrified.

“Yes!” said Morosa. “Master, you should know that every Sector Beast is very proud of
themselves, as all of them think Sector Beasts are the noblest creatures in Universe Ocean.
However, I am working for you now. Being furious or intimidated by your power, they will
treat you as their ultimate enemy, and they might even join forces to fight you. They’re already
evolving at peak speed now. Master, you can’t waste any time.”

“How much time do we I have?” Luo Feng asked, frowning.

“Originally, it will take at least several trillion eras for the ultimate king to be born,” said
Morosa. “As for now, it might only take around several hundred thousand eras. Besides...
Master, you should act as soon as possible because the Sector Beast standing at the peak grows
the fastest. Beddy is now at level four, and if it keeps swallowing, it can totally reach level five
in ten eras. And in the next hundred eras, it is likely to reach level six! And when it reaches
level six, it’ll kill all the other Sector Beasts as soon as possible. Which is why, master, you’d
better act soon. Ideally, in the next era. The sooner, the better.”

Luo Feng was pondering what Morosa had just said.



In World of Jin, far away the godly powered avatar of Luo Feng was still in the military camp
of the East Army.

“Has it begun?” whispered the godly powered avatar. “The five laws of Sector Beasts. It’s indeed
a catastrophe.”

He then triggered the ring of military points on his wrist.


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The space around him changed, and it became a vast world of military arms. A golden being
arrived and said respectfully, “Mister Milky Way.”

The godly powered avatar nodded. “Give me a list of all the true god level valuables.”

Although there had been more than one trillion eras, Luo Feng hadn’t made a large amount of
exchanges yet. There were many different valuables within the human race, but those only
cost Luo Feng a small part of his military credits. He had obtained a large number of military
points from Swan Queen and Fire-Polishing Wu. However, he hadn’t exchanged them for
valuables yet, as he wanted to prepare for the Sector Beast crisis and obtain valuables that
were actually helpful for the situation.

Now, he had obtained lots of information from Morosa, so he could convert the military credits
into valuables useful for dealing with Sector Beasts. Besides, he could always resort to the
Godly King of Jin in Wu Qi Tower, and it wouldn’t be difficult for him to get a valuable.


In Milky Way Holy Land in the original universe.

Hong! Long! Long!

The space cracked as if the apocalypse was coming. A space-and-time portal was formed. Luo
Feng, dressed in a white cape, stood there, manipulating everything.


A giant but dark door was floating there. It was the entrance of the universe portal, which led
to the miniature universe of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng gave an order. “Guard the portals. Don’t let anyone damage it.”

“Yes,” answered the three true gods and over 100 universe masters.

Luo Feng nodded, feeling relieved. In the time since he had enslaved Morosa, he had built three
universe portals after returning to the original universe, and they were all portals leading to

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his miniature universe. To the great beings from the human race, they all thought that Luo
Feng had the biggest chance of transcending incarnations!

Luo Feng’s miniature universe was indeed enormous—1,000 times larger than those of great
beings at the same level! Which meant it was able to accommodate far more great beings.
When this universe era was over, many humans would move to the miniature universe of Luo
Feng, so three portals were far from enough.

“You guys are responsible for everything in Milky Way Holy Land now,” said Luo Feng. “You
can decide on the common issues, and if something important comes up, report it to Primal
Chaos City Leader. From now on, I won’t see anyone until I come out.”

“Yes,” the great beings answered.

Luo Feng turned around, took a step, and disappeared from the space. He had already entered
Star Tower, where he began the most crucial training.

Inside Star Tower, Luo Feng sat with his legs crossed, contemplating.

I need to get to the hive of the Sector Beasts as soon as possible, he thought. I’d better leave in
one era, and in this era, I must finish “Undying River!”

This crisis concerned billions of races in Universe Ocean. Luo Feng didn’t care about the other
races, but he held the human race and the earthlings dear. To protect his teachers and family,
Luo Feng was willing to die, if that was what it took.

If I can finish Undying River, I can revive myself even if I get killed. I can’t lose this fight. I have
to finish Undying River.

Luo Feng closed his eyes and started to practice one of the three secret techniques of Duan
Dong River: Undying River.

Before completing Undying River, Luo Feng wouldn’t dare to journey to the horrendous hive of
Sector Beasts. After all, there were over ten million Sector Beasts in the hive. If they teamed up
and attacked him, he would be easily annihilated. When the quantity was large enough, it
could make up for the quality.

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Time passed. One year after another went by.

Beside the black-striped stone pillar, time was passing ten million times faster than outside,
and Luo Feng kept exploiting his potential. He kept perfecting his comprehension and
techniques, studying the Divine Eye Secret Technique and Lie Yuan Technique. Although he
wasn’t strong enough to practice Lie Yuan Technique, he needed to comprehend it, and then,
when his willpower reached the holy level, he would be able to finish practicing it in one shot.

Wu Qi God, Shi Wu Wing, and Star Tower... These were three of his most important valuables,
so he needed to pay more attention to them.


Inside Luo Feng’s miniature universe.

Inside the chaos air, Luo Feng, clothed in a white cape, was walking among the air. He quickly
entered the origin of the universe.

Luo Feng looked at the 100,000 stars floating in the space of origin, and the whirlpool space at
the center of the 100,000 stars. He smiled and waved his hands, and a drop of golden blood
appeared. There was golden light gleaming on the blood, and there seemed to be a screen of
light covering it. Engravings flowed on the screen.

“This drop of blood contains my complete life imprint,” muttered Luo Feng. “If I die, this drop
of blood will be able to absorb energy, and I can be revived. I can only make one drop of Undying
River blood in over 1,000 years.”

Luo Feng looked at that drop of blood, which flew into the whirlpool space. It kept spinning
relentlessly in the whirlpool like all those 100,000 stars.

“One drop is enough. Even if I die, I can still be revived with this drop. When I am resurrected,
I’ll just make another drop of blood.”

Luo Feng turned around and left the space of origin.

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1,890 years after Luo Feng enslaved the Sector Beast, two beings stood in the space outside
Milky Way Holy Land.

“Are you going to go to the hive of the Sector Beasts alone without telling anyone?” Primal
Chaos City Leader was surprised.

“No need to tell anyone else.” Luo Feng shook his head. “If I succeed, then let’s tell others. But
if I fail, we had better not tell anyone...”

“Don’t you need to say goodbye to your family...?” Primal Chaos City Leader asked, hesitating.

“No need.” Luo Feng shook his head. “I am just here to tell you, Teacher, that I’ll be alive
whether I succeed or not. There’s no need to worry my wife and family members. Only you
should know about it, teacher.”

Primal Chaos City Leader nodded. Luo Feng then stopped talking, then took a step and

Primal Chaos City Leader stood in space, silent for a while. Then he whispered, “Please, come
back alive!”

Even though Luo Feng had said with certainty that he would come back alive, Primal Chaos
City Leader was still worried sick. It was the hive of Sector Beasts, after all.

On that day, Luo Feng left for the hive of the Sector Beasts. Other than Primal Chaos City Leader,
none of the great beings in Universe Ocean knew about it.


In the vast Universe Ocean, Star Tower was progressing forward, teleporting. The destination
was the fourth Land of Extremis, the World of Jin. He had chosen to go in the 1,890th year
because the World of Jin would be opened again at this time, meaning he could enter again.
He had decided to go to the World of Jin and convert his military credits into lots of valuables

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“Morosa.” Luo Feng looked at Morosa at his side. Morosa was all he had now.

“Master,” said Morosa. “You’re going to the World of Jin now. I can travel there with you.
However, when you go to the Land of Darkness, I can no longer enter. All the Sector Beasts
would be able to sense my presence... If I go there, it means I leak your presence to all the
Sector Beasts. I need to stay in Universe Ocean so I can sense the traces of the Sector Beasts.
Then I can notify you at any time.”

Luo Feng nodded.

After he brought back the valuables from the World of Jin, he would put the Sector Beast in his
miniature universe. No matter how far he was from the miniature universe, he could know
exactly what happened there. If Morosa spoke in the miniature universe, he would know, even
if he was in Land of Darkness.

“Wait,” asked Luo Feng. “Morosa, I’m going to the Land of Darkness now. If you’re not going
with me, you can go to Purple Moon Holy Land. I’ll arrange for one of my godly powered avatars
to position Boat of Mausoleum outside Purple Moon Holy Land. No one in Purple Moon Holy
Land can do anything about Boat of Mausoleum... In your Boat of Mausoleum, just start
swallowing—swallowing that Purple Moon Holy Land. As you swallow Purple Moon Holy Land,
you can also sense what is going on in the hive of Sector Beasts, and you can also tell my godly
powered avatar. When my godly powered avatar knows, I’ll know about it as well.”

“Okay.” Morosa was eager, as it craved delicious food.

Luo Feng’s eyes glinted ferociously. Purple Moon Holy Land was of no use when it came to
dealing with Sector Beasts. Now that it was useless, and since Purple Moon Holy Land was
already his mortal enemy, he would just get rid of it.

“However, it’ll take me a long time to swallow the origin of Purple Moon Holy Land,” said
Morosa. “Purple Moon Holy Land is more powerful than the miniature universes of normal
true gods, and it has strong resistance. I can only swallow it 1/100th as fast as miniature
universes of true gods, and it’s enormous. It might take me a long time to completely swallow
it—perhaps 100,000 years.”

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“So long?” Luo Feng frowned, thinking carefully.

True enough—Purple Moon Ancestor was a true god of void space whose miniature universe
must have been bigger than his! Morosa was currently only a second-stage Sector Beast. Its
speed of devouring was much slower than before. Indeed, it would require around 100,000

“Master, do you want me to devour the origin of his miniature universe?” Morosa asked,
primed for action.

Luo Feng shook his head. “Forget it, for the time being, we will just let him have a good life for
a little while longer. Previously, when I was at the Sector Beasts’ nest, there were enemies
everywhere. There was no way I could stay for long. After spending a short period of one year
there, I had to leave there and return. If I could stay for as long as 100 years, that would have
been beyond expectations... Morosa, you shall remain within my miniature universe and be
on standby at all times. Wait for me to give orders.”

Although he really wanted to destroy Purple Moon Holy Land, the Sector Beast crisis was his
top priority.

“Understood.” Morosa was most reluctant to let things be, but still, he had to respect and obey
Luo Feng’s orders.

From inside Star Tower, Luo Feng looked toward the void space in the outside world. He was
looking in the direction of Purple Moon Holy Land as he silently said to himself, “For now,
time is of the essence. I don’t have time to haggle with you... When I am done with the more
important matters, it will still not be too late to eliminate you.”

As for failure? Luo Feng could not be bothered to think about it too much. If he truly failed and
his miniature universe devoured, everything would be destroyed. By then, Purple Moon Holy
Land would be the least of his concerns. Besides, if there was a great extermination, Purple
Moon Holy Land would definitely be wiped out. After all, the Sector Beasts would not take
Purple Moon Holy Land in even if Purple Moon Holy Land had decided to seek refuge with
them. Purple Moon Holy Land did not have any opponents that appeared to be a threat
whatsoever, and such a big holy land universe was definitely going to a delectable feast; why
would the Sector Beasts give up such good food?

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Star Tower executed a super long-distance teleportation and continued to advance toward the
World of Jin.


After no longer than half a day, Luo Feng, who was onboard Star Tower, entered the godly body
of that massive life form that seemed to be His Majesty the Godly King. He arrived outside the
miniature universe of the World of Jin and waited in silence. He was awaiting the moment
when the membrane walls would start to turn white.

Time passed. Another half a month had gone by.

“It’s changed.”

Luo Feng looked into the distance. The membrane walls of the miniature universe within the
void space had completely changed to white. What was different from before was that, after
a trillion eras, the number of great beings entering the World of Jin dwindled to only a few
because all those great beings who could obtain treasures had, for the most part, gotten what
they needed. Those who were not so powerful had either retreated or been annihilated.

The number had grown fewer, and after so many eras, a great being might only be seen
entering the World of Jin once in a blue moon. And these were mostly newly emerged universe
masters from the primal universe who had come in search of adventure. This time around,
other than Luo Feng, there was no one else.


Star Tower flew over rapidly. Right away, it penetrated the membrane wall to enter the World
of Jin.

Surrounded by a vast blanket of clouds, Star Tower charged through the mist to make a hasty
descent. Not far away, there was a ship parked amidst the clouds.

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“Keep.” The white-robed form of Luo Feng appeared. Star Tower fell into his palm, and then
Luo Feng headed straight for the ship. The cabin doors automatically opened to welcome him

This ship was maneuvered by the godly powered avatar he had left behind in the World of Jin
all this time. Naturally, it had brought along a great number of treasures with it.

Inside the cabin room, the godly powered avatar sat cross-legged in a corner. The supposedly
empty floor next to it was occupied by a great number of treasures. Most of them were
automaton-type treasures. There were also some other supplementary treasures.


The moment Luo Feng arrived, with a wave, he stored all these treasures right away.

“With these treasures, in when my battle with the Sector Beasts... success is within my grasp.”
Luo Feng revealed a slight smile.

At the same time, he was struck by a thought. Beside him, the ring of the military point on his
godly-powered avatar’s wrist was activated right away. Instantly, his surroundings
transformed into the World of Military Arms. It was vital to note that so long as one was
within the World of Jin and used the ring of the military point, entry into the World of Military
Arms was immediate. This was the advantage of the ring of the military point. However,
ordinary warriors did not qualify for the ownership of this ring of the military point.


There was a change within the surrounding space. Then a golden figure descended from high
up in the sky.

“Lord Milky Way,” the golden figure greeted with deference.

Luo Feng nodded. “Please help me to evaluate what level this treasure belongs to.”

A ray of light was detached from Luo Feng’s body where it was directly suspended afloat. It
had five pairs of wings that were all widely spread, exuding a limitless, oppressive force. This
was one of Luo Feng’s important treasures: Shi Wu Wings. This was one of Luo Feng’s first

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treasures. He had obtained it a long time ago. Combined with various other components, the
strength of power it could demonstrate far surpassed all the treasures he had obtained in the
World of Jin.

However, in all this time, Star Tower and Shi Wu Wings had never been evaluated while in the
World of Jin; this time around, since Luo Feng was here to take away such a large number of
treasures, he decided he might as well have them evaluated. Of course, Luo Feng personally
felt that Star Tower and Shi Wu Wings would absolutely surpass Wu Qi God.

“Understood,” the golden figure replied respectfully.


Both eyes of the golden figure shot golden rays that shrouded Shi Wu Wings. Streams of rays
brushed across every possible spot.


The golden figure became a wondrous display with its entire body lit by rays. Countless light
rays shot out of it and shrouded every inch around Shi Wu Wings as they probed and explored
most thoroughly.


Within Godly King Valley, in the faraway World of Jin, at the top level of Wu Qi Tower.

At that moment, the virtual consciousness of the Godly King of Jin suddenly turned its head,
and, deep in thought, it looked far into the distant void space in a particular direction. That
direction was where Luo Feng was evaluating his treasures.

“Milky Way?” The Godly King of Jin was shocked. “Other than the treasures from the Jin
Dynasty, I did not expect this Milky Way to also possess treasures from the Wu Dynasty... It
seems he must have experienced some extraordinary encounters.”

“But...” Godly King of Jin smiled. “It is better if he is stronger and has a more complicated

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Luo Feng was filled with anticipation as he watched. Up until now, even he did not know
where Shi Wu Wings had truly come from.

As for browsing through the information vault of the World of Jin? The quantity of information
in that vault was massive. Luo Feng did not have the stamina to go through everything. He
had mainly accepted some of the important information about the inheritance, and that had
been enough for him.

“Lord Milky Way.” The golden figure retracted all the light rays. Then, with great respect, it
said, “This wing is an automaton-type treasure. It seems to be a prized possession of the
destroyed the ‘Wu nation,’ and it was originally called ‘Chaotic Golden Wings.’”

“Destroyed the Wu nation? Chaotic Golden Wings?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

His Shi Wu Wings had actually originated from the Wu nation? The previous Duan Dong River
had been known as Duan Dong River Wu... Yet now, from the sound of it, the Wu nation had
been destroyed long ago.

Why would his teacher, Primal Chaos City Leader, come up a name like “Shi Wu Wings” when
this was originally a wing from the Wu nation itself? It seemed his teacher had learned
something that had benefited him back when he first discovered that first incomplete part of
Shi Wu Wings. So, when his teacher had to think of a name for this wing, he had gone to the
extent of including the character Wu within the name.

“Chaotic Golden Wings contains a total of six pairs of wings,” the golden figure said most
courteously. “It currently consists of five pairs, so it is considered to be in an incomplete state.
It is missing its sixth pair of wings.”

“Before it was destroyed,” the golden figure continued to elaborate in a respectful tone, “the
Wu nation, during its most prosperous time, was slightly stronger than my Jin nation. The
Wu nation was most skilled in creating automaton-type treasures. In the battle of
superpowers in that ancient civilization, the outcome mostly depended on the troops. An
endless army, paired with a large number of automaton-type treasures... could execute attacks
that were so powerful that even those who were regarded as holy existences preferred to steer
clear to avoid these powerful attacks.”

Luo Feng nodded, deep in thought. He was already aware of this.

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The division of abilities consisted of the levels ranked accordingly: true god, true god of void
space, eternal true god, the holy, and the godly king!

The Godly King of Jin was at this level and had been powerful enough to create a nation of his
own. The three generations of ancestors from the pulse of Duan Dong River had also been at
that level, standing at the highest peak of the ancient civilization. The Rhinoceros Emperor of
the Rhinoceros Emperor Game, likewise, had been at that level.

So long as one could reach this level, then single-handedly, one would be able to establish
one’s own sect to become an absolute leader and stand proud before any ancient civilization.
Construction forces could give rise to an entire nation. Of all the battles of superpowers among
the ancient civilization that Luo Feng knew of, the highest level of power among them all was
the godly king. Similarly, the Shi nation had been established by three founding monarchs.
All of them had been godly kings, thus possessing an ability powerful enough to destroy the
Jin nation.

“The warriors in the troops number in the billions,” Luo Feng mumbled to himself. “Relying
on automaton-type treasures, even the beings on the level of ‘the holy’ ones are most certainly
going to be unstoppable unless the Godly King personally makes an appearance. However, the
moment a Godly King goes to battle... it would almost be the same as a battle of nations—a
battle of life-and-death.”

The golden figure continued, “Within the troop, the main class of treasures is the group
classification, like my race’s ‘Jin Luo Universe.’ There are also more massive, single-body type
treasures. Chaotic Golden Wings is considered to be one of the most outstanding treasures
belonging to the ancient civilization!”

“The most outstanding treasures belonging to the ancient civilization?” Luo Feng was taken

“Automaton-type treasures are not of much use to beings who are at the holy level,” the golden
figure said. “For His Majesty the Godly King, they become all the more useless. As for the
automaton-type treasures used by eternal true gods, these practically represented the pinnacle
of all automaton type treasures. Chaotic Golden Wings was an automaton-type treasure that
the Wu nation had specially created for its eternal true gods.”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up the moment he heard this.

“Chaotic Golden Wings is composed of a total of six pairs of wings, and their effects are all
different,” continued the Golden Figure. “With the first pair of wings, one can make use of time

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and space to accelerate one’s speed of escape. This pair of wings can be used by a portion of
geniuses from my ancient civilization. Even the undying fighters and knights are able to use

“With the second pair of wings, one can control time and space! This is a simplification of a
situation whereby the orders of a true god, once given, have to be strictly enforced. This pair
of wings can be used by ordinary law masters.

“With the third pair of wings, one can read a thought in void space. This is a simplification of
the reading of thought in void space by a true god of void space. This pair of wings can be used
by ordinary true gods.

“With the fourth pair of wings, one can establish a universe with a single thought. This is a
simplification of an eternal true god’s skill of establishing a miniature universe with a single
thought. This pair of wings can be used by ordinary true gods of void space.

“The fifth pair of wings, to a certain extent, is used to control chaos. This is also how the name
‘Chaotic Golden Wings’ came about. Normally, eternal true gods would be able to use this pair
of wings. Then, relying on its power, they can have part of the might of a ‘holy existence.’

“The sixth pair of wings are the wings of attack! This pair is invincible. Its power is very strong,
and it’s biased towards the gold of chaos. This set of wings has the ‘origin’ as its center and
can unleash a super strong combat power. Out of all the single-body, automaton-type
treasures of the Wu nation, this set of wings was regarded as the greatest accomplishment!
Compared to all the other treasures in the ancient civilization, it was the most outstanding,
too. With its help, eternal true gods can acquire part of the power of a holy existence. Of course,
its secret engravings were sorted according to level from low to high, so for those with higher
powers—after being activated by the secret engravings—the power stored in the origin will be
a notch more superior. The energy stored within the origin is then equivalent to a spare supply
of energy. This can also allow eternal true gods to last longer in battle.”

Luo Feng was astonished.

Now, he understood. No wonder the blade power, when released from the origin—even when
due to overflowing and not erupting through the sixth pair of wings—could still be so
powerful. It was all because the power was obtained after transformation carried out by an
eternal true god.

“The third pair of wings allows one to read a thought in void space and can be used by ordinary
true gods... But I am not ordinary at all. I could use it even when I was only a universe master.”

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Luo Feng sighed. No wonder he had taken such a long time to comprehend the third stage of
Shi Wu Wings. “The way the wings were designed was such that this third pair of wings was
originally meant to be activated by those at the level of a true god, so for me, as a universe
master, the requirements are certainly much higher.”

“The fourth pair of wings is able to establish a universe with a single thought?” Luo Feng said,
filled with excitement. “I may be extremely accomplished, but I still feel that there is a shred
that cannot be successfully activated to completion.”

This shred was like a deep chasm; it was difficult to achieve the breakthrough. Going to the
Sector Beasts’ nest for a life-and-death fight this time around might allow him to break

“Evaluate this treasure for me, too,” said Luo Feng.

A small tower appeared in Luo Feng’s palm. Then, soon after, a nine-story tower flew out to
hang suspended in midair. This was none other than Star Tower.

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Luo Feng looked at Star Tower, which was floating. To make Star Tower recognize him as his
master, he almost died before, and the more powerful he became, the more mysterious he felt
Star Tower was.

“Where does it come from?” Luo Feng was more than confused.

“Yes, mister Milky Way,” the golden light being answered. And then, two traces of light shot
out of its eyes and began to inspect Star Tower. Light kept coming from its body, covering Star

One second, two seconds...

One minute, two minutes...

Luo Feng waited as he watched. However, it would take days for the membrane of the
miniature universe to be completely white, so he would be able to make it back. It had been
more than five minutes, yet the being of golden light was still inspecting the tower.

“Still not done yet?” Luo Feng couldn’t help asking, as it had only taken it a short while to
inspect Shi Wu Wing.

The golden light being didn’t react at all. It was still inspecting the tower.


At the top level of Wu Qi Tower in the World of Jin, the Godly King of Jin Country was looking
in that direction. He appeared confused as he said, “This true treasure... I—I’ve never seen it
before. It’s so intricate and superlative that I can’t discern anything from it. It’s definitely a
valuable that only godly kings would be able to forge—godly kings that are proficient in
creating valuables.”

In the ancient civilization, godly kings were the pinnacle beings, akin to the emperors of some
civilizations. Like the ancestral teachers of the three generations and the Rhinoceros Emperor,
they were all at godly king level. However, they were proficient in different aspects. Some were

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great at close combat, some were skilled at distant attacks, some were proficient at valuable
making, and some were skilled at machines.

“He’s just as great as me, if not better. Who made this valuable? Why didn’t I see this valuable

The Godly King of Jin Country was confused. Although he was only a virtual consciousness, he
had all the memories of the real Godly King of Jin, so he knew every single supreme true
treasure of the ancient civilization.


Luo Feng was waiting. After a long while, the golden light being took back all the light.

“How was it?” asked Luo Feng. He looked a bit anxious.

The golden light being said respectfully, “I’ve inspected it carefully, but I couldn’t find anything.
It’s out of the inspection of my range.”

“Out of your range?” Luo Feng was confused.

“Yes,” said the golden light being. “I can know everything about valuables within the range of
eternal true gods. However, when it surpasses the eternal true god level, it’ll be difficult for
me. In my opinion, this is a valuable used by beings at the holy level, at least.”

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows, but he wasn’t surprised. Although he wasn’t powerful enough,
he could tell that though Shi Wu Wing was incredible, yet it wasn’t even half as mysterious or
mystical as Star Tower. Shi Wu Wing was a top-tier machine-type valuable used by eternal
true gods, so Star Tower was at least used by beings at the holy level.

“Mister Milky Way,” the golden light being said respectfully. “I just received a message from
His Majesty the Godly King. A message about this valuable.”

“His Majesty the Godly King?” Luo Feng was overjoyed.

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The Godly King knew a lot, so there was a chance he knew something about this valuable. It
wasn’t a surprise he knew about it. After all, the World of Jin was controlled by His Majesty
the Godly King.

“What did His Majesty the Godly King say?” asked Luo Feng.

“He said that this tower-type valuable could only have been forged by a godly king,” said the
golden light being. “Plus, it’s definitely a top-tier valuable forged by a godly king who was an
expert at making valuables, and it was forged after using lots of precious material and a great
amount of energy. This tower type valuable is enough for a godly king to use as a major

Luo Feng was thrilled. A major weapon of a godly king?

Luo Feng had several valuables personally, but ordinary valuables were only used for play.
Only valuables like Shi Wu Wing and Star Tower were used as major weapons. However, the
Godly King of Jin Country had said that Star Tower was powerful enough to be a major weapon
for a godly king, and it was a top-tier valuable forged by a godly king excellent at making

“How—how... How did I get this?” Luo Feng found it hard to believe. “It definitely wasn’t made
by Sitting Mountain Guest.”

Luo Feng couldn’t believe it any longer. Sitting Mountain Guest was only a true god. Perhaps
he had met with endless great opportunities, but he was only a true god. No matter how
fortunate he was, it was impossible for him to have made a perfect valuable that only a godly
king great at making valuables could forge.

“Where does it come from?” asked Luo Feng. “Such a supreme valuable must have been
renowned even in the ancient civilization.”

The golden light being said respectfully, “The masters of true gods at this level should all be
prominent, and the true treasure should also be well-known. However, His Majesty the Godly
King said he has never seen a true treasure like this, and he’s never heard of a true god at this
level in the ancient civilization.”

“He hasn’t even heard about it?’ Luo Feng was confused.

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There were several possibilities. One, after Jin Country was destroyed, a true treasure, Star
Tower, was born in the ancient civilization, and Sitting Mountain Guest had obtained it

Another was that long before Jin Country was destroyed, a supreme being in the ancient
civilization left Star Tower behind, but it had been a long time ago—so long that even the Godly
King of Jin didn’t know about it.

Another possibility was that the supreme being who had forged Star Tower had never
publicized it.

Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest did meet with great luck, Luo Feng thought. Besides, he must
be up to something big. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have just cultivated the earthlings to inherit
this valuable, only to give up a valuable like Star Tower. I speculated that he was somehow
related to Jin Country, or at least related to Jin Country after it was destroyed. However, even
the Godly King of Jin doesn’t know where Star Tower come from.

Luo Feng was even more confused. Regardless, he had confirmed with the Godly King of Jin
Country that Star Tower was a major weapon used by godly kings, and even the Godly King of
Jin hadn’t been aware of it.

“Can you check this one?” Luo Feng waved his hands and took out Blood Shadow Blade to let
the golden light being examine it.


In Godly King Valley, His Majesty the Godly King smiled. “This Milky Way has a lot of

“Milky Way, this blade is an embryo—an embryo at the godly king level,” said the Godly King
of Jin. His voice echoed in Luo Feng’s ears. “It used a lot of precious materials. However, you
need to imprint your own techniques into the blade so that the embryo can become a true
weapon, which is something commonly used by supreme beings. After all, it’s almost
impossible to make a valuable at the level of your tower-type valuables. What’s the name of
that tower type valuable?”


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Luo Feng smiled upon hearing the voice of His Majesty the Godly King. “Your Majesty, the name
of this tower is Star Tower.”

Luo Feng didn’t fear the possibility that the Godly King of Jin craved the valuable. After all, His
Majesty the Godly King had died a long time ago, and all that was left of him was a virtual
consciousness. Valuables were useless to him! Plus, the Godly King of Jin had been expecting
for him for a long time.

“Star Tower?” said the Godly King of Jin, transmitting his voice. “This is a seal-type valuable
that can suppress lots of enemies, and it can even enslave the enemies. When you become
stronger in the future, you will easily enslave enemies you trap in this Star Tower, and they’ll
never betray you. Of course, the weaker the great beings are, the easier it is to enslave them.
It’s mainly used for suppression, but it can also be used for fighting. It’s also one of the most
precious fighting-type valuables, and it’s a major weapon used by godly kings. It’s invaluable.
Even when your embryo becomes a godly king sword, ten of them can rival one, not to
mention an embryo. It’s really lucky for you to have gotten that. I’m even more confident that
you can achieve my goal.”

Luo Feng held his breath as he listened to the Godly King’s words. Even when Blood Shadow
Blade became a godly king blade, ten of them could rival one?

Suppression? Enslavement? Star Tower can enslave my enemies? Luo Feng thought. It seems
I’m too weak to fully exploit Star Tower.


Luo Feng left the World of Jin with many valuables, but he left his godly power avatar in World
of Jin.

“Star Tower. Shi Wu Wing.”

Luo Feng was smiling; these two valuables were indeed incredible, especially Star Tower. Even
if he had already known how special Star Tower was, he was still amazed.

What’s your goal, teacher? Luo Feng thought.

Sitting Mountain Guest had spent endless eras... for what? Luo Feng could tell that it was
related to some of the deep secrets of Universe Ocean. Even Sitting Mountain Guest had said

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that he could only talk about it after the crisis of the Sector Beasts was over, which meant it
would be pointless to talk about it while the Sector Beasts were still around.

“Haha. If I just stay in Star Tower, even if ten million sector beasts attacked me at the same
time, they couldn’t hurt me.”

Luo Feng was thrilled. Star Tower was a major weapon used by godly kings, and every Sector
Beast was only at the true god level, so even if they attacked at the same time, it was nothing
to Star Tower.

However, he still needed to be careful. Even though Star Tower was indestructible, Luo Feng
would still be unable to resist the attacks from ten million sector beasts. They could just push
Star Tower into some out-of-the-way place.

That’s the core area of Tilted Peak Sector, after all, thought Luo Feng. Even if I can survive some
terrifying places, I’ll be trapped there forever, like Three Extremes Abyss. If all the Sector Beasts
push my Star Tower into Three Extremes Abyss and I can come back with Undying River, my
Star Tower will never make it way back.

He was indeed confident, but he would still lose his life if he wasn’t careful enough.

“Fortunately, I have Morosa.”

Luo Feng took a look at the Sector Beast at his side.


In the chaos air in Universe Ocean, Star Tower was moving forward quickly, entering Luo
Feng’s miniature universe.

“My avatar will drive this spaceship,” said Luo Feng. “Morosa, stay in the ship and sense
everything in the hive of the Sector Beasts.”

“Yes, Master,” answered Morosa.

Luo Feng smiled. “Just do what I said. I’ll go to the hive now, and I’ll capture many Sector Beasts
and bring them back for you to swallow.”

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“Ah!” Morosa was exhilarated.

If a Sector Beast was suppressed by Star Tower, even level-three Sector Beasts could do nothing
but wait to be eaten by Morosa. Even level-four Sector Beasts could still be eaten by Morosa
with Luo Feng’s help.

“Just help me, and I’ll give you many perks,” said Luo Feng.

Then he left his miniature universe. As for Morosa, Luo Feng wished to cultivate him as the
king of the Sector Beasts!

“The hive of sector beasts!”

Luo Feng looked at the endless space in the distance.


Star Tower moved forward toward Tilted Peak Sector in Universe Ocean!

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In less than half a day’s time, Luo Feng arrived at Tilted Peak Sector, which had been
surrounded by an endless water domain.


Luo Feng dove right into the waters and immediately teleported toward his targeted venue—
he advanced towards the “space of wings.”

Earlier on, the “space of wings” was where he had obtained the pair of white wings and the
origin! If he had taken the usual route to get to the Land of Darkness, he would have had to
enter that mountain peak and charge through the vast region within the peak to finally enter
the core. However, by taking another passage via the space of wings, he could reach the core

“The first time I came here, I was very careful.”

Maneuvering Star Tower, Luo Feng drove through the space of wings and entered another
passageway. He was already very familiar with the place. Previously, during the time when
he was trying to achieve the breakthrough to get his godly body to the third level, Luo Feng
had taken this passageway several times to get to the Land of Darkness.

“Previously, this was where I got the ‘origin.’ If I can get ahold of another origin, that would be
great. But such things are always happening by chance. It’s not as though I can simply get one
by asking for it.”

Luo Feng shook his head with a sigh. The origin was very powerful; it was important to note
that even for a true god of void space, it was a difficult task to destroy a true god weapon
(supreme true treasure), yet with the help of Shi Wu Wings, which could release a billion
beams of blade rays, the origin was able to destroy such a true god weapon.

Luo Feng definitely wanted to get his hands on more such trump cards. This was why, as early
as the billionth era, while he was in the World of Jin, he had once requested that General
Harmonious Snow execute his automaton-type treasure to transform and store his godly
power, then attempt to bring this stored power out of the World of Jin.

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A pity... The moment the power was exposed to the outside world, the transformed power had
automatically dispersed and had been annihilated.

“The intangible, supreme universe law exerts its influence over everything,” Luo Feng
muttered to himself. “Within the World of Jin, all the great beings were not able to get out. If
they set foot outside, they are bound for death. Even the transformed godly power cannot be
brought out. Only some lifeless objects—like weapons, treasures, blood, skin, and hair
samples—are allowed out of the World of Jin. If only General Harmonious Snow and his
warriors could come out, then that great army of Sector Beasts would have been annihilated
ages ago.”

The Sector Beasts might have been very powerful, but they were, after all, still in their breeding
period. To the various races of Universe Ocean, it was a great crisis. But to the World of Jin... it
would have been a breeze. Sending millions of true gods aboard Jin Luo Universe, they could
have swept out the entire Sector Beast nest. Or perhaps if eternal true gods were to be sent out
instead, they could have swept out everything, too. Unfortunately, all of them were stuck in
the World of Jin. Obviously, all of these were under the influence of the intangible, supreme
universe law.

“When the Jin nation was destroyed, all lives of the World of Jin became trapped win that
miniature universe for eternity, forever void of the chance to come out.” Luo Feng shook his
head and lamented.



Star Tower barged about in a rampage, at times teleporting, at times flying at high speed,
paying no heed to safety or dangers. Of course, there were scary regions that one would not be
able to leave the moment they fell within, such as “Three Extreme Abyss” and “Icy Wind Devil
Cave.” These were places that even Luo Feng had to take a detour around. These were places
known to be the lands of nightmares. Maybe he had the ability to escape upon falling in, but
he was not ready to take the gamble! If he was really stuck in there, it would be a
dumbfounding turn of events.

Amidst the red-hot lava, Star Tower continued to advance.

Flying out of the layer of lava, far into the distance, it was approaching the endless whirlwind
whirlpool. Every whirlwind was like a blade of light from a super great being, with an
incredibly powerful tearing force. Star Tower was, undoubtedly, able to charge in easily. Even

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though it was not affected by the influence of the whirlwind and was able to stay on course,
Luo Feng took an extra step in borrowing the strength of these whirlwinds to propel Star Tower
ahead at an even faster pace.

“It is the 10,000 Waves water region ahead!” Luo Feng said to himself. “After I get to the 10,000
Waves water region, I will be near the Land of Darkness. Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock
Ancestral God are both at the 10,000 Waves water region.”

Luo Feng had been here multiple times. Secretly, he had chanced upon the discovery that both
Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God were at this place. However, to avoid
attracting unnecessary attention from the Sector Beasts, Luo Feng had not made any moves.
Compared to the Sector Beast crisis, both Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God
were merely ants that were not worth a dime of attention.

“When I am in a true confrontation with the Sector Beasts, and there is time to spare, I will
just end it with you two along the way.”

Hong! Long!

Star Tower flew right into the 10,000 Waves water region without pause, then started to close
on the Land of Darkness. The faraway boundary of this vast water region was shrouded in
total blackness. It was a kind of darkness that would bring shudders to the human soul. When
the Sector Beast was yet to be born, if one were to fall into the deep abyss of this Land of
Darkness, they would be lost for eternity. Escape was almost impossible.

Generally, many would just roam about the borders, or if some universe masters had other
bodies, they might dare to step into the abyss because even if that body were to die, it would
only mean losing one of their multiple bodies.

“Morosa.” Star Tower came to a halt at the border of the Land of Darkness. Luo Feng looked far
off into the distance, where the sight of endless darkness greeted him.


Within Luo Feng’s miniature universe...

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“Morosa, hand me the star map of the Sector Beasts’ nest,” the godly powered avatar said. “And
also, the positions of every single one of those millions of Sector Beasts—indicate them on the

Morosa replied with great deference, “Yes, Master. But Master, I may be able to remotely detect
the position of every Sector Beast, but the distance between them is far too great, so the
coordinates I give can only indicate an approximate region. It is already scaled down to a
smaller area. The degree of precision won’t be very on-point.”

“That will do.” The godly-powered avatar nodded.

As Morosa carefully tried to detect the location of the other Sector Beasts, traces of Sector Beast
power also started to dissipate from the surface of his body to be suspended in midair. These
traces of Sector Beast power condensed to form a huge sphere with a diameter of around one
million kilometers.

“The entire Sector Beast nest has become a sphere,” Morosa explained. “It has the ability to
affect all the senses; if any of you true gods from the Universe Ocean fall deep into it, you all
be lost within it.”

Thereafter, that sphere, with a diameter of one million kilometers, started to show specks of
light, and around every speck was a halo. There were countless such spots.

“Every spot of light here represents one Sector Beast,” said Morosa. “The area that the halo
spreads out over is the region where the Sector Beast might possibly be found. This is the best
I can provide: an approximate region for every Sector Beasts’ location.”

Shortly after, on the gigantic Sector Beast nest model, some mountain ranges and rivers
started to emerge.

“There are other material objects to be found in the Land of Darkness. I may be your servant,
but I am unable to detect your whereabouts, my Master.”

The godly-powered avatar nodded. It was difficult to detect one’s whereabouts within Universe
Ocean, which was why there were often incidences of individuals getting lost within Universe
Ocean. Even though Morosa was Luo Feng’s servant, it was unable to detect the exact location
of Luo Feng’s whereabouts. On the contrary, it would be able to detect the locations of all the
other Sector Beasts. This was a talent that these Sector Beasts were born with.

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“Master, you may want to rely on the mountain ranges, rivers, and gigantic mountain rocks
to determine the coordinates of your own whereabouts,” Morosa suggested. “Of course, you
can also rely on the location of the Sector Beasts to help determine your own whereabouts.
The only problem with this method is that the beasts will discover you easily. Presently, the
number of Sector Beasts, excluding myself, reaches a total of more than 9.2 million.”

“Very well,” said the godly powered avatar. “Please mark out and indicate for me the location
of 10,000 Waves water region.”

“There is no way I can mark that out,” Morosa said. “After the Land of Darkness takes a
spherical form, internally, it is revolving very slowly and continuously every moment. Relative
to the revolution on the inside, some mountain ranges do not change locations. But to the
outside world... the Land of Darkness is ever-changing. Thus, it is easy to lose one’s way within
the Land of Darkness.”

“In that case,” the godly-powered avatar replied immediately, giving its orders, “you must
continue to sense them carefully. When those Sector Beasts change location, you have to
change the model accordingly to ensure that you are in tune with the changes all the time.”

“Yes, Master.” Morosa showed absolute obedience.


“Go in.”

Star Tower was at the border of 10,000 Waves water region before it finally flew straight into
the endless darkness. Star Tower was shrinking.

Luo Feng carefully controlled Star Tower. Although it was said to be darkness, to a strong being
like Luo Feng, dark was no different from light. Through his influence over time and space, he
could still see clearly what was far in the distance.

“Dead silence.” As though there is nothing at all.”

Luo Feng held his breath. He did not dare to be the least bit careless.

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At that very moment, he was very unclear about where he was. He needed to rely on the
reference points within the Land of Darkness to understand what was around him and what
was happening, but the period before he found those reference points... was the most
dangerous time.

“I hope that by being ‘Invisible and Formless,’ will not be discovered by the Sector Beasts. The
moment I am discovered, my first plan will have failed.”

After all, there were more than 9.2 million Sector Beasts now. It was too densely populated in
the nest. It would be just like how Huge Axe had been annihilated shortly after falling into the
Land of Darkness, or how Hong and Eye Devil God were discovered shortly after they entered.
It was almost a given fact that Luo Feng was bound to be discovered, too, so he could only pin
his hopes on the power of being Invisible and Formless—and seeing if the Sector Beasts would
overlook any loopholes.


Star Tower vanished, and Luo Feng appeared within the void space. Soon after, his body


A floating stone was charging toward the Land of Darkness, sometimes teleporting, sometimes
just floating. This stone was void of life, just like an ordinary mountain rock.

As it was advancing, it was also sensing the space ripples. Luo Feng knew that his teleportation
distance could be much further than the Sector Beasts, and naturally, he could detect things
over a longer distance. If he did not detect anything amiss, he would continue to teleport again
and again.

“Huh?” Luo Feng felt a sudden shock and immediately stopped.

A short moment later—


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A hideous-looking Sector Beast teleported over. Relying on its ability to detect things in space,
it had discovered the presence of the rock right away.

“Eh?” The two singular, bloodshot eyes stared at the rock. “Why is there a rock here, suddenly
out of nowhere? Could it be a piece that flew over from the mountains that collapsed and
shattered when the other fellows were fighting one another? Humph!”

This hideous-looking beast stomped on the rock without warning. With a loud sound, the rock
shattered into many pieces. The Sector Beast displayed indifference and left.

Luo Feng started to detect around him again. After waiting a long while after the Sector Beast
left, he said, “Condense!”

The rock condensed again, but this time, upon transformation, it took on a different look.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Once again, he teleported to advance.


This was how Luo Feng carefully relied on his “Invisible and Formless” power to avoid being
discovered by the Sector Beasts. He had encountered three Sector Beasts in total, and based on
their locations, he determined his own approximate coordinates. Then, finally, he arrived at
a certain spot on that floating mountain range.

This mountain range was a trillion kilometers tall. Rolling on, it floated amid the air in the
land of Darkness.


A piece of rock fell from the mountain range and instantly took on human form.

Luo Feng heaved a sigh of relief. “My location is now confirmed.”

Determining his coordinates was only the first step.

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“Depending on my ability to stay Invisible and Formless, the Sector Beasts cannot recognize
me,” Luo Feng said to himself silently. “However, the moment I start fighting the Sector
Beasts... the moment one Sector Beast discovers me, it will be the same as being discovered by
all the Sector Beasts. By then, I will be forced to execute another plan.

“It’s fate’s call. I can only sneak-attack one Sector Beast. In that case... I can destroy the leader,
and his gang will be the next to fall. Since I can only sneak-attack one of them, I shall choose

A look of aggressiveness flashed in Luo Feng’s eyes. Earlier, Morosa had specially marked out
the whereabouts of the 100 most powerful Sector Beasts in the nest, and the most powerful
one of them all was none other than Beddy.

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Luo Feng followed his first plan and proceeded toward Beddy’s location.


In Land of Darkness, a Sector Beast was fleeing in a hurry. As it fled, it roared furiously, “You’re
already at pinnacle level four, and there are several Sector Beasts in our hive who are already
at level four. Why don’t you go fight Qi Ya and Mo He? One of them is stronger than 100 of us.
If you waste your time chasing us, Mo He and the others will only become stronger, and if
they reach level five before you, they’ll definitely eat you.”

Another Sector Beast was chasing it at high speed, and both the singular eyes on its heads
were gleaming belligerently. It said, “You’re not qualified to tell me what to do, Ka Qiong.”


Sector Beast Beddy kept speeding up, moving much faster than the one in front of it. Beddy
knew that after it had decided to hunt Sector Beasts, it had lost control over the hive. Some of
the other top-tier Sector Beasts were beyond its control. If Beddy still acted as it had before and
only targeted the powerful Sector Beasts, they wouldn’t even have a chance to improve

The previous strategy had been simple and would have taken him a long time. The threat from
Milky Way Horde Leader Luo Feng had forced Beddy to speed things up. It had to keep
swallowing other Sector Beasts to become stronger.

“I’m stronger than Mo He and the others. I keep swallowing and keep evolving. I was the
strongest before, and I’ll be the strongest forever.” Both the singular eyes of Beddy were glinting
with madness as it almost managed to slash the Sector Beast in front of it.


The fleeing Sector Beast separated its body into 99 parts, and they all fled in different
directions. This was a fight between two Sector Beasts, so its survival skill, “Sector Light
Passageway,” would be interrupted by Beddy; it couldn’t be formed, which was why it didn’t
bother to perform that technique. Even if it was actually able to perform it, it would have been
much weaker and would have died even more tragically in the hive.

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Traces of dimming, colorful light burst out of Beddy’s body. The colorful light enveloped space
and time. It was the Sector Light Passageway of a level-four Sector Beast. A mighty binding
power trapped all 99 bodies as if they were ensnared in a swamp. Their bodies immediately
slowed down.


Beddy divided his body into 99 parts as well, charging at the 99 bodies of his enemies. All 99
bodies bit through their enemies.

“Beddy!” All the bodies of the fleeing Sector Beast disappeared, and they converged to form the
original body.

“Die, Ka Qiong!” The 99 bodies of Beddy also vanished and condensed into its original body.

They were fighting each other, gnashing and rolling everywhere in the Land of Darkness,
battling like mad. Their flesh split open, and dark blood burst out.

Beddy was at pinnacle level four while Ka Qiong was only at level three. Beddy also had Sector
Light Passageway to help him, so Beddy was crushing Ka Qiong.


A bloody light surrounded the claw, which pierced through Ka Qiong’s chest instantly. A giant
hole appeared on Ka Qiong’s chest as it lost its sector. Its body trembled, and it lost all ability
to resist.

“You’ll die, Beddy! You will!” Ka Qiong glared at Beddy with both its singular eyes. “You’re
fighting us instead of Mo He and other powerful ones... You’ll die! You will die of your

Ka! Cha!

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Beddy opened the mouths on both its heads, and they chomped down on the heads of Ka Qiong.
It chewed the heads and swallowed them into its stomach. Then it went on to chew up the
other parts of the body. Soon, he finished eating an entire Sector Beast.

“Another one.” Beddy looked up with his eyes gleaming. “Almost. Almost there.”


Beddy teleported and disappeared.


After around half a month, Sector Beast Beddy was chasing another Sector Beast again. Beddy
clotted the space around it, so nobody could teleport to leave. One was pursuing while the other
was fleeing!

“If I eat it, I’ll reach level five very soon.” Beddy was eager as it chased another Sector Beast.


In the silent Land of Darkness, Luo Feng stood above a tumbling river passing through space.
“Why did the location change again? This Sector Beast Beddy keeps changing its location. It
moves so fast, yet I have to be careful not to be found by other Sector Beasts...”

Luo Feng was deeply upset.

Far away, in Luo Feng’s miniature universe, Morosa said to the godly powered avatar, “Master,
I’ve spread the message. Besides, now that the Sector Beasts have learned I am with you,
they’re trying to speed up their evolution. Normally, they are very relaxed and only hunt once
in a while, but now, they are acting madly and constantly moving around. So is Beddy. Beddy
must be chasing its prey now. Other Sector Beasts can sense it, so they can flee as quickly as
possible to render its efforts ineffective.

“However, there are far too many Sector Beasts in the hive. If Beddy dashes in a single
direction, there could be hundreds of thousands of Sector Beasts there, all of whom are fleeing
and even fighting each other, which gives Beddy a great chance. Besides, Beddy can teleport
the farthest, so he can still succeed sometimes.”

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The godly powered avatar nodded. “Mark his location carefully.”

“Yes, Master,” answered Morosa respectfully.


Luo Feng knew that Beddy was hunting and moving at the same time. However, he didn’t dare
to wait until Beddy stopped. If it did, it might enter level five very soon.

“I have to catch up with it.”

Luo Feng became a floating rock, teleporting as he approached Beddy.

Luo Feng was able to teleport farther than Beddy. However, Beddy was reckless and went
wherever it wanted, yet Luo Feng had to evade many Sector Beasts. When Luo Feng was
approaching the Sector Beasts, they could sense the teleportation ripples, and if they couldn’t
see any Sector Beast after sensing the teleportation ripples, they naturally grew suspicious and
rushed toward him. For that reason, Luo Feng had to take many detours.

“Perhaps Beddy will rush in my direction. Then I can go ahead and capture it.”

Luo Feng looked forward to it, while that giant rock kept teleporting again and again in the
Land of Darkness.


Time passed. Morosa maintained the standard of the Land of Darkness, tracking all the light
spots that represented Sector Beasts. Just by watching those spots, it could tell when Beddy
touched one, as the other spot would quickly dissipate. Apparently, Beddy was hunting and

Three months after Luo Feng entered the Land of Darkness, Sector Beast Beddy sat at the top
of a strange mountain floating in space. It was holding back its power. However, the energies
that leaked all gathered toward Beddy, forming an endless black mist. The Land of Darkness
was a hive for the Sector Beasts—a cradle for them—so it also had some special energies.

The black mist surrounded Sector Beast Beddy.

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Black mist sometimes permeated and sometimes shrank. It was like a giant heart pumping

On the other side of the Land of Darkness, Luo Feng found that Beddy had stopped moving. He
was thrilled and started to rush in that direction.

“It stopped! Even though it’s really far away from me and I need to detour around many areas,
it’ll take me only half a day to get there.”

Shua! Shua! Shua!

The rock was teleporting and moving forward.


The black mist heart kept pumping. Eventually...


The black mist shrank abruptly. It all went into Beddy’s nose, flooding inward. A bloody light
surrounded its body. Gradually, the light became increasingly dense.

Hong! Long! Hong! Long!

Time and space trembled, and a terrifying and destructive ripple appeared, surrounding Beddy.
The bloody light on its body became denser, and its body shape was growing larger and larger.
When it came to body size, the more advanced a Sector Beast was, the larger its body would

It had been an hour, and the bloody light was gradually reined in. It was attached to its dark
skin. Eccentric engravings formed on Sector Beast Beddy’s skin, and after a short while,

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everything disappeared. There were bloody, thread-like engravings all over its body,
emanating power that could make one’s soul tremble.


Sector Beast Beddy exhaled and opened both of his singular eyes. Both its heads smiled, as it
felt relaxed and comfortable.

“Finally... Finally, I’ve entered level five.”

Sector Beast Beddy was relieved. After getting the message from Morosa, it had known that
Morosa was suppressed and eventually enslaved. Since then, it had enacted a new strategy,
never relaxing even for a moment. It knew that it was taking a major risk, and if other Sector
Beasts entered level five before it, it would be in big trouble. However, it had to take a chance,
as Luo Feng was too great a threat. It had never let up for even a second over the past eras.

“I’ve finally entered level five. Nobody in the hive of Sector Beasts will be my match now, and
if Mo He and the others meet me, they’ll be doomed.”

Both of the singular eyes of Sector Beast Beddy gleamed crazily. Mo He, Qi Ya, and some others
had also entered level four. Beddy had been as at an advantage before, but the best it had been
able to do was suppress them. It was difficult for it to kill them, just as it had been difficult for
Beddy to kill Morosa when they both had been at level three.

However, things were different now. Beddy had reached level five! This gave it an absolute
edge over the other level-four Sector Beasts. Besides, there were only a few of them at level

“Mo He...” Sector Beast Beddy teleported and started to act. “My teleportation distance is still
the same as when I was at level four, so Mo He and the others have no idea I’ve entered level


“It only now started to move again?” A rock was floating in the space near Beddy. “Too late! I
can catch you in five minutes!”

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The rock approached Beddy as quickly as possible.

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As he approached, Luo Feng transformed from the rock back into a human from in silver
armor. There were five shining wings on his back. Luo Feng’s eyes looked indifferent at this
moment, as nobody could sway his determination to kill Beddy!

Sector Beast Beddy was the strongest Sector Beast. If Luo Feng killed Beddy, it would take much
longer for a level-six Sector Beast to be born, which would give the races in Universe Ocean a
grace period.

“I have to kill Beddy!” Luo Feng only had one goal in his mind: to kill Beddy!

Shua! Shua! Shua!

After teleporting over 100 times, he finally felt a faint teleportation ripple.

“It’s right there!”

Luo Feng teleported and rushed toward the ripple. He then condensed the space so that nobody
could teleport and run away.


Beddy had just entered level five and was daring and energetic. He was just about to deal with
Sector Beasts at level four. He even tried to limit himself to teleporting only as far he had been
able to teleport while at level four.

Suddenly, Beddy felt an approaching ripple. Then the space around it condensed.


The source of that ripple couldn’t even sense the presence of Sector Beasts, which meant it
wasn’t a Sector Beast that was coming toward him. Apparently, it was a creature from the
races of Universe Ocean.

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A great being from Universe Ocean had been able to penetrate the core area of Land of Darkness
without being noticed? And it was rushing directly at Beddy?

Could it be a coincidence? There were almost ten million Sector Beasts in the Land of Darkness,
and they were able to camouflage themselves. If they didn’t want other Sector Beasts to find
them, it was almost impossible for them to run into Beddy.

“It must be Milky Way Horde Leader, Luo Feng,” said Sector Beast Beddy. “Only him. He enslaved
Morosa, and that’s how he knows where all the Sector Beasts are in Land of Darkness.” Beddy
suddenly had many thoughts racing through his mind. “Who is it?”

Sector Beast Beddy knew he wouldn’t be able to teleport now. He was enraged. He wasn’t in a
rush but looked toward the ripples with both his heads.

In the distance, a silver-armored human being stood in space. Five pairs of silver wings were
open on his back, and he was staring at Sector Beast Beddy with the eyes of a wolf staring at
a sheep!

“Are you the number one great being from Universe Ocean, Milky Way Horde Leader Luo Feng?”
Sector Beast Beddy asked indifferently.

Beddy was absolutely confident now that it had entered level five. He had felt part of the
destruction of the origin. His power had surged, and he was just pretending to be at level four
by teleporting shorter distances.

Level five was almost the pinnacle power in the evolution system of Sector Beasts. Compared
to level-six Sector Beasts, level five didn’t have 10,000 bodies and couldn’t pull off a long fight.
But other than that, they didn’t have many disadvantages.

Luo Feng opened his mouth. “Beddy?”

“You know me?” Both the singular eyes of Sector Beast Beddy glinted with a dim light. “It seems
that Morosa told you about me, and you managed to sneak into the Land of Darkness without
being noticed by any other Sector Beasts. You’re indeed impressive... Even I didn’t notice you.
Now, you show yourself. It seems you came here to target me.”

“That’s right.” Luo Feng nodded.

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The conversation sounded tepid. However, Luo Feng was constantly observing Sector Beast

Wasn’t Beddy scared at all? Its calmness sharpened Luo Feng’s vigilance. Morosa had already
given every Sector Beast a message before it was enslaved, and apparently, level-four Sector
Beasts weren’t Luo Feng’s match. Facing an enemy that it couldn’t rival, it should have either
panicked or attacked.

However, Beddy was oddly calm.

“I had meant to kill you in the future, but now that you’re here, I will...” Sector Beast Beddy’s
eyes gleamed madly.

“It’s me who’s going to kill you!” Luo Feng yelled.


The five pairs of wings on Luo Feng’s back suddenly bulged, and at the same time, godly power
that was utilized in its entirety was infused into his Shi Wu Wings. He kept performing the
first three volumes of Duan Mie. Even in the World of Jin, burning three levels at the true god
level was the limit. Luo Feng immediately triggered the third level of engravings of his Shi Wu
Wings with his godly power.

All of a sudden, an area of several square light years was covered by vast clouds. It was “single
thought void space”!

A strong binding power immediately assaulted Beddy. It only made Beddy laugh.

“Haha! Did you use this move to reduce Morosa to using Sector Light Passageway? Hmm... It’s
enough to deal with level-three Sector Beasts. However, it’s nothing but a joke to me!”


Blurry light permeated and relentlessly eroded the area of the single thought void space. The
light was stronger; it kept growing, forcing the single thought void space to retreat.

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“Huh?” Luo Feng was stunned. “How can the Sector Light Domain be so powerful? The Sector
Light Domain of a level-four Sector Beast should be at the same level as my single thought void
space. Has Sector Beast Beddy really reached level five?”

Although it was the same move, Sector Light Domain was different when it was performed by
level-five Sector Beasts as opposed to level-four Sector Beasts. The power of the technique
depended on the “sector” within the Sector Beast, and apparently, level-five Sector Beasts were

“No wonder... It’s Beddy. It’s entered level five.” Luo Feng’s voice sounded cold, but it was spread
several light years away.

“Haha! No wonder you’re the first great being in Universe Ocean. You concluded that I’ve
entered level five so quickly.” Sector Beast Beddy guffawed cruelly. Luo Feng knew from Morosa
that Beddy was ruthless and had a heart of stone. “I’ve indeed entered level five, but you’re
here now. You’re being suicidal! This space and time skill of yours can’t compare with my
Sector Light Domain. This time...”

But Sector Beast Beddy was suddenly stunned when a radiant pearl flew out of Luo Feng’s
palms, giving out golden light.

The golden pearl flew above Luo Feng’s head, and burning godly power kept being infused into
it. The golden pearl transformed into vast and mighty golden waves.

Hua! Hua! Hua!

Golden waves suddenly showed up in the area where Luo Feng and Beddy were. The golden
waves and single thought void space empowered one another, and the power surged. They
immediately suppressed Beddy’s Sector Light Domain, forcing it to back off.

That golden pearl was called the “Pearl of the Golden Ocean.” It was a precious valuable brought
by Luo Feng from the World of Jin—a machine-type domain valuable used by true gods of void
space. It was only an ordinary treasure for true gods of void space, and mediocre true gods of
void space were already able to use it. The limit of ordinary true gods was only at top-tier level
nine. When Luo Feng was comprehending the evolution of chaos, he had largely exceeded that
limit. He could totally rival ordinary true gods of void space!

That was why he was able to trigger the Pearl of the Golden Ocean. In fact, when Luo Feng had
been converting credits into valuables in World of Jin, he had been able to convert the

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valuables back into military credits as part of the same deal. He had obtained many valuables
to see whether he was able to fully comprehend and use them. If he wasn’t able to use them,
he would return them. Like Wu Qi God, which was one of the best true god level machine-type
valuables and had three levels. The third level was so intricate that it was more difficult to
employ than many machine-type valuables at the true god of void space level.

“The engravings in the third level of Shi Wu Wings are relatively plain.” Luo Feng sighed. “I
was able to utilize them when I was only a universe master, and even ordinary true gods are
able to use them. Besides, my Shi Wu Wings don’t have an ‘origin,’ so the move is indeed
weaker than Sector Light Domain.”

The more advanced a technique was, the more powerful it was. The simplified version of
“single thought void space” was far from Luo Feng’s true power. Unfortunately, the fourth level
of Shi Wu Wing, “establish a universe with a single thought,” was too intricate for Luo Feng to
utilize. If he could fully comprehend it and perform its true power, he would exert much more
power than at present.

The Pearl of the Golden Ocean was much more complicated than single thought void space, as
it could only be triggered by true gods of void space, and it was the most advanced valuable
that Luo Feng was able to use. It was also a machine-type valuable. Although it wasn’t as
delicate as his Shi Wu Wings, it was still much more powerful than single thought void space.


The endless golden ocean and the single thought void space—both were putting pressure on
the Sector Light Domain.


Sector Beast Beddy snorted. The Sector Light Domain was now so small that it barely
surrounded Beddy’s body like a thin membrane. Even so, that layer was very dense and was
capable of defending Beddy against every attack.

“Milky Way Horde Leader Luo Feng.” Sector Beast Beddy snorted. “All you have are valuables.
You trapped Morosa in your Star Tower, and eventually, you enslaved it. Without your
valuables, you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish that.”

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What Beddy said was true. Luo Feng had used single thought void space, the power of space of
suppression, and the power of the origin of his miniature universe to completely confine
Morosa so that it couldn’t self-destruct.

“I heard that you have an endless ocean body,” said Sector Beast Beddy.

Sector Beast Beddy was exceptionally aloof; he was indeed full of confidence.

Just as he spoke, endless black light shot out and surrounded Luo Feng in the distance. It was
so fast that even Luo Feng wasn’t able to dodge it. Endless black threads wound around and
enveloped Luo Feng, trapping him in a cocoon.

“However, you’re only a human,” said Sector Beast Beddy, “and you’ve become a true god, which
means you now only have a human body. You might have lost your endless ocean body.
There’s no need to fight you. All I need to do is to consume your godly power!” Beddy looked at
the black mist cocoon in the distance and smirked. “A Sector Beast at level five can exert totally
different power than level-four Sector Beasts even when performing the same move. Now, my
power is purer and more forceful. The power of my ‘sector’ is much stronger.”

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Luo Feng didn’t even try to get out. Instead, he began burning his godly power, shocking the
black mist cocoon. Godly power and the power of the Sector Beasts were consuming each other.

“You want to compete with me in terms of godly power?” Luo Feng said.

He smirked. He could easily transform his godly power into the power of the Sector Beasts
instead so that his enemy couldn’t do that. However, he preferred to do what he was doing

According to Morosa, the godly power of level-five Sector Beasts can rival that of true gods 100
million kilometers tall, Luo Feng thought. However, it’s still less than one one-trillionth of

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Amid the surging golden waves, a gigantic black cocoon floated. Sometimes it would bulge at
one side, and at other times, it would bulge at the other side as though a monster was trying
its best to burst forth from the cocoon. Opposing forces were frantically trying to annihilate
one another.

Sector Beast Beddy was under the suppression of endless waves and a “single thought void
space,” yet it was not bothered in the least. Looking far into the distance at the black mist
cocoon, it broke into a wide smile. As if to publicize its arrogance, it said, “Milky Way Horde
Leader, you have fallen, and your godly power is not only used to fight the power of the Sector
Beasts but is also constantly being devoured by me. Compared to you, my consumption of
power is much smaller. In terms of strength, you are only an ordinary human life form. How
can you hold a candle to me—a noble, fifth-stage Sector Beast?”

Beddy was full of confidence.

“Break, break, break!”

The black mist cocoon was bulging repeatedly while vaguely showing the shape of a blade.
Apparently, Luo Feng was using his blade to strike at the black mist cocoon in a frantic
manner, yet no matter what he did, he could not force his way out.

“Hahaha...” Sector Beast Beddy was all the more arrogant as it watched Luo Feng struggling


Within the black mist cocoon, Luo Feng might have appeared to be repeatedly hacking against
the black mist cocoon while at the same time blazing his godly power to fight against the
Sector Beast, but deep within his heart, he was not the least bit flustered. He kept his cool, as
he was aware that the black mist cocoon was very tenacious; if he sought to break it open by
force, it would only be possible if both parties were very different in strengths! He could
forcibly break open Morosa’s black mist cocoon, but he could not do the same to the black mist
cocoon set up by this fifth-stage Sector Beast, Beddy.

The best solution was to maintain the maximum consumption of godly power on both sides,
and thereafter, strike with a full-force attack. This was the best way to break free and make
his escape.

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“The consumption of my godly power is only maintained at a relative rate, not a full-force
outburst,” Luo Feng said to himself. “If not, my godly body would have expanded instantly to
a height of one light year. With my mighty godly power, I can instantly annihilate this

It was a mutual consumption of power. Blood Ghost Blade was hacking the cocoon, but Luo
Feng was maintaining it at a certain degree so that it was revealing adequate power to that
degree. He did not want Sector Beast Beddy to become suspicious. However, this would also
mean he was unable to charge out of the black cocoon.

“Beddy, as the strongest Sector Beast, how can it be that you are afraid to fight me in battle?”
Luo Feng’s face was hideous because of all his angry roaring. He understood that Sector Beasts
were able to detect everything that was happening within a short distance, so his expression
was definitely visible to Beddy.

“If I am able to kill you so easily, is there any need to put forth the effort to fight you?” said
Sector Beast Beddy.

Beddy was, on the contrary, quite at ease. Deep within its heart, its greatest opponent was
none other than Milky Way Horde Leader! So long as it killed Milky Way Horde Leader, the
other great beings in Universe Ocean were not worth even mentioning... It would become the
king of the Sector Beasts easily.

“Break them all!”

Luo Feng was fearsome, going crazy within the cocoon. His blade ray was dazzling white like
snow. Again and again, it hacked against the black cocoon.

We are both consuming one another’s power, thought Luo Feng. I have lost half, and it, too,
has lost half. But at the moment, it is constantly devouring my godly power and has devoured
almost 30 percent so far. The proportion that we are at now, upon comparison, can be seen as
such... When I have consumed 80 percent, it will have consumed 50 percent.

Luo Feng was calculating. Although Sector Beast Beddy was constantly devouring his godly
power, it still needed time to transform whatever it swallowed! Just like how Morosa required
an extremely long time to transform everything it had devoured from one origin each time it
swallowed one.

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For one Sector Beast to feed on another Sector Beast—both being comprised of the same type
of power—what was swallowed could naturally be transformed very rapidly. But to devour the
power of another type, the transformation process was much more troublesome...

Eight to five! When Luo Feng had consumed eight parts of his godly power, the Sector Beast
would have consumed five parts of its godly power. If this situation persisted...


In the blink of an eye, Sector Beast Beddy power was down by one-tenth. This left it in great

“Why is he not dead yet?” Sector Beast Beddy said, staring at the black cocoon suspended in
the distance. The random bulging on all sides continued, so obviously, Luo Feng was still
struggling to break out to make an escape. “His godly body, even if he was ten million
kilometers tall, ought to be used up by now. Something is wrong. He is only a human; how
could his godly body get so big?”

Beddy did not understand. It might have conversed with Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock
Ancestral God about this, but those two fellows had long been ostracized by the various races
of Universe Ocean. They had not been to the World of Jin, either, so they were oblivious to any
information regarding the third level of the godly body route. Of course, they would not have
known that the moment a godly body reached the third level, it would become a limitless
godly body.

Beddy might not have known anything either, but it could sense that something was amiss,
so it did not dare to continue what it had started.


Sector Beast Beddy’s two singular eyes were filled with reluctance. Far in the distance, the
black cocoon was scattering countless threads and retracting them back into its body.

Luo Feng, garbed in his silver-white armor, stood in the distance. He had five pairs of wings
outspread from his back and was holding onto his Blood Ghost Blade.

Luo Feng stared at Beddy. “Why are we not continuing?”

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“You are indeed worthy to be called Universe Ocean’s Number One Master,” said Beddy. Now,
all the more, Beddy did not dare to belittle this Milky Way Horde Leader. “The godly power you
have as reserve far exceeds my wildest imagination. It seems that using such simple moves
to kill you is simply impossible.”

With Blood Ghost Blade in his grasp, Luo Feng shook his head with a sigh. “I sought to destroy
a good half of your power with this method. I did not expect you to give up so soon.”

“Just as I have guessed, this was only a ruse.” Sector Beast Beddy suddenly let out a low roar.
“I can’t be bothered with anything else. I shall just crush you to death right away. That will

A roar followed.


The blood-colored secret engravings all over Sector Beast Beddy’s entire body suddenly lit up.
Then, blood-hued halos started to appear all over its body. Its aura suddenly increased in
strength as it charged at Luo Feng with a howl. It was extremely fast—so fast that its speed
far exceeded Luo Feng’s.

Holding onto his Blood Ghost Blade, Luo Feng recalled something Morosa had once mentioned
to him: “Master, a fifth-stage Sector Beast has acquired a portion of the origin of ‘Destruction.’
In other words, it owns the most powerful technique, Destruction. Even if it chooses not to
execute this most powerful technique, its ordinary attacks will still contain the subtle
profundity of Destruction. Thus, its power will be greatly enhanced.”

“Then I shall see for myself.”

Luo Feng blazed his godly power to its limit. Instantly, Wu Qi God was infused with some of
his godly power.

Having transformed into a silver-white Wu Qi God, Luo Feng’s aura produced an instant
outburst. He had already managed to activate the second stage of Wu Qi God, so within that
short span of time, his power skyrocketed. All this time, he continued to hold his Blood Ghost


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With its entire being bathed in blood-colored halos, Sector Beast Beddy’s left and right hands
stretched out one after the other, as though each held an endless universe. Then the fingers
on its right hand started to change one by one. Instantly, a whirlpool passageway appeared
amidst the golden waves. Soon after, the fingers on its left hand also started to transform one
by one, and another whirlpool passageway emerged.

The walls of the two whirlpool passageways were like mirrors that reflected everything from
the outside world. Both passageways were intertwined with one another, becoming a mirror
of one another. With both mirrors reflecting off each other, the endless world was reflected.

The two whirlpool passageways were intertwined with one another, yet they seemed to have
given rise to an endless world.

“Reincarnation passageway!” Sector Beast Beddy initiated a propulsion with both claws.


The two intertwining whirlpool passageways formed an endless world of reflections that
emitted a bizarre aura. The world moved to enshroud Luo Feng.

“Huh? What profound mystery of the ‘Destruction of Origin’ is this?” Luo Feng said.

He immediately felt that this move bore a whole new sense of novelty. These two intertwining
whirlpool passageways seemed to have given rise to a trillion spaces.

“Annihilation of space.”

Blood Ghost Blade, which Luo Feng had been holding safe within his grasp, seemed to change
into fine willows. These willows seemed to do a dance of their own accord, which, in turn,
brought about endless space ripples. The endless space ripples gathered and condensed, but in
the end, they were all brought to a great, boundless annihilation.


Luo Feng’s Blood Ghost Blade formed a vast expanse of nothingness; wherever it touched, the
golden waves also transformed into nothingness.

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Peng! Peng! Peng!

When the two intertwining whirlpool passageways collided against the oppressive force of
this nothingness. Instantly, a loud rumble was heard. The two intertwining whirlpool
passageways tried their best to advance over and over again, and the billions of worlds of
reflections they unleashed brought about a tremendous outburst of power as they exerted their
mighty impact over and over again.

The vast nothingness whipped up by Luo Feng’s Blood Ghost Blade was continuously exerting
its oppressive force! Regardless of whether it was 1,000 worlds of reflections, 10,000 of them,
or even 100 million, all were annihilated!


The final two whirlpool passageways completely collapsed. The oppressive force over the void
space persisted for another short area before it dissipated.

“What?” Sector Beast Beddy was stunned. “I am now at a disadvantage?” Sector Beast Beddy
hesitated no more. “Go!”

Turning around, Beddy immediately took off and escaped with his speed skyrocketing as he
moved. 100 times light speed, 1,000 times light speed...


Sector Beast Beddy was maintaining its Sector Light Domain while executing its blood burning
technique. Then it executed the move Reincarnation Passageway, which it had acquired upon
breaking through to the fifth stage because it had managed to partially comprehend the move
of destroying the origin. The moves it was using were the most powerful moves it could use
in the range of not causing any great impact on its strength.

Indeed, it possessed the ability to execute a more formidable technique—the most powerful
technique, known as “Destruction.” It did not know why, but it was fully capable of executing
it. Once executed, even a miniature universe could be easily annihilated. Yet, likewise, the
price to be paid was hefty. A large amount of energy would be consumed upon execution. After
all, it had just crossed over to the fifth stage and had yet to reach the top tier of the fifth stage!
It was reluctant to execute this move yet.

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“Escape!” said Beddy. “I shall escape for now. When my power reaches the top tier of the fifth
stage, or even the sixth-stage, I will kill him. That won’t be too much longer, either. He has
already become a true god. There is no way he can go any further. But I have more than enough
room to go higher.”

Beddy may have thought this way, but in its heart, there was a trace of fear. This was the very
first time it had been forced to flee!

To date, no one had ever been able to force it to the point of having to escape, yet Luo Feng had
brought it to this sorry state.



Luo Feng executed Endless Golden Ocean and “single thought void space.” At the same time,
he pointed afar, and a nine-story Star Tower flew over right away, emitting a dazzling light.
Its base was composed of endless darkness, which shrouded Sector Beast Beddy in the

Hong! Long!

An endless black whirlpool crazily devoured Sector Beast Beddy.

“It’s useless.” Sector Beast Beddy executed its blood burning technique. The blood-colored secret
engravings all over its body unleashed rays of light that enabled it to easily resist the Star
Tower’s devouring.

“Seems like it is not enough.” Luo Feng shook his head and immediately brought back Star
Tower. “Go!”

Luo Feng waved again, and a green, plant-structured treasure floated into view. Right away,
millions of branches and vines spread out to fill the surroundings, rapidly obscuring an entire
chunk of the world. Almost instantly, the faraway Sector Beast Beddy, who was attempting to
escape, was enveloped by this treasure.

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“I don’t believe you will be able to escape this,” said Luo Feng. Luo Feng’s eyes were filled with
murderous intent. “Thousand Strands of Vines is acting in concert with Endless Golden Ocean
and a single thought void space. If you are still able to escape, then something must be
seriously wrong.”

With a single thought void space, Luo Feng was able to control time and space. Endless Golden
Ocean fell under the category of domain=type treasures. And Thousand Strands of Vines was
a spiritual weapon and was also a weapon that had the power to restrain. All three were
automaton-type treasures! Among them, Thousand Strands of Vines and Pearl of Golden Ocean
were commonly used by true gods of void space. These two wielded extremely strong powers.
On the other hand, single thought void space was the weakest among the three.

When the three were superimposed... Sector Beast Beddy was trapped.

“Break open! Reincarnation Passageway!”

Beddy, who was trapped within the passageway, could feel itself being surrounded by the
ocean, with time and space suppressing it. Far in the distance, countless branches and leaves
were densely tangled around it, containing it within a sealed world. It was now inside this
sealed world, with its entire body radiating blood-colored halos, trying its best to execute its
attacks. Countless strikes were thrown against the numerous branches and leaves, but the
branches and leaves were too strong and sturdy. There was no way to break free from them.


Sector Beast Beddy raised its head and let out an angry roar. Thick veins were forced around
its two necks as both its eyes flashed crazy madness.

No escape at all. Luo Feng’s abilities were more than enough to send it to its doom.

That was why he had to charge out now.

There was no other option. Only his most powerful moves were left.

“You want to die?” said Sector Beast Beddy. “Then I shall grant you death!”

Sector Beast Beddy roared. Immediately, it executed its most powerful technique: Destruction...

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After Sector Beast Beddy entered level five, bloody engravings had formed on his originally
black skin. As Beddy screamed and performed his supreme technique “Destruction,” the
engravings started to flow on the surface of Beddy’s body. Then they swam out of its skin and
started to float behind it.

The giant bloody engraving picture floated behind Beddy. There were no longer any engravings
on the surface of its body.


An ancient scream rumbled, and the enormous engraving image behind Beddy started to
gleam with radiant light. The image was like a skeleton, and the light it produced was like
skin and flesh. They quickly clotted, forming the silhouette of a Sector Beast with two heads.

It was a Sector Beast formed by the engraving picture, and it was gleaming, putting out endless

“Destruction!” Sector Beast Beddy roared.

“Destruction!” roared the enormous Sector Beast silhouette behind it.

The two voices resonated with each other. The combined yelling made even Luo Feng’s soul
tremble as he was watching it with single thought void space.

Beddy suddenly reached out its right hand.


All five fingers were moving, triggering the space and time around them.

Hong! Long! Long!

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An extensive, gleaming white whirlpool appeared out of nowhere. It was billions of times
shinier than a star.


Beddy pushed it with its right hand, and the image of the Sector Beast behind it also pushed.
The gleaming white whirlpool spun as it flew forward, destroying everything it touched.


As the whirlpool portal moved forward, it was still revolving, and the power from its spinning
could mince everything.


The huge wall of branches and leaves crumbled and scattered. Countless vines were retracted.
The giant, oval-shaped mass of huge vines, branches, and leaves dissipated, turning back into
the dark green plant valuable, Thousand Strands of Vines.

The whirlpool portal seemed to be moving slowly. However, that was because of the illusion
that time almost stopped. On the contrary, it was moving rapidly. After piercing through
Thousand Strands of Vines, it charged at Luo Feng in the distance. There was a nine-level tower
standing in the golden waves in the distance. Luo Feng had already entered Star Tower. Even
though he was confident that he could resist the attack, Luo Feng still couldn’t afford to be

“Die!” Sector Beast Beddy gazed at Luo Feng in the distance, its eyes twinkling expectantly.

In Star Tower, Luo Feng watched the glowing whirlpool portal rushing at him.

“Destruction? Is this Destruction? This is the most powerful attack technique out of all the six
levels of Sector Beasts, which contains part of the ‘destruction origin.’”

Luo Feng was thrilled. Weaker true gods would only feel that the power was immense and
extensive; they wouldn’t have been able to discern the mysteries behind it.

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As for Luo Feng, he could understand some of the mysteries! Even though he was also a true
god, he was a true god who could create techniques at top-tier level 11, which meant he was
already as powerful as ordinary true gods of void space! If he was willing, he could certainly
morph his miniature universe to a higher level, becoming a true god of void space after that!

There was only one threshold to becoming a true god of void space. As long as someone was
able to create techniques at top-tier level ten, they would be able to become a true god of void
space, just like Teacher Origin.

As for Divine Eye True Master, Jue He True God, and Primal Chaos City Leader, they were only
able to create techniques at top-tier level nine. It was exceedingly difficult for them to break
through! Similarly, most universe masters could only create techniques at top-tier level five,
and it was difficult for them to advance.

Luo Feng had become a true god after his godly body reached 100,000 times, which was more
difficult than becoming an eternal true god... Besides, he had a solid foundation and had
gained a lot when comprehending the evolution of chaos, so he was able to create techniques
at top-tier level 11... Yet Luo Feng didn’t dare to become a true god of void space now!

Once he became a true god of void space, he needed to go transcend incarnations within a very
short period of time. That meant he would lose the chance to resist the Sector Beasts, and
when he was transcending incarnations, Sector Beasts could go and swallow his miniature
universe. They would destroy the original universe, and the entire human race would go
extinct. The earthlings and all Luo Feng’s family members would die. That was something Luo
Feng wouldn’t allow to happen. No matter how powerful he was now, he didn’t dare to achieve
a breakthrough. Instead, he remained at the level of a true god. It was the only way he would
have enough time to fight the Sector Beasts.


“Is that the destruction origin? And the original universe is the life origin...” Luo Feng was
mesmerized by this move. “That whirlpool portal represents part of the destruction origin, yet
it’s so shiny and bright?”

The white and gleaming whirlpool portal coming at Luo Feng cast a reflection on his eyes. He
kept discovering the mysteries of the whirlpool portal, and in the distance, his godly power
avatar was studying and comprehending in the space of the black-striped stone pillar, where
time moved ten million times faster, to improve himself.


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He had never met the destruction origin before. He was a creature born in the original
universe, so he was totally amazed by this move.


Time was almost frozen, and the gleaming whirlpool portal suddenly hit the nine-level tower,
blasting the entire Star Tower away.

“What an amazing move.” Luo Feng was thrilled. “That Beddy doesn’t have Wu Qi God, Shi Wu
Wing, and Blood Shadow Blade. All it has is its own power, yet it’s still able to put out such
power. If I didn’t have Star Tower, I would be at a severe disadvantage even if I could resist the

The whirlpool portal struck Star Tower. Luo Feng could clearly sense how powerful the move
was, and he could immediately tell that he was able to resist it.

The prerequisite was that he had Wu Qi God and Blood Shadow Blade!

“Hide in Star Tower all you want if you’re such a coward,” Sector Beast Beddy said savagely.
The enormous image of the Sector Beast behind it had disappeared while that bloody
engraving picture merged with its skin.


Sector Beast Beddy turned around and started to flee. It wasn’t stupid. Luo Feng could easily
resist Destruction by hiding in Star Tower, so there was no point for it to keep fighting.

“You’re the most powerful Sector Beast, Beddy,” said Luo Feng. “Why are you leaving so soon?”

Star Tower quickly flew toward Beddy.

Hua! Hua! Hua!

Both Pearl of the Golden Ocean and Shi Wu Wing were trying to control the golden waves and
the time and space that were frozen in place. They were both constricting Beddy. Luo Feng was
already terrifically fast under his limit, and Beddy was strictly suppressed, so they were
getting closer and closer.

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“Damn it.” Beddy looked ferocious. It was so furious that it was clenching its teeth.

It didn’t bother to separate its body, as it knew that if it did, those 99 bodies wouldn’t be able
to resist Star Tower.


Star Tower rushed at Beddy, getting closer to it.

“Beddy!” yelled Beddy.

Hong! Long!

A godly power wave immediately rushed out, enveloping Beddy, who was trying to run away.
Although godly power itself couldn’t do much to slow it down, it was like tossing red-hot iron
into water, and when the godly power ocean surrounded Sector Beast Beddy—

Chi! Chi! Chi!

The godly power and the power of the Sector Beasts kept consuming each other. Beddy was
infuriated. It had never been suppressed like this in its life. Now, it understood that the godly
power of Milky Way Horde Leader was much greater than he was, which was why he had
dared to use that move.

“Do you really think you can kill me with that move?” Beddy looked at Star Tower with both
its heads. “Come out and fight me if you dare.”


A white being flew out of Star Tower.

Beddy was astounded. He hadn’t expected Milky Way Horde Leader to be brave enough to fly
out of Star Tower.

Isn’t he afraid that I’m going to kill him? Beddy wondered, confused.

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Beddy had been forced into a difficult situation and had almost decided to use Sector Light
Portal to run away, as that was the ultimate means of escape. But once it was performed, it
had to burn its own “sector,” reducing the level of its sector by at least one full level.

Beddy was a Sector Beast at level five, so if it performed Sector Light Portal, it would at least
drop down to level four, which meant it would at least need to eat 30 Sector Beasts at level four
to get back to level five. It wouldn’t resort to that move unless its very life was threatened.

“Beddy!” Luo Feng flew toward Beddy with Blood Shadow Blade in hand. “I respect you and will
kill you in a fight.”

“Arrogant!” Beddy grew even angrier.

All of a sudden, bloody engravings appeared on its skin again and were spinning around its
godly body. They flew behind its body, and it started to glow. The light quickly condensed. The
bloody engravings were like the skeleton, forming a gleaming Sector Beast once again. Beddy
and the Sector Beast image utilized the same move. They both reached out their right hands.


Beddy performed its most powerful move yet again. Though it also consumed a great deal of
energy, it wasn’t as relentless as Sector Light Portal.

“Great.” Luo Feng stared at the radiant, gleaming whirlpool portal, trying to study it.

Why had Luo Feng come out to fight it? Because he wanted to witness the move “Destruction.”
Destruction contained part of the destruction origin, and unless he was fighting a Sector Beast,
he didn’t have any other chance to comprehend it.

“So, that’s how it works...”

While Luo Feng was watching it, his godly power body was analyzing it in a place where time
moved ten million times faster.

Beddy glared at Luo Feng, clenching its teeth. “Die!”


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The gleaming whirlpool portal crushed everything in its path and flew at Luo Feng. It destroyed
all it touched. Nothing could stop this whirlpool portal that represented destruction, yet Luo
Feng stood still with his Blood Shadow Blade, concentrating on the whirlpool portal.

Luo Feng suddenly waved the Blood Shadow Blade in his hands. “Light wing.”

Blade light burst forth, and all of a sudden, an enormous white dragon with huge wings
appeared. The dragon was over 100 million kilometers long. Its individual scales were distinct.
Each scale was brighter than a star, and the eyes looked indifferent. It shook its wings, then
struck the whirlpool portal with its head lowered.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

The whirlpool portal and the light wing dragon suddenly struck each other.

Luo Feng was as powerful as a true god of void space, and he had Wu Qi God, Blood Shadow
Blade, and Duan Mie. The attack was just as powerful as a top-tier true god of void space and
could have destroyed a miniature universe.

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It was like the destruction of the universe. Endless waves of impact howled, then spread out,
sweeping in all directions. A portion of the incomplete whirlpool passageways that collided
against the surface of Luo Feng’s Blood Ghost Blade sent him rolling and flying into the


The strong impact upon being hit caused Luo Feng great discomfort. Instantly, he spat out a
mouthful of blood. After becoming a true god, Luo Feng’s blood had changed to the normal red
color of ordinary blood.

“How mysterious. How very mysterious.”

Luo Feng was not the least bit angry. On the contrary, he was filled with delight. The first
round, he had merely observed how Star Tower fought and resisted against Destruction. But
this time around, he was wielding Blood Ghost Blade with his own hands and resisting
Destruction personally. Now, he had a clearer comprehension of the “origin of destruction.”
Naturally, he had gained much more than before.

As for that mouthful of blood he had spat out? Was it a big deal? It was nothing to worry about
at all!

As for the consumption of his godly body, given Luo Feng’s massive godly body, it was


Sector Beast Beddy saw how Luo Feng was able to transform back into a streak of flowing light
to charge at it after spitting out a mouthful of blood. It was flabbergasted. “You—you can resist

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It had never occurred to Beddy that Milky Way Horde Leader would actually be able to resist
Destruction upfront, without the help of any treasures such as the palace-type treasure, Star

“Is this your strongest move?” said Luo Feng. “It’s so average!”

Luo Feng tore his way through space. Blood Ghost Blade appeared in his hands once again. A
blade ray sliced through space. His blade transformed into a gigantic, luminous winged
dragon. The resplendent dragon, illuminated with white light, was gracefully flapping its
wings as it directed itself towards Beddy. Then, without hesitation, it swooped toward the
Sector Beast.

Sector Beast Beddy dared not forcibly resist. It was aware that this move Luo Feng had made
was only one notch less superior than Destruction. If Beddy was hit by Luo Feng’s attack, the
amount of power it would lose would almost be the same as what it required to execute
Destruction once. Since the exchange of blows had started up until now, it had already
executed Destruction twice. Beddy was merely a Sector Beast that had only just crossed over to
the fifth stage—meaning to say that it had yet to reach the top level. If it continued executing
this move, then at this rate, Luo Feng need not even lift a finger; Beddy would already be devoid
of the strength to resist.


Sector Beast Beddy divided its body into 99 avatars, which then fled in all directions.


The dazzling white dragon raised its head and, with a loud roar, was instantly disintegrated
into 1,000 streaks of white light. These streaks of light burst out and shot toward the 99
avatars. Then, suddenly, those among the 99 avatars that were bombarded by the streaks of
white light were dispersed to nothingness. Eventually, all that was left was the original body
of Beddy on the run. Its original body had been hit by three streaks of white light, but Beddy
was still on the run, escaping as fast as it could.

“Beddy, I am out now,” said Luo Feng, “yet you reject the chance to do battle?”

Luo Feng’s speed obviously surpassed Beddy’s, as he was rapidly closing up the distance
between them.

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Beddy did not make a single utterance in reply. All it did was try its best to escape from Luo

“How about another round? That move of yours—isn’t it meant to be very impressive?”

The closer Luo Feng was, the more he lamented the misfortune. From Morosa, he had learned
that the number of ordinary fifth-stage Sector Beasts who were able to execute Destruction
was not great to begin with. To execute the move, the amount of power exhausted was too
great a toll to pay. Apparently, at the moment, Beddy was no longer willing to execute the
move again.

“If only I could observe it a few more times, it would definitely be a great advantage for me,”
Luo Feng complained to himself.

He had felt Destruction twice, and it was a shocking advantage he had gained. He felt that so
long as he could digest the information a little more, he would be able to create a secret
technique at the 12th tier!

It was important to note that every step forward was only going to get tougher... Besides, Luo
Feng had set the reins and limited himself to the true god level, so technically, it was even
more difficult for him to level up. True god, true god of void space, and eternal true god—how
was he going to ascend to the different levels?

Firstly, through normal comprehension. Secondly, by observing the evolution of his own
miniature universe!

If the miniature universe of a true god was too small, the level of insight that its evolution
entailed would also be lower. Like the birth and destruction of the primal universe, it was so
deeply profound that even countless great beings from the ancient civilization were eager to
lay their eyes on it. This was the exact reason why Sitting Mountain Guest had wanted Luo
Feng to make such a request from the willpower of the primal universe origin!

The miniature universe of a true god was the smallest, whereas the miniature universe of a
true god of void space was slightly bigger. The internal evolution of a true god of void space
involved a deeper level of insight. The miniature universe of an eternal true god was even
more massive, and the internal operation was, thus, even more mystical.

He was constantly increasing! If Luo Feng achieved a breakthrough to become a true god, he
believed that the improvement he would make in comprehending his miniature universe

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would be much faster. But he dared not, at the moment, because he needed to limit himself
to the level of a true god!

“Since this is what you are going to do, then you only have yourself to blame,” Luo Feng said,
letting out a snort. A wave of godly power came surging out and rapidly. It moved to bind
Sector Beast Beddy, which was not too far away.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

His godly power and the power of Sector Beast were consuming each other crazily.

The two heads of Sector Beast Beddy turned to look at Luo Feng. It gave Luo Feng a dead stare,
and through gritted teeth, it said, “Milky Way Horde Leader, I will remember this.” Sector Beast
Beddy raised its head suddenly to let out a roar of reluctance. “Ah!”

Its roar sounded full of madness and sorrow. Along with the roar, its body was radiating rich,
colorful lights. The most important “sector” within its body was burning like crazy. This was
a recourse that Sector Beasts were most unwilling to take. For the most powerful of all Sector
Beasts to have to make this choice meant that if it ever wanted to climb back up to its rank as
number one, the difficulty would increase by tens of thousands of times.

“Not good.”

Luo Feng became aware right away that this Sector Beast, Beddy, wanted to execute Sector
Light Passageway!


Behind him, five pairs of resplendent wings were outspread. They were all blazing to the
maximum limit as they madly infused godly power into Shi Wu Wings. The fourth pair of
wings were activated, and instantly, every secret engraving on this fourth pair of wings lit up
dazzlingly. A single thought void space dissipated without further delay, while at the same
time, a miniature universe with a diameter of up to 10,000 light years was born out of

There was chaotic airflow everywhere. The golden waves that were formed by Pearl of the
Golden Ocean made up only a small region of the entire miniature universe. This was the
fourth stage of Shi Wu Wings: “establish a universe with a single thought”!

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“No!” cried Beddy. The Sector Light Passageway, which was about to complete its formation,
was suddenly oppressed by the power of the origin of Luo Feng’s miniature universe.
Immediately, it collapsed. This brought a look of terror to Sector Beast Beddy’s face. It was
reluctant. It went mad, shouting, “Another time, blaze!”


The colorful light radiated by Sector Beast Beddy was much richer. It had only intended to
lower down to the fourth stage, but now, it could not be bothered with anything else. Even if
it had to be lowered to the third stage, it would accept its fate. So long as it could escape,
nothing else mattered.


Under the pressure exerted by the great origin of the miniature universe, Sector Light
Passageway was unable to take form.

“This—this... This...”

Beddy was desperate. It did not have any power left for consumption. This was because, falling
from the fifth to the fourth stage, the energy of the sector light produced was most abundant;
from the fourth to the third stage, the energy that the sector light produced was much lesser.
There was no need to even mention the energy produced for the next transition downward.

It had fallen all the way from the fifth stage to the third stage just like that, and yet was so
easily subdued. Such a gap in ability—from resistance to total helplessness... This made it
clear to Sector Beast Beddy that even if he were to add more sector light energy, anything he
did would be useless.

“How is this possible?” said Sector Beast Beddy. “How can it be that I...? I have already crossed
over to the fifth stage...” Beddy found this hard to believe. It looked around at the omnipresent,
chaotic airflow, then back at the faraway Luo Feng.

Luo Feng merely smiled. He could execute the move of “establish a universe with a single
thought” all thanks to Sector Beast Beddy. Before they had exchanged fire, he had still been a
hair’s breadth away from fully comprehending the fourth stage of Shi Wu Wings! That tiny
margin that separated him from complete comprehension hindered his success of breaking
through. And yet, by witnessing Sector Beast Beddy execute Destruction (which was also the
first time Beddy had used it), he had been able to gain an understanding, and thus, he could

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rapidly overcome that tiny margin of comprehension preventing him from learning how to
activate the fourth stage of Shi Wu Wings.

And when Sector Beast Beddy executed Destruction the second time, Luo Feng had been able to
comprehend even more. To establish a single thought void space! To establish a universe with
a single thought!

Both were methods of controlling time and space. While the control utilized by “single thought
void space” was considered limited, that of “establish a universe with a single thought” gave
rise to control over a miniature universe. It was so strong that it was terrifying. To be able to
establish a universe—how could Sector Light Passageway possibly break free?


“Accept death.”

Star Tower flew out from the middle of Luo Feng’s hand immediately. It hovered suspended in
midair, and from its base, endless dark whirlpools were forming to enshroud Sector Beast
Beddy in the distance.

Having fallen all the way back to a third-stage Sector Beast, Beddy was simply powerless
against the dual controlling powers of Star Tower and Luo Feng’s miniature universe.

“You are so vicious!” said Sector Beast Beddy, bound by the dark whirlpool and compelled to fly
toward the black hole at the base of Star Tower. It gave Luo Feng, who stood a distance away,
a blank stare as it roared, “Milky Way Horde Leader, you are indeed the greatest obstruction
in the way of the entire Sector Beast clan! However... no one has ever succeeded at stopping
the rise of us Sector Beasts—no one at all! All who try to stop us will all be destroyed by us!”

Sector Beast Beddy stared daggers at Luo Feng.

“You... and all of your race,” said Beddy. “It’s destiny that all of you will be destroyed! This is
your fate, and there is no way you can defy fate. Hahaha...”


Sector Beast Beddy’s entire being exploded in a loud blast. Then, there was nothingness.

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Luo Feng watched the entire scene from afar. Beddy had chosen to self-destruct. There was
simply nothing he could do.

Back when Morosa had attempted to self-destruct, he had only been at the level of a second-
stage pinnacle Sector Beast. Luo Feng had been able to rely on the suppression power of Star
Tower, the power of the origin of his miniature universe, and the power of single thought void
space. Superimposing these three layers, he had been able to keep Morosa under suppression
so that it was unable to self-destruct. But even if Beddy had been downgraded, it would still
have been at the third-stage pinnacle level, while he only had the power of the origin of his
miniature universe, which he could use as suppression!

The ability to establish a universe with a single thought—when compared to ordinary true
gods’ miniature universes—was undoubtedly much more powerful, but it was still a far cry
from Luo Feng’s formidable and powerful miniature universe.


Beddy was annihilated!

Right before Beddy was annihilated, it would, unquestionably, transmit any information it
desired to the other Sector Beasts to know (excluding Morosa) right away. That way, they could
detect the news without delay.


The Sector Beasts’ nest fell into total darkness. Nearly ten million Sector Beasts were scattered
all over. On normal days, these beasts would be fighting one another in life-and-death battles
just for the chance to emerge as the final king of the pack. They were natural-born destroyers!
Noble as they were, they had never looked up to any of the other races in Universe Ocean. In
their eyes, even those in their breeding period, the various other races of Universe Ocean were
merely food.

“I am Beddy!” read the message. “Universe Ocean’s Number One Master, Milky Way Horde
Leader Luo Feng, has penetrated the heart of our Land of Darkness! He has already entered the
heart of our Land of Darkness! I might have crossed over to the fifth stage. But I am still not
his match. He is much stronger than any of us expected. All Sector Beasts, our moment of life-
and-death crisis has truly arrived... When it comes to confronting this Milky Way Horde
Leader, if we do not unite in the face of this enemy, we Sector Beasts will all perish at his

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“This is the greatest crisis we Sector Beasts face! All of us must face this crisis together!
Abandon all fighting. Together, we must join forces to annihilate Milky Way Horde Leader! I
have executed Sector Light Passageway, yet I am still unable to escape. I must self-destruct,
but all my fellow Sector Beasts, bear this in mind... I, a fifth-stage Sector Beast, Beddy, have
died at the hands of Luo Feng! And all of you have to kill him! Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!
Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

Sector Beast Beddy’s voice resonated within the hearts of close to ten million Sector Beasts of
the Land of Darkness. At that moment, regardless of how wild their ambitious minds were,
every single Sector Beast fell silent.

Almost ten million Sector Beasts were densely crowded together, yet at that moment, there
was an unprecedented silence, demonstrating that all of them were in unison.

Shortly after, they all came to realize that “Beddy,” whom they had all been able to detect
earlier, had suddenly vanished.

Beddy had been annihilated!




Tens of millions of Sector Beasts in the entire Sector Beast nest raised their heads and roared
as one. Amidst their roars, was endless rage and madness.

“Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

“Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

“Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

One by one, the Sector Beasts were transmitting their own voices. Every single Sector Beast
could hear the countless voices of its fellow Sector Beasts. Tens of millions of them were all

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transmitting their voices in sync, in the same rhythm and tone, all sending the same
message: “Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

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All the Sector Beasts in the Land of Darkness were shocked and furious. First, that Milky Way
Horde Leader had enslaved Morosa. And now, he’d killed Beddy, who had reached level five!
Beddy had been a Sector Beast with the most powerful attack technique, “Destruction”! Yet he
had been killed. Milky Way Horde Leader was definitely a threat to the entire Sector Beast race!

“We have to kill him.”

“We can’t let him get away.”

“We’re everywhere in the Land of Darkness. How did he get into the hinterland and kill Beddy?
Even if he has the guidance of Morosa, he should have gotten lost and been unable to tell
where he was upon entering the Land of Darkness.”

“With help from Morosa, it’s possible that he was able to reach the hinterland. All we need to
do is kill him. We must surround him in a large group. We need enough Sector Beasts.
Otherwise, with the help of Morosa, he can easily get away again. He killed Beddy this time.
Next time, it might be Qi Ya and Long Zhuo. He’ll kill us all—from the strongest to the weakest.

“He has to die!”

“We can’t let him get away!”

“He killed Beddy right at where Beddy stood.”

Countless Sector Beasts were transmitting their voices. The minds of Sector Beasts worked just
as quickly as those of true gods, so it was easy for them to keep contact with several million
voices at the same time.

Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou!

Ferocious Sector Beasts were yelling and raging, and they all rushed toward the place where
Beddy had died, especially the Sector Beasts who were nearby. They rushed there even faster.

“We have to find him so he won’t get away!”

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Every Sector Beast understood. Milky Way Horde Leader was already more powerful than all
the other Sector Beasts, and without him alive, the ultimate king of the Sector Beasts might
not even be born. Besides, Milky Way Horde Leader had the guidance of Morosa, so it would be
easy for him to get away... which meant they had to find him as quickly as possible. If they
couldn’t find him in time, Milky Way Horde Leader might get away.

That meant they would all converge on Luo Feng, even if they might be killed. When faced
with a common threat, the Sector Beasts who had been born for destruction would team up
and stand against the enemy.


After the silver-armored Luo Feng killed Beddy, he immediately teleported and changed

“Morosa,” he said, “mark all the Sector Beasts and tell me where they’re going.”

In Luo Feng’s miniature universe, the godly powered avatar was talking to Morosa. Morosa
said with excitement, “Yes, Master! Master, you’re so impressive! Beddy was already at level
five, yet he was still killed by you. He couldn’t even run away.”

“Mark them now.” The avatar didn’t sound content at all.

This fight was not just about Luo Feng’s destiny; it was related to everything he guarded. For
the earthlings and for his family members, Luo Feng would kill all the Sector Beasts, or he
would die trying.

“I am trying to sense it.” Morosa sensed it as it was controlling the giant model of the
enormous Land of Darkness.

On the model of the floating, giant oval, almost ten million spots of light were scattered
throughout the Land of Darkness suddenly started to move all at once. Over one million started
to converge on the area where Beddy had died. All one million-plus spots rushed in that
direction. He could see that the spots of light were gathering; the density was increasing in
that particular area.

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The godly powered avatar looked solemn. He understood that each light spot represented a
Sector Beast, and those one million-plus spots of light were converging toward the center. A
million Sector Beasts were gathering in one place.

“Master, there are around 1.63 million Sector Beasts converging on you, master,” said Morosa.
“All these Sector Beasts are at least at pinnacle level two, and after they burn their blood,
they’re only slightly weaker than your teacher Primal Chaos City Leader. So many Sector
Beasts... Master, you...”

Morosa was indeed concerned. Over one million Sector Beasts was equivalent to over one
million true gods! And they weren’t ordinary true gods but true gods who used machine-type
valuables at the same level as Blood Orchid Ancestor. If all those Sector Beasts attacked at the
same time, even 100 true gods of void space would be annihilated.

“Only this many?” The godly powered avatar frowned.

“Master...?” Morosa was dazed.

Only this many? For over one million Sector Beasts?

“How do we get the other Sector Beasts to also converge?” asked the avatar.

“Master, you killed Beddy without even giving it a chance to run away, which terrifies many
of the Sector Beasts,” said Morosa. “That’s why over one million Sector Beasts are gathering
there! I’ve never seen them so serious. It would be very difficult to get more Sector Beasts to go

The godly powered avatar nodded.


In the endless Land of Darkness, giant rocks were floating.

“It seems we need to get more Sector Beasts to come here. We need to make them realize that
one million Sector Beasts are not enough to fight me! More will gather when they realize that.”

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The more Sector Beasts, the better, thought Luo Feng. The more Sector Beasts there are, the
more useful the origin will be.

Luo Feng was looking forward to it. The origin was unique.

The godly power contained in machine-type valuables by eternal true gods from the World of
Jin dissipated the second it left the world. Apparently, the supreme laws had an influence on
everything. However, the origin in Shi Wu Wing was in accord with the standards of the
supreme laws, which was why Luo Feng was able to use it.

“Perhaps this origin is the one chance we have against the Sector Beast crisis!” Luo Feng

Without the origin, even he would feel hopeless facing all those ten million Sector Beasts. As
for the origin, it was the maximum energies contained in the complete version of “Chaotic
Golden Wings” (Shi Wu Wing) that could only be driven by eternal true gods. It was so powerful
that even supreme true treasures (true god weapons) would break. Even Luo Feng would be
killed by such power if he didn’t hide in Star Tower, not to mention Sector Beasts without any

“I can only perform the origin once, so I need to gather as many Sector Beasts as possible! It’s
better that the Sector Beasts gather here all at once.”

The attacks from supreme beings could extend to 100 million light years. Luo Feng was able to
do it. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to destroy an entire miniature universe. As for
destroying a miniature universe, it was like hitting its origin. The origin of a miniature
universe was at the exact center of that universe, and it wasn’t able to move, so the universe
would be destroyed if the origin was annihilated.

“Let’s gather the Sector Beasts and make them converge as closely as possible... I’ll then release
all the energies in the origin, sweeping across everything and destroying all the Sector Beasts.”
Luo Feng considered, then added, “What I need to do now is to get the other eight million Sector
Beasts to come here.”


Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou!

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1.6 million Sector Beasts were rushing in the same direction, all teleporting as far as possible.
They were getting closer and sensing the ripples nearby. If they could sense ripples in an area,
but there wasn’t a Sector Beast there, then it had to be where Milky Way Horde Leader was.


A ferocious Sector Beast stood in space, looking around.

“I’ve already made it to the place where Beddy died, yet Milky Way Horde Leader isn’t here.”

“It’s only been a while,” said another. “Milky Way Horde Leader couldn’t have gone far. He
must be around this area. It’s better for us to converge here, but we also need to keep our
distance. Each of us can sense and control a particular area so that he won’t be able to escape

Those Sector Beasts were transmitting their voices. They had teamed up to form a fragile
alliance. They kept their distance, and each was responsible for one area.

They moved inward, continuously narrowing the circle. The smaller the circle was, the less
space there was for Milky Way Horde Leader to run away.

Time flew.

“Where is he?”

“Our circle is already small enough that there isn’t any space to get out. We’ll definitely find
that Milky Way Horde Leader in this space.”

All the Sector Beasts were looking for him, yet no matter how they tried, they couldn’t find
him anywhere. There was only one possibility!

“We spent too long getting into position. He must’ve gotten away before we could form our

“This must be the work of Morosa.”

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“We can’t let him get away.”

“Even if he escapes the encirclement, he won’t be able to go far. He must still be in the
hinterlands of the Land of Darkness.

“We need more of our brethren.”

“Seize him!”

The Sector Beasts kept transmitting their voices to each other, shocking the other Sector Beasts
throughout the entire Land of Darkness. Those million-plus Sector Beasts were close to the
area where Beddy had died, yet they still weren’t able to trap Milky Way Horde Leader?

Hua Hua Hua!

More and more Sector Beasts began to act, forming a circle that encompassed other areas.
Those million-plus Sector Beasts that had already formed a circle started to teleport outward
and moved forward, trying to hunt Luo Feng down. There were so many Sector Beasts, and if
one of them found Luo Feng, all the others would rush toward him as well.


“Master,” said Morosa, controlling the giant model of the Land of Darkness. “There are around
six million Sector Beasts coming at you, including the more than one million Sector Beasts
from before. They are coming at you from all different areas, narrowing their encirclement.
It’ll be very difficult for you to get out, Master.”

Sector Beasts were able to sense one another, but Morosa was far away, in the miniature
universe of Luo Feng, so it couldn’t locate those Sector Beasts accurately enough. It was no
longer able to provide Luo Feng with a reliable route to run away.

“I know.” The godly power avatar smiled. “Six million?”

Morosa looked at Luo Feng, confused. The more Sector Beasts there were, the happier its
master was?


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They couldn’t find me before, so they’re trying to look harder, thought Luo Feng. There are
already six million of them, and there are only nine million Sector Beasts in total... Even if
those on the periphery are coming, they can’t encircle me very well.

I can’t attract more by hiding. I need to kill them. I need to kill as many of them as possible so
they know what a threat I am! I’ll force them all to come here... Those six million Sector Beasts
acting now can’t trap me, and those on the periphery will become more anxious.


The rock changed into a silver-armored man with five pairs of gleaming wings wide open.

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Luo Feng teleported about the vast void space in the Land of Darkness right away.

“Morosa, mark all those who are likely to be third and fourth-stage Sector Beasts, especially
those who are here to lay siege on me,” ordered the godly powered avatar.

Since he was going to carry out a massacre, then undoubtedly, he had to try his best to get rid
of some of the more powerful Sector Beasts. The greater the number of powerful Sector Beasts
being annihilated, the stronger the trigger would be for the other Sector Beasts, thus throwing
them into greater fear and rage.

“Understood.” Morosa was extremely cooperative because he also desired for his master to kill
all the other Sector Beasts. Then Morosa would become the final king of them all.

As for the question of whether it would feel any pity, how was that even possible?

Its foundation was entirely different. It was now completely on Luo Feng’s side. After being
enslaved, it yearned for all the other beasts to die, and this feeling was mutual for the other
Sector Beasts, who were also after its life most eagerly.

“Master, the one nearest to you is Meng Ta! It should be at the third-stage pinnacle, but of
course, there is the possibility of a fourth stage. Back then, I exchanged blows during several
fights with it.”


More and more Sector Beasts were rushing over to this vast region, and within a certain area
surrounding this vast region, they were searching vigorously. But they did not know that
among them, in one of the regions they were in, was a particular mountain where Luo Feng
had previously hidden. Back then, all the Sector Beasts had been oblivious to his presence
because he was using the method of being “Invisible and Formless” to stay out of sight.

Sector Beast Meng Ta was suspended in the void space as he surveyed the surroundings while
sensing for ripples. Its hideous face was filled with rage. “Where exactly is he? Where exactly
is that loathsome Milky Way Horde Leader? Six million Sector Beasts are here for the purpose
of looking for him to besiege him. He has no way of escape, that’s for sure.”

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Sector Beast Meng Ta was just about to teleport away to continue its search when, suddenly,
a wave appeared.

Shortly after, within the surroundings of a particular region, everything in space was
immediately frozen. Sector Beast Meng Ta was unable to teleport even if it wanted to.


At first glance, Sector Beast Meng Ta spotted an emerging figure from afar. Amid the endless
dark void space, a dazzling, silver figure was walking over. On his back were five pairs of
resplendent wings. He looked at Sector Beast Meng Ta and stretched out his right hand, where
a miniature nine-story tower appeared out of nowhere. This miniature tower flew out of his
palm right away. Above him, the Pearl of Golden Ocean also appeared.

Hong! Long!

Golden waves appeared in his surroundings within a range of one light year; Star Tower also
remained suspended high in the sky, radiating bright rays. The base of Star Tower formed an
endless black whirlpool that enshrouded Sector Beast Meng Ta.

“Milky Way Horde Leader!” roared Sector Beast Meng Ta, feeling a mixture of delight, shock,
and anger.

It was delighted because it had finally found Milky Way Horde Leader. It was shocked and
angry because it was being attacked by Milky Way Horde Leader. It was currently only a third-
stage pinnacle Sector Beast, but it only needed to devour a few more Sector Beasts to cross over
to the next level: the fourth stage. However, it was, nonetheless, still only at the third stage
pinnacle level. It was a far cry from Beddy, who had been a fifth-stage Sector Beast. When
confronting Milky Way Horde Leader, Meng Ta was like a little lamb encountering a
prehistoric dinosaur. The two were on completely different levels.

Hong! Long!

The base of Star Tower formed a dark whirlpool that completely contained Sector Beast Horde
Leader under bondage. Furthermore, with Golden Ocean domain in the surroundings exerted
extra pressure on it. There was simply no way it could put up a struggle to break free and make
its escape.

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“Milky Way Horde Leader, you are dead! So dead!” Sector Beast Meng Ta was going crazy as he
roared, “Don’t even think of enslaving me!”


With a loud roar, Sector Beast Meng Ta exploded right away.

Luo Feng observed the situation and shook his head. Every Sector Beast’s pride was beyond
measure; they would rather die than be enslaved. Previously, Morosa had also chosen death
over slavery, but it had been suppressed by Luo Feng at the time, so it hadn’t been unable to
self-destruct. Hence, it had been enslaved. Of course, upon becoming a slave, its loyalty to Luo
Feng came from deep within its soul. Such loyalty was heartfelt and absolute, so naturally,
Morosa would always take Luo Feng’s side.

“Now that every Sector Beast knows where I am...” said Luo Feng. His eyes flashed with a trace
of anticipation, but just as quickly as the look had appeared, it disappeared in a flash.


“Meng Ta has discovered Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader has appeared in Meng Ta’s area!”

“Discovered Milky Way Horde Leader?”

“Meng Ta is dead.”

The other Sector Beasts, who were madly searching for Milky Way Horde Leader, were all
extremely agitated. Although they had received news that Meng Ta had been annihilated, they
were not the least bit shocked to learn of it. Rather, what they felt was closer to anger and
hatred. After all, even fifth-stage Beddy had met its doom at the hands of Luo Feng. For another
Sector Beast to be annihilated by Luo Feng was unsurprising.

Now, in the heart of every Sector Beast, Milky Way Horde Leader was a lofty wall that posed a
hindrance to their path. Any lone Sector Beast that collided with this wall would have its body
smashed into pieces and its bones shattered. The ultimate outcome would always be death.
Their only hope was to rely on a large number of Sector Beasts to besiege Luo Feng all at once.

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“Milky Way Horde Leader’s whereabouts have been confirmed.”

“All Sector Beasts must act in concert—at least a few thousand acting together. Any Sector
Beast acting alone, or even small groups of Sector Beasts acting together, will not stand a
chance against Milky Way Horde Leader when their paths cross. It must be an extremely large
number of us acting as one.”



When these Sector Beasts truly wanted to deal with this massive threat, which took the form
of a human Milky Way Horde Leader, their level of discipline far surpassed any other soldiers.

Previously, in their search for Luo Feng, they had all scattered. Now, they realized that Luo
Feng was in their vicinity (Meng Ta was one of their members, so for Luo Feng to kill Meng Ta,
he had to be within their vicinity). And if they were all going to stick to their own area, then
naturally, everyone could draw back and concentrate their forces so that Milky Way Horde
Leader did not have even the smallest chance of escape.

Rapidly, they drew back their forces from all over! These Sector Beasts no longer searched at
random. In a frenzy, they were heading toward the place where Meng Ta had been
annihilated. This time, it was not like how Beddy had been annihilated. When Beddy had met
his doom, all these Sector Beasts had been scattered all over, but now, they were relatively
more concentrated.



As they teleported, the Sector Beasts were also very mindful as they sensed their brothers’
positions and movement ripples. Naturally, they got nearer and nearer to one another. Two
Sector Beasts were rapidly acting in concert, and soon, two became three, and three became
six... These Sector Beasts were teleporting as the crowd grew more densely packed. They were
gathering like crazy. With the first teleportation, there were 50 in the pack acting together;
after the next two teleportations, 50 increased to more than 100. The next few teleportations
easily brought the number of Sector Beasts over 500. Very soon, the number reached 1,000.

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After killing Sector Beast Meng Ta, Luo Feng immediately teleported to the nearest void space,
where there was a gushing river. Without further ado, he transformed into river water and
drifted along in the direction of the flow.

“Master, the Sector Beasts were starting to form groups that are constantly emerging. Now,
the largest troop already has more than 100 Sector Beasts. Oh, now there are more than 300 of
them...” Morosa was sensing the ripples as he rapidly transmitted the news to Luo Feng. “The
largest troop now has almost 5,000 Sector Beasts acting in unison.”

“In the area surrounding this river I’m coursing along with,” said the godly powered avatar,
“which is the biggest troop?”

“Right here.” Morosa guided Luo Feng to a small region that instantly lit up and expanded on
the map. “This troop has now reached a total of close to 2,000 Sector Beasts. It is the largest
troop within the region near this river. There are three other troops with numbers around 800,
1,200, and 1,000, respectively.”


Within the gushing river, a ball of river water suddenly flew out and condensed into a human
form. Silver-armored Luo Feng, with his five pairs of wings spread out behind him, whispered,
“I shall teach you all the meaning of fear. True fear. Then, the more fearful you all get, the
more you all will cast aside all inhibitions to come after me.”


Without delay, Luo Feng teleported toward the troop with close to 2,000 Sector Beasts.

It was said that 10,000 people constituted a sea of people. Close to 2,000 massive Sector Beasts
gathered together, when seen from afar, would have appeared so densely crowded that the
evil aura they exuded would have been enough to instill fear in the true gods of Universe


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Close to 2,000 Sector Beasts could all feel the ripples.


The surrounding space instantly froze.

“Dear all,” said a silver-armored man who appeared amidst the void space. Behind him,
resplendent wings were outspread.

“Milky Way Horde Leader!” Close to 2,000 Sector Beasts were greatly shocked.

“Kill him!”

“Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

Of the nearly 2,000 Sector Beasts, none hesitated. Every Sector Beast was executing its own
attacks in the craziest manner. At that moment, every single one was blazing its body with
blood light. Apparently, they were all executing their “blood burning techniques” as they threw
punches in Luo Feng’s direction, bombarding him with their attacks. Countless dazzling black
lights shrouded the surroundings, and, of course, Luo Feng was also enveloped within their


With a single step, Luo Feng entered Star Tower, which appeared out of nowhere.


The attacks from nearly 2,000 Sector Beasts were so forceful that Star Tower was thrown
backward upon impact. Inside it, Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“2,000 Sector Beasts joining forces,” said Luo Feng. “The might of their power is comparable to
the power of a fifth-stage Sector Beast executing ‘Destruction.’ The only difference is that a
fifth-stage Sector Beast is limited to being able to execute Destruction only up to a few times,
while 2,000 Sector Beasts, through combined efforts, could execute the same powerful attack
up to 100 times without breaking a sweat.”

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It was said that normally, 33 Sector Beasts would be required for the birth of a higher-stage
Sector Beast. However, if actual combat occurred, the combined attacks of seven to eight
second-stage pinnacle stage beasts would be comparable to a third-stage pinnacle Sector Beast.
Apparently, the process of devouring other Sector Beasts for the sake of evolution would cost a
great consumption of energy. 可真正杀起来,七八个二阶巅峰界兽联合攻击即可媲美三阶巅峰了.显

“Hiding within Star Tower?”

Close to 2,000 Sector Beasts were looking at Star Tower, feeling frustrated. By now, every Sector
Beast had heard some information about Milky Way Horde Leader and knew that he had a
few very impressive treasures.

“Now, he is hiding. But he cannot hide forever. The number of Sector Beasts will only continue
to increase. 10,000, 100,000, one million... By then, if all of us join forces and launch a single
attack, Star Tower will shatter. Even if it does not shatter, Luo Feng, who is hiding inside, will
die from the impact of that forceful vibration.”

The Sector Beasts did not continue to attack. Instead, they kept Star Tower surrounded by using
their great numbers as they waited for the other Sector Beasts to join them.

“Milky Way Horde Leader is here.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader is here.”

The news spread. However, at the same time, as they were moving to surround Star Tower—


In the surrounding of an area of a few light years, a mighty miniature universe appeared out
of nowhere. This miniature universe was filled with chaotic airflow. It was not considered
very large, but its might was certainly not reduced by its size. The might of a miniature
universe was determined by its origin, and the origin of this miniature universe—created
using the method, “establish a universe with a single thought”—was Luo Feng himself.

More accurately, it was Luo Feng’s Shi Wu Wings!

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Endless golden waves instantly appeared within the entire miniature universe.

Luo Feng looked into the distance and could easily detect the location of any Sector Beast.


This was the single thought in Luo Feng’s mind.


The combination of the power of the origin of a miniature universe and the power of Golden
Ocean had been able to suppress even the fifth-stage Beddy, not to mention these second-stage
Sector Beasts. The mix of strength instantly dealt a crushing attack against 500 of the over
2,000 Sector Beasts. All at once, 500 gigantic palms emerged out of nowhere. Each palm
violently grabbed hold of a Sector Beast. 500 gigantic palms, each with a mixture of power
from the golden waves and the power of the origin, appeared and were instantly grabbing
Sector Beasts.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu!

500 Sector Beasts were instantly crushed and shattered. Even the sectors within their bodies
were shattered. Thus, the only possible outcome for them was death!

When unequivocal eternal true gods like Harmonious Snow executed their miniature
universes with just a thought, they could kill tens of thousands of true gods effortlessly. While
Luo Feng was still a far cry from them, to kill 500 second-stage pinnacle level Sector Beasts
was still a breeze for him.

“Come again.”

500 gigantic palms appeared once again. Without delay, they caught hold of another 500 Sector
Beasts. Over 1,000 Sector Beasts in the troop who were still alive but were instantly fearful.

A sudden grip!

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All were annihilated.


“How is that possible?”

Their combined attacks were deadly, but alone, their defense was weak. This was the
weakness of a group attack. It was also why the ancient civilization had put together a set of
treasures like “Pu Luo Universe.” With tens of thousands of true gods within this Pu Luo
Universe, their attacks would be strong. Undoubtedly, so would their combined defense.

These Sector Beasts did not possess any treasures. They were weak on their own. Thus, it was
nature’s course that such a large-scale massacre was possible.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

500 gigantic palms appeared four times in succession, and close to 2,000 Sector Beasts were
all annihilated. Not a single one was left!

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In the distant original universe, Primal Chaos City Leader stood in front of the rails of the godly
palace, looking at the endless space. He couldn’t have been more concerned.

“Luo Feng,” Primal Chaos City Leader whispered.

All the races in Universe Ocean were peaceful and tranquil. Only Primal Chaos City Leader
knew that Luo Feng had already entered Land of Darkness.

“Please, succeed.”

He was looking forward to it; it was the only thing he could do.


The Land of Darkness.

“Establish a universe with a single thought” and “Endless Golden Ocean” were both powerful
group attack techniques. When they were combined, they destroyed everything and killed
almost 2,000 Sector Beasts instantly.

Actually, Luo Feng had fully prepared himself before coming to the Land of Darkness. He hadn’t
comprehended “establish a universe with a single thought” before, so he’d also brought a
machine-type valuable, “10,000 Shadow Blade!” Now that he had made a breakthrough in his
power, he was able to kill 2,000 Sector Beasts at once without 10,000 Shadow Blade.

“Fantastic!” Luo Feng stood in space, looking satisfied. This was his best moment since the
start of the Sector Beast crisis. “All 2,000 Sector Beasts combined are only slightly stronger than
a level-five Sector Beast, so no matter how powerful they are, they can’t do anything to Star
Tower. And as individuals, they’re more defenseless than a level-five Sector Beasts. Haha! I’ll
go after some other teams.”

There were three teams of Sector Beasts around him, and he intended to kill them all.


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Luo Feng underestimated the effect of killing 2,000 Sector Beasts. This time, six million Sector
Beasts were coming at Luo Feng, encircling him, and they were all confident that they could
kill him. However, they were also cautious, allowing over 1,000 Sector Beasts to form groups.
Yet, when they learned that Luo Feng was able to kill almost 2,000 Sector Beasts all at once so
easily, they were horrified.

How was that possible? Nearly 2,000 Sector Beasts! If they had been killed one by one over
time, they could understand it. Instead, they had been slaughtered with hardly a breath.

“We have to kill that Milky Way Horde Leader. If he keeps slaughtering us like that, all nine
million of us will be annihilated!”

“We have to kill him.”


First, the Sector Beasts were dazed. But then they were anxious and enraged. They all wanted
Luo Feng dead as soon as possible!

The 1,000 Sector Beasts closest to Luo Feng were all in a panic. They had already known that
all 2,000 Sector Beasts close to them were already annihilated at the same time, and there was
already a consensus among the Sector Beast race.

“At least 10,000 Sector Beasts must act at the same time. Otherwise, they’ll be in danger.”

Those 1,000 Sector Beasts decided to separate after learning the shocking news. As long as they
remained separated, Milky Way Horde Leader wouldn’t be able to kill many of them.


The space was sealed.

“Too late!”


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All the 1,000 Sector Beasts were shocked. They knew it was too late for them to run away. The
news that the 2,000 Sector Beasts had been killed all at once was so shocking that Luo Feng
had already arrived by the time they had reached a decision.

“Milky Way Horde Leader.” The 1,000 Sector Beasts all looked ferocious. They glared at the
silver-armored man walking toward them in the distance. He had five pairs of glowing wings
on his back and was the greatest threat facing the Sector Beasts.

Traces of black light began to shine! All 1,000 Sector Beasts launched attacks against Luo Feng
at the same time. Luo Feng only swung the Blood Shadow Blade in his hands, and a trace of a
blurry blade shadow flew out. Just when that giant yet dimming blade shadow touched the
black pillars of light, it easily annihilated all the pillars at the same time.

The combined attacks of 2,000 Sector Beasts barely rivaled “Destruction.” As for the
combination of 1,000 Sector Beasts, Luo Feng could easily resist them!

“Die!” the silver-armored man said coldly. Then the gleaming pairs of wings on his back
performed “establish a universe with a single thought.”

All of a sudden, the space around him turned into endless chaos airflow, and a golden pearl
floated in front of Luo Feng. Huge, tumbling golden waves formed around all the Sector Beasts.

Hong! Long! Long!

The endless golden waves, together with the power from the universe origin, annihilated all
1,000 Sector Beasts after two shocks.

Luo Feng took a step, disappeared, and left to kill the other teams.


Inside Luo Feng’s miniature universe, Morosa was constantly sensing the situation in the Land
of Darkness, and it was controlling all the spots of light on the model. It then exclaimed,
“Master, you killed almost 2,000 Sector Beasts at the same time, which shocked the entire
Sector Beast race. More Sector Beasts are coming for you now!”

“How many more?” The godly powered avatar looked forward to the answer.

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He tried everything in his power to get as many Sector Beasts to come at him as possible. The
more, the better!

“6.8 million—wait, almost 6.9 million now!” said Morosa.

“Not enough.” The godly powered avatar shook his head.

“Master, you annihilated another team. 1,000 Sector Beasts!” Morosa couldn’t have been more

The godly powered avatar was staring at the spots of light on the enormous model. Meanwhile,
Luo Feng’s original body was trying to kill as many Sector Beasts as possible. After only a short
while, he annihilated all the Sector Beasts in a large area. Although the team of Sector Beasts
near Luo Feng had already disbursed, Luo Feng had still managed to kill almost 10,000 Sector
Beasts, marking a large area as Luo Feng’s own territory.

That kind of power horrified all the Sector Beasts.

“Master, more than seven million Sector Beasts are rushing toward the hinterland! More than
seven million!” Morosa was excited yet worried, fearing that Luo Feng wouldn’t be able to
survive this.

“Fantastic.” The godly powered avatar nodded. “However, it’s not enough.”

“Seven million already!” said Morosa. “There are only 9,200,000 Sector Beasts in total.”

“I wish they were all coming.” The eyes of the godly powered avatar gleamed.

Morosa didn’t understand why its master was doing this. It couldn’t think of any way its
master could survive against so many Sector Beasts.

“Just follow my orders,” said the godly powered avatar.

“Yes.” Morosa stopped overthinking things, then said, “Master, although the Sector Beasts
around you are crumbling and running away, those far from you continue to gather. They’re
trying to combine ten teams into one. The number of Sector Beasts in each team is surging
now. Each team has more than 10,000 Sector Beasts.”

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“Oh? 10,000 Sector Beasts?” The godly powered avatar frowned.

10,000 Sector Beasts? If the attacks were powerful enough, they might even destroy the
miniature universe he had just created, and such power would also be able to wipe out all the
chaos air. If he used the origin, even a million Sector Beasts were nothing to him, let alone
10,000. However, without the origin, using only his own power, Luo Feng felt the pressure.

Luo Feng clenched his teeth. “10,000 Sector Beasts? So what? 10,000...”

Luo Feng wasn’t satisfied that there were only seven million Sector Beasts encircling him. Even
if he was able to kill all seven million, the remaining two million were still powerful enough
to destroy all the races in Universe Ocean, and he wouldn’t have the capacity to do anything
about it!

“I have to get more Sector Beasts to come!” Luo Feng made up his mind. “A team of 10,000
Sector Beasts? I’ll keep killing them! I’ll kill a team of 10,000 to provoke more of them! I’ll get
even more Sector Beasts to surround me.”

One versus 10,000? Luo Feng wasn’t sure about those odds.

However, he needed to put up a fight. If he was able to kill 10,000 Sector Beasts all by himself,
it would terrify the entire Sector Beast race, and many of them would lose their minds. A great
many Sector Beasts would be coming at him and trying to kill him after that.


Sector Beasts close to Luo Feng were all fleeing, effectively rendering the area as Luo Feng’s
territory. However, outside that area, teams comprised of over 10,000 Sector Beasts were
forming, and they were gathering from all around. The more teams of Sector Beasts there
were, the less of a chance Luo Feng would survive.

“Encircle him.”

“Don’t give that Milky Way Horde Leader a chance.”

“We’re responsible for this area.”

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Ferocious Sector Beasts flew side by side, crowded together. There were so many that they
shrouded the view of the surrounding space. Each team had more than 10,000 Sector Beasts.
Each was one million kilometers tall, and when over 10,000 of them got together, they covered
all of space.

Hua! Hua! Hua!

Teams with large numbers of Sector Beasts soon arrived and surrounded Luo Feng at the
periphery. They didn’t rush to get in.



The large group of Sector Beasts now almost covered the entire region. They crowded the
surrounding space—18,000 of them. All 36,000 heads turned to look in the same direction, their
collective attention drawn by a ripple beside them. A silver-armored man with wings appeared
with a smile.

“Sector Beasts,” the silver-armored man with wings said with a smile. “I declare, now, that
you all have been eliminated from becoming the king of Sector Beasts.”

Hong! Hong!

The miniature universe and the endless golden ocean formed at the same time.

“Milky Way Horde Leader!”

All 18,000 Sector Beasts were infuriated. Luo Feng was too arrogant. All the Sector Beasts
attacked at the same time, and traces of black pillars shot toward Luo Feng in the distance.

Suddenly, Star Tower appeared in front of Luo Feng out of nowhere, and he entered Star Tower.

“No matter how powerful and confident I am, I can just resist the combined attacks of 18,000
Sector Beasts,” whispered Luo Feng. “The combined attacks from 2,000 Sector Beasts can rival
Destruction. 18,000 will be much more powerful than Destruction, reaching a whole new

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Endless black light swept through everything, annihilating all the chaos air. The very space
cracked. Nobody could have resisted this. Even the golden waves were destroyed. Eventually,
those 18,000 Sector Beasts launched a combined attack, forming a giant black pillar of light
that struck Star Tower.


It was apocalyptic. The power could have destroyed ten miniature universes of true gods. Star
Tower bounced back beneath that shock waves. Even the miniature universe created by Luo
Feng’s “establish a universe with a single thought” crumbled.

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“Kill Milky Way Horde Leader!”

The crowd of Sector Beasts covered space, and they rushed toward that bouncing Star Tower.

They were almighty! And they were ferocious! The power was so strong that even Luo Feng felt
powerless before it. Even if Luo Feng created a miniature universe and Endless Golden Ocean
at the same time. Faced with the absolute power advantage, Luo Feng wasn’t able to do
anything about it even if they were weak at defense individually.

“I was being too arrogant.” Luo Feng remained in Star Tower the whole time. “I thought I would
be able to kill all 18,000 Sector Beasts with all the skills I have. However, when there are so
many more Sector Beasts, the power is totally different. I can easily kill 2,000 Sector Beasts at
once, but I can’t even defend myself against 18,000 Sector Beasts.”

If he was more powerful, he could have immediately found his enemies’ weaknesses and
killed them. That had been the case when Luo Feng had been fighting 2,000 Sector Beasts. He
was just as skilled in attacks as those Sector Beasts. Besides, he also had many other
techniques, so he could instantly kill all 2,000 Sector Beasts, whereas now, he was being

If their soul attacks are weaker, I can use my godly power, Luo Feng thought.

If he could turn into a godly power ocean one square light year wide and drown all the 18,000
Sector Beasts, the attacks from the Sector Beasts would be neutralized by the godly power ocean
and wouldn’t gather.

But Luo Feng didn’t dare to use that method. Sector Beasts were creatures that were great at
soul attacks, and even if they were only at pinnacle level two, they might have been just as
great as Divine Eye True Master. If he turned into a godly power ocean, all those 18,000 Sector
Beasts might perform soul attacks at once, hitting his godly power ocean and reaching the
soul inside the Heart of True God.

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Luo Feng didn’t want to risk it. Indeed, he had strong willpower, yet it was only slightly
stronger than Morosa. If his soul was attacked by 18,000 Sector Beasts at once, it would be

“None of the valuables and techniques work, and godly power won’t help, either. I have to
create stronger blade techniques, or I need to fully comprehend the third level of Wu Qi God.
Only after that do I stand a chance of winning.”

Luo Feng fled, as he was trying to create new blade techniques and the third level of Wu Qi
God. He had felt “Destruction” twice when he’d fought and killed Beddy, and he had obtained
some experience from that; he had even fully comprehended the fourth level of Shi Wu Wing.
Luo Feng had already been able to create techniques at pinnacle level 11 during his fight with
Beddy, and now, he was at level 12. All he’d wanted before was to exterminate all the Sector
Beasts with the “origin,” so he hadn’t had the time or energy to create blade techniques at his
level or study the third level of Wu Qi God.

“I have to be more powerful in order to stand a chance.”


Under the black-striped stone pillar in the distant Universe Boat, the godly powered avatar of
Luo Feng was trying to create blade techniques and comprehend the third level of Wu Qi God
under the effects of time that passed ten million times faster.

He had already reached an exceptional level of power, so he could create the blade techniques
easily. However, the godly powered avatar failed to comprehend the third level of Wu Qi God,
no matter how hard he tried.

“What was the Godly King of Jin thinking? I’ve already reached level 12, and if it weren’t for
the Sector Beasts, I could’ve become a true god of void space already. However, I’m still not able
to use the third level of Wu Qi God. Is it really a machine-type valuable for true gods? Even if
it was created by you, Godly King, it shouldn’t be this powerful.”

Luo Feng had spent more than three years comprehending Wu Qi God while creating blade
techniques, yet he had still failed to fully apprehend it. However, with his previous
comprehension and the mysteries of “Destruction,” he had created a blade technique called

When the blade was drawn, its structure was an arc, so he had given it a simple name.

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Although it had taken him over three years, he was in a place where time passed ten million
times faster, so it had only been ten seconds!


The Sector Beasts were forming teams of 10,000 members. The plus side was, the team had
become much more powerful, but since there were fewer teams, each team was much farther
from the others than before, so even after ten seconds of fighting, other teams were still on
their way there.

“What are you hiding in Star Tower for, Milky Way Horde Leader?”

“Is this the number one great being in Universe Ocean?”

“I thought you were so powerful. You killed Beddy! Don’t you dare to come out?”

All the cursing and laughing echoed in the space outside of Star Tower. Luo Feng looked outside
through Star Tower, which was already surrounded by Sector Beasts. The 18,000 Sector Beasts
occupied the entire space outside of Star Tower, leaving him no space to fly to.

“Get out?” Luo Feng whispered in Star Tower. “Not yet.”

None of the 18,000 Sector Beasts outside could see anything in Star Tower, and they couldn’t
see Luo Feng, either.


Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed. After only ten seconds, he had already created the best blade
technique he was able to create, given his current level of power. Although he still hadn’t
finished comprehending the third level of Wu Qi God, Luo Feng thought it might take him 100
times longer to actually finish comprehending it. If he spent much more time, another team
of more than 10,000 Sector Beasts might arrive.

He couldn’t delay any longer! Time to fight!

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If I succeed, I’ll provoke more Sector Beasts into coming here, thought Luo Feng. If I fail, then
I’ll just be blocked by them. I’ll just hide in here, and I won’t go out. With time going by, there
will be more and more Sector Beasts. Then I’ll deal with those seven million Sector Beasts.

It was either seven million Sector Beasts or more.


All 18,000 Sector Beasts blocked every direction around Star Tower. All of a sudden, a silver-
armored being appeared from a side door at the base of Star Tower. He glanced around at all
the Sector Beasts in front of him.

“It’s Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“He’s coming out.”

“Do it now!”

All the Sector Beasts in various directions wanted to take action, yet they didn’t rush to do it.
Each attack used all their power, yet Luo Feng could hide inside Star Tower with only one step.
They wouldn’t waste their energy, as Luo Feng was standing right beside the side door.


Star Tower disappeared while Luo Feng became a godly power ocean ten billion square
kilometers large, surrounding more than 300 Sector Beasts. The Sector Beasts were overjoyed
to see the godly power ocean.



The godly power ocean disappeared while Luo Feng, clothed in silver armor, showed up again.
He was already among the Sector Beasts.

Luo Feng glanced around the group of Sector Beasts in front of him.

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All the Sector Beasts were stunned. They saw an enormous, blurry godly eye floating in space.
It seemed to the Sector Beasts that everything had disappeared, and the terrific willpower
shocks contained in that godly eye pierced their souls like blades. Suddenly, the 900 Sector
Beasts closest to Luo Feng were hit directly in their souls, which rendered them in such agony
that they blacked out.

This was “Godly Eye Secret Technique”!

In the past, Luo Feng had observed the operation of the universe and reached a life gene level
of 100,000 times, thus becoming a true god. During that process, his willpower had also
transformed, reaching the pinnacle eternal true god level.

Back when Luo Feng was only a universe master, he had used Godly Eye Technique when
fighting Morosa. Morosa had experienced unbearable pain, but his combat strength hadn’t
been hindered.

But now, things were different. For one thing, Luo Feng’s willpower hadn’t been as strong as it
was now. And for another, Morosa had been one of the top-tier Sector Beasts at the time,
wielding exceptional willpower. As for the Sector Beasts around him, at level two, they had
relatively weaker willpower.

“Godly Eye Secret Technique!”

Just as Luo Feng performed Godly Eye Secret Technique, he waved Blood Shadow Blade in his

This attack represented his highest accomplishment at this moment. It was based on four
basic laws: gold, light, space, and water. It also contained part of the destruction origin. All of
them merged together to form this move.


A blade light flew out. It was certainly much faster than Luo Feng’s speed of flight, reaching
one million times faster than light speed. The light gleamed platinum gold! It looked like a
blade-shaped star but burned billions of times brighter, and it indeed had an element of
Destruction. It also carried the eroding mystery of the gold.

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The gleaming blade light slashed at the 900 Sector Beasts closest to it. It was so powerful that
it could rival Destruction.

The bodies of all 900 Sector Beasts that had been shocked crumbled, and the sectors inside
their bodies cracked, killing them all.

“Be careful!”


“Kill him!”

The rest of the Sector Beasts weren’t worried. They were superior enough that their attacks
could be delivered with delicate precision; even with Luo Feng flying among them, it was still
easy for the Sector Beasts not to hurt their companions as they attacked Luo Feng.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

6,000 light pillars appeared at the same time.

“Break,” said Luo Feng.

His blade light shone. The platinum-gold blade light struck, and after a massive sound, all
those light pillars cracked and crumbled.

Luo Feng bounced away as well. However, more than 300 Sector Beasts around him were
annihilated. They were still affected by the shock waves.

“He resisted it?”

“He’s only at a slight disadvantage in the face of 6,000 Sector Beasts?”

“He’s getting stronger.”

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The Sector Beasts were terrified. Luo Feng was able to fight 6,000 Sector Beasts now! And as
long as he remained in their midst, their attacks couldn’t be combined to fall on Luo Feng at
the same time. After all, Luo Feng knew how to dodge them individually.


Luo Feng used Godly Eye Secret Technique and the blade technique at the same time. He
slaughtered the Sector Beasts, forcing them to run away. However, they were slower than him,
and he had the ability to turn into an ocean and get among them again. They couldn’t get far.


“Milky Way Horde Leader has gotten stronger.”

“There were 18,000 Sector Beasts. After he killed 12,000 Sector Beasts, we all tried to run, but
we were still hunted by him. Only 1,000 of us got away alive.”

“His blade technique is stronger than before.”

The news spread. All the Sector Beasts in the Land of Darkness were in a panic. More Sector
Beasts started to hurry toward the hinterland, including those who hadn’t intended to at first.

They had to eliminate this threat! It was either Milky Way or the Sector Beasts!

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In their attempt to encircle and suppress Luo Feng, more and more Sector Beasts were stepping
forth to join in the siege, and the number was getting so big that Morosa had started to tremble
in fear. “Master, the number has reached 7.9 million.”

“This is quite effective,” said the godly powered avatar, revealing a smile.

“Master, even when you are pitted against 18,000 Sector Beasts in a fight, you are able to defeat
them and send them into a frenzy as they try to escape. In the end, no more than 1,000
managed to escape.” Morosa was filled with admiration. “You are impressive beyond measure!
Those Sector Beasts must have been scared out of their wits, but the fear instilled in them will
compel them to go after your life at all costs.”

If they wanted to eliminate Luo Feng, their biggest threat, they had to annihilate his original

As for trying to destroy Luo Feng’s miniature universe? Even if they truly managed to destroy
his miniature universe, Luo Feng would still be alive and kicking. The only edge his enemy
would have gained over him was that he would not be able to become a true god of void space
with the loss of his miniature universe. On the contrary, the Sector Beasts would rather hope
that this Milky Way Horde Leader could quickly become a true god of void space and proceed
to trying to transcend reincarnation.

“This region.” The godly powered avatar pointed toward the huge model. “Try your best to mark
out all the troops here, then give me the numbers of Sector Beasts in these troops.”

“Yes, Master,” Morosa responded right away.

Numerals were being indicated on every group of consolidated spots of light.

“The nearest troop in our vicinity has a total of 12,000 Sector Beasts.” The godly-powered avatar
nodded lightly. Right away, Luo Feng’s original body set off to where the troop was to
annihilate the Sector Beasts.

A short while later...

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“Master, many troops of Sector Beasts in your vicinity are rapidly retreating, and they were all
scattering off in all directions as they escape.” Morosa promptly informed him. “Even if it is a
troop composed of as many as ten to twenty thousand Sector Beasts, no one dares to fight
against you anymore.”

“What a pity. I have only managed to finish off a few hundred Sector Beasts.” The godly
powered avatar shook its head. “If these troops are all scattered when they escape, it will be
difficult for me to pull off a large-scale massacre.”

When the Sector Beasts congregated in one area, one strike by his blade would be equal to a
few hundred Sector Beasts gone. How satisfying could that be?

But now, all those Sector Beasts were disbursing in every direction. It would be much more
troublesome trying to kill them.

“Now, all the Sector Beasts are gathered in the peripheral area of this region. Some troops have
already reached 100,000.”

Morosa was feeling nervous because of the growing numbers. It could clearly see that the
model was densely covered with spots of light that had formed many circles that surrounded
a particular region. And Luo Feng was in that region.

“The number of Sector Beasts rushing toward the heart of that piece of land is still increasing!”
Morosa shouted in a shaky voice. “It is almost 8 million now!”

The godly powered avatar merely observed in silence.

“Master, there are 8 million Sector Beasts there now!” Morosa’s two singular eyes dilated and
became round, as if ready to pop out of their sockets.

It did not know...

In the face of this encirclement and suppression by a tremendous number of Sector Beasts,
Morosa did not know how its Master intended to deal with them all. One against 10,000, Luo
Feng had achieved! His combat power had definitely attained the pinnacle level of a true god
of void space, but he was, after all, only a true god. While he might not have lost out to a true
god of void space in terms of power achieved, he still had to rely on a series of supreme

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treasures like Wu Qi God, Shi Wu Wings, and Blood Ghost Blade to unleash that level of combat

However, this was almost approaching Luo Feng’s ultimate limit!

100,000 Sector Beasts—how could he deal with so many? And how about one million Sector
Beasts? One concerted attack from a million Sector Beasts was not inferior to an attack from
an eternal true god. No matter how formidable Luo Feng was, he was merely a true god. The
combined abilities of eight million Sector Beasts would be comparable to an attack by a top-
tier great being amongst all eternal true gods.

“The ‘origin’ is the energy an eternal true god manages to bring out by relying on the complete
Chaotic Golden Wings,” Luo Feng said. “A part of it had the combat power at the level of ‘the
holy.’ Unfortunately, this combat power could only be used once. There will be nothing left
after one use. However, it can draw the attention of eight million Sector Beasts. That is
practically a miracle. It might be difficult to attract even more Sector Beasts, but I still have to
try my best.”


With Morosa’s guidance, Luo Feng managed to sneak attacks on the other smaller-scale troops,
as well as the scattered, idle Sector Beasts. This was why there were Sector Beasts dying from
time to time. This greatly angered the entire Sector Beast race, and that anger coerced more
and more Sector Beasts into participating in the plan to besiege Luo Feng.

Regardless of how angry they were, their roundup plan did not show a trace of disorder. They
were constantly gathering and building up their numbers. They were stationed in concentric
circles surrounding the region where Luo Feng could be found. Even if they were met with
sudden attacks, they maintained their positions.

“Even if hundreds of thousands of Sector Beasts were to be sacrificed, for the sake of the entire
race... their deaths shall be worthwhile.”

“No one will be able to stop the birth of the final king.”

The Sector Beasts were like a well-oiled machine. They were born to destroy. When there was
no external threat, they would fight one another, but when a true threat came along, they
would join forces, as though they all shared one big, common brain. There would not be any
forms of internal conflict, and they would not fight one another. There would be incomparably

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precise coordination. Every single one of them would rather sacrifice itself than allow itself to
be shaken by any external threat.

Even Luo Feng’s heart palpitated at their level of ruthlessness.

“Exactly what kind of life form has the Universe Ocean given birth to?” Luo Feng shuddered.
“A being that represents destruction. Even in their breeding period, they are much too strong.”

A great being had to not only wield strong powers but, more importantly, have a powerful soul.
The ruthless nature of these Sector Beasts ensured that none would be the least bit shaken
when a sacrifice had to be made. This fact alone subjected Luo Feng to an intangible pressure.


Luo Feng was trying his best to execute any methods possible to influence the Sector Beasts.
He needed to shake them up.

One after another, the Sector Beasts were dying. Yet, on the whole, they were still not bothered
at all. They continued to gather. There were already more than five million Sector Beasts who
had successfully joined the troops stationed around Luo Feng.

“Start advancing.”

“Start advancing.”

“Start advancing.”

The various troops of Sector Beasts had all started to advance slowly. From the Land of
Darkness, more than three million Sector Beasts were rushing over at their fastest possible

If these Sector Beasts continued to take risks over and over again, Luo Feng would have the
means to continue to kill them all over and over again. But these five million Sector Beasts
that had gathered around him were pressing in on him from all directions, albeit very slowly.

With such open and dignified mannerisms, the Sector Beasts made Luo Feng feel strangely
embarrassed. He did not know where to start. They were too stable. The Sector Beasts were

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displaying such aboveboard behavior that it felt like a form of joint intimidation imposed upon
Luo Feng.

But what could Luo Feng possibly do? These five million Sector Beasts were divided into more
than ten troops. Luo Feng did not dare to put his head through the noose. Yet, no matter how
he hid himself, with the circle around him was continuously shrinking in size, closing in on
him. Ultimately, he would not be able to escape—unless he made himself “Invisible and

This time around, Luo Feng’s true motive was not to escape but, rather, to execute his “Great
Extermination” plan. He had already reached a juncture at which it would be impossible to
hide... If he did choose to hide, what would the Sector Beasts think? They would look around
and wonder, “What? We have done such a flawless job in our encirclement. How did Milky
Way Horde Leader manage to disappear again?” Such a scenario would reveal Luo Feng’s
greatest trump card.


Precise like a machine, without a trace of error—everything had been taken into consideration
by the Sector Beasts. They continued to close in on Luo Feng most menacingly, causing his
area of activity to continuously shrink as well.

“We have discovered Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“He is already trapped by us.”

A troop of around 500,000 Sector Beasts had mightily surrounded Star Tower.

Within Star Tower, Luo Feng was shaking his head helplessly. Everything was proceeding as
he had planned, but without being “Invisible and Formless,” he was, indeed, only left with the
alternative of being entrapped. There was simply no escape for him.

“It’s nobody’s fault,” said Luo Feng. “They are innately strong, with boundless potential, and
their tremendous numbers are enough to bring a shock to anyone. When faced with threats,
they stay united. No wonder this is regarded as a crisis that even the willpower of the origin
is so scared of.” Luo Feng shook his head.


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500,000 Sector Beasts were keeping their distance away Luo Feng, but shortly after, they
executed their attacks at the same time.

All at once, a powerful blow, formed by 500,000 Sector Beasts was transformed into a beam of
light capable of annihilating everything. The beam bombarded Star Tower, and the impact
sent Star Tower tumbling off at one million times light speed, howling as it flew off. Within
the tower, all Luo Feng could feel, was some vibration, with some of his godly power being

“Indeed, this is worthy of being a treasure used by the Godly King.”

Luo Feng was safe within Star Tower. This was only 500,000 Sector Beasts. If there were really
eight million, treasures like the Boat of Mausoleum would likely have been shattered and
destroyed when attacked! However, Star Tower was different. Even attacks by the Godly King
would not be able to do much harm to this tower.

“Milky Way Horde Leader is hiding inside Star Tower.”

“Star Tower is impenetrable. It simply cannot be destroyed.”

“We have arrived, too.”

Another mighty troop of Sector Beasts arrived, bringing the number of Sector Beasts
surrounding Luo Feng to a total of nearly one million.

Time flew by. Troop after troop arrived to join the assembly of Sector Beasts. Every time a new
troop arrived to join the assembly, the Sector Beasts would try to combine forces to launch an
attack, and Star Tower would be tossed about like a ball at playtime. Again and again, Star
Tower was bombarded and tossed far away, but regardless of how their numbers increased—
from one million to two and three million, and eventually to five million—the Sector Beasts
were unable to do any harm to Star Tower.

The number of Sector Beasts that had gathered was slowly increasing, and there were Sector
Beasts rushing over in great numbers from all around.

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5.3 million, 5.6 million, 6 million...

“This is really a great number.”

Inside Star Tower, Luo Feng looked at the outside world. The Sector Beasts had massive bodies,
and with several million of them gathered in his surroundings, the entire void space was
obscured. The area affected could almost have been regarded as endless.

“No matter what, they are unable to break Star Tower with their attacks,” Luo Feng said to
himself. “I think they are just waiting. Waiting for all the Sector Beasts to gather before they
join forces to execute their strongest attack. This is the only way they are willing to put
everything to an end. If that attack is still unable to harm Star Tower, they will probably opt
to force Star Tower into some other dangerous land.”

The core region of Tilted Peak Sector had many dangerous lands. For instance, dangerous lands
like Three Extreme Abyss. The moment Star Tower fell in, it would not be able to come out.

The Sector Beasts would face some problems, though. For one thing, those dangerous lands
were outside the Land of Darkness. If they intended to get Star Tower out of the Land of
Darkness, that would require a very long time. Plus, those dangerous lands might not truly be
able to trap Milky Way Horde Leader. Therefore, the Sector Beasts were not fully confident in
this option. This was why they would not choose to attempt to throw Luo Feng into a
dangerous land unless they were down to their last alternative.


“Master, the number of Sector Beasts has already reached 7.6 million.” Morosa was able to
detect everything happening all the time, and its face was filled with worry. “Previously, a
total of more than 8.3 million Sector Beasts turned up. Soon, all of them will be here. Master,
how exactly do you intend to escape this place?”

Morosa was very flustered. If Luo Feng died, he would die too. Then he would not be able to
become king.

“7.6 million already?” The godly powered avatar laughed. “Soon, it will be time to haul in the


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Regardless of how calm he usually was, Luo Feng, who was inside Star Tower, was finding it
a little difficult to contain his surging emotions. Looking outside at the endless sea of Sector
Beasts, he saw them looking over at his Star Tower, which was ten stories inside and out. They
had surrounded and trapped him within the circles they formed. All of them wore fearsome
and angry looks.

“Eight million.” Luo Feng whispered softly. “8.1 million. 8.2 million.” Finally, Luo Feng’s eyes
glowed. His eyes glowed so brightly that they were frightening. “All are gathered here!”

All the Sector Beasts supposed to be involved in the roundup plan this time around had arrived.
Soon, with concerted efforts, these Sector Beasts were going to launch one of the largest-scaled
bombardment against Star Tower.

At this moment, Luo Feng’s eyes flashed with an incomparably crazy look. He was waiting—
waiting for those Sector Beasts to finish with their collective attack. Then, amidst the chaotic
waves of impact, he would execute his “origin.”

“My humans,” said Luo Feng. “The pulse of my Earth, my family, teacher... All of these.
Everything that is more precious than my life itself... at stake in this one final fight!”

With slightly bloodshot eyes, Luo Feng outspread his wings behind him. The origin was now
infused into the Shi Wu Wings.

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The Sector Beasts were scattered everywhere in space. There was no end to it. They were all
glaring at Star Tower in the distance!

More than 8,300,000 Sector Beasts had gathered here. Apparently, Luo Feng killing Beddy and
18,000 other Sector Beasts had already made them anxious! They couldn’t stand it anymore,
and they sensed that if they didn’t kill Milky Way Horde Leader, he would kill them all in the
future! And then the enslaved Morosa would be the ultimate king. They would rather die to
prevent that from happening.

“Let us attack Luo Feng altogether. All eight million Sector Beasts.”

“We have to perform our greatest strengths this time... If we still can’t kill that Milky Way
Horde Leader, we can only push him into some of the Lands of Extremis in Tilted Peak Sector.”

“We have to succeed.”

All the Sector Beasts transmitted their voices using their hearts. They glared at Star Tower in
the distance. They were full of grudges, as they couldn’t damage Star Tower no matter how.




Orders were given, and all 8.3 million Sector Beasts were divided into 20 teams. They
transmitted their voices and rearranged themselves so that the attacks could be combined as
one! All the teams started to make attacks one by one based on their distance.


One could see that almost 300,000 Sector Beasts had bloody light burning on their bodies. Then
countless light pillars shot out. At the same time, they redirected them so that they could

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gather with others. Soon, all the attacks from those Sector Beasts merged together. The
gleaming black pillars rushed at Star Tower from the back.

“Attack!” And then, other teams also performed attacks one by one. Their attacks rushed
toward the black light pillar!

Two teams! Three teams! Four teams! All the attacks rushed in the same direction and merged.
They were all rushing forward as one, so that they wouldn’t waste any of the energies from
the combined attacks.

The black light pillar kept flying forward, moving ten million times faster than light speed.
The farther it flew, the darker the color it became. And then, it became hollow!

The hollow broke the space and flew. All the attacks from the Sector Beasts merged into the

All the Sector Beasts glared at Star Tower. They were all looking forward to this. They hoped
that under this attack, Milky Way Horde Leader would be killed. They didn’t want to push him
into a Land of Extremis. After all, there was still a risk that Milky Way Horde Leader would
make his way out.


Luo Feng, inside Star Tower, faced a terrific attack. He was holding his breath, waiting. Waiting
for the right moment to exercise his plan for “Great Extinction.”



Inside Luo Feng’s miniature universe, Morosa was very anxious. Its master was surrounded
by more than eight million Sector Beasts.


“Luo Feng...” said Primal Chaos City Leader, watching eagerly.

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Only Morosa and Primal Chaos City Leader were worried about Luo Feng’s safety. As for other
great beings in Universe Ocean—including the earthlings, Luo Feng’s wife Xu Xin, his sons Luo
Ping and Luo Feng, his parents, and True Yan—none of them knew what was going on here.
They didn’t know that this was the moment that would determine the fate of all the races in
Universe Ocean.


Luo Feng’s eyes looked confident and unyielding. The destructive, apocalyptic, silent “hollow”
collided with Star Tower. It was silent as it struck Star Tower. It aimed to erode and damage
Star Tower, but Star Tower was indestructible; it couldn’t do anything about it. The energies
contained in the “hollow” burst out and splashed everywhere.


The result was a massive, destructive clamor. The shock waves spread everywhere, and Star
Tower bounced away into the distance.

“How did it go?”

“Did Star Tower crack?”

None of the eight million something Sector Beasts could see anything. The shock waves were
so strong that they annihilated the space, giving them no sight. And they couldn’t see anything
that happened at the center of the explosion.

Just as they were feeling anxious about the result, Luo Feng was trying to control Star Tower
and slow it down.


Under the burning godly power, Star Tower finally stopped. It turned around. The spreading
shock waves were being weakened, and the time and space around them began to stabilize.
And then, the Sector Beasts in the distance could clearly see everything that had happened.

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Star Tower suddenly grew to nine light years tall. A giant being, who was also nine light years
tall, stood in front of Star Tower. He wore gleaming silver armor, and the five pairs of silver
wings on his back were wide open, covering the endless space.

“The fate of billions of races in Universe Ocean!” whispered Luo Feng. “The fate of the humans!
The fate of the earthlings! The fate of the people I love! Everything that I guard with my life...”

Luo Feng, who was nine light years tall, opened his wings. His eyes were filled with hope as
he whispered, “This is the moment!”

All eight million-plus Sector Beasts clearly saw the silver-armored giant that was nine light
years tall. They were furious that Milky Way Horde Leader was still alive, yet they were joyful
that he had finally stepped out of Star Tower. Also, they were amazed that Milky Way Horde
Leader had become so enormous.

“Kill him.”

“Attack again!”

The Sector Beasts tried to reorganize themselves. However, Luo Feng wouldn’t give them a
chance this time. Just as his body became nine light years tall, Luo Feng waved the wings on
his back and infused the “origin” with his burning godly power.

“Die out!” Luo Feng whispered, but his voice sounded absolutely cold.

Either the Sector Beasts died, or everything he defended died!

Kill all the Sector Beasts!


The nine-light-year-tall, silver-armored giant waved the five pairs of gleaming wings on his
back, and just as the eight million-something Sector Beasts were about to attack, they were
stunned. All of a sudden, from the edge of the white wing above all the other wings, a
mesmerizing light shot out.

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Endless traces of blade light! They were like flowers, and they were incredibly fast. They
immediately flew across a vast area, covering the region. At that moment, there seemed to be
flowers raining down, falling on each of the Sector Beasts’ bodies.


Against the beautiful flowers, the bodies of Sector Beasts were slashed easily. As soon as they
were touched by the flowers, they were lacerated—including the sectors within their bodies.

Beautiful... Silent.

All of space went silent. There weren’t any voices.

A mighty, eternal true god was bestowed such a top-tier machine type valuable in the ancient
civilization, and he had triggered the highest level of the Chaotic Golden Wings, storing his
energies in the “origin.” There were tons of great beings in the ancient civilization, and to
survive, that ancient being had stored as many energies in the origin as possible so that he
could survive in battle longer. Even though Luo Feng had consumed some of the energies in
the origin, they still rivaled all the energies in the body of that ancient being, as it had taken
him a long time to store so much energy.

At that moment, they all exploded.

From the edge of the sixth wing, “White Wing,” a blade of light flew out. It was so powerful
that it could have rivaled the power of an attack from some of “the holy.” It was certainly
much more powerful than the “hollow,” the combined attack from all eight million Sector
Beasts. Before that terrific attack, everything was turned into empty space, including sound.

Eight million Sector Beasts were scattered across an area of several square light years. Now,
they were surrounded by the endless, beautiful blade light. It was mesmerizing and perfect,
and those blade light flowers were reflected in the eyes of all the Sector Beasts.

Beautiful? No! They were horrified!

All eight million-plus Sector Beasts were terrified. They were facing an attack that they
couldn’t handle whatsoever. It was an attack that could only happen when an eternal true god
used a top-tier machine-type valuable. It was an attack that stemmed from so many energies
that they were terrified and desperate!

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However, no matter how desperate and terrified they were, they were still Sector Beasts! Sector
Beasts who were born for destruction!




All the Sector Beasts were struggling with all their power. Some of them performed attacks,
some performed Sector Light Portal, and some attempted to flee... However, Luo Feng, who was
nine light years tall, waved his wings. An area of several square light years in front of him
was like a beautiful picture, and it crumbled instantly. The beautiful picture, which was
several square light years in diameter, was annihilated.

Everything was annihilated. Everything turned hollow.

The endless blade flowers swept across the area of several square light years, and they kept
marching forward until they rushed out of the Land of Darkness. They rushed into other Lands
of Extremis in the core area of Tilted Peak Sector. They only vanished after being gone for a
long time.

Luo Feng didn’t need to know how far the energies went—the energies that had been stored
in the “origin” for so long and had been suddenly let out all at once. The only thing he needed
to know was that those 8.3 million Sector Beasts that had previously been invincible were
completely wiped out under that awesomely beautiful attack.

It was like using a towel to wipe something up. Everything was wiped out, and no one was left

It was so powerful that even Luo Feng was thrilled, even after learning a lot about the ancient
civilization and speculating about other aspects. However, the most significant factor for him
was being happy and excited.

Luo Feng’s giant, nine-light-year-tall body shuddered with exhilaration.

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“Teacher.” The first thing Luo Feng did was to connect to the virtual universe using his godly
powered avatar in the original universe. “I did it! I did it!”


Luo Feng couldn’t have been more excited.

As for the less than one million Sector Beasts scattered throughout the periphery of the Land
of Darkness, they could clearly sense that all eight million-plus Sector Beasts were killed all at
once. They were first dazed, then horrified.

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8.3 million Sector Beasts made up almost 90 percent of the strength of the entire Sector Beast
race. How mighty and vast this power was! It was so strong that never, in their wildest
imagination, would they have expected that such a huge number of Sector Beasts could be
annihilated in a moment.

Yet it was a fact. The harsh reality was that it had truly happened. They had placed utmost
faith in their ability to detect. This was the talent they had all been born with!

“All dead.”

“All of them are annihilated.”

“More than 8.3 million Sector Beasts.”

Those scattered all over the peripheral region were scared out of their wits into a daze. The
number of surviving Sector Beasts was barely over 900,000. Compared to their original
number, which was more than 8.3 million, this number was short of one-ninth of the total!
Even the most important forces of the entire Sector Beast race had been annihilated. For those
who survived, what could they possibly do?

“What should we do?”

“What should we do?”

Fear, extreme fear. They no longer had the courage to come together to deal with Milky Way
Horde Leader Luo Feng. In their hearts, he was the bane of their existence! More than eight
million of them had been annihilated. They, the surviving Sector Beasts, numbered barely over
900,000. Would they dare make any move at all?

If Milky Way Horde Leader were to carry out another massacre, they would truly be wiped out.


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As fear was overcoming the surviving Sector Beasts, within the virtual universe, at the peak of
Thunder Island, Luo Feng was walking briskly along a corridor filled with clouds. In the
distance, Primal Chaos City Leader appeared.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng’s face was filled with excitement. “Success. I’ve succeeded.”

Primal Chaos City Leader was exhilarated to hear the news. For so long, he had heard no news
from Luo Feng, and not a single moment passed in which he didn’t worry about his disciple’s
safety—and the future of the entire human race.

“What is the exact situation?” Primal Chaos City Leader asked anxiously.

“It’s like this,” Luo Feng was quick to explain. “The Sector Beasts’ nest within the Land of
Darkness houses a total of more than 9.2 million Sector Beasts! Every single Sector Beast is at
least at second-stage pinnacle standard, which is comparable to the Sector Beast that I had
captured alive.”

Primal Chaos City Leader was greatly taken aback. “More than 9 million?”

Heavens! Just thinking about it was a nightmare and was enough to rob one of all courage
and faith.

“I felt desperate, too,” Luo Feng replied. “But fortunately, I received a treasure. A very formidable
treasure. I believe this is the one chance for survival that the supreme universe law is giving
us. So I went over to the Land of Darkness and, quite crazily, I started attracting as many Sector
Beasts as I could. No doubt, it was tough trying to attract more than 8.3 million Sector Beasts
to besiege me... Then I used this formidable treasure and activated it to its maximum power
so that I could directly execute it at its greatest potential to annihilate more than 8.3 million
Sector Beasts in one go. Now, the total number of surviving Sector Beasts is not even one

Primal Chaos City Leader did not make a single utterance. He could only gaze back at Luo Feng
with wide eyes.

He was usually a very calm and composed person. But, for one thing, more than 9 million
Sector Beasts was a tremendous number. This news had given him quite a scare. Then, he was
hit with the news of Luo Feng annihilating more than 8.3 million Sector Beasts by relying on
just a single treasure... How could he keep his cool?

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“After this battle, we all have a true opportunity at life,” Luo Feng said excitedly. “Less than one
million Sector Beasts are left. Their number barely surpasses 900,000! I suppose even in an
ideal situation, it may not even be possible for the birth of three sixth-stage Sector Beasts.
Although that formidable treasure can only be used once, this is something the surviving
Sector Beasts are unaware of. They will be fearful. I can easily think of ways to kill, destroy,
and break them apart. So long as they do not produce any sixth-stage Sector Beast among
them, then I truly have nothing to fear.”

“Sixth-stage Sector Beast?” Primal Chaos City Leader was in doubt.

“Well...” Luo Feng started to explain.

Teacher and disciple began their conversation, and both grew very excited as the conversation
progressed. Clearly, the great victory this time around was encouraging. They could see the
hope of achieving victory.

Not far away, a white-robed figure of a man appeared. It was none other than Teacher Origin.
The virtual universe was his creation via the execution of a secret technique, so naturally, he
would know everything that happened within the virtual universe. The content of Luo Feng
and Primal Chaos City Leader’s conversation at that moment brought him great joy, too.

“Well done,” Teacher Origin whispered with his eyes filled with anticipation.

He, too, knew about the deal between Luo Feng and that willpower of the origin. So long as Luo
Feng could rid the universe of the threat imposed by the Sector Beasts, the willpower of the
origin would release Teacher Origin. Teacher Origin did not fear death, but if there was even
the slightest possibility of being freed and making it out alive, it was something that he still
looked forward to.

“How satisfying,” Primal Chaos City Leader said with overwhelming emotions.

“So this is what the situation is like.” Luo Feng was extremely excited. In less than five
minutes, he had provided a complete description of everything that had happened. “Now, the
surviving Sector Beasts are scattered along the peripheral area of the Land of Darkness, and
they are far removed from one another. The time required to rush there would be quite
lengthy. They are all so far apart... even if I want to kill them, I can only kill one or two at a
time, so the following period will still be very tough.”

Primal Chaos City Leader laughed. “Hahaha! This is still much better than before.”

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“True, the number of Sector Beasts earlier on truly drove me to desperation.” Luo Feng
lamented. “Huh?” Luo Feng suddenly frowned.

“What is it?” Primal Chaos City Leader asked right away.

“Teacher, please wait here for a little while,” Luo Feng said.

He disappeared right away, and for the time being, he left the virtual universe. Primal Chaos
City Leader could not help but worry. What had happened?


Within Luo Feng’s miniature universe, Morosa was pointing at the huge model of the Land of
Darkness placed before it. “Master, at this very moment, the surviving 900,000 Sector Beasts
in the entire Land of Darkness are all starting to make their way out of the Land of Darkness.”

“They’re trying to escape?” Luo Feng’s expression changed.

If they continued to remain within the Land of Darkness, he could take all the time in the
world to slowly devour them. But this time, with more than 8.3 million Sector Beasts
annihilated, the surviving Sector Beasts no longer had the courage to confront Luo Feng head-
on. They all wanted to leave the Land of Darkness.

“Not escape,” Morosa replied in a low voice. “Master, the Sector Beasts are born to destroy. Even
if they know that they are going to be killed, they will still bite their enemies as viciously as
possible in their death throes. They do not give up easily. Even if they are unable to kill you
now, Master, they will still find a way to turn the tables and change the situation. Master, you
must not let your guard down.”

Luo Feng nodded.


From within the Land of Darkness of Tilted Peak Sector, Luo Feng was rapidly heading
outward. The surviving Sector Beasts were originally at the peripheral region of the Land of
Darkness, so naturally, they would be able to leave the Land of Darkness very quickly. As for
Luo Feng, just flying out from the heart of the Land of Darkness would take him a long time.

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Hua! Hua! Hua!

He flew out of Land of Darkness to arrive at the 10,000 Waves Water Region.

10,000 Waves Water Region was, in fact, incomparably vast. But the route on which Luo Feng
chose to advance followed a path that would allow him to pass by Zhen Jia Emperor and
Dragon Rock Ancestral God’s hiding places.

“Huh?” Luo Feng cast a quick glance. In the distance, he could see a ship bobbing up and down
amidst the undulating waves. On the ship, there were two figures. One of them was an
incomparably lofty metal living soul with a pair of eyes resembling two gigantic stars. The
other one was an equally large, winding figure that lay entrenched on its spot, and this other
figure was none other than Dragon Rock Ancestral God.

“Unexpectedly, they are still here,” Luo Feng said. “Seems like the Sector Beasts are escaping in
all directions and are completely totally unconcerned about these two servants.”

Any information about the various races of Universe Ocean that Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon
Rock Ancestral God knew, the Sector Beasts would be aware of, too. And when the two of them
were discovered to be spies, they had naturally lost their usefulness. At that moment, the
Sector Beasts were in their greatest predicament. Would they even be bothered about the life
and death of these two mere servants?

“Zhen Jia.” Dragon Rock Ancestral God said in a low voice, “I’m so full of regrets. If I had chosen
to fight it out back then, maybe I would still have a chance of escape. Then I wouldn’t be in
such a sorry state now.”

“What are your regrets?” Zhen Jia Emperor said. “Back then, the three of us were facing such
a powerful Sector Beast that resistance meant death! We could only choose to surrender...
Weren’t we doing well back then? No one from the various races of Universe Ocean knew that
we were spies. Who would have expected someone like Luo Feng to turn up or for the World of
Jin to appear? This has caused the various races of Universe Ocean to surpass us in terms of
power, which eventually brought us down to such a sorry state.”

The two of them were the common enemy of the entire Universe Ocean.


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Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God were dealt a sudden shock.

They saw from afar a gigantic divine eye that had appeared suddenly to be suspended in void
space. That very moment, 10,000 Waves Water Region around them and the big ship they were
supposedly onboard completely vanished. Even the companion beside them disappeared.
Within the void space, they were left alone with that divine eye suspended high in the void
space. The divine eye was radiating dazzling rays. Then a strong, absolute willpower swept
through the surroundings.

Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God were both rendered powerless against this
willpower, as they immediately fell down and lost consciousness. Everything within their
consciousnesses was pitch blackness.

When the two of them regained consciousness, Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral
God looked at their surroundings. “This place...?” It was a vast land amid pitch blackness.
“What is this place?”

“Where are we?” Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God were both flustered.

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded, roaring, “This is prison!”

Luo Feng was not in a rush to kill Zhen Jia Emperor and Dragon Rock Ancestral God, whom he
had easily apprehended and confined within Star Tower. Because they were the main
conspirators behind Huge Axe’s annihilation, there were many among the human race who
wanted to kill them. Take Primal Chaos City Leader, for instance—his hatred for them ran so
deep that the mere thought of them made him clench his teeth with fury. He would have loved
to tear their flesh apart and devour them alive!


Luo Feng advanced outward speedily. Then he progressed along the route near the “space of
the wings” where he quickly made his exit out of Tilted Peak Sector.

“To the entrance of Tilted Peak Sector.”

The moment he entered the water region, he knew it would not be long before he made it out
of Tilted Peak Sector. Instead, Luo Feng flew toward the entrance of Tilted Peak Sector that was
situated on a tall mountain.

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“I shall stand guard here,” he said to himself. “The Sector Beasts are leaving Tilted Peak Sector,
so this entrance is mainly where they have to pass through. The moment one comes out, I’ll
kill one. If ten come out, I’ll kill ten.”

Still, Luo Feng was worried. The main body of Tilted Peak Sector was actually an incomparably
towering mountain, which had been later cut into two, right down the middle. This was why
the exit was so broad! Even someone like Luo Feng could only manage to keep watch over a
small region.


Within Luo Feng’s miniature universe, his godly powered avatar was staring at that gigantic
model of the Land of Darkness, watching the paths of the surviving Sector Beasts. Beside him,
Morosa said, “Master, the fastest Sector Beast is going to reach the exit point soon.”

“Hmm.” The godly powered avatar was listening carefully. As for Luo Feng’s original body, he
was already on that path, awaiting it.

“It stopped,” Morosa realized in shock. “It is still a distance away from the exit point, but it has

“What has it stopped for?” Luo Feng frowned.

Time passed. One after another, the Sector Beasts would arrive a substantial distance away
from the exit point and stop. Very soon, more than 450,000 Sector Beasts, scattered all over,
had stopped in an area relatively far from the exit.

And the other 450,000 Sector Beasts had parked themselves behind the first half, even further
from the exit. Similarly, all of them were scattered about. Every Sector Beast would stay far
away from the others around it.



The surviving 900,000 Sector Beasts were divided into two groups. The group of 450,000 at the
front would be the first to head for the exit. Every beast was far apart from one another, and

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they were scattered in all directions. Learning this brought a change to Luo Feng’s expression
because it meant that he could only kill one Sector Beast at a time!

Once the other Sector Beasts had determined Luo Feng’s location, they would immediately
teleport far away to escape from him; the moment they managed to escape via the exit point,
they would enter Universe Ocean. Once they were in the vastness of Universe Ocean, how was
Luo Feng going to catch them all?

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The 450,000 Sector Beasts were scattered, teleporting and moving forward from the main
mountain of Tiled Peak Sector. Luo Feng knew that he couldn’t stop them now. No matter how
powerful he was, he didn’t have ten million bodies, and the best he could do was kill one or
two Sector Beasts. As for the other Sector Beasts, they could certainly make their way into the
vast Universe Ocean.

“Kill!” Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed.

Although he couldn’t stop them, he would still try to kill as many as possible!

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Luo Feng kept teleporting, moving closer to one of the Sector Beasts. A blurry miniature
universe was formed, and a giant palm was formed by chaos air, crushing the poor level-two
Sector Beast. After a short while...


Luo Feng stood at the top of Tilted Peak Sector, looked around the region. He shook his head. “I
can’t stop them.”

The first 450,000 Sector Beasts rushed out, and so did the second batch of Sector Beasts. Luo
Feng tried everything he could, but he was only able to kill five Sector Beasts. Compared to the
900,000 Sector Beasts, it was nothing.

“All 900,000 Sector Beasts have rushed out of Tilted Peak Sector and entered Universe Ocean.”
Luo Feng looked solemn. “It’s going to be a huge problem now. They really stuck together and
all rushed out. I’ll have to see what I can do about it.”

Luo Feng shook his head and started to teleport, hurrying back to the original universe.


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Luo Feng didn’t have enough options. He had known that there was a chance the remaining
Sector Beasts would rush out after his mission. But he didn’t have a choice! If he hadn’t
slaughtered all those Sector Beasts but let all of them fight each other, it would have only taken
a short while before a Sector Beast at level six was born.

Beddy had been at level five. Level-six Sector Beasts had ten million bodies, and it was very
difficult to kill them. That would be a real catastrophe!

He had to act in advance. He had killed more than eight million Sector Beasts all at once, and
that had been the best-case scenario, although this “best-case scenario” was still a disaster to
all the races in Universe Ocean.

This was indeed a disaster he had never encountered before. Yet now, there was still a chance
they could survive this. With Luo Feng’s power, he was able to fight 10,000 Sector Beasts by
himself. As for the Sector Beasts, there weren’t even any level-five Sector Beasts. It was likely
that they could survive that catastrophe.


Luo Feng was teleporting, and he teleported faster than Beddy at level five! While all the Sector
Beasts were scattered and rushing toward the races of Universe Ocean, Luo Feng was rushing
back, as well. He knew that he couldn’t stop all 900,000 Sector Beasts, so he held a meeting
with all the races in the virtual universe.

On the floating godly palace, true gods sat down, while Primal Chaos City Leader and Luo Feng
sat at the top. Below sat many true gods. All the true gods from all the powers in the original
universe had gathered here, such as the demon race and the bug race. Clearly, the only chance
they could survive this was to side with the humans.

“Everyone.” Golden-caped Chaos and white-caped Luo Feng sat up top. The white-caped Luo
Feng looked down. “I’ve been to the Land of Darkness by myself.”

Everyone was stunned.

“The hive of the Sector Beasts?”

“How did it go, Milky Way Horde Leader?”

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Everyone was worried. Nine Remoteness True Master, Space Beast Ancestor, and the others
were all looking at him. As for the other true gods, they were quite worried.

The white-caped Luo Feng said, “It’s a good news, bad news situation. The good news is, the
number of Sector Beasts in the hive is decreasing. When I entered the hive, there were over
nine million Sector Beasts, and even the weakest one was as powerful as the Sector Beast that
attacked us in Universe Ocean.”

What Luo Feng had just said terrified and shocked all the true gods below. Even Luo Feng was
intimidated, not to mention them.

“However, the ways of the universe are fair,” said Luo Feng. “We have a chance to survive.
Fortunately, I obtained a valuable that could only be used once! I attracted more than eight
million Sector Beasts to surround me, and I killed all eight million at once.”


“More than eight million Sector Beasts at once?”

“What kind of valuable was that?”

All the true gods were shocked. Luo Feng, however, was indifferent. He didn’t care what those
true gods thought—shocked, suspicious, craving that valuable, or speculating whether Luo
Feng was able to use that valuable again. In all of Universe Ocean, Luo Feng was definitely the
top great being! And he was much more powerful than everyone else. The human race was
also definitely the top race!

“The bad news is,” said Luo Feng, “900,000 Sector Beasts survived in the Land of Darkness, and
all of them have left the Land of Darkness. They were approaching Universe Ocean... I myself
am not powerful enough to stop all 900,000 from leaving. I think in at least one day, there will
be Sector Beasts arriving at the miniature universes from the first universe era.”

“A day?”

“900,000 Sector Beasts in Universe Ocean?”


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All the races were flabbergasted. It was a complete nightmare. All the races in Universe Ocean
were panic-stricken from only one Sector Beast, and now there were 900,000 of them?

“The first universe era is doomed, and so is the second universe era.”

All the true gods now realized the truth. They were from the original universe, so they could
use the original universe and the universe portals of their respective miniature universes to
help them all. However, those from the first and the second universe era were left helpless.

Even the original universe was terrified by the prospect of facing 900,000 Sector Beasts. What
were they supposed to do?

“Everyone,” said Luo Feng. “I’ve already given you the news. Go prepare yourself. I’ll also spread
the news to the first universe era and the second universe era. They should at least know
about it in advance.”


The news spread immediately.

It was not just Luo Feng; the other true gods from the original universe also spread the news.
The first universe era, the second universe era, Purple Moon Holy Land, and Eastern Emperor
Holy Land all received the news.


All five true masters of the Divine Eye clan gathered. They looked at each other, wanting to say
something, but they didn’t know where to start.

“We’re doomed.”

“We’re doomed.”

“900,000 Sector Beasts. Just one Sector Beast is able to swallow miniature universes in a short
time. If there is a large group of Sector Beasts, our miniature universes will be annihilated
instantly, which means everyone living in our miniature universes will be killed as well.”

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All five true masters were heartbroken. They would have rather died than let their entire race
go extinct. However, there was nothing they could do about it now.

“You four!” Divine Eye True Master yelled. “Leave your miniature universes now and get as far
away as possible so those Sector Beasts can’t find you. Then you four can survive. As for me,
I’ll try to approach the Sector Beasts to see if they’re willing to accept me. If they are, there’s a
chance our Divine Eye clan can survive.”

“Divine Eye, I’ll do that. You four can leave.”


The five true gods started to argue. No matter what, the true gods who ran away would be able
to survive, but those who chose to stay might actually die! Even if they could succeed, the
individuals would have a tragic destiny. The original mind had already sent a message
through the Ancestral God School, stating that turning to the side of the Sector Beasts was a
pathetic thing to do.

“I’m one of the eight great overlords in Universe Ocean, so I’m of the greatest use!” yelled Divine
Eye True Master. “This is my final decision.”

The other four true gods looked at each other in pain.


After only several minutes, the other four true masters left their miniature universes and
started to flee.


Inside Purple Moon Holy Land, Purple Moon Ancestor was stunned by the news.

“9... 900,000 Sector Beasts?” He was walking in the palace by himself. As for the other great
beings, he had already told them to leave. “What should I do? If hundreds of thousands of
Sector Beasts consume my miniature universe at the same time, I won’t be able to resist for

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Purple Moon Ancestor couldn’t have been more anxious.

“If my miniature universe is destroyed, I won’t have any chance anymore. All my hope will be
lost. As for my race, they’ll be gone forever. Why is Milky Way Horde Leader so useless?”


The first universe era, the second universe era, and the two holy lands received the news.

The first universe era and the second universe era had lost all hope, as it was difficult for them
even to help each other, so there was no way they could resist 900,000 Sector Beasts all at
once! As for the two holy lands, they were relatively large, and they were much more resistant,
so it would take a long time. When it came to the miniature universes of true gods, they could
be easily finished in a short time.

“Fortunately... Fortunately, I’ve chosen to side with the Sector Beasts.” Nine-Headed Demon
Master sat on the throne, feeling relieved. “Although I am now only a slave of the Sector Beasts
and have lost my freedom, my fate in the future could be worse. But at least it will be better
than theirs. They’ll soon die, but my race can live much longer. In the future, I can even try to
transcend incarnations. If I can transcend incarnations, there might be a miracle so that I can
escape from beneath the control of Sector Beasts.”

Nine-Headed Demon Master was looking forward to it.


In the space outside the miniature universe of Nine-Headed Demon Master...


A winged, silver-armored man appeared. It was Luo Feng, who was rushing back from Tilted
Peak Sector as quickly as possible. He had taken a detour and passed by the miniature universe
of Nine-Headed Demon Master.

Luo Feng looked at the miniature universe in the distance and smiled coldly. “Sector Beasts
need to ask their slaves questions face to face.”

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Only Sector Beasts could communicate via their hearts; their slaves couldn’t do that. Morosa
had to meet Nine-Headed Demon Master, Dragon Rock Ancestral God, and Zhen Jia Emperor
directly anytime it needed to ask them questions.

“I won’t give you any chance to leak any information.” Luo Feng knew that Nine-Headed
Demon Master would be staying in his miniature universe, waiting for the Sector Beasts.


Blood Ghost Blade showed up in his hand.

“Destruction,” when performed by a level-five Sector Beast, was strong enough to destroy a
miniature universe, and Luo Feng’s supreme blade techniques were already just as powerful
as Destruction.

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Luo Feng looked afar at Nine-Headed Demon Master’s miniature universe. On his body, he
wore Wu Qi God, which was instantly propelled to reach its ultimate limit, and the powerful
force was directly transmitted to Blood Ghost Blade in his grip.


Blood Ghost Blade lit up!

An incredibly dazzling, white-gold, arc-shaped blade of light—almost as long as one light

year—flashed mightily across the void space and slashed the membrane wall of the distant
miniature universe. Soundlessly, a crack appeared on the membrane walls of the miniature
universe. Then the blade of light flew off horizontally toward the origin of the miniature

The origin would be right in the middle of the miniature universe.

“Huh?” On his throne, Nine-Headed Demon Master’s expression registered a drastic change.
He was greatly taken aback. “What is—?”

The mighty blade of light was incredibly fast. Its speed far exceeded 100 million times light
speed. It was important to note that the speed at which the Godly King’s corpse drifted was
suspected of being able to greatly exceed 100 million times light speed. The attack speed of that
blade of light was naturally much faster. Even though the diameter of the miniature universe
was quite large, it was estimated that it would not take more than half a day to fly to where
the origin was.

Everywhere that the blade light passed by, a crack would appear on the surface, and a great
number of life forms living within those spaces would be annihilated.

“What a terrifying blade of light!” Nine-Headed Demon Master was shocked and furious. “It
must be Luo Feng. It must be him!”

The Sector Beasts would not attack him. And the other great beings from the various races of
Universe Ocean were simply incapable of achieving something like this. Only Luo Feng could
possibly accomplish this. The only thing that Nine-Headed Demon Master had not expected
was that Luo Feng would be so terrifying.

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“I cannot let him destroy the origin.” Nine-Headed Demon Master absolutely would not allow
such a thing to happen.


Nine-Headed Demon Master teleported right away. He boarded a golden battleship, which
quickly expanded to a length of one light year. Then it appeared in the peripheral void space
of one of the surfaces of the affected spaces, blocking the path on which the white-gold blade
of light was advancing.

“I am not going to believe that you can destroy this true god level treasure!” Nine-Headed
Demon Master said through clenched teeth.

Even a true god of void space would be unable to destroy a true god’s weapon, let alone a
battleship especially able to block off material attacks.

“It’s coming.” Nine-Headed Demon Master held his breath with apprehension.


The dazzling, white-gold blade of light slammed and crashed right into the golden battleship.
There was a sudden vibration as the arc-shaped blade exploded right away and transformed
into an endless shock wave that swept outward in all directions. Suddenly, all the surfaces in
the surroundings seemed to become bubbles that burst and disintegrated into nothingness in
split seconds. The countless life forms in these spaces were annihilated before they even had
the chance to react.

At the same time, the battleship, upon being struck, was overwhelmed by the tremors and
thrown far into the distance at high speed.


“Huh?” Luo Feng’s brows furrowed as he stood suspended in the void space outside the
miniature universe. “Seems like I still need to get in there.”

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Luo Feng drove Star Tower right into the miniature universe, crashing into its membrane wall
to cause it to fall apart. Then, right away, he charged inside. Teleporting repeatedly, he made
his way deeper into the miniature universe at top speed.


Nine-Headed Demon Master, in its tumbling battleship, immediately realized that Star Tower
had forced its way in and was teleporting about. It became so frightened that it wasted no
time in manipulating the space in his miniature universe so as to prevent Luo Feng from

“Humph!” Luo Feng merely snorted coldly. If he hadn’t been rushed for time, he could have
flown over at high speed to where the origin was and smashed it to nothingness with one
strike! But now, with 900,000 Sector Beasts entering Universe Ocean, time was not a luxury he
could afford to waste on Nine-Headed Demon Master. All he could do was execute his trump

“Establish a universe with one single thought!” A sharp glint flashed in Luo Feng’s eyes.

At present, Shi Wu Wings, with the “origin” as its core, would bring its energy to undergo a
transformation. Then it would execute the fourth level of establishing a universe with one
single thought. It was considered to truly be an automaton-type treasure!


A vast miniature universe was born instantly with a diameter as wide as 10,000 light years!
When the origin was not being used, Luo Feng would find it an arduous task to execute this
move, and the miniature universe would not be able to get so big. But at this moment, it could
reach a diameter of 10,000 light years.

At times when there was no origin, the might of the miniature universe that Luo Feng
displayed exceeded the might of a miniature universe of a true god, not to mention now.

“Move!” With a single teleportation, Luo Feng covered a distance of close to 50,000 light years.

His Shi Wu Wings were the core of this miniature universe. When the wings changed location,
the miniature universe naturally changed, too. The so-called “universe membrane wall” was,
in fact, not worth a mention. Regardless of whether it was the primal universe or the

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miniature universe of a true god, it was only a small matter when the membrane walls were
bombarded and broken, as they would soon be naturally repaired.

The membrane walls were only the equivalent of a boundary! This was the boundary that the
power of the origin could influence. The power of the origin could spread into areas within
this boundary, but outside this area, the power of the origin could not affect anything.

When Luo Feng teleported, his miniature universe naturally followed suit.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Every time he advanced, it was a distance of 50,000 light years, so within a short time, a few
million light years had been covered. This only enhanced Nine-Headed Demon Master’s fear.
He was no longer bothered about his miniature universe, as he had quickly boarded his
battleship and escaped. But he knew that if Luo Feng caught up with him, it meant certain


Luo Feng wielded his Blood Ghost Blade. The dazzling golden blade light sliced through the
faraway origin that was set amidst a vast, chaotic setting. The origin was trying its best to
resist, but it was still being bombarded and blown apart. All of the space within the entire
miniature universe had collapsed, and all the living beings were annihilated. Only Nine-
Headed Demon Master was alive—panicking and escaping in a frenzied manner.

“Escape?” Luo Feng retracted the miniature universe that Shi Wu Wings had created and
teleported quickly, chasing after Nine-Headed Demon Master.

In less than two minutes...

“Milky Way Horde Leader,” Nine-Headed Demon Master said, trying to explain himself. He was
filled with fear within its battleship. “I was left with no choice. I did not want my entire race
to be annihilated, and I also...”

Luo Feng gave him a look of indifference.

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Star Tower appeared and remained suspended high above. Right away, from the base of Star
Tower, an endless darkness shrouded Nine-Headed Demon Master. An infinitely huge
miniature universe appeared.

After confining Nine-Headed Demon Master in Star Tower, Luo Feng speedily made his way
back. On the way, he made use of “Divine Eye technique” to force Nine-Headed Demon Master
out of his battleship, thereafter annihilating him without much difficulty!

Divine Eye technique was an attack on the conscious mind. A palace-type treasure, even one
as strong as Star Tower, would not be able to put up a defense against such an ethereal kind
of attack on the conscious mind.


Primal universe, the territory of the humans, Milky Way Holy Land.

Numerous gigantic doors of universe passageways were scattered all over the surroundings of
Milky Way Holy Land as they remained suspended in void space. Every door of a universe
passageway represented a miniature universe.



Various true gods were there. Some were gigantic, green plant-type life forms. Some were true
gods in the form of long, winding beasts. Some were towering, mountain-type life forms. All
the true gods from the primal universe had arrived at Milky Way Holy Land and constructed
their universe passageways amid the surroundings. This way, help could arrive at any
miniature universe in the fastest possible time.

In the past, true gods had not dared to enter other miniature universes because the moment
they entered another miniature universe, their lives—and their deaths—would be under the
control of the other party.

But now, things were different! The power of the origin of a miniature universe was limited,
it was still inferior to Luo Feng’s technique of establishing a universe with a single thought. In
the past, true gods had not owned automaton-type treasures; many had not even owned
palace-type supreme true treasures, which naturally made it easy for the power of the origin

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of a miniature universe to kill a true god. Even with a palace supreme true treasure, true gods
were still easily suppressed for eternity, and escape was impossible.

But now, the true gods were more powerful, and they also had automaton-type treasures. Even
the power of the origin of a miniature universe would not be able to exert any oppressive force.

“Milky Way.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader.”

When Luo Feng appeared, all the true gods who had constructed universe passageways greeted
him right away. There were even some who naturally responded with traces of deference.
Within Universe Ocean, it had always been the great beings with physical power who reigned
supremacy! With Milky Way Horde Leader’s power, he would undoubtedly gain great respect.
Moreover, he now represented the hope of the various races. Who would dare ignore his

“Attention, all.” Luo Feng looked around at the large group of true gods. “In the face of this
crisis, all of us from the primal universe must unite. It is very rare for humans to have huge
godly bodies, but most of you here do have huge godly bodies. When it comes to confronting
the Sector Beasts, we will need to rely on any help all of you can render.”

It was true. Among the human race, those who became true gods were those who were almost
universe masters a trillion centuries prior. There was also a portion of newly appointed true
gods who had emerged after that. These were talents like Fire Dome True God.

Because humans normally had small godly bodies, even if they had the ability to divide bodies,
it was hard to come by individuals with large godly bodies. As for the other life forms—like
the mountains and the trees and plant types—they were naturally endowed with
exceptionally large godly bodies.

“We will all try our very best.”

“We shall fight this battle to our deaths.”

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One by one, the true gods responded. Luo Feng nodded gently. His expression did not ease up
a bit. There was simply no way to find these responses reassuring.

“Luo Feng.” Suddenly, streams of flowing light were seen from a distance. Instantly, the lights
descended, and Primal Chaos City Leader, Nine Remoteness True Master, and several other
true gods appeared.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng approached the group to extend his welcome.

“Just as you have expected,” Primal Chaos City Leader said solemnly, “the Sector Beasts have
started to attack the peripheral miniature universe of the first reincarnation era. Such a vast
and mighty sea of Sector Beasts... There is simply no way we can stop them.”

Luo Feng remained silent. Of course, he knew. By relying on Morosa, he knew everything about
the Sector Beasts. Yet, even if he knew, what could he do about it?

“Milky Way Horde Leader, please save my Skeleton race.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader! Oh, please save the people of my Rampaging Clan.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader...”

One after another, the true gods were begging for help.

When news broke about miniature universes from the first and second reincarnation eras
being attacked, the true gods from these two reincarnation eras went into a frenzy and went
about begging for help. Even those whose miniature universes had yet to be attacked were
starting to seek help. However, the human race, as well as the various races from the primal
universe, did not send out a single army to help!

“Sorry. There’s nothing I can do. Dear all, there is no stopping this. It is better for you to all run
for your dear lives.”

Luo Feng replied most courteously, but the cruelty embedded in his words made everyone from
the first and second reincarnation eras despair. Regardless of whether it was Luo Feng, Primal
Chaos City Leader, or Nine Remoteness True Master, there was only rejection. No grounds for

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“This is the cruelest moment for all of Universe Ocean,” Nine Remoteness True Master said in
a low voice.

Even Primal Chaos City Leader could only say, “This is... a calamity!”

Luo Feng merely looked into the void space far in the distance. He knew that in that direction,
there was another miniature universe belonging to the Skeleton Race, and at that very
moment, it was being devoured. There was nothing he could do about this.

He could only watch it all happen, and there was nothing he could do.


“Skeleton Master, what will become of our Skeleton Race?”

“Almost finished.”

Outside a particular miniature universe, a few thousand Sector Beasts were scattered all over
the place, and a black fog shrouded the whole region, with streams of distorted light rays
penetrating the void space. At the moment, these few thousand Sector Beasts were devouring
a particular miniature universe altogether, causing its origin to be devoured at an extremely
fast rate—so fast that the true gods of the Skeleton race were filled with fear. A few more
minutes was all that would be required, and the entire miniature universe would be
completely devoured.

“I am Skeleton Master! One of the eight heroes of Universe Ocean,” announced Skeleton Master.
“I am willing to pledge my allegiance to you, Sector Beasts, but please, I beseech you all to let
my Skeleton race go.”

And with that, Skeleton Master sincerely expressed his willingness to seek refuge with the
Sector Beasts.

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A ferocious Sector Beast gazed at the skeleton life form in front of it. “Skeleton Master? Stop!”

All the thousands of Sector Beasts were able to communicate via their hearts, and they all
stopped eating right away.

“According to our plan, we should at least take one slave. Zhen Jia and Dragon Rock don’t know
any new information at all.”

“Just take this Skeleton Master.”

“Take him.”

All 900,000 Sector Beasts transmitted their voices and reached a consensus.

“If you’re willing to side with us,” said the black, ugly Sector Beast, “I’ll give you a chance.”

Skeleton Master looked a bit bitter, but he still showed gratefulness. “Yes,” he answered

All of a sudden, a bloody engraving picture started to show up in both the singular eyes of the
Sector Beast. The two bloody engraving pictures were spinning. Skeleton Master watched the
two engraving pictures in the Sector Beast’s eyes, and his soul was mesmerized by them.





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The space within one miniature universe started to crumble. The origin of that miniature
universe was almost gone, so naturally, all the spaces within the miniature universe started
to fall apart and be annihilated. Soon, the origin completely disappeared, and all the spaces
were broken like shattered glass. All the life forms in the miniature universe perished.

“Sector Beast, Sector Beast, Sector Beast!” A man with three pairs of black wings hiding in the
space in the distance raged. His miniature universe had just been destroyed, and so had his


“You’re so useless, Milky Way Horde Leader!” Golden Armor True God from the second universe
era roared. “We put our trust in you. Our race will be gone first, and you humans will go
extinct, too!”

He didn’t run away. Instead, he chose to stay in his miniature universe to share in the fate of
his people.

His race was gone, and his miniature universe was gone. There was no chance that he could
transcend incarnations. After the next universe era, he would still die. It was better for him to
die now than to die alone in the future.


“I am Divine Eye True Master, one of the eight great overlords, and I used to be the strongest
great being in Universe Ocean. I possess a great amount of information, and I’m willing to side
with you.”

Divine Eye True Master made a request in the space to Sector Beasts.

Side with us? thought the ferocious Sector Beast.

The other thousands of Sector Beasts swallowing this miniature universe all stopped.

“Okay.” The Sector Beast nodded. “I’ll give you this chance.”

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Divine Eye True Master was relieved. Traces of black light burst out from the Sector Beast’s
body and penetrated the body of Divine Eye True Master. The armor and other valuables on
the body of Divine Eye True Master didn’t stop it whatsoever, and he didn’t even try to resist

“Swallow.” The Sector Beast immediately started to absorb him.

Even if a true god had been resisting, it would have only taken a Sector Beast a short time to
swallow him, let alone Divine Eye True Master, who wasn’t resisting it at all. After only a short
while, half of the godly body of Divine Eye True Master was gone.

“This is...!” Divine Eye True Master was shocked.

“Don’t fight it,” said the Sector Beast furiously. “I have to consume almost all your godly power
before I can convert it into the power of Sector Beasts. Only after that will you be our slave.”

Divine Eye True Master was hesitant, but he took the risk.

Soon, all his godly power was devoured. Just before he died, Divine Eye True Master finally
understood what had happened. He smiled bitterly and whispered, “Catastrophe!”

Then he was completely annihilated, and only some valuables were left floating.

“Idiot.” The Sector Beast smirked. “Eight great overlords? We have Skeleton Master to be our
slave already. There’s no need for any other slaves.”

Then it opened its mouth and swallowed all the valuables left by Divine Eye True Master after
he died.

Sector Beasts weren’t able to use any of the weapons used by true gods! Their power was exactly
the opposite to that of true gods, so they couldn’t use them. However, they could still use them
in the form of a disguise, such as holding an axe. They could use them as inanimate objects,
but they couldn’t enlarge them or drive the engravings on them.


Everyone in Universe Ocean was in a daze.

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Inside East Emperor Holy Land, East Emperor Ancestor stood in the ancestral tree and looked
at the people under him.

“What should we do now, ancestor?”

“Let’s go outside.”

“Let’s go and kill those Sector Beasts.”

East Emperor Ancestor shook his head. “No need to struggle. Let’s wait for our final destiny.”

All the people under him were in despair, but they couldn’t do anything about it.

“Ah...” East Emperor Ancestor shook his head. The best he could do was to use his willpower
to guard the origin to help resist the swallowing power of the Sector Beasts. His willpower was
already at the pinnacle eternal true god level! Once he used it to guard the origin, it would
indeed slow down those Sector Beasts to a large extent. And besides, the origin of his miniature
universe was more powerful than that of Purple Moon Ancestor.

“Huh?” East Emperor Ancestor was shocked. “They stopped?”

He could clearly tell that those Sector Beasts outside had stopped swallowing the origin.


“I’ve got a great opportunity,” said Purple Moon Ancestor, “and I haven’t been truly powerful
yet! Is this the end for me? No! I can’t!”

Purple Moon Ancestor stood in the origin of his Purple Moon Holy Land and looked around. He
yelled in agony.

Suddenly, he looked stunned and joyful. “They stopped?”


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The Sector Beasts were marching forward, all the while passing along messages.

“It’s too difficult to swallow the origins of the two holy lands. East Emperor Holy Land has the
strongest resistance. Purple Moon Holy Land has a weaker resistance, but it’s still much
stronger than the miniature universes of those true gods. If we keep swallowing, it’ll take a
long time for us to finish them. The two holy lands didn’t have any effect on us, so let’s let
them go first. Time is very important, and we need to seize the moment. Luo Feng is our
greatest enemy now.”

“Let’s keep going.”

“Destroy the first and the second universe era first.”

The Sector Beasts stuck together, working as a team. One miniature universe after another, all
the races from the first and the second universe era were annihilated. There were many calls
for help, and many swearing messages were sent to the original universe, yet the races in the
original universe, including Luo Feng, didn’t say anything about it.


Calls for help, grudges, and curses—all kinds of messages were sent.

Everyone in the original universe was terrified. One race after another was being annihilated.

“Ancestral God School.”

Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader showed up in the ancestral god secret region. They two
were the leaders of the original universe. After the Sector Beasts destroyed the first and the
second universe eras and started to advance toward the original universe, they came to the
Ancestral God School.

Sou! Sou!

They both headed toward the ancestral god palace. The three ancestral gods sensed that they
had arrived, so they let go of the seal so that they could teleport.

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“Ancestral gods,” Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader said, stepping into the ancestral god

The young ancestral god, the old ancestral god, and the double-faced ancestral god were all
sitting on their thrones.

The old ancestral god said, “Milky Way Horde Leader and Primal Chaos City Leader, this is the
most crucial moment. The Sector Beasts might arrive in one or two days. This is a very vital
time, so why are you two here? I’ll ask some great beings from the Ancestral God School to go
to Milky Way Holy Land later.”

“The Sector Beasts are coming,” replied Primal Chaos City Leader, “and there are too many of
them. They’ll consume the universe origins quickly. Milky Way Horde Leader and I came here
because we hope that the original mind can let Teacher Origin go! If Teacher Origin doesn’t
have his willpower to guard his miniature universe, his miniature universe will be swallowed

Normally, for miniature universes of true gods, it would take thousands of Sector Beasts a few
minutes to devour the origin. However, the primal universe didn’t have the willpower of true
gods to protect it, so it would be instantly annihilated.

“Please, original mind, let go of Teacher Origin,” said Luo Feng.

“Let Teacher Origin go?” The three ancestral gods looked at each other.

Normally, they would’ve rejected the request of Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader. After
all, Teacher Origin had provoked the original mind, and that was why he had been suppressed.
The original mind wouldn’t just let him go so easily. Yet this was a special moment—a
moment that would determine the fate of all the races in the original universe.

“Let us contact the original mind first,” said the old ancestral god.


“Let’s wait.”

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Primal Chaos City Leader and Luo Feng answered, but they were clearly under pressure! If
Teacher Origin couldn’t be released, the primal universe was destined to be annihilated.


An invisible force showed up as the original mind had arrived. All three ancestral gods had
closed their eyes and started to listen to what the original mind wanted to say. After a long
time, they all opened their eyes and looked at Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader

That look dazed Luo Feng. The answer appeared to be “No!”

“Is the original mind willing to release Teacher Origin?” asked Primal Chaos City Leader,
looking pale.

Luo Feng also stared at the three ancestral gods.

The three ancestral gods looked at each other, and then the young ancestral god said, “The
original mind has told us everything. There’s no way Teacher Origin will be released. However,
the original mind will stop suppressing his willpower. He can then condense a godly powered
avatar in the primal universe so that he can guard his miniature universe with his willpower.”

“Why would it do that?” Luo Feng frowned. “If it’s not suppressing his willpower anymore, why
doesn’t it just let him go?”

Teacher Origin was suppressed, including his willpower. He couldn’t even condense a godly
power avatar outside. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let Primal Chaos City Leader be in charge
of the primal universe. Teacher Origin used his technique “virtual universe,” which spread
everywhere. That was how he sensed everything. However, his original body and his willpower
were both still suppressed.

“Milky Way,” the old ancestral god said with a sigh. “Teacher Origin was very powerful before,
and now that he’s obtained the inheritance of the ancient civilization, he’s even more
powerful! If he gets out, he’ll be at your level with the help of a machine-type valuable. With
his power and yours, the original universe will stand a much better chance. The original mind
would’ve let him go if it could do that. To tell you the truth, Teacher Origin broke the supreme
laws before, and he was restrained by the supreme laws, and that was why the original mind
suppressed him and didn’t have a right to release him. If you can solve the problem of the

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Sector Beasts, you will have made a great contribution, and only after that can Teacher Origin
be let go.”

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Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader left the ancestral god palace and went to the primal

On a piece of land in the primal universe, Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader showed up
and stood shoulder to shoulder. A being was condensed in the mist in the distance, and a
white-caped man walked toward him.

“Teacher!” Primal Chaos City Leader’s body shook. He took a few steps, then shed a few tears.

The white-caped Teacher Origin walked toward Primal Chaos City Leader and looked at him,
“My child! You look totally different now. Seeing you in the virtual universe is different from
seeing you in reality...”

Primal Chaos City Leader couldn’t help crying. Teacher Origin was the person closest to him in
this world, and he had been guiding him this whole time.

“Teacher.” The voice of Primal Chaos City Leader was trembling.

“Okay.” Teacher Origin nodded. “I didn’t realize that the original mind would lift the
suppression on my willpower. I need to thank Luo Feng for that!”

“Teacher Origin.” Luo Fen also bowed.

Teacher Origin had been the leader of the human race in the earliest era. Without him, the
human race might not have even become a pinnacle race. Without him, there wouldn’t have
been Primal Chaos City Leader or Huge Axe. And Luo Feng might have walked a different path
and wouldn’t have achieved his various accomplishments.

He had made such significant contributions that he was qualified to be called the ancestor of
the humans.

“I have my willpower to guard my miniature universe. Even if it’s eaten by the Sector Beasts,
it can still last for a while.” Teacher Origin smiled. “My willpower is much stronger than that
of other true gods.”

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Luo Feng nodded. The stronger someone’s willpower was, the harder it would be for Sector
Beasts to eat the miniature universe. Teacher Origin was certainly at the level of a true god of
void space in terms of comprehension and conception! He was being suppressed, which was
why he hadn’t made a breakthrough. His willpower had been suppressed by the original mind
for a long time! That suppression was also a great way to sharpen willpower. The willpower
of Teacher Origin was terrifically powerful, and could certainly rival Luo Feng, who had met
with great opportunities.

“Go!” said Teacher Origin. “The Sector Beasts are coming. Don’t let me distract you. The most
important thing is to deal with the Sector Beasts.”

“Okay.” Primal Chaos City Leader nodded.

Luo Feng also nodded.

Luo Feng did admire Teacher Origin. After all, he hadn’t had the benefit of the ancient
civilization before, yet he had still been able to create a technique like “virtual universe.”
Besides, Teacher Origin appeared gentle and elegant. They had no idea what he had done to
break the supreme laws.


More and more great beings gathered in Milky Way Holy Land. Before, only representatives of
the races had been there, but now, almost all the great beings were gathered here.

Many original bodies of true gods had gathered here, and they also had godly power avatars
to be connected to the virtual universe!

In the floating godly palace in the virtual universe, Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader sat
up top, while other true gods were sitting around.

“Everyone.” Luo Feng looked around. “The miniature universes of the second universe era have
been annihilated. It’s vital to know about the Sector Beasts. I have a method to know exactly
where all the Sector Beasts are. I’ll give you all the locations of the Sector Beasts now.”

Everyone was exhilarated. They were all guarding their own miniature universes, so it was
better for them to know the whereabouts of the Sector Beasts.

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“Just look.” Luo Feng pointed at the space in front of him. Suddenly, a giant picture with a
diameter of one million kilometers showed up. There were signs of miniature universes in
the picture. “This is a picture of Universe Ocean. Both holy lands and all the miniature
universes are marked on the picture, and there are also other reference points.”

All the true gods looked at that picture.

“This is the location of the Sector Beasts,” said Luo Feng.

Tightly grouped spots of light appeared on the picture. There were so many spots that the true
gods grew worried.

900,000? It sounded self-explanatory, but when all 900,000 spots appeared, they were so dense
that even the true gods felt anxious.

“Please, look,” said Luo Feng. “900,000 Sector Beasts in total, and the half at the periphery
haven’t even acted yet. About 10,000 Sector Beasts are gathered around three miniature
universes, and they’re consuming them. The other half are approaching the original universe.”

Everything looked so clear on the picture. There were around 450,000 light spots, and they
were all flying toward the original universe. Seeing those 450,000 spots of light flying toward
them terrified everyone.

“How are we supposed to resist them?”

“How are we supposed to resist so many Sector Beasts?”

“We only have less than 100 true gods. If several thousand Sector Beasts swallow one miniature
universe, we can only stop a few dozen of them. What should we do?”

Everyone panicked. They had been worried about it for a long time.

“This is a catastrophe!” shouted Nine Remoteness True Master. “We’ll be lucky to even get
through this alive! To resist them? Even if our miniature universes are all swallowed, what
can be worse than that? We can still stay alive without our miniature universes! As long as
we can kill all the Sector Beasts in this era, there ought to be new true gods born on our side.”

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It had only been one trillion eras since Luo Feng had risen to power. There were still several
trillion eras until this universe era ended, and many talents who were cultivated in the past
trillion eras had become universe masters. If there was enough time, they could certainly
become true gods.

Several trillion eras... It would be easy for the original universe to breed another 100 true gods.

“As long as we annihilate the Sector Beasts,” said Nine Remoteness True Master pointedly,
“there will be new true gods born! Even all our miniature universes are destroyed, we can still
live in the new miniature universes. If a true god can successfully transcend incarnations, his
race will live forever.”

“We have to get past this.”

“That’s right!” yelled many true gods.

However, many true gods were still worried. Major powers like the human race and the
Ancestral God School could breed new true gods in the next several trillion eras. As for some
of the smaller races—like the other races in the Hong Alliance or some races in the remote
territories—a single true god being born was already lucky for them. Besides, not every true
god was willing to see his miniature universe broken. Once a miniature universe was
destroyed, that true god could never break through in the future.

“Milky Way, Teacher Origin!” The true gods of the human race wanted nothing but to protect
the miniature universes of Teacher Origin and Luo Feng. After all, both Luo Feng and Teacher
Origin were guaranteed to become true gods of void space and to transcend incarnations!


Thoughts flooded their minds, but those races didn’t have any other recourse. They could only
do their best.

Luo Feng had one thought as well: “No matter what, let’s survive this catastrophe first!” Luo
Feng had already prepared for his miniature universe to be broken. Although he was reluctant
for this to happen, he was mentally prepared for it.

“Huh?” Luo Feng looked down.

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Many true gods were sitting down there, and in a corner sat Sitting Mountain Guest.

“Teacher?” Luo Feng took a look, and Sitting Mountain Guest nodded mildly at him.

“Teacher’s also here.” Luo Feng sighed. Sitting Mountain Guest had never attended the
meetings of the true gods before. However, this was related to all the races in the original
universe now, so even Sitting Mountain Guest had come this time. His own miniature
universe was threatened as well.


Time flew. Curse-filled messages were sent from the communications tokens of true gods
from the first universe era and the second universe era. Those who managed to survive hid in
Universe Ocean. As for their miniature universes, their races, and their friends, they were all

Presently, the Sector Beast race was divided into two teams. Both teams had more than 450,000
Sector Beasts!

“Master.” Morosa pointed at the model of Universe Ocean. “The Sector Beasts are divided into
two teams. The first team of the 450,000 is at the periphery. They were originally in the region
where the miniature universes from the first universe era are. They’re scattered far apart from
each other.”

Luo Feng looked at the model. More than 450,000 spots of light were gathered in that area. It
looked quite dense, but actually, each light spot was over ten million light years away from
the next one.

“The other team is approaching this area,” Morosa said, pointing. “Look. The second team of
450,000 Sector Beasts is not flying toward the miniature universes of the original universe,
but are proceeding toward your miniature universe.”

Luo Feng looked at it carefully.

The original universe was enormous, so the miniature universes of true gods from the original
universe were also scattered in different areas of the original universe. If they wanted to attack
all the miniature universes, those Sector Beasts would be separated into dozens of teams, yet
they now still gathered together.

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The dense spots of light all marched toward the miniature universe of Luo Feng. Although they
all gathered together, each of the Sector Beasts was still more than ten million light years
away from its nearest comrade.

“Huh?” Luo Feng frowned. “What does that mean?”

“Those 450,000 Sector Beasts will arrive at Master’s miniature universe very soon,” said

Time flew by. After only a short while, 450,000 Sector Beasts all converged on the miniature
universe of Luo Feng from every direction.

“They want to swallow my miniature universe?” Luo Feng frowned.

He had Star Tower in his hands, which was a godly king level valuable. The godly body that
seemed to belong to Godly King of Jin was over 100 million light years long, so it was possible
that such a godly king level valuable could become billions of light years tall, or even taller.
However, the larger Star Tower was, the more godly power it required.

If they leave me no choice, I’ll just cover my miniature universe with Star Tower and slaughter
all those Sector Beasts, Luo Feng thought.

However, Luo Feng couldn’t be too far away if he wanted to control Star Tower at that size.

“Master!” Morosa was shocked as it said, “Master! The first team, the first team...!”

“Huh?” Luo Feng took a look.

450,000 Sector Beasts at the first universe era area started to team up and drew closer.

“Master!” Moros was stunned. “The second team of 450,000 Sector Beasts is already close to
your miniature universe, and it’ll only take a minute for them to arrive and start swallowing.
As for the Sector Beasts from the first team, they’re teaming up and fighting each other.
100,000 Sector Beasts have already been killed!”

Luo Feng was terrified. He understood now that if those 450,000 Sector Beasts kept fighting
and eating each other, a level-six Sector Beast would soon be born.

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Should Luo Feng go and stop them? If he went, the 450,000 Sector Beasts would swallow his
miniature universe! If he didn’t go, a level-six Sector Beast would be born.

The death of his miniature universe or the birth of a level-six Sector Beast—one of these two
would happen. They were forcing Luo Feng to choose.

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He could only choose one out of the two!

Luo Feng’s eyes revealed his choice instantly. “I have no other options!”

For everything that he wholeheartedly sought to protect, even if it meant sacrificing himself,
it would be worthwhile. Besides, this was only his miniature universe. The destruction of a
miniature universe would only mean that he would no longer be able to rise up the ranks.
That was all.


In the virtual universe, within the floating godly palaces, the true gods of the primal universe
had gathered. A map that represented everything within Universe Ocean was suspended high
above them all.

Nine Remoteness True Master, Space Beast Ancestor, Shi Hua Island Leader, and all the other
true gods were all staring at the map, which was densely covered with spots of light. All of
them were worried.

“The Sector Beasts have divided into two groups?”

The true gods were upset. Sitting high up above them, the white-robed form of Luo Feng looked
down. He did not hide anything from them. In the face of a life-and-death crisis, there was
nothing worth hiding.

“Attention, all,” he announced. “Now the Sector Beasts have divided themselves into two
groups, 450,000 Sector Beasts are surrounding my miniature universe, prepared to close in on
my miniature universe to start devouring it at any moment. The other group also consists of
450,000 Sector Beasts, they are now at the region where the miniature universe of the first
reincarnation era originally was. Presently, they are working in pairs, fighting and devouring
one another. The victorious ones will continue in pairs to fight and kill... If such fighting and
killing continues, evolution will happen among the 450,000 Sector Beasts. An extremely
terrifying individual will emerge. If one reaches the sixth stage, then even someone like me
will lose all hope.”

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Sixth-stage Sector Beasts were able to divide themselves into ten million bodies. No matter
how powerful someone could be, in the face of such power, the most one could achieve was to
kill a single body. Under the restriction of the Invisible Law, Morosa would be forced to fight
against that sixth-stage Sector Beast and be killed in that fight. The moment that sixth-stage
Sector Beast finished off the others and became king, it would personally breed a great many
warriors. Those warriors would be even more terrifying than the sixth-stage Sector Beast. Such
a mighty army would definitely be able to wipe out everything.

“Working in pairs to catch and fight one another?”

“If this goes on, soon, one will evolve into a super Sector Beast.”

“Only Milky Way Horde Leader might possibly be able to put a stop to all of this. But if he were
to head over there, the 450,000 Sector Beasts surrounding his miniature universe would
immediately start devouring it.”

The true gods were all transmitting their thoughts amidst their conversations, discussing the
issue with great anxiety.

Currently, everyone was at a loss. This was a pair of extremely tough choices.

The Sector Beasts were born to be arrogant. Every single beast yearned to become the king. And
now, they were working in pairs as they fought and killed. It was, in fact, not a fair system.
Take a second-stage Sector Beast, for instance. Normally it would be fighting against other
second-stage Sector Beasts. This way, it could continue to grow and develop. But now, in a
pairing system, it would be forced to fight against any variety of other pairs—even pairs of
third-stage Sector Beasts. And even if it knew that it was headed for its own doom, there was
no way it could avoid it.

The 450,000 Sector Beasts that were tasked to keep Luo Feng trapped by surrounding him had
even lower chances of becoming a sixth-stage Sector Beast. Such an allocation of strength was

If the threat was not so significant, the Sector Beasts would absolutely not choose such a
method to determine their ultimate king! But Luo Feng was much too intimidating. They were
forced into submission when they faced him, so they opted for the cruelest method of killing
to choose their king.

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Though cruel, the method worked effectively. Luo Feng and the various races of Universe Ocean
had fallen into a desperate situation.


Luo Feng looked down at the numerous true gods who were all engaged in a heated discussion.

“Luo Feng.” Seated at his side, Primal Chaos City Leader sent a voice transmission. “Needless
to ask what they are all thinking. They hope that you, Luo Feng, can go and fight on their
behalf... although it might cost you your miniature universe. But whether or not your
miniature universe is destroyed, the other races really could not be bothered. It’s just that they
do not dare breathe a word about it, lest they anger you.”

Luo Feng nodded. He understood this point. He transmitted his reply to Teacher. “I am given
no choice at all.”

Primal Chaos City leader sighed lightly. True. No choice at all.

Luo Feng looked down at the various true gods and finally opened his mouth to speak. “Dear

The various true gods all looked up and listened intently.

“Stemming the tide of the Sector Beast calamity is of the utmost importance...” Luo Feng
announced. “I will head over to the region where the miniature universe of the first
reincarnation era is without further delay. And I will do my best to deal with this Sector Beast


“Milky Way.”

“Luo Feng!”

Right away, the human true gods were shouting. Fire Dome True God and Hong were all the
more worried. If Luo Feng had chosen to set off for the other region, then his miniature
universe, which was of such a massive size, would have been difficult to protect, even if there

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was help from the other true gods. It could almost have been said that his miniature universe
was destined to be devoured by the Sector Beasts. This would sever Luo Feng’s future, and he
would no longer be able to progress further up the ranks.

“No need to talk me out of it,” Luo Feng said. “My miniature universe is large enough. Perhaps
it can endure for a much longer time.”

“But those are 450,000 Sector Beasts...” Fire Dome True God was anxious.

Luo Feng shook his head. “I have no choice!”

The human true gods, who initially had been trying to talk Luo Feng out of his decision, fell
silent. Even the demon and bug true gods, who would normally express some degree of
gloating over another’s misfortunes, all felt a sinking feeling in their hearts. It was true. There
was no choice at all. Even Milky Way Horde Leader was left with no choice. They, the various
races, were all the more pathetic and helpless; they could only pray that Milky Way Horde
Leader would succeed. If not, they were all bound for annihilation.

“This time, as I set off, I do so without 100 percent confidence.” Luo Feng shook his head. “The
450,000 Sector Beasts at the region of the first reincarnation era have been fighting one
another, and many have already been annihilated. They are scattered. When I catch them in
their pairs, the most I will be able to kill, along with the first two I find, would be the other
two fighting against this pair. This way, even if I have to kill any, I will not be able to do so in
a large-scale approach...”

The true gods below him all felt the same sinking feeling in their hearts again.

“I will do my best to deal with the Sector Beasts,” Luo Feng continued. “As for protecting your
own miniature universes, that will be up to you all. I cannot afford to be distracted further.”


The true gods looked at one another. Although they were all unwilling to accept such a
decision, they were also aware that Luo Feng was not even able to protect his own miniature
universe. It would be even more difficult to protect their miniature universes.

“Milky Way Horde Leader, you go ahead. You are already putting your own miniature universe
at risk. Even if we were to lose our miniature universes, it would not be a big deal.”

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“Yes. The possibility of us transcending reincarnation was originally so low that it could be
regarded as negligible. With or without a miniature universe, it barely makes a difference.”

“Milky Way Horde Leader, no need to be distracted over us.”

“Against the Sector Beast crisis, we are all so powerless, but we will certainly not do anything
to affect Milky Way Horde Leader.”

At this juncture, the true gods of the various races were still able to determine what was more
pressing. Exterminating all the Sector Beasts eclipsed all else. Everything else could be
sacrificed, regardless of how unwillingly the sacrifice was made. But with that great army of
Sector Beasts laying siege and charging at them, how would their miniature universes be able
to ward off the attacks? They had to accept this, and at the same time, they had to fervently
pray that Luo Feng would succeed.

This was a true calamity! If they could pull through to survive it, that would be considered a


Just as the true gods of various races were caught up in their discussion, Sitting Mountain
Guest, who was seated in a corner as he quietly observed everything that was going on,
revealed a trace of a smile. “This truly is my disciple. No one can perceive his internal struggle
and hesitation! Knowing what goes through his mind, I can tell his disposition. He is acting
out of his own free will. His intention to help... Even though he has become the Number One
Master of Universe Ocean, his heart is still as clear as before, untarnished by all the filthiness
around him.”

Sitting Mountain Guest was crystal clear. When those who were weaker made their ascent,
step by step, it was still possible for others to discern what was going through their minds and
to know their disposition. Then it would be possible to know what their original intentions
were and, appropriately, cut off all thoughts of temptations. But the moment one became a
most powerful existence... By that time, they could naturally request for and possess so much
more. That was when the human heart got greedier and started to long for more. This was
when continuing to maintain a clear heart became something trying.

“Luo Feng.” Sitting Mountain Guest transmitted his voice.

Seated at the highest level, Luo Feng involuntarily turned to look at Sitting Mountain Guest.

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“Teacher.” Luo Feng transmitted his reply.

“You can set off,” Sitting Mountain Guest said. “Go handle the threat of the Sector Beasts. As
for your miniature universe... you need not worry. I will head over to your miniature universe
right away. For the time being, I will stay within your miniature universe. I have a treasure
with me, and I will try my very best to protect your miniature universe to prevent it from being

“What?” Where he was seated, Luo Feng was shocked. Beside him, even Primal Chaos City
Leader could sense that Luo Feng seemed to have undergone a change in demeanor. He could
not help turning over to look at Luo Feng.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng was shocked beyond measure. “You are saying you will protect my
miniature universe?”

“Mm.” Sitting Mountain Guest continued to reply via voice transmission. “Right.”

“Teacher, what about your own miniature universe?” Luo Feng quickly asked.

“I can only protect one,” Sitting Mountain Guest replied right away.

The true meaning of what he had just said was that the moment Sitting Mountain Guest
entered Luo Feng’s miniature universe to try his best to help Luo Feng, his own miniature
universe would be neglected. He could not divide his attention between two miniature

Luo Feng became very anxious. “Teacher, your miniature universe. The moment it gets
devoured, my miniature universe—”

“Say no more,” Sitting Mountain Guest said. “It would be pointless. Even if I were to transcend
reincarnation, your survival is more important! I have put so much effort into cultivating you,
and you are much stronger than I ever imagined. Your potential is boundless. How can such a
promising future be so easily severed...? Then all of my expectations and efforts throughout
these endless years would come to naught.”

Luo Feng was taken aback.

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True. He was more than willing to sever the possibility of further advancement in the future.
But did he spare a thought for Sitting Mountain Guest? Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest had
taken him under his wing to cultivate him. If Luo Feng was no longer able to advance, that
would definitely dash all of Sitting Mountain Guest’s hopes and expectations.

“Think no more,” Sitting Mountain Guest said. “It is not a big deal if I cannot attain the void
space level. You must transcend reincarnation. That is most important. In the future, you will
come to learn of all the secrets, and by then, you will understand the reason why I, your
Teacher, have to do all this. Go. Put in your very best effort to deal with the Sector Beasts. Your
miniature universe... Teacher will protect it in its entirety, even if it costs me my life.”

Luo Feng was seated on his throne, high and mighty above all. Looking at Sitting Mountain
Guest, who was seated in a faraway corner, he shut his eyes. His heart was trembling.

Maybe Sitting Mountain Guest was making use of him. Or maybe he had some other plan in
mind. But for a trillion eras, as Luo Feng had grown up and matured, Sitting Mountain Guest
had never once requested his help before. On the contrary, Sitting Mountain Guest had always
been the one helping him! Even up until now, Sitting Mountain Guest was still helping him...
Such great kindness far surpassed all the help that True Yan and Primal Chaos City Leader had
ever rendered.

Luo Feng had always had this nagging feeling that Sitting Mountain Guest had some kind of
plan, which was why there was always a barrier within his heart that he could not overcome.
However, regardless of it all, Sitting Mountain Guest had, undoubtedly, always helped him.
Even if it meant having to give up on his own miniature universe, he insisted on helping Luo

“Teacher,” Luo Feng silently said to himself, “when this Sector Beast crisis is over and
everything I need to protect is safe, I, Luo Feng, will repay you for your great kindness. Even if
I die doing so, I do it most willingly!”



At the membrane walls of the endlessly huge primal universe, a lone figure penetrated
through and flew out. He wore a suit of silver armor, and there were five pairs of wings behind

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“Sector Beasts...” A glimmer of a ferocious ray of light flashed in Luo Feng’s eyes. Then he flew
off and disappeared within the endless chaotic airflow.


At the same time that Luo Feng left the primal universe, outside the portal that led to Luo
Feng’s miniature universe from Milky Way Holy Land, Sitting Mountain Guest—who sat cross-
legged on a mountain peak—came floating over. In his eyes was peace, with no trace of
happiness or sorrow. The guards had already received orders regarding his arrival, so
naturally, none would dare to block his way. Sitting Mountain Guest flew smoothly, right into
the portal.

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Inside the miniature universe of Luo Feng, Sitting Mountain Guest flew into a dimension space
that was gradually being formed. He observed the miniature universe and thought, The
structure of this miniature universe is indeed exceptional.

Though he didn’t know the true structure of this miniature universe, he could still sense that
it was different.

“Luo Feng.” Sitting Mountain Guest waved his hands, and an exquisite palace showed up beside
him. He stepped in and said, “I’ll stay in your miniature universe now. As for those 450,000
Sector Beasts, they’re staying right outside your miniature universe... Just sense them
carefully. Once they start to attack, tell me.”

“Yes, Teacher,” came a voice in the distance.

Those 450,000 Sector Beasts weren’t making attacks now. Instead, they were just making
threats! Luo Feng couldn’t ask Sitting Mountain Guest to guard his miniature universe forever.
It would take a lot to guard such an enormous miniature universe, so he would just wait until
the Sector Beasts started to swallow it.


In another area of the miniature universe, inside a spaceship, the godly powered avatar of Luo
Feng remained beside Morosa.

“Master, there are less than 50,000 Sector Beasts in that area,” said Morosa.

Luo Feng nodded. At the moment, his original body was approaching that area. His original
body wasn’t moving forward, as he didn’t have a specific target yet! After all, there were so
many Sector Beasts, and if he attacked one of them, all the others would know, which was
why he had to pick a strong one!

“Just watch them carefully, Morosa,” said Luo Feng. “Sense the power of each Sector Beast.
Some eat a lot while some don’t. Keep a close watch on those who eat a lot, and alert me about
those who’re about to reach level five.”

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From 450,000 to fewer than 50,000. On average, only one out of nine Sector Beasts survived.
However, powerful Sector Beasts could consume them faster, so some had already eaten more
than 20 Sector Beasts, yet some found it difficult to succeed, and it might take them a long
time to eat around five Sector Beasts, so the odds of them reaching level five were uneven.

“Yes,” said Morosa respectfully.

Time flew. Luo Feng could see the number of light spots on the giant model decreasing. As for
those surrounding his miniature universe, nothing was happening to them. Apparently, they
wouldn’t make a move until he did something. Once he attacked, the other Sector Beasts would
have the same reactions.

“Less than 3,000 now.” Luo Feng looked at the light spots. From 450,000 spots to less than 3,000.
It was so quick. There were fewer than 3,000 that Luo Feng could see clearly. “No level five born
yet?” he asked.

“Relax, Master,” said Morosa. “There’s only a chance that a level-five Sector Beast will be born.
However, even if one is born, it will be barely at level five. If you go there now, you’ll alert the
entire Sector Beast group, which is not worth it. Just wait longer, and there will be several
level-five Sector Beasts.

Luo Feng nodded. “Remember, don’t let a level-six Sector Beast be born.”

“I’ll be careful,” said Morosa. “It’s very difficult for a level-six Sector Beast to be born. There are
only 450,000 Sector Beasts in all, and only after two-thirds have granted their power to one of
them would a level-six Sector Beast be born. Relax, Master. I’ll alert you to all the Sector Beasts
that might be a threat.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Time passed. Not only Luo Feng was anxious, but the true gods who sat in the godly palace of
the virtual universe were anxious. Yet they didn’t dare to bother Luo Feng.

“Master, you can go now,” said Morosa.

“Go now?” Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed.

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“There are now fewer than 1,000 Sector Beasts in that area, and at least three of them are at
level five,” said Morosa.

Only three? thought Luo Feng. These three Sector Beasts ate and fought very quickly, and based
on the number of Sector Beasts they had swallowed, they must’ve reached level five already.
Of course, there’s still a long way to go for them to become level six.

“No need to rush.” Luo Feng frowned. “I can only kill a small number of Sector Beasts now, and
I should wait to do that until they get stronger. Let them eat more Sector Beasts...”

The number of Sector Beasts was decreasing. 800... 600... 300...

“Master, there are only 210 Sector Beasts now,” said Morosa anxiously. “There must be at least
ten level-five Sector Beasts, and seven of them just entered level five. These three are the

“Oh?” Luo Feng took a look.

It was time for him to act. If he kept waiting, it would be more likely for a level-six Sector Beast
to be born.

“These three!” Luo Feng located the three Sector Beasts.


Luo Feng stood with his silver wing in the endless chaos air.

I’ll be spotted if I kill a single Sector Beast, Luo Feng thought. And then, all the other Sector
Beasts will start to run away... However, I can teleport farther, so I might be able to kill another
one, which means I can at least kill two Sector Beasts. Killing three Sector Beasts will be my
limit. As for killing four, it will come down to luck.

Luo Feng’s target was certainly those most powerful Sector Beasts.

“Let’s go!”

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Shua! Shua! Shua!

Luo Feng immediately started to teleport in long distance. He had originally been near that
area anyway, and after only three minutes, he approached the Sector Beast that Morosa had

“Master,” said Morosa, “that’s Sector Beast Qi Ya! It was just as powerful as me when I was still
as my peak, and I reckon it was at level four before... This time, it has eaten the most Sector
Beasts, and based on my estimation, it’s the Sector Beast that is currently closest to level six.
It must be at top-tier level five now.”

“Qi Ya.”

Luo Feng immediately teleported and approached, sensing carefully.


“Hahaha!” A ferocious Sector Beast was floating in space, swallowing another Sector Beast.
“You should feel honored to be eaten by me. I’ll be the ultimate king!”

Sector Beast Qi Ya was brimming with confidence. It had been standing among the top beings
within the Sector Beast race. Last time, Luo Feng had killed more than eight million Sector
Beasts—many pinnacle Sector Beasts included. After Beddy died, Qi Ya had been one of the top-
tier beings, as it had already been at level four. Besides, they’d been eating each other, so it
was the fastest for it.

“Once I enter level six, I’ll have ten million bodies,” Sector Beast Qi Ya announced confidently.
“I’ll live forever, and I can kill my enemies one by one with all my skills. Even if I am
surrounded, I’ll only lose one body. I can fail 1,000 times, yet those other Sector Beasts can’t
afford to fail once. I’ll definitely be the ultimate king.”

The first Sector Beast that entered level six would generally become king.

“Next one.”

Sector Beast Qi Ya sensed the Sector Beast closest to it and planned to teleport and charge
toward it.

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All of a sudden, the space around Qi Ya became clotted.

“No!” Sector Beast Qi Ya missed a heartbeat.

The clotted space worried Qi Ya even before it could see who it was. It had to be Milky Way
Horde Leader! It was already at the top of the chain, and it had the highest hopes of becoming
the king. However, on its way to becoming a king, its greatest enemy was Milky Way Horde
Leader Luo Feng! If it was stopped by him, it would be doomed. However, if it could get away,
there was a chance it might reach level six and become the ultimate king.


Sector Beast Qi Ya looked with both its heads. A silver-armored man appeared, and those five
pairs of wings were gleaming. Both of Qi Ya’s singular eyes were glinting with resentment.

It was almost there! If it weren’t for that Milky Way Horde Leader, it was likely that it would
become the ultimate king. However, that plan was gone now! Based on the plan concocted by
the entire Sector Beast race, once Milky Way Horde Leader came out to kill them, the most
brutal situation would begin.

Milky Way Horde Leader Luo Feng had ceased caring about his miniature universe! And the
first one who got attacked would be the sacrifice. Unfortunately, Qi Ya was the victim.

“Milky Way Horde Leader!” roared Qi Ya. “You’ll regret it! You will!”

That silver-armored man in the distance didn’t give a damn about Qi Ya. The wings on his
back started to gleam, and he infused his burning godly power into the wings, forming a
miniature universe in the space around them.

Qi Ya immediately started to transmit his voice through his heart to all the other Sector Beasts
(except Morosa). “Milky Way Horde Leader is attacking me! He’s attacking me! He’s here! He’s
here! Destroy his miniature universe! Destroy his miniature universe! Avenge me, my friends!”

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Qi Ya was filled with bitterness and hatred. It raged, charging at the silver-armored man in
the distance. At the same time, the bloody engraving picture on its body started to spin as it
performed the most powerful technique, “Destruction,” without a second thought.


“He’s right here!”

“He’s right here!”

“Destroy his miniature universe!”

“Destroy his miniature universe!”

The resentful voice of Sector Beast Qi Ya echoed in every Sector Beast’s heart. All 900,000 Sector
Beasts had agreed to this plan. They would fight each other until a level-six Sector Beast was
born. Once a level-six Sector Beast was born, they were basically guaranteed a win in this

“We have surrounded his miniature universe, yet he still dared to rush out?”

“That Milky Way Horde leader really doesn’t care about anything else. Not even his own
miniature universe.”

“He’s risking everything.”

The Sector Beasts were furious. Milky Way Horde Leader was risking it all? Then the Sector
Beasts would risk it all as well!

“Eat his miniature universe!”

In the space outside the giant miniature universe, more than 450,000 Sector Beasts surrounded
it. The densely packed Sector Beasts were everywhere, roaring in anger. All the Sector Beasts
teleported and approached the miniature universe.

Soon, they were close enough to consume the miniature universe.

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“Devour it!”

“Devour it!”

More than 450,000 Sector Beasts all shot out curvy traces of light, penetrating the space and
enveloping Luo Feng’s enormous miniature universe in the distance.

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Chaotic airflow was drifting all about. The vast land was continuously condensing, then
extending and expanding. On this vast piece of land, there was an exquisite palace. This palace
belonged to Sitting Mountain Guest.

“It has been nearly 20 days now.” Sitting Mountain Guest sat in a relaxed manner. There was
a wine decanter on the crystal table next to him, and he was leisurely holding a wine glass.

It had been close to 20 days since he’d arrived at Luo Feng’s miniature universe. Without a
break, he had waited for that very moment when the Sector Beasts moved in to start devouring
Luo Feng’s miniature universe. There was a reason he had waited so long. In fact, it had only
taken a short time for Luo Feng to fly over to the region of the miniature universe of the first
reincarnation. It was mainly because the Sector Beasts needed a long time to fight and devour.

Normally, it would take trillions of eras before the evolution of the ultimate king could occur.
Now, due to their fast-shrinking numbers, every time one devoured another, they would
require some time for digestion. As for crossing levels—for instance, going from the third stage
to the fourth stage, or the fourth stage to the fifth stage—such progress would require a great
deal of time.


An invisible power instantly spread throughout the entire miniature universe.

“Huh?” Sitting Mountain Guest’s expression changed. “Have they started devouring?

Theoretically, when Sector Beasts were devouring the origin, life forms within the miniature
universe would not be able to detect anything. But with 450,000 Sector Beasts devouring at the
same time, the violent vibration they caused in time and space would be more than enough
to affect the entire miniature universe.


In Luo Feng’s miniature universe.

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100,000 planets were revolving around the core of nothingness that they kept surrounded.
That nothingness was also continuously revolving as it devoured, and its strong devouring
power was causing the chaotic airflow in the void space outside the miniature universe to
form a gigantic whirlpool.

Suddenly, another strong power penetrated through the void space and fell directly into the
middle of this origin. There, it began devouring the power of the origin the best it could.

“It’s here.” A godly powered avatar condensed and took form in the middle of the origin. It was
Luo Feng’s godly powered avatar.

“Block it!” Luo Feng’s willpower was rendering support to the origin as it tried its best to mount
a resistance.

Hong! Long! Long!

The entire origin was trembling. The 100,000 planets that were originally revolving so
peacefully started to release an outburst of light rays and began to revolve in a crazy manner.
As for the whirlpool brought about by the core of nothingness, it also produced a formidable
gravitational force. In the face of the swallowing power of 450,000 Sector Beasts, it instantly
started to collapse.

It was like a game of tug-of-war!

From where he was, Luo Feng was pulling inward, while the 450,000 Sector Beasts were pulling
outward. However, with just one touch, the entire line of Sector Beasts collapsed.

“What?” Luo Feng was shocked. “How is that possible?”

450,000 Sector Beasts in the space outside Luo Feng’s miniature universe were astounded. Both
sides were shocked. No one had expected such an outcome.

“How could it be so easy?”

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Luo Feng carefully sensed his own origin. 100,000 planets were revolving around the core of
nothingness. Everything was gathered within the whirlpool of that nothingness. By sensing
his origin, a sudden understanding dawned upon Luo Feng.

“100,000 Heavens? The ‘Beginning of the Origin’? So, this is what they turned out to be.”

Luo Feng instantly understood the mystery behind these two things. For ordinary true gods—
even those from the pulse of Duan Dong River, Godly King of Jin, and generations of great
beings—their universe structures might have been considered magical, but they were not
flawless. If they ever encountered Sector Beasts that intended to devour their origins, they
were destined to be devoured. Even with their willpower rendering a certain degree of support,
it would only mean the devouring process would be slowed down. That was all.

But for Luo Feng, the situation was different.

The structures of Beginning of the Origin and 100,000 Heavens were the understanding of the
most mystical life structure diagrams that Luo Feng managed to derive after comprehending
at a life gene level of 100,000 times. They represented his final comprehension. They had the
same effect as the structure diagram of 100,000 life genes level!

Both shared a common feature: complete with nothing lost!

Luo Feng’s godly power could even be transformed into a Sector Beast’s power. Even if his
miniature universe were to be subjected to violent vibrations, even if the numerous planets
within his origin were shattered, so long as he still had his “Beginning of the Origin,” he could
rapidly regenerate another 100,000 Heavens. It was immortalized. It was the beginning of
everything. It was complete and without any leakage. This was a miniature universe that was
complete, in its entirety, at the point of birth. Since it was so complete, without anything being
lost, it would certainly be untouchable to those who attempted to devour it.

As for the other miniature universes, the moment they were born, they were unbefitting of
being considered complete and free of leakage. Naturally, they could and would be devoured.

This was also why the diameter of the other true gods’ miniature universes was only as big as
100 million light years, whereas Luo Feng’s miniature universe had a diameter of one billion
light years.

Perhaps, at the moment, Luo Feng’s miniature universe was not as big as that of a true god of
void space or an eternal true god. But the moment Luo Feng became a true god of void space

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or an eternal true god, he would definitely be above them all. This was because his miniature
universe had a structure that was complete and without leakage. It was naturally flawless
from the start!


In fact, the process was similar to the evolution of the Sector Beasts, which moved individuals
in the direction of becoming a complete, ultimate life form: the ultimate king. The ultimate
king of the Sector Beasts would be just like Luo Feng. It would be able to transform its Sector
Beast power into godly power; it could easily change its aura. It could change everything. There
were many things it would be able to do, and it would acquire an array of talents such as
breeding and devouring.

The way a king of the Sector Beasts devoured things would be the true terror. Even Luo Feng’s
miniature universe, even the primal universe—none would be able to resist it!

Because the king of the Sector Beasts represented true destruction, even the primal universe
would need to self-destruct and transform into its origin in order to mount a resistance. Luo
Feng’s miniature universe might have the potential to do so, but in terms of talent, it was
lacking. Therefore, it would still be restrained.

However! That was when being restrained by the king of the Sector Beasts. These were
ordinary Sector Beasts whose lives had yet to evolve to completion. Solely relying on their
talents to confront Luo Feng’s miniature universe—which was complete and with no
leakage—naturally, there was no way they could land a bite! No matter what, they would not
be able to devour anything. Not even a trace of it!


Initially, Luo Feng fell into a daze, but soon after, he was in a state of delirium.

The 450,000 Sector Beasts outside were also struck with disbelief. They had always thought of
themselves as superior life forms and had always believed they were born to be incomparably
noble. They felt that no miniature universe had a chance when facing them, and every one
would be devoured by them in the end. But today, it was like they had bitten a sheet of iron,
shattering their teeth. And yet, they had not managed to take a single bite.

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“Luo Feng?” Teleporting out of the palace, Sitting Mountain Guest wore a solemn expression
as he looked far into the distance where a chaotic airflow was spreading over to fill up. He
wondered to himself, Do you need me to protect you?

Sitting Mountain Guest had a feeling that such a great commotion had to have been caused
by the Sector Beasts’ devouring.

Luo Feng’s voice was transmitted. “It’s all right, Teacher. Those Sector Beasts are unable to do
anything to me.”

“Can’t do anything?” Sitting Mountain Guest was shocked.

Luo Feng transmitted his voice again. “They can devour the miniature universes of other true
gods, but they can’t devour mine.”

Sitting Mountain Guest was dumbfounded, but soon, a smile appeared on his face. Even he
had never heard of anyone being able to create a miniature universe with a diameter of one
billion light years at the true god level. Such uniqueness was the only explanation for such an

“Haha! Then over here at your miniature universe, I’m no longer needed!” Sitting Mountain
Guest laughed heartily, then immediately left Luo Feng’s miniature universe.


In the faraway region containing the miniature universe of the first reincarnation era, amidst
one of the void spaces, Luo Feng was engaged in crossfire with one of the fifth-stage Sector

Sector Beast Zia was executing “Destruction.” It was trying its best just to stay alive!

“Previously, Beddy was only a fifth-stage Sector Beast,” said Sector Beast Zia. “I suspect Beddy
had not yet reached the top level of the fifth stage. I am stronger than it was, so who knows, I
might be able to survive this.”

Zia executed Destruction and fought with all its might. Yet suddenly, a piece of news was
transmitted to it.

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It was shocked into a daze. How could...? How could...? How could it be that the devouring of
Luo Feng’s miniature universe would fail? They were unable to devour Luo Feng’s miniature

“Humph.” Seeing Sector Beast Zia’s surprise, Luo Feng wielded his Blood Ghost Blade and fought
with all his might.

Fighting a fifth-stage Sector Beast was what Luo Feng looked forward to. The technique of
Destruction, when performed by a fifth-stage Sector Beast, would allow Luo Feng a chance to
steal a glimpse of the “destruction of the origin.” Earlier, he had only managed to see Beddy
execute it twice. This Zia, in its heightened state of madness, had already executed it three
times in succession, much to Luo Feng’s benefit.

“Even when I execute Destruction, I still cannot shake it off.” Sector Beast Zia wanted to bring
out his Sector Light Passageway right away.


At the same moment when Luo Feng’s Blood Ghost Blade struck, a water droplet soundlessly
invaded the body of Sector Beast Zia. This was “Three Stars Sector,” a soul enslavement
technique that Luo Feng was most skillful and powerful in. Previously, he had relied on this
technique to enslave Morosa. Whether this enslavement would be successfully or not
depended on two determining factors: the soul and the willpower!

From the first stage to the sixth stage, the Sector Beasts were all at the true god level. Although
they were evolved, their souls did not go through much evolution. Mainly, it was the “sector”
in the bodies rising—their comprehension level improving—and so the battle techniques that
they could execute were more mystical and profound. There was also a gradual increase in
the unique moves they would be capable of executing, such as Sector Light Passageway, Sector
Light Domain, and Destruction!

Zia’s soul was slightly stronger than Morosa’s, but not by very much. As for its willpower? Both
were the cream of the crop among the Sector Beasts. Now, with the rapid evolution of all the
sudden fighting and killing, Zia’s internal “sector” might have become more powerful, but its
willpower did not increase much.

This was just like Luo Feng. Only when Luo Feng’s comprehension reached the life gene level
of 100,000 could he comprehend the insight of the universe operations. That was when his
willpower could evolve to an eternal true god’s ultimate limit. As for the stage where he

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progressed from a universe master to a true god, there had not been much improvement in
his willpower at all.

“Theoretically speaking, if I can enslave Morosa, I can also enslave Zia.” Luo Feng whispered
to himself.

“What is...?” In Sector Beast Zia’s two singular eyes, there was first confusion, quickly followed
by a painful struggle. “Explode!”

With a loud rumble, it exploded. Holding onto its only remaining glimmer of sobriety, Sector
Beast Zia had managed to blow itself up. It had known that if it hesitated further, it would
most likely be completely caught up. Sector Beast Zia had not reacted in time to execute Sector
Light Passageway to escape, so it had been left with its only choice to the path of freedom—

“How could the enslavement be unsuccessful?” Luo Feng frowned.

Previously, when he had been in the Sector Beasts’ nest, he had needed to act very carefully.
That was because he had not enslaved a Sector Beast. But this time around, he intended to
spread his killing to all four corners. If he could enslave a fifth-stage Sector Beast, then he and
his Sector Beast could split into two forces. That way, they could kill even more Sector Beasts.

“This Zia was, after all, of the same caliber as Morosa and Beddy. It had already stood among
the top-tiered Sector Beasts long before now. Its willpower had been quite strong to begin with.”
Luo Feng shook his head. “Perhaps by switching to a Sector Beast with weaker willpower, I will
be able to enslave it.”


Luo Feng immediately teleported and vanished in a flash as he made his way after the next
Sector Beast.


Sector Beast Zia’s death did not seem to stir up much commotion among the Sector Beasts.
This was because the entire Sector Beast race was surprised by the news that Luo Feng’s
miniature universe could not be devoured. They had all fallen into a mixed state of shock and

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“Execute the final abandonment plan!”

“The abandonment plan!”

“This is an insult to all the Sector Beasts!”

“The final plan!”

This was a plan that the Sector Beasts had prepared while escaping out of their nests. It was
the final abandonment plan. The most dreadful plan. A plan that required a great many Sector
Beasts to be sacrificed.

It was unfair, but the Sector Beasts were all of one mind. This was a plan that guaranteed the
birth of a sixth-stage Sector Beast! Putting this plan into play was a great insult to the
honorable Sector Beasts. But now, they had no choice but to execute this plan.

There was nothing they could do to Luo Feng. There was nothing they could do to his miniature
universe. He could kill them to his heart’s content or enslave them all he wanted.

They needed to fall back on their one last shot!

The birth of a sixth-stage Sector Beast. According to the limitation set by the supreme law,
forcing Morosa to show his true self would lead to the birth of the final king! So long as the
king of the Sector Beasts could be born... Luo Feng would die!

This was cruelty. Most of the Sector Beasts were unwilling to execute it; unless they were left
with no other recourse, they would never resort to the abandonment plan!

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go!”

More than 450,000 Sector Beasts originally surrounding Luo Feng immediately teleported over
long distances in all directions. They quickly made their escape and left.

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The closest two out of the 450,000 Sector Beasts were at least over ten million light years away
from each other. They all ran away, completely separating. Even Luo Feng, who knew their
locations due to the coordinates sent by Morosa, he couldn’t do anything about it.

Just run, thought Luo Feng. You’re all too weak for me, yet there are too many of you. I can’t
deal with you, but when you’ve reached level five, there won’t be this many of you.

There were only 900,000 Sector Beasts. The best case for the Sector Beasts was that around 100
level-five Sector Beasts could be born. But in reality, some Sector Beasts ate more than others,
so there might only be around 50 level-five Sector Beasts born. All he needed to do was kill all
the level-five Sector Beasts, which was very difficult!

But he had to try!


Shua! Shua! Shua!

Just after Luo Feng forced Qi Ya to self-destruct, he started to chase another Sector Beast by

Out of the 450,000 Sector Beasts that were fighting each other in the region of the first universe
era, the top three Sector Beasts were Qi Ya, MengQu, and Ang Si.

Qi Ya, Morosa, and Beddy were already at the pinnacle level before, so every one of them was
excellent, thought Luo Feng. This MengQu might become quite powerful in this special
situation, but his willpower might be weaker than Qi Ya and Morosa... There’s a chance I can
enslave it.


He flew toward MengQu. When Qi Ya was attacked, and all the other Sector Beasts, including
MengQu, got the message, they all fled in different directions. This made it more difficult for
Luo Feng to hunt them down.

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The space was clotted.

“No!” Sector Beast MengQu, who had been flying, was stunned. It turned both of its heads into
the distance. A silver-armored and silver-winged man showed up in the space in the distance.
It was the individual the Sector Beasts feared the most: Milky Way Horde Leader!

Milky Way Horde Leader in the distance gave a look. Then the vast space around him was
immediately trapped in a miniature universe, and a powerful binding force arrived.


Luo Feng teleported and approached it. Inside the miniature universe he had formed with only
one thought, he could clot the space around his enemy. Luo Feng could teleport close to it.

“Destruction!” Sector Beast MengQu raged, and the bloody engraving picture behind it soon
formed a Sector Beast made of light. They both raged, and a gleaming, spinning whirlpool
portal raced toward Luo Feng.

Meanwhile, Luo Feng also waved the Blood Shadow Blade in his hands. An equally gleaming
white-gold blade of light rushed forward. The arc of light and the whirlpool portal hit each

The whirlpool portal crumbled first, and the curved blade of light slashed it before it crumbled.
At the same time, a drop of water silently penetrated the body of Sector Beast MengQu in the
wake of the shock waves.

Enslaving technique: “Three Stars Sector.” It was the supreme enslaving technique created by
a supreme being known as “Gold” from Jin Country, and it was also the most powerful
enslaving technique from the World of Jin.

“Hmm...” Luo Feng observed Sector Beast MengQu with great expectations. He sincerely wished
to be able to successfully enslave it this time!

MengQu stood still in space. The shock waves around it had already been weakened, and the
space had already recovered.

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“Ha...” Luo Feng sensed the soul of MengQu, and he could tell that MengQu’s soul was already
under his control. This provoked a smile from Luo Feng’s face. “Wake up, MengQu.”

Both the singular eyes of MengQu glinted. “I... I am the king,” said Sector Beast MengQu in a
daze. It looked at Luo Feng in front of it, and then it gained complete consciousness. It then
said with respect, “Master.”

“Okay.” Luo Feng nodded. “I’ll go hunt down Ang Si. You go kill the Sector Beasts closest to you.”

“Yes, Master,” said Sector Beast MengQu respectfully.

Shua! Shua!

Luo Feng and Sector Beast MengQu kept teleporting in different directions.

It was impossible for Luo Feng to take MengQu with him. If he did, other Sector Beasts would
see him coming. That would make it very difficult for him to hunt those Sector Beasts down.
However, if MengQu acted on its own, the fleeing Sector Beasts might panic and change


“MengQu was enslaved.”

“MengQu was enslaved!”

“It turned to Milky Way Horde Leader just as Morosa did.”

All the fleeing Sector Beasts sensed it. They could still clearly sense the presence of Morosa and
MengQu, but apparently, they were now on the opposite team.

“Beware of the enslaving technique of Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“Be careful not to be enslaved by him.”

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Luo Feng found out the truth when fighting the last of the three great beings, “Ang Si.” It blew
itself up just as he created his miniature universe. It self-destructed without even putting up
a fight.


The shock waves spread and hit the body of Luo Feng. His wings were trembling, but he
frowned. “I just successfully enslaved MengQu, and the Sector Beasts are so insane now? They
self-destruct as soon as I catch up to them?”

The Sector Beasts were left with no choice.

Beddy, Qi Ya, and MengQu were all level-five Sector Beasts, yet none of them could survive
against Luo Feng in a fight. They understood that no matter how hard they tried, they would
be killed by Luo Feng anyway, so they would rather self-destruct than risk being enslaved by
Luo Feng, which would make him stronger.


Inside the miniature universe of Luo Feng, inside the spaceship, Morosa was controlling the
enormous model. Unsettled, it said, “Master, you have nine slaves now, but I am the weakest

Luo Feng took a look at Morosa.

It was true. In the past eight days, Luo Feng had killed Qi Ya and enslaved MengQu, forcing
Ang Si to self-destruct! Luo Feng had then gone after another level-five Sector Beast, but that
one had also exploded. Luo Feng had then understood that he himself wasn’t enough to
enslave those Sector Beasts, so he started acting together with MengQu.

With MengQu, he had located a target and teleported there immediately. Though the Sector
Beast had known that MengQu was chasing it as well, Luo Feng and MengQu were still
approaching them. The teleportation distance of Luo Feng was too far—farther than level-five
Sector Beasts.

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When MengQu met the enemy, the two Sector Beasts began fighting each other, and their
sectors were sensing one another, so it was impossible for them to self-destruct!

When the Sector Beasts were fighting each other in the hive of Sector Beasts, nobody self-
destructed no matter how serious the grudges were, as it was impossible to self-destruct
during a Sector Beast fight.

During the battle, Luo Feng had performed his enslaving technique to enslave that Sector Beast.

Time flew by. Luo Feng continued to use that technique, even using different slaves to act at
the same time, forcing other Sector Beasts to flee awkwardly. Using this method, he had
successfully enslaved eight Sector Beasts in total.

“This time, I’ve enslaved eight Sector Beasts.” Luo Feng looked at Morosa. “Five of them are
level-five Sector Beasts, and three of them are level-four Sector Beasts. As for you, you’re a
level-two Sector Beast. However, I made you a promise before. As long as you helped me with
all your energies, I would get many Sector Beasts for you to eat. Only one of the Sector Beasts I
have enslaved can live, and it will be you.”

Morosa was exhilarated.

Luo Feng was calm. When a level-two Sector Beast ate a level-five Sector Beast, it could jump
straight to a level-five Sector Beast! They were all his slaves, so with one thought, they wouldn’t
be able to blow themselves up.

That means only one of them can live, Luo Feng thought. As for Sector Beasts... If I really can’t
stop a level-six Sector Beast from being born, then I’ll make a level-six Sector Beast for myself.

Luo Feng didn’t have any other options, and this was the reason why he enslaved the Sector
Beasts. Now, out of all the Sector Beasts he had enslaved, there were five level-five Sector Beasts
in total. MengQu was the most evolved one out of all of them! However, that still wasn’t
enough for a level-six Sector Beast to be born!

“Look, master.” Morosa pointed at that giant model of Universe Ocean. “The Sector Beasts from
the first universe era have entered ‘Lost Ocean Domain.’ You can go to Lost Ocean Domain as
well, Master. But now, the 450,000 Sector Beasts surrounding your miniature universe have
also entered Lost Ocean Domain, and only 30,000 Sector Beasts are still in the normal ocean
domain in Universe Ocean. It’ll be very difficult for you to hunt them down.”

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Luo Feng frowned and considered.

It was true. Lost Ocean Domain was an area that no races from Universe Ocean had ever
comprehended. Once someone was trapped in there, he would be lost in the depths of Universe
Ocean without any reference points. They would never be able to find their way back.

However, the Sector Beasts had all rushed into Lost Ocean Domain, one after another! Only
30,000 Sector Beasts were left.

Luo Feng rushed into Lost Ocean Domain as well!

He dared to rush in because Luo Feng was bringing MengQu with him. That meant that even
if he was trapped in Lost Ocean Domain, MengQu could still sense the location of Morosa. They
could return by following that sensation; it was the same reason why the Sector Beasts had
dared to venture into Lost Ocean Domain.

We’re in trouble now, thought Luo Feng. Lost Ocean Domain is enormous, yet the Sector Beasts
are running in all directions. If I’m trying to catch one Sector Beast, I’ll be getting farther away
from another Sector Beast.

After enslaving eight Sector Beasts, Luo Feng now felt helpless. He had to bring one Sector Beast
with him when journeying into Lost Ocean Domain. The fleeing Sector Beasts would get as far
away from him as possible. Some would get away through natural wormholes.

Luo Feng couldn’t follow Sector Beasts precisely in Lost Ocean Domain, and the only thing he
could be sure of was the location. He moved in a straight line.

When Sector Beasts fled through natural wormholes, Luo Feng was left dazed. He couldn’t even
find the wormholes.

Time passed. One month, two months, three months...

Other than Morosa, Luo Feng had enslaved eight Sector Beasts and killed a large group of Sector
Beasts. He then acquiesced and decided to go back!

But just when he was about to return, Luo Feng understood that the level-six Sector Beasts
would soon be born.

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Luo Feng’s original body was making its way back at that moment within his miniature

“Master,” Morosa reported respectfully. “There are many Sector Beasts escaping into the Lost
Ocean Domain of Universe Ocean. Out of the 450,000 Sector Beasts from the second batch,
420,000 have escaped into the Lost Ocean Domain. Adding to this number are those Sector
Beasts from the first batch Master went after. The number of Sector Beasts that Master has
killed and enslaved is a far cry from half the number of the first batch of Sector Beasts. If all
the Sector Beasts who have escaped into the Lost Ocean Domain started fighting one another,
their numbers alone could give rise to two sixth-stage Sector Beasts!”

Luo Feng nodded. 900,000 Sector Beasts could probably give rise to the birth of three sixth-
stage Sector Beasts. The number of Sector Beasts he had killed and enslaved merely constituted
a small portion. Judging by the remaining ones, it was entirely possible for the birth of two
sixth-stage Sector Beasts.

“However, according to the Sector Beasts’ Iron Rule of Fate, two sixth-stage Sector Beasts have
to kill one another,” Morosa said. “Only one can remain standing.”

The iron rule of fate was a set of shackles imposed upon the process of giving birth to the final
king of the entire Sector Beast race. To hasten the birth of the final king, there were four iron

The first iron rule was that no two sixth-stage Sector Beasts were allowed to coexist. They were
required to fight one another to death. All their divided bodies also would have to fight each
other until there was only one left standing.

The second iron rule was that the final king had to be born during the gestation period.
Maximizing the time stipulated by the breeding process, even if they were forced to fight and
kill one another, the devouring had to continue to the very last minute of their time limit until
there was only one left standing.

The third iron rule: If there were only two Sector Beasts left, regardless of how powerful or
powerless they were, they had to fight one another until there was only one left standing.

The fourth iron rule: The final surviving Sector Beast, regardless of being a first-stage or a
sixth-stage Sector Beast, would become the ultimate king.

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Luo Feng’s brows were furrowed as he thought. The number of Sector Beasts was too many.
Hundreds of thousands of Sector Beasts in the Lost Ocean Domain, probing in different regions,
meant there had to be a large number of reference points where these hundreds of thousands
of Sector Beasts had gone. Altogether, the Sector Beasts would have obtained substantial
information of a region of the map of Lost Ocean Domain! This would allow the Sector Beasts
to be able to speedily escape through the natural wormholes time and again. But there was no
way Luo Feng could give chase because he did not have the benefit of a map!

The moment this new ocean map was defined, Luo Feng was unable to give chase no matter
how he tried. He was forced to retreat.

“30,000 Sector Beasts have stayed behind,” Morosa reported respectfully. “They did not go to
the Lost Ocean Domain. They are all separated from one another, scattered all over the three
most dangerous lands. The environment of the three most dangerous lands is severe. Catching
even one of these Sector Beasts is going to be very difficult.”

Luo Feng understood. The 30,000 Sector Beasts that remained behind were represented a
beacon of hope for their race. For those Sector Beasts that had escaped into Lost Ocean Domain,
although they would have managed to piece together a partial map of the region, they had
fled too far; there was no way they could rely on their own abilities to return.

“In the future, when a sixth-stage Sector Beast is born,” Morosa said, “by sensing the
whereabouts of some of the Sector Beasts who have stayed behind, it could kill its way into
our Universe Ocean. They might have been worried that Master would kill all the remaining
Sector Beasts, including those of us who have pledged allegiance to you, Master. Killing us all
would cause them to lose their points of reference and be lost for eternity. They would not be
able to return. Accordingly, the number of Sector Beasts they left behind was many: 30,000!
There is no way Master can kill them all in a short time.”


How cruel! But Luo Feng had to do his best. When his original body returned, the first thing to
do was to head to Tilted Peak Sector!

Within Tilted Peak Sector, the land was vast and divided into many special regions. Presently,
those Sector Beasts were simply heading for any of these special regions they chanced upon!
There were even some Sector Beasts that escaped directly into some of the most dangerous
lands. Upon entering such dangerous lands, getting out again would be challenging.

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“Catch them.”

“Catch them!”

The 30,000 Sector Beasts that had remained behind to play the role of the beacon of hope were
all second-stage Sector Beasts. They were not considered powerful. Before Luo Feng, they did
not even have the ability to self-destruct. Therefore, they could all be forcibly caught and
confined within Star Tower by Luo Feng. Then, MengQu would devour them all. Luo Feng was
no longer enslaving them because there was also a limit to the number of soul slaves he could


Within Star Tower, silver-armored Luo Feng was looking far ahead. Deep within the endless
darkness was a huge abyss. This was the well-known Dark Yong Domain that was at the core
ground of Tilted Peak Sector.

“To think you would go so far as to escape into Dark Yong Domain,” Luo Feng muttered. “The
moment you step into Dark Yong Domain, there is no way you can get out. Yet, as many as 102
Sector Beasts are hiding in there.”

Would Luo Feng dare to enter? Of course not!

Just a while ago, he had tried getting a godly powered avatar to control an automaton-type
battleship and drive its way in, but after entering, there was no way it could come out!

“These Sector Beasts have given no thought of coming out again.” Luo Feng shook his head.

There were many dangerous lands similar to the three most dangerous lands. Once someone
entered, escape would be impossible. At that moment, a substantial number of Sector Beasts
were making their way into these places! With the methods Luo Feng had, there were some
dangerous lands he could still manage to escape from, but there were also those that he would
not be able to escape from.

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Luo Feng did not dare to personally survey the situation, so he had to send his godly powered
avatar to conduct the investigation. The previous two times, the godly powered avatar had
controlled the automaton-type battleship and charged its way out. But this time, upon
entering Dark Yong Domain, no matter how it tried, it would be unable to get out.

“30,000 Sector Beasts. It is impossible to kill them all.” Luo Feng sighed. Then, controlling Star
Tower, he left.


In the faraway Lost Ocean Domain, where Universe Ocean was simply much too vast, a few
hundred thousand Sector Beasts were exploring, yet all they had managed to find out,
collectively, merely constituted a small part of the entire domain. Now, the few hundred
thousand Sector Beasts were gathered in this ocean domain. Though relatively small, the area
of the ocean domain that the Sector Beasts had managed to learn about was much more than
ten times that of what Luo Feng and the three reincarnation eras had managed to learn about
the same domain.


“Between you and I, only one can survive.”

Two hideous-looking Sector Beasts were fighting one another without inhibitions. Blood
splattered everywhere. It was simply crazy, and such killing was taking place in different void
spaces. Several hundred thousand Sector Beasts were killing and evolving simultaneously.
They were hanging on to everything they got as they evolved.

Time passed. In the blink of an eye, nearly a year had gone by. Within the Lost Ocean Domain,
only two Sector Beasts remained. They were equally impressive, and they were both sixth-
stage Sector Beasts.

Hong! Hong!

A powerful, oppressive force caused the entire void space to vibrate. Both Sector Beasts stood
far apart from one another in the void space as they faced one another. One of the Sector
Beasts gripped an axe. Both their bodies were covered with complex, blood-colored engravings.
At the same time, a single horn grew on each of their foreheads. The tips of these horns flashed
with white light. This white light seemed to annihilate everything.

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The two Sector Beasts had slightly different auras. One was eerie, while the other was more
violent. They were “Mohe” and “You.”

“Mohe, we have both crossed over to the sixth stage. It is destined that only one of us can

“You... You are dead for sure. Let me be the one to finish off this Milky Way Horde Leader to
become the ultimate king.”

The two sixth-stage Sector Beasts were engaged in a life-and-death battle within that faraway
Lost Ocean Domain.


“You” had been annihilated! Mohe had become the final surviving sixth-stage Sector Beast!

After devouring You, Mohe’s power had rapidly climbed up to reach the top level of the sixth
stage. Then, right away, it made its way back.

“Milky Way Horde Leader! My noble Sector Beast race is the rightful owner for the final

Mohe was advancing through the void space with a godly axe in his hand. By relying on the
ability to sense his fellow Sector Beasts’ whereabouts, it would never get lost. The few thousand
Sector Beasts scattered all over the three dangerous lands—who had yet to be apprehended
and hacked to death by Luo Feng—were all extremely excited. Finally, a sixth-stage Sector
Beast had arrived.

After about a month, Mohe finally stepped into the familiar ocean domain again.

“I... I am here.” Standing amidst the vast void space, the single horns on Mohe’s two heads
were curved as they stabbed in the direction of the void space up ahead. The white lights at
the tips were faint. Both the single eyes on its two heads flashed with madness.

“Mohe,” said a second-stage Sector Beast hidden in a mountain range, “we shall leave
everything to you.”

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The hidden second-stage Sector Beast self-destructed.

“Mohe, I trust you,” said another Sector Beast hiding inside the Universe Boat, who also self-

“The last glory of our Sector Beast race. You need to protect it!”

“Kill that Milky Way Horde Leader!”

“We of the Sector Beast race should be the ones of highest nobility!”

One after the other, Sector Beasts were self-destructing. They were Sector Beasts that Luo Feng
either had not had time to hunt and kill, or those who had hidden in some of the most
dangerous lands, so Luo Feng had been unable to hunt and kill them. One by one, they were
self-destructing in succession! All were annihilated.

There was only one Sector Beast left who was truly free of enslavement: Mohe!

“I, Mohe! I will protect the last remnant of the glory of my noble Sector Beast race. I will not
allow that Milky Way Horde Leader to tarnish our race! Roar!” Mohe raised both his heads and
roared in anger.

At this moment, an invisible fate was enshrouding it. It was the one and only Sector Beast free
of slavery.


Luo Feng was still in shock upon witnessing the repeated self-destruction and disappearance
of the Sector Beasts. Morosa’s expression suddenly registered a drastic change.



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Morosa and the few other enslaved Sector Beasts, like MengQu, who were together with it at
the three most dangerous lands, simultaneously transmitted their messages to Luo Feng in
shaky voices.

“What is it?” Luo Feng sensed that something was amiss. Why would the nine great Sector
Beasts he had enslaved report to him all at the same time?

“Master!” Morosa shouted in shock. “When the Sector Beasts who were scattered all over self-
destructed at the same time, we felt the fate.”

“The ‘fate’?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

The Sector Beast race was greatly controlled by the influence of fate, as outlined by the four
iron rules of fate.

“Only one surviving Sector Beast is free of enslavement,” Morosa continued. “Fate is telling us
that even we, the subservient Sector Beasts who pledged our allegiance to you, have to fight
and kill among ourselves. There must be a final surviving Sector Beast out of us all. Then this
Sector Beast will go to battle against the free Sector Beast... to give rise to the ultimate king.
This is the fifth iron rule of fate—an iron rule that has just fallen upon us.”

“What? A fifth iron rule?” Luo Feng’s expression changed drastically.

A free Sector Beast? Against an enslaved Sector Beast? They were actually expected to fight a
final battle!

Luo Feng recalled the moment when he had enslaved Morosa. At the time, he had received a
warning from the supreme law. The Sector Beasts were a supreme life form that represented
destruction. Apparently, attempting to enslave them was difficult in the first place. Now, there
was only one surviving Sector Beast that was free of enslavement, and unexpectedly, a fifth
iron rule was laid down to hasten the birth of a final king! Obviously, this was to deprive Luo
Feng of any chance of preparation.

“I have many Sector Beasts as slaves under my command. By observing them execute
‘Destruction,’ then thoroughly comprehending it, I will be able to ascend to a higher state. So

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long as I have more time, my power will get stronger. Through this calamity, my chances are
higher, too. But now, the supreme law is no longer giving me time.”

Luo Feng’s expression appeared solemn. When his opponent reached the level of sixth-stage
as the top, there would be no higher rank to rise to. Yet he could still gradually rise further if
he continued with cultivation.

However, now that the fifth iron rule of fate had descended... the ultimate king had to be born.

“The final battle. Is this it?” Luo Feng’s eyes flashed with a complex brilliance. “Then bring it

Luo Feng took control of Star Tower and started to head back to the primal universe. Those
Sector Beasts under his command, unfortunately, would not be able to give rise to the birth of
a sixth-tier Sector Beast. When it came to making a final decision between the Sector Beasts
free of enslavement and the enslaved ones, of course he would choose to strike! If his side
won, that would naturally be the perfect outcome.

If that Sector Beast, “Mohe” truly became the ultimate king, that would be a true disaster.
Everything Luo Feng sought to protect would be annihilated.

On the eve of this battle, Luo Feng could not help but feel a strong urge to see his own family.

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Luo Feng went back to the original universe and back to Milky Way Holy Land.

The final fight was coming, and based on the deadline described by Morosa, Luo Feng knew
that he didn’t have much time left. He didn’t have any other thoughts but meeting with his


Luo Feng landed in a hallway made of green stones. It was a simple courtyard, and in front of
the courtyard stood a white-caped woman. Luo Feng smiled at her. She was his wife, Xu Xin!
Xu Xin, who had always supported him without any complaints. She didn’t crave him, and
she didn’t ask him to give her more time. Was it because she didn’t like him?

When Lou Feng had tried to fight the swallowing beast to death, and everyone had thought he
had died, including Xu Xin, she had chosen to die with him after giving birth to his child. Love
wasn’t supposed to be a restraint. Instead, it was supposed to be constant care and support.

“Feng.” Xu Xin smiled, and her smile was like a moon in the sky, calming Luo Feng’s soul.

Luo Feng’s wife was the harbor of his heart. He reached out and held her hand. “Let’s go see
mom and dad.”

“Okay,” said Xu Xin. She didn’t ask any further questions. She’d been waiting here for a long
time, and their parents lived in this courtyard.

They entered the courtyard. Soon, they saw Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan, who sat there
talking. After a trillion eras, they still looked the same as before.

“Ah, Feng.” Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan both stood up.

“Mom, Dad!” yelled Luo Feng. When he saw his parents, he was still like that same hard-
working student in the dojo during the era of Headquarter City on Earth.

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Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan gave each other a look. They both felt that something was
wrong with Luo Feng. He already stood among the pinnacle of billions of races, and he was
steady and reliable when hanging out with his parents. However, Luo Feng was acting like a
child—a child who was deeply attached to his parents.

It was unusual. They both noted this, but neither of them said anything about it.

“Come and sit, Xu Xin.” Gong Xin Lan held her son’s hands. They sat down, and so did Xu Xin.


Luo Feng was talking with his parents and wife like an ordinary human being, and soon, his
two sons, Luo Ping and Luo Hai, and his brother, Luo Hua, also arrived. The family gathered
together, talking and laughing. However, they had all lived for a long time, so they all sensed
something wrong with Luo Feng this time.

It all seemed so normal, which was exactly why it was so abnormal. It was an unusual time!
They were facing the Sector Beasts right now! And Luo Feng carried all the responsibilities.
How did he have the time and energy to talk with his family? However, nobody said anything,
even after talking for a long time. In fact, Luo Hong Guo, Gong Xin Lan, Luo Ping, and Luo Hai
spoke the most.

“It’s time,” said Luo Feng.

Everyone went quiet.

Luo Feng looked around. He looked at his mom and dad, who had always cared for him! At the
brother who had grown up with him. At the two sons who idolized him. And at his wife who
had been supporting him this whole time.

“I think you all know now.” Luo Feng nodded. “Something major is happening, and I’ve been
keeping it from you. But now, it’s time to tell you.

He had gone to the hive of the Sector Beasts for slaughter, and he had fought 900,000 Sector
Beasts, yet he hadn’t shared this information with his family. Even though they knew about
the Sector Beast crisis, they didn’t know any of the details. However, if he failed this time, all
the races of Universe Ocean would be annihilated—including him! There was no longer any
need to shield them from anything.

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“What’s happening, brother?” asked Luo Hua.



Luo Ping and Luo Hai were looking at Luo Feng anxiously. His parents and his wife also looked
at him, worried.

“This is the final act of the Sector Beast crisis,” said Luo Feng. “There can only be two results
of this battle. If I win, all the races, including us humans, will be safe and sound. But if I lose,
all the races will be annihilated, and the humans will die out as well. The original universe
will be destroyed, and so will I... No one can survive it. This will be the final battle.

His parents, his wife, his sons, and his brother were all shocked. This had to do with all the
billions of races in Universe Ocean?

“I’m about to leave,” whispered Luo Feng. “I wanted to see you, my parents, and the rest of you,
at the last moment before I left.”

Luo Feng looked around at his family members. They were all his family!

“A Feng.” Luo Hong Guo put his hands on his son’s shoulders, embracing him, and he smiled.
“Actually, I’m very proud of you. I remember when I was young, when the nirvana came, and
we barely survived it. We’ve survived life-and-death situations so many times that we could
finally live in Headquarter City, giving birth to you and A Hua.”

Gong Xin Lan also embraced her son.

“Your mom and I are very proud. We never expected that we would be able to tour the universe!
We never expected that we would experience so many virtual games as if they were real life.
Others only have one lifetime, but we’ve had countless lifetimes already.”

“Our lives are fantastic. And it’s because of you!”

Both Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan looked at their son.

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“Don’t feel burdened. Our Chinese saying goes, ‘a hundred years of life,’ but we’ve lived for
countless hundreds of years. Even if we die, we’ll smile as we die.” Luo Hong Guo smiled. “Just
go, and don’t feel pressured. Just go and fight them. If you win, we’ll have endless glory, but if
you lose, we’ll die with you.”

Luo Feng’s eyes were wet. He didn’t feel any pain. Instead, it was endless joy.

Luo Feng looked at his family members, who weren’t worried at all. “Actually, I’m really
selfish,” he said. “I don’t have much time to be with Xu Xin, with my sons, and with my
parents... I spent most of my time adventuring through the universe. I’ve been venturing and
fighting. Even though I’m doing this for the survival of the earthlings, I’ve actually become
accustomed to the life of adventure and combat. I like adventuring, and I love seeing all the
mysteries of the universe. I love fighting, and I get excited by dancing between life and death.
Without those, my life would be simple and boring.” Luo Feng shook his head. “Although it’s a
blessing to live a simple life, I’ve become used to fighting. I’m used to this life.”

Luo Feng looked at all his family. “My life shines because of fighting! And without fighting, it
would be boring. However, you guys.” He looked at his parents, holding the hands of his wife,
and he looked at his sons and his brother. “You’re the greatest treasure of my life in this world!
You are my everything! You’re more important than my own life! Without you, my world
would be in darkness forever.”

Family was most important of all—more important than his own life. He would do everything
to protect his family! Without them, he would be trapped in darkness forever.

“My life is splendid because of battle, but it is bright because of you!”

Luo Feng looked at his family members. He let go of his parents and stood up.

“Time for me go to.”


The ultimate fight was related to the survival of all the races of Universe Ocean. Luo Feng
wouldn’t hide anything. Instead, all the true gods knew about it. True gods from all the races,
and even lots of universe masters, had gathered in front of the palace on the square in Milky
Way Holy Land.

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Luo Feng walked out with his family, and all the races looked at him.

“Milky Way Horde Leader.”

“Milky Way, we count on you now.”

“Milky Way...”

All the races knew that this was the moment.

Luo Feng walked around, passing all the true gods. He saw his teachers: Primal Chaos City
Leader, Sitting Mountain Guest, and True Yan. He also saw his friends: Hong, Thunder God,
Rong Jun, Wu Ka, Hu Yan Bo, and Babata. Many great beings of the earthlings—even his
brother Wei Wen—were there. Great beings from the Remote Ocean (the races created by Luo
Feng) were there, as well as his disciples.


“A Feng.”

“Milky Way.”

“Luo Feng.”

They all called out to him.

Luo Feng remained the longest in front of his teachers. Primal Chaos City Leader nodded,
saying, “You have never let me down.”

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled. “I’ve devoted endless energies to cultivating you, and you
turned out even better than I thought... However, you haven’t paid me back yet, so don’t be
defeated by the Sector Beasts. You must win this time.”

True Yan tapped on Luo Feng’s shoulders. “You’ll always be my best disciple.”

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Luo Feng walked to the front. He turned around and looked at all the great beings standing in
the square. There were true gods of the demon race and the bug race who he had fought before,
as well as some subsidiary races who had followed his orders. Some of them were his friends,
people he cared about...


At this moment, Luo Feng felt the full weight of all he had to defend.

I won’t allow it! thought Luo Feng. I won’t allow anything that I’m protecting to be destroyed!
I’ll protect everything with my life! I won’t allow it! I won’t allow it to be destroyed!

The great beings from all the races looked at Luo Feng. He looked back at them and smiled.

“I will return!” he said.


Luo Feng flew away like a streak of light. If he did come back, it would mean he had succeeded.
If he didn’t make it back, all would be lost. The great beings of this universe era would only be
remains in the three Lands of Extremis.


Luo Feng was full of strengths! Including the strength of his heart! Because of his family, his
teachers, and his friends! He needed to defend them all!

It was all so beautiful, and he wouldn’t allow it to be destroyed! He was willing to sacrifice
everything to protect that!


A ferocious Sector Beast burst out of the universe membrane and flew toward the area where
a silver-armored and silver-winged man stood.

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“Master,” said Morosa respectfully.

Luo Feng glanced at Morosa, who had already entered limit level five. Normally, when
attaining level three, then level four, and then level five, each level would require time to
process. However, under the influence of the supreme laws, Morosa had improved without
facing any obstacles.

And now, only one enslaved Sector Beast was still alive. There was also only one free Sector
Beast who was still alive.

“Master, Mo He is coming here,” Sector Beast Morosa said anxiously. “Mo He is very fast. Its
teleportation distance is clearly much greater than me. Are you sure you can win this fight,

Morosa wasn’t guaranteed to win anything.

“I will win this fight!” whispered Luo Feng. “I have to!”

His voice was firm. He had to win this fight. He had to protect everything he was responsible
for defending!

“Go!” Luo Feng took Morosa and teleported. They disappeared and charged toward Sector Beast
Mo He.

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A ferocious Sector Beast stood in a space where chaos air was permeating. The space around
it had already clotted.

“It’s coming.” Both the heads of the ferocious Sector Beast looked in the same direction.

A streak of light was flying toward it. Then it stopped. It was a silver-armored, silver-winged
man, and a ferocious Sector Beast standing beside him.

“Morosa, you enslaved idiot!” bellowed the savage Sector Beast with two horns. “You’re an
embarrassment to us Sector Beasts!”

“Mo He!” Morosa, standing beside Luo Feng, yelled right back. “Fate also permits me to become
the ultimate king... You aren’t qualified to say something like that to me!”

Luo Feng observed the Sector Beast in front of him. It was much larger, and the bloody
engraving picture was more complicated. There was a horn on each of the heads, and the
white lights on them were filled with endless destructive force! Plus, it held an axe in its right

“That is...” Luo Feng’s heart skipped a beat. “That’s the weapon of Huge Axe!”

“You’re familiar with this?” Sector Beast Mo He turned to Luo Feng. Both his singular eyes were
gleaming with insanity. “You’ve seen the axe in my hands? Yes, that came from the first
creature from Universe Ocean. From Zhen Jia Emperor and the others, I learned that this
Universe Ocean life form was named Huge Axe Creator, and he was once the most powerful
being in the human race! I was living at the edge of the hive, and I saw Huge Axe Creator enter
the hive. I found him first! And then, I killed him with soul attacks.”

Luo Feng shot Mo He a horrible look.

“What a coincidence,” said Mo He. “I got this axe from him.” Sector Beast Mo He looked at the
godly axe in its hands. “I liked this axe as soon as I saw it. Perhaps I was born to use this axe.
I created axe techniques easily, and I merged all my comprehension with that axe! Although I
can’t own the weapon, I can still use it as a tool. It is very sturdy and very sharp.” Mo He added
in a whisper, “If I can use a tool, I can be stronger.”

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Luo Feng frowned. Sector Beast Mo He was different from other Sector Beasts.

Morosa had warned him that Mo He was sneaky. Anytime Luo Feng encountered other Sector
Beasts, they would all roar and immediately launch attacks at him. On the contrary, Mo He
was speaking to him calmly. Obviously, it was saying those things to assault Luo Feng’s mind,
causing his mood to waver.

“I killed more than eight million Sector Beasts all at once,” said Luo Feng. “What can you do
about me?”

Luo Feng stunned Sector Beast Mo He with a single statement.

Yes. The way Luo Feng had killed all those eight million Sector Beasts terrified Mo He. It had
no idea how Luo Feng had killed more than eight million Sector Beasts all at once.

“Fortunately,” Sector Beast Mo He said, glancing at Morosa in the distance, “my actual
opposition is Morosa. If I can kill Morosa, I’ll be the ultimate king! When I become the ultimate
king, even if you could become 100 times stronger, you would still die.”


As soon as he finished talking, a blurry, colorful light domain burst forth from the body of Mo
He, covering an area of several square light years. It was the almighty Sector Light Domain.
The stronger the sector, the more powerful Sector Light Domain was.

“Is this all you’ve got?” Luo Feng snorted. “Remember, there are two of us.”

The five pairs of silver wings were wide open on Luo Feng’s back, and they suddenly started to
gleam. A miniature universe formed with a diameter of 100 light years. Last time, when he
had been fighting Beddy, the miniature universe he had created wasn’t this powerful! Through
the “origin,” the power of the miniature universe was obviously greater.


The battlefield was in the space of Universe Ocean, and there was chaos air everywhere. It
could also help with the move known as “establish miniature universe with a single thought.”

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The endless chaos in the miniature universe was powerful, and it was suppressing the colorful
light, narrowing Sector Light Domain.

“There are only two of you,” said Mo He, “but there are ten million of me.”

The body of Sector Beast Mo He suddenly shone with white light, and bloody light surrounded
the axe in its hand. It immediately sped up, moving 100,000 times faster than light speed—a
million times faster than light speed. It rushed toward Morosa at a terrifying speed.

Under the supreme laws, there had to be an ultimate king born in this fight. Morosa couldn’t
hide in Star Tower to shun the fight, as fate would not permit it. This was the ultimate fight
of the Sector Beasts, the battle that would determine the final king. It was also the fight that
would determine the life or death of every race in Universe Ocean.

“Scram!” Luo Feng shook his wings and warded off the attacks.

The blade light was gleaming! A giant, golden door opened, and the destructive force from the
golden door slashed toward Sector Beast Mo He, who turned into a streak of bloody light.

This was Luo Feng’s supreme blade technique, “Door of Life”!

While trying to hunt down the Sector Beasts, a group of level-five Sector Beasts had been
enslaved by Luo Feng. Luo Feng had asked them to perform “Destruction” again and again so
that he could comprehend it. In an area where time traveled ten million times fast, Luo Feng
had turned that into his own comprehension, thus improving his level.

Door of Life was a top-tier level 12 technique!

If he’d had another 10,000 years or perhaps a million, Luo Feng could have achieved even more!
That was why Luo Feng thought the supreme laws favored the Sector Beasts; the supreme laws
wouldn’t allow the ultimate king of the Sector Beasts to be an enslaved individual so easily. As
a result, it had imposed the fifth law.


Sector Beast Mo He waved the godly axe in his hands, yelling. At the same time, an enormous
Sector Beast made of light appeared behind it. It waved its palms. A gleaming white blade of

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light, seemingly comprised of tens of thousands of diamonds and reflecting endless scenes,
struck Luo Feng’s Door of Life.


Everything cracked. Space turned hollow while Sector Beast Mo He rolled away, moving a
million times faster than light speed.

“Impossible.” Sector Beast Mo He stopped in the space in the distance. Its eyes bulged with
terror. “I’ve comprehended the destruction origin, and I’ve merged it with my axe techniques.
I’m not like other idiots who only know how to perform Destruction. I understand the
mysteries of that move and have merged them with the axe technique. I performed my
supreme technique in a destructive way... This move is ten times more powerful than
Destruction! How could I have failed?”

Luo Feng, standing in the distance, stared at Sector Beast Mo He. “It’s obviously because I’m
stronger than you!”

His level had been improved, and he had created “Door of Life.”

As a result, he had finally fully comprehended the third level of Wu Qi God, and he had
performed Blood Shadow Blade while wearing Wu Qi God. He was able to utilize greater power,
and his blade technique had been improved. When both were combined, his innate fighting
power had shot up to a new level. It was naturally more powerful than the axe technique of
Mo He!

Luo Feng was powerful enough to defeat 100,000 Sector Beasts by himself.

“Wonderful,” said Sector Beast Mo He. “No wonder you’re the biggest enemy of us Sector
Beasts.” Mo He stared at Luo Feng. He didn’t even glance at Morosa in the distance. “I see that
I can only kill Morosa after killing you.”

“Finally, you understand.” The silver-armored Luo Feng grasped Blood Shadow Blade, and his
wings were wide open as he stood in front of Morosa.

“I killed ‘You’ with my axe technique,” said Mo He in a low voice. “However, you still defeated
my axe technique. Fortunately, on my way back from Lost Ocean Domain, I comprehended the
actual supreme technique of Sector Beasts.”

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Luo Feng was dumbfounded. There was no need for Mo He to lie at this moment; it had no
reason to bluff.

“Separate!” Sector Beast Mo He yelled.


Suddenly, the ends of the horns on its heads suddenly shone. After time and space changed,
Luo Feng felt everything go blurry. Two copies of Mo He appeared in the distance. The white
light pulled back, and space and time were stabilized. There were, indeed, two of Sector Beast
Mo He.

Level-six Sector Beasts could have ten million bodies. Plus, Luo Feng knew from Morosa that
before Sector Beast Mo He even started to fight him, it had a million bodies already. They were
scattered everywhere. Even if it died, those other bodies could still recover back to level six

“What happened?” Luo Feng was shocked.

“Wait, master.” Morosa transmitted its voice anxiously. “Normally, level-six Sector Beasts will
separate into many bodies, but all those bodies are very weak so that the original body can
still stay strong. However, Sector Beast Mo He has another body now. It has given that body
half of its original power. The original body and its copy are equally strong.”

Luo Feng nodded. He could feel it now. The two copies of Sector Beast Mo He were, indeed,
relatively weaker than the previous, completed version. If the original body of Mo He was at
top-tier level six, the two Sector Beasts Mo He should have been at level six.

“It is weakening its own power?” Luo Feng was confused. “If it separates its body into two
parts, its power is weakened. The best way would be to combine both of the bodies, yet it did
the opposite?”

“You should be honored to be defeated by this move,” said Mo He.

The two copies of Sector Beast Mo He stood in the distance. At the same time, bloody engravings
floated on its body, forming a giant, bloody engraving picture, forming two enormous Sector
Beasts made of light.

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Both Sector Beasts performed Destruction at the same time.

Instead of axe techniques, it was pure destruction!

Hong! Hong!

Two traces of gleaming whirlpool portals were swirling and twisting with each other. Their
walls were like mirrors, shining brightly. The mirrors reflected one another, forming an
endless mirror world.

Luo Feng was shocked by how Mo He performed this technique. He recalled that Beddy had
performed the same technique, “Reincarnation Passageway,” before. Now, it was the same
way. Beddy had barely understood the technique, yet Mo He had separated its body into two,
and both bodies were performing “Destruction Portal” at the same time. When they were
combined, it looked perfect.

If the technique Beddy had used was only a blade embryo, the technique Mo He was now
performing was a sharp, bloody combat blade!

“Destruction of Reincarnation!” Both copies of Sector Beast Mo He yelled in anger.

The two whirlpool portals were twisting and spinning, destroying everything, shattering space
and time. The entire miniature universe shook and cracked.

The two portals flew toward Luo Feng. They were unstoppable.

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How white and dazzling the two intertwining whirlpool portals were! They were unstoppable.

“They are so powerful. I’m afraid they are even more powerful than my Door of Life.”

The very moment Luo Feng laid eyes on “Destruction of Reincarnation,” he came to a
conclusion: If I were to be struck by this technique head-on, confronting force against force, I
might get injured. But I have Star Tower, so there is no need for me to meet force with force!

This thought sprang to mind, but the next moment, Luo Feng’s expression changed.

It wasn’t right! He had Star Tower, so he could hide inside. But this was the battle in which the
king of the Sector Beasts would be born. There was no way Morosa could hide in Star Tower to
avoid this battle along with him. At the moment, Luo Feng was blocking off attacks by standing
in front of Morosa, but the moment he hid in Star Tower, Star Tower was bound to be
bombarded and blasted far away upon being hit by this impact. Then he would be forced apart
from Morosa.

Sector Beast Mo He could fully take advantage of this opportunity to kill Morosa in one blow!

“Against the combined attacks of eight million Sector Beasts, you were still able to stay alive.”
Sector Beast Mo He was looking forward to Luo Feng hiding in Star Tower. “This move of mine
will never be stronger than the combined attacks of eight million Sector Beasts! However, if
you are going to hid in Star Tower, the moment you are blasted away, you will no longer be
able to protect Morosa.” Sector Beast Mo He was filled with eagerness. “Go in! Hurry! Get inside
Star Tower.”

The root cause of this battle was to determine who, between the two Sector Beasts Mo He and
Morosa, who would be the final survivor!

“Star Tower!” Luo Feng suddenly roared.

Before him, a nine-story tower appeared out of nowhere. It was none other than Star Tower,
which was now in a horizontal position, resembling a gigantic, pointed cone. It began
instantly revolving, transforming into a long river. This long, golden river headed toward the
two intertwining whirlpool portals and crashed into them without delay.

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After Luo Feng had created the secret technique at top-tier level 12, this move was the newest
set of secret techniques Luo Feng came up with upon completing his comprehension of Star
Tower. Luo Feng had named it “River of Stars.”

River of Stars against Destruction of Reincarnation!


The dazzling golden river collapsed instantly. Star Tower, being bombarded in its entirety, was
thrown far into the distance, where it tumbled away. The two whirlpool portal still seemed to
be just as mighty as before as they charged straight for Luo Feng, but upon close scrutiny,
cracks could be seen on the outer walls of the two intertwining whirlpool portals.

Luo Feng’s eyes were fixated on the two dazzling, intertwining portals. His godly power was
blazing to its ultimate limit, and Wu Qi God was propelled to the third level. With both hands,
he held Blood Ghost Blade and hacked with his might!


A gigantic, white-gold door appeared in the space before Luo Feng. When the great door opened,
a white-gold blade light shot out right away to greet the Destruction of Reincarnation portal.

Luo Feng was now using his strongest blade technique: Door of Life!

At the moment of collision, there was silence. Loud bangs followed soon after.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

Endless violent bangs resounded; endless impact waves resonated. The two whirlpool portals
were already crippled, yet they continued to assault Luo Feng!

At that very moment, Luo Feng stood up straight. The five gigantic pairs of wings folded
forward to form an envelope around Luo Feng, keeping him entirely within its embrace. At the
same time, Sector Beast Morosa was also completely surrounded by the wings.


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The impact of a head-on collision threw Luo Feng far into the distance. He tumbled away at a
few million times light speed.


In the process of being thrown, Luo Feng could not help but spit out blood. The blood splattered
all over Morosa, who was kept safe under Luo Feng’s protection.

“Master!” Morosa was agitated and worried about the strike Luo Feng had received.

After a while, Luo Feng stopped tumbling.

“Do as I say.” Luo Feng swallowed the blood in his mouth and looked at Morosa at his side.
“Don’t get arrogant and impulsive. I have Wu Qi God and Shi Wu Wings to protect my body! My
body is far superior to yours... Even with this remnant of power, you will still die if you are
struck by it!”

Morosa nodded frantically. “Understood, Master. I will not do anything to foil Master’s great

What a joke. Previously, the axe technique used by Mo He had been ten times more powerful
than Destruction. It would have been enough to exterminate Morosa. Now, Mo He had divided
itself in two, and both bodies were executing Destruction concurrently. The subtle
combination of two Destruction whirlpool portals was reflected through the formation of
hundreds of millions of spaces. When that happened, its power climbed linearly to reach an
incredible level. Even if only a portion of this power remained, it would still be able to
exterminate Morosa!

“Hahaha... Milky Way Horde Leader.” From afar, the two Sector Beasts, both of them Mo He,
flew over together. “You are smart enough not to hide inside Star Tower. If you had entered
Star Tower, Morosa would be dead by now! You are quite impressive, indeed. Still able to resist.
But I reckon that more than half your godly power has been consumed, right? Hiding in Star
Tower, you will die; if you do not go in, you will still die—and you will die at my hands! Try to
receive our attacks again.”

Once again, the two Sector Beasts, Mo He and Mo He, started to execute their moves together.

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In the distance, Luo Feng’s expression changed. His godly power was already burning at its
limit. To maintain Wu Qi God at its third stage was already very taxing on his power. If it were
any other ordinary true god, that godly power would most likely have been used up in a
moment, but Luo Feng’s godly power reserve was rich enough, so by sustaining a high degree
of consumption, he could easily pull through for a long time.

However, earlier on, when he had been bombarded by the remnant of Destruction of
Reincarnation, that one hit had seriously injured him. Although it was not to the extent that
Mo He imagined—where more than half of Luo Feng’s godly power was consumed—he had
still lost almost 30 percent of his power!

30 percent might not have seemed like much, but given Luo Feng’s godly body, such a loss was
scary enough.

Hong! Long! Long!

Once again, the two dazzling, intertwining whirlpool portals in the midst the void space came
flying at Luo Feng.


Luo Feng did his best. First, Star Tower blocked off the attack! Then Blood Ghost Blade executed
Door of Life again to resist! Then Shi Wu Wings folded together to surround and protect Luo


Luo Feng was thrown into the distance upon impact and tumbled far away.

Fresh blood splattered. His skin was subjected to such violent vibrations that it split open, and
his bones trembled just as violently.

Luo Feng forced his godly body to absorb the impact of those hits so that Morosa would not be
injured, regardless of how much he personally had to endure as a result. No matter what,
nothing could be allowed to happen to Morosa.

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“Not dead?” The two copies of Mo He in the distance were shocked. For every single time Mo
He executed the move, it was actually equivalent to using “Destruction” twice.

This consumed quite a bit of Mo He’s power. Fortunately, it was a sixth-stage Sector Beast now,
and a sixth-stage pinnacle one, at that. Its power reserves were enough to allow it to execute
Destruction several times.

“Every time, you will be severely injured!” Sector Beast Mo He roared. “Let me see exactly how
many times can you take such hits!”

Once again, it executed its strongest move.

“Block,” said Luo Feng.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth and held on. There was no other way.

Given the speed of the whirlpool portal, there was no way he could dodge. And if he hid in Star
Tower, it would be no different than sending Morosa to its death.

“I would also like to know,” said Luo Feng, “whether you can execute more, or whether I can
block more.”

Luo Feng hung on through clenched teeth.





Ten times!

Eleven times!

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“Still not dead!” By now, Sector Beast Mo He was going completely crazy. “I refuse to believe
that your godly power is limitless. Meet your doom!”

Sector Beast Mo He was left with no choice. Luo Feng was doing all he could to protect Morosa.
Even in the face of such powerful strikes, he was not dodging or hiding.

Mo He really had no other choice. In this battle for the birth of the ultimate king, it had no
way of backing out.

“For the glory of my Sector Beast race...” Mo He’s eyes were filled with madness. “I must win.
Human, meet your doom!”

The two dazzling, intertwining whirlpool portals appeared again.

“What I seek to protect in my heart I shall not allow to be destroyed.” Luo Feng’s look was just
as fearsome as both his hands wielded Blood Ghost Blade. “You ought to be the one meeting
his doom!”

Peng! Peng! Peng!

Thirteen times, fourteen times, fifteen times...

This was the final battle. It was the battle for the birth of the king. While it might be said that
Mo He and Morosa were fighting to give rise to the final victor, the truth was that Mo He and
Luo Feng were battling one another! Luo Feng was Morosa’s protector. As long as Luo Feng
remained alive, there was no chance at all for Mo He to kill Morosa. Conversely, with Luo Feng
out of the picture, Mo He could easily become king.

The 30th time!

“I don’t believe this! I don’t believe your godly power is unlimited!” Sector Beast Mo He was in
a state of insanity. It had used up a good half of its total power. It had attacked 30 times, which
was as good as executing Destruction 60 times.

“Why is it still able to sustain?” Luo Feng wondered, his eyes bloodshot.

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He begrudged the current situation. He was down to 10 percent of his godly power. It would
take only three or four more hits for his godly power to be completely used up.

On the one hand, this was a pinnacle sixth-stage Sector Beast. The power reserve of such a
beast was unbelievably extensive. On the other hand, Luo Feng had a perfect godly body at a
life gene level of 100,000 times. Unfortunately, there was not enough time. Luo Feng’s godly
power wasn’t able to build up to the level of the ultimate limit. He wasn’t being given any time
at all.

“Die!” Sector Beast Mo He roared. “The ultimate king will not be enslaved!”


This was attack number 32!

Luo Feng’s eyes split open. Traces of blood were gushing and splattering. His entire being fell
into a state of absolute madness.

“I must protect the ones I seek to defend! I cannot lose! I cannot!”

At this moment, Luo Feng was sent tumbling again. His godly power was sharply reduced,
dropping to an amount that would allow him to bear just one last hit. He could sense that
Sector Beast Mo He had yet to be forced into its final desperation. Yet Luo Feng had been
reduced to his final stage of resistance.

“I cannot lose!”

Luo Feng fell into utter insanity.

At this juncture, various scenes flashed through his mind. To help his younger brother get on
his feet again, he had stolen the steel-armored dragon’s egg...

He had set his soul ablaze in order to perish with the devouring beasts...

When he first made his way off Earth, he had proudly risen up in the universe battle of

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He had knelt before True Yan to become a disciple of True Yan...

Various scenes replayed in his mind.

Sitting Mountain Guest, True Yan, Primal Chaos City Leader, and Huge Axe... Xu Xin, Luo Ping,
and Luo Hai... Rong Jun, Wu Ka, and Bolan... Their faces flashed through his mind.

“I cannot lose.”

For all the important people and things he sought to protect. Step by step, he had made his
way from Earth to where he was now. He had transcended everything in his life... He had to
stand by what he sought to protect; it was his responsibility!

“Get up!”

An unyielding willpower! An unmovable, steadfast willpower! For everything important to

him, he burned with endlessly might willpower!

At that moment, he erupted!


Luo Feng’s willpower finally transcended the ultimate limit of an eternal true god to reach an
even higher domain. It was truly high enough to be the “holy” domain!

As Luo Feng prepared to go into the final battle, as he was bidding his family farewell—that
was when the change in his willpower had begun brewing. At that moment, for everything he
sought to protect by giving his all, his willpower erupted.

A breakthrough!

“The ultimate king can only be a free Sector Beast!” Sector Beast Mo He felt as though it could
taste victory as it witnessed Lou Feng’s crazy demeanor. “Go to hell.”

From a distance, Mo He saw Luo Feng get back on his feet and set his gaze far ahead.

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That look...

At that moment, everything in Mo He’s surroundings suddenly disappeared. Only Luo Feng’s
eyes, which had transformed into gigantic planets, remained, revolving and emitting endless
power. An extremely acute willpower, almost like a sharp blade, pierced right through Sector
Beast Mo He’s willpower.

Supreme willpower secret technique: “Linear Element Technique.”

The godly king of Jin had waited for a trillion eras for the appearance of a being who could
master Linear Element Technique. This was a secret technique that drove many godly kings
crazy. It was a terrifying technique that could annihilate even the most top-tiered talents from
the ancient civilization if they merely tried to master it. To be able to master it, one’s willpower
had to first undergo sanctification to become holy.

This secret technique was one Luo Feng had studied repeatedly umpteen times. The moment
his willpower was sanctified, he would acquire all he needed to learn it instantly.


The eyes of both Sector Beasts, Mo He and the other Mo He, went dull. Then, instantly, they
lost consciousness. The few million other bodies, scattered all over Universe Ocean, all lost
consciousness after their eyes went dull.

Luo Feng pointed afar. “Die.”

An illusory beast head appeared and instantly started boring its way into the body of Sector
Beast Mo He. It was going to launch a direct attack at Mo He’s soul!

Sector Beast Mo He’s willpower was originally powerful, so it was able to bear the impact of
ordinary soul attacks. But now, in its unconscious state, it did not have a trace of resistance.
It was like a candle that could be extinguished with a single breath. There was not an ounce
of resistance. Instantly, its soul was annihilated.

A few million other bodies were, within an instant, all annihilated.

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“Ha...” Standing far away in the void space, Luo Feng’s body trembled slightly. Soon, he lost all
control. Throwing his head back, he laughed heartily. “Hahahaha...! I did it, I did it, I did it!

At that moment, Luo Feng laughed as if he had gone mad; he seemed to be carried away with
the laughter and completely lost all composure.

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He won.

Finally, he had won the fight. This was the most exciting moment for Luo Feng in a trillion

“Back!” Luo Feng pointed.


Star Tower was floating up above, and the black hole at the base swallowed both of the bodies
of Sector Beast Mo He and Morosa standing beside him! Morosa was a slave of Luo Feng, so he
couldn’t resist it at all.

“No matter what.” Luo Feng was exhilarated, but he still kept his cool, “I can’t be careless and
doom myself. If you want to become the ultimate king of Sector Beasts, make a breakthrough
in my Star Tower.”

Mo He was dead. Morosa was the single, final Sector Beast. It could now evolve and become
the ultimate king.

The king of Sector Beasts was the most precious, most perfect, and most noble of them all. It
represented the destruction origin of all life. It was so noble that it could rival the original
universe... Luo Feng couldn’t be sure that such a noble creature could be enslaved. If Morosa
suddenly shook off Luo Feng’s enslavement when it was becoming a king and destroyed all
the races, including Luo Feng, everything would be in vain. That was why Luo Feng had put
Morosa back in his Star Tower, even if he was exhilarated!

Star Tower was a godly king weapon! Once Morosa was trapped inside Star Tower, it wouldn’t
be able to break out, as it was only a newborn king of the Sector Beasts! Even a Sector Beast
who had reached it pinnacle level—one that could destroy an entire kingdom in the ancient
civilization—couldn’t break out, as it was only a bit stronger than godly kings. As for Morosa,
it was just a newborn king of the Sector Beasts.

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If I can still enslave it, then everything will be fine, Luo Feng thought. If I can’t enslave it
anymore, I’ll keep it in Star Tower forever until I can kill it.

Although he was worried, he still believed that he was able to enslave the ultimate king. Since
he had been able to enslave Morosa, it ought to be possible for him to enslave the king of the
Sector Beasts. Besides, the final battle had been between an enslaved Sector Beast and a free
Sector Beast. If the ultimate king couldn’t be enslaved, there was no point for the battle.

Everything has a chance, Luo Feng thought. To enslave a Sector Beast, someone’s life gene level
must attain 100,000 times to turn his godly power to the power of Sector Beasts. Also, he has
to have exceptional willpower! Then he can actually enslave a Sector Beast. To enslave the king
of Sector Beasts, he also needs to destroy the entire Sector Beast race.

A life gene level of 100,000 times! Exceptional willpower! The destruction of the entire Sector
Beast race! Three conditions, and all needed to be met to enslave the king.

Luo Feng had met all the criteria. If the supreme laws let Morosa shake off the enslavement
at this moment, it would be unfair. At least, that was Luo Feng’s opinion!


Inside the space of suppression in Star Tower, the two bodies of the ferocious Sector Beast Mo
He lay there while Sector Beast Morosa stood to the side.

“Ah!” Both the heads of Sector Beast Morosa shot up.

A supreme force arrived, surrounding Morosa.

Luo Feng stood at the edge of the space of suppression, watching. The supreme laws? he
thought. No wonder the king of Sector Beasts stands in opposition to the original universe!


Both of Sector Beast Mo He’s bodies were annihilated and vanished. All those millions of bodies
of Mo He scattered everywhere immediately vanished. This surprised Luo Feng, as he’d
thought Morosa was going to eat the bodies.

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Hong! Long! Long!

A powerful force was born, and it infused the body of Morosa.

Each force had the appearance of the Sector Beast. Even though all those Sector Beasts looked
very similar, they were somehow different. Luo Feng could even identify Qi Ya, Beddy, and the
other Sector Beasts he had encountered. All the forces of the Sector Beasts infused the body of


Morosa couldn’t help yelling in excitement. Its body was bulging, and the bloody engraving
picture on its body was getting increasingly complicated, as if an invisible hand was drawing
on its body. At the same time, both the heads had a horn, and each horn was emitting white
light from its tip.

The forces kept coming. The forces of all the dead Sector Beasts gathered and merged with it.
Soon, Morosa had reached top-tier level six. Morosa stayed there for a long while, until the
last powerful force merged in. It was the force of Sector Beast Mo He!


It kept infusing. The power of all the dead Sector Beasts infused its body, which made Morosa
cry out. Soon, one white character after another emerged from its body. The gleaming white
characters were surrounding Morosa, so that Luo Feng couldn’t even see it anymore. He could
only sense that a terrifying force was reacting.

“Incredible.” Luo Feng was thrilled. “The power of all the Sector Beasts merged into one! One
out of a billion Sector Beasts! Each of the Sector Beasts is as powerful as a true god, the attack
of a billion true gods is more powerful than an eternal true god, yet those energies only add
up to a king of Sector Beasts that has just entered its growth period.”

The power was there. Those gleaming white characters were dimming while new characters
showed up all the time. It was as if they were telling an ancient secret. A single horrifying,
destructive force was tumbling. It was the destruction origin of the supreme laws. The king of
Sector Beasts represented the complete destruction origin.

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After a long time, the supreme law force was finally gone. The billions of characters that
previously surrounded Morosa’s body were gone, and only after that did Luo Feng see the
appearance of Morosa.

“This, this...”

Luo Feng looked at the newborn king of the Sector Beasts in shock. A transparent, giant white
life form was standing there. Its body was perfect. It had two hands and two legs, a mouth, a
nose, and two eyes, but it didn’t have ears. There were two horns on its forehead, pointing

It looked holy and beautiful. Even some of the most beautiful individuals of the human race,
or even the alluring bug empresses, were inferior to it.

It was so beautiful and natural, containing supreme mysteries. Without those two horns, it
would have looked like an innocent and lovable child, yet with those two horns, it had the
supreme power of the throne.

“King of the Sector Beasts?” whispered Luo Feng. “Those hideous and savage monsters, with
dark skin and two heads... Their ultimate king is more beautiful than any creature I’ve seen.
Even bug race empress looks ugly compared to this.”

It was perfect.

“Master.” The being’s skin condensed into armor, and it bowed and saluted Luo Feng. “Thank
you for making me, Morosa, the ultimate king.”

Luo Feng looked at Morosa. He could sense it. It was true. His soul control was deeply ingrained
in the soul of this king of the Sector Beasts. He could crush the soul of the king with one

Just as he had expected, after a series of tests, he was qualified to enslave the ultimate king.

“Morosa,” Luo Feng chuckled. “Now, you’re more beautiful than any other creature.”

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“I can turn into any shape, and I can change the forces as well,” said Morosa respectfully. Its
body changed, and it turned into Divine Eye True Master. Then it turned into Rampaging Devil
God. Then Hong and Primal Chaos City Leader. Even their auras were the same.

Luo Feng smiled. The king of the Sector Beasts also had the ability to be “Invisible and

“What other abilities do you have now?” asked Luo Feng.

Morosa answered modestly. “I still have the ability to have ten million bodies. Besides, I’ve
mastered the complete destruction origin, and I can keep comprehending the destruction
origin so that I can be more powerful. Plus, the sector inside my body is perfected, so it can
breed many powerful warriors. Warriors that are much stronger than level-six Sector Beasts.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was thrilled.

Lucky him.

Fortunately, he had won. If Mo He had become the king of the Sector Beasts, he wouldn’t have
stood a chance at all. The king still had ten million bodies, while it was able to breed lots of
warriors... It was amazing.

“Of course, the king of the Sector Beasts isn’t almighty,” said Morosa humbly. “I still need to
swallow lots of energies and lots of valuables to provide my warriors with sufficient vigor.”

“Ha... There’s a Purple Moon Holy Land waiting for you to swallow.” Luo Feng smiled.

“It will be my honor.” Morosa smiled.

Luo Feng looked at Morosa carefully. Morosa had been reckless and grumpy before. However,
it was now calm and peaceful. Apparently, its demeanor had totally changed now that it
possessed the complete destruction origin.

“What level are you at now, compared to us? Universe masters? True gods? Void space level?
Or higher?” asked Luo Feng curiously.

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“I’ve just entered the growth period,” said Morosa. “I should be at the level of void space
according to your training system.”

A true god of void space? Luo Feng nodded. It was as he had expected.

“I’m different from you, master,” said Morosa. “I don’t have any upper limit on my power. If I
can keep swallowing and comprehending, then I’ll keep improving myself... I have mastered
the destruction origin, so no matter how slowly I am comprehending, I’ll reach the pinnacle
level eventually. When I reach that level, I’ll be at the same level as the pinnacle original
universe, and with one strike, I’ll have the power of a strike by the original universe. However,
the original universe is used to breed countless lives. It can’t make attacks by itself.”

Luo Feng was thrilled. The original universe couldn’t attack on its own. However, if it really
could strike on its own, given its vast volume, it could definitely reach the level of godly kings.
No wonder the Sector Beasts were considered a catastrophe even in the ancient civilization!

Only a multitude of kingdoms teaming up could resist the Sector Beasts. Apparently, several
godly kings alone were not powerful enough to resist the army of the Sector Beasts.

“The lives of the original universe need to transcend incarnations when we reach the level of
void space,” asked Luo Feng. “Morosa, do you also need to transcend incarnations now that
you’re at the level of void space?”

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“Transcend reincarnation?” Morosa shook its head. “Master, you are a life form of the primal
universe. But I am not. The level I am at now might be the equivalent to a true god of void
space level... but no one has ever forced me into transcending reincarnation.”

Luo Feng lamented and sighed. That was how impressive it was. Being at a comparable status
as the primal universe, even the willpower of the origin would have no way of coercing it to
do anything against its wishes.

“Let’s go,” Luo Feng said. “You need to make a trip to Purple Moon Holy Land with me.”

“Yes, Master.” Morosa’s eyes revealed a hint of anticipation. Of course, it knew what it was
going to be doing.

There was not a single hint of pity in Luo Feng’s eyes. Previously, he’d had to deal with the
Sector Beast crisis, so in light of the most important matters at hand, he had put all else aside.
There had been no time to waste. But now, the crisis was over. Purple Moon Holy Land had
constantly oppressed the humans, always trying to kill him. They had targeted him multiple
times, becoming his sworn enemy long ago! And he also needed to retrieve the last component
of his Shi Wu Wings.


Star Tower teleported right away and vanished within the vast, chaotic airflow.


While Luo Feng and Morosa made their way to Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, a gathering
was taking place in the Pantheon Sanctuary of the virtual universe. The humans and other
races from the Hong Alliance and various groups of powers—like the demons, the bugs, the
Space Beast Alliance, the Ancestral God School, and even some of the supreme masters who
were lone travelers like Sitting Mountain Guest—had gathered here!


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The most they did was exchange conversations via voice transmissions. The worry in their
eyes and on their faces was difficult to conceal. This final battle concerned the life and death
of all the races. If the news they received was a nightmare, that would mean all of them would
be annihilated.

Seated at the highest level, garbed in his white robe, Luo Feng’s eyes were shut. No one dared
to disturb him.


Suddenly, Luo Feng opened his eyes. The many true gods had set aside a part of their thoughts
to keep tabs on Luo Feng. At that moment, they all looked over. Even the many universe
masters outside the Pantheon Sanctuary got to their feet. They were all watching the great
hall from afar. Anticipation filled their eyes as they all waited for Luo Feng to announce the

“Dear all,” he said.

Luo Feng looked below; a smile suddenly broke out over his face.

Just one smile, and right away, all the true gods below, and even the universe masters outside
had an inkling of the answer. However, if they did not hear it straight from Luo Feng, could
not rest assured of the certainty of the answer. One by one, they held their breath and stared
hard at Luo Feng. They were all waiting for him to make the announcement.

“The final battle. We won!” Luo Feng’s voice rang loud and clear. “The Sector Beast crisis is over.
This reincarnation generation is still going to continue for several trillion eras. Fret not,

All the true gods below cheered at the same time.


“Victory, victory!”


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“We won!”

They were all top-tiered existences that stood at the peak of their own races, but at that
moment, none of them could be bothered about proper conduct! The universe masters outside
Pantheon Sanctuary were just as excited.

Sitting Mountain Guest, who was seated below, looked at Luo Feng from afar. He, too, smiled.
At long last, he could let out a sigh of relief.

“Luo Feng.” Primal Chaos City Leader turned to look at Luo Feng. Laughing had never felt more
natural than it did now. “My disciple, you have never disappointed me.”


The atmosphere was filled with jubilation.

The various races all knew the outcome, and the news spread like wildfire. Even the handful
of true gods from the first and second reincarnation eras who had lost their miniature
universes and thus gone into hiding in Universe Ocean heard the news.

“It was a success?”

“We pulled through?”

The others like Jue He True God and Rampaging Devil God, who were scattered all over Universe
Ocean, were extremely lonely. When they learned of the news, they were not very happy
because their miniature universes and all their people had been exterminated. Now, they
would spend their lives as lonely souls, waiting for doomsday to arrive.


Within East Emperor Holy Land Universe, East Emperor Ancestor was pacing the vast
continent, watching the lives of his people. “Have we pulled through?”

Some of his people were so weak that their lives would not even surpass 100 years. Traversing
the great continent and seeing the life-and-death reincarnations, East Emperor Ancestor was

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already prepared, but the moment the news reached him, the joy in his heart simply could
not be contained and came surging out.

“Hahaha...” East Emperor Ancestor threw his head back and laughed heartily. He was laughing
for himself as well as his own people.

The entire East Emperor Universe, including all the true gods and universe masters, were
extremely excited. They were all rejoicing and celebrating because they had made it through
this calamity.


It was the same joyous atmosphere within the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe. Not only were
the universe masters and true gods getting emotional, but even Purple Moon Ancestor was

“I have extraordinary opportunities,” said Purple Moon Ancestor. “I am bound for great
achievements. How can it be possible for me to meet my downfall in the face of this Sector
Beast calamity?”

Purple Moon Ancestor was relaxed and happy. Then a glimmer of anger flashed in his eyes.

“That Luo Feng unexpectedly managed to stop this Sector Beast crisis from happening. His
great potential is indeed intimidating. He will become my greatest opponent in the future.
Why did he not perish along with the Sector Beasts? Forget it. Since he managed to survive
this time around.” Purple Moon Ancestor shook his head. “Seems like I can only look forward
to the future to see whether he is more powerful or I am more powerful. For now, I don’t believe
I will lose to him.”

Then Purple Moon Ancestor pushed aside all thoughts of Luo Feng. He joined his underlings,
as they all started their celebration banquet. Surviving a crisis was indeed a major event
worthy of celebration.

Just as all the higher-ups of Purple Moon Holy Land were happily celebrating, amidst the void
space surrounding Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, Star Tower appeared. Two figures walked
out from the side door at the base of Star Tower. One of them was a man clad in silver armor:
Luo Feng, a. And the other was a handsome king with a pair of curved horns: Morosa.

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“Purple Moon Holy Land.” Luo Feng looked into the distance at the gigantic miniature universe.
“It’s time for annihilation.”

Both parties had long been sworn enemies! Would Luo Feng go easy on them?

“Morosa, how long will you need to swallow it all?” Luo Feng asked persistently.

“I am different from the second-stage and third-stage Sector Beasts,” Morosa said with a smile.
“My sector is now truly perfect. My ability to swallow naturally reached a new level high. It
should be very fast, but I need to try before I will know exactly how long I will need.”

“Hmm... You may begin.” Luo Feng instructed.

Morosa nodded.

It looked into the distance at Purple Moon Holy Land Universe. Then its pair of horns suddenly
shot out countless distorted white ray of light. The tip of each horn was like the source.
Together, the tips of its two horns resembled the constellation Gemini. The tips of its horns
were influencing one another, forming a strange gravitational force that completely shrouded
the faraway Purple Moon Holy Land Universe.


Time and space trembled and vibrated, then became distorted. A dazzling radiance followed
the countless distorted rays of light and crazily penetrated Morosa’s body. Morosa became
immeasurably dazzling—like a sun a trillion times brighter than anything else.

Luo Feng looked to his side at Morosa. The king of the Sector Beasts was so dazzling that Luo
Feng could not clearly make out its features.

“How is it?” he asked.

“Purple Moon Ancestor must be trying to use his willpower for additional power, as he tries
his best to put up a resistance,” Morosa said. “This Purple Moon Holy Land Universe is very big,
indeed. Such an extremely powerful origin. With the support of his own willpower... if I want
to devour it, I would need some time. Probably around one day.”

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“One day?” Luo Feng laughed.

Second-stage and third-stage Sector Beasts would have required around 100,000 years to finish
devouring everything. The king of the Sector Beast only required a day.

“This is the day I have been waiting for.” Luo Feng laughed.


Within the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, Purple Moon Ancestor had originally been seated
high up above everyone else while the true gods and universe masters were helping
themselves to delectable cuisine and fine wine, overjoyed as they conversed incessantly at
loud volumes.

But now...

“Sector Beasts are devouring?”

“Ancestor, are you saying the Sector Beasts are devouring our Purple Moon Holy Land?”

“How is that possible? The primal universe sent us a message informing us that the Sector
Beast crisis is over, right? Hasn’t Milky Way Horde Leader gotten rid of all the Sector Beasts?”

There was an uproar among the crowd.

Purple Moon Ancestor stood above them all, his face filled with anger as he shouted furiously
at them, “There are Sector Beasts devouring the origin of our Purple Moon Holy Land Universe
right now! This is my miniature universe; how would I not know? Could I be wrong with
something like this? Hurry, send the message to those of us in the primal universe right away.
Tell them! The Sector Beasts have yet to be exterminated, and they are attacking my miniature
universe right now.”

“Yes, Ancestor.”


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The true gods and universe masters beneath him were flustered. They all started to transmit
messages to the true gods in the primal universe.

Purple Moon Ancestor stood way up high with a face filled with hostility. He was angry and
anxious. His miniature universe was being devoured in a continuous manner, and the speed
at which it was being devoured scared him!

He was also fuming mad at Milky Way Horde Leader Luo Feng, who had claimed that the
Sector Beast calamity was over. Why were there Sector Beasts coming to devour his miniature
universe again?

Could it be that Luo Feng lost? Purple Moon Ancestor wondered to himself. He must have
known everything would be exterminated. Could it be that, before the extermination, he has
decided to go crazy and wantonly spread false news of his victory? Anyway, he will have to be
exterminated if he lost, right? So, in his moment of insanity, he must have purposefully come
up with such a ploy.

Purple Moon Ancestor started to let his thoughts run wild in his anxiety.

It had never occurred to him that a Sector Beast would become Luo Feng’s slave! In light of this,
Luo Feng had never publicized it. Even the groups of top powers from the primal universe were
equally clueless about the fact that Luo Feng had enslaved a Sector Beast!


In the virtual universe, at the Pantheon Sanctuary, true gods and universe masters from
various races were all gathered. They were holding a grand ceremony to celebrate their victory
over the Sector Beasts. They had stemmed the tide of the Sector Beast crisis.

Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were seated at the topmost level. Joy and laughter filled
the room.

Suddenly, a voice resounded, saying, “The Sector Beasts have not been exterminated! The
Sector Beasts are devouring Purple Moon Holy Land Universe now!”

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As the voice rang out, the entire Pantheon Sanctuary instantly fell silent.

“Yes, the Sector Beasts were not exterminated. There is already news coming from Purple
Moon Holy Land. They are being attacked by the Sector Beasts, and the origin of Purple Moon
Holy Land universe is currently being devoured!”

“Purple Moon Holy Land is in the middle of being attacked by the Sector Beasts.”

“There are still Sector Beasts around!”

There was an instant uproar within the Pantheon Sanctuary. Would Milky Way Horde Leader
lie? Everyone was on pins and needles.

Space Beast Ancestor also voiced his concerns. “Milky Way Horde Leader, are the Sector Beasts
completely wiped out, or are there still some surviving Sector Beasts?”

Nine Remoteness True Master was also worried. “Milky Way, if there are remnants of the
Sector Beasts roaming around, we must quickly get rid of them. Otherwise, when the few
remaining Sector Beasts start to grow and develop, they will again impose a great threat on

“Dear all.”

Luo Feng looked down at everyone, and the moment he spoke, everyone quietened down.

“Rest assured,” he said. “The Sector Beast crisis is now over. If you don’t believe me, you can
ask the three ancestral gods... I believe the three ancestral gods will have received news from
the willpower of the origin. They will know whether or not the Sector Beast crisis is over.”

Instantly, everyone within the Pantheon Sanctuary looked at the three ancestral gods.

The three ancestral gods looked at one another.

The old ancestral god spoke up. “The Sector Beast crisis is, most certainly, a thing of the past.

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“We are relieved to hear what the ancestral god has said!”

The tense atmosphere within the Pantheon Sanctuary immediately eased up. However, there
were still a handful of true gods asking, “Why would Purple Moon Holy Land say that the Sector
Beasts are attacking their holy land universe?”

Luo Feng looked down. “It is not an attack from the Sector Beasts! It’s me. I am the one
attacking! It will not take long for Universe Ocean to be forever rid of Purple Moon Holy Land!”

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Purple Moon Holy Land would no longer exist in Universe Ocean?

The true gods seated down there looked at each other. They all knew it. If the ancestral gods
who could talk to the original mind of the original universe said the crisis of the Sector Beasts
had passed, then it was the truth. Luo Feng really might have been the one who was attacking
Purple Moon Holy Land.

After all, aside from the Sector Beasts, only Luo Feng was powerful enough to destroy Purple
Moon Holy Land!

How powerful was Luo Feng? None of the true gods knew exactly, but they all knew he was
powerful! They hadn’t witnessed how he had killed all those eight million Sector Beasts. But
they had seen 900,000 Sector Beasts rush to Universe Ocean and destroy the miniature
universes of the first and the second universe eras—at least, the true gods from the two
universe eras had seen it.

The Sector Beasts could easily annihilate all the races. However, they had all been destroyed
by Luo Feng.

If the Sector Beasts were terrifying to begin with, then what about Luo Feng? The one who had
annihilated all the Sector Beasts? It was terrifying to even think about it, in addition to his
other achievements.

In the World of Jin, hundreds of universe masters had been killed at the same time. As just a
universe master, he had become the most powerful great being in Universe Ocean! Divine Eye
True God and others had machine-type valuables, yet they were still no match for Luo Feng.
When he became a true god, all the races, including the true gods, saluted him!

It all demonstrated the extraordinary power of Milky Way Horde Leader!


Inside Purple Moon Holy Land.

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“Perhaps Luo Feng wasn’t lying. He did kill many Sector Beasts, but there’s a chance that there
are some that remain.”

Purple Moon Ancestor’s eyes gleamed, and he yelled. “Tell the original universe that there are
still some Sector Beasts! Tell Milky Way Horde Leader to come here and kill the Sector Beasts!”

Everyone was silent. Many universe masters looked up at Purple Moon Ancestor.

Purple Moon Ancestor frowned and yelled, “What’s happening?”

“Ancestor!” yelled a universe master standing down there. “A piece of news just arrived from
the original universe. Milky Way Horde Leader admitted that it’s him who’s attacking Purple
Moon Holy Land. Luo Feng wants to destroy Purple Moon Holy Land.”

“What?” Purple Moon Ancestor was shocked. “Impossible!” he roared in a rage. “It can’t be Luo
Feng. It has to be Sector Beasts! It’s Sector Beasts that are eating the origin of my miniature

“Ancestor, the original mind of the original universe already told the three ancestral gods that
the Sector Beast crisis was already over!” cried an elder with three heads and eight arms. “That
Luo Feng has immense power, and he indeed destroyed all the Sector Beasts. He’s more
horrifying than the Sector Beasts! He must be using some special skills to deal with this holy

Everyone was crying. They were filled with regret. If the holy land was destroyed, the entire
race would go extinct. None of them were afraid of death. However, they would be damned if
the entire race was annihilated.

But what could they do? Try to stop him? All of them combined were nothing compared to a
single strike from Luo Feng.

“How...? How is it possible?” Purple Moon Ancestor was horrified. “Even the original mind of
the original universe admitted it? Luo Feng... He—he’s attacking my miniature universe? He’s
only a true god. How can he destroy my miniature universe?”

Purple Moon Ancestor found it hard to believe. Even if Luo Feng was at a supreme level, this
was, after all, a miniature universe of true gods of void space. How could it be destroyed?

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Purple Moon Ancestor had set Luo Feng up without any fear that Luo Feng would take revenge.
He hadn’t believed Luo Feng could do anything to him. And that was true; Luo Feng, indeed,
couldn’t do anything about the miniature universes of true gods of void space, but the king of
the Sector Beasts could.

The king of the Sector Beasts was even able to eat the origin of the original universe, not to
mention Purple Moon Holy Land.

“Go. Go meet Luo Feng. These are his coordinate!” Purple Moon Ancestor clenched his teeth.
“Ask him if he will spare the billions of lives from Purple Moon Holy Land. We’ll say yes to any
conditions he has.”

“Yes, Ancestor.”

More than ten beings rushed out immediately. Perhaps it was shameful for them to beg for
mercy, but temporary shame was still better than the extinction of their races and the loss of
all hope!

“How—how did I get here?” Purple Moon Ancestor raised his head and closed his eyes.


15 great beings flew out to where Purple Moon Ancestor sensed the source of the swallowing.
At those coordinates, all 15 great beings instantly teleported and drew close to the coordinates.

Hong! Long! Long!

Endless golden waves permeated.

“Milky Way Horde Leader, if you’re willing to spare all the lives in Purple Moon Holy Land, we’ll
say yes to any conditions...” The 15 great beings flew into the golden waves and moved forward.


A wave rushed toward them, and all 15 great beings were instantly annihilated.

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Deep in the area, Luo Feng and Morosa stood there while Morosa was performing his ability
to absorb.

Luo Feng sneered. “You tried to destroy the human race before. Why didn’t you think of the
billions of lives of my race? You tried to destroy my race before, so don’t blame us for you dying

Luo Feng didn’t even care to negotiate. He killed everyone who approached.

Luo Feng wouldn’t allow the beings from Purple Moon Holy Land to come here. Otherwise, the
great beings from Purple Moon Holy Land would see Morosa. Perhaps they wouldn’t have been
able to tell that Morosa was a Sector Beast, but just in case, Luo Feng didn’t want the great
beings from Purple Moon Holy Land to see Morosa.

Luo Feng wouldn’t tell anyone from the original universe about the existence of Morosa. After
all, it was related to lots of things!

There were too many mysteries in Universe Ocean. The body of the Godly King of Jin that had
flown from the depths of Universe Ocean made Luo Feng realize that there might be some
secrets in Universe Ocean that were unknown. When the king of the Sector Beasts reached the
pinnacle level, it had been a catastrophe even in the ancient civilization, and it had been easy
for it to destroy Jin Country. He couldn’t let the news out.

As long as he didn’t say anything, and Morosa also had the ability to be “Invisible and
Formless,” nobody would be able to recognize it.

It would be his trump card. He needed to hide it well.


“Ancestor, our bodies were killed the second we rushed into the area of that domain. We
couldn’t even see Luo Feng’s face.”

“The second group.” Purple Moon Ancestor clenched his teeth.

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Another group of great beings went out, but they were also annihilated. Some even sent
messages to their friends in the original universe, asking them to send the messages to Luo
Feng. But he still refused.

“Hahaha...” Purple Moon suddenly guffawed, baffling all the universe masters and true gods
seated down there.

“I can’t believe I’ve been proud for so long, yet I’m being destroyed by this Milky Way Horde
Leader.” Purple Moon Ancestor guffawed. “Go, go!” he said, waving his hands. “Go and meet
your friends and families. There’s still half a day to go before everything is no more.”

The universe masters and true gods down below couldn’t control their emotions either.

“There’s no eternal glory, and everything has an incarnation. We’re dying today, but that Luo
Feng will also die someday.”

“We’ve existed for a long time. That’s much better than the races that only lasted for three
universe eras.”

“I’m satisfied already.”

“The human race will be extinct someday.”

Some had already been content. Some were swearing at Luo Feng and the humans. More great
beings flew out of the palace to take their final action before they died. They went to see their
hometowns, to see their disciples, and to await their deaths.


Purple Moon Ancestor walked out of the palace, entering the origin of his universe. Inside the
origin, he could see every part of Purple Moon Holy Land.

“It’s all over,” whispered Purple Moon Ancestor. “My race will go extinct as well. However, I
won’t admit defeat. I’ll never admit defeat!”


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As Luo Feng watched, that giant universe started to crack and crumble. It was crumbling very
quickly compared to when Huge Axe had been killed. When Huge Axe was killed, the origin of
his miniature universe was still intact, so it would only collapse slowly. However, for a
miniature universe whose origin was swallowed, the membrane would disintegrate and fade
away soon.

“It’s coming.” The five pairs of wings on Luo Feng’s back were shaking, and a trace of light was
flying toward him from the broken Purple Moon Holy Land.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

Luo Feng kept teleporting and getting closer.

“The final pair of wings.”

The other five pairs of wings also flew out, combining with the pair of silver wings flying
toward him.

“Chaotic Golden Wings.”

Luo Feng looked at the six pairs of gleaming wings floating in the sky and couldn’t help
smiling. It was the complete set of Chaotic Golden Wings.

Even though he was already at a superior level—having reached the level of a top-tier true god
of void space—he still wasn’t qualified to use the fifth level of Shi Wu Wing. The fifth level was
driven by eternal true gods! Knowing that, and given the fact that it would take an ordinary
Sector Beast 100,000 years to swallow Purple Moon Holy Land, Luo Feng had waited until this
moment to tackle Purple Moon Holy Land.

“Haha.” Luo Feng had his six pairs of wings wide open. “They’re complete now. However,
there’s still some damage inside the fifth pair of wings.”

The other five pairs of wings making up his Shi Wu Wings had already been repaired by the
energies in the origin. The last pair of wings weren’t repaired yet.

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“If I can burn my godly power to the limit, then I can repair it.” Luo Feng gave it a try. “However,
it’s going to take a very long time. If I were an eternal true god, I would be able to repair it
instantly. No need to rush. I have all the time in the world.”

Luo Feng teleported and flew toward the broken Purple Moon Holy Land. It was a holy land,
after all, and there could be some remains from the three Lands of Extremis. Luo Feng
searched everywhere, and he gained quite a bit.

“Huh?” Luo Feng stood in the space, and there were space fragments and broken lands

He stood at the point where the origin of the holy land used to be.

Luo Feng frowned and looked around. “The holy land is broken, but where is Purple Moon

The miniature universe was broken, but that only meant the great being couldn’t be improved
anymore. It didn’t kill the great being.

Purple Moon Ancestor could still be alive.

Purple Moon Ancestor and East Emperor Ancestor are the only ones who could put up with the
Sector Beasts and not do anything about it, Luo Feng thought. Even if he wanted to kill me.
Even if hundreds of universe masters were killed, Purple Moon Ancestor has never stepped out
of the holy land, and I still can’t see him even after the holy land has been destroyed.

“Does that mean he isn’t in his holy land?” whispered Luo Feng. “Could it be that only his godly
power avatar was in the holy land? Then...”

Luo Feng turned his head, and he looked at the end of the chaos air. That was where the giant
object that might be Godly King of Jin was flying.

Are there other secrets in the depths of Universe Ocean? wondered Luo Feng. The secrets of the
ancient civilization... And Purple Moon Ancestor is also there.

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Luo Feng looked into the distance within the silent, chaotic airflow.

He had long had his doubts that Purple Moon Ancestor would be within this miniature
universe. Otherwise, he would have made his way out upon being forced to a corner. Of course,
there also could have been a unique situation, such as Purple Moon Ancestor being confined
within the miniature universe and thus unable to leave it. If that was the case, then Luo Feng
destroying the miniature universe was the same as releasing Purple Moon Ancestor.

But in light of this possibility, Luo Feng had prepared well ahead of time. Without even
mentioning the fact that Morosa was the king of Sector Beasts, its power matched the level of
a true god of void space. And like a true god of void space that could sweep away everything.
At the very least, Purple Moon Ancestor would not be able to block its attacks.

As for Luo Feng, he could execute Linear Element Technique, which was even more superior
than Divine Eye Technique. Linear Element Technique was a supreme willpower technique
that even godly kings would go crazy over! Even an opponent that was a worthy match for
that willpower, if pitted against another being who possessed Linear Element Technique,
would have great influence exerted over it. Its opponent might even be able to cause it to fall
directly into a state of unconsciousness.

Luo Feng’s willpower had become “holy.” In other words, for any being whose willpower had
yet to become holy, the moment it was hit by Luo Feng’s willpower, the impact would bring it
down without fail!

East Emperor Ancestor and Purple Moon Ancestor’s miniature universes... Back then, Morosa
had tried to devour their miniature universes so it could verify that East Emperor Ancestor’s
willpower was stronger and Purple Moon Ancestor’s willpower was weaker.

“Among the true gods of void space, there are quite a few whose willpower has attained the
level of an eternal true god. But for them to achieve the level where their willpower becomes
holy... That is almost impossible.” Luo Feng shook his head. “Purple Moon is weaker than East
Emperor, making it all the more impossible for his willpower to become holy.”

“Regardless of East Emperor or Purple Moon, they both have already transcended
reincarnation,” Luo Feng said to himself, “so they possess eternal life. So, where are they?”

The Universe Ocean was just too mysterious.

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Take the World of Jin, for example, it had some eternal true god existences like the four major
generals. These allowed Luo Feng to understand that he was not invincible. This was the
reason why Luo Feng had to carefully hide this king of the Sector Beast. It was his trump card.


Luo Feng took Morosa with him and made his way back to the primal universe.


Leaving Morosa behind in his miniature universe, Luo Feng headed back to the primal
universe in his original body to the void space of Milky Way Holy Land.

“Let’s go. We shall make our way to the Ancestral God School,” said Primal Chaos City Leader.

He was extremely excited. Luo Feng had just returned from Universe Ocean, and Primal Chaos
City Leader was already rushing Luo Feng off to the Ancestral God School, prepared to demand
Teacher Origin’s release. He had waited far too long for this day to arrive.

“Mm.” Luo Feng also smiled in response.

Teacher and disciple traveled alongside one another. Very quickly, they arrived at the Ancestral
God Palace of the Ancestral God Secret Region. Stepping into the Ancestral God Palace, they saw
three ancestral gods seated in the hall.

“The three of you,” Primal Chaos City Leader said pointedly. “I think our purpose in coming
here is clear to you all. The Sector Beast crisis is over. Shouldn’t the willpower of the origin
keep the promise it previously made and release our Teacher Origin?”

The three ancestral gods looked down at them. Then one of them, the old ancestral god, spoke
up. “Primal Chaos City Leader, worry not. Since the willpower of the origin has given its word,
it will fulfill what it has promised.”

“Previously, the willpower of the origin already informed us,” the young ancestral god added,
“this time around, Luo Feng settled the Sector Beast crisis, thus making a great contribution.
Most certainly, this is enough reason to release Teacher Origin... I believe that by now, the

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willpower of the origin should already be starting to release Teacher Origin. Wait a little while
longer. Teacher Origin should appear here in this Ancestral God Palace.”

“Already starting to release him?” Primal Chaos City Leader was excited.

Luo Feng was also filled with anticipation. While he had never received guidance from nor
been taught by Teacher Origin, it was a fact that Teacher Origin had immense influence over
the human race. To put it one way, Teacher Origin had been the leader during the rising of the
humans. Huge Axe and Primal Chaos City Leader were the guardians maintaining the
achievements and prosperity of the humans. Luo Feng, meanwhile, was the pioneer bringing
about the glory of the humans!

“Just wait a little while longer,” said the double-faced ancestral god.

Primal Chaos City Leader and Luo Feng stood in the hall and waited quietly.

Time passed slowly. Suddenly, a powerful ripple filled the hall, and in the space in the middle
of the hall, a contorted wormhole appeared. A blurred figure emerged from the wormhole and
instantly appeared within the big hall. Witnessing this scene made Primal Chaos City Leader
tremble all over. His eyes were filled with excitement.

The figure came into view. It was a man garbed in a white robe. In the spot where he had
arrived, it was as though all of time and space were subdued by his influence. Everything
became peaceful and quiet.

“Teacher!” Primal Chaos City Leader made his way over via teleportation. Appearing before the
man in the white robe, he immediately dropped down on his knees, tears streaming down his

It had been so long. How long had he waited?

To him, Teacher Origin was his teacher. He was his father. To safeguard all that Teacher Origin
had created, he, Primal Chaos City Leader, had worked conscientiously and with great
diligence. Never for a moment had he gone easy on himself, as he had focused on managing
and taking care of the entire human race. Throughout countless years, he had earned himself
the good reputation of being just and impartial, and he was known for his selflessness in
giving his all for the race. Even when it came to accepting and cultivating his disciples, he did
everything with the goal of strengthening the human race. This was why the various great

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beings of the human race were always filled with respect and admiration for Primal Chaos
City Leader!

They never would have imagined that all Primal Chaos City Leader wanted was to safeguard
everything that Teacher Origin had left behind. He did not want to witness the fall of the

“Don’t be such a baby,” said Teacher Origin, laughing as he helped Primal Chaos City Leader to
his feet.

“Mm.” Primal Chaos City Leader obligingly stood up.

Teacher Origin looked at Primal Chaos City Leader. Then, with a sigh, he lamented, “What a
pity that Huge Axe is no longer with us.”

There was sorrow in Primal Chaos City Leader’s eyes as he recounted, “Huge Axe was killed by
a Sector Beast. Fortunately, Luo Feng finally managed to settle the Sector Beast crisis. He also
managed to retrieve Huge Axe’s supreme treasure, the godly axe, and he has brought it back.”

Upon returning, Luo Feng had made it a point to bring the godly axe with him. When the
higher-ups of the human race learned of this news, they had all gasped in awe.

“If he could have lived to see this, he’d have been very happy,” Teacher Origin said. “This child
has always been reckless and loved adventures. I have warned him umpteen times. If only he
had half your calmness, then he would not have... Ah... let’s not talk about it. Let’s drop the

To have the guts to call Huge Axe a child—no one other than Teacher Origin would have dared
to make such a statement.

Huge Axe had been the very first to follow Teacher Origin. After that, Teacher Origin had
officially accepted Primal Chaos City Leader as his first disciple. The three had spent a lot of
time together. Primal Chaos City Leader was like the younger brother, Huge Axe was like the
older brother, and Teacher Origin was like a father to them both.

“Congratulations, Teacher Origin. You finally got your freedom back.” The three ancestral gods
walked over. They were also filled with admiration for Teacher Origin, one of the earliest

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beings throughout the entire primal universe, who was so extraordinary that he was one of a

Then, the three looked into the distance at the other figure in a white robe. Luo Feng.

White-robed Teacher Origin and white-robed Luo Feng. They were two incomparably dazzling
beings from the human race—one from the early period and one from the middle period. They
had completely different styles. Teacher Origin was calmer and more laid-back. In his
presence, other great beings would feel as though they were basking in a spring breeze.

On the other hand, Luo Feng was like a blade cutting through the sky. Although he was
courteous to others, he was always so sharp, always taking everything upon himself—always
sporting absolute determination that made him adhere to all his intentions, so that his
presence alone sent shudders through any other great being.

“Thanks.” Teacher Origin took one look at the three ancestral gods and smiled as he nodded.
“Primal Chaos City Leader, Luo Feng.” Teacher Origin took one long look at Luo Feng. “Let’s go.”

Luo Feng nodded. He could sense that Teacher Origin had quite a lot to say to him. It was just
that they were within Ancestral God Palace, which was not a good place for deeper

“Let’s go.” Luo Feng nodded. Right away, the three vanished into thin air.

The three ancestral gods watched the three pinnacle beings of the human race leaving and
looked at one another. The double-faced ancestral god could not resist a sigh. “With the return
of Teacher Origin, the human race now has Teacher Origin and Luo Feng. They will glow even
more brilliantly and gloriously.”

“Teacher Origin had provoked the willpower of the origin into suppressing him,” the old
ancestral god said. “But Luo Feng. Even the willpower of the origin dared not provoke him. He
is even more terrifying. The two of them are now reunited with the human race. The human
race... How formidable they are going to be in the future.”

“In terms of ability, either one of them could easily attain the level of void space,” the young
ancestral god commented. “Within our Universe Ocean, I think we can most likely expect to
see two more holy land universes emerging.”

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Everyone knew it. The moment Luo Feng settled the Sector Beast crisis, there were no longer
any foes from the outside. The human race could certainly expect a long period of prosperity.
For the countless billions of eras that followed, the human race would surely do its best to
cultivate their later generations to allow their race to become stronger. The return of Teacher
Origin was like adding wings to a tiger. The human race would get even mightier and more

When the humans got stronger, the other races would look up to them. No one would dare
harbor thoughts of enmity toward the humans thereafter.


Within the human territory, on one of the corridors of Milky Way Holy Land, Teacher Origin,
Primal Chaos City Leader, and Luo Feng looked around as they strolled.

“Look at the doors of those universe passageways,” Teacher Origin lamented through a smile.
“The entire primal universe. There are universe passageways of true gods from every other
race to be found here. Hahaha... Back then, I would never have imagined that such a scene
was possible.”

“Luo Feng.” Teacher Origin turned to look at Luo Feng at his side. “I have been suppressed for
so long. Now, you have appeared. For a long time, I have been watching you... At first, it only
seemed to me that a new true god had been born to my human race. I would never have
expected you to make it this far, even to the extent of releasing me from eternal suppression.
This kindness you have bestowed upon me—there is no way I can ever repay you enough.
Please, accept a bow from me.”

Luo Feng immediately reached out to stop him. “This will not do,” he said. Strictly speaking,
Teacher Origin was his Teacher’s ancestor.

“Well, you have shown me extreme kindness, and that is a fact.” Teacher Origin, with Luo Feng
holding onto him, was unable to complete his bow. He could only manage a half-bow. “You
need not be mindful of anyone else.”

“Teacher, that is just the kind of person you are.” Primal Chaos City Leader sighed helplessly.

Taking note of the situation, Luo Feng immediately changed the topic. “Right. Teacher Origin...
I have always wanted to ask, what did you do back then to make the willpower of the origin
so upset that it had to keep you suppressed? Earlier, when I first requested your release, the

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willpower of the origin actually transmitted a message saying that it was limited by the
supreme law, so there was simply no way it could let you out. Only after the Sector Beast crisis
was over would it release you.”

“Yes, Teacher,” Primal Chaos City Leader added. “Teacher, when you previously brought up the
matter, you only touched on it briefly. What is it all about?”

Primal Chaos City Leader only knew that Teacher Origin and the willpower of the origin were
enemies and that they were going to battle soon. As for the most fundamental reason, he knew
nothing at all.

“There is no rush.” Teacher Origin shook his head with a smile. “Luo Feng, I heard you
destroyed Purple Moon Holy Land Universe.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng nodded. With this news already out into the open, Teacher Origin—who had
everything within the virtual universe under his control—would definitely know about it.

“Then I would like to ask... after destroying Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, what about
Purple Moon Ancestor?” There was a glimmer of anticipation in Teacher Origin’s eyes. “Where
is he? He has transcended reincarnation, so he has eternal life. The moment his miniature
universe is destroyed, all the races, universe masters, and true gods that resided in it would
die along with it, but Purple Moon Ancestor could still be alive. Have you seen him?”

Luo Feng shook his head. “No, I have not seen him.”

“No?” Teacher Origin was taken aback. “Could it be? Could it have just been a godly powered
avatar...?” Teacher Origin stood in one spot, dazed. “Could it be? Could it be...? If I had known
earlier... If I had known earlier, I would not have even considered walking down this path.”

Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader looked at one another.

What was wrong?

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Teacher Origin looked conflicted. “You want to know the reasons why I was suppressed?”

Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader listened carefully.

“When I first rose before,” said Teacher Origin slowly, “no one from the first or second universe
eras was my match. I roamed Universe Ocean and had no rival. However, I was wary of the
two holy lands. Although I was invincible, I wasn’t confident to say that I could match the two
ancestors of the two holy lands. I’ve been wondering why the ancestors of the two holy lands
never came out. Even if they have transcended incarnations and are indeed unrivaled, they
wouldn’t just confine themselves to the holy lands forever. Unless... they couldn’t get out! I
have speculated that transcending incarnations is a conspiracy!”

“A conspiracy?” Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were startled.

“I speculated before that this was the conspiracy of the original universe,” said Teacher Origin.
“However, after being suppressed, I came across the supreme laws, and that was when I
realized that I was wrong. Dead wrong. Supreme laws are what control all the operations in
Universe Ocean! The original mind only controls everything in the original universe. It can’t
force anyone to transcend incarnations, as it doesn’t have the authority to do so...”

Primal Chaos City Leader frowned. “But, Teacher, once someone reaches the void space level,
they must transcend incarnations within a very short period of time.”

“Yes,” said Teacher Origin. “That’s the restriction of supreme laws. Only supreme laws can give
orders to true gods and above. I’ve been suppressed for a long time, and now, I finally
understand it. The original mind is unable to force anyone to go anywhere. Otherwise, it
could’ve forced Yuan Ao Master, Zhen Jia Emperor, and the others to go somewhere in the
Lands of Extremis instead of going through so much.”

Luo Feng nodded. He had talked with Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest before, and he knew that
there was no need to be afraid of the original mind, as it couldn’t do anything to true gods—
as long as they didn’t break any supreme laws.

“The reason why I was suppressed,” said Teacher Origin, “is that I disobeyed the supreme laws,
and the original mind suppressed me. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been able to do so.”

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“How did you disobey them?” Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were curious.

Teacher Origin smiled. “I was careful of the original mind before, and I suspected that the
original mind was behind it all... I tried everything to search for it, but the deeper that I dug,
the more I realize that the original mind isn’t wise; it only has some basic wisdom. It must be
a very weak mind bred by the origin of the original universe.”

“Weak?” Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were shocked.

“Yes.” Teacher Origin nodded. “The original mind itself is fragile. It only has endless power
because of the origin of the original universe. I didn’t want to transcend incarnations before
because I was afraid I would be bound forever. I came up with a plan... I would destroy the
original mind so that my own mind could become the original mind of the original universe.”


Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were shocked.

Soul transfer? Was he talking about soul transfer?

Luo Feng had speculated from past experiences that the original mind itself didn’t have any
power. That was why it had needed others to kill Yuan Ao Master. It also relied on the Ancestral
God School to do much of its bidding. In fact, Luo Feng had also considered the possibility of
seizing control of the authority of the original universe. But it was only a thought. After all,
Luo Feng couldn’t think of any viable methods for doing so.

“That’s why I created the virtual universe,” Teacher Origin said with a smile. “My virtual
universe and the real universe are like two sides of the same body. They perfectly match each
other. I myself am a life form in the original universe, so the original universe doesn’t resist
me. When my mind is spread everywhere in the original universe with the help of the virtual
universe, it starts to clash with the original mind.”

Both Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader were stunned.

The virtual universe had been created to rob the soul of the original universe!

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“But I was wrong.” Teacher Origin sighed. “I was too naïve. I speculated based on my own
estimation, but I was dead wrong... I wanted to seize control of the original universe, which
goes against the supreme laws! That was why the supreme laws punished me. I lost, and that’s
why I was suppressed. The supreme laws punished me. That’s how I encountered more
supreme laws and why I understand more about them.”

Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Leader went quiet.

Teacher Origin was really in opposition against the original mind, and he suspected that the
original mind was the ultimate conspirer behind everything. He had seen through the
weaknesses of the original mind. He had then created the virtual universe in order to seize
control over the original universe. And he had almost succeeded.

“No wonder the original mind wasn’t willing to let Teacher Origin go!” Primal Chaos City
Leader exclaimed. “It had to wait until Luo Feng solved the crisis of the Sector Beasts to release
Teacher Origin.”

Luo Feng was thinking. The Sector Beasts represented destruction while the original universe
represented life, and they were completely opposite to each other. Each side would be treated
fairly by the supreme laws, no matter which side won.

Apparently, the supreme laws were unbiased between the two sides. If the Sector Beasts won,
they would destroy everything. If the original universe won, Luo Feng, as the greatest
contributor, would be rewarded as well.

But it’s unfair, Luo Feng thought. The king of the Sector Beasts is at void space level, yet nobody
forces it to transcend incarnations. However, we have to transcend incarnations after
becoming true gods of void space.

That’s right. The king of Sector Beasts represents the opposite force to the original universe,
and they’re at the most supreme level. We, as life forms bred in the original universe, are
inferior, and we’re subject to more restrictions.

The top beings in Universe Ocean were the original universe and the king of the Sector Beasts.

As for the life forms bred by the original universe—even Luo Feng, whose life gene level had
reached 100,000 times, who’d had all the life forms salute him—they were all inferior to the
original universe and the king of the Sector Beasts. This made Luo Feng very pleased, as he
had successfully enslaved the king of the Sector Beasts.

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After the crisis of the Sector Beasts, Universe Ocean was peaceful again.

All the miniature universes of the first universe era and second universe era had been
destroyed. Skeleton Master had turned to the side of the Sector Beasts, but his miniature
universe was still there, as Morosa was still alive. So as not to let anyone else know about the
king of the Sector Beasts, Morosa killed Skeleton Master with one thought right after becoming
king, and his miniature universe was destroyed as well.

Time went by quickly, and tens of thousands of eras passed.

“The membrane of the World of Jin will turn white every era.”

A new universe master of the demon race, “Ren Yu Master,” drove a palace and flew toward
the World of Jin. It usually took a long time for a great being to go to the World of Jin.

“Huh?” Ren Yu Master looked at the surrounding space in shock. “Am I lost?”

Ren Yu Master speculated that he had come to the wrong place, but after checking the map of
Universe Ocean and his coordinates...

“This was where the World of Jin used to be before,” said Ren Yu Master. “That giant object
disappeared? The whole World of Jin disappeared?” Ren Yu Master was stupefied.


The news spread across the original universe like wildfire. All the great beings quickly learned
that the World of Jin had disappeared.

After only half a day, Luo Feng arrived at where World of Jin had been.

“Where is it?” Luo Feng, with his silver wings, stood in the chaos air. He was looking off into
the distance. A long time ago, the giant body, which had seemed to belong to the Godly King
of Jin, had been right there.

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Shua! Shua! Shua!

Luo Feng started to teleport and search. It wasn’t just Luo Feng. Great beings of other races
were also searching. However, they couldn’t find the World of Jin no matter how hard they
tried. Apparently, during the past tens of thousands of eras, the World of Jin had left without
notifying anyone. Nobody had found out because no great beings had been there in such a
long time—not until Ren Yu Master decided to go there to train.

My godly powered avatar is still inside the World of Jin, Luo Feng was thinking, frowning as
he stood there in space.


Deep in Universe Ocean, an enormous object flew at high speed.

Inside its body, inside the World of Jin, on an island of the Python River Army of the East Army,
Luo Feng’s godly power avatar was staying there. An era before, after his original body learned
that the World of Jin had disappeared, that godly powered avatar had learned that he was no
longer in the same region of Universe Ocean. Instead, it had traveled to a strange place.

“Where am I in the World of Jin?”

After an era, the universe membrane finally turned white.

Driving a spaceship, Luo Feng’s godly powered avatar rushed out of the universe membrane.
He was very curious about this deeper area of Universe Ocean. He wanted to get out of the
World of Jin and away from the giant object to see where he was.


He rushed out of the miniature universe of the World of Jin.

“This is...” Luo Feng’s godly power avatar was looking around outside in the spaceship.

Endless flames swept across him. The true god level spaceship was immediately annihilated,
and so was Luo Feng’s godly powered avatar.

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Inside Milky Way Holy Land of the original universe, Luo Feng was admonishing his son Luo

“I’ve told you before that I can’t help you,” he said. “If you don’t go comprehend by yourself,
nobody can help you! You’re indeed less talented, but there’s nothing absolute in Universe
Ocean. Everything has a chance... Huh?”

“Father?” asked Luo Hai.

Frowning, Luo Feng looked out into space, as if he could see through all that distance. He
whispered, “Immediately annihilated? Fortunately, I converted almost all my military credits
into valuables while fighting the Sector Beasts last time.”

Though he had no idea where the World of Jin was, it was apparently still safe and sound. And
all the creatures living inside the World of Jin were still safe and alive.

To deal with the crisis of the Sector Beasts, World of Jin came, Luo Feng thought. The World of
Jin. The origin... These two are how the original universe survived. Now, the crisis of Sector
Beasts is over, so the World of Jin left silently.

Luo Feng could understand why. The ancient civilization had lived in the World of Jin, after
all, and those who lived there were descendants of the ancient civilization. If World of Jin
remained here, the life forms from later universe eras would easily gain the inheritance from
the ancient civilization. But apparently, nothing like that would now happen.

When will I see the World of Jin again? Luo Feng wondered.

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Time passed. It was a period of peace, and more than six trillion eras had gone by silently.

Inside Luo Feng’s miniature universe, there was a blue sky and white clouds. Flying beasts and
animals were everywhere. There were rolling hills with water flowing down from the hilltops.
A white-caped man sat on a mountain. It was Luo Feng. A simple but giant guard stood beside

“Huh?” The guard looked into the distance. A teenager was teleporting toward him from
several light years away.


The silver-haired teen showed up on the mountainside. He then stepped on the space and
went to the peak of the mountain. The silver-haired teen said, “Father God!”

“Xi Mo, what’s been happening lately?” Luo Feng looked lovingly at the silver-haired teenager.

Xi Mo was exceptional. Luo Feng cared for him almost as much as he cared for his own son.
Xi Mo was one of the first life forms that Luo Feng created, so he was technically Luo Feng’s
own son!

Luo Feng had created many races, and he had combined them with Remote Ocean. More than
ten billion eras after the crisis of the Sector Beasts, the first true god had been born from the
Remote Ocean line, and it had been Xi Mo!

There were nine different powers in the human race, and each power had lots of true gods.
The three powers that were the strongest were the virtual universe company, the Huge Axe
Dojo, and Milky Way Kingdom.

Milky Way Kingdom centered around the earthlings, the Remote Ocean line, and the many
other great beings who had joined. Luo Feng was the supreme leader of the kingdom. But that
was only on the surface. In reality, Milky Way Kingdom was mainly led by Xi Mo.

To Luo Feng, the entire human race was influenced by him, so there was no need for him to
have any separated powers. Xi Mo had once told him, “Father God, the earthlings and the

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Remote Ocean line don’t have enough say in the senior meetings in the human race.” And so,
with Luo Feng’s permission, Milky Way Kingdom had been established.

Luo Feng knew that the earthlings had been created by Sitting Mountain Guest, and from
them, many talents had been born. They were destined to be a powerful line.

As for the Remote Ocean line, it was a race he had created while attempting to pursue the
perfection of the life structure. Each had its own advantages. They also had great potential.
Both lines were powerful, yet they didn’t have enough say, so many great beings were

However, the true gods on Luo Feng’s side were limited to Luo Feng, Hong, and Fire Dom. Luo
Feng was too superior and aloof, Hong was too detached from the power, and as for Fire Dome,
he was neither an earthling nor from the Remote Ocean line, so he wasn’t influential enough.

After Xi Mo had become a true god, many universe masters had gathered under him, treating
him as their leader. Everything went smoothly. Representing Luo Feng, they had established
Milky Way Kingdom so they could have a great say, thus improving their status in the human

They had to fight for it. The humans were far too powerful now. After more than six trillion
eras, there were 98 true gods in the human race and 1,222 universe masters! The humans were
fighting for various resources, as well as authority.

“Father God,” said Xi Mo respectfully. “Another person became a universe master in Milky Way

Luo Feng nodded. He didn’t care much about someone becoming a universe master.

“Brother Na Ke has been improving very quickly,” said Xi Mo. “If given enough time, he’ll
become a universe master.”

“Na Ke?”

Na Ke had been the leading teenager in Blood River World when he had still been weak. Luo
Feng was a superior being within the human race now, but he still paid attention to the
development of Blood River World—including the growth of Na Ke. He had even helped him
three times in secret, though Na Ke hadn’t noticed.

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In Luo Feng’s mind, if Na Ke couldn’t become an emperor on his own, there was no need to
guide him. Only if he could become an emperor would he be valuable.

Although Luo Feng had helped him three times in secret before, Na Ke was mainly on his own.
He had been through a lot, and after billions of years, he had finally become an emperor. When
Na Ke had become an emperor, Luo Feng had traveled to Blood River World in the flesh and
had admitted him as his disciple! Luo Feng would provide him with guidance once in a while,
while Xi Mo was responsible for most of the job.

“Although Na Ke has reached the limit of universe knights,” Xi Mo said, shaking his head, “he
might not have enough time to become a universe master in this universe era.”

“Huh?” Luo Feng frowned. “It’s time?”

“In accordance with your order, I’ve been keeping my eyes on the original universe,” said Xi
Mo respectfully. “Now, everything that’s happening in the original universe means that the
original universe has reached the end. Soon, it’ll be destroyed.”

“Everything?” Luo Feng looked at Xi Mo.

Xi Mo nodded. “In many star domains, lots of stars have been destroyed! It’s normal for a star
to meet its end, but it has never before happened on such a large scale. Besides, the probability
of a talent being born is declining.” Xi Mo had outlined every situation.

“Finally, it’s going to be destroyed!” Luo Feng suddenly stood up.

He’d been waiting for this for a long time. He had reached the level of a top-tier true god of
void space while fighting the Sector Beasts! He had been able to create top-tier level 12
techniques before.

After more than six trillion eras, he’d been talking with Morosa a lot, and Morosa kept showing
him the destruction origin, allowing him to comprehend it. Luo Feng had made quite a few
improvements. However, he couldn’t compare to Morosa. He was already at the level of limit
true gods of void space! Yet Morosa advanced so quickly that Luo Feng was jealous. It had
already been as powerful as a true god of void space when it first entered its growth period,
and now, after more than six trillion eras, Morosa had reached the level of an eternal true

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“Master,” said the guard standing to the side, also excited.

Luo Feng took a look at the guard. The guard was Morosa.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Father God?” Xi Mo was dazed.

Little did he know was that the original mind had made a promise to Luo Feng—a promise
that he could comprehend the destruction of the original universe. It was a supreme

“However, I need to go to one place beforehand.” Luo Feng looked out into space. “You don’t
need to follow.”


Luo Feng took a step and disappeared. Xi Mo and that guard gave each other a look.


In a silent, deserted star domain where no life forms could be born, Luo Feng appeared.

“It’s been a long time,” whispered Luo Feng.

He had been nothing but a bewildered brat from Earth when he’d entered the universe before.
Now... Sitting Mountain Guest had been of great help to him in reaching this level.

“What does Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest want from me?” said Luo Feng. “I thought Teacher
would come and find me after the crisis of the Sector Beasts, but he never did. I wasn’t in a
rush, so I keep waiting, yet Teacher never called me.”

Luo Feng touched the space, as he could sense that there were dimming ripples in the space.
The second he entered the original universe, he understood that the original universe had
entered the final stage. It would be destroyed after a short while.

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After he had comprehended the destruction... he wouldn’t suppress his power anymore.
Instead, he would go and make a breakthrough to the level of a true god of void space. Then
he would go transcend incarnation!

However, Sitting Mountain Guest had never instructed him on what to do or what he wanted.
Luo Feng was willing to do anything for Sitting Mountain Guest, even if it meant risking his
own life.


Luo Feng stepped through space and arrived in front of a palace. There was a giant fountain
in front of the palace, and there were fish swimming in the pond. An elder stood beside the
pond, gazing at it all, looking very relaxed.

Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the pond and said, “Here you come.”

“Yes, I have arrived now.” Luo Feng walked toward him.

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled and took a glance at him. “I’ve been wondering who had the
greater patience between the two of us. As it turns out, I’m the more patient one.”

Luo Feng smiled. It had nothing to do with patience.

Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest had devoted so much energy to him, and he gave him a
valuable like Star Tower. He had even been willing to sacrifice his own miniature universe to
protect Luo Feng’s miniature universe during the crisis of the Sector Beasts. It all showed how
much Sitting Mountain Guest valued Luo Feng. How could Sitting Mountain Guest say that this
was only about patience—like a child?

“Teacher,” said Luo Feng. He couldn’t help but ask. “This universe era of the original universe
is about to end. After I comprehend the whole process of destruction of the original universe,
I won’t suppress my power anymore. I’ll go make a breakthrough and transcend incarnation.
Teacher, if you want me to do anything for you, please just tell me now.”

“Hahaha...!” Sitting Mountain Guest laughed. “No need to rush things.”

“There’s still no need to rush?” Luo Feng was dazed.

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Sitting Mountain Guest turned his hand, and a golden crystal appeared on his palm. He looked
at the golden crystal for a long time before giving it to Luo Feng.

“What is this, Teacher?” Luo Feng took a look at the golden crystal. It did not appear to be a

“Take it,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “There’s a virtual consciousness in it.”

“A virtual consciousness?” Luo Feng was confused.

Though the last generation of Duan Dong River was dead, it had left a virtual consciousness to
select its inheritors. The Godly King of Jin had also left a virtual consciousness behind before
he died. That virtual consciousness had all the memories of his original body, but it didn’t
have any combat power. It was only an artificial intelligence—a machine with many

“That’s my virtual consciousness,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “I’ve told you that there’s
something I can’t say out loud... I can’t do it under the supreme laws.”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

“When you’re transcending incarnation...” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled. “When you’re
transcending incarnation, you won’t be restricted by supreme laws, and that is when my
virtual consciousness can tell you everything. When you’re transcending incarnation, bring
out that golden crystal. My virtual consciousness will appear, and you’ll learn everything.”

Luo Feng nodded, though he was pondering Sitting Mountain Guest meant. No wonder Sitting
Mountain Guest wasn’t in a rush; he could only tell Luo Feng everything while he was
transcending incarnation.

“Go,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “Prepare yourself. The original universe is the most perfect
and vast universe. Its destruction contains endless mysteries. It’ll benefit you in a way you
can’t even imagine. Comprehend it carefully! After that, you can go transcend incarnation.
Don’t be afraid of incarnation transcendence. It’s not a trap. Instead, it’s a good thing.”

Luo Feng was dazed. He bowed to show his gratefulness, then left.

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Within the solar system, a couple in white stood amid the void space as they looked afar at a
massive celestial body that was glowing red. It was a gigantic red star!

“Even for a newborn star,” Luo Feng whispered, “the moment the original universe enters its
final stage, this star will rapidly age and change. The process will be much faster than the
evolution of a normal star. Very quickly, it will reach the stage of becoming a gigantic red star.”

“Haven’t you mentioned it before?” Beside him, Xu Xin said with a laugh, “Now that it is
entering its final stage, the origin of the original universe is absorbing energy from all life
forms and celestial bodies. Naturally, it will decline faster.” She sighed. “For years beyond
count, the moment a star reached the end of its life, for the sake of Earth, we would move to
another star. Now, even Earth is gone.”

Luo Feng nodded gently.

Not long ago, when this newborn star, which had just been shifted over, started to age rapidly,
numerous great beings from the pulse of Earth had decided to directly move their ancestral
world, “Earth,” into the miniature universe. Upon obtaining Luo Feng’s permission, the final
decision was to move Earth into Luo Feng’s miniature universe. Luo Feng would set aside a
special area of space within his miniature universe for Earth, and this area would be a
simulated environment of the solar system.

Luo Feng let out another sigh as he whispered, “Another reincarnation era is coming to an
end, just like that.”

“I can still recall the memories of our past,” Xu Xin reminisced. “Back then, we were only two
high school students in the headquarter city of Earth. No one would have expected the two of
us to be able to live until today—to live to witness the day all the oceans dry up, and the rocks
crumble to dust, and the entire universe is finally destroyed.”

Luo Feng lowered his head to look at his wife by his side. Husband and wife looked at one
another and smiled.

He turned back to look at that gigantic star, red and glowing. It was beautiful. So beautiful.
Just like the sunset during the Earth’s era.

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After a long time...

“Huh?” Luo Feng’s brows twitched.

Xu Xin looked confused as she asked, “What is it?” Then, as if also sensing something, she,
too, looked into the distance.

A figure could be seen appearing amidst the distant void space. Shortly after, the figure flew
over to them.

It was a universe master garbed in a colorful outer robe. Both her eyes were shining with light
that was even more colorful than her outfit. She was one of the beast gods from within
Ancestral God School. She bowed deferentially.

“Honorable Milky Way Horde Leader,” she said. “I am here by order of the three ancestral gods.
The three ancestral gods wish to inform that... the original universe will be destroyed three
years from now! I trust that Milky Way Horde Leader still remembers the promise that was
made back then. Please do make it a point to make your way to Ancestral God Palace before
the time limit of three years is up, Milky Way Horde Leader.”

Luo Feng nodded. “Got it.”

“I shall not impose any further.” The female beast god bowed again, then quietly left.

“Only left with three years.” Xu Xin sighed softly.

“Yes, three years.” Luo Feng nodded.

Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng. She knew that the moment this reincarnation era came to an end,
it would not be long before Luo Feng would leave to try to achieve a breakthrough of
reincarnation. How could she not worry?


The time limit of the final three years brought about an increase in the speed at which the
various races in the original universe moved about. In the face of the decline of the entire
original universe, they had to relocate.

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Two youths boarded a spaceship that was just about to take off for a faraway star traveler. The
planet was the gathering point.

“Even the original universe is going to be destroyed,” said one. “I really wish I could bring more
friends along with me. Unfortunately, each of us can only take ten people.”

“Stop lamenting,” said the other. “How big is the original universe? And how big can a
miniature universe be? It is fated that 99.9999 percent of the people going up will not have the
chance to move into his miniature universe. We are the talents accepted by the Milky Way
Kingdom, which has allowed us to bring up to ten people with us.”

It was a large-scale relocation. The criterion for the relocation of the human race followed this
order. Firstly, all the sector lords, undying fighters, and those who were higher would be taken
away. Next would be those talents who were chosen to be taken in by the nine groups of major
powers, such as Milky Way Kingdom, the virtual universe company, the Huge Axe Dojo, and
Universe Star River Bank. A handful of talents from certain rounds of the War of Talents—who
had not been accepted by any party but had demonstrated outstanding performances—were
also taken away.

Then, based on how high or low their abilities were, they could bring family members and
friends along with them.

In fact, by comparison, the relocation of humans had been a much kinder process compared
to that of the demons and the automaton race. This was because the human race had a very
formidable true god: Luo Feng!

The humans might have had 98 true gods, but the surface area of Luo Feng’s miniature
universe alone was 1,000 times larger than that of any other true god! He alone had the same
volume as 1,000 true gods’ miniature universes!

Furthermore, Luo Feng and Teacher Origin would both achieve their breakthroughs and
become true gods of void space by the end of this reincarnation era. By that time, their
miniature universes would be able to accommodate even more life forms and great beings.
This was why, regardless of anything, they were squeezing in as many life forms as they could.
There was no need to worry about whether the miniature universes would be able to bear the
weight of future multiplications in numbers of life forms. This was because things would get
much easier the moment there was a breakthrough for the miniature universe. This was the
reason why so many humans were involved in the relocation process!

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But, compared to the countless number of humans within the entire original universe, it was
still only a minority who could be chosen!


Within Luo Feng’s miniature universe, at Nine Sectors Mountain, there were gurgling streams,
rolling mountain, birds, and beasts all around. It was a beautiful place, and it was also where
Luo Feng had remained in solitude while cultivating. Usually, this place would be managed by

Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou!

From afar, a dense crowd of figures was flying over. This attracted Luo Feng’s attention. He
was conversing with his parents and wife. He turned to take a look.

Over 1,000 figures descended. With great deference, they all bowed and greeted, “Milky Way

The 3,000-odd figures were all universe masters. The humans had a total of 1,222 universe
masters. During this round of relocation, they had been scattered and were entering various
miniature universes. As Luo Feng’s miniature universe was the biggest of all, the number of
universe masters choosing to come here would naturally be the most—especially those with
the potential of becoming true gods.

Almost all of these hopefuls had arrived in his miniature universe. The number of universe
masters that the humans had entrusted to Luo Feng’s miniature universe exceeded 900. In
addition, there were also some other races from the Hong Alliance without any true gods in
his universe. The Hong Alliance was the leader of the humans, so it was a given that their
races should be taken care of, too. This was why there was also more than 3,000 universe
masters from the Hong Alliance, who had made their way into Luo Feng’s miniature universe.

More than 900 universe masters from the human race had brought along with them a sea of
humans, consisting of universe knights, undying fighters, sector lords, countless talented
beings, countless accompanying populations, etc.

“All have arrived,” said Luo Feng with a smile. “Let’s act according to the plan that we have
come up with, then.”

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“Yes, Ancestor,” over 1,000 universe masters replied with deference.

Then, one after another, they left at high speed. They dispersed all over the 100,000 plane
surfaces and started releasing the human beings they had brought along with them. The
respective plane surfaces where these humans were released would serve as their future

“Father, you have become an ancestor,” Luo Hai said with great envy.

“In the future,” commented Luo Ping, “the humans will multiply, generation after generation.
And they will all be multiplying within Father’s universe. Father will soon be making his
breakthrough. By then, our ‘Milky Way Holy Land Universe’ will become an eternal existence.
In the future, generations of reincarnation eras will multiply here, and naturally, Father will
be the ancestor.”

Luo Feng laughed upon hearing what his sons had to say.

True enough. He and Teacher Origin could become true gods of void space anytime. This was
why, internally, the humans were already calling out names like “Teacher Origin Holy Land
Universe” and “Milky Way Holy Land Universe.” Also, Luo Feng and Teacher Origin were being
called “Milky Way Ancestor” and “Teacher Origin Ancestor,” respectively.

“Hmm?” Again, Luo Feng turned around to take a look.

From afar, six figures were flying over.

“Milky Way,” said the six figures, all of them modest and reverent.

“Jue He, Blood Orchid, Rampage, you have come.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded. The six that
stood before him were all true gods from the first and second reincarnation eras.

Soon, the great extermination would arrive. To the first reincarnation era, it would mean the
arrival of doomsday. Those who could not transcend reincarnation would be annihilated. They
were all aware that they did not have the ability to transcend reincarnation, so naturally, they
would pin all their hopes on the other miniature universes. But capacity that a miniature
universe could bear was limited, so who would be willing to accept outsiders?

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Only Luo Feng could easily hope for a breakthrough because his miniature universe was the
largest. Plus, he would soon become a true god of void space.

“Go on.” Luo Feng said.

“All right.” The six true gods were filled with gratitude.

Luo Feng watched them leave. There were two reasons why he had chosen to take in these six
true gods. The first reason was because of the friendships he had forged with them in the past;
furthermore, he was now at the level of the “ultimate limit of a true god of void space.” If he
went on further comprehending the great extermination of the original universe—coupled
with the constant interaction with Morosa—he believed it would not take him long to achieve
a breakthrough to become an eternal true god. This was his second reason for taking them in.
By then, there would be space to accommodate even more, so he figured it would not be a bad
idea to take six more helpers under his wing.

“Once I become an eternal true god,” Luo Feng said to himself, “there are bound to be great
beings becoming true gods in my miniature universe.”

The life forms residing within a miniature universe were not entirely devoid of chances to
become true gods. Within the miniature universe of a true god, the highest possible level to be
cultivated was a universe master.

Within the miniature universe of a true god of void space, it was possible to cultivate a true
god, but there was an extremely hefty price to pay. For every true god that was born, the true
god of void space would have to partition a section of his miniature universe for the true god.
This was something that very few true gods of void space were willing to do. However, once
Luo Feng became an eternal true god, this would be a small price, which he was completely
fine with bearing. Besides, ti would not take long for his universe to recover!

In the same way, the World of Jin was a miniature universe; that was something an eternal
true god was capable of breeding.


Luo Feng, garbed in white, stepped into the Ancestral God Palace.

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“Milky Way, you are finally here. There is only a month left before the great extermination.”
The three ancestral gods were seated high above, and among them, the old ancestral god
laughed. “You are here, so our final mission can be considered completed. According to the
instructions provided by the willpower of the origin, you just need to stay within Ancestral
God Palace. That’s all. The three of us will take our leave.”

The three ancestral gods smiled and bid Luo Feng farewell. Then the three of them left the
original universe. There was not a single great being left within the entire ancestral god secret

In fact, it had been quite some since the great beings of the entire original universe had started
leaving successively. There were not many who had remained behind.

The white-robed form of Luo Feng stood on the same spot and whispered to himself, “The great

This was not his original body. It was only a godly powered avatar!


The void space around Luo Feng was suddenly distorted. A natural wormhole appeared, and
an intangible willpower enshrouded Luo Feng.

“Letting me in?”

Luo Feng understood the intention of the willpower of the origin. He had no fear, and he strode
in right away. He felt a change in time and space, then found himself entering a vast and
mysterious space.

Within this space, there was nothing but countless spots of light, which were drifting about.
Every spot was filled with strong power. Even the weaker ones were comparable to universe
masters. Their power was intimidating to even someone like Luo Feng. Within this space, Luo
Feng seemed so insignificant and small.

“Is this the place?”

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Luo Feng remembered back when he was first bestowed with an inherited technique “I Am the
Universe.” His consciousness had entered this area before. Back then, he had been touched by
a spot of light, and the next thing he knew, he had acquired the inherited technique “I Am the
Universe.” At that time, his level of achievement was low, but now, things were different. He
was on a much higher level, so his field of vision was wider.

This particular space was none other than the land of the origin of the original universe.

Out of those countless spots of light, only a handful contained information on inheritance.
Most contained an inexhaustible power of the origin! Every light was like a vast world where
an inexhaustible power existed.

Luo Feng smiled. With a single stride, he could almost touch a light spot in a flash, but that
light spot naturally drifted away, retreating to a distance of a few light years. It would not let
Luo Feng touch it at all.

“Haha...!” Luo Feng laughed heartily. Then he sat down, cross-legged, directly on a particular


Suddenly, within this space of origin of the original universe, a colorful brilliance appeared.
The blurry, colorful brilliance was like a rainbow covering Luo Feng. The moment Luo Feng
was enshrouded, he suddenly felt as though his body had been extended. His willpower started
to penetrate through the entire original universe.

He penetrated through numerous star fields, universe secret regions, deserted star fields, and
original stars, one after another.

As small as the width of a grain of sand—as big as the vast law oceans. Rapidly, Luo Feng’s
willpower penetrated through everything. At that moment, Luo Feng felt as though he had
become the original universe!

“How amazing. This... this is the structure of the original universe?”

Luo Feng was infatuated. He completely immersed himself in his surroundings. There were
countless spots of light within the space of the origin of the original universe. These light spots

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could be divided into 100,000 different categories, which were all revolving around the same
center. This was the structure of the “Beginning of the Origin”!

The difference was, this was a much more meticulous structure than Luo Feng’s “Beginning
of the Origin” and “100,000 Heavens.” It was like Beginning of the Origin and 100,000 Heavens
becoming an endless space.

“So,” said Luo Feng, “the energy that the Law Ocean absorbs can even be stored in the universe
in such a way.” Luo Feng was in awe. “A natural wormhole... Universe secret region... So, this
is the energy of life.”

Although Luo Feng was unable to penetrate into the most basic life origin, just looking from
inside to outside—from a microscopic to a macroscopic point of view, carefully observing the
original universe once through—he was able to comprehend quite a lot about it. The benefits
that he had learned about were quite shocking.

“Yet, comparatively speaking, I still feel that the final great extermination of the original
universe will render the greatest amount of help.”

Luo Feng, seated cross-legged amidst the space of the origin of the original universe, was
silently waiting for that moment to arrive.


“The original universe is about to be destroyed. This scene is extremely shocking. Previously, I
have seen it with my own eyes.”

Amidst the void space that was filled with chaotic airflow, on a gray ship, Rampaging Devil
God was telling everyone else about the previous cycle that he had personally witnessed.
Beside him were many universe masters, universe knights, undying fighters, and even a
portion of talents who were cultivated in key aspects.

“How much longer before the destruction of the original universe?”

“We are amidst the void space. During the destruction of the original universe, will we be
affected where we are?”

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Quite a few humans within the hall were raising this question.

“Don’t worry,” said Rampaging Devil God, addressing the crowd in high spirits. “We will not be
affected at all where we are. Think back properly, back then...”

Loneliness was indeed torturous. Even if one was invincible, if he led a life of loneliness, then
wouldn’t he still be in agony? After he moved into Luo Feng’s miniature universe, Rampaging
Devil God had rediscovered the happiness of living that he had once lost. He was quite
optimistic by nature.

Numerous ships and palaces were suspended amidst the void space filled with chaotic airflow.
Great beings from various races who had made their way out of the original universe were all
waiting in silence, waiting for the moment when the great extermination would happen.


“Starting to destroy!”

“The universe membrane wall is cracking apart.”

Great beings of the various races were looking at this scene with a mixture of excitement and
sorrow. There were still many ordinary beings compared to the number of those who
managed to get out of the original universe from their own race who were not able to be
relocated. Even Luo Feng’s miniature universe, compared to the original universe, was
pathetically small. It was destined that almost all the ordinary beings from the various races
would be annihilated along with the destruction of the original universe.

The destruction of the original universe had begun!

Previously, the end of the world had still in the process of gradually occurring, but at that
moment, within the entire space of origin, a formidable power was produced instantaneously.
This power was crazily devouring everything.

Even for the original universe—with its degree of vastness—all of its membrane walls were
splitting apart at a crazy rate. Soon after, everything collapsed. Even the universe’s secret
regions and star fields had begun collapsing; black holes were disintegrating successively;
mineral planets, declining stars, and even some of the planets on which life forms were

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residing—all of these started collapsing. The moment they started collapsing, it was almost
immediate that they were crushed into a flow of countless particles.


At this juncture, the origin also started to sharply reduce in size! The energy of every life form
was being crazily transmitted to and absorbed by the origin. The countless ordinary life forms
leading their daily lives—some babies who had just been born, some elders who were lying in
hospitals, some young couples who were showing their love for one another, some enemies
who were just fighting and killing one another—within a split second, all of them were
annihilated. The inexhaustible energy of life was flowing into the core of the entire universe
in a frenzy.



Amid the void space of Universe Ocean, living souls from various other races were onboard
numerous ships and palaces as they watched the scene of the destruction of the universe
unfolding before them. They were all holding their breath out of shock. Even if they had heard
descriptions of this scene beforehand, when they actually witnessed it with their own eyes,
they were still in total shock.

The flow of countless particles formed numerous, huge whirlpools. The powerful tearing force
would have likely broken and shattered a miniature universe that entered it within an instant.

That violence! That intensity!

It made all the great beings hold their breath. The universe masters and true gods, with their
ability to control time and space, were all transmitting the images of everything that was
happening before them, sending the images incomparably long distances away. Everything
became clearly visible. At such a close distance, everything became clearly visible. The shock
was so intense that it sent shudders through the hearts of all the great beings.

“This... this is the destruction?” Teacher Origin was shocked, too.

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When the destruction of the original universe began, the swallowing process formed such an
infinitely strong tearing force that even a trace of it would have been enough to annihilate his
entire being.

Such a strong and ultimate form of destruction caused even Teacher Origin to shudder in fear.
Yet the shock that everyone felt was nothing compared to what Luo Feng felt. These life forms
from the various races were outside of the Universe Ocean, watching the events from afar. On
the other hand, Luo Feng’s willpower had penetrated into every corner of the original universe.
He was like the original universe in its entirety. At the moment the destruction began, the
feeling that struck him was overwhelmingly clear.

Firstly, within the space of the origin, the “Beginning of the Origin” started revolving 10,000
times faster. The revolving speed was inconsistent, being fast at times and slow at other times,
causing the countless spots of light—belonging to 100,000 different categories—to shatter and
be absorbed away. This, in turn, caused the space of the origin to rapidly reduce in size. The
entire origin exerted an incredible swallowing force over its surroundings.

Swallow! It was doing its best to swallow!

Swallowing all the living beings, all the corpses and carcasses—the entire original universe!

Everything collapsed and was destroyed, transforming into countless flows of particles that
revolved around and surged into the origin like crazy. All the most fundamental energy of life
was completely absorbed back. To get such a massive original universe to be completely
destroyed and swallowed in an extremely short period of time. The speed of those energies of
life had exceeded 100 billion—even a trillion times light speed. Absolute rage! It was barbarous!


When all of the energy of life had been absorbed into the origin, the origin of the original
universe instantly glowed with dazzling brilliance. That brilliance was so eye-catching that
the area it spread over far exceeded the size of the previous original universe. This dazzling
brilliance had even spread out far enough to shine upon those watching from within their
ships and palaces.

“So shocking. Beautiful.”

The living souls of various races were holding their collective breath.

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The original universe disappeared. Only the origin remained.

There was power surging up in a circular pattern surrounding the origin, but no one dared to
get close to it.

Within the origin, garbed in a white robe, Luo Feng was sat cross-legged right in the middle of
the whirlpool. The destruction of the original universe was fleeting and short-lived, yet
unforgettable. That scene would be deeply imprinted on Luo Feng’s soul.

“Morosa had shared with me how mysterious the destruction of the origin was, based on his
own comprehension.” Luo Feng was still shocked, nonetheless. “But the destruction of the
origin, no matter how mysterious, was, on the contrary, quite a transparent process. It was
more like a soundless attack during the destruction process. But the original universe
represented the origin of life. The destruction of the origin of life was so much more rapid and

The origin of life contained various laws. To start with, there was life and death. There was
also destruction.

The destruction of the origin of life was entirely different from the elimination of the
destruction of the origin.

“A short destruction was for rebirth,” Luo Feng mumbled to himself. “Its main purpose was to
give life. Everything was for the sake of life... And the destruction of the Sector Beasts was the
destruction of their roots.”

Numerous scenes of the destruction continued to flash through his mind. Morosa’s
comprehension of the mystery of destruction also flashed through his mind. Both were forms
of destruction, but their cores were entirely different... Luo Feng was completely immersed in
all these scenes in his mind.

An intangible ripple of willpower swept through Luo Feng as understanding dawned upon

“Time to leave.”

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Luo Feng, clothed in a white robe, was disintegrated and annihilated right away. This was
merely his godly powered avatar. At that moment, Luo Feng simply could not be bothered to
be distracted by how he could get one godly powered avatar to slowly fly back. It was more
viable to simply disperse and disintegrate it.


At Luo Feng’s miniature universe, on one of the mountain peaks of Nine Sectors Mountains,
Luo Feng sat cross-legged. He had comprehended for trillions of eras, comprehending the
destruction of the origin, comprehending the origin of life. Everything was colliding with one

“The path of destruction.”

Luo Feng had gradually made his way down a particular path. Combining the destruction of
the origin of life and the elimination of the destruction of the origin, he had arrived at a
concluding comprehension for both, and everything was gradually taking form.

The collision of two entirely different origins brought a great shock to Luo Feng. He needed to
sort everything in order to straighten things out. He needed to comprehend an understanding
of the situation that could justify all his doubts. If he could comprehend it all, he would be
freed of doubts.

Time passed. Years went by...

“I am here by Teacher Origin’s order to ask, has Milky Way Ancestor completed cultivation?”

“Father God is still in the midst of cultivation and must not be disturbed,” Xi Mo replied in a
most direct manner.

Previously, Luo Feng and Teacher Origin had an agreement. After comprehending the process
of destruction, they would make their breakthroughs to become true gods of void space
together. Then they would try to transcend reincarnation. But now, Luo Feng was still
immersed in the process of cultivation.

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“Brother Xi Mo, Teacher is still in the midst of cultivation?” Na Ke looked toward the faraway
Nine Sectors Mountains.

“Young fellow, is it true that you just want to tell Teacher that you made a breakthrough to
become a universe master?” Xi Mo also cast his gaze over to Nine Sectors Mountain, where
Luo Feng was still seated cross-legged. “When Teacher has finished cultivating, he will surely
learn about it.”

Na Ke laughed sheepishly.


Time passed. The flowers and plants on Nine Sectors Mountain had gone through countless
cycles of blooming and withering, and countless visitors had come looking for Luo Feng. Even
Sitting Mountain Guest had come once, yet Luo Feng remained immersed in comprehension.
This time around, he was focusing all of his consciousness on comprehending, without a hint
of distraction. Naturally, there was no way he could receive any guests.

In the 360,000th era after the destruction of the original universe, Xi Mo and Morosa were
safeguarding Nine Sectors Mountains, forbidding any other great beings from disturbing Luo


Seated on the mountain peak, Luo Feng suddenly opened his eyes.


Xi Mo and Morosa turned at the same time to take a look. Then, in a flash, both of them arrived
by Luo Feng’s side.

“Father God,” Xi Mo said in an agitated tone.

“Master,” said Morosa, also very emotional.

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Luo Feng took a look at both of them and nodded with a smile as he said, “Xi Mo, you can
inform everything that I have now stopped cultivating. I suppose there are many who would
like to meet me.”

“Understood, Father God,” Xi Mo replied right away. Then he disappeared in a flash.

“Morosa.” Luo Feng looked to his side at his good-natured bodyguard. “I suppose you have also
been waiting a long time.”

Morosa merely returned a good-natured smile. Of course, he had waited a long time. He was
an ace at dealing with loneliness, and the only opponent that could possibly match him was
his Master, Luo Feng. Naturally, he would look forward to some other activity for the sake of
novelty—for instance, transcending reincarnation.

“Master, have you made your breakthrough?” Morosa was quick to ask.

“It’s a bit of a process, of course,” Luo Feng teased. “If no progress was made, even after I
personally experienced the destruction of the original universe, then I would be a great, big

Before he had started comprehending this time, Luo Feng had already reached the ultimate
limit of a true god of void space.

For all universe masters, the usual practice was to create secret techniques at the third to the
fifth stages. Many universe masters would usually get stuck at the level of the fifth tier as the
top! To be able to create a sixth-tier secret technique, if one did not choose to take the godly
power path, then the achievable level would only satisfy the requirements of becoming a true

A true god of void space would commonly be around the 11th to 13th stage. If one could create
a 14th-stage secret technique, then that person could become an eternal true god!

When Luo Feng had fought Sector Beast Mo He, he had been able to create a 12th-stage as the
top secret technique. After six trillion eras of cultivation, coupled with long-term
communicating and interaction with Morosa, he had also been able to create a 13th-stage as
the top secret technique, which was the ultimate limit of a true god of void space. And this
time, Luo Feng had spent 360,000 eras comprehending. Of course, he would have made
tremendous progress.

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The destruction of the origin of life! The elimination of the destruction of the origin! This had
allowed Luo Feng to comprehend the “Path of Destruction.”

In terms of achievement, Luo Feng had taken a step up to the eternal true god level. This was
because he had personally experienced the destruction of the original universe. After all, in
the later stage, it would be exceedingly difficult for him to advance even the tiniest bit.
Considering that fact that East Emperor Ancestor and Purple Moon Ancestor had never been
able to break through in all this time, it was not difficult to acknowledge matter-of-factly.

“Feng.” A figure flew over. It was none other than Xu Xin, who had come because she knew
that Luo Feng had finished comprehending.

Luo Feng smiled as he went over to her.

“You are finally done cultivating. Even Sitting Mountain came looking for you at one point,”
Xu Xin told him.

“There’s no need to rush,” said Luo Feng. “Right. Can the original universe be born now?”

“It has already been born,” Xu Xin answered with a nod of her head. “The new reincarnation
era has already begun.”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up. “Come along. We shall go take a look.”

With one stride, Luo Feng brought Xu Xin along with him. Right away, he shifted their location
to the peripheral region of his miniature universe. Then they made their way out. Luo Feng’s
miniature universe was not far away from the original universe. At first glance, Luo Feng’s
gaze penetrated the void space, and he could easily see the original universe.

At that moment, the original universe was blurred, as it was surrounded by an endless airflow.
This was its most primitive state, and it was now slowly and gradually breeding within its
interior. Whether this reincarnation era’s first life form could be born was still an uncertainty.

“Flourishing with prosperity to the limit before the great decline.” Before him, Luo Feng saw a
scene that was robust and full of vitality. He could not help whispering, “Previously, the
original universe had multiplied its number to reach an extreme, so the number of those living
within it also reached an ultimate limit. Naturally, its endurance also reached an extreme

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limit. Therefore, there was a rapid and violent great destruction. That destruction was for the
sake of the new life of today.”

Regarding his own “Path of Destruction,” his comprehension was even clearer.

“Hmm...” Luo Feng was struck by a thought. “Let’s head back.”

Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng.

“Teacher Origin has arrived,” Luo Feng said.


One of Teacher Origin’s godly powered avatars arrived at Luo Feng’s miniature universe.

“How’s the comprehension coming along this time?” Teacher Origin asked.

“I’ve made headway,” Luo Feng said. “It should be possible to cross over to the eternal level in
one swift move.”

“Eternal level?” Teacher Origin was far too shocked to maintain his usual calm demeanor.

Luo Feng nodded. “The progress of my miniature universe is going to take some time. When it
is almost done evolving, that will be the time when you should start to develop yours again.
This way, both of us can successfully achieve our breakthroughs around the same time.”

“All right, I’ll head back and prepare.” Teacher Origin nodded.

Teacher Origin was aware that being able to gain a thorough comprehension this time was a
benefit Luo Feng had gained from resolving the issue of the Sector Beast crisis.

Relying on what he had comprehended, Luo Feng had managed to break through the key
bottleneck and crossed levels to become an eternal true god. Plus, Luo Feng had once saved his
life, so Teacher Origin did not harbor any jealousy toward Luo Feng. Rather, he felt awe and
admiration for Luo Feng.

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After meeting Sitting Mountain Guest, Primal Chaos City Leader, and the rest of the company,
Luo Feng started to work on his breakthrough.



Standing within the space of the origin of the miniature universe, Luo Feng shouted out a

Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong!

Numerous space portals were successively emerging. Every space portal would appear within
the space outside 100,000 Heavens without harming any of the plane surfaces. Endless chaotic
airflow was gushing into these passageways, and the membrane walls of his miniature
universe were starting to grow, spreading out and expanding rapidly.

1.1 billion light years, 1.2 billion light years...

His miniature universe was undergoing constant outbursts of growth.

As his miniature universe got bigger, the space occupied by 100,000 Heavens was, on the
contrary, reduced, while the amount of void space was increased. With more void space
available, Luo Feng was naturally able to bring in more void space passageways! The endless
chaotic airflow could then rush in to boost the evolution of his miniature universe. This
pleasant occurrence of unrestrained supply to boost the evolution of his miniature universe
would only happen when there were breakthroughs. Also, this supply was only for the growth
of the miniature universe. The godly power that Luo Feng’s body needed for development
would have to be accumulated gradually via the absorption and transformation of godly

2.9 billion light years, 3 billion light years, 3.1 billion light years...

The miniature universe continued to expand. It quickly became much bigger than East
Emperor Holy Land.

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Amidst the void space of Universe Ocean, a great many true gods and universe masters
watched from afar. There were some from the human race, some from the Hong Alliance, and
also some from other races. All of them were witnessing this grand occasion.

“It’s too big.”

“Exactly how big can it get, this Milky Way Holy Land Universe?”

“The diameter has already exceeded five billion light years; it is much bigger than East
Emperor Holy Land.”

Sitting Mountain Guest was also watching everything from afar. He laughed and whispered
softly, “It is still too early.”

This time, Luo Feng was going to become an eternal true god in one swift move, so naturally,
it was still too early to expect a final outcome.

Expand! Expand like crazy! Finally, a diameter of ten billion light years was achieved, and
within Milky Way Holy Land Universe, Luo Feng’s own body was also undergoing a change.

“Godly power!” Luo Feng suddenly opened his mouth and sucked deeply. Within an instant,
the godly power that had been swallowed and accumulated over a period of more than six
trillion eras—which was thereafter transformed and stored as a reserve—came flowing over
in a frenzied manner. During this period of more than six trillion eras, Luo Feng’s godly body
had long attained its perfect optimum state. If he were to transform into an ocean, its
diameter could be as wide as 12 light years. At the same time, it could store a tremendous
amount of godly power.

The breakthrough this time around had brought about the evolution of his godly power by 100

After accumulating for more than six trillion eras, his godly power reserve was consumed by
more than 80 percent, all within an instant. This brought Luo Feng’s body to reach perfection,
but such perfection was only at the level of a true god of void space!

“After accumulating for such a long time, I still don’t have enough. Once I become an eternal
true god, my godly power will still be lacking a great deal.” Luo Feng shook his head.

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After the breakthrough of his body, numerous portals started to appear within the void space
of his Milky Way Holy Land Universe successively. Endless chaotic airflow gushed in to be
continuously absorbed and converted, and this allowed for the continuous expansion of his
miniature universe.

10.1 billion light years, 10.2 billion light years...

30 billion light years...

60 billion light years...

It continued to expand. Likewise, the length of time required was also extended.

True gods and universe masters of various races were stunned into speechlessness. Gosh! Even
East Emperor Holy Land Universe’s diameter was only 3.2 billion light years! Exactly how big
could Luo Feng’s Milky Way Holy Land Universe get?

Plus, Teacher Origin’s miniature universe was also starting to undergo a change. Its volume
was starting to undergo rapid expansion.

“Teacher Origin’s miniature universe is expanding, too. It has already reached a diameter of
1.8 billion light years, and it is continuing to expand.”

“I think his miniature universe will not be as fearsome as Milky Way Horde Leader’s.”

Great beings of the various other races were discussing the matter among themselves. They
could not help but envy the humans because they had two great holy land universes.

“Teacher Origin’s miniature universe has already stopped expanding. Its diameter is 52 light

“That cannot even hold a candle to Milky Way Horde Leader’s miniature universe.”

The evolution of Teacher Origin’s miniature universe had begun later, but he made it a step
earlier in achieving success. By the time his miniature universe had reached a diameter of 5.2
billion light years, the diameter of Luo Feng’s miniature universe had long surpassed 90 billion

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light years. After a period of close to one month, Luo Feng’s miniature universe finally reached
a diameter of 100 billion light years.

At long last, everything came to a halt.

“100 billion light years.” Even Sitting Mountain Guest was astounded. “Legend... This is truly a
legend. For a miniature universe at the eternal level to reach this stage, it can be considered
perfect. Such a miniature universe could only exist in legends.”

“Father God, this is simply impressive.” Xi Mo was incomparably excited while staying
suspended amid the void space.

True gods of other races were all stunned and speechless, but the acceptance came easily deep
in their hearts—after all, the one who had created all these miracles was Luo Feng!

Since long ago, Luo Feng had already become a legend within Universe Ocean.


“My godly power has, once again, condensed by 100 times.”

Behind Luo Feng, six pairs of wings were outspread. For longer than six trillion eras, the fifth
pair of wings simply could not be repaired, but now, in an instant, it was fully restored.

“But the godly power reserve within my miniature universe is still insufficient. If I were to
transform into an ocean now, the maximum diameter possible would most likely only be
slightly more than two light years.”

Previously, his godly power reserve had been totally sufficient for him to become a true god of
void space. But he was still far from becoming an eternal true god.

“Fortunately, my current miniature universe is much bigger than before. The swallowing and
transforming of godly power has become much more efficient, too.”

Luo Feng nodded. Milky Way Holy Land Universe was unbelievably huge. Upon absorbing the
chaotic airflow, it formed a gigantic whirlpool that even a universe master would have had to

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travel in a palace true treasure in order to pass through. Otherwise, anything would be
strangled to death.


With one stride out, Luo Feng left the space of the origin and arrived at the Nine Sectors
Mountain of Milky Way Holy Land Universe. All of Luo Feng’s family members were waiting
for him.

“Ha!” Luo Feng laughed as he walked toward them.

Suddenly, his expression froze with that smile plastered on his face. An invisible ripple
brushed past Milky Way Holy Land Universe to convey a piece of information.

“One year?” Luo Feng mumbled to himself.

Now, he clearly understood. He had broken through to become an eternal true god. Within a
year, he had to transcend reincarnation. Even though it was said to be required within a year,
Teacher Origin had successfully achieved his breakthrough a month before Luo Feng. If both
of them were to transcend reincarnation together, then the time remaining was, in fact, only
11 months.

“Father, Mother.” Luo Feng laughed and continued with the conversation he was having with
his parents.


Luo Feng and Teacher Origin met once, had a discussion, and decided that after ten months,
Luo Feng would head to Tilted Peak Sector to try to transcend reincarnation. So he had spent
the past ten months making all the necessary arrangements.

In the past ten months, Luo Feng met up with many people. Some were from his time on
Earth. There were included individuals from his time growing up and maturing. Some were
those who had influenced him or those whom he had influenced. There were just too many

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His children from the pulse of Remote Ocean, like Xi Mo, were all still alive. He met up with
old friends from the pulse of Earth, like Wei Wen, and others.

Back when he had first joined Virtual Universe Company, he had gotten to know many good
friends, including Bo Lan, Rong Jun (Tu Man), and Wu Ka. Although they were all quite
talented, it was still extremely difficult for them to become universe masters—and even more
difficult if they wanted to become true gods!

This was not an uncommon occurrence. Luo Feng’s son, Luo Hai, had great opportunities,
including conditions that would have been considered perfect. But he had never been able to
achieve a breakthrough to become a universe master. Bo Lan and Rong Jun had finally become
universe masters, while Wu Ka remained a universe knight. As for the batch of great beings
from the War of Talents, there were some who had been annihilated while honing their skills,
and there were even some who had not become undying fighters. They had not been able to
wait until the day the humans could achieve the status of an ancient civilization.

Previously, the three brothers of Earth had been Hong, who was naturally a true god; it was
needless for Luo Feng to even mention this. As for Thunder Lord, even with the help of Luo
Feng and the pulse of Earth, it was still difficult for Thunder Lord to become a universe master.
After all, to the pulse of Earth, Thunder Lord was unquestionably a respected elder.

True Yan, too, was merely a universe master at this juncture.

“Teacher, within my miniature universe, you are perfectly capable of achieving a

breakthrough to become a true god.” Luo Feng told True Yan earnestly. “To me, segregating
another miniature universe is really not a big deal.”

“That Official Po Yu...” True Yan, on the contrary, was feeling quite uneasy.

“Back then, on Demon Note Mountain, although she stabbed me in the back, she had her
reasons for doing so,” Luo Feng said. “Besides, that was a matter that took place ages ago.
Teacher, do not take it to heart.”

Back then, the reason why Official Po Yu had plotted against Luo Feng was simply to take
revenge on True Yan!

This involved a love story. True Yan’s lover had died long ago, and True Yan felt especially
guilty. He knew that Official Po Yu hated him, yet he could only put up with it all. When

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investigation results indicated that Official Po Yu had plotted against Luo Feng, True Yan had
pleaded for Official Po Yu!

This time around, amidst all the migrations into miniature universes, Official Po Yu had
moved into Teacher Origin’s miniature universe. This was also because True Yan had
intervened along the way to help Official Po Yu. This blurred the nature of the relationship
between Official Po Yu and True Yan.


Before Luo Feng set off for his journey to achieve his breakthrough of a reincarnation era, he
gave his disciples one more lesson. Then off he went.

Outside Tilted Peak Sector, a ship was suspended. On it were many figures, including Primal
Chaos City Leader, True Yan, Sitting Mountain Guest, Luo Hong Guo, Gong Xin Lan, Xu Xin, Luo
Ping, Luo Hai, Luo Hua, Darkness True God, Ice Mountain True God, and Long Yan True God.
They had all come to send Luo Feng and Teacher Origin off.

Sitting Mountain Guest was the most relaxed of the lot. “Rest assured,” he said. “If even Luo
Feng is in danger while breaking through the reincarnation era, then East Emperor Ancestor
and Purple Moon Ancestor must have long ago lost their lives.”

Sou! Sou!

Far in the distance were Star Tower and a ship. Both were flying toward Tilted Peak Sector.

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Star Tower and another ship were diving into Tilted Peak Sector. One was an eternal true god,
while the other was a true god of void space. They easily passed by lots of obstacles. They both
knew where the “incarnation” was.

“Could you feel the calling, Teacher Origin?” Luo Feng transmitted his voice.

“I can feel it. It’s right in front of me.” Teacher Origin transmitted his voice. “Based on the map
drawn by other great beings who went to transcend incarnation, it’s right in front of us.”

After a short while, Star Tower was at the front while the other ship was at the back. They
arrived in a vast area.

“Is that...?” Luo Feng looked at the front, and Morosa was standing beside him.

“That must be the incarnation,” said Morosa.

Luo Feng looked carefully. There was a hollow in the vast space. There was a portal entry
flowing with colorful energies on the surface. At the entrance were blurry-looking beings.
Some looked like humans while some looked like beasts. There were billions of beings at the

“That must be incarnation.” Luo Feng could sense the powerful summoning while supreme
laws transmitted the ripples. Apparently, it was guiding Luo Feng and Teacher Origin in. And
based on the map, this was the place.

“Let’s inspect it first,” Teacher Origin said, transmitting his voice.

“Okay.” Luo Feng nodded.

They started to inspect the entry of the incarnation, yet they couldn’t see anything inside it.

Teacher Origin transmitted his voice. “Who first, Luo Feng? You or me?”

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“I’ll go first.” Luo Feng said.

He was confident. His Star Tower was a godly king weapon, and he was an eternal true god.
Either he or Teacher Origin needed to get in first; he couldn’t let Teacher Origin go first.


Star Tower flew over slowly. Gradually, it was immersed in the colorful light inside that portal.
Then he went it completely.

“Luo Feng? Luo Feng. Luo Feng!” Teacher Origin couldn’t sense Luo Feng anymore. He took out
a communications token.

Inside Luo Feng’s miniature universe was a godly power avatar of Luo Feng, so he carried a
communications token, also.

“Luo Feng?”

“Teacher Origin,” answered the godly power avatar of Luo Feng.

“How was it?” asked Teacher Origin.

“Come in,” answered Luo Feng. “It’s safe.”


Luo Feng was thrilled. He didn’t encounter any dangers, and once he had entered the
incarnation portal, he felt relieved and comfortable.

“This incarnation portal.”

Luo Feng stood inside Star Tower and looked at the outside. Within the incarnation portal were
traces of blurry beings. Some were humans, some were beasts, some were plants. All sorts of
beings were flying across the place.

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“What’s happening?”

Luo Feng put Morosa into another cabin. He waved his hands, and the golden crystal appeared
in his palm. It was the golden crystal of Sitting Mountain Guest.


A being condensed above the golden crystal. It was Sitting Mountain Guest’s virtual

Sitting Mountain Guest looked around and said, “Oh, you’ve already entered incarnation?”

“Teacher.” Luo Feng looked at Sitting Mountain Guest. He had so many questions. “Teacher,
what do you want me to do for you? You can say it now. Also, how did you get the Nine Volume
Manual? And Star Tower! It must be a weapon of godly kings.”

“Hahaha! Slow down. We don’t need to rush things.” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled.

Luo Feng took a deep breath. “Do tell, Teacher.”

“I know much more than you ever suspected,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “Star Tower is
indeed a godly king weapon, and it was indeed forged by me.”

“What?” Luo Feng was dazed.

Sitting Mountain Guest had forged a godly king weapon? Could Sitting Mountain Guest be a
godly king? But Sitting Mountain Guest had a miniature universe, and that was a fact!

“The fact that I forged Star Tower means I am indeed a godly king. A godly king who’s great at
making true treasures.” Sitting Mountain Guest looked at Luo Feng with a smile and said
smugly, “I am the Godly King of Jin.”

“You are the Godly King of Jin?” Luo Feng was bewildered.

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How could Sitting Mountain Guest be the Godly King of Jin? Luo Feng had tested Star Tower in
the World of Jin before, yet the virtual consciousness of the Godly King of Jin in the World of
Jin hadn’t been able to identify it.

“But I tested Star Tower in the World of Jin,” said Luo Feng.

“No need to rush. Just listen to me.” Sitting Mountain Guest’s eyes glinted with hidden

Luo Feng nodded and listened carefully. He felt like Sitting Mountain Guest might really be the
Godly King of Jin.

“First, I’ll explain the power levels so that you can better understand my story,” said Sitting
Mountain Guest. “From true gods, there are true gods of void space, eternal true gods, the holy,
and the godly kings. You are familiar with all the levels from true gods to eternal true gods.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Eternal true gods can form a miniature universe with a single thought,” said Sitting Mountain
Guest. “They’ve already comprehended some of the origin mysteries of the universe. Like the
origin of water and fire, the origin of space and time, the origin of light and darkness... Anyone
who can fully comprehend one of them can become an eternal true god.”

Luo Feng had fully comprehended the origin of life and death. The origin of life and death was
only the beginning of the Path of Destruction for Luo Feng.

“If you take one step forward, you’ll control the chaos! All the laws come from chaos, which is
the ultimate law. If you can control chaos, then you will be a master of chaos. Then you’ll be
on the level of the holy. This is very difficult, and lots of eternal true gods remain stuck there.
When my Jin Country was at its prime, there were many eternal true gods, but there were
barely over ten holies. Once you master the chaos, you can turn your Heart of True God into
the ‘space of chaos.’ You’ll need to morph it all by yourself, and you can only accomplish that
after you master the chaos laws.”

Luo Feng kept thinking. He also had a “Heart of True God” where he hid the space of a soul,
connecting the origin of his miniature universe.

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“When you have the chaos space, you can put lots of your godly power in it,” said Sitting
Mountain Guest. “You can store more and more godly power. If you take one step forward,
you’ll be so superior that you can control the chaos space inside your body and turn it into a
miniature universe. The World of Jin was a miniature universe created in my body. That
miniature universe looks small, but it’s actually enormous. It can breed many great beings.
However, you can only perfect that miniature universe by yourself.”

Luo Feng was amazed. When it came to the expansion and evolution of his miniature universe,
he didn’t understand any of it. If someone wanted to create a miniature universe inside his
body, he needed to turn it into the “space of chaos” first. Then it would turn into a miniature
universe. It required an incredible grasp of the mysteries of the universe.

“Different godly kings are good at different things,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “The
miniature universes created in their bodies will also be different. I’m good at making
valuables, but the universe I created is delicate. Some of the miniature universes created by
godly kings are very simple.”

The holy! The godly king! One could control the chaos, and one could even create a universe.

Sitting Mountain Guest kept speaking. “True gods, true gods of void space, eternal true gods,
the holies, and the godly kings. Actually, there’s a superior level to godly kings. Legend says
that at that level, not even the supreme laws can restrict them anymore. At that level, one can
even make the supreme laws.” Sitting Mountain Guest’s eyes were gleaming. “However, I’ve
been comprehending for a long time, but I just can’t make a breakthrough.”

“There’s a higher level than godly kings?” Luo Feng was suspicious.

“There should be,” Sitting Mountain Guest said. “Like the one who’s really invincible: Yuan!
Yuan made the breakthrough. Of course, one can only imagine how powerful he is at that

“Yuan?” Luo Feng was taken aback.

The “Linear Element Technique” that he was practicing had been created by Yuan.

“You must have the Linear Element Technique already.” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled and
looked at Luo Feng. “That’s the technique of Yuan!”

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Luo Feng was astounded. “How did you know?”

Even if Sitting Mountain Guest was really the Godly King of Jin, he had never entered the
World of Jin. The fact that Luo Feng had gained the Linear Element Technique was only known
by the virtual consciousness of the Godly King of Jin.

Sitting Mountain Guest laughed. “Is that even a question? Hundreds of universe masters from
Purple Moon Holy Land and the united forces alliance were killed all at once! You were strong
enough to do so... And you didn’t have the authority to command those generals. There’s only
one possibility: that you completed the tasks in Wu Qi Tower, obtaining the Linear Element
Technique, and that’s why my virtual consciousness gave you the supreme authority. You have
a higher authority than the four generals, and that’s how you killed hundreds of universe
masters all at once.”

Luo Feng was dazed.

“Besides,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “I also carried a manual for the Linear Element
Technique. I was about to give it to you after you became a universe master and had stronger
willpower. I didn’t expect my body to arrive right after you became a universe master. You
entered the World of Jin and learned Linear Element Technique, so the manual I carried
cracked. Yuan left that technique, and he left lots of manuals. However, if anyone successfully
learned it, all the other manuals would be destroyed.

“The manual of Linear Element Technique I carried was destroyed, your Remote Ocean gave
out forces of willpower shock, and hundreds of universe masters were killed all at once...
There’s only one conclusion: that you learned Linear Element Technique.” Sitting Mountain
Guest sighed. “Yuan is an aloof being. His technique Linear Element Technique is renowned.
Many godly kings want to learn it. Unfortunately, law masters are the most suitable to learn
it. True gods are fine as well. Those higher than true gods won’t be able to learn Linear Element
Technique anymore. Many powers want their talents to try it, but they all fail!”

“Teacher!” asked Luo Feng. “What exactly is happening?”

“I’ll tell you all my stories. You’ll understand everything after you hear it,” said Sitting
Mountain Guest.

Luo Feng listened carefully. This was the story that had been hidden by Sitting Mountain Guest
for a long time.

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“At the end of Universe Ocean is a land called the Land of Origin, and that’s the so-called
ancient civilization, as you all call it,” said Sitting Mountain Guest.

The ancient civilization! The ancient civilization was the Land of Origin, and it was at the end
of Universe Ocean!

“I grew up in a tribe in the Land of Origin, and I was admitted to a clan of valuable making,”
said Sitting Mountain Guest. “I fell in love with my schoolmate. I married her, and I became a
peerless talent great at making valuables. I rose and established Jin Country based on my clan,
and I became the Godly King of Jin Country. I had a loving wife, and powerful and loyal
officials. I was standing at the top. Everything was fantastic! However, nothing lasts forever.”

Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head. “After a long time, Shi Country suddenly attacked my
Jin Country. They killed my wife, my officials, and my brothers, and they destroyed my Jin
Country! Everything I built was destroyed by Shi Country!” Sitting Mountain Guest’s eyes
glinted with madness and resentment, even in front of his own disciple.

Luo Feng sighed.

Everything, including his family members who had been with him for a long time, had been
destroyed. Luo Feng couldn’t even imagine such pain. He had fought Sector Beast Mo He
because he wanted to preserve all that. If someone destroyed those whom he had been
guarding, he would risk everything to take his revenge.

“It’s difficult to kill a Godly King,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “The three country masters
hunted me, but I ran into Universe Ocean. I entered Universe Ocean and didn’t come back.
Instead, I went deeper! Because... I wanted to enslave Sector Beasts!”

“Enslave Sector Beasts?” Luo Feng was shocked.

He had successfully enslaved the king of the Sector Beasts!

Sitting Mountain Guest nodded. “That’s right. Sector Beasts are a legend in the Land of Origin,
and they are definitely a catastrophe! However, among all the powerful kingdoms in the Land
of Origin, there’s a country called ‘Tian Mu Country,’ a country more powerful and older than
Shi Country. The country master is called ‘Purple Wood Godly King.’ His country was once
destroyed. But then, he fled into Universe Ocean, went deep, and brought an enslaved Sector
Beast back to the Land of Origin!

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“It would take many countries combined to resist a Sector Beast that is fully matured, and a
Sector Beast that is out of control is a nightmare. However, Purple Wood Godly King enslaved
a Sector Beast so that it would follow his orders. All the enemies of Purple Moon Godly King
were annihilated. As for the other countries, they were lucky that Purple Wood Godly King
didn’t attack them. Who would dare to mess with him? With a king of Sector Beasts, Tian Mu
Country boomed. Now, after a long time, the country itself is almighty. And the guarding beast,
a Sector Beast, has never shown up. It became a legend.”

Luo Feng was confused. “I’ve searched for information in the World of Jin. Why aren’t there
any detailed documents about the Sector Beasts?”

“Haha! The most powerful beings that can be bred in the World of Jin in my body are eternal
true gods.” Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head. “The army world won’t have resources like
that. The legend has been widely spread, and Purple Wood Godly King admitted it himself.

“It’s impossible to enslave a powerful Sector Beast. I could only go and enslave the Sector Beasts
that hadn’t grown up yet. So I needed to go deep in Universe Ocean. I went deeper... Actually,
many great beings who lost their countries and had strong hatred in their hearts did the same.
They went to Universe Ocean and tried to enslave Sector Beasts. Like the last generation of
Duan Dong River. He went there with Universe Boat. It might have been a powerful army. They
rushed in and tried to enslave Sector Beasts that hadn’t matured yet. However, even I wasn’t
able to do so. As for them, they all died and couldn’t even be reincarnated.” Sitting Mountain
Guest shook his head. “The deeper I dug into Universe Ocean, the more I realized how
dangerous Universe Ocean was.”

Luo Feng frowned. “Dangerous?”

Now he knew why Universe Boat was so broken and had become one of the three Lands of
Extremis. There were some notes on Universe Boat saying that they had followed an incorrect
path—and they regretted it. Apparently, the message had been left under desperate

“Supreme laws won’t allow us to venture there,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “However, there’s
a silver lining after all. It only asked the original mind of the original universe to hinder me.
Without the permission of supreme laws, there’s no need to be afraid of the original mind.
However, with the help of supreme laws, the original mind can use the power of the origin of
the original universe to manipulate Universe Ocean. The closer you get to the original universe,
the more powerful you’ll realize it is.”

Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head. “You can’t even imagine it. I understand that if I
trespass, I’ll definitely die. That’s when I started to create a plan B. I firstly left a virtual

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consciousness in the World of Jin. Then I left the Linear Element Technique behind, hoping
that some descendants bred in the World of Jin could learn it. Then I created a valuable: Star
Tower. Something thrilling happened when I was making it. A trace of golden light merged
with it, making Star Tower a godly king weapon. There are nine levels in Star Tower, and each
level has three levels of techniques, so there are 27 levels of techniques in total!

“I needed to go deep into Universe Ocean, where the original universe is, so I needed to choose
disciples in the original universe. I left techniques on Star Tower for my disciples. You can
drive the first and the second levels of Star Tower before you become a true god. The third and
the fourth levels, you can utilize at the true god level. On the fifth and the sixth level, you can
utilize them at the true god of void space level. The seventh level is for eternal true gods. The
eighth level is for the holy. The ninth level is for godly kings.”

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled. “Certainly, that’s just the ordinary case. After I completed Star
Tower, I put all my valuables in my Jin Emperor Palace. Jin Emperor Palace is the most
important valuable of mine, and it’s also a godly king weapon. I went deeper into Jin Emperor
Palace. When I found that I couldn’t go deeper and couldn’t get out, all I could do was separate
a small piece of my life imprint and put it in Jin Emperor Palace, performing reincarnation.

“Jin Emperor Palace flew across the endless Universe Ocean. I was already dead. The only thing
left was a trace of life imprint under the special situation of reincarnation. Jin Emperor Palace
was driven by its puppets. Without the supreme laws, the original mind couldn’t stop a dead
object from flying. Then I arrived at the original universe, and my life imprint was
reincarnated in the original universe, becoming a special life form: Sitting Mountain Guest.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng understood it now.

“Reincarnation is permitted by supreme laws,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “However, I still
have the memories of before. I’m at a supreme level with incredible willpower, which is why
supreme laws restrict me. The original mind always has its eyes on me. If I dare to disobey
the supreme laws, it’ll definitely seize the chance to suppress me. I only knew a little bit about
the supreme laws, so I didn’t dare to fight anyone with my real power.”

No wonder Sitting Mountain Guest had never fought anyone for real. Instead, he had always
used some special skills.

“The original universe represents the origin of life, with endless possibilities,” said Sitting
Mountain Guest. “Any life forms can be born as long as there’s a suitable environment. I
couldn’t find a suitable disciple, so I made a disciple myself.”

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“I wanted to cultivate a race that was good at controlling their bodies,” he continued. “In my
original plan, the top-tier talent of that race could reach the third level on the godly power
path, having endless godly bodies. That was how the Flame God race came into being, followed
by your brother, Flame Emperor.”

Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head. “But I was wrong. Flame Emperor indeed has a great
body talent, but he has mediocre comprehension, and he’s quite stubborn. Even as a peerless
talent in the Flame God race, his comprehension can’t even compare with Hong from Earth,
let alone you. I gave up on that method. I gave up on Flame Emperor. Though the great beings
with endless godly bodies were the real talents, I couldn’t ask for so much. I also needed to
consider Linear Element Technique, and I needed to find a race that could make breakthroughs
on their souls. I tested a lot, and finally, the earthlings were created. Many talents in the
history of Earth were selected by me, but they all failed to inherit Star Tower. It’s indeed very
difficult to inherit Star Tower, but to me, practicing Linear Element Technique is out of the
question if you can’t even own Star Tower. And finally, you showed up, inheriting Star Tower!

“As for the weaknesses of your bodies, I could only make it up with the Nine Volume Manual.
However, you could only reach a life gene level of 10,081 times with that. After that, you’re on
your own.” Sitting Mountain Guest sighed. “That was what I was worried about. It would be
difficult for you to follow the path of godly bodies. Fortunately, you gained the body of ‘Remote
Ocean,’ and you gained the inherited technique of Creation. You finally made a breakthrough.”

Luo Feng understood everything now.

“Teacher, when those Sector Beasts were attacking us, why didn’t you go enslave them?” asked
Luo Feng. “Is it because you’re not powerful enough?”

“I am restrained everywhere in the original universe,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “The
original mind treats me as its greatest enemy, so I follow the ordinary path to become a true
god so that it won’t send anyone after me. I don’t have a solid foundation, and my godly power
is too weak. Even if a Sector Beast were to lie down in front of me, I wouldn’t be able to enslave
it. If I were still a Godly King, I would be able to do so. Besides, if I fought the Sector Beasts, the
original mind would seize the chance to suppress or even destroy me.”

Luo Feng was shocked. “But the original mind is hostile toward Sector Beasts as well.”

“No,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “Compared to the Sector Beasts, it’s more afraid of me.
Sector Beasts will force it to destroy the original universe, and the mind might be harmed. As
for me, I’ll be able to transfer the soul of the original universe if I keep growing.”

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“Soul transfer?” Luo Feng recalled the words of Teacher Origin.

“But I wouldn’t do such a thing,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “My foundation is too weak this
time. I even follow the law path to become a true god. Soon, I’ll make a breakthrough and
become a true god of void space. And then, I’ll go transcend incarnation in Jin Emperor Palace.
I’ll be back in the Land of Origin and reincarnated again... If I reincarnate in the Land of Origin,
I won’t be restricted by any supreme laws, and then, I’ll become a true god at the third level of
godly body. That’s the only way I can become stronger. As for executing soul transfer on the
original universe, I am already a godly king, so soul transfer on the original universe wouldn’t
benefit me much. And that’s why I was willing to give up my own miniature universe to
protect yours. Even if my miniature universe was destroyed, I could still pass the incarnation
portal in Jin Emperor Palace. Both Jin Emperor Palace and Star Tower can protect souls very

Luo Feng asked, “Is the Land of Origin at the end of the incarnation?”

“Hahaha...” Sitting Mountain Guest laughed. “I’ll explain it this way. The Land of Origin is the
origin of all the dimensions and space. That’s why it’s called the Land of Origin!”

“All the dimensions?” Luo Feng pressed.

“Universe Ocean around the Land of Origin looks like an endless hollow, but it actually has
different dimensions and spaces. You’ll enter another dimension of Universe Ocean easily.
There are, in total, 3,000 dimensions of Universe Ocean. Each Universe Ocean has an original
universe, and each of them has an incarnation portal.

“The incarnation portals have two usages. A creature bred in the original universe can get to
the Land of Origin through the incarnation portals after becoming a true god of void space. If
they can’t become true gods of void space in time, their souls will return to the Land of Origin
through the incarnation portal when they die. However, along the incarnation portal, only
powerful souls can reach the Land of Origin. As for the weak ones, they’ll be annihilated. And
those souls will all lose their previous memories! To sum it up, powerful souls bred by the
3,000 original universe dimensions will be sent to the Land of Origin. The life forms bred in
the Land of Origin are all-powerful, as the weaker souls are all annihilated in the incarnation

Luo Feng was thrilled. The origin of all dimension spaces? The center?

“The Universe Ocean of 3,000 dimensions is the foundation—the foundation of the Land of
Origin. The Land of Origin is the common origin point of all dimensions!” Sitting Mountain

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Guest exclaimed. “It’s also the most prosperous place. Many powerful loners left their own
secret inheritances, and there are also many powerful tribes and countries! There are so many
different powers that intertwine. It is chaotic. Sometimes, there are talents rising from the
3,000 dimensions of Universe Ocean.”

“Talents rising?” Luo Feng was dazed.

“Yes.” Sitting Mountain Guest nodded. “You’ve been wondering why Purple Moon tries to
suppress humans and kill you, right?”

“Why?” asked Luo Feng.

“Because the human race obtained the inheritance from the ancient civilization, and it was
about to boom. If he didn’t suppress you, there would be many true gods born in the human
race, even true gods of void space. As for you, you have a bright future. If you keep growing,
you might transfer the soul of the original universe before he does.”

“Soul transfer on the original universe?” asked Luo Feng.

“That’s right.” Sitting Mountain Guest nodded. “There are many powers in the Land of Origin,
and there are lots of secret inheritances. How could the brats from the 3,000 Universe Ocean
dimensions rise? Once their willpower gets stronger, they might be able to do soul transfer on
the original universe. Once he succeeds, he’ll get to comprehend all the mysteries in the
original universe, and it’ll be easy for him to be the holy. He might even become a godly king.

“I suspect that Purple Moon was absorbed by a particular power, so he knows about the
information of soul transfer on the original universe. East Emperor is also in the Land of
Origin, so Purple Moon can’t find him. He can only target you. You have such great potential
that he has to do everything in his power to destroy you. Once Purple Moon’s willpower reaches
the holy level, he’ll try to execute soul transfer. Based on the power of the original mind, the
difficulty varies. Normally, those with willpower at the holy level can get the soul. However,
once someone reaches the godly king level, he can definitely succeed no matter how difficult
it is.

“I’m already a godly king, so there’s no need for me to do soul transfer. I actually don’t care
about it. However, the original mind refuses to believe me. It’s afraid of me, so it targets me
all the time.”

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Luo Feng looked forward to it. When he was fighting Mo He, his willpower had already reached
the holy level.

After more than six trillion eras, his willpower had also improved. After merging his own
willpower into the original universe, it was like he experienced the total destruction of the
original universe, influencing him to a large extent. His willpower was at the top-tier holy
level now.

“You also practiced Linear Element Technique, so you’ll be great at soul transfer.” Sitting
Mountain Guest smiled. “When you enter the Land of Origin, you can try it by using the godly
power avatar in your miniature universe to rob the soul of the original mind.”

“Why was Teacher Origin suppressed?” asked Luo Feng.

“Soul transfer is tempting.” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled. “You have to leave Universe Ocean
and enter the Land of Origin before you can do so. Your original body is in the Land of the
Origin, then the original universe won’t be able to suppress your original body even if it wants
to. You can try to do soul transfer again and again until you succeed. Teacher Origin isn’t smart
enough. His willpower is at the eternal true god level, and he also has the virtual universe to
be combined with the original universe. He could have succeeded. However, his original body
is in Universe Ocean, so the original mind can easily suppress him!” Sitting Mountain Guest
sighed. “You’re my disciple. I cultivated you, and you should understand that I want you to kill
the three country masters of Shi Country.

“I need to give you some advice before you enter the Land of Origin. The Land of Origin is the
origin of all the dimensions of the universe. It has countless valuables, but it also has the
talents who flooded in from all 3,000 dimensions of the universe from countless eras. They
fought the indigenous people in the Land of Origin in the beginning! The indigenous people
were stupid, so they couldn’t compare with the great beings from the 3,000 dimensions of the
universe. Gradually, there were more and more great beings, and after they procreated, they
occupied more than 90 percent of the territory.

“I also belong to that team. As for the indigenous people, they can only hide in some
horrendous places. They’re still resisting it. Like the strange objects you’ve found in Universe
Ocean—like that ‘strange wood’ used by Yuan Ao Master! That’s a weapon used by the
indigenous people from the Land of Origin. They have no idea how to make weapons, so they
can only use ‘strange wood’ and ‘strange metal’ as weapons. Did you see lots of bloodstains on
those true treasure weapons?” Sitting Mountain Guest smiled. “Those are the deserted
weapons from the Land of Origin. They flowed into Universe Ocean and flowed here.”

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Luo Feng nodded. He understood now. Actually, many secrets behind the original universe that
were unknown could be traced back to the Land of Origin.

“Supreme laws want to protect you, so they forbid us from talking about lots of the
information of Land of Origin.” Sitting Mountain Guest sighed. “We can only refer to it as the
ancient civilization and say that the ancient civilization was destroyed already. Besides, if you
travel along the incarnation portal, you might show up anywhere in the Land of Origin, so you
might not be able to find Teacher Origin.”

“It’s all right.”

“I’ve already said enough,” said Sitting Mountain Guest. “But remember! Even godly kings will
run away, and I am one of them. Be careful and survive first. Then you’ll stand a chance of
dealing with the three country masters of Shi Country. Remember, the most important thing
is to stay alive! There are many things in the Land of Origin waiting for you to explore. This
virtual consciousness of mine must go now. Otherwise, my enemies will find out and learn
my secrets. Disciple, you’re on your own from now on.”


The image of Sitting Mountain Guest in front of him broke.

Luo Feng stayed silent for a long time. There were 3,000 dimension spaces, and each
dimension had one Universe Ocean and one original universe. The common point of origin
was the Land of Origin.

“That’s right, there are no restrictions on the inheritance of Duan Dong River now. I can read
all of it.” Star Tower was moving forward in the incarnation portal, so Luo Feng had enough
time to read all the memory stones of the Duan Dong River inheritance.

As Luo Feng read about it, he knew more about the Land of Origin. There were many schools,
secret inheritances, tribes, cities, and mountains, and they might all be powers. Also, there
are many secret organizations. The most powerful ones were the countries established by
godly kings.


Time flew.

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The dimension where Luo Feng stayed was too far from the Land of Origin. Even moving
through the incarnation portal, it took him over a month to get there.

“Huh?” Luo Feng sensed the strange ripples and looked up.

“Master, I can feel it,” said Morosa. “It should be right in front of us.”

Luo Feng nodded. He looked forward with gleaming in his eyes.

Luo Feng had said before that his life was splendid because of fighting and bright because of
his family. He wanted to guard his family members, but he didn’t want a tame life. He craved
adventures and fighting. He wanted to see more and to experience more!

Clearly, the Land of Origin was where he wanted to go—the origin of the 3,000 dimensions.

He saw some brightness.

Luo Feng’s eyes gleamed. “Land of Origin, here I come! I go because I want to stand at the top!
I want to see the most beautiful scenes!”

All of a sudden, Star Tower disappeared in the brightness.

An even more mysterious and breathtaking adventure was about to begin in the Land of

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Author: 我吃西红柿 (Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi)

Publisher: Qidian

Translation: Translation Nation & Nyoi-Bo Studio [Webnovel]

Compiling / Editing / Design: SooYouna

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