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ccm 5 i a) ‘You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best ‘answer (A, B or C). "1 You hear someone talking about a holiday resort. Who is the resort designed for? A elderly people B single people C families 2 You hear an answerphone message from a young man to his father. What is he asking his father for? ‘A some money to pay for a part for his car B his father's help with fixing his car C permission to borrow his father's car 3 You hear an actress talking about why she left a successful TV show. What was her reason for leaving? ‘A. She never went to bed early enough. B She was upset by the loss of privacy. C Journalists were writing rubbish about her. 4 You hear a brother and sister discussing what to buy their father. What do they decide to buy him? A. a waterproof jacket B a pair of fishing boots © a fishing rod '5) You hear a man on the radio giving instructions. What are the instructions about? A how to change a flat tyre B how to change your car's hazard lights © what to do if your car breaks down “6) You hear a radio advertisement for a new product. What type of product is it? A washing powder . B carpet cleaner © air freshener 7) Youhear a woman talking about taking care of an animal. What animal is she talking about? A acat B ahorse © adog 6 Youhear a woman talking to her friend Suzie on the telephone. When will she meet Suzie? A on Tuesday B on Thursday © on Saturday Be eee ew oe 23 24 You will hear Charles Clark, a personnel manager, interviewing a woman called Irene White for a Job. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. AJOB INTERVIEW Charles Clark says he has interviewed several | + with good qualifications for this position. rene doesn't live near the [19 | but she says she could easily move house if she got the job. ‘The position will involve a lot of to other countries, but Irene wouldn't mind that After university, Irene studied advertising at Crewe College, and she got her [i] te your ag Irene has worked in advertising for Ds] years. Inher curertich hone ain charectagouper[ CO people. In her job, there is a lot of pressure to complete each project in a limited amount of Irene wants to change jobs because she doesn't think there is much chance of developing her [16] in her current job. a strong candidate for the job because of her Charles Clark says that Irene i You will hear five different people talking about their cars. For questions 19-23, choose from the Sst (A-F) which statement applies to each person. Use the letters only once. There is one extra ‘etter which you do not need to use. ‘A This person's car is ideal for their family. Speaker 1 | B This person uses their car for transporting goods. Speaker 2 a © This person's car is provided by the company they work for. = Speaers [ [ai] D This person likes to be noticed in their car. Speaker 4 ES E This person plans to buy a different sort of car. Speaker § F This person has done a lol of work ont their car. 25 26 = You will hear part of a conversation between a university accommodation officer and two new students, Claire and Sally, about the accommodation which has been arranged for them. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 24 Claire thinks that the house they are supposed to live in is A notthat bad. B completely unacceptable. unsuitable for students. - 25) Claire says that the house needs A minor repairs. B to be redecorated. tobe torn down. 26 The accommodation officer offers them a place in the Halls of Residence because A there are no other houses available for rent. B they can each have their own room in a new block. € they don't have to pay rent there. 27) Why doesn't Claire want to move to the Hall's of Residence? ‘A. because the bills would be expensive B because the Halls are too far from the city © because the Halls are in the middle of the university 28) How does Sally feel about Claire's attitude? A She agrees with Claire. B She thinks Claire hasno choice. © She thinks Claire is being awkward. 29° What is one advantage of living in the Halls of Residence? ‘A There is a good social life there. B The Halls are close to the lecture theatres. C The Halls are surrounded by playing fields. 80) How does Ciaire feel at the end of the conversation? A. She is still unhappy about the situation, B She will do her best to accept the new arrangement. © Sheis sure she has made a good choice. Li Le [a [| | |

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