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Application of ICT

1. eGovernment

communication with : citizens, companies, Government and Non-Government Organizations and with other Governments using ICT, it is
called e-government.

2. Education

In the class room Any where / any time Teaching Aids LMS Higher education
 Computer and internet is  Connect to internet and study  Using multimedia as visual aids  Use in schools and higher  With the development
used to, from any where education of ICT, person can
o Using pictures, animations connect with a university
o To do presentations o and audio visuals to explain o Student information or other learning center
o Videos on experiments o subjects that are difficult to o Teachers and pursue higher
o Creation of images and o www.e- explain. information education at a low
video o To make the lessons o Evalution cost.This is called Online
o Desktop publishing o interesting using electronic o Questions and Distance Learning.
o . of magazines, letters presentations. Answers
and documents o To organize lessons using o Forum o Within a flexible
o Educational games the computer. o Administration time frame, provide
(Edutainment) o To obtain information o Planning facility to learn
o Learning using the CD- relevant to the subjects. o Activity o Digital library facility
ROM media o School information on joining course
o Gathering o Courses o Online assignments
o Notes and quizzes
o Assignments o Contact with a
o Supervision teacher online
o Easy to obtain
teacher consultaiton

Use of ICT in diagnosis

Machine Use
CAT From this machine three dimensional (3D) images of different parts of the body
can be made.
MRI This machine creates digitalized images of internal organs of the body using
strong magnetic fields and radio waves
ECG This machine is used to monitor the heart beat

Cardiac screening machine This machine displays the physiology of the heart and its movements inside.

EEG This machine is used to record the activities of the brain

Blood sugar testing Machine This device analyzes a sample of blood and determine the blood glucose level

Blood pressure measuring machine This device is worn as wrist band can measure the blood pressure of a person at
rest and when he/she is involved in some physical activity


Example Use
Emergency Telemedicine Emergency Telemedicine is the process of providing emergency care by a trained
person in consultation with a specialist in a hospital via telecommunication network
and treating him when a patient can not reach a hospital.
Home health telemedicine Keeping patient at home and monitoring his/her condition using networked
home monitoring system.The home monitoring of health condition helps to decide
when to transfer the patient to hospital.
Telemedicine consultation Seeking medical consultation of a specialist at the Emergency Treatment Unit (ETU)
when he/she is not physically available in hospital.

Telesurgery Remote surgery is the ability of a doctor to perform surgery on a patient in

consultation with a specialist by the use of Telecommunication Technologies.

Medical teletraining Specialists’ consultation and training can be used to obtain the services of a medical
professional at a remote place by the use of telecommunication technologies.In
training hospital staff, specialist consultation and training from a resource person in a
foreign country or town can be attended, using telecommunication technologies in a
nearby training centre.
3. Agriculture

Device use
Metrological devices These devices are helpful in assessing the weather, climate changes, rainfall, wind
direction etc.Such data are useful in deciding on the crop cultivation and harvesting

Automated Insect control device With the help of this device we can minimize the harmful effects caused by insects.

Field conditions measuring device These devices help in measuring various parameters such as fertility and humidity
levels of soil which aid in the determination of cultivation activities.

Drip irrigation These devices control the supply of water as per data fed.Wastage of water and
destruction of crops due to lack of water supply are minimized by the use of this
Automatic weed remover This machine runs through the field and removes the weeds as per instructions
provided by identifying crops and weeds separately.
Seeding planter using Robotics These robotic machines are used in large fields to carry seedlings across the field and
to plant them in an orderly.
Crop harvesting using Robots Robotic machines are used to monitor plant growth levels, record them and harvesting
in large scale farm lands.
Green house Greenhouse is the best solution to protect crops from natural disasters .

4. Farm house

Device Use
RFID RFID help in identifying and counting the number of animals and also locating the
animals in a large area
Automated milking and examination of cows This automated machine is helpful in monitoring the health status of the cows,
milking and the quality of milk.
CCTV CCTV is employed to protect farm from animals and thieves.
Farm Management Today’s farmer uses various computer applications in portable computers such as
laptops, tabs, smart phones to keep track of information on his farm ; to calculate
profits and losses, to save employees salary details etc.Using this portable device
which has internet connectivity, he is capable of monitoring the market rates, get
updated on latest business information and eschange information.

5. Fishing :

Sensors are placed in different parts of the sea.These sensors covey information on fish concentration in the sea to the computers in
fishing travelers via internet
6. Manufacturing Industry and Business

Video Conferencing This technology has enabled different business communities who are geographically
separated to convene face to face meetings while in at their own premises
Human resource management The administration of employee activities has become an easy task due to finger print scanner
and Card Reader.These devices help in recording the time of employees moving in and
moving out of the office premises, preparing salaries accordingly, keeping records of leaves
taken etc.
e-Banking system e-banking has helped both the business and community and all of us to do convenient
Online sopping Online shopping known as electronic commerce which allows foreign or local company to sell
it’s products or sevices and the ability for a consumer to buy goods or services of his/her
choice from a convenient palce.

7. Transport

[CCTV This system which uses the CCTV is helpful in monitoring the road traffic, accidents, illegal
activities and take appropriate actions accordingly.
Traffic Light control system These automated lights are positioned at road juntions.These lights help minimizing accidents
by controlling the vehicle traffic and pedestrians.
Parking identification Placard This is a entrance pass which is stuck on the windshield of a vehicle.

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