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3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Grade Inquiry Form_AY 2022 FA Grade inquiry period: Monday, March 13, 10:00 AM - Wednesday, March 15, 12:00:00 (noon) (ST) *We will only accept inquiries subrr formation entered within this period, Even if you have i in this form before the deadlins it don't mit it, and the accepted, so please be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to submit your inquiry before the deadline e do not receive the information by line (12:00:00 noon, on the final day he inquiry period) your inquiry will not be First, please check the information below. 1 The grade inquiry process is not an appeal process for negotiating higher grades. The Academic Office will not respond to inquiries that are just questioning how a grade was calculated. However, students who are able to prove, with tangible facts that their grade is clearly incorrect may submit a grade inquiry. When you make an inquiry, you are fully responsible for the content of your inquiry form. If any incorrect information is found, your inquiry will not be accepted. * Yes, Ihave read and agreed to the information above. Content of Grade Inquiry hitps:torms office. com/pagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 1/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please continue filling out this form only if you believe your grade is clearly incorrect. My grade is clearly incorrect One grade inquiry per course. If you make a mistake you cannot resubmit, so please check! Please only enter information for one course in this form. If you want to submit multiple inquiries, please fill out a separate form for each course. Student ID Number * Bx: 11201111 (8 digits, half-width characters) 12421204 Name * ASHFI AZIZA tps: forms office.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVY2QVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 2/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Phone Number * 08025699492 Email Address * as21a6mq@apu.acip If any of the information you submit is incorrect, your inquiry may be rejected. Inquires submitted after the end of the Grade Inquiry Period (by 12:00:00 noon JST on the final day) will not be accepted for any reason. Please be sure to leave yourself plenty of time to submit your inquiry by the deadiine. * Tunderstand tps tormsoffice.com/pagesiresponsspage aspx 7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 3/18 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Subject Code (6 digit number) xf you do not enter this correctly your inquiry will be rejected. * % Please enter the 6 digit code See the image below. subject code can be found on the grade report screen in Campusmate. (ag) [amaraa—ep 2020 Benz IUl sae p AM pa Mm MEBMER csM ane ook OE NIE * ee RE “TEnelish) as 2020 Falleveluation category‘"S” cumulative GPalifsemester apa 2" 0 coreeter Subject Name ass Language Grading Instructor Credits ** Language Education Subjects ******** —. rat Arts Subjects ****+** o10092 Course Name * Please enter the [course name] as shown on your grade report on Ca pusmate, Japanese Foundation Course Ill tps: forms office.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 4/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Class * r the two letter class code. (Ex: EA) #*Please enter it as shown on your grade report on lease Campusmate, (Bam) nar mpao-2 2020 9 sense Ul > sane palais pn Mm bie IcsM ane, Don | a sae ee RIB KKK KKK KK KKK (English) Grade Report [ Subject List }}ups 2020 Fallevatuation Category” Cumulative GPAlsomester Gragg "ett Coreteter Sbjct Nama as Language Grading Instnictor| Credits Grade! ¥ ** Language Education Subjects ***#**#* ———— Oi of : i = ** Common Liberal Arts Subjects ##*##** © Instructor Name * Please enter the [Instructor Name] as shown in the course timetable above, ISHIMURA Fumie tps: forms office.com/pagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVY2QVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 5/18 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please be sure to read carefully the Grade Evaluation Comments for your course, If you still believe your grade is incorrect even after reading the comments, please continue filling out this form. *Some courses do not have grade comments. Please check the situation of your course before checking one of the boxes below. BREF Japanese) _https//www.apu.acp/academic/exam grades/release/ Grade Evaluation Comments (English) _ https//en.apu.acjp/academic/exam_grades/release/ If you do not check this information your inquiry will be rejected. If your course does not have grade comments, please select "No Grade Comments" below. Yes, | have read the grade evaluation comments for this course. There are no grade comments for this course. NO CORRECTIONS CAN BE MADE AFTER YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM. Please double check your answers so far and make sure there are no mistakes. * Uchecked my answers. Please check the grade comments and syllabus carefully before proceeding. hitpsformsoffice.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 5/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Grade Inquiries with the following issues will not be accepted. + Contains errors in the information (Mistakes in the total percentage in the self-evaluation) + Contains false information + The self-evaluation content lacks proof, do not provide clear facts or is not explained well enough. + The required information is not complete. (Number of words, Form in course language etc.) Please read through the grade comments and syllabus carefully. If you still believe your grade to be incorrect, please continue. * Tunderstand, | would like to continue with my grade inquiry. Please answer the following questions IN THE LANGUAGE YOUR COURSE WAS TAUGHT IN. Inquiries written in the wrong language will be rejected. Please fill out the grade evaluation criteria shown in the syllabus and grade comments, and explain the reason for your inquiry based on this information, x IF you do not provide detailed information your inquiry may be rejected. tps forms office.com/pagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO.... 7/18 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please select your course language. The language of the course is written on the course syllabus. J Uapanese) E (English) E/) (English/Japanese) Language Education Course(lapanese/English/AP Languages) Please enter the grade evaluation criteria shown in the syllabus (or in the grade comments, or announced in class) and the percentage for each grading criteria *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. * (Ex Final report 40%, Quizzes 20%, Group work 20%, Class Participation 20%) Participation (preparation, self time-management in class, participation in discussions and speaking up) --- 3% Homework (manaba exercises, essays, listening exercises) --~ 14% Class activities -- 6% Speaking Exercise -- 6% Quizzes --- 18% Presentation --- 14% Exams (Grammar, Kanji and Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking) -- 39% tps tormsoffice.compagesiresponsspage aspx 7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynyjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYOO... 8/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please evaluate yourself on each of the grade evaluation criteria you entered above. *Please write this in the language the course was taught in. * (Gx Final report 35%, Quizzes 15%, Group work 15%, Class Participation 20%) Participation (preparation, self time-management in class, participation in discussions and speaking up) -- 3% + Homework (manaba exercises, essays, listening exercises) --- 10% Class activities --- 4% Speaking Exercise --- 4% Quizzes --- 12% Presentation --- 12% Exams (Grammar, Kanji and Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking) --- 20% Current grade you received (as shown on Campusmate) * tps: orm office. com/pagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWRYOO... 9/18 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Self Evaluation *Check the grading criteria you entered in Q 17 and make sure your self-evaluated gi ches the grade based on the criteri A+ (90% or higher) A (80-89%) B (70-79%) C (60-69%) F (59% or below) P P (Pass) NO CORRECTIONS CAN BE MADE AFTER YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM. Please double check your answers so far and make sure there are no mistakes. * checked my answers Please explain the reasons for your self evaluation. [Example Response - 458 words (Class Participation 30%, Mid-term Test 30%, Final Exam 40%)) tps: forms office.compagesiresponsepage aspx 7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 10/18, 8128, 1.04 AM ‘ade Inquiry Farm_AY 2022 FA Class. participation was worth 30% of the grade, and I believe | should have received 25%. | have two reasons for this. First, | attended 13 of the 14 classes and was not late even once. | submitted my attendance via respon, so there is a record of this. Second, | actively made comments in class. Of all 13 class meetings, | was silent in only 1 class, but in the remaining 12 classes I made comments, | actively participated in class as much as possible, and contributed to discussions by debating the pros and cons of other students’ opinions. For this reason, | believe that I should have received 25% for this criteria, Secondly, about the mid-term test. | planned to attend the mid-term test, but | had a fever on January 22 50 | was not able to go to class, After that | submitted my health certificate to the instructor and explained the situation, and | was assigned a report instead of the mid-term test. The report topic was XX and | approached the topic from the perspective of XX and | came to the final conclusion of XX. placed emphasis on XX which the instructor had outlined during class. My report was not returned to me, however, based on the content of my report, | believe that | had obtained around 20% out of 30% for the mid-term report Next, about the final exam. The final exam was composed of four questions. | believe that the first question was seeking information about XX which was a major focus of the lectures and the instructor gave it special attention during class. | believe | answered this question correctly. The second question was in regards to XX. | went back over my notes and textbooks after the exam and found that | answered this question correctly. The third question was on XX. | was unprepared and do not think that | answered that question correctly. The fourth question was on XX. | answered with XX. My answer was not 100% correct, however | do believe that | should have been awarded partial paints as there were parts of my answer that were in line with the answer that the instructor was looking for. | believe that my performance on the final exam warrants at least half of the 40% for the final exam, or 20% Based on the above, the total of myself-evaluation percentages is 25 + 20 + 20 = 65%, which should be a C grade. It could be that my submitted mid-term report in place of the mid-term test has not been counted toward my grade. In light of this, | would like to request that my current grade be reevaluated. tps orm office.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 11/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA 21 Please explain why you gave those percentages for your self-evaluation (English: between 270 and 500 words, Japanese: between 600 and 1200 characters). *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. * Please write your explanation based on the example above. If your reasons are not detailed your inquiry may be rejected 3% The following types of unclear reasons WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. [Self-Evaluation not clearly explained] ' did well on both the mid-term report and the final exam, so why did | get aC grade?” “| haven't missed almost any classes, so | should have got 25 points for that.” INot specific reasons why grade should be changed] Please explain why | got a C grade. ' worked hard so I should have got at least a 90%.” [Comparing yourself to other students] "My friend got a B grade, so why did I get aC?” | am writing to request a change in my Japanese course grade. | believe that my current grade does not accurately reflect my true level of understanding and effort in the class. Throughout the semester, | have consistently shown a strong commitment to learning Japanese. | attended moat of the lectures, actively participated in class discussions, and completed the needed homework assignments to the best of my ability | also sought extra help when | struggled with certain concepts and worked diligently to improve my skills in the language. Despite my efforts, | received a grade that is lower than what I believe | deserve. | understand that grades are based on a variety of factors, but | do not feel that my grade accurately reflects my performance in the class. | believe that my understanding of the language, as well as my effort and dedication, merit a higher grade. | would be grateful if you could reconsider my grade and provide a more accurate assessment of my performance in the class. | am willing to provide additional evidence, such as test scores, assignments, or attendance records, to support my case. tps: orm office.compagesiresponsspage aspx 7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVY2QVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 12/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA n in English for courses taught. Japanese. Double check your word count carefull If your application is accepted the course instructor will read and check the contents of your application. I checked my answers Please enter any dates you were absent (if you attended all classes, please leave blank). Please fill out all dates regardless of the reason for the absence (illness, bereavement, etc). @ Date Absent 12/2023, @ Reason for Absence *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. high fever hitpstormsoffice.com/pagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 13/18, 3115223, 104 AM @ Date Absent Please input date (M/d/yyyy) Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA @ Reason for Absence *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. Enter your answer @ Date Absent Please input date (M/d/yyyy) @ Reason for Absence *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. Enter your answer htps:tormsoffice.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYO.... 14/18, 3115223, 104 AM @ Date Absent Please input date (M/d/yyyy) Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA @ Reason for Absence *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. Enter your answer © Date Absent Please input date (M/d/yyyy) ® Reason for Absence *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. Enter your answer tps: forms office.compagesiresponsepage aspx 7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 15/18 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA NO CORRECTIONS CAN BE MADE AFTER YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM. Please double check your answers so far and make sure there are no mistakes. * checked my answers Other If you have anything else you would like to explain about your grade inquiry, please enter it here (if not, please leave blank). *Be sure to write this in the language the course was taught in. Enter your answer We will let you know whether or not your inquiry has been accepted via email. First the Academic Office will check the content of your inquiry to make sure there are no mistakes. f your inquiry is accepted then it will be sent to your course instructor who will decide whether or not the grade is incorrect. tps: tormsoffice.com/pagesiresponsepage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 16/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please read and agree to the information below. %Not all grade inquiries will be accepted. x The results of your grade inquiry will be sent to your APU email address. Please be sure to check it. %We will not accept any inquiries regarding grade inquiry results +The university may contact you with questions about the content of your grade inquiry. Please be prepared to respond via email or phone. Thave read and understood the above information. Even if your grade is changed as a result of the grade inquiry process, your registration priority for Registration Period A next semester will be based on your GPA as announced If your grades are changed as a result of the grade inquiry process, except in the case of exceptional circumstances, the results will be reflected in your grade report after Course Registration Period B. * Thave read and understood the above information. Only one inquiry is accepted per course. NO CORRECTIONS CAN BE MADE AFTER YOU SUBMIT THIS FORM. Please click the "back" button and double check all your answers before submitting this form. * Thave checked all of the information | entered, tps: orm office.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNJpAY2COmETBTHXINIynvjTLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYO.... 17/18, 3115223, 104 AM Grade Inquky Form_AY 2022 FA Please confirm all the information you have entered in this form. PLEASE CHECK THE "Send me a confirmation email with my answers" BOX BELOW before submitting your inquiry. “After receiving the information please save it as a PDF or print it. * Yes created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsoft is not 1 privacy or security practices of its customers, including those ofthis form owner. Never give out your This content responsible for password Powered by Microsoft Forms | Privacy and cookies | Terms of use hitpstormsoffice.compagesiresponsspage.aspx7id={UNpAY2COmETBTHXINIynv/TLoEaKVDg-SIKIsOTVUNVYZQVKSVEFTOWaUZ5CWIRYG.... 18/18,

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