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Short and Medium Lines

1. A single phase load of 200KVA is delivered at 2500V over a transmission line having R = 1.4 Ω, X
= 0.8 Ω. Calculate the current, voltage and pf at the sending end when the pf of the load is (a)
unity, (b)0.8 lagging lagging, and (c) 0.8 leading.
[2.612|_1.393°KV, 80|_o°A, 0.9997lagging; 2.627|_-
0.3463°KV, 80|_-36.87°A, 0.8036 lagging ; 2.553|_2.6371°KV, 80|_36.87°A, 0.82676 leading]
2. 15000KVA is received at 33KV at 0.85 pf lagging over an 8km 3 phase OH line. Each line has R =
0.29 Ω/km, and X = 0.65 Ω/km. calculate (b)the voltage at the sending end (b) the power factor
at the sending end, (c) the regulation, and (d) the efficiency of the transmission line.
[20.31|_2.37°KV, 0.8275 lagging, 6.58%, 96.38%]
3. A 3 phase line, 10km long, delivers 5MW at 11KV, 50Hz, 0.8pf lagging. The power loss in the line
is 10% of the power delivered. The line conductors are situated at the corners of an equilateral
triangle of 2m side. Calculate the voltage and pf at the sending end. Assume resistivity of
copper to be 1.774µΩcm. [7.535|_5.266°KV, 0.7416 lagging]
4. A three phase, 50Hz, transmission line, 40 km long delivers 36MW at 0.8pf lagging at
60KV(phase). The line constants per conductor are, R = 2.5 Ω, L = 0.1H, C = 0.25µF. shunt leakage
may be neglected. Determine the voltage, current, pf, active power and reactive VA at the
sending end. Also, determine the efficiency and regulation of the line. Use (a)Nominal T method,
(b) Nominal pi method.
[65.4|_5.183°KV, 246.89|_-35.99°A,0.7527 lagging, 36.46MW31.89VAR]
5. A 3 phase 50Hz, 150km line operates at 110KV between the lines at the sending end. The total
inductance and capacitance per phaseare 0.2H and 1.5µF. Neglecting losses calculate the value
of receiving –end load having a pf of unity for which the voltage at the receiving end will be the
same as that at the sending end. Assume one-half of the total capacitance of the line to e
concentrated at each end. [173.275A]
6. A 3 phase 132KV transmission line is connected to a 50MW load at a power factor of 0.85
lagging. The line constants of the 80km long line are Z = 96|_78°Ω and Y = 0.0001|_90°S. Using
nominal T-circuit representation, calculate : (a)A, B, C, D constants of the line; (b) Sending end
voltage; (c) Sending end current; (d) Sending end pf; (e) efficiency of transmission line.
[0.9531 |_0.6°, 93.75|_78.29°Ω, 0.001|_90°; 91.08|_11.56°KV;
215.82|_-13.6°; 0.9051 lagging; 93.67%]
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
)Sheet 1( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

Steady State Performance of Transmission Lines

1. A single-phase line supplied a load of 100 KVA at a power factor of 0.75 (lagging)
and a voltage of 2.2KV. The line has a total resistance of 1.5 ohms and a total
inductive reactance of 2.5 ohms. Calculate the voltage at the sending-end, the input
power in kW, efficiency and regulation factor.

2. A Single-phase line has an impedance of 5 60 ohm and supplies a

load of 120 amperes, 3.3KV at 0.8 lagging power factor. Calculate the sending-
end voltage and draw the phasor diagram

3. A three-phase transmission line delivers 20MVA, power factor 0.8 (lagging) at 66

kV at the receiving-end. Each conductor has a resistance of 10 ohms, and inductive
reactance of 30 ohms, and admittance due to capacitance between conductors (line
to neutral) of 4x10-4mho. Calculate the voltage, current, and power factor at the
sending end, and the efficiency of transmission.

4. A three-phase transmission line, 100km long, has the following constants:

Resistance per line, 12 ohms; inductance per line, 0.155 henry; capacitance
between each line and neutral, 1.2 µF. A load of 30 MW at 0.8 power factor
(lagging) is connected to the distant end and is to be supplied at 120 kV, 50 Hz.
Determine the voltage at the sending-end of the line-using the nominal T method.

5. A three-phase, 50 Hz overhead transmission line, 60 km long with 132 kV between

the lines at the receiving-end, has the following constants:
Resistance per km per phase=0.25 ohm
Inductance per km per phase=2.0 millihenrys
Capacitance per km per phase=0.014 microfarad.
Determine, using an approximate method of allowing for the capacitance, the
voltage, current and power factor at the sending-end when the load at the receiving-
end is 70000 kW at 0.8 power factor lagging. Draw a phasor diagram for the circuit

6. A three-phase, 50 Hz transmission line, 50 km long, supplies at the receiving-end, a

load of 60 MVA, 0.8 power factor (lagging), at 120 kV. Determine the voltage,
current and power factor at the sending-end, using the nominal П method. The
resistance per km of conductor is 0.3 Ω the inductance per km per phase is 2 mH
and the capacitance to neutral per km is 0.015 µF.

‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 2 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

Transmission Lines Constants

1. The constants of a 100 km, 3-phase transmission line are,

z = 0.19 + j 0.74 ohm/km

y = j 5.88* 10 mho/km

The line delivers 24 MVA at 0.8 p.f. lagging and 66 kV. Calculate the sending end
voltage (a) neglecting capacitance, (b) Using the nominal π-circuit.

2. A three-phase, 50 Hz transmission line delivers 20MVA, power factor 0.8 (lagging)

at 66 kV at the receiving-end. Each conductor has a resistance of 10 ohms, and
inductive reactance of 30 ohms, and admittance due to capacitance between
conductors (line to neutral) of 4x10-4 mho. Calculate: (a) nominal π-circuit
constants, (b) equivalent π-circuit constants, (c) the A,B,C,D constants.

3. Derive an expression for each one of A, B, C, D constants and verify the relation
AD-BC=1 for

a) Short transmission line

b) Medium with nominal T transmission line
c) Medium with nominal п transmission line.

4. A 3-phase transmission line has the following constant A= 0.856 0.672 and
B= 10181.46 . The sending end voltage and current are 66000∟60 and 200∟-400,
respectively, determine the transmission line efficiency and regulation factor.

5. A 3-Ф line has the transmission constants A= 0.856 0.672 and B= 10181.46 . If the
load delivered is 150MW at 0.8 Pf lag and 220Kv, calculate the voltage and current
at the sending end.
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 3 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

Transmission Lines Sag and Tension Calculations

1) An overhead line has a span of 220 m; the line conductor weighs 684 kg/1000 m. calculate
the maximum sag in the line, if the maximum allowable tension in the line is 1450 kg.

2) The line supports of an overhead line are 180 m apart and are at the same level. The line
conductor is of hard drawn copper having a diameter of 1.27 cm. Calculate the maximum sag
(a) in still air, and (b) in a wind pressure of 33.7 kg/m2 of the projected area of the ice-
covered line. The radial thickness of the ice is 1.25 cm. If the tension in the conductor is 1070
Kg and the weight of conductor per meter run is 1.13 kg.

3) A transmission line conductor at a river crossing is supported from two towers at height of 50
m and 80 m above the water level. The horizontal distance between the towers is 300 m. If
the tension in the conductor is 2500 Kg. find the sag. Weight of conductor is 0.8 Kg/m.
assume the conductors take the shape of parabolic curve.

4) An overhead transmission line conductor having a parabolic configuration weighs 1.925

Kg/m length, area of cross-section 2.2 cm2 and the tension in the conductor is 3500 Kg. When
erected between supports 600 m apart and having 15 m difference in height, determine the
sag which must be allowed so the wire loaded due to 1 Kg/m of ice.

5) An overhead line with stranded copper conductors is supported on two poles 200 m apart
having a difference in level of 10 meters. The conductor diameter is 2.0 cm. and weighs 2.3
kg per meter length. Calculate the sag if wind provides a pressure of 57.5 per square meter of
the projected area and the tension in the conductor is 3300 Kg.

6) The towers of height 30 m and 90 m respectively support a transmission line conductor at

water crossing. The horizontal distance betwen the towers is 500 m. If the tension in the
conductor is 1600 kg, find the minimum clearance of the conductor and water and clearance
mid-way between the supports. Weight of conductor is 1·5 kg/m. Bases of the towers can
be considered to be at water level
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 5 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

DC distribution systems
1) A two-wire distributor cable AB is 1 Km long and supplies loads of 100A, 40A
and 25A situated at 300m, 500m and 800m from A. the resistance of each
conductor is 0.0001Ω/m. if a voltage of 400V is maintained at A. calculate:
(1) Current in each section.
(2) Voltage at different load points.
(3) Power loss in each section.

2) A two-wire DC. Distributor AB is 300m long. It is fed at point A. the various loads
and their positions are given below:
At point distance from A in meter concentrated load in Amps
C 40 30
D 100 40
E 150 100
F 250 50
If the maximum permissible voltage drop is not exceeding 10V, find the cross
section area of the distributor. Take ρ=1.78μΩ.cm. Ans: 1.164 cm2

3) A 2-core distributor AB is fed at both ends at same voltage of 250V. the length of
the distributor is 200m and the loads are tapped off from the end A as shown
Load: 30A 40A 30A 25A
Distance: 50m 75m 100m 150m
The resistance per 1000m of the distributor for goes and return is 0.3Ω. Find:
(1) The point of minimum potential.
(2) Current in each section.
(3) Voltage at different load point.
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 5 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

4) A 2-wire D.C. ring is fed at point A and loaded as shown in the figure below.
Calculate the potential at all the points.
VA= 400 v 0.1 Ω 60 A
0.1 Ω
20 A 0.1 Ω
20 A
0.1 Ω C 0.1 Ω
40 A

5) A 2-wire D.C. ring is fed at point A and loaded as shown in the figure below.
Calculate the current in each branch.

VA= 400 v 60 A
20 A
B R/2
20 A

40 A
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 6 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

1- String of suspension insulators consists of three units. The capacitance between
each link pin and earth is one sixth of the self capacitance of the unit. If the
maximum voltage per unit is not exceed 35 Kv. Determine the greatest working
voltage and the string efficiency.

2- A 3-phase overhead transmission line is being supported by three disk

insulators. The potentials across the first and second disc are 8 and 11 Kv
respectively, calculate
• The line voltage.
• The ratio of capacitance between pin and earth to self capacitance of each unit.
• String efficiency
3- A string of 4 insulators has a self capacitance equal to 10 times the pin to earth
capacitance, find:
• The voltage distribution across various units as a percentage of total voltage
across the string
• String efficiency
4- Each line of a 3-phase system is suspended by a string of 3 similar insulators. If
the voltage across the line unit is 20 Kv. Shunt capacitance between each
insulator and the earthed metal work of the tower be taken as 1/10 th of the
capacitance of insulator itself. Find out the voltage of the system and string
5- Find the potential difference across each unit of an overhead line suspension
insulator consisting of 4 similar units. The pressure between the line conductor
and earth is 60 Kv and the ratio of the capacity of each insulator to capacity
relative to earth of each intermediate section of the connecting network is five
to one. Find also the string efficiency.
6- Each of three insulators forming a string has self capacitance of C farads. The
shunt capacitance of each cap of insulator is 0.15C to earth and 0.1C to line.
Calculate the voltage across each insulator as a percentage of the line voltage to
earth and also the string efficiency. Also determine the increase in string
efficiency if a guard is provided increasing the capacitance to the line of cap of
the lowest insulator to 0.2C.
‫محطات قوى كهربية‬ ‫كلية الهندسة‬
‫قسم هندسة القوي الميكانيكية‬
) Sheet 7 ( ‫الفرقــة الثالثــة‬

Power Factor Improvement

1- A three-phase transmission line (132 kV and 50 Hz) with the following

ZLine = 20+ j 60 ohm / ph ، YC = J 8*10-4 siemens / ph

supplies a load of 50 MW at 0.8 power factor (lagging), calculate the

capacitance needed to improve the power factor to unity.

2- A three-phase industrial load with the following received power levels at

(69 kv, 50Hz):

- Day loading: 14 MW at 0.7 power factor (lagging)

- Night loading: 9 Mw at 0.9 power factor (lagging)

calculate the capacitance needed to improve the power factor to 0.95

(lagging) for day and night operations.

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