Budgie Supplements & Treatments

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Supplements & Treatments for Budgies

Regular supplements for continued good health

Avimix is an all-round, routine supplement that can be given daily. Should be sprinkled onto food at a rate of 1 small
pinch (about 1/8 of a teaspoon) per kilo of bird being supplemented. Tip: this sticks better to wet (fresh) food if your
bird will eat veggies! To avoid some food having less or more avimix, try sprinkling from a pepper pot to give a more
even covering

15% Lugols Iodine solution given as 1 drop per 500ml if deficiency is diagnosed, after an improvement is seen,
then twice a week for maintenance
Iodine solution is given when there is a deficiency of iodine. (“iodine” blocks actually contain very little iodine). Some
signs of deficiency are heavy breathing (tail bobbing) and poor feather condition.

Lugols comes in different strengths, if something other than 15% is

used then an equivalent dosage must be calculated

Supplements to help breeding condition

Nutrobal has more calcium and vitamin D/D3, this is used when more calcium is needed, running up to and during
the breeding season. One small pinch on food (it is not soluble in water) 3 times a week only.

Avimix and Nutrobal must not be given at the same time,

due to their overlapping ingredients.

(Avimix contains some Nutrobal)

Recovery Aids
Warmth is the first action to aid recovery of a sick bird. Either make sure the room is comfortably warm or place a
warm, not hot, hot water bottle, close by/under the bird, wrapped in a cloth if the bird is going to sit on it.

AviPro is a probiotic/vitamin/electrolyte given as a pick-me-up for stressed or sick birds, particularly when they
seem to have upset digestive system. This should NOT be used every day, only when there is a need. For stressed
birds use 1 scoop per 100ml lukewarm not hot water. Warm water will help it dissolve, but hot water will kill off the

Avipro not to be used at the same time as AviMix or Nutrobal,

due to their overlapping ingredients

Guardian Angel combines ingredients that assist the immune system to act quickly and effectively when the bird is
invaded by any infections germs.

This should only be given after a vet’s diagnosis and treatment. It can be useful for improving the bird after a bout of
gastric yeast. It is not a cure but helps with recovery after medication. If give during gastric yeast or bacterial
infection it can actually make it worse, as it can kill off the good gut flora which help fight off the infections.

Application: In water: 20g per litre or 1 level tsp (3g) for 150mls On food: Approx 1 gram per kg body weight Give 1
pinch 3 budgies, Clean fresh water must always be available if Guardian Angel is used on the food.

No fruit/veg/fresh food should be offered nor supplements, when the bird is

taking prescribed medication to allow it to work effectively and encourage the

bird to take the (medicated) water as its only source of liquid.

Trimmex stops bleeding from claws in the event the quick is cut into, and is also a great for stopping bleeding of
minor cuts and scratches quickly

Cornflour can also be dusted on a bleeding area, at nail clipping or on the body to stop the flow, works a little more

Treatments for parasites eg. mites (scaly face, etc.)

Before treating for parasites it is recommended to:

 Remove all other water sources including fresh greens, fruit and vegetables on the days of
the S76 treatment
 Remove all water tubes the night before each S76 treatment to ensure birds are thirsty
when treatment is offered
 Mix fresh each morning of treatment – Do not mix large quantities and store for the multiple
day treatment, S76 is only potent for 7-8 hours once mixed.

s76 will control scaly face and leg mites as well as red mites, northern mites, air sac mites, feather mites, bird
mites, blood parasites, blood sucking lice, flies and roundworms,
There be a noticeable increase in both noise and activity level days after S76 is administered, even if air sac mites
were not present in your bird.

Dosing for s76

1 teaspoon = 5ml for 1 litre of water or 6 drops for 63ml of water

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Day 1 s76 s76 s76 s76
Day 2 s76 s76 s76 s76
Day 3 s76 Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water
Day 4 Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water
Day 5 Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water
Day 6 Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water
Day 7 Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water Fresh water
Should then be given in the drinking water for 2 consecutive days each month as prevention

For scaly face undiluted S76 can be applied directly to the affected skin using a Q-tip each day for one week (same
day that S76 is added to the drinking water)

Moxidectin Controls internal & external parasites such as mites and worms

10ml per litre for 2 days then 2 weeks later 2 days again. Unless mites/worms are seen or there are continued signs
of infestation Moxidectin can be used every 4 months as preventative, in which case give for 2 days (after the 4
months), then 2 weeks later another 2 days treatment. Repeat after 4 months

It is good practice to change the drinking water at least once every day, twice in hot weather,
but it is particularly important when there is any supplement/treatment added due to the
risk of bacterial growth/breakdown of additive.

F10 can be used as an antiseptic. For wound irrigation and treatment: Remove gross contamination as necessary.
Prepare a 1:250 F10 Antiseptic Solution using normal saline and irrigate the wound site as required. Dressings can be
soaked in the Antiseptic Solution F10 has other clinical uses, (refer to the FabFinches site which has comprehensive

Antiseptic powders are also available, such as Battles Antibacterial Wound Powder, which may be easier to
administer Do not try to remove any blood clots as this may restart bleeding.

*General disinfectants intended for humans MUST NOT BE USED!*

Clear & Clear Check Mite – Super concentrated powerful detergent disinfectant. Cleans, is food safe, Poison Free
bio degradable, kills all mites by dehydration, moths, flies, spiders, cocci, viruses, bacteria, odours and keeps dust
down Safe to use daily as a mist spray.
Liquid flows and reaches areas that powders cannot, and is environmentally friendly.
Unaffected by temperature fluctuation and also has a long storage life.
Dilution ratios: Mites etc, eradication - Initial 1:10 1 litre makes 10 litres.
Maintenance spraying - monthly 1:20 1 litre makes 20 litres
Cleaning cages, equipment 1:50 50ml per litre
Mist spraying daily 1:100 10ml per litre

Poultry Shield – a cleaner, sanitiser and odour neutraliser, designed for cleaning bird housing and equipment. Its
powerful detergent action dissolves dirt and grease, allowing for easier cleaning and also washing away mites and
insects habitat. It is also safe to use with birds present.
To make 1 litre of Poultry Shield solution, add 100ml Poultry Shield concentrate to 900ml clean water.
F10 Avian Disinfectant Pre-diluted and ready-to-use at 1:250 dilution. The F10 solution is effective against bacteria, fungi,
It is a disinfectant which achieves a broad
spores and viruses. It can be used on hard surfaces, equipment and air spaces.
spectrum kill of a wide range of potentially harmful micro-organisms. Whilst highly effective in all situations, it is
formulated to be active against those bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores that specifically affect birds.
Can also be purchased as a concentrate to be diluted as required.

Further information can be learnt by reading the information section in the group files, and watching the videos on
Cleaning and Nail Clipping made by Neil Cawley. They are all stored at the top of the Group home page.

All the products mentioned are those that are generally used/recommended by members of the group.
There are other treatments available which can be equally useful.

No responsibility can be taken for the information given here

please do your own research or ask an avian vet!

Many thanks to Neil for his advice whilst writing this document.
Visual appendix

Anne Coathup November 2021

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