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Prof.: O Mendoza, M. A. Date: _________________________

Student’s Name: __________________ Number: _______

A. Circle the correcto Words

1. I get up at / until six at /on weekdays.
2. I have lunch at/ early 11.30 in/ on Monday.
3. I have a little snack in / around 10:00 in / at nigth
4. In/ on Friday, I leave school early / before.
5. I stay up before / until 1:00 A. M in / on weekend
6. I sleep until / around noon in /on Sunday.

B Complete these questions. Then práctice with a partner.

1: A: __________that? 4. A: __________the two Students over there?

A. Oh, that’s Miss west. B. Their Names are Jeremy and Karen.

2.A: ___________ She from? 5. A: ____________They from?

B. She’s from Miami. B. They’ re from Vancouver, Canadá.

3. A: __________her first Name? 6. A: ___________ They ___________?

B. It’s Celia. B. They ’re shy, But very friendly.

C. Complete these conversations.
a. A: ¿What _________you __________?
B:I’m a full-time Student. I study the violín.
A: And __________do you _________to school?
B: I _________to the New York school of Music.
A: wow! _________do you like your classes?
B: I________them a lot.
b. A: What _________ tanya do?
B: She’s a teacher. She ________ an art class
At a school in De ver.
A: An that bout Ryan? _____ Were he Works.
B: He_______for a big computer compa y in San Francisco.
A: _________does he do exactly?
B: She’s a website designer. He________ fantastic website.

D. Imagine your perfecto day. Complete the chart with your own Answer.

1. What time do you get up? ________________________

2. What do you do after you get up? ____________________
3. Where do you go? __________________________
4. What do you do in the evening? ____________________
5. When do you go to bed? ______________________

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