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Activity 1

This is who I am!

Rubric Descriptors
Criteria Highly competent Competent Insufficient
100%-86% 85%-70% 69%-0% %

25 -18 Points 17 – 10 Points 9 – 0 Points

1. Task
completion and The student uses correct grammar and The student makes several mistakes on
The students makes many mistakes and 25
grammar sentence structure such as: subject grammar and sentence structures such as:
can´t form a correct sentence.
pronouns, greetings and verb to be. subject pronouns, greetings and verb to be.

25 -18 Points 17 – 10 Points 9 – 0 Points

The student understands and uses

2. Vocabulary The student uses vocabulary studied in topic The student uses simple vocabulary
vocabulary, words and phrases studied 25
1 with some spelling errors in days of the studied in topic 1 with many spellings
in topic 1 for instance: days of the
week and numbers. errors in days of the week and numbers.
week and numbers.

25 -18 Points 17 – 10 Points 9 – 0 Points

The presentation lasts from 2 to 3
The presentation lasts from 2 to 4 minutes. The presentation lasts less than 1 minute.
3. Time and minutes. The student shows excellent
The student shows some organization and The students shows too many organization 25
preparation organization and preparation by using
preparation issues by using from four to six and preparation issues by using less than
seven slides and creative visual
slides and appropriate visual material. four slides and poor visual material.
25 -18 Points 17 – 10 Points 9 – 0 Points
4. The student seems too nervous, shows
The student seems confident, shows The student seems confident, shows some
Comprehension major issues with fluency in the speech
fluency in the speech and pronounces show major issues with fluency in the speech 25
and Fluency and pronounces most of the words
all the words correctly. and pronounces most of the words correctly.

TOTAL 100%

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