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Ionescu Mihai-Vlăduț

Anul II, grupa 4, Pastorală

The truth problem

Nihilism is that restless restlessness that makes some people cower around wizards like
Hitler, and others escape into drugs, false religions, or commit those "senseless" crimes that are
becoming increasingly characteristic of our times.
Certainly nihilism is in a certain sense 'sick', and its sickness is a testimony to the
sickness of the age whose elements - good and bad -, lead to nihilism; but the sickness is not
cured, not even exactly diagnosed by 'sympathy'.
This philosophy is still prevalent in some circles - it is the official Marxist doctrine and is
expounded by some Western non-esophisticated science thinkers - but the mainstream of
contemporary thought has given up on it, and it seems today the amusing memory of a simpler
but bygone Victorian stage when many transferred to 'science' the faith and emotions they once
worshipped to religion.
This is the impossible formulation of a 'scientific' metaphysics - impossible because
science is by its nature knowledge of the particular, and metaphysics is knowledge of what
underlies and is implied by the particular.
It is a suicidal philosophy in that the 'materialism' and 'determinism' it asserts entirely re-
enact an invalid philosophy; since it must insist that philosophy, like everything else, is
'determined', its adherents can only claim that their philosophy as it exists is 'inevitable', but not
that it is 'true'.
One might say it is the self-recognition of those whose ideas do not rise above clarity,
whose thirst for truth is so easily quenched by the science they realize in their own absolute way.
But what is truth? What is knowledge? If there is no absolute standard by which they can
be measured, they cannot even be defined.
It is the ultimate abandonment of truth, or rather the surrender of truth into the hands of
power, whether that power be nation, race, class, comfort, or any other cause that is capable of
absorbing human energies once destined to truth.
And we will consider that perhaps what is most astonishing about these absolutes is that
each of them, far from being some 'new revelation', represents a dilution, a distortion, a
perversion, or a parody of a truth which men cannot prevent, but only point to even in their error
and blasphemy and pride.
Listă cuvinte limba engleză

To forsake = a lăsa, a părăsi

Quick= viu, iute, repede
Contrition= umilință
Solicitious= darnic
Chestity= castitate, curăție
Meeknes= blândețe
Vouchsafe= a garanta
Eternal tortments= chinurile veșnice
Wheather= vreme
To free= a slobozi
Ignorance= necunoaștere
Feeble= slab (sinonim cu weak)
Hope= nădejde
Hopelessnes= deznădăjuire
To sprinkle= a stropi
Dew= rouă
Remember= a pomeni
Shame= rușine
To bless= a binecuvânta
Inheritance= moștenire
To preserve= a păstra, a păzi
To keep comandment= a păzi poruncile
Troparion= tropar
Sojourn= ședere
To drew= a atrage
Rather than= mai mult decât
To depart= a dispărea
Church fast= hram
A great wonder worker= un mare făcător de minuni
Early man= omul începuturilor
Is consistent= este în concordanță
Creatures= creaturi, ființe
Begot= a născut
To hatch= a sparge coaja
Offspring= odraslă
Better suited= mai adaptate
It is claimed that= se afirmă
Brunch= ramură
Laid= depus
Twig= rămurică
Wamb= pântece
Laid down= a sta jos
To lay= a se întinde
Unbegotten= nenăscut
Obey= a te supune
Unremitting= nemilos, necruțător
Endeavours= strădanii
Envy= a pizmui
Dreaded= îngrozitor
Deny= a nega
Spite= ciudă
Rage= furie
Tycoons= magneți
Lukewarm= călduț
To sink= a se scufunda
To stand high= a sta la înălțime
To fester= a putrezi
Unholyness= nesfințenie, păcătoșenie
Restless= neliniștit
Litany= ectenie
A hidden mistery= taină ascunsă
To slink= a se strecura
To seep= a se infiltra
Ravenous= nesățios
God farbid= Doamne ferește
Tangle= încâlcit
Wickedness= răutate
Slander= calomnie
To trip over= a se împiedica
To flounder= a ezita
To grope= a bâșbâi
Delusion= înșelare
To fasten= a însămânța, a moși
Fate= soartă
People= popoare
Treachery= șmecherie
State of mind= stare de spirit
Cellar= pivniță
Fiery= aprins

1. God will never forsake me, He will always help me.
2. A future priest must maintain his chestity until marriage.
3. Meekness is a virtue that is rewarded by inheriting the earth.
4. Those who go to hell after the Last Judgment will be punished by eternal
5. Hunger is a weakness in the human body.
6. Hope is one of the three theological virtues.
7. Shame is a feeling that always comes after committing a sin.
8. It is very helpful to receive blessings from spiritual parents.
9. If we love God, then we will keep His commandments.
10. Saint Nectarios of Eghina is a great wonder worker.
11. The Blessed Virgin Mary carried the Son of God in her womb.
12. I lay here on that pillow and I think how I will be happy in my future.
13. The devil is envy of people because they have a chance to be saved.
14. The relics of the saints do not fester because the grace of the Holy Spirit was
present in their bodies.
15. The incarnation of the Lord was a hidden mystery that even the angels did not
16. The fate of Christians must be the likeness of God, that is, deity.
17. A true Christian will always have a positive state of mind.
18. When I went to clean the cellar I found a lot of useless things.
19. In the spiritual journey we will trip over, but the important thing is to get up.
20. Many slanders are brought to the Christian, even when he is innocent.

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