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Particulars Total Cost Cost/unit

Direct Material
(+)Direct Labour
(+)Direct Expense
Prime cost
(+)Works OH/Produrction OH/ Works on Cost
Works cost/Factory cost
(+)Office and admin OH
Cost of Production
(+)Seeling and Distribution OH
Cost of sales
(+) Profit/(Loss)
Selling price
Particulars Total Cost Cost/unit
Op. stock of RM
(+) Purchase of RM
(+) Purchase related Exp
(-) Cl stock of RM
DM/RM consumed
(+) Works OH
(-) sale of scarp
(+)Op. WIP
(-) Cl WIP
Works cost
(+)office and admin OH
Cost of Production(COP)
(+) Op. Finished goods
(-) Cl Finished goods
Cost of goods sold(COGS)
(+) S&D OH
Cost of sales
(+) Profit/(Loss)
Selling price
Unit Produced=20000 units

DM=Rs. 200000
DE=Rs. 40000
Factory OH= Rs. 80000
O& A OH=Rs. 60000
S& D Oh=60000

Cost sheet for Sept,2018

Particulars Total Cost
Direct Material 200000
(+)Direct Labour 160000
(+)Direct Expense 40000
Prime cost 400000
(+)Works OH/Produrction OH/ Works on Cost 80000
Works cost/Factory cost 480000
(+)Office and admin OH 60000
Cost of Production 540000
(+)Seeling and Distribution OH 60000
Cost of sales 600000
200000/20000=10 10
8 8
2 2
4 4
3 3
3 3
Op. stock of RM
(+) Purchase of RM
(+) Purchase related Exp
(-) Cl stock of RM
DM/RM consumed
(+)DL/productive wages
(+) Works OH/Factory OH/Production OH
R,R,T&I(F) 9000
R of P&M 4500
G& w 3500
Manager(3/4)*24000 18000
Depreciation P&M 6500
Works cost
(+)Office & Admin OH
Drwaing office salary- 7800
R,R,T&I(O) 6000
G& w 1200
General charges 7500
Manager(1/4)*24000 6000
Depri Furniture 1000
Director fees 9000
Cost of production
(+)S&D OH
Counting house salary 8500
Carriage outward 9500
Travelling 12000
Advertisment 15000
Cost of sales
Total Cost



Notes: assume sales 100
(-)Profit -20
Cost of sales 80

Cost Profit
80 20
455652 ?
0)/80 113913
Particulars Total Cost(Rs.)
Op. stock of RM 30000
(+) Purchase of RM 240000
(+) Purchase related Exp 20000
(-) Cl stock of RM -40000
DM/RM consumed 250000
(+)DL 70000
(+)DE 50000
PC 370000
(+) Works OH/Factoy OH/Works on cost
(0.20*370000) 74000
(+)Op. WIP 35000
(-) Cl WIP -48000
Works cost/Factory cost 431000
(+)office and admin OH (0.04*431000) 17240
Cost of Production(COP) 448240
(+) Op. Finished goods 40000
(-) Cl Finished goods -55000
Cost of goods sold(COGS) 433240
(+) S&D OH (0.05*448240) 22412
Total cost/Cost of sales 455652
(+) Profit/(Loss) 113913
Selling price/sales 569565
Op FG-2000 Op stock valuation= Rs. 26500/2000=Rs. 13.25/unit
Unit Produced-20000 COP=Rs. 10.17/unit
Cl Stock-3000

FIFO from op
Unit sold- 19000units

17000 unit from

Op stock FG+Unit produced=Unit Sold+Cl stock FG
2000+20000=Unit sold+3000
Unit sold=19000units

Particulars Total Cost(Rs.) Cost/unit

Op. stock of RM 15000
(+) Purchase of RM 115000
(-) Cl stock of RM -20000
DM/RM consumed 110000 5.5
(+)DL 30000 1.5
(+)DE 15000 0.75 For
PC 155000 7.75 cost/unit,considering
(+) Works OH/Factoy OH/Works on cost produced=20000units
(1.0*30000) 30000 1.5
Works cost/Factory cost 185000 9.25
(+)office and admin OH (0.10*185000) 18500 0.925
Cost of Production(COP) 203500 10.175
(+) Op. Finished goods 26500
(-) Cl Finished goods(FIFO-3000units*10.175) -30525
Cost of goods sold(COGS) 199475 10.49868
(+) S&D OH (3*1900) 57000 3 For
Total cost/Cost of sales 256475 13.49868 cost/unit,considering
unit sold=19000units
(+) Profit/(Loss) 64118.75 3.374671
Selling price/sales 320593.75 16.87336

2000=Rs. 13.25/unit

Assume Sp=100 Cost Profit
- Profit= (20) 80 20
Cost= 80 256475 ?
Unit Rs.
Op stock 10 2
Unit produced 50 1.5

Cl Stock 20

FIFO 10-op stock (Cost Rs.

2 /unit)
Unit sold 40

30-production (Cost
Rs. 1.5 /unit)
(C) Quotation for refrigrator
Particulars Total Cost
Direct Material 1000
(+)Direct Labour 700
Prime cost 1700

(+)Works OH/Produrction
OH/ Works on Cost 0.30*700=210

Works cost/Factory cost 1910

(+)Office and admin OH 0.08*1910=152.8

Cost of Production / cost
of sale 2062.8
(+)Profit 294.68
Sales 2357.48
(A) Cost sheet for 2010
Particulars Total Cost
Direct Material 350000
(+)Direct Labour 270000
Prime cost 620000

(+)Works OH/Produrction
OH/ Works on Cost 81000

Works cost/Factory cost 701000

(+)Office and admin OH 56080

Cost of Production 757080

(B) Notes
1 Factory OH/Labour=(81000/270000)*100
Factory OH/Labour=30%

2 Admin OH/Works cost=(56080/701000)*100

Admin OH/Works cost=8%

3 Assume Sp=100 Cost Profit

(-) Profit=(12.5) 87.5 12.5
Cost=87.5 2062.8 ?

C Costsheet for 2013

Particulars Total Cost
Direct Material 16000
(+)Direct Labour 10000
Prime cost 26000 B
(+)Works OH/Produrction OH/ 1) 0.60*10000=6000,
Works on Cost 2) 6000*1.20=7200 7200 1
Works cost/Factory cost 33200
1) 0.24*33200=7968,
(+)Office and admin OH 2) 7968*1.15=9163.2 9163.2 2
Cost of Production 42363.2
(+)Selling OH 2) 5312*1.15=6108.8 6108.8 3
(+) Distribution OH 2) 3320*0.90=2988 2988
Cost of sales 51460 4
(+) Profit/(Loss)
Selling price
Costsheet for 2012
Particulars Total Cost
Direct Material 600000
(+)Direct Labour 500000
Prime cost 1100000

OH/Produrction OH/
Works on Cost 300000
Works cost/Factory
cost 1400000
(+)Office and admin
OH 336000
Cost of Production 1736000
(+)Seeling OH 224000
(+) Distribution OH 140000
Cost of sales 2100000
(+) Profit/(Loss) 420000
Selling price 2520000


Fa OH/Wages=(300000/500000)*100
Fa OH/ wages=60%

Admin Oh/Fac cost=(336000/1400000)*100

Admin Oh/Fac cost=24%

Seeling OH/ Fac cost=(224000/1400000)*100

Selling OH/ Fact Cost=16%

Dist OH/ Fac Cost= (140000/1400000)*100
Dist OH/ Fac Cost=10%

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