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SET-1 11.

PLETHORA: glut, excess: overplus on tne

I. plethora of books have bcen written
ABATE: subside or moderale Sentence: A

Sentence: Interest in the author's home subject.

novels waned in abated as her MN: Opposite of hindi (thoda)
MN: Rebate means discount... i.e.
abate and rebate are reducing the price.. 12. PLUMMET: fall, plunge steeply
of tne
words. Sentence: The car plummeted to the bottom

2. canyon.
COGENT: strong. convincing, believable MN: Plummet rhymes with "comet"
which falls so

Sentence: The results of the DNA

he most
fingerprinting were sharply.
cogent evidence for acquittal
MN: Cogent gent -
a gentle person is always the right 13. VENERATION: regard with deep respect
person to convince others. Sentence: She was held with great veneration.
MN: Vanar (monkey) served God (Rama)
3. APPROBATION: approval: praise
Sentence The Company has even received 14. VERACITY: habilually truthful
the approbation of its former critics. his stalemenls.
Sentence: We questioned the veracity of
/ MN: *deity of ve(c)ri.c. bravc pcoplc. Brave people
APPROVAL in your job afler your Probation period. never afraid to tell truth. So veracity

*You must have audacity (courage) exhibit veracity

4. APPRAISE: give notice to, inform, assess (truthfulness)
Sentence: The ring must be appraised by a
jeweller true or real
before it can be insured. 15. VERISIMILITUDE: appearing of verisimilitude is
MN: Appraise -consider praise and price --what is the Sentence: The novel's degree
price of praise which you can't say but you can compromised by 1 8th-century characters who speak
estimate. very 21st-century English.
MN: Ver + similar + lude: 'ver' means true and tude
'verisimilitude' means "the state of
5. EPHEMERAL: means a state, so
short lived: leeting. ransitory.
evanescent being true
Sentence: The autumnal blaze of colors is always to be
16. VEX: annoy. distress, trouble
reasured. all the more so because it is so ephemeral.
Sentence: This problem has v'e ved researchers for years.
MN: Sounds like e-funeral, Electric funeral is short.
MN: Vex and perplex both mean, to contuse.

. EPICUREAN: devoted to sensual pleasure, esp. food summit:

& drink, gourmand
17. ZENITH: pinnacle, highest point, acme
Sentence: She is at the zenith of her career as a dancer.
Sentence: A person of epicurean tastes. MN: Word sounds like 'Jannat' which is in highest
MN: uropeans live luxurious life.... So they are point.
18. ZEPHYR: gentle hreeze, waft
7. LAMBENT: dealing gracefully Sentence: A summer zephyr gently stired her hair.
Sentence: Lambent sunlight glinting off the waves. MN: Jeep + Hire= you will hire a jeep for having some
MN: Remember lamp from (lamp) ent-->it is not very gentle breeze.
bright hui softly bright and radiant.
19. HORRENDOUS: rightful. horifying. fearful
LAMENT: show. feel great sorrow: wail. grieve Sentence: A horrendous explosion shook the huilding
Sentence: She lamented over the loss of her best friend. MN: Simply remember horrifying.
MN: Lament = I |amen] t => we lament the death by
saying amen. 20. HOSTILE: unlriendly; showing dislike
Sentence Her suggesii(Ons Were gIvCn
9 LANGUID: lacking strength or will, slow and weak. a ostile reception.
unhurricd MN: Hostile=host+ill (ile)..A
person doing ill to the
Sentence: It was a hot. languid summer day. host is hostile (enemy).
MN: Sounds similar to language and language classes
are dull and boring. 21. HYPOCRISY: falsely nmaking oneself appear to be

soothe, pacily. calm Sentence: When his private letters were

0 PLACATE male public
Scniece: The ddministration placated protesters by they revealed his hypocrisy.
consider their demands. MN. hyper. crazy
agTeeng lo
a PlAT: ull of tasty food io
(hypocrisy) people
things which they do always tow ff
MN I I a c + T not believe in.
32. BENIsON: blessing
emerging. budding the harbor lestival the parish
into existence,

22. NASCENT: coming Sentence: During

The actress is now
locusing on
offered a benison
or the local lishermen.
Sentence as "Bend" down my "son" when
her nascent singing career. MN: BENISON splits
MN: "New soul sent"....Io earth. for blessing from his father or elder.
a son asks

indistinct scold strongly. rebuke

23. NEBULOUS: cloud-like: hazy: vague; 33. BERATE: I0
concepts can necd to berate someone for
Sentence: These philosophical Sentence: There's no
be nebulous. mistake during the first day on the job.
MN: Nebula the milky way in galaxy which is cloudy making a
(criticized) him for showing
MN: His friends berated
and unclear. them Berated movie.

24. NEFARIOUS: ugainst laws or moral principles;

wish or activity in doing good
wicked: evil lowards her employees was
Sentence: A nefarious scheme lo cheal people oul ol Sentence: Her benevolence
lct one live in hcr home
such that she actually
their moncy.
MN: This sounds like ne (nephew) +larious temporarily. be kind.
(furious)...So your nephew is very lurious or eruel or MN: Ban- violence.. And start loving,
loves and collects books
35. BIBLIOPHILE: person who
electronic device could
25. DOLT: stupid fellow. dunce Sentence: For bibliophiles, no

possibly give the tactile pleasure of beautifully
Sentence: He's always jokingly calling his best friend
a dolt. book.
MN: A person who reads bibliography of book as well
MN: BOLT---one whose bolt is loose.
(lover of book).
26. DORMANT: in a state of inactivity but awaiting
development, latent 36. ENERVATE: weaken, deprive of strength, attenuate
Sentence: The seeds will remain dormant until the Sentence: The surgery really enervated me for weeks

spring. afterwards.
MN: See the word DORMant. DORM is a dormitory a MN: ENERV (w) asTE when you waste your energy
place to sleep...So if you are sleeping you are inactive you become weak.
or lethargic.
37. ENHANCE: to increase (good things such as value,
27. COQUETTE: a woman who tries to altract the power or beauty)
altention and admiration: flirt Sentence: You can enhance the flavor of the dish by
Sentence: She was a bit of a coquete. using fresh herbs.
MN: MN: When you are given a chance you try to improve
more... hat is ENHANCE.
28. COUNTERMAND: to cancel; to revoke
Sentence Orders to blow up the bridge 38. ENIGMA: something that is puzzling
were countermanded Sentence: To his friends, he was always something of
MN: Counter counter the previous an enigma.
command. MN: Reminds you of °Egg, what cones first is an
enigma - Cgg or chicken?

29. ALACRITY: eager and cheerful readiness

Sentence: She accepted the invitation with 39. ENMITY: hatred: being an enemy
an alacrity that surpriscd me. Sentence: There's a long history of enmiry between
MN: Take the suffix erity we can link it with ereativity. them.
Creative pcople arc so cagcr to learn and creale things MN: Focus on the letters 'enmiy' close to enemy.
40. INCRRIGIBILITY: eannot be cured or corrected
30. ALLEVIATE: make (pain) casicr to bcar, lesscn Sentence: He is always the class clown and his teachers
Sentence: A car pool alleviates some of the stress of say he is incorrigible.
driving the kids to and from school every day. MN: (in) eorr (gible) ==in eligible to be corected or
MN: ALL (all) + EVI (evil) + ATE (has heen calen up) can't be corrected.
so hence you are relieved of the pain and you fcel relicf.

31. AMALGAMATE: mix. combine, unite: mingle

Sentence: They amalgamated the hospital and the

MN: Remember pomegranate in which seeds are united
rude'. Shrewd people
sounds like
SET-2 MN: Shrewd

SOmetimes 'rude' to express

their strong

strange to be believed;
I1. SODDEN: soaked, saturated het ween strands
unbelievauble: too good to be true Oul
Sentence: Ineredilble as it may seem, she's had no Sentence iyes
of sodden hair. with a.
lornal training as un artist. the 'o' and replace it

MN: In + eredible (neans believable) = no believable are saddened you

sadden(Ed) when you
you get
look so IDULL.
2. INCULCATE: fix firmly by repetition, hammer or beat
Sentence: The teacher inculcated in her students the seience of cooking
the art and
mportance ol govd study habits. cating good food
MN: IN + CULCATE (caleulate). IN selhool, teachers and gastrOnomy.
Sentence: Books about wine tasting henever
inculcate (teach) the students how to calculate. sounds like gucst...s0
MN: Gastronomy lood.
s e r v e them good
our home we
guests come to
3 MALEDICTION: a curse
Sentence: The two old women began casting aspersions awkward in social behavior: doing
and heaping maledictions upon one another. tactless
Saying the wrong ihings, marked him
MN: MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL nmeans Sentence: Tlis loud talking at
the opera
'evil or ill' and DICTUM is saying'. So to suy as gauche and uncultured.
something evil is to CURSIE. She rcacted
'gosh' (O my Gosh!!-
MN: It is pronounced
to his gauche behavior.
4 MALEV ill-will
ENCE: wishing to do evil, malice
Sentence: Only mindless malevolence would explain 14. GAUDY: t0o bright in color. garish. lashy
this cruel vandalism. Sentence: The showgirls wore gundy

MN: Opposite to BENEVOLENCIE which means kind we can sece

MN: Sounds like god[lly when god appcars
and charit:able. Naslh lights at back of his head so it is flashy.

MALIGN: injurious, speak ill of somebody. icll lie. or

15. JABBERING: chatlering. prauling. ultering rapidly
Sentence: Boh parties to the divorce showed indistinctly
SentenceC: She rushed into the room
a malign desire to make each other's future life utterly
jabbering something about a dog.
miserable. MN: Jabber sounds like 'chalter. Chattering (noisily
MN: Ma (had) Lign (language) bad language.
speaking) unintelligently.
6. REDOUBTABLE: formidable. causing fear
16. JAUNTY: lively: jolly. cheerful. spry
Sentence: There s new biography of
Sentence: She was wearing a jaunty white cap.
he redoubtable Winston Churchil MN: Remember Jonty Rhodes of the South Alrica
MN: Redoubtable can be retdoubi(able).s) il you
ericket team who dives careiree while ficlding.
lave REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the
exam. it might CAUSE FEAR.
17. JEOPARDIZE: put in danger, make vulnerable
Sentence: llis health has been jeopurdized by poor
REFRACTORY: stubborn, unnanageable, intractablec.
obstinate Sounds like leopard... leopard are now
Sentence: Believing that rules are only for other people.
he's heen refractory virtually his entire life.
MN: Refractory--1icans factor. which always factors
I8. JEREMIAD: 1ale ofwoe. grief. lkament
the law into piece. means don't follow the aw.
Sentence: A jeremiud against the political apathy shown
by so many young people.
REGALE lo delight or entert:ain: to least
MN: Sounds like JAIL MEIN.... wlen our triend
Sentence: An inn thal nightly regales its guests wilh
Tive-course meals prepared by ia naster chef. goes to jail we lament
MN: Re+gale (renenber Chris Gayle) il he cones to
batagain he always provides entertainment to audicnce. 19. LIAISON: connection, contact, usually sceretine or
illicit sexual relationship.
9. SHARD: piece of broken carthenware Sentence: She acts as a liaison bctween he polic
Senicnce: They are no longer friends. but shards ot department and city schools.
intense emotional rclationship that onee existed still MN:
hurt hini.
MN: S + hard..It is very IIARD 10 join the broken 20. LIBEL sIatement that damages reputation. defaalion
IRAGMI:NTS OF POTTERY. Sentence: The newspaper was found guiiny ot lihel.
MN: 1Lihel is close to label. Wl: always tend to IABI
10. SHREWD: astuic: showing sound judgment people by their slotcomings, thus libel=de!amaFN
Sentence: She's shrend about her ivestments.
21. taste. flavor something. relish
LONGEVITY: length of life, durability 32. SAVOR:
ntence: Without her love. ile has lost
its savor tor
entence: His longevity was remarkable considering he
had been so sick me.
when he was a child. MN: SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming
MN: VIT- taking vitamins gives you longevity vor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the Nords. You
LOQUACIOUS: talkative, garrulous eat.
SCntence: The loquacious host of a radio talk show.
MN: It is derived from the root word 1loqua'.. which 33. INTRANSIGENCE: unwillingnes to

refers to SPEECH or TALK. stubbornness, intractability COmproromie.

Sentence: Her intransigence on the issue was

PARSIMONIOUS: too economical, miserly, frugal frustratin can be
entence: A parsimonious woman who insists that
MN: Intransigence
of as thought
transi..lacking movement when you are stubbor
charity begins-and ends-at home.
MN: A person who is not willing 1o spend money irom
his purse. 34. INTRINSIC: natural: inborn, inherent
Sentence: He is the ideal courtier. lis
24. PARTISAN: one-sided, commitled to a party, biased or is intrinsic. nobiliiyN
MN: A 'rik" that is in (inside) you alrcady.
prejudiccd hich you
cannot sic (seek) from an outsider; i.e. inherent,
Sentence: They were cheered on by a partisan crowd ol
about 20,000 tans.
MN: Parti (think of a political party) +san (son) a 35. Introspection: examining one's own thought
father who is favoring his son's political party, instead feelings
of a good party. entence: Not a man given lo introspection. he
impatient with his wife's conslant need to discusegrew
25. PAUCITY: scarcity, a lacking of
MN: Inuro - within (in) spection
Senlence: A paucity of uselul answers to the problem ol
examination of within ourselves.
examination i.e.
traffic congestion at rush hour.
MN: paucity = scarcity (they are rhynming words) means
lack of something. 36. EXPUNGE: erase. omil (name Irom list, passage rom
book etc.)
26. PEDANTIC: bookish, showing off learning Sentence: Time and the weather have expunged anv
It may seem pedantic o harp on what looks evidence that a thriving community once existed here.
like mere procedure. but this is one case where the MN: Sounds like ex-PURGE...which is
process is the forest.
MN: Pedantic Pandit... Pandits are usually very
strict about the bookish stuff. 37. EXSICCATE: dry up, remove moisture
Sentence: In the desert, you exsiccate very
27. QUIESCENT: at rest, dormant, torpid, inactive
MN: Exsiccate sounds like "desiccalc' mcans to
dry up.
Sentence: A group of quiescent loungers recovering
from the Thanksgiving feast. 38. EXTIRPATE: to destroy. exterminate, cut out totally
MN: Quiescent => quies quiet = motionless. Sentence: The triumph of modern medicine
in extirpating certain diseases.
28. QUIRK: unexpected twist or turn MN: Lord Rama destroyed Ravana by shooting a
Sentence: Wearing red shoes every day is just one ol teer (arrow) in his pate (belly).
her quirks.
MN: Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn). 39. DUBIOUS: feeling doubt
Sentence: He made the highly dubious elaim that Eis
29. QULXOTIC: romantic and unrealistic, dreamy is still alive and living in Hawai.
Sentence: They had quixotic dreams about the future. MN: Dubious opposite of obvious...i.e. in douht or
MN: Quixotic== quick + exotic: if you desire
something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just
a daydream.
40. DULCET: melodious, harmonious
Sentence: Alhough she flashed a dulcet smile, she was
30. SANGUINE: cheerful, confident. optimistic
secretly seething with resentment.
Sentence: He is sanguine about the company's future. MN: DIL SE song sounds sweet to the ear.
MN: Break it like sang + vine. so when
you drink vine
and sing a song you feel cheerful and
31. SATIATE: satisfy fully, quench, satee
Sentence: A couple of satiate dnner guests had
ensconced themselves on the living room sofa.
MN: I SAT& ATE ill I was

SET-3 10. LAUDA TORY: expressing or giVing prais

l a u d a t r y revICWS.
received mostly
I. DUPE: chcat, nmake a fool of enence: The play chanung

>>> imagine s o m e pundit

Sentence: We were duped into thinking that the dummy NLud +story mcans praising thc lord
Lord Rama's story loudly.
was a real alien.
MN: DUPE Sounds like dope nmeans "to impure . LAXITY: carclessness. ncgligence at
soething", means to cheat soneone. worricd by the Jaxity
in security
Senlence: He w a s

DYSPEPSIA: indigestion. acid stomach the airpor. such

of lakhs ol
Sentence: He is suffering from dyspepsia.
cities no one cares about you.
MN: THIS+PLEPSIa..his Pepsi causes indigestion
because it contains pesticides. dangerous
12. PRECARIOUS: uncertain. risky. him olt «o
almost knocked
Sentence: The strong wind
ASSIDUOUS: diligent. hard-working. sedulous of the cliff.
his precarious perch on the edge
SentenceC The project required -> We have to
take CARE
soe assieduous planning. so that il does not go
while doing something risky
donkey working
hard in the dust. Meaning hard working or industrious
or diligent. violently down
throw something
ASSUAGE: make something (pain, desire) less. allay. from a height. impulsive
was pprecipilate d by
leSsen Senlence: The budget problem
many unexpected costs.
Sentence: Iife contains SOrrowS hat cannot means you
MN: Precipitale -> Pre anticipate. That
be assuaged. and it is important to be honest in You do
don't think/anticipate before you do something.
acknowledging this.
it in RASH or HASTE.
MN: Ass means donkey.. donkey's usage gives huge
relief from carrying loads. OI Usual,

ATTENUATE: make thin. weaken, enervate extraordinary

Sentence: Farplugs will atenuate the loud sounds of the
Sentence: There preternaural quiet in lhe housec.
was a
MN: Preter+natural. l.e. reniember Spider 11n
machinery. (PETER) who had super normal powers.
MN: If Tenu = you) eat (ate) less you will
( attenuate
Ie. weaken yoursell.
15. TALON: claws of a bird of prey
Sentence: The hawk gripped the mouse in its tulh ns.
6HIEROGLYPH: figure of an object standing for a MN: alcon depends upon its Talon (law l a Birdh
word. syllable or sound, Egypian writing of this kind
while on hunting.
Sentence: My friend can understand the symbols
wrilten in hieroglyph.
16. TARNISHED: lost brightness. diseolorel
MN: Hiero (hero) + glyph (painting or photo)>> we sce
great hero's of history on some painting or piclure in
Sentence: The seandal tarnished his reputaton.
MN: Its of dec
hooks or on cavcs, ctc. opposite garnish. garnish n e a n s io
17. TAWDRY: cheap. gaudy. showy. lacky
HOAX mischievou trick played on sonmebody for a
Sentence: The scanlal was aa iuilt edry allu
joke. prank
Sentence: A skilled forger who hotveed the art world MN: Tawdry sounds ike rowdy.... acip Nersn
into belicving that the paintings were long-lost
I8. WHIMSICAL lull of odl anl taneitul ulear. quirky.
MN: Rhynnes with 'JOKES. A pructical joke or simply Caprcus
Scntence: She has a whmI. "a! snse ol huno.
a rick.
MN: Whimsical unds Iike coical..whimsical is.
8. HONE: stone uscd lor slarpenne lools, prind. polish nmpulsve: playlul..comal is anusng and funny.
Scntence: You have 1o hone your knile fo incly
chopping vegclable.
I XENOPHOBIA Uneasonable lcar or disiikhe f
MN: Hone sounds like conc, and boti losn ald cone loCignCIs
Sentence: Tlis enoplhobia uevented him t befriend
are sharp.
will neW
people nd
stanped hinm s an unscial beiny.
MN Break n lhe X EN0 +Phoba.
Fnglish national opera.. Pobia eans TENO
9. LATENT: present bul not yct ctie, developcd or
siands o
visible an eNUsene
luteui talent for acting that he hasn't o parlrular thng or silu:ation. Means vne who hates
Sentence: lle has a
NO foreign
had a chance to espress yet. culure). Means dislike r lear nf
MN: Regroup ihe words and spcll it as lalenl... Many loreiyners.
have POTENTIAIL (lalent..) but
peope sone people TIDE heir talen.
undet eloped... whereas
by laking action
20. 29. FORESTALL: prevent advance
ZEAL: engerness: keenness precmpt comments
enlence: le was uncomfortable with their lavish His Were
parlies and their eollector's zeal for the nost expensive
criticisnm ol his proposal. eant
to forestall Slall means to
Ost ostentatious brund names-Rolex and Priada and MN: Iore
betore. ston.
op. Hence
Farragao. liorestall == Bclore stop. 1.c. lo stop somethin belore
MN: 7eal sounds like feel; stronger feel passion
real. it happen.

dishonorable, common, undignilied

30. 1GNOBLE:
ADULTERATION: making impure. poorer in qualnty. Sentence: Such an ignoble act IS complectcly unwornhy

corruption of a military
Sentence: The adulteration of milk with waler was a MN: Igno (ignore) +ble(ablc).so if
deliberate decision taken by the dairy owner unworthy and not noble, ONI: should be able to ignore
MN: Adulteration (noun) - adulterate (verb)
Dull + the + rale decease the rale impure
= =

shameful, dishonorable, humili.

22. AMBIGUOUS: doubtful. uneertain
Sentence: We were confused by the ambiguous wording Sentence: The prison guards degraded themselves
of the message. with
their inhumane, ignominous reatmenl of the prisoner
MN: Anbi means two/both...guous sounds like MN: IGNORANT + MINUS (negative personalitv
guess..both are wild guesses so it's doubtful. magine your teacher is saying that you are an rant
and negative person..what will happen?? will ca
23. AMBIVALENT: having hoth of two contrary se
and shame.
meanings, in two minds
public disgrace
Sentence: Literature during the modernism movement 2. ILLICIT: unlawful, forhidden. prohibited
was known for having ambivalent endings Sentence: He was arrested l r selling illicit copieso
MN: 'Ambi' nieans both in Greek. e.g.: umbidextrous
mcans ability to wrile with both hands cqually. the software.
MN: Il1+cit(y) = I you want to do any ill to a ciy
Similarly. Ambivalent means having ambi (both)
that's ILLEGAL
lcclings hecause of which you are uncertain, undecided
or neulral. 33. JUXTAPOSE: to place side by side
Sentence: A display that juxtaposes modern art with
24. CANDID: frank, honest. guileless
Sentence: She gave us her candid opinion on the nmatier. classical art.
MN: Candidates in an interview are recommended to he MN: Juxtapose...Just place something
straight forward. outspoken and honest for best result. just next to something.

34. KINSHIP: family relaionship: likeness in chufacter

25. CANDOR: frankness, truthfulness
Sentence: was impressed by the candor off his understanding, alfinity
Sentence: He feels a strong kiship with other survivors
MN: Candor (Can + Do + r) During an interview you of the war.
MN: Kinship = relationship
refleet your "Can Do" altitude to the interviewer.

35. KLEPTOMANIA: a disease of the mind causing an

26. CAPRICIOUS: fickle. whimsical. given to change.
uncontrollable desire to ste:al
Sentene: The famous and extremely rich singer wa
Sentence: The court ruled that the punishment was
arbitrary and capricious.
wice caught by the police for her Kleptomania.
MN: Ca (CAR) + PRIC (PRICE)...PRICE OF cars MN: Klepto (impulsion to steal) + mania (inten-

nowadays is becoming unpredictable with the launch of desire/eraze)

Tata's I lakh car.
36. KNAVE: a dishonest person. unprincipled
the role of he
27. FLORID: very much ornamented: flowery: naturally Sentence: He plays
knave who turies to foil the play's hero.
red (e.g. of tace). extravagant duplicitous
Sentence: He gave a florid speech in honor of the MN: k+nave...naive (means
innocent)....knave is just the opposite of naive.
queen's visit.
rid (red) sounds like a flower that is in
MN: Flo (wer) +

a red color.. Also, lorid flowery (French). 37. RECONDITE: litule known: abstruse
Sentence: Geochemistry is a recondile subject.
ock, t0 go aganst (as in going against MN: Read recondite as "re conduct". The proiessit
28. Flout: reject, conducted (repeated) the topic as the students coud
Sentence Despile repcaled warnings. they have understand properly.
continued o flout the law.
MN LOUT.. FOUL +OUT. When a player is sen
ut by ul. the player shows s contempt to the
become strong alter illness loss /

the ollice was oul loday., many

sicK Or recuperating from the flu.
employees being sounds ike after the
last part
MN: The
operation, palient recovers.

ENCOMIUM: very high praise

e n c o m m s bestowed on a teacher at her
Sentence: The
retirement ceremonies.

MN: INCOME - People of high INCOME are formally

praised for their large donations.

40. REJUVENATION: becoming young nature or


Sentence: Her efforts lo rejuvenale her career have so

far been unsuccesslul.

MN: Rejuvenation sSounds ike regeneration that means

freshness is restored.

41. KLAXON: a kind of loud horn formerly used on motor

Sentence: Klaxons are banncd in many states these days
as they create sound-pollution.
MN: Klaxon sounds like claws on (your ear) as if the
claws of harsh and loud sound will dealen you.
10. MASSACRE: merciless killing of a large number of
Sentence: The game Lurned oul lo be
I. SYCOPHANT: person who llatter 1o the rich and d
complete massacre.
powerful; MN: Massacre-mass killing and burying them in
Sentence: When her carcer was riding high, the self acre of
deluded actress often mistook sycophants for true
MN: Sycophant.....split it
like....syco (sounds like 11. GUILELESS: suraight-forward, candid
FAN...SO JUST Sentence: She was an casygoing,
psycho) +phan...sounds like
woman who was comfortable
guileless young
IMAGINE a PSYCIIO FAN of yours in your officee just being herself.
MN: "Guile" means to deceive.
who want lo please you in whalever guile+less means no
lattering...or by bootlicking..just to gain your favor. deception, only honesty.

SYNOPSIS: summary or outline. precis

12. GULLIBLE: casily gulled; impressionable, credulous;
Sentence: I don't need to know every little plot iwists: naive: trusting
Sentence: l'm not gullible
Just give me a synopsis of the moVie.
that outrageous.
enough to believe something
MN MN: Gullible Gull +ible

who is able to be tricked

girl/galli + able A girl
3. TACITURN: reticent, silent or deceived easily.
Sentence: A taciturn man, he alniost never initiates a
saying) meaningless because of
MN: Taxi-turn: Taxi Driver will be reserved or repeated use; cliché
uncommunicative while "Driving". Sentence: It's hiuckneyed, but true-the more
you save
the more you earn.
4. TEDIOUS: tiresome; too long or dull MN: Concentrate on hack. Once a hacker is
Sentence: The work is tedious, but it needs to get done. a hacker. He overuses his
MN: Otten we use the word tedious to deseribe the
sehool work (boring) or office mundane work which is 14. HAPLESS: unlucky, unfortunate. ill-fated
boring too. Sentence: She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky
5. OBL0QUY: abusively destructive MN: Relate it to helpless.
language, sharp
crilicism. vituperation
Sentence: Unable to mount a rational defense of her 15. FROLIC: play and jump about gaily
position. she unleashed a torrent of obloquy on her Sentence: The frolic atmosphere that envelops New
opponen. Orleans during Mardi gras.
MN: Etymologically OB-against' and LOQUY-talk. MN:
Therefore OBLOQUY means to TALK AGAINST
SOMEONE. i.e. SLANDER. 16. FRUGAL: careful, cconomical
Sentence: By being frugal, the family is able to stretch
6. OBSEQUIOUS: too cager to obey or serve its monthly budget.
MN: Frugal.That is opposite to prodigal..which means
Sentence She's constantly followed
by obsequious assistants who will do anylhing she tells
them to.
MN: ob + SEQUI + ous... sequi means sequence where 17. FUGITIVE: a person escaping from the law or the
one thing "follows" the other.. and servants follow police
what thecir masters say. Sentence: As he daydreamed. fugitive thoughts passed
through his mind.
MN: Relate it with Abhishek Bacchan's movie Refugee.
OBSTREPEROUS: noisy. loud
Sentence An obstreperous crowd protesting the
18. EMBELLISH: nmake beautiful
gOvernment's immigration policy.
MN: The word can be broken into
Sentence: He embellished his speech with a few
ob+STREET+PERU...Sureets in Peru are very noisy quotations.
hecause of traffic. MN: emBELLish--we add BELL to the Christmas uree
to adorn it.

MANDATORY: compulsory: obligatory

Sentence: The tests are mandatory for all sudents 19. EMENDATION: remove errors from (text of book etc)
wIshing to graduate. Sentence: The governor's numerous emendations to the
MN: A (man) who has an end (date) speechwriter's first draft left nary a sentence untouched.
MN: Same as Amendment. adding something for the

MARTINET srict disciplinarian better.

Sentence: The prison's warden was a cruel martinet.
MN Speling is very similar to martial - so a martinct is

artal helligeren
EMINENT: high: lofty:
Sentence: Many eninent distinguished olicer saw the crowd and
surgeons are on the muspronounced Jagannath a
hosptal's Juggernaut.
MN: Like the real slim
and shady
showing unusually gencrous
1alities towards others; forgiving towards rivals
21. Sentcnce: She was too
magnanimouv to resent all the
Io worktogether things others had said to her.
suspected of collaborating with the MN Magnanitous magnificent:
Occupying army. magnilicent (outstandin..
person 1s callCd
labor generous. superb) if he kind,
(worker) so collaborate ->work
COLLATERAL: additional. hut
hoastful: pompcous. bombastic
Sentence: The collateral elfects slightly
less important
of the Sentence:
policies. government's MN:
MN: Magni (means large, big. a lot of (especially ol
REMEMBER THE MOVIE showing)) + eloquent (some
DAMAGE... COLLATERAL one who can speak
is damages caused if
security is not well)...people who try to show off verhally
proper.. so
easily remember..
are very
security given for pompous people.
Sentence: The
meeting. tryst
Sentence: The agreement for deceitful purpose
a restaurant will be our rendezvous.
Company was acting in collusion MN: I will remember
it with the program that used to
manufacturers to inflate prices. come on Star World
titled: Rendezvous with Simi
MN: People. who get involved in Gerewal it
Illusion that everything is Iine. collusion, famous
was a
an try to create program.
24 ABERRANT: RELINQUISH: give up: abdicate
abnormal or deviant Sentence: She was forced to control of the
Sentence: Aherrant behavior can relinquish
be a
sign of rabies in project.
wild animal. a
MN: It's quite
MN: Ab (away) + err opposite to what it spells "Re -
(error) + ant: focus on ERR and Wish".
ANT. Ants normally move
all these ants together in a queue. Imagine 34.
moving randomly
bees. That would be abnormal
like a group of
REPUDIATE: disown, refuse to accept or
Sentence: He has publicly repudiated
behavior. the
govenment s
EVANESCENT: Iransitory, short lived MN: He ate the PUDDING AGAIN... When his
asked him if he ate the
Sentence: Beauty that is as evanescent as a pudding. he tried to
MN: Remember it as "I want rainbow. REPUDIATE (deny eating it).
scent. Scent cvaporates
like vapor.
35. PERFIDIOUS: treacherous. disloyal
26. ABSCOND: Sentence: A perfidious
go away suddenly (to avoid arrest) campaign worker revealed the
Sentence: Several prisoners absconded from the senator's strategy to his leading rival for the
MN: Abscond jail. MN: per+FID+ious... FID stands for fidelity... i.c.
ab + scond. Absent in a second'.
When will you be absent in a second? loyalty... hence perfidious is its opposite.
=when you
STEAL OFF & HIDE, or when
you DEPART secretly. 36. RESTIVE: refusing to move: reluctant io he
27. Sentence: The restive horse threw its head and refusd
JOVIAL: full of good humor: friendly to move when the rider
Sentence: The audience was in a
jovial mood. urged it forward.
MN: Restive is actually restless. Like
MN: Jovial=Jo (joy) +vi factituvus is
(by) +al (all), so jovial means actually fact less.
happincss, joyful, ncrriment.
37. VOLUBLE: Muent: speaking easily and at length
28. JUDICIOUS: sound in judgment: wise
Sentence: Judicius planning now can
prevent problenis MN: Remember "vuolume" in TV controls. Ir's related
later. sound. This voluble is ulso relaled io
MN: Judi+cious--- having JUDgement speaking.
38. VOLUMINOUS: occupying much space
29. JUGGERNAUT: massive destructive lorce; large Sentence The huilding's igh
heavy vehicle nd voluminous spaces. ceilings
Sentence: There was no escuping the juggernaut of MN: It's simple VOLUMINOUS MEANS full of
hype for the studio's biggest sumner blockbuster. volune.
MN: A the festival. the crowd at Jagannath temple in
India is juggernaut. Actually this word cane into use
from the British rule. On the day of lestival a British

39. WARY: eautious
Sentence: Investors are increasingly wary about putting
money into stocks.
MN: Wary and worry sound the same.. you become
worries in life.
wary (cautious) if you have too many

40. DISPARATE: essentially different: incongruent

Sentence: Disparate notions among adults and

adolescents about when middle age begins.

MN: Dis (this) + parate (parrot) is dilfferent from the

rest. But how? lt can talk.

41. DISSEMINATE: distribute (esp. ideas)

Sentence The Internet allows us

to disseninate information faster.

MN: Dis +seminate: seminate could be taken as
seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place.
Hence disKeminar could he understood as the scattering
of people.

SET-5 1MENIDICANT:a beggar

Sentence: Those wretched n e n d i r ants on the strects or

Distend: to swell, to intlate Calculla.

Sentence: An abdonnen distended by discase. MN: Men+die+cant= men die because they can't work
MN: Try to relate it with dis means distance and extend so
they beg to
means to expand.
12. Mesmerize: hypnotize
Docile: obedient: easily managed Sentence: He discovercd that the children
Sentence: Hlis students were docile and eager to learn. were mesmerized by a television show.
MN: Docile (adj) = do + cile(+ently) == if do is docile.
he/she will do silently and therefore easily controllable. 13. METAMORPHOSIS: a complete change from one
form to another
Belie: conradict. give a false impression Sentence: We have watched her metamorphosis from a
Sentence: Their actions belie their claim to he innocent. shy schoolgirl int0 a self-confident businesswoman.
MN: Belie - lie means somelhing lalse. MN: Meta..Means many + morp (...Derived from
morphic) means shape or form.
4 Bellicose: warlike; ready 1o quarrel and fight.
14. PUGNACIOUS: ready and cager to fight: hostile:
Sentencc: Never in pcacctimc, perhaps, have thc belligerent: combative
statements of our government officials been more Sentence: There's one pugnacious member on the
relentlessly bellicose. Yet their actions have been committee who won't agree to anything.
comparaively cautious. MN: A pug is an aggressive hreed Asiatic brecd of dog.
MN: BELLY+CAUSE...if you are not able to get food So a pugnacious pug.
to eat you will light for your belly and you will be
bellicose. 15. PUSDLLANIMOUS: cowardly. craven. spineless
Sentence: Pusillanimous politicians who vote according
to whichever way the political wind is
Belligerence: pugnacious or quarrelsome behavior blowing.
Sentence: Among the Native American tribes of the MN:
coloni: period, the Iroquois were known for
their belligerence. QUACK:
con, fraud
person dishonestly elaiming to something:
MN: Belli (TOM) and gerry always quarrel in TOM
and GERRY cartoon. Sentence: The man was not only a liar but also a quack.
MN: Think of it as.if a person quacks like a duck.he
6. Bizarre: strange: peculiar: odd: fantastic is an impostor who is acting like a duck.
Sentence: I just heard the most bizarre story.
MN: Sounds like bazaar; In India, BIZARRE (bazaar) 17. QUAFE: drink deeply. guzzle
looks STRANGE and ODD to foreigners. Sentence: After digging our car out of the snowdrift, we
were rcady to quaff some hot chocolate.
7. MN: Sounds like cough. When we have a cough. we
Opulent: wealthy
DRINK cough syrup which is quite tasty actually.
Scntence: An opulent upper crust that liked to show
ts possessions.
MN: Lent means lending. Generally rich people lend 18. YOLATILE: changeable. inconstant. fickle. unstahle.
money. Opulent means wealthy. explosive
Sentence: The stock market can be very volarile.
npervious: not allowing to pass through (of materials). MN: Volatile memory is a compuier memory which
inllexiblec gets erased when power is urned off. i... changed
Sentence: The material for this coat is supposed to suddenly like RAM. so VOLATHLE means liable to
be imperviuus to rain. change.
MN: im (not) +pravesh (enter) so impenetrable.
19. METICULOUS: careful, serupulous
9 mplacable: incapable of being placated, umappeasable Sentence: IHe deserilbed the seene in meticulous detail.
Sentence: He has an inmplacable hatred for his political MN: It sounds like matriculation (admission to a
college).To gel matriculatiwn we should be as a
mcliculous (carelul) aspirant to clear tlhe exani.
MN: Sounds like IMPLIEASABLE some one wlo
cannot be pleased or appeased-- not pacifiable.
20. WELTER: urmoil: a hewilderine jumble. confusion.
10. MENDACIOUS: lalse, misleading; dishonest srate
Sentence: A bewildering welter of data.
Sentencc: The newspaper story was mendcious andl
MN: I would remember it as 'world tour'. So you are
planning for a world tour. but 'confused' as where to
MN: Mendacious = requiring mending (correction).
start from, hecause there are quitle a lot couniries to he
covered. Hence 'confused due to nultiple things.
21. FERVOR: warmth of feelings: earnestness, cagerness. 30. ATROCITY: great cruelty
7eal Sentence: Atrocities were commitled by forces on hoth
Sentence: The fevor surruunding her campaign sides of the conllict.
MN: Divide it like Atro (sounds like nmctro) +city...and
continued right through Election Day.
MN: Fervor - relate it to exam fever. You become so we always get the news of brutal and cruel
much ardent and enthusiastic to study for that one night hehavior..From METRO (ATRO) CITIES.
to get good marks... You have an intense feeling to

31. AUDACIOUS: daring, foolishly bold. impudent
Sentence: She made an audacious decision to quit her
22. FIASCO: the complete failure of something planned, job
MN: Audacious...auda(AUDIBLE)..IF YOU WANT
Sentence: The entire nmarriage was a fiasco because of to be audible to millions of people
you have to be very
the rains. daring and bold ,to go to the stage and deliver your
MN: Fiusco = Psycho. If you are a psycho, more message.
possibility is that you will fai.
32. JUVENILE: a young person who is neither a child nor
23. FORMIDABLE: very great and frightening: causing IS grown up

fear, anxiety. doubt, cte Sentence: She criticized his juvenile behavior at the
Sentence: He has mastered a formidable amount of party.
material MN: Juvenile can be related to junior that is young
MN: FOR+ME+DEVIL...he is so strong...I'm afraid of person.
33. KUDOS: praisr glory, esteem
24. FORTIFY: strengthen has earned kudos for
Sentence: The Company
responding s o quickly to customers'
Sentence: He took a deep breath to fortify himself
in Hindi). One JUMPS
before stepping onto the stage. MN: KUDO (means to jump
MN: Fort is strong and fortify is to strengthen. wilh joy on receiving an HONOUR.

hewildering complex, a weh,

25. DISINGENUOUS: hypocritical, artful. trying to 34. LABYRINTH: a maze, a

deceive. cunning langle instruments

Sentence: Her recent expressions of concern are self- Sentence: The cockpit was a labyrinth of
serving and disingenuous, and conurols.
MN: INGENUOUS (can be remembered as genuine) 1IS MN: Break this word as LAB+YRIN (wiring) +'n'th.
term. So
SINCERE, INNOCENT AND SOPHISTICATED. Generally in maths we u s e 1.2,3.4...nth
statement is "There are so many (n) wires in the LAB
AND disingenuous IS not naive, insincere.
which leads to complexion. --> Which is the meaning.

26. DOGGEREL: Irivial; poorly constructed verse, having

no acsthetic value, crude 35. LACERATE: to tear roughly as with fingernails or

Sentence: Her doggerel verse was not appreciated. knife

MN: Look for the dog word here...and now ry lo Sentence: The patient's hand was severely lacerated.
MN: LACERate can be thought of LASER light which
imagine about the song... WHO LET THE DOGS
OUT...ISNT IT FUNNY..SO SOMETHING tears, mangles if focused for long time.
COMICAL...SO A COMIC .SONG...COMIC 36. OSTENTATIOUS: fond of showing: ostentation:
VERS.. lamboyant; flashy: swanky
Sentence: The power of the government was present, in
27. DOGMATIC: positive. certain, arbitrary, without room its watchmen. supervisors of the market and police
for discussion force, but it did not express itself in large
Sentence: She's become so dogmatic lately that arguing and ostentatious buildings.
with her is pointless. MN: OSTENTATIOUS....rcad it as

MN: If you iry to read "dogmatic" from back to front, Stuntatious....Stunts... you perlorm stunts to allract
you will get "I am god". The person who thinks that he atention, showy.
is a god is arrogant and stubhorn.
37. OVERWEENING: presupluously arrogant,
28. ARDUOUS: steep. difficult ascent; laborious overbearing, immoderate
Sentence: He went through a long and arduous training Sentence: A director who has little patience
program. for overweening actors who think they are above taking
MN: Arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us". advice and eriticism,
MN: A person who wins over and over becomes
29. ASCETIC: practicing self-denial, austere, slark
Sentence: An ascetic diet of rice and hcans.
arrogant. Ile now arrogantly presumes that he will
always win.
MN: Somcone who leaves all AESTHETICs is an


38. OVERWHELM; weigh down, submerge, overpower

Sentence: The city was ovenvhelmed
by the invading
MN: over + vahem (hindi)
superstition which usually

over powers.

39. PALATIAL: magnisicent

Sentence: She was awestruck by the palatia / house

MN: Read it: palashial
i.e., likea palace.
40. VITUPERATE: curse, abuse in words; berate defame:
denigrate; censure
Sentence: Every weck the minister would ascend the
pulpit and vituperate the parishioners for a litany of
MN: Think of the word "berate" (to scold/rebuke) ---
vitu (p) BERATE.


SET-6 10. ADMONITORY: containing warning: reprimand

. Sentence:
VIVACIOUS: ively, high-spirited Admonitory articles abound around
Sentence: The poem is a vivacious expression of his Hallowcen, warning parents of the hazards of trick-or
love for her. treating.
MN: You should try to be lively at the time of MN: Remember MONITOR in class who used to give
your admonitory gesture and warning other students not to

ZEALOT: fanatic: a person who shows excessive zeal

11. AMELIORATE: improve, make better
Sentence: Zealots on both sides of the issue resorted to
name-calling and seare tactics. Sentence: This medicine should help ameliorate the
MN: Zealot zeal + lot one who shows pain.

a lot of zeal MN: Ameli (Imli) improves the taste of food.

INDELIBLE: that cannot be rubbed out; unable to be

12. APATHETIC: indifference
Sentence: Winning the state baskethall
championship Sentence Young people are becoming
was our leam's most indelible
experience. increasingly apathetic.
MN: Indelible: in + delete + able- which ecan't be MN: Apathetic: A Past Ethic (a moral principle) which
is uninterested to today's generations.

4. INDIGENCE: poverty: lacking 13. LUMINARY: 1ar, light-giving body

Sentence: He was awed by the vast number
Sentence: There are various stute and federal programs
of luminaries in the night sky.
to help relieve indigence.
Luminary sounds like luminous (under light).So,
MN: Indigence- indigenous or aboriginal people in others.
celebrity who is in the limelight inspiring
most of the countries are passing their days in exureme
14. MACHIAVELLIAN: having skill in using evil

in politics: dishonest,
gain onc's aims, especially
5. INDOLENCE: laziness
Sentence: A general feeling of indolence usually Sentencc: Yet another talc of a power-mad dictator with
overtakes them during summer vacation. a Machiavellian plan to take over the world.
MN: Once you reach adolescence you become lazy. MN: Sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always
crafty and double dealing.
6. DIATRIBE: bitter and violent attack in words, dictate
order, harangue 15. MAUDLIN: sentimental in a silly or tearful way,
Sentence: The article is a diatribe against mainstream overemotional
media. Sentence: He became maudlin and started crying like a
MN: Diatribe =di-ribe = two tribes fighting..criticize. child.
MN: When she received a call from the MODELLING

7. DIFFIDENCE: shyness Company for her appointment. she became

Sentence: With habitual diffidence she handed me her
new manuscript to read out loud. dream had come true.

MN: It is like opposite of confidence means you are shy

not confident. 16. PRAGMATIC: practical, favoring utility
Sentence: His pragmatic view of public education

8. DIFEIDENT: lacking in self-confidence, shy comes from years of working in city schools.

Sentence: She was diffident about stating her opinion. MN: PRA +gma + TIC = PRA +C + TIC + al.
MN: Diffident = difficult to be confident.
17. PREVARICATE: o equivocate, lo stray rom the

DIRGE: song of mourning sung at burial. lament, truth, evade

elegy. requiem Sentence: Government officials prevaricated about the
Sentence: Bagpipes played a haunting dirge at the real costs of the project.
funeral for the fallen leader. MN: Divide it as pre (before) +var (truth) +icate
MN: Dirge - di means die, so when you die and have (gate)...I.e. before truth. you have kept a gate. Hence
done good things for people in life, a song of grief or you are LYING or HIDING THE TRUTH.
lamcnt will be sung tfor you.

PRISTINE pr1mive, unspoiled.
times. unadulterated pure, as n earlier MN: JOCOSE =

JOKE+ (SE The suffix O5S

Sentence: My olice is
ndicates this is an
Adjective, therctore pertaining t
a mess but her oflice
always pristine. s
MN: Sounds like
priest (ine) means
which is to remain in pertaining to
priesis 27.
EXONERATE: free; clear
pure stale.
Sentence: The results of the DNA
19. fingerprinting
TRUcULENCE: aggressiveness, ferocity linally exonerated he man, but only aller he had wasted
10 years of his life in
Sentence: A
congenitaltruculence that resulted in his prison.
spending most of
MN: EXONERATE break it as
his adolescence in -

EX (gone) HONOUR
homes. juvenile detention pride) t o bring back your gone or fallen honor
MN: truc (sound like getting the blame off you.
truck) + cull (means to kill
animals)+ ance (hence)... The truck
driver culled some 28.
of the animals while
driving. hence the villagers are EXORBITANT: unreasonable high
angry with him and are Sentence: They
entering the village.
aggressively barring him from calls.
were charged exorbitant rates for phone
MN: Ex (out) + orbit -
that is out of orbit
20. that are binding it. or limitations
TURBID: muddy, having the sediment stirred up
Scntencc: The pond water became
turbid from our
swimming and splashing. 29.
EXOTIC: fascinating. attractively
MN: T+URBID (urban) we introduced from strange or unusual.
can see that the urban areas
some other country (as of fashions.
are still muddy.. And disturbed plants, words etc.).
Sentence: She's known for her exotic tastes.
TURPITUDE: wickedness. shamefulness MN: You find many TV shows in
which they
Sentence: Pictorial advertisements for portray different 'Exotic Destinations' or
chic clothing and places... This
fragrances in which drug addiction and other might help remembering it.
moral furpitude are forms of
depicted as alternative fashion
statements. 30.
CYNOSURE: a centre of atention
Sentence: That
Company is the cynosure tor anyone
wishing make it in the music business.
22. MN: Relate it with
ULTERIOR: situated beyond of attraction.
dinosaur..which is always a
Sentence: Her ulterior purposes
won the elections.
were revealed after she
MN: Ulterior = ultra 31. DAUNT: intimidate. make fearful
+ interior which is very much
inside means hidden.
SENTENCE: The raging inferno diun't daunt the
firefighters for a moment.
23. JETTISON: MN: Daunt haunt
get rid of by throwing out
t0 =
if you are
discouraged to go into the hauntedfrightened

house. you wiil be

Sentence: With his ship
orderod a last-diteh jettison of muchsinking,
the captain
of its cargo.
MN: Renember JET
Airways laying off the slalf to DEARTH: shortage; seareity
reduce costs. Sentence: There was a dearth of
irewoni at the
24. MN: Earth is big. 1De-earth... (Real as
JINGOISM: military tendency: chauvinistic patriotism dearth) means
Sentence: When the war snall...snall in quantity...or areiy.
hegan many people were
caught up in a wave of jingoisn.
MN: Jin 33. APPEASE: makr quiet or calm
Aladdin onc) had exircne and
uncontrolled loyalty towards his master. Sentence: They appeased the dictator hy accepting his
demands in an elol lu avod war.
25. MN: Appease...pp (uppeal) +pease (y*nce) appeal tor
JINX: something which brings bad luck
Sentence: He fclh like he'd
finally broken the jinx.
MN: Sounds like
jinks (win)....a person who wins every 34. APTROPRIATE: ake for one's own use, acquire, set
ime seems to cause bad luck for
losers. aside
Sentence: The town has appropriated lunds o repair
26. JOCOSE: humorous: playful the bridge and work should begin this summer.
Sentence: The comedian's jocose inlroductions kept the MN: Appropriate = a + property iate.. Ie. to make it
awards ceremony from becoming a stodgy affair. your own property... by force if required... And also
when you are appropriatingit your self you are
"allocating" il lo yourself.


35. AUGMENT: 1o inerease

Sentence: The nmoney augmented his fortune.
MN: You can renmember it as opposite of segment..
segment means to make les... augment means to add.

36. FRENETIC: frantic, frenzied

Sentence: The celebration was noisy and frenetic.
MN: Frantic =Frenetic = Frenzied.

37. GAINSAY: to deny, declarc false. to oppose

Sentence: lt can't be gainsaid that most people wish
they had more time and money.
MN: She has (Gain) ed weight but is not (say) ing it
which means, she is denying the fact.

38. GARNER: to gather and save; to store up

Sentence: She garmered more evidence lo support her
MN: Sounds like a gardener who gathers fruits and
vegetables from his/her garden.

39. LARCENY: an act of stealing: theft of personal

Sentence: He was arrested and charged with larceny.
MN: Break it up into LA-R-CENY LA (Law) and
CENY (rhymes with Money or CENT for money)
Unlawful taking of moncy = thcft.

40. LASSITUDE: weariness, tiredness

Sentence: Symptoms of the disease include paleness
and lassitude.
MN: After a heavy lunch, if you drink a glass of
LASSI, you will go into a lassitude i.c. wearincss,
lethargy and ultimately go to sleep.



you have a group of pcple of varuus sexea

you have a TEROGFNEOUS up


LEXICOGRAPHER compiler of dictiomary people

Sentence. To the lexicographer. God
that comes next
Is a wod
tO go-cart. 1POCl periud of
history of the earth
historeal ume, r an age n th

Maceraie: soften by souking Sentence. The (Civil War era was an pnch in tMh
Sentence Garnished with cherics that had century T.S. history
been macerated in MN: pics are based n
liqueur epochs
MN: Macerate sounds like
marinate. Marinating
chwken or paneer in spices and masala to make them 12.
EQUANIMITY calmness of temperarment
tender. If you over do it. you will end up spoiling it. Sentence: Those who are doomed to become artsts are
seldom blessed with
PRODIGAL: wasteful, reckless with money MN: FOUAL+ENEMY (ity) Seeing enemy a a friend
Senience The prodigal child always speni her i.e.. with CALMNESS OF TEMPERAMENT
allowance the minute she got it.
MN: (PROD) as in proud: GAL with be spend thrift. 13. EQUIPOISE: ecqual distrihution of weight. equilshrum
Sentence: When
any dangcrous spert

4 PROFANE: showing disrespeet for rcligion or holy one should maintain equipoise between fearles
things: violate sanctity boldnes and commonsense
MN: equi + pose => if you hold an
Sentence: The once-lovely landscape had equal weight in beuth
heen profaned by ugly factories. hands you will have a hetter pose.
MN: Propane' being unextinguishable is not allowed in
mosque/temple. 14. EQUIVOCAL: having a double or doubtful
suspicious; unclear as can be meant in more than one
VILIFY: lander, say evil things way
Sentence: He was vilified in the press for his comments. Sentence: He responded to repurters questuons
MN: Vilify (to speak ill of) is to make someone out too with equivocal answers.
be a v1llain. MN: If everyone spoke in an
"equal-voice" you
wouldn't be able lo decipher who was calling.
VINDICTIVE: having a desire to revenge, having
contempt for God 15. CONNOISSEUR: person with
good judgment cg.
Sentence: Be careful not to annoy the vindictive old n art)
woman who lives down the street. Sentencc: A forthcoming cxhibit at the art muscum that
MN: Vindictive=win+addictive obsessed about is cagerly awaited by connoisseurs of ancient Greek
s o always having ill will against others. pottery.
MN: (In Hindi Language) Connoisseur sounds ike

PROFLIGATE: wasteful, kaun inse surc nahi hoga. kaun nahi sure... Ye
prodigal, licentious. to enpert
extravagant hai. He is connoisseur. He is an EXPERT.
Sentence: She was very profligate in her spending.
MN: Profligate= spend profusely like Bill Gates. 16. CONTAGIOUS: spread by touch (adj)
Sentence: It's a highly contugious virus.
8. MN: contag+ious CONTAG (contact) tious soething
TRANSIENT: temporary, fleeting
Sentence: A Summer in New York is actually Europe, that SPREADS when comes in CONTACT with hody
the Sequel -city of transient Danes and Italians and or something: so something that SPREADS
Spaniards and French.
MN: Renember transient light and ransient current.. 17. CONTAMINATE: to polluie
that we studied in
physics....which produces an effect Sentence: Be carelul not t allow baricna
for a very short time. to contaninate the wound.
9. HERMETIC: sealed by fusion: airtight
Scntence: He wrote hermetic poetry 18. AUSTERE: severely moral and siriet, snple and platn
whose sole
intended readership was himself. Scntence: Ile was n o n for
hisauere style
MN: Homophone: hermclic hermit. The hermit lives writing.
in a hermnetic den. MN: auslere sunls like severe which it iaas

10. 19. AVIER: alfirn, assert, pve. juitty

IETEROGENEQUS: made up of dilferent kinds;
viaricd Sentence: Ile ave'tmed tin,at he wav nncent.
Sentence: The MN: A VIERy conlident statemeni.
seating the hall Wis
a heterogeneous collection of old school desk chairs.
wood and metal folding chairs, and even a lew plush
theater scats.
AZURE: sky blue color MN: I sounds ike matrIculation (admi.
Sentence: She dreamt of college).To gel matriculation we ould
floating in the azure sky.
MN: Like
Azharuddin.... capain of lndian meticulous (carclul) aspirant lo clear the cxam he
team....used to wear a blue shirt and ericket
blue. pant.. men in 31. MISANTHROPE: person who hates mankind
Sentence: A former misanthrope who now pro
INIMITABLE: defying imitation.
Sentence: An inimitable unmatchable
newly discovered love of mankind.
MN: "misien"in Grcck means "to hate" and"n
MN: Imitable= which perfornmer
of violin solos.
can be imitated or
imitable =which cannot be copied in
means "niankind" so Misanthrope means hropo
imitated. mankind
INNOCUOUS: causing no harm,
inoffensive 32. FFFERVESCE: to bubble over: to show excite
Sentence: He told a few innocuous
jokes. Sentence: His fertile effervescent mind is at
MN: in (not) +nocuous
(noxious).. Means not
33. EFFICACY: production of a desired result
noxious.SOmething which is not noxious is harmless.
Sentence: In the planner's view, Rumsfeld
goals: to demonstrate the efficacy of precision ihad
NSINUATE: suggest unpleasantly; make a way 1or w
something gently and to "do the war on the cheap."| mbin
Sentence Years were needed for the MN: effic (EFFICIENT) +AC(Y)...So just
insinuate himsclf into the terrorist
to agent check ut f
organization. your AC has thc cfficicncy to PROD
MN: IN (not)
hint or imply.
+SIGN....without any signal i.e. indirecily cooling. DESIRED
34. EFFIGY: dummy
NEOPHYTE: person who has been converted to a Sentence: The loothall coach was burned in efigy
belicf efigy.
Sentence: Neophytes are 35. CADAVEROUS: corpselike; deadly pale
assigned an experienced
church member to guide them
through their first year. Sentence: A lall, cadaverou4s man led into the
MN: Split the word into "neo MN: The presence of a carnivorous
the matrix hero" and (feeding

"phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix nmovie as a makes you cadaverous.
on lesh
beginner or new comer to save the revolution.
36. CADENCE: rhythm. measured movement esp. of
25. NEXUS: a connection. tie, sound
link or
Sentence: The oft-repeated claim that Sentence: He speaks with a soft Southern cadenre.
any person on the
planet can be connected to any other person through MN: Cadence -> dance- replace e with a...and it
a nexus of six out to be dance. People dance to the
relationships. fall of the sound beats.
rhythmic rise and
MN: Remember naxalites.
They have groups and
connections with each other.
37. CAJOLE: to persuade by flattery or deceit; to coax; to
26. NIGGARDLY: wheedle
not willing spend imoney: Sentence: He
parsimonious cajoled
her into doing his laundry for him.
Sentence: She's a niggurdly woman, so don't expect a MN: Renember, bollywood actress. KAJOL. she is
one of the most talkative, candid and
handout from her. energetic actresses
we have in the industry... why is she
MN: nigg+HARDILY... he Hardly spends money. portraying that
image??? Probably she is doing this to bag a film or two
27. VIGILANCE: watchfulness, from KARAN JOHAR.
self-appointed group who
1mainlain order
38. INCUMBENTS: official duties
Sentence: Eternal vigilunce is the price of frecdo.
Sentence: Voters will have the chance to see
MN: Glance==watch==watchfulness.
the incunmbent and her opponent in a series of three
28. debates.
VIGILANT: member of a vigilance commitlce
Sentence: When traveling through the cily, tourists
should be extra vigilun1. (determincd) to bring an INCUM home. as it i
MN: Vigil (is to watch carcfully) +ant. One who NIECESSARY to survive.
watches carefully.
3. INCURSION: a raid. a sudden attack

29. MELLIFLUOUS: sweetly lowing the life of an insect: Sentence: There vere incursions from the border every
pleasant to hear.
MN: When you are on an excursion you go to places lor
Sentence: A rich, mellifluous voice that gcts her a lot of
Tun but when you are incursion then you don't just vist
work in radio and TV commercials.
you invade it temporarily.... so incursion is opposie
MN: The music played by a 'Fluie' is melliuous: close
to melodious. excursion.
30. METICULOUS: giving great attention to details: very PETULANT: unreasonably in1patient
Sentence: Her tone
careful & precise was
and angry.
MN: The pet - u - lent me is getting me irrilae.
Sentence: He is meticulous about keeping accurate


SET-8 9 BANCFUL: harmful. destructive

Sentence: 'The legislation could have a buneful effect on

alm, sluggish temperament;
the poor.
MN: Baneful = B(bad) + painful; anything which is had
Sentence: A strangely and painful ultimately ruins us and leads to death.
phlegmatic response
should have been happy news. to what
MN: Phlegmatie -> 10.
plleg (flag) when we hoist a FLAG ELATION: high-spirits, great happiness
we have the AUTOMATIC reaction
to be calm and Sentence: Most people can't imag th kind
unexciled. of elation that comes with winning a super lottery s
grand prize, but they're dying to find out.
2. PITFALL: covered hole as a trap, unsuspected danger MN: In this clection Congress was very happy.
Sentence: Buying a house can be full of
pitfalls for the
unwary. I1.
ELUCIDATE: to explain, to enlighten, to clarify
MN: THERE is a pit to make Sentence:
you lall...trap. When asked for details, he declined
10 elucidate further.
3. VALIANT: brave; showing courage MN: Think of lucid. which means clear.
Sentence: She died last year after a valiant batle with
cancer. 12. ELEGY: a lament, a melancholy composition
MN: Separate Valiant into
Valley + Ant. Now think Sentence: 0 Captain! My Captain!" is Walt
"ants" audaciously walking through a
"valley" to gather Whitman's elegy on the death of President Lincoln.
their food. MN:
Fla)-LEGY(legendry) if
dies..peuple sing a mournlul poem or people lamenl
legendry person
4 LARCENY: thefi. robbery or regret for his death.

Sentence: He was arrested and charged with

MN: Break it up into LA-R-CENY LA (Law) and 13. INURED: accustomed
CENY (rhymes with Money or CENT for
to, adapted
money) Sentence: The hardship of army
Unlawful taking of money = theft. the rigors of desert warfare.
lraining inured her lo


again and again will become
GRIMACE: Iwisted expression of a face TOUGH.
Sentence: The palient made a
painlul grimace as the
doctor examined his wound. 14.
INVECTIVE: abusive language. curses
MN: (sounds like himesh
reshamiya... Whose songs are Sentence: An overbearing. bullying boss who is fond of
such that he always sings with facial distortions sending invective e-mails to long-suffering assistants.
symbolizing pain and anguish...). MN: ENVY + ACTIVE or Active
can cause
you to ABUSE the other person.
6. 1HARANGUE: a long passionate speech criticize at
length in an aggressive manner 15. PROBITY: uprightness, incorruptibility. principle
Sentence: He delivered a long harangue about the evils Sentence: A person of indisputable probiry must head
of popular culture. the disciplinary panel.
MN: HARANGUE can be split as har + ang + u + MN: Probe is done to verify probity. So
e...s0 when YOU are ANGry with HAR (her), she is probily=necessity (or reason) for probe.
subjected to a long or intensive verbal attack.
16. PROCLIVITY: inclination: a endeney to do
7. HIBERNATION: (some animals) remaining inactive, something regularly.
lying dormant throughout winter Sentence: Kate showed artistic proclivities at an early
Sentence: Bears hibernating in their dens. ugc.
MN: hibe is like 'hide MN: Acclivity- an upward slope: Declivity
downward slope: Proclivity -- a natural inclination.

8. BANAL: uninteresting, commonplacc tritc, unoriginal

Sentence: He made some banal remarks about he 17. PROLIFERATE: grow rapidly: lourish; thrive.
Sentence: Rumors aboul the incident proliferated on the
MN: 'ban + al' --> "ban all' those directors whose movies
are banal' (the same old story lines are repcated;
(another meaning) dull and unoriginal (dubhed)). MN: Life rate=its always increasing.

URBANE: elegant, retined in manners 27. EXUBERANCE: slate ol growing vigorousl.
Sentence: The dialogue is witty and urbanc. full of life usly: being
MN: Urban (e) Sentence: The exuberance of the
pcople living in urban arcas generally housing
have refined socal
experience. encouraging cconomic indicato. rket was an

MN: Barron's overllows with that big wordlis

19. GOURMET: person who knows a lot about food and
drinks, and who is good at choosing what should be 28. EXULT: to rejoice: to show delight
combined together: a connoisseur of food
Sentence: The winners of thc Super Bowl
Sentence: Food eritics have to be gourmets in order to week exulting in their victory.
Bowl spent the nex
write about food in an informed
way. MN: EXam+resULT - he was
MN: Gourmct- A guru
(expert) of meat (all food and exam rosult was oul
because he had tonn
drink) = 'A connoisseur of fine food and drink'.
exams. hi

(of people or speech) using long 29. FACETIOUS: humorous, funny, jocular
important sounding being uncertain, hesitating
Sentence: The essay is a facetious
Sentence: A heavyweight champion who was famous absurdity of solulion for
war as a
on commentary
for his
entertaining grandiloquence prior to international disn
match. every MN: Someone who makes
funny laces
Facetious>>>Face is not Serious.
MN: Grandiloquent

ELOQUENT can spcaker
POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front of a 30. FACILE: easily done: lacking careful thought
HUGEGRAND crowd. Sentence This problem needs
more than just
a facile solution.
21. CYGNET: a young swan MN: Facile---> Face I will... will be
I able to face
Sentence: The young cygnet has started problem /person because it is EASY
adult feathers.
sprouting its VERY LITTLE EFFORT) Lo solve. (REQUIRES

22. CYNIC: a person who thinks that men always act

LACHRYMOSE: causing tears, tearful
selfishly. and makes unkind and unfair remarks about Sentence: The more lachrynose mourners
at the funeral
people and their motives. skeptic required a steady supply of tissues.
Sentence: A cynic might
the hospital just to gain votes.
think that the governor visited Lachrymose-lac+chry
when you cry most you
(cry) +mose (most), so

produce 'lears'.
MN: Cynic sounds like, 'Pyschie' i.e. bad
32. LACONIC: brief, to the point, terse
DEBACLE: collapse. sudden Sentence: He had a reputation for
disaster, downfal being laconic.
stampede MN: LAC..LACK, SO LACK OF
WORDS in her
Sentence: After the dehacle of his first
novel, he had speech, specify that she used very few words to portray
trouble getting a publisher for his next book. her ideas.
MN: Dc-BUCKLE (BELT) As in Belt's buckle
. .

removed on stage.. Which was a 33. LANKY: very thin and ungracefully tall
Sentence: The lanky baskethall star was slam-
great at
24. DEASE: to lower in quality, valve or character dunking.
Sentenc The MN: LOCK+KEY....key of a lock is thin and tall.
holiday has been debased by
MN: de (ineans without) think of 34. REVERE: have deep respect for someone or to think
/something without having any base or value. highly of someone
Sentence: In SOme cultures people rerere their
25. BALEFUL: full of hate and desire to do harm,
ancestors, even leaving food offerings for them.
pernicious; threatening to cause harm. MN: When it comes to river. Holy River Ganga comes
Sentencc: The in our mind. And we have respect for Her.
baleful effects of water pollution.
MN: When we pronounce this word, this word
similar to word painful..and anything painful is 35. RUBRIC: a set of instructions: heading, title., or
always a result of an evil act. category
Sentence: The rubrics at the beginning of the chapter
are intended to be humorous.
26. BASHFUL: shy. diffident, shamefaced, sheepish
Sentence: A bashfiul child who hid in his room MN: rulBRICK.So BRICKS are usually red in color
and every brick has a company name on it(title) on it.
whenever there were visitors in the house.


36. SAGACIOUS: having sound judgment; perceptive.

wise: like a sage
Sentence: The winner is praised for his sagacious
of the hopes and anxictics of the public.
MN: Sagacious look like suggest u...and we
ASK WISE PEOPLE to suggest us, whenever we are in

37. SALIENT: prominent, protruding, conspicuous, highly

Sentence: Marconi's salient achievement was to realize
that radio waves could be transmitted across vast
distances, an incalculable step forward in mass
rhyming words
with the same meaning. Both words are used to describe
the most noticeable (important) factors in a
of something.

TRANSGRESS: break, go heyond (a limit)
Sentence: He who transgresses must seek forgiveness.
MN: TRANS-Beyond GRESS-Step.

39. TRITE: not new: common place: banal ordinary:

Sentence: That argument has become trite.
MN: Trite = tri +it ( so sounds like try + it) She made
the same dish all the time and give it to her friends
saying. 'try it' ... as it is repeated so many times. it
becomes over familiar.

40. UNSCATHED: unharmed, unhurt

Sentence: She escaped from the wreckage unscathed.
MN: Scathed sounds like scared. If you are not scared
you are unharmed.


SET-9 9. DEBONAIR: (usually deseriptive of men) gay and

charming: stylish
. Sentence: His debonair dismissal of my inquiry
MORIBUND: at the point of death, near terination,
lifeless concerning his financial situation led me to believe that
Sentence: The peace talks are moribund. nothing was wrong
MN: Debo sound like 'Bebo' Kareena Kapoor who is
MN: Bund in Hindi means "end" or "finish". So that's
the end stylish.
meaning its dying. So "moribund" means
10. DECORUM: propriety. properness
MULTIFARIOUS: varied, motley, greatly diversified Sentence: High standards of decorum are usually
Sentence: The multifarious interests and activities in required when atlending the opera.
which Benjamin Franklin immersed himself. MN: "decor um"; decor them to make them more proper
MN: MULTIFARIOUS=MULT+FARIOUS, farious and correct.
rhymes with both multi and various means
the same...VARIED and GREATLY DIVERSIFIED. 11. BURNISH: to polish, rub to a shine
Sentence: Burnished the floor of the ballroom to a soft
3. GREGARIOUS: living in
societies: liking luster.
company: sociable MN: Remember Varnish - used on wooden things to
Sentence: She is outgoing and make thenm shine.
MN: Remember AGGREGATION means
gathering 12. CACOPHONY loud unpleasant mixture of sound.
something together.. similarly AGGREGATION ->
Sentence: The sounds of barking dogs and sirens added
to the cacophony on the strects.
GRIEVANCE: cause for complaint or protest
MN: Sounds like "Cough" (a HARSH sound). Iu also
Sentence: He has a deep sense of grievance against his
sounds like "Coflin"(a lharsh image).
former employer.
MN: griev+ance=griev sounds like grief, when you are
in grief (sorrow) you complain against everything. 13. IMPECCABLE: faultless: perfect, flawless
Sentence: The etiquette expert was celebrated for her

5. absolutcly impeccable manncrs.

TCON: image. statue, portrait representation (of sacred
MN: im+pecca (pakkia, it was there in our science bouh
in class 2)...pakka house is always faulless as
Sentence: The Statue of Liberty has become an
compared to kutcheha house.
American cultural icon.
MN: icon => ido
14. IMPEDE: hinder;, get in the way of; block progress
Sentence: He claims that econonic growth is
6. ICONOCLASTIC: aliacking cherished beliefs;
destroying images uscd in religious worship being impeded by government regulations.
MN: Impede from impedance meaning resistance
Scntence: Notorious as an ir onoclast, that musie critic
isn't afraid to go after sacrcd cows.
MN: Icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who 15. IMPERMEABILE: that cannot be permeated
destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast. Sentence: An inmpermeable layer of rock.
MN: im (no) +perneable (permission) thal nneans no

ADAMANT: obdurate. inflexible; slubborn pernissin for seepage.

Sentcncc: We've tricd to talk him into coming with us,
but he's ddumant about staying here. 16. PROPITIATORY: conciliatory. appeasing. mitigating
MN: A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY Sentence: lle sent his girlfriend lowers as
INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles ean pass apropitiatory gesture for a date gone sour.
through it. MN: A PROPITIATORY gesture is thhe PROPer action
to take when you've done
CULPABILE: guilty: deserving blame
Sentence: He's more culpable than the others because 17. PRUDENCE: careful forethought
he'sold enough to know better. Sentence: He always exercises prudence witli his
MN Culp (culprit)...soa culprit is always finances.
DISERVING OF BAME FROM EVERYONE. MN: Do you know ICICI Prudential Corporation'? An
insurance company. So., prudence - caution -carclul
18. QUIBBLE: slight eriticism: to make trivial objection 27. LUCRATIVE: bringing in plenty of money: profitable
Sentence: Don't quibble over who gets to sit in front. be
Sentence: The business has proved
MN: Query + babble (minor
objection/murmuring). highly lucrative.
MN: look+ creative and hence anything of such a sort 1s
TORTUOUS: full of twists and bends sure to earn you profit.
Sentence: A tortuous mountain road nmarked
numerous hairpin turns. 28. LUDICROUS: ridiculous, absurd
MN: A tortoise does not move in straight line... it Sentence: A ludicrous and easily detected attempt to
Iwisting and turning making path complicated. forge his father's signature on a note to school.
MN: Rearranging the word you get ridiculous... which
20. is humorOus... i.c. laughable: trifling.
TRACTABLE: easily controllable: manageable
Sentence: This new approach should make the problem
more tractable. 29. LUSCIOUS: very attractive: beautiful; ripe and
MN: Tractable sounds Iractor, which makes it easy healthy. juicy and tasty
to manage a ficld. Sentence: Chocolate cake with a luscious
cream topping.
21. BOORISH: crude. offensive, rude MN: Rhymes with delicious. And it means
Sentence: Boorish behavior. sueh as yelling for service
(In fact it is derived from delicious).
in restaurants.
MN: Every one sounds BOO towards RUDE and 30. SUPERFLUOUS: more then is needed or wanted
INSENSTTIVE persons. Sentence: Cleared off all the
desk to make room for the new
superfluous stuff on his
22. BURGEON: grow forth, send out buds MN: Divide it as
super+flow... When there is large
Sentence: The market for collectibles has burgeoned in (super) flow of water. it becomes EXCESSIVE /
recent years. OVERABUNDANCE of water
MN: Burge+on sounds like Bulge which nmeans
growing big. SUPERSEDE: take the placeof
Sentence: Former stars were being superseded by
23. DETEST: hate. abhor younger actors.
Sentence: I detest pepperoni. and wouldn't eat it if MN: When a SUPER new
you thing arrives. we REPLACE
paid me. SET ASIDE the old thing because il is
MN: detest=== de (dubara) test== I hate
TEMERITY: boldness, brashness, intrepidness
24. CALIBER: ability; capacity Sentence: He was punished for his
Sentence:I was impressed by MN: Tenmerity (boldness) is the
the high caliber of the ofopposite timidity.
team's work. which means fear or
MN: You must remember a motor bike brand BAJAJ
CALIBER, which is a good QUALITY MOTOR 33.
BIKE lirmness. persistency, adhesiveness,
tending to hung on
25. EPITOME: representative example: typical Sentence:
a model
Sentence: The golden rule is often cited as MN: Tenacity: teen's consistent
the epitome of moral conduct: "Do
activity 1.
unto others as you deternination to continue what he/she's doing.
would have them do unto
the TOMB of Mumtaz Mahal
is an EPIC about 34.
INCESSANT: continuous; never
(TAJ MAHAL) that it Sentence: The incessant noise fronn an outside repair
took nearly 200
years to complete
that is why it is A crew was a real distraction during the lest.
PERFECT EXAMPLE f MUGHAL MN: IN (MEANS not) +cessa (sounds like
(MEANS TO STOP)..something
which does o t
and continues forever. hence stop
EPITAPH: inseription in menory of dead
person, often UNCEASING.
written on a stone above his
Sentence: The epitaph reads "In loving memory of John 35.
Gray: husband. father, and soldier."
INCHOATE: not yet fully formed. rudimentary.
elementary: incipient
MN: the tomb of his father
person writing on
'epitah' Sentence: Inchoate feelings of affection for a man
whom she hud, up till now,
thought of as only a friend.
MN: Choate seems like "chote"...for
bachche" means nut fully yrown
example "chote
up or in the initial
stage of life.
36. INDUBITABLE: irrefutable: unquestionable
Sentence: The indubitable fact that there are no more

woolly mammoths or saber-toothed tigers around.

MN: in doubiable.

37. DOLDRUMS: low spirits

Sentence: The theater scene iS usually in
the doldrums during the summer.
MN: d+old+drums.. The old drums are inactive.

38. DROWSINESS fecling sleepy. half asleep

Sentence: The drow'sy students shullled into the first-
period class.

39. EBULLIENT: overflowing with enthusiasm: showing

MN: Your dad purchasing you a new 'Enfield Bullet so
you show your 'Excitement' -> ebullient.

40. ECCENTRICITY: oddity: idiosynerasy

Sentence: Some people weren't very tolerant of
his eccentricity
MN: Eccentricity--focus on the word
ec-CENTRIC+ity-- focus on the word CENTRIC...A
we lind his behavior
person who is very self centric
very unconventional and strange.


SET-100 10. SUNDRY: various, miscellancous, separale

Sentence: She went shopping for sundry ilemns
BOLSTER: give greatly
needed support,
MN: SEVERAL fruits are SUN-DRIED 1o turn them
Sentence: She
came with me to into dry fruits
bolster my confidence.
REINFORCE. 11. TIMID: shy. easily frightened
Sentence: She's very timid and shy when meeting
2. strangers.
CALLIGRAPHY: beautiful writing by hand
Scntence: She specializes in
scrollwork with 12. INEFFABLE: too great to be described in words:
beautiful calligraphy.
unspeakable: indefinable
MN: Calli is the term for
beauty and is opposite to caco, Sentence: An ineffable beauty descends upon the
graph is something that is wrilten to
project your canyon as the sun begins to set. calligraphy is beautiful MN: In+ef+ fable. Fable means story. Sory can he told.
In-fable means something which can not be uttered such
3. CALLOW: unfledged. raw, inexperienced as the name of Lord
Voldemort (from Harry Potter).
Sentence: A story about a callow
youth who learns the 13.
value of hard work and self-reliance. INSIPID: without taste or flavors: bland: vapid
MN: CALLOW also means Sentence: The soup was rather insipid.
immature...SHALLOW MN:
rhymes with CALLOW..callow people are shallow in+siptid (it) in-'not. -ve prefix', so when you do
not sip
(immature). it, i.e. a juice, then it means the
juice lacks
GRATIS: free; without any payment 14.
Sentence: INSOUCIANT: unconcerned. carefree
Sentence: She wandered into the
MN: gratis= grant + is, grant from meeting with
government is free. complete insouciance to the fact that she was late.
MN: sounds like
like a waiter
LUCID: easy to understand: clear Soup wilh an ant in it showing his unconcern.
Sentence: He is able to
recognize his wife in 15.
his lucid moments. CONUNDRUM: a riddle, dilemma, enigma
MN: Lucid has root 'luc', mcans Sentence: The conundrum of how an
'light' under the ancient people
easily understand everything. light. were able to build such
massive siructures without the
bencfit of today's knowledge and
MN: Drum ke andar kaun hai.
6. ENTRANCE: to enter: to come in;
spcll on somcone
delight; to cast a
Sentence: The book deseribes his entrance into
CONVOLUTED: complicated: coiled. Iwisted
politics. Sentence: A connoluted explanation that lefi the

hypnotized. listeners cven nore confused than they e r e

held spellbound. MN: Volve is root which mcans o roll. Con
which prefin is

means together. If you roll some thing

MAWKISH: cxpressing love, admiration eie. in
completely (within it sel) it hecomes cumplicated. And
silly difficult to eniangle i.
way, scntimental in excessive way

Sentence: A mawkish plea for donations to the

eharity. 17. CRAVEN: cow.rlly: lacking courage
MN: Mawkish: Read it -Make+Wish: An
insincerely Sentence: A craven relusal to deliver the unwelcomme
emotional person is always ready to muke wish. news personally.
MN: Craven -- is the opposite of "hrane'.
8. ITTERY: nervousness: restive: cdgy
Sentence: The latest economic news as ade somIe 8. DECLIVITY: downward slope. sloping ground
investors jitlery. Sentence: The cabin is precariousBy
a decliviY ol the mountain's northein face.
perched on
MN: jitler' rhymes to 'tilter whiclh means a nervous
MN: Acclivity: upslope of hili.. So,
laugh. down
declivity is the
slope of a hill
9 SUMPTUOUS: magnificent; costly 19. ERUDITE: learned, scholarly
Sentence: The cruise ship cluims Sentence: The mosl erudite pcople in medical research
oller sumptuous furnishings, exquisitely prepared attended the conlerence.
cuisine. and stellar entertainment. MN: e+RUD (RUIDE)
just concenirate on
MN Just focus on SUM(means whole RUDE IT..NOW THINK OF
Tude IT
aount )+pluous.... well you have decided to spend PROFESSIONAL WHO IS
whole amount of yours arvund a ctore Xn your CONSIDERED ASALEARNED man.or scholarly.
wedding..So you are trying to be sumptuous.

abstruse: intended only for a small cirele 30. FRAGILE: easily injured. broken or
Senlence: Sentence: Her health has always heen very frugile.
Metaphysics is such an esoteric
subjecl that MN: Chances of getting F'RA clure is casy lor
people arecontent to leave it to the people.. They are FRAGILE.
MN: Rhyme with HISTORIC philosophers.
people. things are known to lew
31. FRANTIC: wildly excited withjoy, pain, anxiety
21. ETYMOLOGY: Sentence: They wcre making frantic preparations
branch of linguistic for
science the party.
concerned with formation of word and
meaning; history of a word
development of MN: Frantic = l'renetic = lirenzied.

Sentence: Several different

etymologies have been 32. GARNISH: to add to (something) as an
ornament; to
improve the taste of food
22. Sentence: Chocolate curls garnished the cake.
LUCENT: clear, convincing, bold: radiant MN: Sounds like FURNISH... Means
Sentence: The moon was a lucent orb in the
eloudless house.
decorating your
autumn sky.
resembling luminescence (light) 33. STOLID: showing no emotion:
23. Sentence: The butler respondcd to the
MELANCHOLY: deep and long lasting sadness constant demands with stolid indifference.
Sentence: The bleakness of winter sometimes gives
cause for melancholy.
me MN: Stone like It becomes T SOLID. So
MN: read in hindi very SOLID against T(cars) or emo'T'ions.
mela (met) + na + koi (no one) -
gloomy. 34. SULILIED: to be stained or discredited
24. Sentence: A once-gleaming marble interior
POLEMICAL: controversial, argued decades of exposure to cigarette smoke.
sullicd by
Sentence: During the Middle Ages
could be surprisingly theologians even MN: Jake sully in "Avalur" was
soily and tarnished
MN: Refer pol to
polemical in their writings. after his raining in Pandora.
politics. as you know nodern day
politics is full of CONTROVERSIES.
35. TOPPLE: he unsteady and overturn
25. Sentence: The phone company has
QUOTIDIAN: banal: everyday place competition.
toppled its local
Sentence: Not content with the
other quotidian quarrels that MN: TOPPLIE and STUMBLE have
couples had. they had rows that shook the entire a similar sound
and they both mean, to trip and fall over.
MN: Split it as
"quote+indian".QUOTE AN INDIAN
every day. Newspapers quote opinions of Indians
36. IMMACULATE: pure, faultless. perfect
Sentence: She had an immaculate record of service.
everyday... so it's a DAILY occurence, customary. MN: Immaculate->
+MAC+LATE->I Mac (apple's
26. RAREFY: to make thin, product) hough it arrived late into the market, it is so
to make less dense. lo purify clean and spotless.
or retinee
Sentence: Previous series revolved round rarefied
IMMIGRATE: to come into a different country to
MN: make one's life and home there
Rare-fy low in density
rare -

(therefore thin, Sentence: Britain immigrated

Sparse)-Iy is a root means "to make". You "make" many colonists to
something "thinner" is rarefy.
27. BLAND: without must taste:
flavor lacking IMMUTABLE: that cannot be changed
Sentence: The vegetable soup was rather bland. Sentence: One of the immutable laws of elevision is
that low ratings
MN: Divide it into B and LAND. In a
B-barren LAND
inevitably lead to cancellation.
MN: Mutation implies
you don't get tasty food to cat. changes in genes etc. Therelore.
it is im (non) + mutable i.c. cannot
CALUMNY: malicious nmisrepresentation: slander 39.
DISCREPANCY: difference; variance in facts
Sentence: He was the target of
ralumny for his Sentence: Discrepancics in the firm's inancial
unpopular beliefs. statements led to an investigation.
MN: Sounds like kalmuhi' which is a harsh remark
MN: Break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this
is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e.
29. CARDINAL: principle. fundamental. capital, man. fancy
and creepr are dilferent.
vital. central
Sentence: My cardinal rule is to always be honest.
MN: 'cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and
the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is
responsible for the working of our body.


SET-11 9. MISOGYNIST: one who hates women/1emales

Sentence: Mr Williams always underestimales
I. wonen's capabilities, a True misogynist
DISHEVELED: untidy. bedraggled MN: mis=lo hate, and gyne=lemale as in
Sentence: His wrinkled Suit gave him
a disheveled appcarance.
10. STINGY: spending meager or giving stingy meal
MN: dis+sheve (shave) a person who doesn't shave is unwillingly

UNTIDY Sentence: The company was too stingy to raise salaries.

MN: Stingy Stinky checse. The customers of a new
2. ECLECTIC: made up from a variety of sources grocery store were reluctant to buy its stinky cheese.
Sentence: The collection includes an eclectic mix of
historical artifacts 11. TORPID: sleeping. sluggish. lethargic, dormant
MN: Eclectic or elect means, choosing the best from Sentence: My tongue and throat remained torpid for a
many sources which is the meaning of the word time following the endoscopy.
eclectic. MN: tor-pid like a tor-toise. we ail know they-are-slow.

3. EFFRONTERY: boldness, 12. FORTUITOUS: happening by chance, accidental

impudence, arrogance,
temerity, audacity Sentence: You could not have arrived at a
Sentence: The litle squirt had the effrontery to deny more fortuitous time.
cating any cookies, even with the erumbs still on his MN: Equi valent to fortunc.... fortune isn't destincd
lips. to occur it is accidental.
MN: For every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner. 13. FOSTER: nurture. care for
Sentence: Such conditions foster lhe spread of the
4. disease.
BEGUILE: deceive: to cheat.
to to charm or divert
(attractions to beguile the tourist) MN: Foster sounds like poster. Used to promote and
Sentence: She was cunning enough to beguile her encourage the sale of goods.
classmates into doing the work for her.
14. GARRISON: a group of soldiers living in a town or
MN: BE+GUILE... guile means guile fort and defending it
means to cheat or deceive.
Sentence: A gurrison of 5.000 men.
MN: William Lloyd garrison.
5. CARICATURE: mimicry,. burlesque, distorted
resemblance, parody
15. GARRULOUS: too talkative
Sentence: His performance in the film was a caricaure
Sentence: He becanme more garrulous aftier drinking a
of a hard-boiled detective.
couple of beers.
MN: Jim Carry is famous for his facial caricatures MN: (garrulous can be related to girls when
because he shows all kinds of distorted faces. pronounced) and girls talk more than boys.

6. CARNAGE: large scale killing of people, slaughter, 16. CHICANERY: deception, trickery
massacre Sentence: He wasn't above using chicanery to win
Sentence: Reporters described the highway accident as votes.
a scene of carnage. MN: Chicanery sounds like shikari who uses means of
MN: carnage = car + rage (remove n). A car coming in deception to trick animals into his traps.
rage may result in mass killing or mass destruction
17. CHIVALROUS gallant: heing polite and helpful to
7. LEXICON: dictionary, glossary, vocabulary
Sentence: He still engages in chivalrous behavior, such
Sentence: A computer term that has entered the
as holding doors for people.
general lexicon. MN: CII-VAL (0) ROUS..nights are valorous or
MN: When a guy talks Mexican you need a dictionary valiant..chivalrous are ideal knighters.
to understand.

18. INCARCERATE: o imprison

Sentence: The state incarcerated over 1900 people last
MISCHIEVOUS harmful. causing mischief, wicked,
Sentence: The children had been so mischievous that we year.
had to pay the babysitter extra and then clean up the MN: in+car+carate (karale = unit ol dianond) i.e. il you

have stolen diamonds in your car you will be

imprisoned. going to the jail.
19. INSURGENT: rebellious 28. EXTOL praisehighly, exalt, laud
Sentence: Insurgenis are rying to gain control ol the Sentence: The health benefits of exercise are
country's transportation system. widely rxlolled.
MN: A person (army man) who does not listen to the MN: lixtol exTALL make somehody TALL with
command of his sergeant is rehellious in nature
therefore in-surgent = one who docs not listen to his
Sergeant lcommander| thus is rebellious.
29. FALILACIOUS: based on error. deceptive (fallacious

assumption/fallacious testimony)
self-assured though immature, Sentence: In's fallacious to say that something nust
affected. bombastie
exist because science hasn't proven its nonexistence.
Sentence: lis behavior at the parly was sophomoric. MN: Fallacious. split it like fallac+ious...if you just
MN: concentrate on looks like
THINK that SOMETHING is based on a FALSE OR
21. SOUANDER: spend wastefully incorrect notion.

Sentence: He vowed not to squander this

MN: SQUANDER rhymes with WANDER..s0 if you 30. FATUOUS: without sense, foolish self-satisfaction,
keep wandering, you are ultimately wasting time in life. asinine, inane
Sentence: The fatuous questions that the audience
niembers asked alter the lecture suggested to the
22. PARADIGM: a model. examplc. or pattern
Sentence: Her recent book provides us with a Oceanographer that they had understood little.
MN: faLu bolne wala - foolish and insanc.
new paradigm for modern biography.
31. DISCREET: careful in what one chooses to say;
AS MODEL. EXAMPLE. PATTERN FOR A showing good sense and judgment. tactful
PROTOTYPE. Sentence: With a discreet gesture. she signaled to her
husband that she was ready to leave the party.
23. MN: Discreet-> diSECRET. "You must be discreet
PENCHANT: strong inclination, liking. predilection
about our SECRET"
Sentence: penchant for sitting by the window and
staring moodily off into space.
MN: p-enchant- something that enchants you. you have 32. EGREGIOUS: especially and noticeably bad. flagrant
a strong liking for tha. Sentence: The student's theme was nmarred by a number
of egregious errors in spelling.
24. PENURY: extreme poverty. destitution MN: Egregious is similar to aggressive. Aggressive
people are very bad in manner.
Sentence: ILived in a time when single women like her
faced a
genleel penury.
liletime of
MN: pen+ru 33. EMACIATE: make thin and weak (because ot
(pee).no rupee to buy a pen.

25. ITINERARY: plan for a journey. details or records ofa Sentence: Without adequate medical supplies. doctors
route could only look on helplessly as cholera victims
continucd to emaciute.
Sentence: Our itinerary included stops at several
famous cathedrals. MN: Emaciated= ex+lassiated, ex=oul, massiate=

MN: Iatin word itiner mass/muscle/weight, so, when the mass is ou. you
journey... itinerary means

hecome thin. Its emassiate=emacalc.

schedule or plan a detail route. Other words based on
same root are...intinerant. intinerate.
34. CARTOGRAPHY: the drawing of naps and chuts
Sentence: She studied curtography in
26. JOCULAR: playful: jolly: jocund eollege
Sentence: A joculur man who could make the nost MN: Carto graphy is making CHHARTS and CGRAPIS
serious people smile. and maps.
MN: Joker
35. CASSANDRA: (esp. disregarded) prophet of disaster.
(ig) a prophet whose predictions are true but never
27. MITIGATE: make less severe or painful
Sentence: Emergency funds are being provided lo
Sentence: More than one Cassandra on Wall Sueet had
help mitigate the effects of the disaster.
warncd that the market was overduc for a major
MN: Think of MITIGATE as COLGATE correction.
(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen
MN: From Greek
the extent of germs in our teeth. Use of MITIGATE will mythology
also lessen or iry lessen the exlent.

36 GERONTOLOGY: the scientilic study of old age
Sentence: This doctor is a specialist in Gerontology
who can cure age-related mentor and physical disorders.


37. GLIB: (of a person) able to speak well and easily

whether speaking the truth or not: glib promises, glib-

Sentence: Politicians need lo do more than
provide glib answers to difficult questions.
smooth. GLIB means smooth-tongued.

38. POIGNANT: deeply mmoving; keen

Scntence: The photograph was a poignant reminder of
her childhood.
MN: Poise is something related to "great coolness and
composure under strain"-poignant is something
opposite to that.. which implies keenly distressing to the
mind or fcclings.

39. POISE: be ready. be balanced, self-possession

Sentence: She poised her pencil above the paper and
waitcd for the signal to begin writing.
MN: Poise position. Good position is always a
balanced one.

40. RECALCITRANT: disobedicnt, defiant

Sentence: The manager worried that
the recalcitrunt employce would try to undermine his
MN: re+calcit(looks like calcite) we know
calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate
which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble.
is hard w break and likewise a recalcitrant person is
also stubborn.

41. CASTIGATION: severe punishment

Scntencc: The author castigated the prime minister as
an ineffective leader.
MN: Castigation (noun) - castigate (verb): Caste + gate
(barrier) due to castieism barrier, many lower caste
people became slave and were punished very badly


SET-12 10. IMPASSIVE: unmoved: leceling no sign of pasion

Sentenee: She remained impassive as the officers
inlormed her ol her son's death.
I. CATALYST: substanee that causes specding up
Sentence: She was proud to be a catalyst for reform in MN: Impassive-> A person saying-"I am Passive(Not
the government. Active)". that mcans he has no leelings, cmotions.
MN: Cat - list - nmy new cat moves so fast that it at

least increases the pace ot my lite. 11. MNEMONICS: science of artificial memory
2. CAUSTIC: biting. sarcastic MN: The Techniques of mnemonie will help the
Sentence: She wrote a caustic report about the decisions students 1o learn new words quickly.
that led to the crisis.
MN: Caustic soda is very common and it's 12. Mollily: make calmer or quite
for health if taken in large
quantity....therefore caustic Sentence: He tried to mollify his critics with an apology.
means harmful or burning. Since it's a soda it's MN: Mollify sounds like just think of
somehow related with chemistry as well. nullifying something...nullilying your temper.

DEROGATORY: insulting: lending to damage 13. NADIR: lowest, weakest point
Sentence: Fans made a steady stream Sentence:The relationship between the two countries
of derogutory remarks about the reached a nadir in he 1920s.
players on the visiling
team. MN: You can recall Persian emperor Nadir-shah a cruel
MN: De-erogat-ory = He is Arrogant... so everyone has man, so somcone very "lowly".
a low opinion about him.
14. NEGATE: lo cause to have no effect or force: to
4. DESICCATE: to dry up. dehydrate neutralize
Sentence: Add a cup of desiccated coconut to the mix. Sentence: The fact that she lied about her work

MN: "Desert Cake": Cake that has been dried out and experience negated the contract.

turned dull in tastec. MN: Ne(no) + gate = no gate = no ex1stence, so

5. EMULATE: to imitate nullify.

Sentence: She grew up emulating her sports heroes.
MN: We emulator imitate our cell
15. OBDURATE: hardened and unrepentant: stubborn.
use as to phone
software in computer. inflexible
Sentence: He is known for his obdurate determination.
ENCOMIUM: praise. eulogy, glorification. panegyric
DURABILITY).SO anything which has durability.Has
Sentence: The encomiums bestowed on a teacher at her
the resisting power, and something which can resist, is
retirement ceremonies.
MN: INCOME People of high INCOME are formally
praised for their large donations.
16. OBLIVIOUS: unaware, having no memory
Sentence: The oul-of-state motorist claimcd to
FECUND: fertile. prolilic
he oblivious of the local speed limit, even though the
Sentence: The Franklin stove, bifocals, and the
signs must have been hard tw nmiss.
lightning rod are just a few of the inventions that we
MN: Some things are so OBVIOUS that you take them
owe to the fecund creativity of Benjamin Franklin.
for grantcd, thus oblivious to it.
MN: fe+cund or kund (water reservoir). A larm wilh a
kund is always fertile.
17. PALLIATE: lessen the severity of mitigate
B. GENIAL: (of air, climate elc.) conducive to growh, Sentence: Don't try to palliate your constant lying by
sociabie, gracious claiming that everybudy lies.
Sentence: The genial sunshile saturating his miserable MN: palliate=alleviate; a pal (friend) will alleviate
body with its warmth. (reduce) your pain.
MN: GENIAL = GENUINE. A genuine person is

genial 18. PALPABILITY: can be felt: touched, understood

Sentence: There was a palpable excitement in the air a»
the town prepared for the
9DOLATRY: excessive admiration of, laudation festival
Sentence: Her idolatry of her favorite rock star is one MN: PALP fcel (as the root word)...
step removed irom stalking. PALP+ABILITY- ability to feel.
MN idol (e) audatory the worship of idol (not god,
hul humman)


19. RECANT: take back as

being false: give up, repudiate Sentence: God, kindly soothe us in our agonies
or withdraw formally.
with emollient words.
Sentence: Witnesses threatened to recant their MN: To mollily is to soothify so emollicnt is to soothe.
testimony when the court releascd their names to the
paper 28. FELICITOUS: apt: suitably expressed, well chosen,
MN: RE (again) + CANT
(cannot) "l have told you =

this AGAIN and AGAIN, it CANNOT be done. it has
Sentence: AJelicitous accompaniment to dinner is
provided by a harpist on weekends at the restaurant.
MN: Felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation
20. RECIDIVISM: relapse into antisocial or criminal
the person is praised with SUITABILE. APT, WELL
behavior, crime. CIIOSEN remarks.
Sentence: The juvenile delinquent (child criminal) was
Sent to rehabilitation cenre to cure his lendeney of
29. GNARLED: twisted (as knots)
MN: Re (back to) + CID (crime investigation Sentence: (origin gnarl

gnarled this old uree./ The old

meanstwists). The wind has
man's fists are two great
department) = back to crime.
MN: When you say the word "GNARLED"
21. SEMINAL: like a seed: constituting a source, very fast..
your tongue gets TWISTED..(It's a tongue Twister).
Sentence: Kandel was awarded the Nobel Prize in
medicine in 2000 for his seminal observation that it was 30. IMPLICIT: implied though not plainly expressed
in the action of the synapses between cells that indirect (implicit eroticism). unquestioning (implicit
existed. trust)
MN: SEMINAL is like SEMI final Sentence: There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her
(generally of a
contest)which further decides the turn of events for the writings.
future final. MN: impli+cit---
tacit (CIT) means understand without
being expressed so IMPLICIT means implied without
22. CEDE: to surrender directly expressed.
title/possession, relinquish
Sentence: She reluctantly ceded her position as leade.
MN: Cede 31. IMPUDENCE: being rash. indiscreet
- sub (cede) =
to decrease; so cede means to
surrender. Sentence: Their impudence iritated everyone at the
wedding reception.
23. CESSATION: stoppage MN: Impudence Impure + densely

very rude.
densely impure.
Sentence: The cessation of the snowstorm was a
MN: Cessalion comes from
cease... which means lo
32. MORBID: diseased. unhealthy (eg. About ideas)
Sentence: He has a morbid sense of humor.
24. DEFERENCE: respect MN: MORBID MORTAL (deadly) + BITE (like

an insect) --> a
Sentence: He is shown much
deference by his deadly bite is unhealthy
and disease
MN: If there is no
DIFFERENCE between you and 33.
him, then you will MOROSE: sullen or moody
respect his wishes.
Sentence: He became morose and
withdrawn and
25. would not talk to
DELINEATE to portray, depict, sketch out anyonc.
Sentence: The report clearly delineates the MN: A morone is
steps that
equipped with morose
must be taken.
MN: Delineate 34. NIMBLE: agile: quick. lightand neat in movement
(Diligently and neatly) portrayed
painting. Sentence: Possessing a nimble wit, he always has a
cutting comehack for any intended insult thrown his
26. way.
EMIGRATE: to leave one's own
country to another in MN: Think about the broom of Harry Potter
order live,
migrate "Nimbus2000" and Nimbus2001" which are very
Senience: Charles emigrated from Canada to the United nimble.
MN: c-migrate mmgrate=
35. NONCHALANT: not having interest
Sentence: He was surprisingly nonchalant about
EMOLLlENT substance that softens skin. soothing Winning the award.
gent MN: Nonchalant seems similar like non challenge. If
there is no challenge, lile is calm and relaxed/careire.
36. OBTRUSIVE: projecting, prominent, undesirably
Sentence: The waiter was attentive wilthout
heing ahtrusive
MN: Obtrusive which mcans easily can
he written as OBtrUSIVE looks and sounds somewhat
similar to abusive...People who abuse a lot are casily

37. OBVIATE: to make unnecessary. get rid of

Sentence: The new treatment obviates many of the
risks associated with surgery.
MN: ob-+viate... viale can be rhymed with void... and
nmaking void mcans removing something... hence
getting rid of.

38. PERENNIAL: lasting for a long time (e.g. a year)

Sentence: This variety of oregano is perennial.
MN: If you remember we have learnt about perennial
TiVers in sncial studies which mcans LONG LASTING

39. PERFIDIOUS: treacheries. faithless

Sentence: Aperfidious campaign worker revealed the
senator's strategy to his leading rival for the nomination.
MN: per+FID+ious... ID stands for fidelity.. i.e.
loyalty... hence perfidious is its opposite.

40. RETICENT: reserved, silent, taciturn

Sentence: The pancl decided to investigate the fraud
charges against the company. which has always
been reticent about its internal operations.
MN: Cent (Saint) is stereotypically reluctant to speak or
draw attention to themselves.
SET-13 EMPIRICAL: based on ohservation and
Sentence: They coilected plenty of
their experiments. empirn al data from
SALUBRIOUS: healthfiul MN: Enpirc...maintaining an
cmpirc requires uch
Sentence: Fresh aur
and exercise are always salubrious. practical cxpericnces and workouts.
words which describe something
that is healthy or
10. ENDEMIC: prevailing in a specific area
health-giving. Sentence: The fish is not an endemic spocics of the lakc.
and it is rapidly devouring the native trout population.
and enthusiasm, MN: Simply think of epidemic as an epidermic discase
2. CHARISMATIC: inspiring devotion
that sprcads over a vast arca and cndcmic discase as a
(theological) possessing spiritual grace, charm, appeal
disease that spreads only in a confined area.
Sentence: The cult's charismatic leader had managed

persuade secemingly rational people obey

to him blindly.
11. FELINE: adjective ofcat: cat ike
MN: Charismatic Charisma (karisma) Kapoor
charming and attractive heroine of Bollywood. Sentence: The thiel was eerily feline as he moved
stealthily throughthe darkened rooms.
MN: fell+nine...cats have 9 lives after which they fall.
CHARLATAN: quack: a pretender to knowledge

Sentence: The famed faith healer turned out to be 12. GLUT: supply too much, ill to excess, saiale
a charlatan. Sentence: When all the fruits ripen in September, we
MN: Char (four) Latan (Latein in hindi means kicks) to
get a glut.
the person who misguides you as he himself does not
MN: glut=Gain a Lot..excess
know anything.
13. IMPUGNED: challenged, to be doubted
CHARY: (adj.) cautious, wary. careful Sentence: He impugned his rival's character.
Sentence: Chary investors who weren't burned by the MN: pugn is root word meaning fight..(for eg
dot-com bust. quarrelsome) s0 impugn means
pugnacious means
MN: CHARY sounds similar to WARY, meaning sense of contradicting in order to cause a dispute.
14. INTERMINABLE: endless
5. DELUSION: a false belief strongly held Sentence: The politician's interminable speech put
Sentence: He has delusions about how much money he almost everyone to sleep.
can make at that job. MN: IN + TERMINABLE = NOT
MN: Sounds like illusion which is nothing but false ABLE
15. MUNDANE: worldly as opposed to spiritual

6. DENIGRATE: blacken. belittle, sully, defanme commonplace. everyday

Sentence: No one is trying to denigrate the importance Sentence: Prayer and meditation helped her put
of a good education. We all know that it is crucial for her mundane worries aside.
MN: Mundane sounds like Monday. Alier an exciing

MN: READ DENIGRATE AS DEGRADE... WHICH weckend. Monday is just another mundane day.
SOMEONE. 16. NOXOUS: harmful
Sentence Mixing bleach and anmmonia can

cause noxious fumes that can seriously harm you

7. DEPRECATE: protest against, express disapproval of
Sentence: Movie eritics tricd to ouldo onc another
in deprerating the comedy as the stupidest movie of the
17. OCCLUDED: blocked up
Sentenee: A blood elot had occluded a major artery in
MN: You can think of it as the opposite of appreciale
(as in devalue against value). So lack of appreciation; his body.
i.c., humiliation or heliuling. MN: (celuded Occlude sounds like conclude.
Means chose or shut something
8. EMOLUMENTS: salary
18. Pernmeate: spread into every part of
Sentence: The annual emolumenn for the dircetor of the
Sentence: A feeling of anxiety permeated the office as
charity is oflicially only one dollar.
we rushed to meet the deadline.
MN: If you arc cauglt ruining a MONUMENT. you'll MN: Permeable nmeans something that can be
have to pay compcnsation.
penetratcd (remenber pernmeability in magnetusm)...
Permeable >> lernneale.

19. RECLUSE: person who lives alone and avoids people 28.
Sentence: My neighbor is a recluse-I only see him
MUNIFICENT: very generous
Sentence: A munificent host who has presided over
about once a year. many charitable events at his mansion.
MN: RE(retrcat)+CLUSE(close) - Retrcat from being MN: By muni you think of rishi nmuni (ages), who
close to people. arc always generous in giving, will give yu whatever

you wan.
20. CHURLISH: rude: rustic
Sentence: It would be churlish not to congratulate him. 29. NURTURE: to bring up; 1o feed; to educate
MN: Chur church)+ lish (wish) =church. Always Members of the family helped in
wishes not to behave rude. boorish.
the nurture of the baby.
with lood in order to
MN: Nourish mans lo supply
21. CIRCUMSPECT: prudent: cautious
Sentence: She has a repulation for being quiet
and circumspect in investigating charges of child abuse.
30. OFFICIOUS: too eager or ready to help. offer advice,
MN: circum(means circumstance)..spect(means to
informal, unofficial
inspect) a kind of who inspects
Sentence: An officious little iman wlho was always
circumstances belore speaking, and such people are
do their jobs.
generally considered as prudent. telling everyone else how to
MN: OFFICIOUS, the first part of the word
office where
similar to office. Imagine a government
22. DERELICTION: deserting and leaving to fall into
their in other's aflairs. thcy arc
people poke nosc

Sentence: The officer was formally charged
with dereliction of dury.
MN: Dercliction rhymes with neglection and has a 31. CLAUSTROPHOBI : fear of being blocked in
in clevators because of
similar neaning. Sentencc: She docsn'i go
her claustrophobia.
23. DERISION: ridicule. mockery, deriding MN: claust-this seems like are closed in a

Sentence: One of the students laughed in derision at my room only if the room is locked, phobia means fcar.

MN: Noun form is 'deride' and in high schoo, if you 32. COGNIZANT: being fully aware of
don't have a car (de ride) that is expensive enough. father.
Sentencc: He is cognizunt of his dutics as a
other kids may mock and ridicule you. successful firm since it is
adoptcd by the rival
cognizant of various policies being
24. ENTHRALL: to hold as if by magic the complete firms.
attention and interest of, delight
Sentence: For years these master magicians have 33. TRANSITORY: Short-lived. Temporary
been enthralling audiences with their astounding when I realized
Sentence: A transitory panic struck me
illusions. that we had left the baby in the car.
MN: Enthrall' sounds like 'Enter Hall'. When you
MN: Transistors take a very short inme to turn from
enter your most liked hall you are delighted.
to off i.e. acting like a switch.

25. ENTICE: allure, atutract, inveigle, ensnare. persuade

Sentence: Every commercial seemed to be for some 34. TRENCHANT: forceful effective, Vigorous
extremely perceptive, incisive
tempting snack specifically designed to entice me from
my diet. Sentence: Even the most trenchant sword could not
MN: Everyone got so ATTRACTED to the ENTICEr sever the bonds of loyalty between them.
bike that they were TEMPTED to buy it... MN: When you chant it is to be very strong, clear and
26. INTERVENE: o interfere (especially to avert a bad
result) 35. HEGEMONY: leadership of one state over a group of
Sentence: The prisoner asked me to intervene with the
others, dominion
authorities on his behalf.
Sentence They discussed the national
MN: inter + (vein) as if the injection entered through
government's hegemony over their tribal community.
vein to interfere and avoid the disease.
MN: Hegemony: He's got money. so he's domineering
in the society and he controls others.
27. INTRACTABLE: unruly. refractory, stubborn
Sentence: An intractable child who deliberately does
the opposite of whatever he is told.
MN: Intractable: things which cannot be brought in the
nght track... opposite oftractable.

36. EXACERBATE: to make worse (pan, disease, etc.)

The proposed lactory would

exacerbate our unemployment problems.
means bitter.
MN: Latin extacerb+ate: Latin acerb-
cxAcerbate means to nake bitlcr, to wOrscn.
harsh; So

trom blame, acquit

37. EXCULPATE: free
Sentence: The court exculpated him aller a thorough

MN: Exculpate sounds like ex-culprit

now he has been clearcd of the charges.

38. DERIVATIVE: derived, not original or primitive

Sentence: Tofu is one of many soybean derivatives.

MN: Drive + relative - Driving a relative from his

house to yours.

39. DESULTORY: aimless. haphazard, digressing at

Sentence: A desultory search for something of interest
on TV.
MN: De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory
approach will result to nothing.

40. EVOKE: call up. bring out

Sentence: The old house evoked memories of his
MN: EVOKE is to CALL FORTH and EVOKE sounds
like awake, now, in order to awake someone from sleep
you have to call out.

ready to do any reckless or

SET-14 1 DESPERADO peron

riminal act
Sentence: Beng a desperado, the hard cone criminal
.EXIGENCY: emergeney. an urgent situation. pressure even broke the jail and escaped.
Sentence: The eaigencies requiring snap decisions that
MN: Desperado==desperatdo- -desperate dacost or
Iraders on the stock
MN: Exigency and
exchange face every day. criminal)
Emergency rhyme.
12. DESTITUTE: extremely poor
EXTRINSIC external Sentence: Many families were left destitute by the
Sentence: You have to consider any extrinsic factors in horrible fire.
the success of the business. MN: Break it as DE+INSTITUE..that means the person
MN: Something exurinsie is EXTRa or EXTRaneous. who has never been to any INSTTIUTE...Le. who is
therefore it is not necessary. ILLITERATE 1s very poor.

IRRESOLUTE: hesitating: undecided 13. DEXTEROUS: skillful
Senlence: The commitlee was Timid, mediocTe and Sentence: They praised her derterous handling of he
iITesolute. crisis.
MN: (IR) not MN: Dexter, a cartoon character is someone, who is
knowin... how to make resolutions.
very skillful and uses his hands and minds in a very
4. IRREVERENT: showing lack of respect, iconoclastic skillful manncr.
Sentence: Ireverent scholars mocked at the sacred
14. EUPHONY: pleasant sound
things. Sentence: The euphony of the mother's lulla by put the
MN: Revere (means
respect) Ir-reverent =
dis-respect. child to a peaceful sleep.
5. COMPLACENTLY: with self-satisfaction MN: Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweet
Sentence: We can't afford to be complacent about sounding.
illiteracy. 15. INUNDATE: flood; cover by overflowing
MN: Complacently Complacent = completely Sentence: Irom he overlowing
satisfied bathtub inundated the bathroom floor.
MN: I+ NUN + DATE.... I asked the NUN for a
6. COMMENSURATE equal in size. quality or length DATE and I was FLOODED with letters from Christian
of time
community. (for violating social norms)
Sentence: Her new position came with
acommensurate level of responsibility. 16. INVINCIBLE: too strong to be conquered,
MN: Common mensuro (latin) means measure. So unconquemble
common (or equal) in measure. Sentence: The loss proved that the team is
not invincible.
7. EUTHANASIA: easy and painless death MN: I remembers me of the great artist Vinci and we
Sentence: A physician who reluses all know his arts can't be conquered. S unconquerable.
practice euthanasia.
MN: cuthanasia = Use Excessive Anesthesia. Using 17. COMPLAISANCE: tending 1o comply, obliging.
excessive anesthesia would result in killing. willingness to please
Sentence: The complaisance of his girltriend is such

8. EXTROVERT a person who likes to spend time in that she meekly goes along with everythinge he says.
activities with other people rather than in altending to MN: very ncar to conmpliance -> to yicld.
his own thoughts and feelings
I8. CONCILIATE: to win over: to pacity
Sentence: A natural extrovert, he mixcs well in any Sentence: The company's altenmpts to conciliate the
social situation.
strikers have failed.
MN: Person interested in extra things not his own
MN: Conceal means hide...when you hide yourself
things. from traffic, chaos, cacophonies. you feel calm and you
pacily yourself.
9. NULLIFY: make void and null
Sentence: The law has been nullified by the U.S
Supreme Court.
19. CONCISE: brief and
Sentence: A concise article on violenee in the media
MN: Null means 'zero' it's easy! that manages to say nmore than most books on the
10. ONEROUS: needing effort, burdensome MN: Concise sounds similar lo "PRECISE' means
Sentence: The government imposed onerous taxes on brief, short.
MN: Onerous= one+rous. If you assign much work on 20. ERADICATE: gel rid of pull up by the roots
ONE person it will be burdensome. i.e. ONErous for Sentence: His ambition is to eradicate poverty in hi's

him. community.
MN: radicate means 'to root/plant". So e-radieate


21. EULOGY: formal praise: panegyrie

Sentence: Several elogies were given at the
UPHORIA: ¢lation; state of pleasant Cxctement
Sentence: The initial euphoria ollowing their victory
assembly marking Ihe relirement of the company's
thhe election has now subsided.
longtime president.
MN: relate it to an album relecased
MN: Eulogy Euler + geomctry; Euler was very good
by the luphoria
band..n which most of the songs
al geometry; so we praise him. give him a 1:ULOGY. live happily.
give a mesage t

22. RATE angry 32.

Sentence: Irate viewers called the television nctwork
DIAPHANOUS: Iransparent; gauzy
complain about the show. Sentence: 'The bride wore a diaphanous veil
MN: IRATE rhymes with "eye red". When MN: Dia+phanous sounds like famous.. FanoUs
does your celebrities usually portray themselves "Transparent' i.t.
eye become red? When you are ANGRY.
what they appear to outside world they actually are the
same inside.
23. MYRIAD: very great nunmber
Sentence: The car can be oulfitted with a
myriad of 33. CONGLOMERATION: a collection of many different
MN: Like pyramid.. Huge nunmber of things gathered together, accumulate
years since it was Sentence: A conglomeration of shops and restaurants.
built The PYRAMID consist of a
huge of rocks a pile =
MN: Com-globe-mate i.e. all the mates (fricnds)
MYRIAD of rocks.
across the globe come together.
CONCILIATORY: reconciling, soothing, comforting. 34. CONTENTIOUS:
argumentative pugnaci0U5
mollitying combative, quarrelsome
Sentence: It will be hard conciliate the views of labor
Sentence: After a contentious debate. members of the
and management
regarding health benefits. committee finally voted to approve the funding.
MN: Can remember this with the word
reconcile. Once MN: Remember as non-contented. One who is not
you have a light with your friend. then
you do ontented is always quarrelsome.
Someihing good to appease as to get back to
normal friendship (or you reconcile with
him) So this 35. ENUNCIATE: to express (ideas) clearly and firmly
can he taken as a conciliatory act.
Sentence: He set out to enunciate the hasic principles of
his system.
25. CONDOLE: to express syunpathy for
Sentence: l condoled with him in his loss. PRONUNCIATION.
MN: You know condolences.

26. CONDONE: forgive

36. DISCORDANT: inharmonious, conflicting
Sentence: She has the difficult task of
Sentence: He is too quick to condone his friend's fauls. bringing together
number of discordant elements.
MN: lts done no need further explanation. Overlooked
MN: dis+chord as in not a chord. so it is
or cxcuscd.
Iharsh in sound. conflicting or
27. DIABOLICAL: devilish
37. CONTRITE: filled with deep sorrow for
Sentence: The police quickly mobilized to track down
Sentence: wrongdoing
the diabolical serial killer. Being contrite is not enough to spare you an
arrest if you're
MN: di caught shoplifting.
aboli(abolition)..process of destroying MN: SPLIT AS cont (COUNT)
something usually done by devils. COUNT THE
- rite (RIGHT).
IRASCIBLE: imitable. easily angered
Sentence: Ile has an irascihle
MN: Concentrale on rasc- a
disposition. 38.
ANNHILATE: destroy completely
rascal is onc who is Sentence: He annihilated his opponent in the last
irritable, chaleric,
& hotheaded. election.
29. MN: You can remember Mortal Combat Tolal
CONGENIAL: pleasant: in agreement with one's Annihilation movie or game right that way you can
congenial host, congenial surroundings.
Sentence: The remember that its toal destruction.
iown is a
congenial place lor raising
MN: 39. DECIPHER: decode
congenial.hink of
genial.cordial which implies Sentence: We deciphered the hidden message to find
Iriendly. out when we were supposed to nmeet.
30. MN: CIPHER means CODE so DeCipher means
CONGENITAL: existing from birth DeCode.
Sentence: The irregularity in my backhone is
probahly eongenital.
MN: con
-genital =
genes. Inherited through the genes.

MN: Mave+"RICK" sounds like kicky Ponting who is
SET-15 rehellious and non contorust as he docs not believe in
I.ABSCOND: o depart seeretly umpire decisions luring India's Cricket match.
Sentence: Several
prisoners absconded from the jail. . PREAMBLE: introductory part of the contitution
MN: Abscond ab + scond. 'Absent in a
When you will absent in a second? second . Sentence: The preamble to tlhe U.S. Constitution hegins
=when you STEAL by saying "We the People of the United States. in order
OFF & HIDE. or when
you DEPART seeretly. to form a more perlect union..."
MN: Pre (Before) + amble (moving)...i.e.
ABSTEMIOUS: self-disciplined before heading to main topic. starts
Sentence: She is known as an abstemious eater and with an
drinker. INTRODUCTORY STATI:MIENT and then elaborates
MN: abs (abs) + stemious the topic.
(stamina): To builcd stamina
or six
pack abs, you have to eat and drink carefully. 12. PRECARIOUS: uncertain. insecure. unstable
3. BUTTRESS: Sentence: He carned a
precarious livelihood
support. bolster, reinforcenient by
Sentence: The mother had always been the buttress ol gambling.
our family in trying times. MN: PRE+CARE+IOUS -> We have to lake CARE
MN: buttress=butt while doing something risky so that il does not go
lake rest on
rest...but gives you support so you wrong.
your butt generally while sleeping or
13. PRISTINE: new, clear, unused
4. CAPRICIOUS: unpredictable Sentence: My office is a mess but her olfice is
Sentence: The court ruled that the punishment was always pristine.
arbitrary and capricious. MN: sounds like priest (ine) means pertaining to priests
MN: CAPRICONS (SUN SIGN) ARE GENERALLY which is to remain in pure state.
14. RETICENT: reserved in specech, taciturn
Sentence: Her husband is by naturc a reticent perSon,
FRUGALITY: penny pinching. inexpensive and she resigned herself to that fact long ago.
Sentence: He is accustomed to a frugal meal of bread
and cheese everyday. MN: Cent (Saint) is stereotypically reluctant to speak or
MN: frugal means avoiding waste... read as draw attention to themselves.
free+girl..if a girl comes for free. it saves waste of
15. SALUBRIOUS promoting good health
Sentence: Fresh air and exercise are always saubrious
6 GOAD: to urge forcefully
words which deseribe something that is healuhy or
Sentence The threat f legal action is a
powerful goad to companies that have ignored the health-giving.
regulations. 16. FOSTER: t0 promote. to encourage
MN: goad..sounds like god...everyday when we
Sentence: Such conditions foster the spread of the
pray...we always URGE to god, to give us courage to
face all the hurdles and obstacles in life.
MN: Foster sounds like poster. Used lo promote.
encourage the sale of goods.
7 INEFFABLE incxpressible, beyond words
Sentence: An ineffable beauty descends upon the
17. SUBSTANTIATE: support with evidence
canyon as the sun bcgins to set. Sentence: Mr. Macgregor eouldn't substantiate that it
MN: In Eff: In Eiffel tower. you feel great joy to visil it
was Peter, and not some other rabbit. in the eabbage
that you can't descrihe in words.
8. LUCID: clear and easily understood MN:
Sentence: He is ablc t0 recognize his wife in
18. TACIT: unspoken. implicd
his lucid moments.
Sentence: She lelt that she had her
MN: LUCing (looking) In Day is very clear. We can
parents' tucit approval to borrow the car.
see anybody clearly in day time. So LUCIN is
MN: acit take it, imagine you are giv ing permsSin
something which is crystal clear.
someone to take nething fronm your ron..bul you
9. MALINGERER: one who avoids work didn't say il verbally but via your actions.

Sentence His boss Suspected him 19. TIRADE: invcrtive, diaribe, aranguc, a long-ungry
of malingering because of his frequent absences lrom
Sentence: The coach directed a tirade at the team aller
MN: Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to
the loss
avoid going to school. MN: sounds like tired... Your nom gets tired alter a

non conformist. rebel

Sentence: There's always one mar'erick who has to go SPEFCI.

his own way.

20. TRANSGRESSION to step across (usually break a MN: burgeon - burger; il you eat a lot of burgers, you

law) will gain weight (hence grow).

Sentence: Acis that are iransgressions against the laws
of civilized societies everywhere. 31. CODA: final part of the composition
MN: Trans aggression....imagine the arnmy of Pakistan Sentence: The movic's coda shows the nmain character
aggressively crossing the Line of Control (L0C) and adult 25 years later
as an
hence violating the law Trans (=across) border MN: le, conclusive part of the lunch, is done by soda
(coda) by watching music on television.
21. GUZZLE: eat or drink greedily
Senience: Guzzled my soda before I could stop him. 32. EXODUS: mass departure, migration
MN: in Hindi -> ghazal... After singing a ghazal the
Sentence: The mass exodus from the cities for the
singer will be exhausted and have dry throat... hence he beaches and the mountains on most summer weckends.
will drink greedily. MN: exodus- sounds like ek sau (100 in Hindi) +
dus(bus) means 100 buses - a 100 buses carrying
22. FERAL: wild
hundreds of pilgrims are just leaving from the bus
Sentence: Animal experts discourage homeowners from
trying to adopt feral animals as pets. Also used as feral depot
grin. 33. EXCULPATE: free from blame, acquit. exoneratc
MN: feral, we can remember like fear+all =>we all will
Sentence: The court exculpated him after a thorough
fear seeing a wild animal.
MN: exculpate sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now
23. DEARTH: lack of, shortage
he has heen cleared of the charges.
Sentence: There was a dearth of usable firewood at the
campsile. 34. FERVOR: intensity of feelings
MN: earth is big. De-carth.... (Read as dearth) means
Sentence: The fervor surrounding her campaign
small...small in quantity...Or scarcity.
continued right through Election Day.
24. ESPIONAGE: spying
WARM AND YOU GET warm attention when you
Sentence: He was charged with several eounts
of espionage. have fever.
MN: A spy engaged.
35. INTRACTABLE: cannot be managed or conturolled
25. VOLATILE: liable to sudden change. unpredictable Sentence: A patient experiencing intractable pain.
Sentence: The protests are increasing. creating MN: Sounds like in-tfrackable= something not trackable
a volatile situation in the capita. is difficult to managc.
MN: volatile memory is a computer memory which gets
erased when power is turned off, i.e., changed suddenly 36. RASCIBLE: iitable, choleric
like RAM. so VOLATILE means liable to change. Sentence: He has an irascible disposition.
MN: concentratc on rasc- a rascal is onc who is
26. WARY: cautious irritabie, choleric, short-lempered & hotheaded.
Sentence: The store owner kept a wary eye on him.
MN: Wary and worry sound the sane... you become 37. IMBIBE: drink, absorb
wary (cautious) if you have too many worries in life. Sentence: She never imbibes but isn't offended when
others do.
27. ADULTERATE: to make impure or corrupt
MN: im+bibe..sounds like pipe..and you need a pipe to
Sentence: The Company is accused vf adulterating its
drink in something.
products with cheap additives.
MN: dull+ the +rate = inpure, means to decrease the
38. PLUMMET: to fal, plunge. drop
Sentence: Stock prices plummeted 40 percent during the
28. scandal.
GARNER: t0 colleet. gather MN: Plummet sounds like Planet (somcthing very very
Sentence: The senator has Spent uch
time gurnering finaneial heavy).. a heavy thing will fall or drop sharply.
support for his upcoming
MN: Sounds like a gardener who gathers fruits and 39. EQUIPOISE: balanced
Sentence: When participating in any dangerous sport,
vegetables from his/her garden
one should maintain an equipoise between fearless
29. FORBIDDEN: prohibited. banned holdness and conmonsense caution.
in both
Sentence: She was fonlbidden by her purents MN: equi + pose => if you hold an equal weight
to marry
him hands you will have a betler pose.
AMN: forhid - prohibit

40. BREVITY: briet. Ierse

Sentence: The book's major flaw is its breviy.
BURGEON: grow rapidly. multiply
SCntenee: The markct lor collectibles has burgeoned in MN: brief + tea session. iea-time is short.

MN: Anarchy-Sounds like
SET-16 'monarchy' like Tibet was
ruled by monarchy)...s0, ahsencc of
1. REFUTE: disprove. deny to
11. CONVOLUTED: twisted
Sentence: He refutes the notion that he's planning Sentence: A convoluted explanation that lefi
retire soon. the
listeners even more confused than they were hefore.
MN: refute rhymes with reluse, when you
MN: Volve is root which mcans to roll. Con is
DISAPPROVE OF something, or il something is Talse prefix
which nmeans together. you roll some thing
or incorrec...You relute it or disapprove. completely (within il sclt) it becomes complicated
And difficult to entangle it!
2. ENTRENCH: to establish
Sentence: A father who entrenched in our minds the
belief that hard work pays off.
12. DENIGRATE: to belittle or tarnish someone's image
Sentence: No one is trying to denigrute the
MN: trench sounds like bench. So you have to fix a importance
of a good cducation. We all know 1hat it is crucial for
bench firmly.

3. SAVOR: relish, enjoy MN: DENIGRATE=DENY if you

Sentence: Without her love. life has lost its savor for someone is great, it means you BELITTLE him.
MN: SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You 13. FLEDGLING: young bird. beginner
savor (feel the taste) the flavor (laste) of the food you Sentence: At hockey he's still afledgling and needs to
eat. work on his basic skating skilIs.
MN: Read as F (resh person) led (for) gliding. He is
4. TORTUOUS: Iwisted inexperienced still lead for gliding.
Sentence A 1ortuous mountain road marked by
numerous hairpin turns. 14. HARANGUE: angry speech
MN: a tortoise does not move in straight line... it keeps Sentence: He delivered a long hurungue about the evils
twisting and turning making path complicated. of popular culture.
MN: HARANGUE can be split as har + ang + u
5. TRACTABLE: manageable when YOU are ANGry with HAR (her). she is
Sentence: This new approach should make the problem
subjecled to a long or intensive verbal attack.
more tractable.
MN: Tractable sounds like tractor, which makes it easy 15. LOG: to keep a record of
to manage a field.
Sentence: Part of his job is to log all deliveries.
MN: Evcery mobile has a LOG FILE. in which all your
6. VERACIOUS; habitually truthful
Sentence: He has a reputation for being veracious, so call RECORDS are stored.
people generally take his word for things.
16. MITIGATE: to lessen or make milder
MN: the root word VER' refers to true.. hence we can
Irame words like: veracious - truthful and verisimilitude
Sentence: Emcrgency funds arc bcing provided to

an appearance oftruth.
help mitigate the effects of the disaster.

7. WHIMSICAL: unusual, fanciful (toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen

the extent of germs in our teeth. Use of MITIGATE will
Sentence It's hard to make plans with such
also lessen or try lessen the extent.
a whimsical best friend.
MN: Whimsical sounds like comical..whimsical is,
impulsive; playful..comical is amusing and funny. 17. DIVULGE: to disclose: reveal
Sentence: The Company will not divulge its sales
8. ZEALOT: fanatic, extreme enthusiast figures.
Sentence: Zealots on both sides of the issue resorted to MN: di + vulge close to not to reveal it.
name-calling and scare tactics.
MN: zcalot -- zcal + lot one who shows a lot of zeal. 18. OSTENTATIOUS: prctentious, showy
Sentence: The power of the government was present. in
9. ANACHRONISM: A thing belonging to a period otlher its watchmen, supervisors of the market and police
than the one in which it exists force, but it did not express itself in large
Sentence: He's an old-fashioned politician who is seen and ostentatious buildings.
by many of his colleagues as an anachronism. MN: 1t as
MN: You know about chronometer- means clock. perform stunts to attract
Anything with "chron" is related to time. attention, showy.
Anachronisim-an+chron+ism> here an is used in
negative sense> s0 anachronism means something or 19.
sOmeone that is not in its correct time.
PARAGON: symbol of perfection or excellence
Sentence: In Arthurian legend. Sir Galahad is
as the one
10 ANARCHY: social or political disorder knight who is a paragon of virtue.
MN: Paragon which is a
Sentence: When the teacher was absent there slipper brand makes product:
which are models for
was anarchy in the classroom. perfection.
20. PAUCITY: lack of, dearth
31. HYPERBOLE: deliberate cxaggeration of ellect
Senience: A paucity of uselul answers to the problem of
Irallie congestion at rush hour. Sentence: lced a whole army 1s a
"Enough foud to

MN: paucity=scarcity...these two words rhyme. common example of hyperbole.

MN: hyper (beyond the limit) +bole (means speak)...So
sharp, bitter Somcone gives the
who statcment heyond
21. PUNGENT: strong.
Sentence: The lelt has ofien complained that what i limit...Overstating basically.
as those
needs isn't polite speech, hut VOICes as pungent
32. IMPERTURBABLE: calm, unexcited
on the riglht. Sentence: Although he seems outwardly inmperturbable
know punning means
MN: pun + (negl1) gent: As you he can get very angry at times.
with words. So if we pun negligently on others + habble
playing MN: impcrturbabble--im pertur (like tur tur)

il may huri/wound them. the person who never does

(just talking foolishly..). So, calm and
tur-tur and never
babbles is a very cool.
thesis or short essay any
Sentence: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure l16th- peaceful guy.

century poet. laziness, sluggishness

end of 33. LASSITUDE:
we have dessert., at the couldn'i even
MN: At the end of a meal w a s such
that we
Sentence: Our lassiude
have thesis. soda from the fridge.
graduation, last semester
we more
be bothered to get
if you drink a glass
MN: Afier a heavy weariness,
dormant, inactive lassitude i.e.
23. QUIESCENT: quict, LASSI. you vill go into a
Sentence: Agroup ol quiescent loungers to sleep.
least. lethargy and ulimalely go
from the Thanksgiving
MN: quiescent
=> quies quiet motionless.
- =
stulbborn, hard
3-4. OBDURATE: obdurate

known for his

Sentence: He is (duration)
a structurc; walk in a proud There will be a period
24. STRUT: bar supporting MN: durate
obdurate (1.e.,
when we will be very
way world is in everyone's
Sentence: The most cowardly thing in the stubborn).
the umpires. Too many
blaming mistakes upon the
strut around o n
the field trying to manage 1o widen. expand to dilate.
managers 35. DILATE: the blood vessels
instead of their teams. Senlence: The drug causes

umpires lo be expand.
MN: Rhymes with straight. For something MN: dilate-

straight, you need

a support.
36. DOGMATIC: arrogant that arguing
become so dogmatic latcly
indolent Shc's
25. TORPOR: sluggish,

aroused him from his torpor. with her is pointlesSs. to front.

Scntencc: The n e w s is from back
while torpor to read "dogmatic" he
fast and speedy... MN: If you try thinks that
MN: Torpedo is The person
"I a m god".
opposite to torpedo. you will get stubborn.
is a god is arrogant
talkative. loquacious
26. VERBOSE: to calm by
Sentence: He is
verbose speaker.
a 37. PLACATE: placated protesteS
you may say

BOSE for boss; The

MN: VER for verbal their demands.
verbal. consider
excessively agrecing o cake which
that your boss is
Plate+cake= a plate of
MN: Placate:
irregularity o r she's n e v e r and appeases.
is an anomaly. as
S e n t e n c e : Her C grade very
A's and B's before. delightful, delectable.
made anylhing except 38. DELECTABLE: are always
That is o n e meals he prepares
sounds like abnormally.. S e n t e n c e : The in food) it
MN: Anomaly smells delectable (as
the normal order. MN: When something
who deviates from far away.
is detectable from
good judgment
28. DISCERNING: having art.
discerning eye for good broken pieces ofl pottery on
Sentence: She has a 39. SHARD: from the site
AS di-screening. Sentence: Shards of r o m a n pottery
TWICE display in the cafe. to join the broken
MN: s + hard...i

biter verbal attack doubts

29. DIATRIBE: mainstrcam media. 40. SKEPTIC: one who but I'm
Sentencc: The articc
is a diutribe agains Sentence: You can belie
in ghosts if you like,
ribes fighting...criticize.
= di-tribe = two
MN: diatribe still a skeptic.
MN: Skeptic-just "K' -Septic-When a person is
of mourning. lament
30. DIRGE: sad song the
Wounded/lnjured he always have doubt
whether it is
Bagpipes played a haunting dirge at
Sentence: doub1ful.
So he is
luneral for the fallen leader. going to get septic or not.
die, so when you die and
MN: Dirge - di eans

in lile. a song of grief or

lor people
done good things
Iament i l l be sung tor you.

SET-17 I1 PENCHANT: inclination or strong liking tor someone

Cntence: Aside from the atholic pene hant tor lish on
VISCOUS: thick, sticky T'Tidays, ihere is also the tradition of caling red beans
Sentence: Even as we watch. the viscous tide and rice
ot this off-white
o0ze seems to rise and
composed on
consume a MN, ptcnchant somcthng that enchants you. you have
linger's width of the ashy, cindery beach.
MN: relale to
strong liking for that.
Vicks... Vicks is sticky. 12.
PROPRIETY: corrcct conduct
WELTER: jumbled mass Senlence: Wlhen attending a wedding. here are

Sentence: In recent days we have seen a welter of Cerlain proprieties that must be observed.
forecasts ranging from the
reassuring to the pessimistic. MN: divide the word propr ticty..propr (sounds like

MN: I fell into a WELL of TAR t0 get drenclhed and PROPIR)... Ience it refers to being PROPER

cntangled in it.
13. RECALCITRANT: wayward intractable: disohedient
3. DAWDLE: walk slowly: take one's time Sentence: The anager worTicd dhat tde reraleitrunt
Sentence: Come home imnmediately after sehool. and cmploycc would try to underine his authority.
don't dawdle. MN: retcalci(calculator >calculate)+trant...5oimagine
MN: somewhat similar to idle. a person who has
nade a mislakc in calculations using a

to shows he is
calci and is unwilling
4. BOMBAST: pompous speech STUBBORN.
Sentence: You need less bombast and more substance in
14. SOPORIFIC: dull. slcep inducing
this speech on human rights. do not drive
Sentence: This medication is soporific,

after taking it.
makes you sleepy.
MN: Watching "SOaP Operas"
5. CONNOISSEUR having good judgment Or
sound; not in harmony
knowledge of arts. food ete 15. DISCORDANT: unpleasant
Sentence: She is a connoisseur of African art. has the difficull task of bringing together
Sentence: She
MN: Connoisseur is always SURE as he is an expert or number of discordant elemenis.
disco-RDANT. DISCOs ARE always
a good judge. MN: 1OcUS ON
inharmonious. Same as cacophonous.
6. DIGRESSION: depart from a subject. step away
and 16. DISCREPANCY: inconsistency.
Sentence The professor's frequent Discrepancies in the firm's financial
extended digressions are the stuff of campus legend. Sentence
MN: hecause of depression ...we move or wander away statements led to an investigation.
from the path or subject of remorse.
MN: Sounds like 'dis-consistency

17. INGENIOUS: clever. resourceful.
7 INCHOATE: unclear, undeveloped: incipient Sentence: She was ingenious at tinding ways to work
Senlence: Inchoate feelings of allection for a man
more quickly.
whom she had, up till now. thought of as only a friend.
MN: the first year all students
MN: Choate seems like "chote"...For example "chote
bachche" means not fully grown up or in the initial
UNSOPHISTICATED...but in BE(final year) they
stage of life. become CLEVER and RESOURCEFUL . ) . The
word 'genius' in 'NGENIOUS' helps.
8. NDIGENCE poverty, penury, destitution
Sentence: There are various state and federal programs 18. INSIPID: bland, trite. lacking flavor
to help relicve indigence. Sentence: The soup was rather insipid.
MN: indigence- indigenous or aboriginal people in most MN: If you take a SIP IN. and realize that you were stuPlD
of the countries are passing their days in extreme enough to taste such a flavor , then the drink is insipid.
19. PRAGMATIC: practical
9. ONEROUS: burdensome, arduous Sentence: His pragmatic view of public education
Sentence: The government imposed onerous taxes on comes from years of working in city schools.
imports. MN: Sounds like problematie. In such a situation you
MN: Il sounds like ontertus.That is ONUS.. When should be concerned with what is practically reasonable
something is ON US .We fecl burdensome. and logical.

10. PEDANTIC: theoretical. doctrinaire 20. STOLID: hard hearted. stubborn

Sentence: lt may scem pedantir to harp on what looks Sentence: The butler responded to the duchess's
like mere procedure. but this is one case where the constant demands with stolid indifference.
process is the forest. MN: STOL (sounds like stool)...And a stool is
nonliving thing without any emotion. simillarly
MN: Pedantic sounds like VEIDANTIC. Any body who
follows Vcdas is usually a very conservative and STOLID is like stool without any emotion, always dul

bookish person. and boring.

21. VIABLE: feasible. possible 31. FAUX: false, Fake, artificial
Sentence: He could not suggest viable aliernative.
a Sentence: Even the animal rights activists were fooled
MN: via =
through or way.... able = possible.... So it's by the Juur furs.
something possible by a certain way or not. MN: F'aux sounds like fox which is a very clever aninal
22. and can I-AKE anyonc.
ACRONYM: A word made up of the initial letters of
other words
32. FEIGN: to make a false
representation of, 1o pretend
Sentence: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is
Sentence: I would never feign illness just to get out of a
known by the acronym "NATO."
MN: A Crowded Room of Nurses Yielded Medicine
MN: Cutl it as (f+reign) i.c. so doing lake reign he is
(ACRONYM). pretending to be ruler.
23. AD.JOURN: To suspend until another time in
precise 33. OBSTINATE: stubborn: unyielding
usage: postpone: defer Sentence: My parents reain as obstinate as ever.
Sentence: The chairperson has adjourned the
meeting. MN: ob+stintate.. Slin means to stand... and a stuhborn
MN: Judge says The court is adjourned.. means... a
person will always stand by his view.
break... recess.
34. OMINOUS: threatening
24. DORMANT: inactive. lazy. quiescent Sentence: He spoke in ominus tones.
Sentence: The seeds will remain dormant until the MN: "omentious", Remember the movie "onen the
spring. horror nmovie.
MN: See he word DORMant. D(ORM is a dormitory a
to if you a e sleeping you are inacüve or letargic. 35. PALATABLE: pleasant to the taste: agreeable to the
25. Phleymatic: placid. apathetie Sentence: I did not lind the idea of moving again
Sentence: Some people are phlegmatic, sonme highly very pulatable.
strung. Some are anxious, others risk-seeking. Some are MN: plate-able- only tasty food on plate
confident, others shy. Some are quiet, others
loquacious. We call these differences personality. 36. SOMBER: Gloomy; serious
MN: Sounds like PRAGMATIC (practical) - > Sentence: The movie is a somber portrait of life on the
people think with logic and show liule emotion. streets.
26. SWAGGER: walk or behave arrogantly WHEN A BOMBER EXPLODES A BOMB.
Sentence: I, too, would swagger if l'd won first place in DARKNESS FALLS AND EVERYONE IS IN A
the bowling tournament. STATE OF GLOOM.
MN: It's like sword + dagger. If one has both of them.
he will be quite confident. 37. SONATA: A musical composition
Sentence: In 1764, while visiting England. he composed
27. BRAZEN: impudent: bold several sonatas for violin and harpsichord and a number
Sentence: He exhibited a brazen disregard for other of symphonies.
people's feelings. MN: 'Son' composing music
MN: Brazcn, its fron old english word braesen means
n1ade of brass(strong enough netal)so the person who is 38. SOOTIHE: to calnm to ease pain: to relieve
brazen is bold or strong enough & don't rcally eare what Sentence: The waiter uried to soothe the angry customer.
others will think about it. MN: Sounds like 'smooh' which comforters are

28. BRINK: edge 39. TREACHERY. betlrayal of urus: disoyai

Sentence: She was the hrink of death when the Sentence: He was furious that she revealed his seeret
rescuers arrived. nd never forgave her for the Treuchery.
MN: Brink sounds like "drink". To drink wine you have MN: 'TREACIH +HFR - Trick her
to pour it trom the cdge of the glass.
40. VACUOUS: cmpty of content. lacking in deas or
29. CANVASS: To seck voles or opinions by conducling a intelligence, stupiud
Sentenee: lle had a vacuous expression on his lacc.
Sentence: She is canv'assing for one of the presickential MN: Vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means. a
candidates this year. egion empty of natler
MN: In Sri Lankan Cricket team there is a player with
41. DECIMATE: destroy. demolish a large portion
Name Chaminda Vas. Suppose il selecurs will say
Sentence: Budget culs have decimated publie services
"Can Vas play the neat Tournanment ?" They are looking in small towns.
for votes.
MN: deci |neans 10Jinaic|in chess nale means killing
. EXHORT: 10 urge strongly a king|so it sounds like killing a king in every 10 to kill a king you have to kill 10 persons. so
Sentence: She eahorted her listeners to support the
i.e. make killing at huge amount.
MN: xer!> do something: exhort -> to urge
n e 1o do soething.

a a
someiliing Cpeally
10. ORITTT To give up
SET-18 pcnalty
playcr involved
cach basehall
Sentence: The Jorfrit lor
conquer to overpower in the brawl was $5.000.
that when yoy
MN: Foleiled-- tore (heorc) leet.
Sentence: They were ivanquished in hatile.
lall n ome
oes feet fror
MN: Sounds like vanish..By vanishing you n he Iave done s o e nistake you
betier thun anyone l a compeiion. CXCUse.

an enbarrassng mmstake. a
DISTEND: to swell. dilate T1. GAIFFE: A social
Sentene: An abiomen distenadel by disease. faux pas
Sentence: He realized that he had comnilted an
MN: Try to relate it with dis me.ans distance and extend her name.
awful gaffe when he mispronounced
means to expand.
who was aways making
MN: Disney character Gooly
PROPENSITY: natural tendeney Blunders.
Sentence: The eriminal propensities of the amily
evtended over several 12. CHAGRIN: disappointment.
generations a tatoo, to the chugrin of
MN: prop-y = people get proplled towards city only Sentence: IHe decided to gel
hecause ol sirong inclination owards city lile. his parents.
MN: I was in a meeting and to my chgrin. CUAI GIR
GAYI and ii was
4AUSPICES: protection. support. sponsorship
Sentence: Interpreted the teacher's smile as
13. PSEUDONYM: a lalse name: an alas
an auspice that he would get an A on his presentation.
Sentence: Mark Twain is the pseudonym of the
MN: Spice guides the taste of the dish.So auspices
Alicrican writer 5:amucl L. Clemens.
means guidance.
MN: Sounds like pseudo n:ame . pseudo ne:ans not

o t real nane, tat is

pen nane.
5. BALK: u abruply refuse (lo do something): to stop pseudonynm means

Sentence: The extravagant centrepiece proved to be 14. REDEEM: 0 buy hack: to lullil: to iake up lor: t
a balk to the flow of conversation. rescue from sin
MN: Sounds close to hulk...When you see a bulky thing Sentenee: The exciting ending pariially rdems whai
on your wy you reluse t g o aheaad. is otherwise a very dull novic.
6. BON VIVANT A person who enjoys good food. good
drnk, and luxurious living: epicure 15. SPORADIC slopping an lating: seitllered
Sentence:A hon vivnt who loves to hold dnner partics occurring al inegulu inteivals
und serve exquisile. claborate meals. Sentence: Suoruli loud roises kept tatlin eversone.
MN: MN Sporadie p ite pedie ve Krt
perndic ihingsoCU Tegl l
CIPHER: ero: a nvbody: a code: ihe solution to a code
Sentence: She was nolhing nore than a cipher i6. SYNOPSIS. A briel sta' 1ment or utlii
MN: I always dllicult to deIPHIRSICRI:T Scmence:Idont necd t hn i pht v
CITADEL: A fotress defending a ity.sronpholdd, a
bulwark 17. TUEOLOG. Te r slun chm a n s
Senience: We visited a medieval ilahel n lualy.
MN: Cita del is similar to ity Delli n Ind wie h h
nany old lortress. Work

9. EXEMPLAR: An excellent model I VOD Cnne, lts. ts

Sentence: lle is an exemplar ol this new biced ol

MN: II sunds like an erample...model. 19
VULNERAEDE l i t " i u0urntectud
Sentence. Th rt s tinh feni and v rihi.
MNTh nolsnd. l e ne! abie. e
e t Wourderl e i

0 Z A N Y : ight-hearted; crazy

30). MALICE: ill will; a desire to harn1

Sentence:O One of the allenges ol hosting radio call a

in prog
is preventing the zanies from completely Cntence: She claimed that her rilicisTIS

over lhe
discussion. wilhout malice
IN: Zany sounds like Johnny...Johnny Walker, MN: When you harm someone they rub icelmal+ice)
omcdian with a zany sense of humour.

31. NOVICE; beginner

21. ZEITGEIST: The mood or spiril of the times Sentence: He's a novice in cooking.
ntence: His songs pertectiy caplured the zeitgeist of MN: NO WISE.
1960s A m e r i c a .

32. OBLITERATE: to wipe out: to destroy completely

Sentence: In strokc, the March
.LIB: To improvise; speak or act snowstorm obliterated our hopes for an carly spring.
spontaneously MN: lets
Sentence: He spoke ad-lib. all-be-literateand destroy illiteracy
33. PRIMAL; first: original; of the greatest importance
ADUMBRATE: to sketch: to outline: to give a hint of
things to come Sentence: There was a period of primal idealism after
the founding of the republic and hefore the rise of
Sentence: The strife in Bloody Kansas in the
1850s adumbrated the eivil war that would follow.
partisan politics.
MN: PRIME' usually means first
MN: A dumb brat can't give the details - just a sketechy
34. RETROSPECT: looking backward: a revieww
Sentence: In retrospect. we should have saved moTe
24. BENEDICTION: A blessing; an ulterance of good
money for college.
MN: retrospect: RETRACe and inSPECT, which means
Sentence: He dismissed the congregation with
look back.
a benediction.

MN: Saint BENEDICT always used to bless people.

35. SAVANT: a scholar. very knowledgeable and learned
25. CLAMOR: To cry out loud; public noise or protest Sentence: A savant in the field of medical ethies.
Scntencc: He clamored for justice and tolerance MN: Abhijit Savant is a learned person at singing.
MN: CLAIM+MORE: When you claim for more there
IS noise. 36. TRAUMA: severe shock or distress: a violent wound: a
wrenching experience
26. DISTINCT: separate; differcnt; clear and unmistakable Sentence She never fully recovered fronm
Sentence: Each herb has its own distinet lavor. he traumas she sulfered during her chiluhonnd.
MN: Distinct species.. species you can clearly identify MN:

27. 37. VERITY: the quility of being tne; something rue

ELEGANCE: refinement: grace
Sentence: The elegance of the hotel's French Sentence: The local ourist bure:auu is less concerned
with the 1wriy of tlhe legend than the lact that it aitracts
MN: VIsilors t the arca.
MN: Promounce it as "Very T" i.c.; Very iu.

of food
thin and bony, especially from illness or lack 38. ADVENT: arrival; cominy:; hegnning
Sentence: He left the hospital looking tired and gaunt. Senicnce
MN: Advent=ad + Went "wen is the past tense of go
MN: Grand] AUNT, or imagine as G |reat grand "d venm" is opposile of "go" which is "come".ii.c.)
AUNT... is generally lean and weak due to old age.

NERADICABLE: incapable of bcing removed or

39. AFTERMATH: consequCnce; evetnts follkowing somme
destroyed or eradicatcd
Occurrence or calamuty
enience: She made an ineradicable impression on us.
Sentence: The surgery was successlul. but she now had
MN: Cannot be ERASED from your mind. a huge bill.
to deal with its aftemath:
MN: If you don't practice "MATH before exams. the
AFTERMATHH will be bid.

loud: oulspoken
0. YOCIFEROUS: oflensively
SET-19 Sentence:
Was made OVer

their voiferous objeclions

BARREN: unproductive: lacking: desolate MN: VOICT: +URIOUS =neoisy.
Sentence: The book was gomd, but ound
the barren lives of the characters
depresing wilh shops either on

MN: A student of Barren' 'Brain' will not be able to 11. ARCADE: a covered passageway
side: an area lilled wilh coin operated games
memorize wordlists of Barron's GRE. suminers, we preler shopping in
Sentence: In scorching
an arcadc.
COGITATE: o ponder: to meditate. to think carelully MN: Arcade gamcs arc generally ndoor which means
about something roof.
under rocof or a passage undcr
Sentence: By the time he finishes cogitating what to do
with his life. it"'ll be almost over.
12. BANTER: An exchange of good-humored or mildly
MN: Agitate the mind =
cogitaies. leasing remarks
Sentence: The teacher hantered pleasantly. albeit a bit
DISPOSITION: Characteristic attitude: state of mind:
awkwardly, with the students at the
school dance.
inclination: arrangement
MN: You often tease your brother saying 'bander-
Sentence: A will is a legal document that is used in
the disposition of property.
MN: Inclined say in dis
position. 13. CRUX: the central point; the essence
Sentence: The crur of the problem is that the school's
4. EMPOWER: to give power or authority to; to enable current budget is totally inadequate.
Sentence: The federal agency was empouvered to collect
MN: FOCUS ON LETTERS CRU + X...cru very near
to something which is crucial is always
MN: the essential thing.
from Lalin crur.
. MEAGER: thin: of smal! quantity
Sentence: She canie to this country with 14. DEJECTED: depressed: disheariened
fairly meager English vocabulary. but she is learning Sentence: The dejected players slowly made their way
more words every day.
back to the locker roonm. where they could nourn their
MN: meager = m - eager concenlrale on a g e r . A defeat in private.
person is cager only when he/she is in a desperate need
MN: You feel dejected when you are rejected.
of something inadequate...or scanty in supply.
15. ENDOW: 1o give. especially a large gilt
PROFANE unholy: disrespectful. corrupt Sentence: The weal1hy cvuple endowed a new wing ot
blasphemous the hospital.
Sentence: The once-lovely
been profaned by ugly factories.
landscap had MN: relate DOW° o 1DOWRY.

MN: 16. MYSTIC: otherworldly: ny sterious; enignmatie, ccuit

Sentence: The notion that a cat has nine lives in bsed
RENOUNCE: to resign: to disown: to give up upon the beliet thal nine is t s t i number.
formally: to reject MN: mystic> nnysleru
Sentence: Many of his ormer supporters
have renounced him. 17. PROCURE: I0 obtain or acquire by special nean
MN: re-announce something abandon previoUs
Sentence: She managed to pr.ur i k e t l tlhe
announccment COncert.


SINISTER: evil: threalening
I8. RESURRECTTON. eun to lile: IeIVal
Sentence The movie relies muc
Sentence: He Wis cujoyng le resnTetin o ns
on sinister backgrOund musie to crcale the suspene ihat
the plot sorely lacks,
MN. Sinister sounds like Mlonster. -an evil nonsler.
19. SEMINARY: a sehwl for training
THRIVE: to grow strong: to flourish Sentence: Some clancd at orphan.uges
Sentence: These plants thrive with relauively litule Were seninaries ol sin and pet'y Cme, tunng Mt
sunlight. juvenile delinquents hy the s e.
MN Thre or Drie a roaing Irade neuin to ourish MN: similar tr seminar wiere we inerease ou
knowledge (or get educatrd.

0TRANQUL quiet: calm: serene

Sentence use was once
again tranquil after 30.
Kids moved oulside lw play
the ENVISION: to
imagine: 1o
MN: Tranquilizer given to animals
ence The inventor envisined many uses tor
and thus tranquil means to calm. calming them Crealion.
VESTIGE: the remains of VIVID: clear and bright
1. ething that no Sentence: He gave a vivid
description of the scene
exists, remnants
longer MN: Vivid is the opposite of languid. Vivid is
Sentence: A few
range words carved on a physIca
vestige of the lost tree were Cnergy, whereas languid is physical inertness (dull)
the only colony of Roanoke.
Think of in + vestiga
where we look for 32.
or remains of something. traces DEEM: to judge: to consider
Scntence: The principal will take whate ver action
she deems
pronounce clearly: to express MN:
appropriate in this case.

Sentence:The baby s
form articulate words and phrases. beginning to 33.
ZEPHYR: gentle breeze
MN: articulate sounds like ariicle + Sentence:A summer zephyr gently stirred her hair.
ate'. An article
magazinc or newspaper must De in a MN: Jeep + lire= you will hire a jeep for having some
clcar and fluent
what they say. in
gentle breeze.

3 CULTTVATE: to help grow;: to develop; to farm 34.

ABEYANCE: suspended action
Sentence: Prehistorie peoples settled the area and
Sentence: Our weekend plans were held
to cultinvate the land. began in
abeyance until we could get a weather forecast.
a+beyance ..

Here concentrate on beyanCe..

Sounds like buoyancy which suspends objects above the
4, DECREE: an oficial order, usually having the force of
ground level.
Sentence: The President issued a decree BARRAGE: artificial obstacle built across a river
a national holiday. making the day Sentence The star athlete was barraged with requests
for an autograph.
MN: If you have a DE (G) REE. you can give MN: barage barrier: like man-nmade barrier in a
authoritative order.
stream which can stop continuous flow of river water.

25. ETHICAL: moral: correct: honest 36.

Scntence: Some doctors fccl that this
CREDULOUS: ready to helieve things
proccdure is not Sentence: Few people are credulous enough to believe
medically ethical. such nonsense.
MN: MN: gives 'credit to everything one hears or reads
26. METICULOUS: especially carcful: paying close
attention to detail 37. DERISION: ridicule, mockery. deriding
Sentence: He is meticulous about Sentence: One of the students laughed in derision at
keeping accurate
records. my error.
MN: It sounds like matriculation(admission MN: If you say
to a something de )without reason n i o n .
college).To get matriculation we should be as a you are more prone to mockery.

meticulous(careful) aspirant to clear the exam.

38. GAMBOL: quick. playful junpiny
27. RETALIATION: revenge Sentence: Dog owners chat while their
Sentence: After the company announced plans to reduce pooches gambol on the park's great lawn
benefits. the union threatened to retaliate by calling for MN: gambol: gane-ball, in a foothall game you bave
a surike. to skip the ball playtuliy becalse it
you don t do it the
MN: Retaliation=Re+tell+action. opposite puyer will tat kle you quichy
VIGOR: strength; liveliness
39. INCURSION: sulden att:ak
Sentence: She was picked to lead the volunteer group
because of her vigor and enthusiasm. Sentence: There Were incursions irom the brder
MN: Vigor and rigor are similar in sound and they
mean severity. forcefulness.
MN: in+CURSI+iun.Focus iddle part
you when yO altack
suddenly..d kill several people.
9DEFILEto make filthy or foul: to desecrate
Sentence: The catule. once they were cornered in
40. PONDEROUS, heavy, hulky. dull
the defile. were quickly rounded up.
Sentence: Students strugelng to awake
MN I you (de1 E a case against him you will stay
luring a pronderous leeture.
tarnish his image. MN: POUND is a unit of wcigli we often
weiht in punds"Prund= +80 ranis.

11RECUPERAThecome strong aller llnes loss

SET-20 ehauston
Sentence: Halt he ollice was OUr today. Tany

siIck or rec uperatng Irom the fu

. COGNITION &nowing. aw.arenes ability to cmployees being
ounds like opcTalC...xafier th
comprehend MN: the last part
peration. paticnt recovers.

Sentence: The tests revealed cugnition disabilities in the

slender: insignilicant
12 TENUOUS: thin.
theater has had a tenuous existence
Sentence: The local
COMMUTER person who travels regularly in recent years.
close o TENNIS..und
Sentence: Due to derailment. the commuters got late at MN: This word sound very
work. nost of the
MN: Relate to communication i.e. travelling

ABRASION: rubbing. seraping. wearing off 13 UNSCATHED; unharmed,
Sentence: Waiked away from the auto aceident with The administration Was lelt
unscathed by the scandal.
only minor abrasions. relatively
IT you unscared
MN: scathed sounds like scared.
you are unharmed.

ABYSMAL; bottomiess, extreme

14. VIGlLANCE: watchfulness. self-aprointed group who
Sentence: They were living in abvsmal ignorance.
maintain order
MN: bys...sounds like base..S
Sentence: Eiernal vigilance is the price of Ireedom.
5 BASK: enjoy warmth and light
Senience: Tourisis were busking on the beaches. 15. TENACITY: persistence. resolution: gripping clinging
MN: Baskin N Robhin's Ice Cream. Remember? Costly Sentence: He is a seasoned veter:an who shows a great
one: we really enjoy going there and havVing ice creams. lenacity for the game.
MN: Tenacity and lrailty are rhyming words with
6. COMPLAISANCE: easy-going habit of mind opposite meanings. While lenacity stands tor firmnes.
sirength. Iiailty relers lo weaknes or Iragility (liagile).
Sentence: The complaisance of his girlfriend is such
that she neekly goes along with everything he says.
MN. very near to comnpliance -> to vield. 16. ACCOLADE: praise. approval
Sentence: For their exceptional bravery the fireliglhters
7. ENCOMIUM: very high praise received decolades lrom both local and tonal
Sentence: The encomiums hestowed on a teacher at her
reliremen ceremonies MN: It ounds like ehocolate. P.ucnis accolale it kiuls
do hone work prope1ly.
MN: INCOME - People of high INCOME arc formally
prarsed for their large donations
17. ANTIDOTE medicine used against a poin a
8. FRINGE: edge: ornamcntal border: part ol hair over dneae
the forehead Sentence Tor hm, r.!ng ntoreyeles i
great antiulote tw boredonm
Sentence: A fringe of moss aound the tree
MN: n t i (agaunst) i doie (u ind two tots where a

9. INDELIBLE: that cannot he rubbed out

I8. BLANDISHMIENI: laUery, oaing
Sentence: Winning the state basketball championshp
was our leams most Indelible enperience. Scntence: The Iaculiy orhids the aceeptanee of i
oney or other blandishment.
MN: indelible: in dlete ble- which cant he
deleted. MN ILAN thke i'LAN DISIl t d PLAN a
DIS H.AMER somebnly
10.PROCRASTINATION: kveping on putling off, ielay
19. CHARY: cautios, a
Sentenee: He procrastinaied and nmised the subivion Sentenee Be ch.ay of omerlricnily peopie.
deadline MN: CHARY Unds smlar t W ARY. car Ine
with self-satisfaction

20 Sentence e can't afford to be complacent about UBIOUITOUS; present everywhere, emnipresent

Sentence By that time
llteracy cell phones had
become ubiquitous, and
+ satisfied people had long ceased to
MN impressed by the sight of one he

MN: Remember UB
NDEMIC: epidemic
of a particular area. Group of Vijay Mailya t
present everywhere in India
Sntence: The fish is not an endemic species of the lake,
and it is rapidly devouring the native trout population. 31.
MN: Epidemic is something that is confined to vast area
ZENITH: pinnacle, highest point, summit, acme
Sentence: Dan has reached the
Zenith of his carer
is confined to small area.
and endemic MN: There is a
popular computer
zenith that considers itself as one parts
brand named a
of the top sellers f
person guilty of murder, wicked person
2 FELON: computer sparc parts.

criminal felon fell +on the criminal 32.

MN: felon =
stabbed a person with a sharp knife and the victim fell
CATASTROPHE: disaster, calamity
Sentence: Experts fear a humanitarian catastrophe f
on the floor. food isn't delivered to the
MN: losing 'trophy' is a big loss.
23. LUGUBRIOUS: dismal,
Sentence: The diner's dim lighting makes eating there a 33. CALLOW: inexperienced, immature, naïve
particularly lugubrious experience. Sentence: A story about a callow youth who learns the
MN: value of hard work and self-reliance.
MN: Callow Cal (Calibre) +low
24. MARTIAL: brave, of associated with war

Sentence: The marching band played "The Battle Hymn 34. BIGOT: stubbom, narrow-minded person
of the Republic" and several other martial airs.
Sentence: He was labeled
offensive comments.
a bigot after making some

USED IN "MARTIAL ART". Le. IN MARTTAL ART MN: bi means two or second. One is intolerable if he
THERE IS ALWAYS war like SITUATION. GOT second thought or opinion from others.

25. CASTIGATE: to punish severely 35. CHURL; had-tempered person

Sentence: The author castigated the prime minister a Sentence: As far as he was concerned, anyone from
an ineffective leader. outside the city was a backwater churl.
MN: castigate= rusticate = punishment. MN: person who is churlish is boorish (bad tempered
26. PETULANT: unreasonably impatient; childishly sulky
Sentence: Her tone was petulant and angry. 36. FRAGILE: easily injured, broken or destroyed
MN: Remember aunt PETUNIA in Harry Potter? She is Sentence: He is in an emotionally fragile state.

very I1.. TEMPERED and always ANNOYED on poor MN: chances of getting FRA cture are casy for AGFU

Harry people...They are FRAGILE.

27. REJUVENATION: heroming young in nature or 37. RESILENCF it f Ah n n g th
appearance original shape; springing back
Sentence: The sowel
Sentence: Each cundidate claims to have a plan
remarkable resilience in dealing with the lifticu
to rejuvenate the sagging economy.
MN: rejuvenation sounds like regeneration that means
freshness is restored.
38. ASTUTE: clever, quick at sceing to get an advantage
28. VILIFY: slander, say evil things
Sentence: He is an astute observer of the cument
Sentence: He was vilified in the press for his comments.
political scene.
MN: Vilify (to defame someone) is the opposite of
MN: A(MEANS NOT}+STU(STUPID). well think of
glorify (to praise someone highly). someone who is NOT STUPID, MEANS he is very

OUOTIDIAN: common place; daily
Sentence: Not content with the quotidian quarels that
other couples had, they had rows that shook the entire
MN: Quotidian=Quoted every day.
flanic + boy:; imagine
a boy wearing a
MN: lamboyant Will itnot be
39. BELLIGERENT: (person, nation) waging war: hostile of lame on it.
T-shirt with pictures
and aggressive
Sentence: The coach became quite belligerent and spit
at an umpire after being thrown out of the game. move; reluctant to be controlied
42. RESTIVE: refusing
MN: Just remember Bully from the word restless
belligerent...the character of a bully is to be harsh and Sentence: The restive
horse threw its head and refused
aggressive. when the rider urged it forward.
to m o v e
restless. Like factitious is

MN: Restive is actually

into one
40. COALESCING: corning together and uniting actually factless.
Sentence: The ice masses coalesced into a glacier over having a desire revenge
time. not to annoy the
vindictive old
Sentence: Be careful
MN: Coal-e-scing. Coal fuses or combines to produce
down the street.
woman who lives
heat vindictive=win+addictive obsessed
about winning
will against others. always having ill
41. FLAMBOYANT: brightly colored, florid
can be
Sentence: Crazy artists, or flamboyant ones,
strangely comforting.


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