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Quants Workshop — 6 Triangles Polygons and Rectangular Solids 120° DF G DFG isa stright line. What is the value of x? | 4 c ‘The area of right triangle ABC is 15. What is the length of hypotenuse BC? wa Inthe fig. shown, z+x is 110 degrees. ‘Quantity A Quantity B x y Quantity B Workshop - 6 Triangles, Polygons & Rectangular Solids CLASS WORK 5. A triangles has perimeter 24, Quantity A Quantity B The area of the triangle 2 6 UW a 9 is an integer Quantity A Quantity B ‘The numberof possible 7 values of x 1 | Ns 2 Note Fig. NOT drawn to scale Quantity A Quantity B x 90 8% A triangle has sides of 8, m, and Quantity A Quantity B mn} 8 9. Triangle ABC is given below with angle measures B and C given. B Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of side AB ‘The length of side BC 10. In the figure below, AC is parallel to DE and the length of DE is equal to the length of EB. D ce 68 ‘Note : Fig. NOT drawn to scale Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of side AC The length of side CB ICAD uw Ls eco EmeaC Quantity A Quantity B The product of BE ‘The product of BC and AC and AD 2 R 4 B c Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of side DC ‘The length of side AB 13. In the fig. shown, the measure of angle A is equal to the measure of angle B. c WA NX 4 B Quantity A Quantity B Side length CB 1 4 x 10 In the fig. shown, what is the value of x? Was Os 15. 15 4B Note : Fig. NOT drawn to scale Which of the following statements individu, provide sufficient information to calculate the area g) triangle ABC? Di Angle 8 equals 90 D Side 4C equals 17 C1 ABC is aright triangle 16. Nee —122— ‘What is the length of hypotenuse k? 17. Inthe fig. shown, side lengths AB, BD, and DC are Quantity A x 18 4c ‘What isthe perimeter of right triangle ABC abo 6443 6 +63 O65 9463 18+6y3 ICAD 19. Quantity A Quantity B x yee 20. Note : Fig. NOT drawn to scale In the fig. above, what is the length of side AB? @s 2. ws? 0 1, Rectangle WXYZ and Rectangle OPQR have equal areas. What isthe length of side PQ? 22. Quantity A Quantity B ‘The longest side of a 6 rectangle with area 36 B. Quantity A Quantity B x ’ 24, A rectangular box has edges of length 2, 3, and 4 Quantity A Quantity B Twice the volume of the box The surface area of the box What isthe value of o+b+e+d? Wm D500 sao 26. Quantity A Quantity B The value of r+ y+2 270 27. A parallelogram bas two sides with length 10 and two sides with length 5. Quantity A Quantity B ‘The area of the 30 parallelogam 28. A 2 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot solid cube is cut into 2 inch by 4 inch rectangular solids. What is the ratio of ‘the total surface area of all the resulting smaller ‘Tectangular solids to the surface area of the original cube? (1 foot = 12 inches) 2:1 H Os: Bio: er ICAD Quantity B 29. Quantity A The area of a square ‘The largest possible area of arhombus with side 4 with side 4 The fig. above is composed of 5 squares of equal area, as indicated by the dotted lines. The total area of the fig. is 45. ‘Quantity A Quantity B ‘The perimeter of the fig. 48 ooo ANSWER 1.20 2D 3D 4C€ 5D 6c 7A 8B 9A 10C 11.0 Inc 13.A 14.C 15.A&Bonly 16.78 17.B 18B 19.C 20E 21.6 22D 23D 24.B 25.B 26.B 27.D 28E 29.c 30.B ooo ICAD Workshop - 6 Triangles, Polygons & Rectangular Solids PRACTICE PROBLEMS LAE] Quantity A Quantity B dav sax! 3 2 s ‘ aA, What isthe perimeter of triangle ABC? 3. What is the area of Triangle DEF? £ Quantity A. Quantity B atbtx etytz ‘5S. What is the value of x? A © Fig. Not drawn to scale. a) “Se Nt tg rr > 3 A 7 c What isthe area of right triangle ABC? x fw Wats lng of and 2s eng of 6. What isthe area of Triangle X72? 8 4 y é ° : ‘What is the length of side HI? % A - o ac=4fi0 BC is 1/3 the length of AB Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of AB 10 10, If the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 72 , what isthe area of the triangle? er IcCAD 7 11. The sides of wright triangle are 3,4 and = . ‘Quantity A Quantity B : 5 2 7 c Quantity A Quantity, | Side length AC Side length ac 7 Quantity B 18. Perimeter of triangle Perimeter of triangle We ABC DEF ; fa 13, Inosceles triangle ABC has two sides with lengths Band 5 7 Quantity A Quantity B Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of the third side 8 * a 14 19, Aright triangle has hypotenuse 8 and legs of 6g A Quantity A Quantity B x 10 20. « 6 ‘Note : Fig. NOT drawn to scale 7 xz ; 260 Quantity A Quantity B Quantity A ‘Quantity B L 1 ‘The length of side AC ‘The length of side AB s 15, Isosceles triangle ABC has two sides with lengths cb 2and 11 A Quantity A Quantity B ‘The length of the third side u 16. ee The length of BC is equal tox AB is twice as lone Quantity A Quantity B The length of AC wi I; 22. If p is the perimeter of a triangle with ov Si! 6 and another side of 9, what isthe range of values for p? Quantity A Quantity B WD 3 If line 1 is parallel to the y-axis, what could be the equation of line 1? 4, y line line J, Quantity A Quantity B ‘The slope of line J, ‘The slope of line ly 25. line m Which of the following could be the equation of line Bl 6y+6x=7 By=-ax-3 O sy+10--4r ya? Bx=2 26, What is the slope of a line that passes through the Points (-4, $) and (1, 2)? 27. Which ofthe following could be the slope of a line that passes through the point (~2, ~3) and crosses the axis above the origin? Indicate all such values. o4 28, Ifthe longest distance between any two of the points (Cl, 2), 6, -2), and (7, 10) is p13, what is the value of 29. Which of the following points lies on the line ya2x-8? Indicate all such values. Oe-2 Oso Oa2-7 > iD ICAD 30, What is the distance between the points (—1, -1) and 5,6)? Bu 31. Which of the following points does NOT lie on the curvey y= x? -37 3.0) (0.5,-2.15) 32. Which of the following could be the equation of the parabola pictured below? Y, (0.1) yer el © y=-2-1 33. y nf}. m | wv Which quadrant, if any, contains no point (x, y) that satisfies the inequality y 2 (x~3)? -1? @ om EE] All quadrants contain at least one point that satisfies the given inequality. MM. Which of the following could be the equation of the parabola pictured above? ya (-3P 43 OD y=(+3)-3 (3? -3 @ 35. Inthe xy coordinate plane, lines J; and fy intersect = (43 +3 | at 2,4). Ifthe equation of J, is y= px+16 and the equation of fy is y= mot p, where m and p ate ‘constants, what is the value of m? 36. Lines 1, and fare parallel and have slopes that sum cuaniya rants The pot tne a perpendicular to lines I and hy 37. What is the area of a triangle with vertices (-2, 4), (2,4) and (-6, 6)? 38. If (3, 5) and (4, 9) are points on line L, which of the following is also a point on that line? Indicate all such values. oe O16, 12) 06.17) snes 13 sre slope ofthe Tne Is, what isthe value of y tine? line p Line / has slope > 1 Quantity A Quantity B Slope of line p a 41 Wich ofthe following could be the esuation of ¢ line parallel tothe line $x-6y=9? 3 @ y--gxel yoferl 5 yonder Dyke 2 g yee 42. In the ry plane, which of the statements below individually provide enough information to determine whether line = pases through the origin? Indicate all such values D1 The equation of tine = is y= me + band C1 The sum of the slope and the y-imtercept of line 2 is, 1 Forany point (a, 6) online z.|o| =| 43, In the coordinate plane, points (a, 6) and (c,d) are quiistan from the origin la>ld Quantity A Quantity B Mi id 4. 5 Right Triangle ABC and Rectangle EFGH bave the same perimeter. What isthe value of 2? Co 45, The center of a ciel is (5, circle, and (I,~2) is inside the circle. Ifthe radius," le values are there for -2). (5, 7) is outside the is an integer, how many possibl we Bs 46, A-square’s perimeter in inches is equa wi aes in square inches. ‘A cle’sercumference in inches is equal 5 a in square inches. Quantity A Quantity B ‘The side length ofthe The diameter ofthe circle square = IcCAD 47, In the fig. below, a square is inscribed in a circle. IF the area of the square is 4, what is the area of the O circle? Gan Ban 48. If a circle is inscribed in a square with area 16, the area of the circle is equal to how many 49. If the circle is inscribed in the square below, and the area of the square is $0, what isthe area of the circle? The circle is inscribed in the square. ‘The area of the circle is 25m. Quantity A Quantity B ‘The area of the square 50 51. In the 7-inch square below, another square is inscribed. What fraction of the larger square is shaded? @x2 24/49 gi 25/49 Hm 52. fh / » oY | »/" | 7 | 6 line/, ine, Lines /, and / are parallel, a>90 Quantity A Quantity B cary, etbth 53. ~ line x Tine m | Lines I and m are parallel. Quantity A Qua a 180-y° ‘54, In the xplane, an equilateral triangle has vertices a (0, 0) and (9, 0). What could be the coordinates ofthe_| third vertex? (0, 4.5) (4.5, 4.5) oF) 2° 2 (45,93) | 8 (+524) 58, bw A ° Sector O4B is a quarter circle. Quantity A x - ICAD 56. If the diagonal of a square garden is 20 feet long. ‘hat is the perimeter of the garden? B) 10V? feet 20V? feet © 40 feet 402 feet B) 80 feet 87. A right isosceles triangle with a leg of length f has the same area as a square with a side of length s Quantity A Quantity B f 5 $8. In the fig. below, line segments AC and BD are parallel a—t a c B s +—D Quantity A Quantity B ‘The areca of triangle WYX ‘The area of triangle w2x 459, In the fig. below, if the diagonal of the square is 12, what is the radius of the circle? Bl 3v2 Be © ov Bis 60. A right triangle is inscribed in a circle with an area of 16m centimeters? as shown below. Quantity A, Quantity B ‘The hypotenuse of the 8 Wi ir ‘angle, in centimeters 61. A rectangular box has a length of 6 cm. 2 width of Bc. and a height of 10 cm. What 1s the length of the diagonal of the box. in cm” w10 © v2 D105 om oso0 ANSWER LB 2B 3C 4D SA CO 7O BD 9A 1.0 ILA IBC IC 14.B 15E 16.8 17.B 18.16 19.C 20.0 2A 22.A 23.B 2A 28.4 2648 27, D,E& F only 28.4 29.A&Conly 30.D 31D 32D 33C SLE 355 36.D 37.4 38A&Conly 39E 40.4 41.C 42.A&Conly 43.B 444 458 46.C 47.B 48.4 49.8 50.A 5B 52.A 53.C S4E 55.C 56.D 57.8 58.C 59.A 60.C 61.C ooo Quants Workshop — 8 Probability Combinatorics Overlapping Sets ICAD Workshop - 8 Probability, Combinatorics, Overlapping Sets CLASS WORK 1. A number is randomly chosen from the first 100 positive integers. What is the probability that it is a multiple of 3? 32100 33/100 ow 34/i00 Bs 2. A certain company places a six-symbol code on each of their products. The first two symbols are one of the letters A-E and the last four symbols are digits. If repeats are allowed on both letters and numbers, how many such codes are possible? 13. Five students in a classroom are lining up one behind the other for recess. How many different lines are possible? 5 Ou Os E120 4. Quantity A Quantity B ‘The number of 4-

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