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Tuesday 24th November 2020

1066: The Battle of Hastings.

L/O: Describe the military tactics used by
both sides.
Harald’s army aren’t very protected
because they have 7000 men and have the
housecarls which are best soldiers in Europe
at that time but had The Fyrd which were a
part time army and was not very prepared
with light weapons. There shield tactic was
quite stupid and bad because the enemies
could a got a slingshot with a ball o fire and
killed them
Williams army was the best army in my
opinion because He had 8000 men, 300
knights that were carried double edged
swords, 500 infantry’s that were fully
armored and a good technique of charging
towards the enemies in high speed.
I think William would win.

Could not understand task 2,3 or 4

Have considered all the evidence I have
concluded that the decisive factor which
resulted in Williams victory was that he had
over 16 thousand men and they were very
armored. This is because he had very good

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