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Olivia Edwards

Persuasive Essay-Final

Have you ever seen a kid throw a fit and thought, “What a monster.”? I was always raised

to believe that when a child acted out it was because of bad parenting on the guardians part.

However, minors have been acting out lately and I don’t really blame the parents for it. In fact,

parents are almost getting as much blame as the kid who actually committed the crime. I

personally, do not think that parents should be at fault for their children’s crime.

My first reason is parents could not predict that their child would commit a major crime.

Major crimes include rape, murder, molestation, robbery, etc. It has been scientifically proven

that the only way to fully predict your child’s behavior is with a machine. Clearly there is a

problem because 2 million kids are arrested every year in the United States. We have 2,225 kids

serving without parole before 18. Parole is the release of a prisoner temporarily. 16% of

underaged crimes are kids between 13 and 15. Between 1984 and 1993, juvenile arrests had risen


My other reason is the money from being charged would come from the parents anyway.

Teenagers only get paid minimum wage. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Adults make roughly

$50,000 a year. Children from 7-12 are prime candidates for court. However, children 7 and

under can not even go to court, while kids 12-18 have to. People think that parents should keep a

better eye on their kids. I understand that, but usually once they have made their mind, it is


I believe that parents should not be at fault for their children's crimes. There is no way for

a parent to predict their child commiting a crime and if they are charged, the money comes from

the parents. I just think you should be careful of how you raise and treat kids.

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