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1. The authors summarized the Health People objectives since 1990 in Table 1.

List three
additional Health People 2030. Provide a rationale for each recommendation you make.

1. Develop health measures to monitor health improvement and promotion across multiple
sectors>> To ensure that we achieve health equity, we need a system or measurement to monitor
the progress of the Health People.
2. Provide enough technical assistance to the utmost against health inequity >> Some area is
poor compared to the big city. To reduce health inequity, sufficient medical technology for all is
necessary, giving the opportunity to get cured.
3. Share the medical information transparently (Improve social network)>> Some people could
not get cured of the disease because they did not know about their illness. Also, during the
pandemic, lots of people died because they did not know how to prevent or what to do about
COVID-19. So, it is important to share and update the information to improve the well-being of
all and prevent serious diseases.

2.How does increasing social cohesion address health disparities at the community level?

Social cohesion seeks to ensure the welfare of all the people, and promote and foster to combat
exclusion and marginalization a sense of belonging. It also encourages trust in people. With
many individuals in the community, people deal with shared values and resources. Individuals
commonly get into social capital through the webs of social connections. It promotes the makeup
of social networks. Social cohesion addresses health disparities through its values, broadening
the public’s comprehension of health by including the well-being of all communities.

3. How can you use the information from this reading assignment?

Through this assignment, I learned that the COVID-19 pandemic showed how many
discrepancies is existing and what situation we are facing right now. Knowing exactly what kind
of situation we have helps me to acknowledge the part we need to complement. I believe that the
phenomena such as the Pandemic can happen again, so the information fo this reading
assignment will make me more prepared for the issue of health inequity. Also, Healthy People
2030 objectives would help me to be on the right track while taking this course, especially when
I get confused with the course materials. Whenever I feel lost, the Healthy people 2030 objective
will remind me of the course goals.

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