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How does good and bad communication etiquette impact the workplace?

Good communication within a workplace is an important aspect of efficient business

operations. Good communication can ensure that employees interpret the meaning of your
message as intended. This results in decreased misunderstandings which can contribute to
stronger workplace relationships and more productive interactions. It can also label you as an
effective communicator, which suggest that you possess leadership qualities and potentially
leading to greater professional opportunities in the future.
Here’s how effective communication impacts the workplace:
1.  It promotes trust: When leaders set the standard for communication across the
company, they form a positive example for their team members. These examples
encourage collaboration, teamwork, and trust. A trusting work environment excels
when colleagues communicate openly.
2.  It promotes team member loyalty: When business leaders communicate
thoughtfully with their team members rather than oversee them from a distance, team
members will feel appreciated and valued. This feeling typically results in higher job
satisfaction and increased loyalty to the company as well as to the job.
3.  It enhances team member engagement: While many companies employ unique
strategies to increase team member engagement, they often overlook open, day-to-day
communication fundamentals. Those strategies are likely to fail without first ensuring
that leadership preserves an available line of communication with the team members.
4.  It improves teamwork: good communication is the backbone of strong team bonds.
Leadership should encourage and promote a culture of effective communication
which can be clear, direct, timely, and kind to ensure healthy and stronger
collaborations and peer relationships.
5.  It improves productivity: Engaged team members with a solid understanding of
their roles and responsibilities are more productive than unengaged team members.
Team members who do not fully understand their roles often become frustrated,
demotivated and unsure of their capabilities. Team members may perform their
responsibilities more efficiently if the information is readily available and presented
6.  Communication fuels innovation: good communication promotes collaboration.
When team members can freely share ideas with colleagues and leadership,
innovation blossoms.
7.  Resolves issues: Teams can typically resolve or altogether avoid internal issues with
good communication that encourages active and thoughtful listening and respectful
and professional responses. Turning potential arguments into constructive and
productive conversations which benefits a team’s success.
8.  It creates better client relationships: good and positive communication can be
infectious, and when a company promotes good communication amongst its teams,
that good habit often translates to successful interactions with customers. Customers
appreciate open and transparent communication between the two parties, which only
helps build consumer trust.
Bad communication often creates a tense work environment where people are not motivated
to be productive and not inspired to collaborate with their team members. This lack of
motivation then affects how employees relate to clients and potential customers which
negatively affects the bottom line. 

1. Workplace Anxiety: Poor communication can cause you and others to rush, feel
stressed, overworked, and lack a sense of humour because of a lack of
communication. Lack of or improper communication creates a sense of anxiety and
tension, which is unhelpful to productivity. Having a high degree of tension and stress
in the workplace might lead to feelings of guilt and even conflict. Because of this
tension, it can be difficult, if not impossible, for them to go ahead on the next
2. Unfulfilled Desires and Preferences: Unmet expectations are the result of a lack of
communication. Everyone on a project seems to have no idea of their responsibilities;
thus, deadlines are missed, clients are inconvenienced, and meetings are missed. As a
result, individuals unsure of their priorities end up upsetting their superiors by making
poor decisions. Knowing where to begin and how to finish a project is difficult if
expectations and priorities are not properly articulated.
3. Arguments and Friction Among Employees: bad workplace communication can
lead to feelings of anger, hurt, anxiety and powerlessness when you open your work
email inbox to find an accusatory message from a co-worker or supervisor. The email
is accusatory and demanding, rather than inquiring about how a project is progressing
or your priorities and goals. If your connection with a co-worker or supervisor has
become difficult, you may feel the need to hide rather than sit down and talk to them
about finding a solution. A lack of fulfilment or a sense of insecurity is widespread in
the workplace, and these feelings reduces production. 
4. Physical and mental Health Concerns: when there is bad communication at the
workplace, it’s common for members to suffer from mental or physical health
implications when things go wrong at work. During difficult times, mental and
chronic health issues are more likely to form, especially if an employee lacks outlets
for stress reduction, or emotional management skills due to poor or lack of
communication at the workplace. This then leads to demotivation and decreased
productivity from members.
5. Customer Disappointment: bad communication might lead to dissatisfied
customers. Team members who miss deadlines or appointments not only frustrate and
stress out their bosses but so do their customers as well. Your client may be out of
pocket if your installation team fails to start services on time. One of the most
disastrous effects of poor communication is a dissatisfied customer. As dissatisfied
customers are more likely to go elsewhere, costing your firm money.

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