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Bill Pinger--Man Behind A Legend "nam Fagan Long before manuscripts came inte being, feats ef mankind were eulegized in seng or passed from one generation to another by werd of mouth. And with the telling and singing ef tales, legends Brew and herees were created to capture the imagination and taunt the restless urge of mankind to better the feats of thor who had gone befor Every court had its Deer whe sang ef bravery and lamented the passing ef kings, high places and treasure givers, commenting even in the beginnings of recorded times---"Alas, time passes and itwasas 1f it had-never been." BARDS From such Game the inspiration that caused others to write down for mankind's heritage of folklore the herotc deeds ef such as Beowulf and preserve for the future epic battles in the cause of justice over eppression. Today, eplo battles are still waging. The scene may be either Far Eastern rice paddy fields of a city slum. Weapons are no lenger cumbersome broadaXe and sword but megaton-triggered devic: and radar-beamed ballistics. Deeds are recorded not by the flickering fireplaces ef stygian castles but within well-lighted, wir rviee-humming, typewriter-tapping offices of concrete, glass and washroon-installea buildings. Accounts appear not en scraps of paper er stylused on stene, but on printed page by the million or television's silvered enchantment breken in the midst of a Viet Nam crisis by ada telling the proper deoderant te use when ene is "where the action is." Yet in the midst of unescapabdle realiom of ever building and highway fatelity rates, teenage alceholism, the race for spa

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