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Page an artist but writing was always coupled with this desire. Parental wishes, though, were for a doctor in the family but dismal Depression days halted this course. Finger was forced to leave college as though a fore-ordained course was maneuvering to have him eventually offer a panacea of mental health in co-creating @ hero of magnitude for youngsters and adults crushed in a tide of everday maligant nec sities ef paying the demands of rent collectors and placing food on tables, along with the far-off but yet-near threat of war words spewing loudly from Burope and surreptiously from the apparently becalmad cherry-blossomed spawn of Japan. Comicdom legend holds that at this point Finger met Bob Kane at a party. A friendship was formed and later Finger and Kane collaborated as writer and artist respectively on a strip titled RUSTY AND HIS PALS. As Comicdom lore relates, thia lef Kane and Finger into the creation of a swaskbuckling, Douglas Pairbanks-Errell Flynn type of character, but one with the finesse:of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's prodigy, Sherlock Holmes. Together, Kane and Finger designed the costume of their original he: Finger utlilifzed "shadow box" pictures to give Kane & sense of flowing cape movement and action peses--thus the fetal form of the mighty BatMan crept inte the first stages of boing. The result was the man of midnight--BatMan-~soen to be joined by Robin the Boy Wonder. So popular was the athletic but non-superpoweréa here and his youhg sidekick they soon placed within hailing distance af the allmighty Superman, whe easily paced far out in front of his cestumeg,carbon-copied offerings from oth

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