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Original article

Journal of Defense Modeling and

Modeling of dynamics, guidance, and Simulation: Applications,

Methodology, Technology
9(2) 101­–112
control systems of air-to-surface missiles © 2012 The Society for Modeling
and Simulation International
DOI: 10.1177/1548512911407647

Bülent Özkan1, M Kemal Özgören2 and

Gökmen Mahmutyazıcıoğlu1

In this study, the generic dynamic models of air-to-surface missiles are given in addition to the related guidance and
control schemes. In this extent, two-part missile configurations are considered as well as the traditional single-part
missile geometries. The dynamic modelling part consists of the general equations of motion for both of the mentioned
types of missile configurations, aerodynamic modelling and corresponding transfer functions, which are used in the design
of missile autopilots. Further, the notable guidance laws applicable to such missiles are given along with the relevant
autopilot, or missile control system, models. Regarding the mission profile of these munitions, the target is modelled as
a surface vehicle moving on the ground. After conducting some computer simulations based on the proposed models,
the study is concluded by a general evaluation section.

air-to-surface missile, control system, dynamic modelling, guidance model, single-part missile, surface target, two-part

1. Introduction
The guidance and control of air-to-surface missiles have counterpart in turn. However, their higher costs make them
been among popular problems in control engineering in disadvantageous over the single-part ones.4
recent years. When considering moving and manoeuvring In the physical sense, guidance laws are derived with
targets, the problems get more complicated. In this sense, regard to the missile–target engagement geometry which is
one of the primary factors indicating the success of air-to- considered to orient the missile towards an intended target.
surface missiles, which are used against stationary, moving Looking at the relevant literature, it is seen that the guid-
and even manoeuvring targets, is the guidance law and rel- ance laws are compared with respect to their implementa-
evant control system considered. Apart from the final miss tion issues, acceleration requirements and final miss
distance values, the simplicity and ease of implementation distance properties. Moreover, they are evaluated accord-
issues are also important in deciding on a guidance law.1–3 ing to their compatibility depending on the target and
When the moving or manoeuvring targets are consid- engagement characteristics regarded. The mentioned stud-
ered, the effectiveness of the missile gains more impor- ies are conducted by taking into account the possible flight
tance. In this sense, the two-part missiles come into the scenario, and the performance characteristics of missiles
picture as a viable alternative to their single-part counter-
parts. In particular, the better stability and higher steady- 1 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Defense
state accuracy properties of the two-part missiles have put Industries Research and Development Institute (TÜBİTAK-SAGE), Turkey
them ahead of the single-part missiles. This mainly results 2 Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University,

from the fact that the diverting effect of the misalignment Turkey
moment originated by the thrust of the rocket motor is min-
Corresponding author:
imized by separating the rear part of the missile via a roller
Bülent Özkan, The Scientific and Technological Research Council
bearing in two-part missiles. The mentioned configuration of Turkey, Defense Industries Research and Development Institute
change leads the flow around the two-part missile to (TÜBİTAK-SAGE), P. K. 16, 06261, Mamak, Ankara, Turkey.
become more laminar than the flow over its single-part Email:

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102 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(2)

are also investigated under challenging engagement condi- missile model is a combination of two relatively rotating
tions.1,4–6 In this sense, the guidance laws developed for parts that are connected to each other by means of a roller

guided missiles can be categorized with respect to certain bearing. Here, ui(b) (i = 1, 2 and 3) represents the unit vec-
aspects. One of the categorization classes covers the type of tors of the body-fixed frame of the missile (Fb). C1, C2 and
resulting guidance commands. Namely, the guidance laws CM denote the mass centres of the front body, or body 1, rear
generating commands to the missile control system in the body, or body 2, and entire missile body, respectively, with
form of linear acceleration components can be called definitions that xM and d12 indicate the distances from C1 to
‘acceleration-based guidance laws’, whereas those dictat- CM and from C1 to C2. As shown, dj (j = 1, 2, 3 and 4) rep-
ing command signals in the form of orientation angles can resents the fin deflections of the aerodynamic control sur-
 
be called ‘angle-based guidance laws’. Since the guidance faces, that is, the canards. rC1/ Oe and rC 2/ Oe indicate the
command constitutes its reference signal, the missile con- position vectors of points C1 and C2 with respect to point Oe
trol system, usually known as ‘missile autopilot’, is usually which is the origin of the Earth-fixed frame (F0), whose axes

designed according to the type of the command signal.7 are described by the unit vector ui(0) (i = 1, 2 and 3).
In this study, the dynamic models of single- and two- Regarding the kinematic relationships between the two
part air-to-surface missiles are presented as well as the rel- bodies, the equations of motion can be derived using the
evant control system schemes obeying the commands Newton–Euler equations to express the force and moment
generated by the regarded guidance laws. Taking a moving balance on each body as given below:4
surface target model into account, the performance charac-    
teristics of the mentioned types of missiles are examined. FA1 + F21 + m1 g = m1 aC1 / Oe (1)
M A1 + M 21 + rB /C1 ´ F21 = J C1 ×a
a b / 0 +~w b / 0 ´ J C1 ×~
w b / 0 (2)
2. Missile dynamic model     
FA2 + FT 2 + F12 + m2 g = m2 aC2 / Oe (3)
2.1 Equations of motion of the missiles       
M A2 + M T 2 + M12 + rB /C2 ´ F12 = J C2 ×a a s/0 +
In this study, both single- and two-part air-to-surface missile   
~w s / 0 ´ J C2 ×~
w s / 0 (4)
configurations are considered. Once the governing differen-
tial equations of motion for a more complicated two-part
In Equations (1)–(4), the following definitions are made for
missile have been derived, they can be easily adapted to
i, j = 1 and 2:
single-part ones. Here, an aerodynamically controlled  
canard-type two-part missile configuration is considered as Fij and M ij : reaction force and moment vectors applied by
schematically represented in Figure 1. The mentioned body i on body j;

Figure 1.  Two-part missile model.

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Özkan et al. 103

 
FT2 and M T2 : thrust force and thrust misalignment the preceding two-part configuration by treating body 1 and
moment vectors acting on body 2; body 2 as rigidly connected to each other and hence elimi-
mi: mass of body i; nating the uncontrolled roll dynamics of body 2 formulated
J{C : inertia dyadic of body i about its own mass centre;
in Equation (9). Thus, considering the same definitions
 : acceleration of gravity; stated above with the new definition that Ia represents the
rB /Ci : position vector between point Ci and the midpoint of axial moment of inertia component of the missile, the next
 roller bearing (point B); expressions can be written for the dynamics of the single-

w b/0 and ~
~ w s/0 : angular velocity vectors of bodies 1 and 2 part missiles:4,8,9
with respect to F0;
ar (bb/0) : angular acceleration vector of body 1 with respect to F0; uo - rv + qw = ^ X + XTh /m + gx (12)
 
aC1 / Oe and aC2 / Oe : acceleration vectors of C1 and C2 with vo + ru - pw =^Y + YTh /m + gy (13)
respect to Oe. wo - qu + pv =^ Z + ZTh /m + gz (14)
po = L/Ia (15)
Putting the kinematic relationships between the bodies
qo = 8^ M + MTh + _ It - Iai pr B/It (16)
into Equations (1)–(4), along with the corresponding defi-
nitions, the equations of motion of the two-part missile, ro = 8^ N + NTh + _ Ia - It i pq B /It (17)
including the uncontrolled roll dynamics of body 2, come
into the picture in the forthcoming manner:4 In most of the planned flight trajectory, the air-to-sur-
face missiles have a non-thrusted motion. Thus, the force
uo - rv + qw = ^ X + XTh /m + gx (5) and moment terms related to the thrust will vanish for
vo + ru - pw = ^Y + YTh /m + gy (6) this stage, that is, XT = YT = ZT = LT = MT = NT = 0.
wo - qu + pv = ^ Z + ZTh /m + gz (7) Furthermore, the uncontrolled roll dynamics of the two-
po = _ L1 + bt {o si /Ia1 (8) part missiles will be out of concern regarding their con-
po 2 = _ L2 + LT - bt {o si /Ia2 (9) trolled motion. Hence, the equations for both single- and
qo - pr _1 - n1i + p2 r c2 = _ M + MT - m2 ZTi /I lt (10) two-part air-to-surface missiles can be simplified to the
ro + pq_1 - n1i - p2 q c2 = _ N + NT + m2YTi /I lt (11) following form:

where po 2 = po + { p s , n1 = m1 /m , I lt = It - n1m2 d12

, uo - rv + qw = ^ X/mh + gx (18)
c2 = Ia2 /I lt , m2 = d12 - xM , M = M1 + M l2 + xM Z1 - m2 Z l2, vo + ru - pw = ^Y/mh + gy (19)
N = N1 + N l2 - xMY1 + m2Y l2 , MT = M lT2 and NT = N lT2 . wo - qu + pv = ^ Z/mh + gz (20)
The definitions used within Equations (5)–(11) are listed po = L/Ia (21)
 qo - pr= M/It (22)
as the relevant components are expressed in u1( b ) ,
(b) ro + pq= N/It (23)
u2 and u3 axes:

zs: spin angle of body 2 about u1( b ) axis;
 2.2 Aerodynamic model of the missiles
p, q and r: components of ~ w b/0 ;

p2: roll component of ~w s/0 in Fb; In this study, a linearized aerodynamic model is considered
u, v and w: components of the velocity vector of CM; by expressing the aerodynamic force and moment compo-
X, Y and Z: aerodynamic force components of the entire nents within Equations (5)–(17) in terms of the dynamic
missile; pressure (q∞), missile cross-sectional area (SM) and missile
L, M and N: aerodynamic moment components of the entire diameter (dM), as given below:4,10
missile; 
XT, YT and ZT: components of FT2 ; X = Cx q3 SM (24)
LT, MT and NT: components of M T2 ; Y = Cy q3 SM (25)
m, m1 and m2: masses of entire missile, body 1 and body 2, Z = Cz q3 SM (26)
respectively; L = Cl q3 SM dM (27)
Ia1 and Ia2: axial moment of inertia components of body 1 M = Cm q3 SM dM (28)
and body 2; N = Cn q3 SM dM (29)
It: transverse moment of inertia component of the entire
missile;  As r represents the air density at the related altitude and
gx, gy and gz: components of g; r ≈ 3.14, q∞ and SM can be calculated using the following
bt: viscous friction constant of the roller bearing between equalities:11
the bodies.
For the single-part missiles, the necessary equations of q3 = ^1/2h t v M
motion can be adapted from the expressions obtained for SM = ^r/4h d M

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104 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(2)

Indicating the magnitude of the missile velocity vector by ay ^ s h ny2 s2 + ny1s + ny0 (45)
Gad ^ s h = = 2
vM, Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm and Cn, coefficients can be written as dr ^ s h s + d y1 s + d y0
linear functions of the angle of attack (a), side-slip angle
(b), aileron, elevator and rudder deflections (da, de and dr, where z1 denotes the roll angle of the entire missile while
respectively), p, q and r, as given below:4 it corresponds to the roll angle of body 1 for two-part mis-
sile configurations and az and ay represent the lateral accel-
Cx = Cx0 (32) eration components of the entire missile in pitch and yaw
Cy = Cy b + Cy dr + Cy x r
b d r
(33) directions, respectively. The gains Ld, Lp1, nz0, nz1, nz2, dp0,
Cz = Cz a + Cz de + Cz x q
a d q
(34) dp1, ny0, ny1, ny2, dy0 and dy1 are functions of the dimen-
Cl = Cl da + Cl x p
d p
(35) sional, kinematic and aerodynamic parameters of the
Cm = Cm a + Cm de + Cm x q
a d q
(36) missile.4
Cn = Cn b + Cn dr + Cn x r
b d r
3. Guidance laws
Here, x = dM /_2vMi and Cx0 is a static aerodynamic force
component in the axial direction. As mentioned above, the guidance laws considered can be
In this scheme, Equation (32) is held regarding the small evaluated into two main groups: acceleration- and angle-
values of a. In addition, these coefficients are dependent on based guidance laws. In application, these laws are, in gen-
the time derivative of a (ao ). However, the effect of varia- eral, utilized during the terminal guidance phase of the
tion of a is neglected within this work, since a takes small missile–target engagement scenarios.
values in the considered missile–target engagement
3.1 Acceleration-based guidance laws
The stability derivatives represented by Cy , Cy , Cy , b d r

Cz , Cz , Czq , Cld , Cl p , Cma , Cm , Cm , Cn , Cn and Cn are

a d d q b d r
In this content, proportional navigation guidance (PNG),
functions of Mach number (M∞) and they are continuously velocity pursuit guidance (VPG) and augmented propor-
updated depending on the present values of the relevant tional navigation guidance (APNG) laws can be evaluated.
flight parameters during the computer simulations. Within
Equations (32)–(37), a and b are defined in the following 3.1.1 Proportional navigation guidance law. As the most
fashion:11 widely used guidance law for missiles, the PNG law can
be expressed regarding the yaw and pitch planes of the
a = arctan ^w/uh (38) missile–target engagement geometry in the following
b = arcsin _v/vMi (39) fashion:4,10

Moreover, da, de and dr are provided by the control sur- a wc2 = N2 vM9 mo y cos _cm i - mo p sin _cm isin _ my - hm iC (46)
faces and are defined in terms of the fin deflections in the
a c = - N v mo cos _ m - h i (47)
following manner:4 w3 3 M p y m

where a wc2 and a wc3 indicate the command acceleration

da = _d1 + d3i /2 (40)
components in the yaw and pitch planes, respectively.
de = _d2 - d4i /2 (41)
Moreover, N2 and N3 show the effective navigation ratios,
dr = _d1 - d3i /2 (42)
while my and mp indicate, respectively, the yaw and pitch
angles of the line-of-sight (LOS) between the missile and
2.3 Transfer functions of the missiles target. Here, the flight path angle components of the missile
in yaw and pitch planes (hm and cm) can be calculated using
In order to design the roll, pitch and yaw autopilots, the
the following expressions:12,13
transfer functions between the selected inputs and outputs
are required. These transfer functions are obtained regard-
hm = } - arctan 8^c1 - c2h /^s1 - s2hB (48)
ing the linearized model of the missile. Thus, they can be
generated from Equations (18)–(23) by taking the gravity cm = arctan
`us^ih s_{i - vc^ihjc_} - hm i - uc_{i s_} - hm i (49)
> H
as an external disturbance, that is, gx = gy = gz = 0 , as
follows:4 vs^ih + uc^ih s_{i
{1 ^ s h Ld
G{d ^ s h = = (43) where c^vh = cos ^vh , s^vh = sin ^vh for any angle v and
da ^ s h s_ s - Lp1i
z, i and } denote the roll, pitch and yaw angles of the mis-
az ^ s h n s 2 + n z1 s + n z0 sile, respectively. The coefficients c1, c2, s1 and s2 are func-
Gad ^ s h = = z22 (44)
de ^ s h s + d p1 s + d p0 tions of missile kinematic parameters.

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Özkan et al. 105

Figure 2.  Engagement planes of the missile.

The definitions of hm and cm are shown in Figure 2, 3.2 Angle-based guidance laws
 
where vM and vT stand for the velocity vectors of the mis-
 As the most commonly used angle-based guidance laws, the
sile and target, while rT/M denotes the LOS vector.
Moreover, ht and ct represent the flight path angle of the body pursuit guidance (BPG) and linear homing guidance
target as ui( ) (i = 1, 2 and 3) indicates the unit vectors of (LHG) laws can be considered within the scope of this study.
the wind frame, which is defined as the reference frame
attached to the engagement planes of the missile.4 3.2.1 Body pursuit guidance law.  In the BPG approach, it is
intended to put the longitudinal axis of the missile, that is,

3.1.2 Velocity pursuit guidance law. Taking N2 and N3 coeffi- the ui(b) axis, onto the LOS between the missile and target.
cients as unity in Equations (46) and (47), the PNG law Thus, the guidance commands in the pitch and yaw planes
turns into the VPG law. In this approach, the aim is to align (ic and }c) can be derived in the following manner as i and
  }, indicating the pitch and yaw angles of the missile,
the missile velocity vector ( vM / Oe ) and LOS vector ( rT/M )
 respectively:1,4
and thus to keep the direction of vM / Oe as indicating the
ic = mp (52)
3.1.3 Augmented proportional navigation guidance law. When }c = my (53)
moving or manoeuvring targets are under consideration,
the APNG law comes into the picture as a viable choice. In 3.2.2 Linear homing guidance law.  In the LHG approach, it is
this scheme, the guidance commands to the lateral accel- intended to keep the missile always on the collision triangle
eration components of the missile are determined by add- that is formed by the missile, target and predicted intercept
ing the product of the half of the relevant lateral acceleration point. For this purpose, the most appropriate way is to ori-
component of the target by the corresponding effective ent the missile velocity vector towards the predicted inter-
navigation ratio to the command expressions derived for cept point at which the missile–target collision will occur
the PNG law as given in Equations (46) and (47). Thus, the after a while. Then, the resulting guidance commands will
APNG commands are determined in the following manner be in the form of the flight path angles of the missile in the
as aT2 and aT3 terms from the target acceleration vector:1,6 yaw and pitch planes as given below:4,14

hcm = arctan 8_vTy 9t - 9yi /_vTx 9t - 9xiB (54)

= N2 *vM9 my cos _cm i - mp sin _cm isin _ my - hm iC4 (50)
o o
a wc2
ccm = arctan > H (55)
9z - vTz 9t
+^aT2 /2h
_vTx 9t - 9xicos _hm i + _vTy 9t - 9yisin _hm i
a wc3 = - N39vM mo p cos _ my - hm i + _ aT3 /2iC (51)
where Dx, Dy and Dz show the position components of the
where aT2 and aT3 stand for the components of the target target relative to the missile, while vTx, vTy and vTz are the
acceleration vectors on the yaw and pitch planes of the mis- components of the target velocity vector in F0. In these for-
sile, respectively. mulas, Dt represents the time-to-target parameter.

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106 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(2)

Although its governing Equations in (54) and (55) have locations in accordance with the desired bandwidth value
non-linear characteristics, the LHG law imposes a linear (~c):4,15,16
trajectory from the missile to the target, as its name implies.
B3 ^ s h = _1/~3ci s3 + _2/~2c i s2 + _2/~ci s + 1 (58)
4. Missile control system This way, the controller gains can be found by matching
In order to realize the command signals generated by the Equations (57) and (58).
guidance laws, whether acceleration or angle based, two In a similar manner, the transfer function from the
kinds of missile control systems, that is, missile autopilots, desired acceleration (ayd) to the actual acceleration (ay) for
can be designed for controlling the motion of the missile in the yaw-plane control system can also be established as fol-
its lateral directions. That is, assuming that the roll angle of lows. Here, Ty, ny1, ny2, ay1, ay2 and ay3 are the parameters
the missile is nullified prior to the motion in its lateral related to the dimensional, kinematic and aerodynamic
directions, the control systems can be constructed for the parameters of the missile for the yaw-plane motion, respec-
pitch- and yaw-plane motions of the missile. The first type tively. Moreover, Ty denotes the integral time constant of
of control system mentioned above is built to execute the the used control action:4
acceleration-type command signals, whereas the other is
based on the angle-based guidance commands. Both of the ay ^ s h _Ty s + 1i` ny2 s + ny1s + 1j
= (59)
control systems consist of a controller, a control actuation a yd ^ s h a y3 s 3 + a y2 s 2 + a y1 s + 1
system (CAS), gyroscopes, accelerometers and plant, that
is, missile. In Equations (56) and (59), ayd = a wc2 and azd = a wc3 ,
regarding the definitions of guidance commands, are given
in the previous section.15
4.1 Acceleration control system
An acceleration control system is designed in order to obey
4.2 Angle control system
the guidance commands, that is, reference acceleration
commands, generated by the PNG, VPG, and APNG laws In order for the missile to realize the guidance commands
such that they operate independently in the pitch and yaw produced by the BPG and LHG laws, a state feedback-type
planes. In this sense, the control system designed for the angle control system in which the integral of the error
pitch-plane motion of the missile can be easily adapted to between the reference and actual values of the controlled
the yaw control system if the considered missile configura- state variable, that is, flight path angle, is defined as an
tion has a rotational symmetry as seen in most cases. additional state variable and is constructed for the motion
Assuming that the roll motion of the missile is compen- of the missile both in its pitch and yaw planes. In this
sated by a faster roll autopilot, the control system for the scheme, the guidance commands generated by the BPG law
pitch-plane motion of the missile can be designed by con- in terms of the orientation angles of the missile with respect
sidering the classical PI (proportional plus integral) control to the ground, that is, ic and }c, are converted into the
action with the contribution of the pitch damping as repre- flight path angle commands, ( hcm and ccm ), as below:4
sented by the following transfer function from the desired
acceleration (azd) to the actual acceleration (az):4 hcm = }c + 7 b/ cos ^ihA (60)
_Tp s + 1i` np2 s + np1 s + 1j ccm = ic - a (61)
az ^ s h
= (56)
azd ^ s h a p 3 s 3 + a p 2 s 2 + a p1 s + 1 On the other hand, the commands to the flight path angle
components resulted from the LHG law can be directly
where Tp, np1, np2, ap1, ap2 and ap3 are the terms functions of
the dimensional, kinematic and aerodynamic parameters
Considering the roll-free motion of the missile in the
of the missile. Here, Tp stands for the integral time constant
pitch plane and taking the gravity effect as an external dis-
of the considered control action.4
turbance, the closed-loop transfer function of the angle
For the mentioned control system, the characteristic
control system between the desired and actual values of
polynomial of the transfer function in Equation (56) is
the flight path angle (cmd and cm) in the yaw plane can be
found from the resulting expressions in the following
Dp ^ s h = ap3 s3 + ap2 s2 + ap1s + 1 (57)
In order to determine the controller gains, the third-order
cm ^ s h nc3 s3 + nc2 s2 + nc1 s + 1
Butterworth polynomial presented below can be used by = (62)
placing the three poles of the control system to desired cmd ^ s h dc4 s4 + dc3 s3 + dc2 s2 + dc1s + 1

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where nc1, nc2, nc3, dc1, dc2, dc3 and dc4 are the terms for the Actually, the motion surface of the target is not planar.
functions of the dimensional, kinematic and aerodynamic Yet, since the variations in the vertical direction are very
parameters of the missile, respectively.4 small compared to the displacements in the horizontal
The characteristic polynomial of the transfer function in plane, the altitude of the target is taken to be constant in the
Equation (62) is as follows: modelling as given below:

D^ s h = dc4 s4 + dc3 s3 + dc2 s2 + dc1s + 1 (63) zT ^ t h = zT0 (70)

In order to determine the controller gains, Equation (63)

6. Missile–target engagement model
should be equated to the fourth-order Butterworth polyno-
mial as given below:4 In the missile–target engagement geometry, the LOS dis-
tance (rT/M), my and mp can be obtained from the following
B4 ^ s h = _1/~4c i s4 + _2.613/~3ci s3 equations:
2 2
+ _3.414/~c i s + _2.613/~ci s + 1
rT/M = ∅x2 + ∅y2 + ∅z2 (71)
Similarly, the angle control system can be adapted for λy = arctan ^∆y/∆xh (72)
the yaw-plane motion of the missile with the transfer func- λp = arctan 8- ∆z cos _m
m λyi /∆x B (73)
tion from the desired flight path angle (hmd) to its actual
value (hm) in the following fashion. Here, nh1, nh2, nh3, dh1, Since a ground target is considered in the study, the total
dh2, dh3 and dh4 are the terms for the functions of the dimen- miss distance (dmiss) at the end of the missile–target engage-
sional, kinematic and aerodynamic parameters of the mis- ment, that is, at t = tF, can be calculated from the following
sile, respectively.4 formula, just as the vertical component of rTM becomes
zero, that is, ∅z = 0 :
hm ^ s h nh3 s3 + nh2 s2 + nh1s + 1
= (65)
hmd ^ s h dh4 s4 + dh3 s3 + dh2 s2 + dh1s + 1 dmiss = ∅x2 ^tFh + ∅y2 ^tFh (74)

5. Target kinematics 7. Computer simulations

Regarding the target as a ground vehicle moving on the As an example to the implementation of the models given
Earth surface, the kinematic parameters describing its above, the performance characteristics of a single-part air-
motion on the horizontal plane are the normal and tangen- to-surface missile can be obtained by conducting relevant
tial acceleration components (a Tn and a Tt ), magnitude of the computer simulations with consistent numerical values of
target velocity vector (vT), and heading angle (ht). the necessary system parameters as shown in Table 1.
Specifying a Tn and a Tt , as well as the initial values of the Combining the models given above along with a strap-
target velocity and the heading angle (vT0 and ht0) as t0 indi- down, or body-fixed, seeker with a field of view of ±30°
cates the initiation of the missile–target engagement, vT and both in the pitch and yaw directions, the entire guidance
ht can be obtained as functions of time by the following and control scheme is constructed and the missile–target
integrals, with s being the integration variable: engagement is simulated for different situations with this
t model.17 The PNG, VPG, APNG, BPG and LHG laws are
vT ^ t h = vT0 + # aTt ^vhdv (66) implemented for the zero initial heading error value of the
t0 missile against both stationary and manoeuvring targets
ht ^ t h = ht0 + # 8 aTn ^vh /vT ^vhBdv (67) Table 1.  Essential missile parameters
Parameter Symbol Value
Afterwards, with the initial values of xT0 and yT0, the
position of the target on the horizontal plane can be Diameter dM 70 mm
described by the following equations as functions of time: Cross-sectional area SM 3848.5 mm2
t Total length LM 2000 mm
xT ^ t h = xT0 + # vT ^vh cos _ht ^vhidv (68) Total mass
Axial moment of inertia
17.55 kg
0.0214 kg m2
t Transverse moment of inertia It 5.855 kg m2
yT ^ t h = yT0 + # vT ^vh sin _ht ^vhidv (69) Acceleration limit of the missile amax 30 g
t0 Cant angle of the fixed tail fins – 0°

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108 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(2)

with a constant speed of 90 km/h and a manoeuvre level of the current state of the missile, the appropriate values of the
0.3g on its motion plane (g = 9.81 m/s2). The change in the aerodynamic terms are continuously calculated using rele-
target speed, that is, its tangential acceleration component, vant look-up tables prepared for the ranges given below.
is disregarded. The effective navigation ratios of the PNG For the values of the concerned parameters other than the
(N2 and N3) are taken to be 3 in both the yaw and pitch numbers given here, the corresponding coefficients are
planes.1 The final bandwidth values of both the acceleration computed by making interpolation or extrapolation. The
and angle control systems are set to 5 Hz (~c = 31.4 rad/s). obtained values are used for the yaw motion as well, with
The CAS is modelled as a second-order system with a regard to the rotational symmetry of the missile.4 The initial
bandwidth value of 20 Hz such that its dynamics does not values of the missile and target kinematic parameters
affect the control system dynamics and it is assumed that related to the engagement are shown in Table 2.
the angular deflections of the control fins connected to the Thus, the computer simulations are performed in the
CAS vary within the range of ±20°. The operating frequen- MATLAB® SIMULINK® environment using the entire
cies of the gyroscopes and accelerometers are assigned to guidance and control simulation model given in Figure 3
be 110 Hz. The numerical values of the essential missile for the situations given above; the attained results are pre-
parameters used in the relevant computer simulations con- sented in Table 3. These results are found for the terminal
ducted for the terminal guidance phase of the missile–target miss distance, total engagement time and maximum accel-
engagement process are given in Table 1. eration requirement of the missile. The trajectories of the
Aerodynamic coefficients are computed for the M∞ missile and target within the engagement scenarios with
range of 0.3–2.7, de and dr ranges of between –10° and 10° the PNG, VPG, APNG, BPG and LHG laws against the
and a and b ranges of between –17° and 19°. Depending on manoeuvring target are shown in Figures 4–8.

Table 2.  Initial conditions of the missile and target kinematic parameters
Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
xM0 0 p0 50 rpm yT0 650 m
yM0 450 m q0 5 rpm zT0 0
zM0 200 m r0 5 rpm vT0 25 m/s
(=90 km/h)
vM0 408 m/s (M∞ = 1.2) a0, b0 0 ht0 0
hm0, cm0 0 xT0 1000 m aTt 0

Figure 3. MATLAB® SIMULINK® model of the missile guidance and control system.

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Özkan et al. 109

Table 3.  Simulation results obtained for the control systems with constant bandwidth
Target type Guidance law Terminal miss Total engagement Maximum acceleration
distance (m) time (s) requirement (g)
Stationary PNG 3.079 2.823 3.377
VPG 37.670 2.723 24.659
APNG 3.079 2.823 3.377
BPG 31.332 2.763 84.386
LHG 1.129 2.828 32.488
Manoeuvring PNG 2.968 3.051 2.903
VPG 63.448 2.857 14.764
APNG 3.046 3.050 2.907
BPG 59.436 2.868 32.496
LHG 0.721 3.061 77.340

PNG: proportional navigation guidance, VPG: velocity pursuit guidance, APNG: augmented proportional navigation guidance, BPG: body pursuit
guidance, LHG: linear homing guidance.

Figure 4.  Engagement with the proportional navigation guidance law.

Figure 5.  Engagement with the velocity pursuit guidance law.

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110 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 9(2)

Figure 6.  Engagement with the augmented proportional navigation guidance law.

Figure 7.  Engagement with the body pursuit guidance law.

Figure 8.  Engagement with the linear homing guidance law.

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Özkan et al. 111

8. Discussion and conclusion other reason for the weaker performance of the two-part
missile. In addition, the obtained results can be compared
In this study, the dynamic modelling of air-to-surface mis- with actual flight data if some of the handled engagements
siles is given along with an aerodynamic model, transfer can be performed in the real world.
functions and possible guidance and control schemes. In Consequently, it can be stated that these models can be
this extent, two-part missile configurations are considered used in simulation studies of air-to-ground missiles with
along with the traditional single-part missile geometries. As their own parameter values. Although the present work
mentioned above, a linearized aerodynamic model is does not contribute to the field of defence modelling and
regarded in this work. Considering planned motion profiles simulation as a new simulation technology, it provides a
of the missile configurations in accordance with the useful tool to simulate the performances of single- and two-
intended targets, it is evaluated that this linearization does part missiles. In addition, different guidance laws and auto-
not cause significant errors in monitoring the effects of the pilot models can also be integrated into the proposed entire
aerodynamic force and moments on the missiles. At the end guidance and control scheme with manoeuvring target
of the study, the results of a set computer simulations per- models.
formed regarding a classical single-part missile configura-
tion are presented. Looking at the results submitted in
Table 3 and Figures 4–8, it is observed that the LHG law
yields the smallest values in the sense of the terminal miss This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
distance among the others, whereas it appears the worst in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
approach when the maximum acceleration requirement cri-
terion is considered. Actually, this undesired case is caused Conflict of interest statement
by the initial acceleration demand of the LHG law so as to None declared.
orient the velocity vector of the missile towards the present
location of the target. In fact, these high accelerations at the
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