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swept from the rooftep of Finger's imaginative genius straight into the hearts ef all these struck with @ sense of wonder and a desire to see right win eut over wrong. Yes, Gardner Fex and othesecripted BatMan tales but it was Finger who graced Bruce Wayne and his alter ego BatMan with the original flavor and moto ha jeoty that captured the hearts of a reading public of all ages. And BLLl Finger continues to add his magical touch to the saga of the BatMan ef the '60's. Te understand somewhat the background of BatMan's popularity; one must gain e partial glimpse into the background ef Finger himself. Tho! with a sense of romanticism will immediately note finger was born under the sign of Aquarius--the keynote Zodiac sign of those influenced by dreams of high adventure and devil-may-care leanings rather than acceptance of mundane, routineness of everyday ir Finger was born on Feb. 6th. So teo was the late James Dean, brillant movie actor, Strikingly enough, beth Finger and Dean created a legend---though of different sorts--Finger's sparking the imagination of those with a love of life and Dean-~those with a precccupation with the sad brown leaves of autumn and the "final thrill-packed moment behind # splintering windshield." curious, too, 1s the fact that Finger was born in DENVER, Colorado. And the Hungarian word for bat is DENEVER-~a coincidence that for save a letter "E" would have had Finger entering a world within a community named for the winged marmal that was later to give the namesake to the hero he had se much @ part in makings So, for mysticiemt Facts about Finger are that he and his family soon moved to New York City. His ambition was to be

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