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Read the following grammar reference and then try practising collocations in Use of
English style quizzes.

You will definitely be tested on your knowledge of collocations, which are likely to
appear in Part 1 and 4 of Paper 1 Reading and Use of English.

Collocations are words that go together to form set expressions. There are
various types of collocation:

verb + noun
do exercises
play tennis

verb + adverb
rain heavily
laugh loudly

noun + verb
a bomb explodes
an event takes place

adjective + noun
clean driving license
a smooth flight

This unit will look at verb + noun and adjective + noun collocations.

Collocations >> Part 1: Multiple Choice Cloze

Reminder: Part 1 consists of a short text which has 8 gaps. For each gap you have
to select the missing word from a choice of four (A, B, C or D).

Our teacher ..... us some really difficult homework yesterday.
(A) made (B) did (C) set (D) placed out

Answer: 'set'

Collocations >> Part 4: Key Word Transformation

Reminder: You are given a complete sentence followed by a second, incomplete
sentence. You have to complete the second sentence so that it has the same
meaning as the first using a word given that must not be changed.

Her parents allowed her to go on holiday with her friends.
Her parents .......... to go on holiday with her friends.

Answer: 'gave her permission'

3- Reading and Use of English Part 1 Format

Click on the answer A, B, C or D that completes each sentence. There are SIX
questions in all.

1) I made a silly ........ at work today and feel a bit embarrassed.

A. ? trip
B. ? fault
C. ? failing
D. ? mistake
2) Could you ......... me an example of what you mean?
A. ? give
B. ? offer
C. ? make
D. ? put
3) Look, let's stop ........ time and get down to some work.
A. ? losing
B. ? slipping
C. ? wasting
D. ? missing
4) Inflation is going up due to ........ prices in the housing market.
A. ? rising
B. ? lifting
C. ? growing
D. ? raising
5) You look ill. I'll get the thermometer and ........ your temperature.
A. ? take
B. ? get
C. ? see
D. ? test
6) Don't forget to ........ the alarm clock. You've got to get up early tomorrow.
A. ? fix
B. ? make
C. ? do
D. ? SET

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