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Q.1. What is Hadeeth (2)

Q.2. What are the 6 main Hadeeth books? (6)







Q.3. Match up the following hadeeths correctly with their translations (10)

1.‫ِا َّن َما اَألعْ ما ُل ِبال ِّنيَّات‬ Supplication is the essence of worship

2. ‫اَل ِّديْنُ ال َّنصِ ي َْحة‬ The Religion is to act with sincerity

3. ‫ُّعا ُء ُم ُّخ ْال ِع َبا َدة‬

َ ‫الد‬ Actions are according to intentions

4. َّ‫ْال َمرْ ُء َم َع َمنْ َأ َحب‬

Calmness and patience is from Allah and haste is from

َ ‫اَأْل َناةُ م َِن هللا َو ْالعُجْ لَ ُة م َِن ال َّشي‬

5.‫ْطان‬ The upper hand is better than the lower hand

6. ‫ْال َم َجالِسُ ِباَأْل َما َنة‬

The World is a prison for the believer and a paradise
for the disbeliever
7. ‫شعْ َب ٌة م َِن اِإل ْي َمان‬
ُ ‫اَ ْل َح َيا ُء‬
Gatherings are to be kept in confidence
8. ‫ْال ُّد ْن َيا سِ جْ نُ ْالمُْؤ مِنُ َو َج َّن ُة ْال َكافِر‬
A person will be with whom he loves
9.‫ْال َي ُد ْالع ُْل َيا َخ ْي ٌر م َِن ْال َي ُد ال ُّس ْفلَى‬
Modesty is a branch of faith
10.‫َّابر‬ ِ ‫الطاعِ ُم ال َّشا ِك ُر َكالص‬
ِ ‫َّاِئم الص‬
The one who eats and is grateful is like
the one who fasts and is patient
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