The Breakfast Maker

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The breakfast maker

In twenty years the breakfast maker will be making you breakfast right in the
morning. The breakfast maker will change almost everyone’s lives. This amazing
product will be revolutionary! The breakfast maker is just like a vending machine,
except it is fresh and just baked. This product needs the ingredients for making the
breakfast and you load it every month, but if it expires the machine has special
features to prevent food from going to waste. In addition, when you wake up
instead of throwing bread in the toaster, the breakfast maker has a giant screen
where you can choose any picture of breakfast. The machine will alert you if you
need to load the ingredients and in under twenty minutes your meal is ready.

Twenty years from now, I predict that Elon Musk’s Tesla stock skyrocketed and he
will now focus more on making products and machines that we imagined would
exist, now will. Elon Musk has an amazing idea to ask some people about some
machines and products that you have imagined of and will make lives easier. Who
knew that people had such great ideas, someone suggested a machine that makes
breakfast for people. Elon Musk was surprised and wanted to create this life
changing product. He was determined to make this. After three months he made
the breakfast maker and started more than forty five factories around the world.

The breakfast maker will affect us all. Without a doubt, everything in this world has
a positive effect and also a negative one. It is clear that what is positive about the
breakfast maker is that this machine makes breakfast for you in the morning. The
negative consequence is that this product uses batteries which are discarded after
one year, which is not environmentally friendly. Therefore another not very
appealing disadvantage is for bakers, fast food restaurants and chefs. They won’t be
very popular because the breakfast maker has taken the spotlight. For instance
chefs, bakers and fast food restaurants take a long time to make a breakfast,
whereas the breakfast maker will make you a delicious breakfast in less than
twenty minutes!

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