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Midterm Exam

for Linear algebra and Discrete Structures

Neuhauser & Bokelavadze

Instructions: You have 30 minutes (including upload) to complete this part of the exam. You
have to explain your work.

1. Is the following set a group under addition?

(1) R
(1 point)
(2) Q
(1 point)
(3) (R \ Q) ∪ {0}
(1 point)
(1) A cyclic group C4 consists of exactly 4 elements and is generated by one element a ∈ C4 .
Write down the corresponding Cayley table for C4 .
(1 point)
(2) Show, that if G is a group of order 5, then G is cyclic.
(1 point)
3. G is a group of order p, where p is a prime number. Determine the number of distinct subgroups
of G.
(1 point)
4. Find the set of solutions of the equation x2 + 3 = 0 in
(1) R
(1 point)
(2) Z4
(1 point)

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