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JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY C F AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY University Examinations 2018/2019 R EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF D COMPUTER ENG INEERING/ ONIC ENGIN! ERING SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRONIC AN! BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTR‘ ERE2205: ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS MARCH 2019 TIME: 2 HOURS DATE: } Instructions: Attempt question one and any other two questions Show all working in a neat and legible Every question must start on a fresh page Question one {30 marks} Compulsory le manner. and be clearly labelled. (@) Briefly explain scenarios where measurement instruments need calibration. (6 marks) b) A resistor has a nominal value of 10Q+1%. A voltage is applied and the power consumed is calculated using the expression P = E*/R. Calculate the percentage expected uncertainty in power when the measured value of E = 100V + 1% (Smarks) a Wheatstone bridge are as follows: 4B=100 2, BC =10000, measurement of ¢) The four arms of CD=40002, DA=4002. A galvanometer with internal resistance of 100 Q and ae sensitivity of L0mm / uA is connected between AC, while a battery of 4 V de is between BD. Calculate the current through the galvanometer and its WI-2-60-1-6 ion TWO {20 marks} Que a) The four arms of a Maxwell's induct ace bridge at balance are Arm AB: A choke nce-capacitan coil L; with an equivalent series resistance R,, Arm BC: A non-inductive resistance of 800 | with a non-inductive resistance of 800 Q, 2, Arm CD: A mica capacitor of 0.3 Fin paral ve resistance 800 2. Supply is given between terminals A and C and the detector is connected between nodes B and D. Derive the equations for balance of the Arm DA : A non-induct bridge and hence ne values of L and R (14marks) b) Briefly explain design and constructional features of potential transformers (6 Marks) Question 3 (20 marks} a) A load cell is calibrated in an environment at a temperature of 21°C and has the following deflection/load characteristic Load (ke) Deflection(mm) 0.0 0 50 100 WI-2-60-1-6 Question 4 {20 marks} a) What is an electrical transducer? What are the basic requirements ofa transducer? (5 Marks) b) Explain the term standard as used in measurements hence explain the following classification of standards. i) International standard (3marks) ii) Primary standard (2marks) iii) Secondary standard (2marks) iv) Working standard (2marks) c) A voltmeter having a sensitivity of 10000/V reads LOOV on its 150V scale when connected across an unknown resistor in series with a milliammeter. When the milliammeter reads SmA, calculate: i. the apparent resistance of the unknown resistor (1 mark) ii, actual resistance of the unknown resistor (2marks) iii, Error due to the loading effect of the voltmeter (2marks) Question 5 (20 marks} State and explain four advantages of Digital measuring Instruments (4 marks) Three similar coils, each having a resistance of 8 9 and an inductive reactance of 82 are connected (i) in star and (ii) in delta, across a 415V, 3-phase supply. Calculate for each the readings on each of two wattmeters connected to measure the power by the (10marks) on the primary winding and a secondary winding of 260 with a resistance of 0.2Q. The 650A,

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