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Gautam Gulati

Roll no. 2213



How to Gain Control of Your Free Time

By Laura Vanderkan

I would like to mention a quote before starting the summary of this video.

“We don’t build the lives we want by saving time. We Build the lives we want & then Time
Saves Itselves”

 Time is Elastic which means that time will stretch to accommodate what we choose
to put into it.
 If I say that I don’t have time for a thing, then it means that it’s not my priority.
 In this video the speaker asked us 2 questions and evaluate our answers.

Q1. What 3-5 things would make it a great year for you professionally ?

1. Graduating with good scores and finding a suitable job.

2. Help out in my Family Business.
3. Making Business Connection with people in our Industry

Q2. What 3-5 things would make it a great year for you Personally?

1. Going to gym to workout atleast 5 times a week.

2. Making a Habit or reading books.
3. Good health of all my friends and family.

 These 2 questions will define our personal and professional goals.

 There is 168 hours in a week and out of which we have atleast 60-76 hours to ourself
if we exclude Sleep and Work. So a persons growth and personality development
happens in this time itself.
 When we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve
The Power of Yet by Carol Dweek
Key Points:

 Having a good mindset is very important for your personal & professional life. It hels
us to achieve our goals and focus on the positive side of our life.
 Some people have a fixed mindset perspective, which reduces their Horizon of
Thinking and they limit themselves within their perception.
 Believe in the Power of Yet. It means that believing that the abilities can be
developed and keeping a positive attitude towards leaning can lead to success in
personal and professional life.
 If there is some skills that you want to learn and develop, then instead of giving up
on that project, take your time and learn that skill and eventually with time & efforts,
you will acquire it.

 How to Build a Bridge to ‘Yet’?

1. Praising the process.
2. Rewarding efforts, strategy involved in the process.
3. Changing Mindset.
4. Transforming the meaning of difficulty.

Notes & Vocabulary:

 Effective Communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions,

knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity
and purpose.
 It requires a set of foundation skills to position the message for the global audience
for long lasting benefits.

Outcomes of Effective Communication:

 It involves the ability to listen carefully.

 It involves the ability to write accurately & persuasively.
 It involves the ability to read critically.
 It involves the ability to speak effectively.
 It involves the ability to analyze the message exactly.
Communication Contexts:

 Interpersonal Communication
 Intrapersonal Communication
 Organizational Communication:
1. Formal Communication
2. Informal Communication
3. Downward Communication
4. Horizontal Communication
5. Grapevine Communication
 Intercultural Communication
 Non-Verbal Communication

Key Words/Vocabulary:

 Hoteling & Hot Desking: Hoteling is a method that organizations and individuals uses
to reserve a desk in advance while Hot Desking gives employees access to desk on a
First come- first serve basis.
 Social Segregators: Words that segregates or seperates a sentence from another
 Sortorial Sese: Dressing Sense
 Hard Skills: Technical Skills possessed by a person
 Soft Skills: It includes Communication Skills, Attitude, & Behavior of a person.
 Jargons: Technical Words used by professionals like doctors, engineers, etc.
 Cliché: Over using a word without knowing the meaning.
 Oxymoron: Combination of two words having opposite meaning. For example
Bittersweet, Awfully Good, Cruel Kindness.
 Mojo: Mobile Journalism using portable devices.

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