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At 17, I had no idea who my real family was.

I had been raised in a

chidren's home where in a way everything had to be always faught for.
Just like any other children's home in Kenya, sleeping hungry was a no
option leave alone accessing good clothes for their bodies no matter the


''hey wake up everyone, time to arise and shine." The sweet voice
always came from our matron. No matter the difficulties we went
through especially in our sleep or rather at night, hearing her voice
always gave us hope.

It is 6:30 in the morning, everyone in Hope children home is awake. The

whole compound is noisy but lively. Older boys slash the tall grass
around the compound while younger boys clean up their houses. On the
other hand, girls do general clean up.

As they clean up, the matron comes to me.

"Furaha, we got more visitors, please come help me out." she said as
she walked out.

I immediately drop task and follow her out. There are at least ten more
kids at the gate. They look quite youmg too.

"Am really not sure we'll find places for them to sleep, we're already
packed up over here. We will need Martin to take the boys, go get him.


I said I wont be doing anything today. you wash all the rooms and slash
my place too. A certain big boy yells at a minor who is seemingly afraid
of him.

His name is Samuel. He's known in this home for his rude and naughty
character. He always feels superior to anyone else.....but Martin.

Martin is this well buid man. He is always humble, friendly,ambitious

and has a very big heart.He always puts other people first.

"Hey, let him do his work, and anyone whos done freshen up and line up
for breakfast.

The boys take their leave leaving Martin and Samuel glaring at each

You're better than this Sam, Martin hisses at him and leaves.

Hey Martin, I call out to him as I see him leave and he turns back. As he
approaches, the matron needs us at the gate, we got more visitors.

Martin gets the boys and I the girls and with the help of two more
matrons, we escort them to our respective houses.


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