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1. Perjury
false testimony under oath
Synonyms -false testimony
Antonym - truthful testimony
He was charged with perjury, for lying to the grand jury.
2. Rancor
bitter deep-seated ill will, enmity
Synonyms - animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility
Antonym -affection, kindness
I was full of rancor when I learned that the men had killed my parents.
3. Sycophant
a self-serving flatterer, a brownnoser
Synonyms - leech, sponge, toady
Antonym - heartfelt
A wise ruler will not pay attention to the many sycophants who will try to gain his
4. Vacillating
Synonyms - fluctuating, variable
Antonym -static, stable, not easily changed
I have vacillating opinions concerning my future career.
5. Vivid
bright, distinct, and clear
Synonyms - graphic
Antonym - lackluster
I have vivid memories of my trip to Europe.
6. Abhor
to regard with extreme repugnance; to detest utterly, to loathe
Synonyms - despise, abominate
Antonym - to admire
If there is one particular food I abhor, it is homing.
7. Accolade
Synonyms - an award
Antonym - censure
He received many accolades for being an excellent teacher.
8. Ascetic
one who leads a life of self denial and contemplation, absent of luxury
Synonyms - austere, severe, stern
Antonym - sensual
The rich playboy could not understand the ascetic life led by the monk.
9. Bequeath
to give or to leave in a will
Synonyms - to hand down
Antonym -to keep, to horde
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I bequeathed my gym shorts to my brother after I graduated from high school.
10. Charlatan
one who claims to know something that he does not
Synonyms - a quack
Antonym - a professional, authentic authority
The side show featured a charlatan posing as a mind reader.

1. Conflagration
a large fire
Synonyms - fire, inferno
Antonym - small flame
Some believe that the earth will be destroyed by a large conflagration.
2. Dearth
a lack, a scarcity
Synonyms - paucity
Antonym -adequate supply
The dearth of water in the arid country led to numerous deaths.
3. Diffidence
shyness, reserve, unassertiveness
Synonyms - bashfulness, modesty
Antonym - confidence
Because of his diffidence, he would not ask any girl to the prom.
4. Effervescent
Showing high spirits
Synonyms - cheerful
Antonym - sad, gloomy
They put me in a good mood because they were always so effervescent.
5. Ethereal
light, lacking material substance, intangible
Synonyms - heavenly, unusually delicate
Antonym - earthly mundane
The ethereal sounds of the music soothed and calmed the patient.
6. Expunge
to remove
Synonyms - to erase
Antonym - to add to
Their names were expunged from the social register after they were convicted of
sailing cocaine.
7. Guile
Synonyms - duplicity
Antonym - openness, candor
The woman was the unfortunate victim of guile and deceit when she lost her money
to that swindler.
8. Implausible
not believable
Synonyms - unimaginable
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Antonym - believable
His explanation of the accident is so implausible that no jury will believe him.
9. Incongruity
Synonyms - disagreement, incompatibility
Antonym - agreement
The incongruity between the two stories led me to doubt the accuracy of either
10. Insularity
qualities of an island
Synonyms - narrow-mindedness of opinion
Antonym - broad-mindedness
The insularity of the president made it difficult to get a motion passed.

1. Morose
being sullen or gloomy
Synonyms - crabbed, glum, saturnine, sulky, surly
Antonym - cheerful
He was very morose after his wife left him.
2. Placate
to appease or to pacify by making concessions
Synonyms - conciliate, mollification, propitiate
Antonym - to antagonize
My wife is so angry at me that I cannot placate her.
3. Poignant
piercing and keen
Synonyms - piquant, pungent, racy
Antonym - dull
The man's poignant words struck the very heart of the matter.
4. Provincial
lacking sophistication
Synonyms - narrow-minded
Antonym - sophisticated
Her parents are so provincial that they believe they should arrange her marriage.
5. Reiterate
to repeat
Synonyms - renew, reprise
Antonym - to fail to repeat
I hope that I am not becoming redundant by again reiterating the key facts.
6. Spontaneous
having no external cause
Synonyms - acting on impulse
Antonym -planned
He knew exactly what I was thinking because my reaction was spontaneous.
7. Synthesis
combining parts into a whole
Synonyms - to mix
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Antonym - disjoining
Before the project is complete, we need to establish synthesis.
8. Toxic
Synonyms - bane, venom
Antonym - healthful, harmless
Carbon monoxide is toxic to animal life.
9. Vigilant
very alert
Synonyms - watchful
Antonym -unconcerned; inattentive
I have been vigilant in trying to find the thief.
10. Voluble
ability to use words easily, fluent and glib
Synonyms - garrulous, loquacious
Antonym - taciturn
A disc jockey needs to be a voluble speaker.
1. Acquiesce
to give in, to comply
Synonyms - accede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe
Antonym - to objects, to disagree
I was so desperate that I had to acquiesce to his demands.
2. Affinity
a likeness, a natural
Synonyms - relationship, a kinship
Antonym - repulsion
Having suffered himself, he felt an affinity for the homeless.
3. Blasphemous
Synonyms -profane
Antonym - sacred, reverent
Telling that sacrilegious joke is blasphemous.
4. Buttress
a support of prop
Synonyms - anchor, pillar
Antonym - drop
Many cathedrals are supported by buttresses.
5. Circumspect
careful to consider consequences, cautious, prudent
Synonyms - chary wary
Antonym - reckless, careless, indiscreet
Her circumspect behavior left no doubts as to her integrity.
6. Corroboration
Synonyms - authentication, substantiation, validation, verification
Antonym - refutation

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Fortunately, I had some corroboration for my whereabouts on the night of the crime.
7. Deplete
to use up gradually
Synonyms - to lessen in amount or value
Antonym - to restore
Our oil reserves have been depleted cause of years of drilling and pumping.
8. Despotic
ruling oppressively and absolutely
Synonyms - tyrannical
Antonym - ruling democratically
Americans do not like despotic behavior.
9. Emaciated
very thin (usually as a result of starvation)
Synonyms - wasting away
Antonym -fat, corpulent
As a result of receiving little food, most prisoners of concentration camps become
extremely emaciated.
10. Empirical
based on observation or experiment and not on theory
Synonyms - practical based
Antonym - theoretical
We need some empirical data to make our case solid.

1. Extraneous
not essential
Synonyms - vital
Antonym - essential
The extraneous assignment left the student with little time for himself.
2. Fallow
plowed but not sowed
Synonyms - inactive
Antonym - active
In order for land to be productive, it must lie fallow occasionally.
3. Homogeneous
of the same kind
Synonyms - same, similar
Antonym - heterogeneous
To get the best results with this research, we need a homogeneous group of people to
fill out the questionnaire.
4. Hyperbole
obvious exaggeration
Synonyms - elaboration, padding
Antonym - understatement
You have often heard the hyperbole "I've told you a million times;" it's an obvious
5. Incontrovertible
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Synonyms - certain, inarguable
Antonym - disputable, arguable
The district attorney was looking for incontrovertible evidence to prove that the
accused arsonist burned the bank.
6. Irascible
irritable, easily angered
Synonyms - cranky
Antonym -impassive; imperturbable
Just about anything could set off his irascible temper.
7. Laconic
using a minimum of words; concise to the point of seeming rude
Synonyms - compendious, concise, pithy, succinct, summary
Antonym - verbose
After the loss, the coach's remarks were laconic.
8. Magnanimity
having a lofty
Synonyms - generous and courageous spirit
Antonym - greed, stinginess
The magnanimity of the king endeared him to his subjects.
9. Obsequious
overly attentive, like a sycophant, servile
Synonyms - slavish, subservient
Antonym - disinterested
I believe that his obsequious behavior toward his grandmother is to ensure being
included in the will.
10. Proliferation
an increase, in number, multip-lication
Synonyms - accumulate, build up
Antonym - decline, decrease
Many are afraid of nuclear proliferation and possibility than a terrorist country will
explode a bomb.

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