Part 1 - FAMILY - Roles, Functions & Family Life Cycle

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Part 1- FAMILY: Roles, Functions & Family Life CLASS : 
30 Questions DATE  : 

1. It is said to be the basic unit of the society which consists of the husband, wife and their

A Church B Cell

C Family D Person

2. It is said to be the most important responsibilities of the family because It is the most
challenging responsibility because the child has to be raised from childhood till he/she is
old enough to take care of him/herself.

A Raising a pet B Raising a child

C Raising our flag D Raising the elderly

3. Which among the following exuding (showing) family ensuring provision of physical
security to its offspring or other dependent individual members of the family e.g

A Shelter B Pleasure Sports

C Leisurely Vacation D Luxurious Car

4. Is the one responsible for providing food, shelter and looking money for the family and
has important involvement in making important decisions.

A Mother B Father

C Children D Grandparents

5. What is this that is assigned to a particular role within the family that reflects the values
and beliefs of that family wherein depicting (showing) the higher the _______ assigned to
a role, the greater the authority, privileges and reward accorded to that role?

A Status B Power

C Wealth D Respect

6. Which among these options are the correct stages of Family Life Cycle?

Nuclear Family, Extended Family, Single-

Launch, Growth, Shake-out, Maturity and
A B Parent Family, Blended Family, and Same
Sex Family

Pregnancy, Infancy, Toddler Years, Beginning Family, Expanding Family,

C Childhood, Puberty, Older Adolescence, D Developing Family, Launching Family,
Adulthood, Middle Age and Old Age and Aging Family

7. TRUE or FALSE, is it mandatory every family follows the life cycle in order or
description because each family is unique?

A False B True

8. TRUE or FALSE, In ‘real life’, the life cycle may be a combination of several stages at one

A True B False

9. It is the Family Life Cycle stage that is sometimes referred to as an “empty nest” stage,
because the children have left the original family unit and also in this stage has parents
with children who are now independent and living on their own?

A Launching Family B Expanding Family

C Beginning Family D Aging Family

E Developing Family

10. It is the Family Life cycle stage that begins with the departure of the oldest child and ends
with the departure of the youngest child from the family unit?

A Beginning Family B Aging Family

C Launching Family D Developing Family

E Expanding Family

11. It is during this stage of Family Life Cycle, children are added to the family, what is this

A Beginning Family B Developing Family

C Expanding Family D Launching Family

E Aging Family
12. In this stage of Family Life Cycle, two people (couple) form a family unit separate from
each one’s original family unit where they do not have children yet, what is this stage

A Developing Family B Aging Family

C Beginning Family D Expanding Family

E Launching Family

13. This stage of Family Life Cycle begins when the last child starts school?

A Launching Family B Beginning Family

C Aging Family D Developing Family

E Expanding Family

14. This stage of Family Life Cycle begins with the departure of the oldest child and ends with
the departure of the youngest child from the family unit, what is this stage called?

A Beginning Family B Developing Family

C Expanding Family D Aging Family

E Launching Family

15. TRUE or FALSE, The School is expected firstly to educate and transmit the societal
norms and culture to its offspring and also give them a position or status in life?

A False B True

16. What Family Structure that is compose of husband, wife, and at least one child from a
previous marriage?

A Nuclear Family B Lone Parent Family

C Blended Family D Extended Family

17. What Family Structure that is lone or more children not born into a family but made a
permanent member by law?

A Foster Family B Blended Family

C Lone Parent Family D Adoptive Family

18. What Family Structure that is a couple or individual assumes temporary responsibility for
the care of a child?

A Foster Family B Empty Nest Family

C Adoptive Family D Cereal Packet Family

19. What is the term used for married individuals without children?

A Couple B Double

C Carbuncle D Furuncle

20. Which one among these following options is NOT part of trends affecting families?

A Mobility B Increasing Lifespan

C Molarity D Birthrate

21. Which one among these trends affecting families is the Best answer when we talk about
change of residence often?

A Mortality B Morbidity

C Molality D Mobility

22. A Function of Family that describes as teaching a code of conduct and a set of values,
what is this?

A Shaping Social Development B Aiding Intellectual Development

C Promote Emotional Growth D Guiding Moral Growth

23. A Function of Family that describes as teaching how to behave towards others, basic
social skills (mainly through example, not directly), preserving culture and heritage, what
is this?

A Promote Emotional Growth B Shaping Social Development

C Aiding Intellectual Development D Guiding Moral Growth

24. TRUE or FALSE, Teens are expected to be role models for young siblings and provide
support for other members in the family?

A False B True
25. What is this which creates family strength where closeness is built on, that is why you can
count on each other for help and support and that it enables your parents to take you on
for responsibilities?

A Communication B Emotional Support

C Respect D Trust

26. What is this which creates family strength wherein words of affirmation and actions that
reassure others and share positive feelings?

A Respect B Communication

C Emotional Support D Trust

27. How many stages are there in Family Life Cycle being discussed in our previous lessons
wherein families have to adjust because it entail changes?

A Six B Five

C Three D Four

28. Choose four (4) among these situations which depict changes families make ? (CHOOSE 4

A Job Change and Job Loss B New Family Member

C Divorce D Staying In Same Old Residence

E Illnesses and Accidents

29. This change a family makes is very traumatic one and that may show slow recovery
because it characterizes the departing of someone you love from this earthly body, what
is this?

A Birth B Remarriage and Blending

C Death D Divorce

E Moving

30. TRUE or FALSE, In accepting change happening in your Family it is expected for each
family members to cooperate, communicate, follow routines as much as possible, be
afraid to ask for help in dealing with difficult times and
be adaptable?

A True B False
Answer Key

1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b

5.a 6.d 7.a 8.a

9.d 10.c 11.c 12.c

13.d 14.e 15.a 16.c

17.d 18.a 19.a 20.c

21.d 22.d 23.b 24.b

25.d 26.c 27.b 28.

29.c 30.b

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