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Question 01

Read through the following case study and answer the questions that follow immediately after the
case study.

Sonia is a, Asylum seeker from the Democratic Republic of Congo. He was born in 1965 and is
married to his 38-year-old wife Naomi who is also a Congolese. The two sought refuge in South
Africa in 2019 and they are currently staying in a church residence in Cape Town with their two
children Blessings (9) and Gift (5). This couple have been trying unsuccessfully to apply for
citizenship. With the outbreak of Covid-19, Sonia lost a job and is currently threatened by the
church authorities with eviction because he hasn’t been able to pay occupational rent for the past
three months as stipulated in his contract. This threat has caused him a depression because he
doesn’t have any place to go, should they evict him. He turns to a social worker serving under an
organisation called “Angels of Care” which is located just few blocks away from where he stays.
It turned out that there are five other refugees who face similar challenge. According to the social
worker, Asylum seekers face several challenges such as stigma, discrimination and threats of
xenophobic violence. The organisation has been involved in various project in the community but
due to human resources challenges, they could not implement any project through which they
could educate the community about the importance of caring for other people and the value of

1.1. As a social worker allocated to Sonia’s case, explain how you will prepare to
assist him. (03)
1.2. How will you integrate the methods to assist Sonia? (15)
1.3. Use the above information to present the content, or factual details of
the problem. (03)
1.4. Use a template for a community work proposal to outline the structure of a proposal
for an educational project aiming to address the value of ubuntu and caring towards
others (you can add more details on the case study to suit elements of
a proposal). (24)
Total [45]

Required standard for the assignment 0.51 02

1. The assignment is enclosed inside a cover page with details of the student (i.e. initials and 0.5 0
surname, module name & code, student number, address and contact details).
2. A table of content is included with headings appearing in the same sequence as those that 0.5 0
appear in the text. The headings and subheadings are neatly formatted (i.e. headings bolded in
capital letters and subheadings in bolded small letters).
3. An introductory sentence is provided to introduce the marker to the assignment. The 0.5 0
introduction captures the main headings presented in the assignment in a logical fashion.
4. Sentences are well formulated without any grammatical errors. All punctuation is neatly 0.5 0
provided throughout the sentence where appropriate.
5. Sources consulted are consistently provided in the text. Every point which was taken from 0.5 0
any source (i.e. prescribed/recommended books, study guide or any material) and which is not
the student’s own idea is clearly acknowledged through an in-text reference. The student made
use of the prescribed format of referencing as provided in Tutorial Letter 301 or SCK ALL.
6. All pages are correctly and consistently numbered and correspond with the table (if the page 0.5 0
numbers are at the bottom of the page they are all consistently at the bottom).
7. The assignment is neatly typed/written and generally appear neat. The font used remains 0.5 0
consistent, including for the page numbers. The assignment is neatly formatted and aligned both
at the left and right-hand side of the page.
8. There is a conclusion that summarises the main points covered in the assignment. The 0.5 0
conclusion clearly and logically captures all the main points covered in the assignment.
9. In the case of Assignment 02, Addendum B is attached as part of the assignment. 0.5 0
10. In the case of Addendum B3, all questions have been answered/given the necessary 0.5 0
Total 054 0

1 A half-mark (0.5) must only be allocated if the required standard is fully complied with.
Should the student not comply with the required standard in full, a 0 mark should be allocated to such a standard.
3 Please note that Addendum B applies only to Assignment 02, assignment 01 is not required to include Addendum B.
4 In the case of Assignment 01, the total mark for technical requirements will be 04.
As indicated in our introductory remarks of this tutorial letter, curriculum transformation is high on the
Unisa’s agenda and it among others, aims to promote student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical
renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the
infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. The aim of this evaluation is to invite your
contribution in ensuring our realisation of these objectives. Please take a moment to answer the
following questions and submit them with your assignment 02.

1. My general experience of this module is that……………………………….………………………..

2. Please share your in-put on any crucial group work aspects that are not covered in the module and
that you wish we should cover them…........................………………………………………....
3. Kindly provide three African ideas, techniques or examples that in your view can assist in making
group work module a reflection of genuine African experience of group
4. If you were to have a one-on-one discussion with your lecturers, which of your needs would you ask
him to address through this module………………………………………………………….
5. If you were to change anything covered by this module, what would that be?.............................
6. Kindly provide any reasons for your changes in terms of the above……………………………….

Your contribution is highly appreciated,

Dr MR Lekganyane
Module leader

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