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*All sections in red must be completed thoroughly.

Is this for a new recruitment or revised JD for incumbent? If there are no changes
in the Requisition Information section, you do not need to complete the section.☐New Job☒ Revision


Today’s Date October 24, 2022 Position Type☐ Relief ☒ Development

Job Title Finance & Administration Director
Hiring Manager Wagner de Souza Hiring Manager National Director
(HM) Name Title
John Njoroge Regional Finance Director
Projected Position February, 2023 Position End Date
Start Date (if applicable)
Country Location of Mozambique Province/City/State Maputo
Requisition ☒ Domestic (U.S., U.K., Canada) Department Finance Department
Category International ☐

Position Budgeted Work Hours 40 Budget Cost Location

☒ Yes ☐ No Required Per Week Centre Code
Grant Funding S2801, S2802, S2803 and S2804 Relocation Costs Budgeted ☒ Yes ☐ No
Sources :: Support
Type of Posting ☐ Family - Spouse with Children Employee Type ☐ GC
☐ Family - Only Spouse ☒ National
☐ Non-Family – Staff Only ☐ Consultant
Application Position to be September 30, 2015
Deadline Date Filled by Date

Contract Type ☐Fixed Term, Full-Time ☒ Open-Ended, Full-Time

☐ Fixed Term, Part-Time ☐ Open-Ended, Part-Time ☐ On Call
Designated ISS
HM Point of Contact Odete Soares, P&C Director World Vision Mozambique
History of Position New X Replacement - Last Incumbent Name:
☐ Temporary
Names of Required Approvers:

Hiring Manager Wagner de Souza National Director Wagner Herrman de

John Njoroge
Regional Leader Mark Kelly Regional HR Director Leila Ntibashirwa
For P&C Use Only:

Hay Job ID       Hay Grade 18 Date Job Evaluated      

FLSA Classification (USA Only) ☐ Exempt ☐ Non-Exempt Job Code      

Revised October 2022 | Page 1

OP Job Title       OP Job Code      


Provide overall leadership, oversight and management support for all aspects of financial
management in the National Office. This position is seen as a strategic partner, member of the
Senior Management/Leadership Team of the NO, with a focus on ensuring accountability,
stewardship, coordinating planning and budgeting processes, providing accurate financial data,
analysis and advices, as well as developing financial strategy that best serves the NO strategic
and program objectives. Responsible for the finance staff capacity strengthening, the
development and implementation of good internal controls, risk management, and utilization
and safe guarding of assets according to WV approved policies and procedures.
Provide overall leadership to the Administration function ensuring that the national office is
effectively supported and staff have a clean, secure and hospitable place to work.

List statements describing the final results of this position and method of accomplishments, and how
results/performance are reviewed and measured. Begin with the most important accountabilities.


Accountable to
ROLE DIMENSION / DESCRIPTION Regional End Results Expected Time
Finance Spent

I. Leadership, Capacity Development  Finance team is robust and 30%

and Strategic resilient, working together
 Provide strong and positive leadership to X X well, resulting in financial
the finance department ensuring management that adds
competent and motivated staff are hired value to the ministry and
and retained, providing efficient delivery well-being of children.
of services.  Effective performance
 Coordinate professional and personal X X management per WVI
development of finance staff through guidelines and standards.
adequate orientation, on-the-job  Effective succession
coaching, identification of learning, X planning in place
training needs and opportunities (e.g. in  Improved retention rate of
accounting, SunSystems, grant top performers and key
management, risk management, contributors
leadership, etc.
 Model Christ-centered servant leadership  Documentation and sharing
and support spiritual development of X of best practices among
his/her team. finance staff, within and
across regions
Revised October 2022 | Page 2
Accountable to
ROLE DIMENSION / DESCRIPTION Regional End Results Expected Time
Finance Spent
 Actively participate in the NO Senior  Relevant reports/analysis
Management/ Leadership team meetings. X X for decision making
produced and discussed
with leadership
 Attend and actively participate in  Non-finance staff
strategic regional meetings. X understand their role and
responsibilities in financial
 Facilitate ND, Operations, Advisory management, as
Council/Board and other non-finance X appropriate.
staff in understanding and interpretation  Monthly finance reports
of financial statements. provided to stakeholders in
monthly meetings organized
by Finance Director and
others identified on the
transition plan.
 Ensure partnership finance policies and
procedures are understood by Senior  Strategic financial
Management, Operations/Technical staff, X X leadership provided
Communities, Local Partners and Board,  Finance team viewed as
as appropriate. valued business partners,
both internally and
 Develop strong networks internally externally
(other NOs, SOs and partnership entities) X X  Monthly finance reports
and externally (other NGOs, banking provided to stakeholders in
entities, communities, etc.) through monthly meetings organized
effective communication, relationships by Finance Director.
and twin citizenship.
 Program/Project
 Promote shared resource networks within
expenditures are within
the region, and the partnership.
acceptable efficiency ratio
for Programming vs.
 Adhere to WVI key policy documents –
Program Management costs
mission, core values, and covenant of X X
based on T7 Programming

 Efficient and effective

II. Stewardship
financial planning and
 Ensure adequate cost efficiency and
budgeting processes, in line
effectiveness measures are in place and
with WVI requirements
are being followed through: X
 Providing cost analysis, promoting
benchmarks and making  Good image of the office in
recommendations for determining X country and in the
effective resource utilization at all levels. partnership 10%

Revised October 2022 | Page 3

Accountable to
ROLE DIMENSION / DESCRIPTION Regional End Results Expected Time
Finance Spent
 NO expenditures are within
approved NO budget limits
X and benchmarks
 Value added analysis
provided for the Strategic
Investment discussion at
III. Financial Planning and Budgeting RWG/VIR
 Advise the ND on strategic resource  Inter-departmental
acquisition and allocation in line with collaboration from the
RWG/VIR (Regional Working Group planning and budgeting
/Virtual Investment Review) X phase, resulting in
recommendations approved by the Regional improved organizational
Leader. efficiency and
 Coordinate the planning and budgeting program/projects’ burn rate
process and provide technical support, to levels 15%
ensure global and regional guidelines are X  Level of cash within
met. approved target low
 Review alignment of budgets between  300, 301 and 310 accounts
National Office, projects, grants, MyPBAS reconciled monthly
and Support Offices. X X
 Control of NO budget, cash flow and project
funding, by providing timely and relevant
information to budget managers, in  NO budget completed
collaboration with the Operations Leader. within standards &
 Contribute to the development of WV NO deadline
strategic direction and priorities. X X
 Strong accountability and
compliance in accounting
and reporting
 Timely, complete and
IV. Fiscal accounting, compliance, X
accurate financial reports
monitoring and reporting
(NO and Projects) analyzed
 Design and manage systems, policies and
and submitted to budget
procedures that provide appropriate
owners and internal
levels of security and control of WV X X
stakeholders for better
assets, resources and operations.
decision making
 Coordinate the submission of timely,
accurate and complete relevant reporting X X  MyPBAS reconciled
to the Partnership and to internal users. monthly and any issue
 Define and implement efficient and followed up with relevant
effective internal control systems. Support Office 20%
 Adhere to partnership policies,  Compliance with grant
procedures and guidelines as stipulated in regulations and Grant
the WVI Financial Manual and other Approval Protocol
documents, including – but not limited  Carryforward process
Revised October 2022 | Page 4
Accountable to
ROLE DIMENSION / DESCRIPTION Regional End Results Expected Time
Finance Spent
to: grant compliance, planning & X X completed within
budgeting, year-end closing, Partnership deadlines
carryforward, accounting and reporting.
 Coordinate the timely and accurate
submission of financial reports in Notes X X  Finance staff visiting
FFR (Field Financial Reporting) projects and communities,
database. adding value at the grass-
 Review the reconciliation of MyPBAS to X root level
FFR monthly with action plan for
addressing outstanding items. X
 Provide regular analysis of ADP/Grant X
financial reports and timely feedback to
AP/Grant managers for decision making
 Ensure NO Finance staff visit
Programs/Projects to monitor
accountability issues, follow up on X
implementation of audit findings and  Minimized risk exposure
provide support as needed. within WV and external
partners’ operations

V. Financial Risk Management and

 Manage appropriate financial systems and
controls and ensure they are in place to avoid
significant finance audit risk ratings, both at
the NO and project levels.
 Coordinate management responses to finance
audits performed to the NO and projects; X X
ensure they are sent on time to the Audit
Department; and that finance related audit
recommendations are implemented timely at  Awareness and
all levels. understanding of key
 Coordinate adequate preparation for GC and X financial policies and 20%
external audits. procedures by all relevant
 Manage Financial Risk. staff
 Implement anti-corruption and fraud X

VI. Perform other duties as required.
 Ensure that WV staff and assets are  Minimum acceptable audit
secured, safe and well maintained; risk ratings and timely
oversee logistics coordination
Revised October 2022 | Page 5
Accountable to
ROLE DIMENSION / DESCRIPTION Regional End Results Expected Time
Finance Spent
 Ensure NO receive timely security X implementation on internal
advises for better implementation of and external audit
projects. recommendation
 Ensure that NO buildings are legalized X  Anti-corruption strategy
and registered rolled out and understood
by all staff

 Security guidelines and 5%

procedures are in place
Transportation/Logistics  Security assessment and
 Responsible for vehicle procurement, report is updated regularly
management and maintenance.  # of incident reports
X  WVMoz buildings legalized,
 Building facilities are well-

 Transport and NO logistics

are well managed


List education, knowledge & skills, licenses preferred, and all experiences required to perform this
position in a fully competent manner.

Minimum Education, Training and Experience Requirements to Qualify for the Position:
List academic, technical skills or other knowledge required as a minimum qualification for this position.
1. Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance or Business Administration, or a related field
2. MBA in Finance, MSC in Finance/Accounting/Auditing preferred

Revised October 2022 | Page 6

3. ACCA, CIMA, CPA or equivalent preferred

List additional work experience required as a minimum qualification for this position.
1. Minimum 5 years’ experience in finance position with medium business/medium
NGO/government agency
2. Minimum 2 years’ experience in finance management position

Preferred Skills, Knowledge and Experience:

List academic, technical skills or other knowledge preferred for this position.
1. Solid knowledge of accounting principles, financial systems, budget/cash flow monitoring and
internal accounting controls.
2. Ability to solve complex problems and to exercise independent judgment.
3. Must be able to lead and manage a team.
4. Good working knowledge of computerized accounting systems, preferable Sun Systems, Power
B.I. & Vision. Must be computer literate in Microsoft Office programs.
5. Knowledge of government grant regulations and financial reporting requirements.
6. Knowledge of local accounting system.
7. Proficiency in written and spoken Portuguese and English
8. Good oral/written and interpersonal skills.
9. Able to work on a cross-cultural environment with a multi-national staff.
10. Ability to travel within country, regional and internationally

List additional work experience preferred for this position.

1. Experience of treasury activities, establishment and monitoring of budgets and an understanding
of data processing concepts and systems is preferred.
2. Experience with humanitarian aid in-country is a plus.


Function National Director Regional Finance

Hiring of Finance Director– REQ, PAF, leave,
Approve (note2)
salary increases, etc Approve (note1)
Revised October 2022 | Page 7
Firing of Finance Director Approve (note3) Approve (note3)

Hiring & Firing of Senior Finance staffing

Consulted and approve Consulted
reporting to the Finance Director

Setting FD’s Performance Agreements Approve (note 1) Approve

Performance evaluation and individual learning Feedback and approval Feedback and
and development plan (note 1) approval
Daily administration issues (local benefits,
Approve N/A
travel advances, work permits, etc)

Annual Vacation Approve Informed

Travel Plans Approve Informed

Travel Expense Report Approve N/A

Annual Budget Approve Consulted

Strategy Approve (note 1) Approve

note 1: makes final decision if no joint decision is agreed with the Regional Finance Director
note 2: when in disagreement with the ND’s decision and considers that the candidate lacks the minimal
technical standards to perform the role, the RFD must escalate to the Regional Leader/SDO and Senior
Director, Global Field Finance
note 3: per the WVI Finance Manual, section A2.0: ‘When a Director does plan to dismiss or ask a
Finance Director or senior accountant or internal auditor to resign, a written report shall be sent to the
RVP/RD and the WVI VP Finance and the International Audit Director giving the reasons for dismissal
and including a statement from the employee, if possible. Actual dismissal of a Finance Director may
only occur with the approvals of the RVP/RD and the WVI VP Finance.’

<Choose the core capabilities that are critical to the success of this particular job. Please mark X
in the relevant column. WV seeks staff to have basic ability in all of the above capabilities.
Managers have flexibility to choose the top 5 to 6 required capabilities depending on the job>

CORE CAPABILITIES: Required Preferred

Achieving quality results and service ●

Practicing accountability and integrity ●
Communicating information effectively ●
Thinking clearly, deeply and broadly ●
Understanding the Humanitarian industry ● 
Understanding WV’s mission & operations ● 
Practicing continuous innovation & creativity ● 

Revised October 2022 | Page 8

Demonstrating Christ-Centered life and work ●
Learning for growth and development ● 
Maintaining work/life balance ●
Building collaborative relationships ●
Practicing gender & cultural diversity ● 
Influencing individuals & groups ● 


Complete all the appropriate boxes in the chart below using position titles only.
Attach organization charts of the department/division.

2nd Level Manager’s Title:


Other Dotted Line Reporting Relationships:

Regional Finance Director National Director

This Position Title: Other positions reporting to the 1st

Level Manager’s
Finance and SS Director
IP Director
GAM Director

Subordinate Titles: # of staff in Unit AJC Director

Deputy Finance Director 1
P&C Director

NO Finance Manager 1
Finance Analyst 1
NO Admin & S. Manager
Total 4

Revised October 2022 | Page 9

Check if this position completes performance evaluation for all subordinates.

Check if this position recommends hiring or termination of subordinate.

Revised October 2022 | Page 10

Important Functional Relationships:
<List below all the contacts required in order for this position to effectively accomplish its

Contacts Reason & Nature of/for Contact Frequency of Contact

(e.g. Coordination, information, (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
influencing, coaching)

National Director decision making, change Daily

management, consulting

Finance staff supervision, coaching, Daily

overseeing work

Managers finance knowledge, strategic Weekly


Senior Management Team organizational change, strategy Monthly

Regional Finance Team coaching, strategy, compliance Monthly

and Finance Director

Finance Colleagues (other information and experience Yearly

NGOs, other exchange, professional support

WVRF Office staff major finance issues and Weekly


All staff major finance issues and Monthly


Various stakeholders Yearly

<please add rows as required>

Major Challenges:

Revised October 2022 | Page 11

<List below some of the major challenges unique to this role and solutions or approaches to
these challenges>

Challenge Possible Approaches/Solutions

Ensure spending within approved budgets. Proper coordination with line managers,
appropriate planning, accurate reporting

Ensure accountability of resources Following established guidelines (FFM and

GAAP), appropriate planning, accurate
reporting, and proper coordination with line

Combination of WVI accounting standards Ensure appropriate compliance, maintain

and local standards, as well as donors' updated knowledge on local Finance Law and
requirements WV standards

Meeting multiple deadlines / multiple Proper planning, prioritization based on

demands urgency, importance, and other related

Mitigating risk to the organization (Audit, In depth knowledge of WV standards and RF

RF legal issues, etc.) Finance Law, regular revision of systems and

Revised October 2022 | Page 12

Decision Making Types of decisions made without prior approval:
Authority  Routine decisions within scope of work.
 Decisions related to day to day management of staff
reporting directly to this position.
 Decisions related to day to day management of work
within the Department.
 Purchasing decisions made within approval limits for
this position.
 Decisions made within policy.
 Authorized signatory for bank transactions.

2. Types of decisions referred to higher authority or decisions

controlled by policy:
 Decisions which have an impact outside of area of
work and/or impact operations.
 Capital expenditure decisions or purchasing
decisions above approval limits for this position.
 Exceptions to policy decisions or decisions requiring
a change to policy.
 Decisions requiring input from other departments.

Budget Responsibility
Dollar amount of financial measures controlled or impacted by this position

This section requires quantitative data that will help to provide some measure of the size or scope of the
position. Data should be on an annual basis.

Dollar Amount Fiscal Year

Operating Budget (excluding labor cost)            
Cost of employees under this position direction            
Capital expenditures that will be made in this            
department this year

Prepared by: Date:

Hiring Manager: Date:

Position Holder: Date:

Revised October 2022 | Page 13

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