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Traditional families are extended and consists of grandparents, uncles,

aunts, parents and children, where as the modern family is nuclear and
contains only the parents and their children.
Similarities between Traditional family and the modern Family
The first similarity is the role of women in the family. In both, the mother
is the core of affection and warmth. She always takes care of her children
and her husband even if she works outside the home.
Another similarity is that all members in the same family are supportive
of each other and each one respects and helps the other. However, the man
in both of them is still the leader of the family who works for his wife and
The relationship between members of a community -In traditional
families the respect for the grandparents and parents is more than the
respect for them in the modern family. Another difference is that the
children in the traditional family must obey the rules and not break them
while in the modern family the children can do what they want without
any difficult rules.
Finally, in traditional family boys and girls are treated differently while in
the modern family thre rights of girls are the same as boys.
In a few words, each family has its customs and thoughts to lead their
members. Living in a modern family is better for me than living in
traditional family and that is because children in a modern family can be
more independent.

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