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rms the practice acy Act jove ee n neerve, a Pl Y macist js regarded as a mene In modern Pe eel component of ser system. The fr oo d the public nea by mt ith care team or ent safeguard “heal i wigation ° macy nents. Medicines are of vital importance ng ght me «nq, dispensing and storage etc, p nh compounding, TISP°N ining of th eed ecialized knowledge, skill and pi 7 Person ce ane its The desired knowledge, skill and training are provigg called al 5 ‘ through the pharmacy courses. ; - wthe pharmacy Act 1948. Was passed with the broad objective i she acc of aarmacy it 18S It provides for the cous which the would-be pharmacists should go through, the nature and pes | of training which they should undergo, and the examinations which they | must pass in order to become eligible for registration as pharmacists, | Councils and the Pharmacy Council of India (Central | State Pharmacy . . Council) are responsible for the registration of pharmacists. The Act extends to the whol Kashmir. le of India except the State of Jammu and iy Definitions || | _ agreement means an agreement entered into under secti i | 1 r jon 20 (inter- yh agreement regarding constitution of State Councils) (nese | | . . sor means approval by the State Council under section 12 (courses of Paya atone in pharmacy) or section 14 (foreign qualifica- pose of qualifying for registration under the Act. Central Council means t : Section 3. he Pharmacy Council of India constituted undet entral Register means the + si if rl m ‘ined s the regi ‘ by the yy, ; _ regi ter of pharmacists maintai y : 15-A egister means a regi : the Act. aister of pharmacists prepared and maintained under ines (Ch-3. PHARMACY ACT 17 _Agistered Pharmacist means a person whose name is for the time being entered in the register of the State in which he is for the time being residing or carrying on his profession or business of pharmacy. \ Atate Council means a State Council of Pharmacy constituted under Section 19 and includes a Joint State Council of Pharmacy in accordance with an agreement under section 20 of the Act. os tt PHARMACY COUNCIL OP INDIA |} It is constituted by the Central Government every five years. The first Central Council (Pharmacy Council of India or PCI) was constituted in 1949. It consists of the following members:-— A. Elected members: 1. Six members including at least one teacher each in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacy, pharmacology and pharmacognosy on the teaching staff of an Indian university or an affiliated college granting a degree or diploma in pharmacy. These members are elected by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. 2. One member elected by the Medical Council of India from amongst ‘its members. 5 One member who shall be a registered pharmacist, to represent each State elected by State Councfl from amongst its members. B. Nominated members: 1. Six members including at least four persons possessing degree or diploma in pharmacy and engaged in the practice of pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry, nominated by the Central Government. 2. One representative each of University Grants Commission and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). 3. One registered pharmacist to represent each State nominated by the State Government/Union Territory Administration. w C. Ex-officio members: 1. The Director General of Health Services College of Pharmaceutical Technol 2. The Director of Central Drugs Laboratory Age, No: 2=> 3. The Drugs Controller General of India. ‘Date The president and the vice-president of PCI are elected by the members of the Council from amongst themselves. They hold office for a maximum period of five years but they are eligible for re-election. Elections are to be conducted in the prescribed manner and in case of any dispute the matter is referréd to the Central Government. _— Id office for a term of fy, member shall ho + Any nominated of elected ton or election OF until Le Successor h, years from the date of his n aver is earlier. nominated been duly nominated e elected, wea by, writing under his hand 9) ° - | be deemed to elected ne nN svominated or elected member Seeacae pal baw fe ted Ns seat if he is absent, without suffici Se eee ketiseuncbte veeautive meetings of the PCI. If an oe Saar ° attend any meeting he can aed pee pet shall be filled by ne i i = A casual vaca! : mesjnation a ond the person SO nominated or elected shall hotg nomi i i ly. ; ffice for the residual term on! ee Council shall appoirit (i) a Registrar who hal cers is Secreta and, if necessary, its Treasure as well; and {iy > ere ns for carrying out its statutory ae ne a Committee), the a i f the President (Chairman e . Fr conta five other members elected by the Central Council from amongst its membesy- DUCATION REGULATIONS (ER) 11 le by the Central Council with the ap. ER prescribe the minimum qualification NE. 18 Ceducation Regulations are mad proval of the Central Government. for registration as a pharmacist, The ER may prescribe:- ; . 4. The’nature and period of (a) study, and (b) practical training. 2. The equipment and facilities to be provided for students undertak- ing approved courses of study. 3. The subjects of examination and the standards to be attained. 4, Any other condition of admission to examination. Education Regulations can be amended only after taking into considera- tion the comments of State Governments. Education Regulations TV take! ‘éffect in a State from the date notified by the State ‘ Govermment..ij5 ER-91/ a candidate shall be eligible to undergo practical training after having appeared in Diploma in Pharmacy Part IL Examination in one or more of the following institutions. (1) Government hospitals/dispensaries. (2) Other hospitals/dispensaries recognized by the PCI. (3) Licensed pharmacy, chemists and druggists shops. (4) Licensed drug manufacturing units) ~Ch-3 PHARMACY ACT pensing of prescriptions. In training the trainee shall have exposure to:— () working knowledge f records requir Vi ct of ‘ts covering the i gs ee ds required by various Acts ing th (i) practical experience in: (a) principle and work ng of pharmaceutical apparatus in common ; cj ut i (6) reading, transtati ing of prescriptions inclu " ton and copying of prese ‘iptions including (0) dispensing of ‘iptions i «M9 OF prescriptions illustrating th administering medicaments; and Gt meerar ene (d)_ storage of drugs and medical Preparations. Pharmacy Council of India is als i | " 0 required t i i its minutes and that of the Executi 2 ee ae : nute ive Committee its activities to the Central Seen Government. It shall also maintain j and other tecords in the prescribed manner. It is also requited to es a register of pharmacists known as Central Register. This register contains names of all persons for the time being entered in the registers of different States. Thus the Central Register is a compil te n C lation of all State Registers and will have information about all registered pharmacists in the whole country. Approved courses of study and examinations Approval of PCI is es- sential not only for a course or an examination but also for starting any course in pharmacy. Any authority or institution in India conducting a course of study for pharmacists must apply to PCI for approval of the course and examination. The Council then deputes its inspectors to visit the institution and ascertain whether the institution has the minimum facilities for running such a course or holding examinations as per the ER. The inspectors may also be required to attend any examination without interfering in its conduct, to judge its standard. The inspectors submit their report and recommendations to the PCI and accordingly any course o examination is approved or rejected. Unless a person passes out from F PCI approved institution and completes the prescribed practical training, hi cannot be registered as a pharmacist and hence cannot practice the profes sion of pharmacy. Pharmacy education in India has dual control, PCL as well as nce ar falls under technical education as per the All India Council for Tect "i Education Act. Therefore the AICTE also assesses and evaluates ee expert committees the facilities for starting a new course in phat continuance of the existing courses, and increase 1n intake. NR 20 se of study or roved cour i an val If an aPP be in conformity wi withdrawal oi Loe! contin to he concerned authority ny he proved examina «pci gives not val. The said authe euat Rea ey ‘ ie ait dra al le me such notice, formant intention to. oo hs from the 1 tion, if to satin three months tts re] resentation, any. should, within t overnment, vith fe observations of the Sty r pcr, through th jon along i" considering SUC? ree that the course of ea ore examinat;, n Government, PCI may declal when completed or passed befor, a shall be deemed to particular date. of other qui he purpose of el se gi iprocal approval is given on recip! authority of the other country Diploma or Degree of any institu cists 11 . The Central Council is required to maintain a rogistel Pharmacists known as the Central Register. This register con f ae of al persons for the time being entered in the registers of different States, Fach State Council is required to supply five copies of its register to the Central Council as soon as after the 1st April every year. All additions 9, amendments in the State register are to be informed by the Registrars of each State Council to the Central Council from time to time. Thus Central Register is a compilation of all State registers. Registrar of the Central Council is duty bound to keep the Central Register in the manner prescribed by the Council. He is also required to revise the Central Register from time to time and publish the same in the Gazette of India. The Central Register is deemed to be a public document within the meaning of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. ap. may approve any foreign quay: tion as pharmacist in India, ee It means that the registratig recognize the PCI approvey alifications PCT gistra basis. should also tion in India. 1 Central Register of Pharma 11 STATE PHARMACY COUNCILS }; State Pharmacy Councils and Joint State Pharmac i Sree the State Governments. Two or more se peers Saale of one State shall serve the needs of the other iter gists agree wo or more States may also enter into an agreement Sere CHIRESa ae for definite and specified periods to form Joint himself ra j ny pharmacist willing to practice in a State has to get ed in that State through the State Pharmacy Council. The constitution of State C il i eee ‘ouncils and Joint State Pharmacy Councils is as

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