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References to Polaris RPG - Core Rulebooks 1&2

are noted as being in CRB1 or CRB2.




Short History  4
Equinox Population and Way of Life  5
The Levels of the Station  13
Factions and Important Figures 28


The Outer Stations  32
The Surrounding Area 33
Ariadne  36
Legends of Equinox  38


The Cult of the Trident 40


Black Book Editions
First printing July 2016. 14, rue Gorge de Loup
Printed in China. FR - 69009 LYON, FRANCE
© 2016 Black Book Editions. Polaris RPGTM and its logo are registered trademarks of Black Book Editions in the U.S.A and other countries. Black Book
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Relard, a smuggler from the Star Fellowship, put his empty could be extremely dangerous for us and that the Watchers gave
glass down on the bar. Even before he could order another one, up all responsibility for anything that might happen if we continue.
the bartender had served a second round of Ravage. He lost his After we confirmed we wanted to go on, the elevator went back into
gaze momentarily in the brown liquid, then slowly took off his motion and we eventually got to the oppressive and dark streets
jacket to show the people he was talking to the deep scars the of Level -6. The little guy’s meeting was set to take place in a bar
creature had given him. His torso was covered with deep old lines nearby, The Crab—a dodgy bar, but not the worst. My men fixed
as if someone had lashed him with razor blades. He took a deep a few devices to their weapons. They are forbidden on Equinox but
breath and went on. they can really improve your chances of survival in this kind of
“The contract was simple. An important guy had contacted our place. After doing that, their light weapons looked more like assault
fellowship to sneak a Coral Republic messenger out and ensure his rifles than anything else.
safety until he reached his meeting on Equinox. We specialize in all When we arrived at The Crab, the messenger gave a few Sols to the
kinds of smuggling, so escorting a guy didn’t sound particularly bartender and whispered something in his ear. The bar manager
difficult. The guy came aboard in Corallia. He was a nervous, bald, showed him to a door. Behind this door, a staircase gave access to
round-faced, little man. He was clutching a drone suitcase that private rooms where usually the worst scumbags go about their
was attached to his arm. He didn’t stop asking me questions like: business. We went down with our client who stopped in front of a
When do we arrive? Are you sure we don’t risk anything? You didn’t door. He told us to wait for him here while he delivered his message
mention my trip to anyone? to some mysterious individual. He seemed almost relieved.
I kept reminding him that our fellowship always held true to its We waited there a few seconds, then we heard a scream and that
commitments—that it was a matter of honor to us and that if he had voice, that terrible voice that sounded like metal squeaking: ’Did you
paid us to go to a specific destination on Equinox, we would get him think they were letting you do that?’
there safe and sound. I don’t know what there was in this suitcase, We rushed into the room. What we saw will be engraved in my
but I swear to you, the little guy was really terrified. He stayed memory forever. There was a man nailed to one of the walls of
locked in his cabin the whole trip, only ever leaving it to make sure the room, entirely skinned. Our client was in the back of the room
everything was okay.” and something was on top of him, slashing him. The arm with the
Relard paused. He drank a sip of Ravage, and after slowly shaking suitcase had been torn off and was lying on the floor a few meters
his head he went on telling his story. away. We could hear the drone counting down before the suitcase
“The trip went well. We came to the Ariadne Transit Sector and we self-destructed, and then the creature was slowly turning to face us.
waited for the formation of an access tunnel in the flux surrounding How can I describe it?
the city. I suggested to my client that we land on Ariadne to enjoy It must have once been human. Its eyes were human. Eyes filled
some of the distractions offered in the transit area while waiting with hatred—sadistic eyes enjoying the suffering of a poor guy. Its
for the formation of the tunnel, but the little man flatly refused. We body was sturdy, covered with a light layer of white fur. Its face was
waited a few hours for the formation of a passage. These damn flux atrociously deformed by mutations, but the only thing that attracted
variations are really strange. Some days I’ve waited for ten minutes our attention was its maw filled with teeth that had been filed into
tops before gaining access to Equinox, and some other times it can points. When the thing rushed to attack us, we saw its hands. By
take up to an entire day. Anyway, it’s always very impressive. We all the sirens of the seven seas, its hands were made of metal. Its
boarded at Hangar 122. When we landed, the little man was looking fingers looked like long razor blades. With unbelievable speed, the
completely freaked out. He was darting worried looks left, right, and creature threw itself on one of my men. I heard the rattling of its
center, and he was staring at everyone we came across. I had two horrible blades, then the atrocious gurgle of my companion whose
of my fellows with me—badass guys, the kind of warriors you don’t throat had just been mutilated. There was a shot fired, an awful
often come across. scream. I felt the creature’s blades carving into my torso. Then
The bazaar was crammed, we had to push people out of our way I remember thrusting my dagger into a soft body before I passed
to reach the elevators. The messenger was clutching his suitcase out. When I woke up, I was the only one still living in the room. My
and he was sweating with terror. I told him the best way to attract comrades were lying by my side. Our client had been eviscerated
the attention of thieves on Equinox was to behave as if you were and the suitcase was just a molten piece if metal. The creature must
carrying something valuable. He definitely got what I meant and have escaped through the air vent; the grill had been torn off. It was
made an effort at loosening up a bit. the bar manager who found me. For a large amount of money, he
He had a meeting on Level -6, one of the dodgiest levels there is, but made arrangements to have me taken care of. He also told me I had
that kind of place didn’t scare me. I was used to the scum that hung met Chantak, the Lurking Death. For those who live in the slums of
around there. We took the overground metro and then an elevator Equinox, Chantak is a legend, a soulless monster that feeds on the
located in the middle of the bazaar. We halted, following the usual poor and the unwanted. But I know what I heard: that thing had
procedure at Level -4. An artificial voice told us that the lower levels been paid to kill our client.”

Equinox station
“You have got to see this city at least once in your lifetime, to be crushed by its majesty. This gigantic structure
seems as if it fills the entire ocean, illuminating the water with its thousands of spotlights. It looks like a golden
beehive with hundreds of ships and majestic mammals buzzing around it. When the currents that surround it
unleash their immeasurable power, it appears as a ghost city adorned with lightning bolts, an underwater city veiled
with mysteries and intrigues.”
—Statement from a League diplomat, during his first visit to Equinox

SHORT HISTORY particularly violent and was actively pursued over more
than a year.
The first station on the Rockhall Threshold was built At the end of the year 251, a team of miners made a
in the year 127. Neteria was a community belonging to sensational discovery in a very deep Rockhall mineshaft. They
a rich Mediterranean Basin quarry, whose bases in the neither knew exactly what they had discovered, nor precisely
Hellenic Trench number among the most prosperous in where this mysterious site was located, but several days
the undersea world. One also hears tales of Oleross Pagan, after the workers climbed out of the mine, the first heat flow
a rich businessman who was particularly influential at the formed in the region and the six communities called off their
heart of the Azure Alliance and who amassed unimaginable attacks. Some people thought that the miners had discovered
riches by selling products of Azurean industries. Several a particularly extensive Genetician depot. In 256, the plateau’s
years after the construction of Neteria, they discovered population united to form the community of Trident.
major, extensive deposits of raw materials in Rockhall Until the year 300, the inhabitants of Trident traveled
Bay. These riches attracted other communities, among the throughout all the world’s seas to preach their message of
richest in the era. In the year 136, six communities disputed peace and convince other communities of the all-powerful
the operations at the Rockhall Plateau. They lived together Polaris Effect. During the course of these voyages, the
peacefully until the year 250 but the opposing tensions idea was hatched for a neutral city where an assembly of
could not help but grow. On November 12, 250, after the undersea nations could gather. In the year 340, the Trident
Azure Alliance had broken up, Neteria launched a large- Alliance appeared on the scene. It joined together not only
scale attack on its rival communities. The conflict was members of the Trident community, but also researchers,

archaeologists, historians, and rich industrialists, all withdraw their business from the city and a major portion
convinced by the itinerant preachers of the existence of of the population fled the cursed place. It was a dark period.
a power beyond human comprehension. In 348, the first Soon, Equinox resembled little more than a huge ghost town.
incident linked to the Polaris Effect caused the deaths of 112 In 373, Simon Arimatti developed the first inhibitor and
people in a Rockhall extraction base. No one knew at the time created the Cult of the Trident for which he became the first
that the disaster was provoked by an individual who could Demeter. With the help of his friend, Admiral Piotr Devrac,
not control the Polaris Effect. In 349, the Alliance decided to he began a campaign aimed at reassuring the population and
build the Neutral City of Equinox in the Ariadne Trench. The attracting investors once more. At the same time, Trident
motivation for this choice was, above all, the existence of a specialists, charged with discovering all who might possess
heat flow that would likely protect the city from any external the Polaris gift, were dispatched to every community in the
aggression, and moreover, the local presence of many undersea world.
marine mammals that appear to be particularly friendly to In 374, Equinox began to recover, but it would not be until
the Trident community. after the Admirals’ Council of 375, and a demonstration of the
Thanks to the enormous resources available to the Trident full power of the Polaris effect by a few chosen ones who had
Alliance, work began in the year 350. Materials arrived mastered it, that the neutral city would truly take its shape.
from all the oceanic communities who rallied to the cause. The golden age of Equinox would flourish until 440. The
Rich industrialists invested unbelievable sums to create S.M.S.O. was created, Ariadne became a center for genetic
what seemed to be a utopia, a massive station spanning six research and a haven for certain fertile people, the Watchers
kilometers across, right in the middle of a heat flow. made their appearance, and the Cult of the Trident established
Until this day, many historians believe that the Trident the sol as an international currency unit. The priests also
community had access to Genetician technology that allowed revealed that they had mastered the secret of fabricating
them to build such a monument. hyperfluid and were capable of creating hybrids. Equinox and
The work would last 15 long years, over the course of which the Cult truly became the center of the undersea world.
the heat flows were strangely calm and never disrupted the In 440, things got more complicated. A violent controversy
construction of the city. Several incidents tied to the Polaris challenged the leadership of the Cult of the Trident. They did
Effect caused the deaths of 1,200 people during this period. not agree with the methods used to lead civilization toward a
It was only in 352 that a certain Leori Arimatti advanced the new golden age. Tristan Lesark, leader of the hard branch of
hypothesis that, among these people, certain individuals the Cult, slammed the door and left Equinox with about 100
were able to unleash the Polaris Effect without being capable of the faithful and several ships (for the most part, warships).
of controlling it. This led to the beginning of advanced Arimatti refused to stop the rebels for fear of triggering a
research on this subject. conflict, a decision he would come to bitterly regret. In 448,
In 365, Equinox was completed. The base camp situated at the Black Sun made its appearance and attacked several
the bottom of the Ariadne Trench would grow into the transit installations of the Cult of the Trident. The war between
hub of Ariadne, as the flow closed in around the neutral city, these two factions would never cease.
as if to protect it from possible invaders. Two years later, the In the year 475, a young novice in the Cult made an incredible
power of the flow was such that no ship could navigate there demonstration of Polaris Effect mastery for one who had
without a guide. received no training in the subject. In 512, a man named
The city was an instant success. Ships came from every Jason Helio succeeded a 160-year-old Arimatti (certainly the
horizon to visit this curiosity. The Coral Republic was the first longest-lived man in human history, which proves that the
to propose the installation of an embassy in the city. It also Polaris Effect has a positive impact on longevity).
offered to establish commercial treaties with the Trident. It It was in 516 that the Black Sun launched a forceful attack
seems obvious that this position can be explained by the fact on several key bases in the undersea world. This powerful

that numerous members of the Trident Alliance are powerful terrorist organization used the Polaris Effect for the first
Coralian businessmen. time in the course of these actions. It was also the first time
In 370, Leori Arimatti listed more than 600 cases throughout that we heard mention of the Other, their mysterious master,
the world of incidents tied to the uncontrolled release of the and his servant, Alemsh Palkrach.
Polaris Effect, all within the span of a century. He developed a In 550, the Black Sun used the famous Trident fighter
series of tests, the Arimatti Method, to try to discover subjects vessels for the first time, as well as new combat devices.
who are unconsciously disposed to have such potential. These Also in 550, Equinox became the most powerful city in
men and women were brought together on Ariadne. history. Attracting a population from the whole world,
In 371, Leori was felled by a heart attack just as he finished it turned out to be the oceans’ largest commercial and
a prototype for the first Polaris inhibitor. His son Simon diplomatic center. But 2 million people could not live together
finished his work, but not before the catastrophe in 372 that without certain incidents occuring. Thus, the offenses among
saw an individual endowed with Polaris effect annihilate an rival communities would often settle themselves in the city
entire level of Equinox. This incident prompted investors to passageways and they would have to wait for the Watchers


to put a stop to these fights before the city became a little Behavior: people who go to Equinox usually have only

calmer. The most serious incidents took place in 560 and 564. one thing in mind: relaxation. So they are pretty friendly
In February 560, an uncommonly virulent disease, the for the most part. They are also talkative, telling each other
Scarlet Plague, hit one of Equinox’s quarters. The authorities news from around the entire world, information being little
decided to hold back the epidemic by isolating the quarter, broadcast in this universe. It’s common to be approached by
using its watertight walls designed for flood prevention, an individual asking for information from a certain region
and burning the entire zone. It is believed 27,000 people of the ocean, who in return will tell the events from his own
had succumbed to the disease; 55,000 died in the fire in the region. On Equinox it’s certainly the most common way to
contaminated zone. approach someone. Therefore, the atmosphere in public
In December 564, a riot triggered one of the greatest panics spaces is usually very relaxed. It is even said that a vast
in the history of the city. Two entire levels found themselves majority of ransom victims had their life spared by their
plunged into chaos. People were trampled and suffocated. attacker in exchange for a detailed tale of recent events.
Fires started all over the place, and the city’s security was On the other hand, as soon as there’s a risk of danger or
gravely threatened. The Watchers’ troops shut down the likelihood of any problems, everybody vanishes. Empty bars
problem thanks in large part to the first intervention by the or deserted back alleys can be seen at the first hint of trouble.
Condor Faction. It was estimated that the outbreak of panic Many sociologists compare the Equinox crowd to a huge
caused the deaths of 4,000 people. The intervention of the school of fish. They say it has all the same characteristics.
Watchers alone was responsible for more than 8,000 victims. Don’t expect any help from anyone if you are being mugged
From 567 to 568, a terrible war among spies struck Equinox, in a back alley, not even the help of the Watchers.
which would profoundly affect the security services of In the neutral city, you better be careful about how you
Trident and its director, Sernea. behave. If you’re a member of the Red League, it is ill-advised
to walk proudly in front of a group of Hegemonians. It
will cost you at best a couple of months in the hospital, or
EQUINOX POPULATION at worst you’ll end up as fish food. If you own anything of
AND WAY OF LIFE value or a precious object, it is recommended you not say
anything about it and maintain a detached and calm attitude.
Individuals carrying riches, sweating, and looking terrified
It is estimated that Equinox is the permanent home of by their surroundings, or those who go around wearing
a civilian population of over three million people. It is luxurious clothes and equipment, take the risk of having
obvious that administering so many individuals in such an their throats cut on a street corner (unless these individuals
enclosed space can prove problematic. But it is one of the are crooks setting a trap for other crooks).
challenges successfully met by the Cult of the Trident. Some Black Market: trading on the black market is a particularly
characteristics of life on Equinox are described below. common activity on Equinox. Almost all the merchants sell
Architecture: the architecture of Equinox depends on legal as well as illegal goods. For instance, a torpedo seller can
the level you’re on. As a general rule, streets or walkways commonly offer his clients wares other than torpedoes: drugs,
are pretty narrow and have high ceilings. See each level’s military gear, equipment exclusive to the Watchers, maps, etc.
description for further information. The Watchers know pretty well what is happening, but they
Bars: bars and cafeterias on Equinox are the most are lenient as long as this activity does not threaten them.
frequented public places in the city. Large crowds go Births: there are few births on Equinox—most of the
there to trade information and tales about the oceans. fertile women live on Ariadne. But it can happen and the
It’s pointless to look for a seat—this is only possible in Cult has never forced the citizens of their city to emigrate to
high-end establishments. However, any bar worthy of the Ariadne. It must be said, though, only the most masochistic
name has alcoves or rooms located under the premises would turn down such an opportunity (or maybe the most
to allow traffickers of any kind to quietly discuss their distrustful). As such, there are a few rare clinics (led by the
“business.” A bar with no such installation will very soon firm Cortex) which offer their services for deliveries. The
be going out of business. In these establishments, people mother will spend only one year with her child, in the clinic,
drink, gamble, deal, eat, settle their scores, sign contracts, before the infant is sent to Ariadne. This service is free, but
and sometimes kill each other. These places are actually in exchange the parents have to agree to submit to a series of
true micro-societies. Most of these establishments are tests and volunteer for the repopulating campaigns that are
more or less funded by criminal organizations, nations, regularly set up by the Cult.
the Watchers, and even the Cult of the Trident. Some of There are some sordid rumors about women clandestinely
them are even supported by several factions at once. A delivering in the city slums. But those stories couldn’t
bar is usually considered a neutral place, and to attack the possibly be true! Could they?
establishment or its staff is considered a crime to the world Clothes: on Equinox, as everywhere, clothes are primarily
of the shadows. functional. Outfits are usually basic and reflect the professions


of their owners. There are certainly differences related There is little space in the buildings and most of the
to nationalities, but they are not really obvious. On the shop sizes do not exceed nine square meters. Likewise,
other hand, dominant classes enjoy wearing lavish clothes. living quarters offered to the population usually have a
Hegemonians stand out with their martial, highly colored, floor size of four to nine square meters. Only the rich or
and diversely decorated attire. Coraleans prefer ample robes the privileged can afford 25, 50, even 100 square-meter
decorated with coral sparkles. Upper-class materials, such cabins. Paradoxically, the levels where you can breathe
as marine silk, perfumes obtained from aquatic plants, and the best, in the public sectors, are the most dangerous.
jewels, pearls, and diamonds, are worn by rich people only. The inferior levels of the bazaar are known for their space
Communications: it’s very easy to communicate all over but also for the dangers that await the visitor. It is worth
the city of Equinox. Free communication booths are available noting that the only difference between night and day
to the whole population and a service helping to find people on Equinox is a slight reduction in the street crowds. It’s
is kindly offered to anyone asking for it. Beware, though only on the embassy levels that streets are deserted when
as every communication is likely to be intercepted by the the “evening” comes. Lighting at these levels is slightly
Watchers’ security services, even the ones between personal lowered during that time.
radio communicators. The Watchers’ control center contains These conditions make a lot of visitors sleep on their ships or
an amazing wave sensor device, code breakers, and signal- even in their diving armor. It’s free and sometimes much more
searching devices. spacious. See table Residental Prices on next page.
Confinement: without reaching the exiguity of most Corruption: on Equinox, everyone is fairly openly corrupt,
underwater stations, space is not the main characteristic of but there are two notable exceptions.
Equinox. Every public level has been conceived in height and The Cult of the Trident members are seldom interested
not in width. So the central level (Level 0) is composed of in money or equipment. They are also loyal to their cause
several floors with a total height of 80 meters, but most of its and will not betray their organization. On the other hand, if
walkways are barely three meters wide. At the central level, you can provide them with information about conspirators,
when raising one’s head, you can see a real entanglement of spies, archaeological discoveries, or elements related to
footbridges, aerial metros, and all sorts of cables and tubes. the Polaris Effect, it’s not unlikely they will grant you some
The only exceptions are the marketplaces, which are usually special favors.
spacious enough, but are constantly filled with impressive The average Watcher can easily be bribed as long as it
crowds. doesn’t harm the city’s interests, or those of the Cult or of

B u r r ow e r


RESIDENTIAL ROOM of gold. Below you’ll find some typical products. Inebriation


PRICES SURFACE is not considered a crime but a necessary evil allowing the
Tubes * Special 20 to 40 Sols/night population to cope. For further information on water, see the
Second-rate hotel 4 m² 40 to 60 Sols/day related paragraph on page 10.
Ordinary hotel 8 m² 80 to 140 Sols/day
Luxurious hotel 16 m² 400 to 800 Sols/day PRODUCT PRICE
Anemone juice** 2 to 5 Sols per 25 cl
Prestigious hotel 40 m² 1,000 to 4,000 Sols/day
Beer, natural 50 to 200 Sols per liter
Elite hotel 100 m² 10,000 to 50,000 Sols/day Beer, synthetic 2 to 6 Sols per 50 cl
Common room (the 1 bed 20 Sols/night Liquor, jellyfish 20 to 60 Sols per 20 cl
most frequented) Liquor, plankton 15 to 30 Sols per 20 cl
Stairs survival of 5 Sols/night
Liquor, seaweed 10 to 40 Sols per 20 cl
the fittest
Milk, otter 8 to 20 Sols per liter
Back alleys survival of Usually free (Watchers’
Milk, whale 10 to 30 Sols per liter
the fittest tax 1 Sol per night)
Ravage 10 Sols per 5 cl (universal price)
Individual quarters 4 m² 2,000 to 4,000 Sols/
month Water, pure 100 to 2,000 Sols per liter
Individual quarters 16 m² 8,000 to 16,000 Sols/ Water, recycled* 1 to 3 Sols per liter
month Wine, natural 1,000 to 10,000 Sols per liter
Individual quarters 30 m² 20,000 to 40,000 Sols/ depending on the quality
month Wine, synthetic 60 to 160 Sols per liter
* Tubes have “basically” been inspired by convoy vessels. * Recycled water from different sources, left unrevealed so as
The principle applied in those ships has been adapted to not to disgust anyone, tastes revolting and has a slightly green
accommodate some people. They are 80 cm to 1.2 m in diameter color.
and 2.5 m long tubes in which people sleep. ** It’s a rich and thirst-quenching beverage that tastes pretty
good. It’s most children’s favorite beverage.
their organization. On the other hand, those who belong
to the elite troops and those who are in charge of watching Drugs: few drugs are consumed on Equinox. Life conditions
the key Equinox stations are totally INCORRUPTIBLE. Try are indeed not as extreme as in some communities or in
to offer money to a member of the Condor Faction and you extraction plants. It’s a minor phenomenon that does
run the risk of being turned into a roast. It is said that half not worry the authorities. But this does not mean that
of hygiene service members are very connected to criminal narcofluids, narcomixtures, and other popular drugs are not
organizations and are particularly corruptible. going around on Equinox.
Cost of Living: on Equinox, prices are definitely average. Education and Children: the education of children is
But of course you can always find prices that can’t be beat controlled by the Cult of the Trident. You can hardly say
and others that are sky-high. The black market, usually there are schools on Equinox. Actually, all the institutes for
expensive, is very active on Equinox. children are located on Ariadne. These organizations are in
Crimes and Criminal Organizations: safety in the neutral charge of educating children until the age of 12. At that age
city is entirely dependent on your location and on your look. they are considered to be adults and can go back to Equinox
Thefts are frequent. There are few murders. Shoot-outs and start their training, after submitting to a fertility test.
between factions are frequent but limited to well-defined Education consists first of all learning basic arithmetic and
sectors. Cons are the most common crimes, but in that domain the spoken language. They are also taught about hygiene, the
the population is completely left to its own resources. No Polaris Effect, and the benefits brought to humanity by the
law forbids scams and the Watchers will never intervene in Watchers and the Cult of the Trident.
such matters. The golden rule is: as long as a crime does not Apprenticeships start at the age of 12. Children must
threaten the Equinox leaders or the safety of the station, you enroll in the city Apprenticeship Department. Shopkeepers,
are on your own. You have to handle things yourselves! community leaders, and heads of human resources from
Dozens of criminal organizations specialized in trafficking firms will come to this service to hire these young people.
of every kind and in smuggling have developed on this It’s very rare a child is not hired at the end of the week. If that
particularly fertile ground. Some have innovated by happens, they are either collected by the Cult of the Trident
specializing in robberies, the setting up of beggar armies, services, or left alone in the Equinox streets.
spying, and assassinations. The most “famous” criminal Children are therefore pretty uncommon in the streets
organizations are mentioned later in the book. of the neutral city. Those who can be spotted are vagrants.
Drinks: beverages are naturally a vital element for the Nobody harms a child on Equinox except the flesh-mongers,
inhabitants of Equinox. Alcoholic beverages are certainly but even these fearsome criminals must act with caution
the most popular drinks and pure water is worth the price because the vast majority of people consider hurting a child


to be the most serious crime of all. No law makes people shows to relax. There are some pastimes that are becoming
protect young people that way, but it’s rather some kind of more popular with the population.
natural reflex that only gets stronger as the sterility virus See CRB1 page 76 for more information on Fashion and
becomes more and more virulent. Leisure Time Activities in Polaris RPG.
Family: there’s no notion of family for the majority of Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters: many small mercenary
the Equinox population. Children leave their families right and bounty hunter firms have offices on Equinox. Their
after they’re born and directly enter active life after their activity is perfectly legal. Some companies even work in close
stay on Ariadne. relationship with the Watchers. For instance, Bloodhound
Homelessness and Beggars: hundreds of people live in the and Legion have often taken part in some Watchers
worst conditions on Equinox. They are the castaways, those operations. The main activities of these firms on Equinox are
who have nothing left and hide away in the city’s back alleys searching for contracts and enlisting new recruits.
or in the lowest areas of the Bazaar. They live off petty thefts Mutants: mutants are officially treated the same way as
and charity. Most of the time you can find them gathered in the rest of the population. Off the record, it can be a surprise
the dark walkways near the public showers because they know to see that most of the castaways and beggars are mutants.
very well that, although the authorities do not get rid of them at Although there are some inside the Cult and the Watchers,
present, they wouldn’t hesitate to do so if an epidemic started a mutant starts his life on Equinox with a serious handicap.
due to the poor hygiene of the homeless. In recent years, some Those who suffer from minor deformations will have little
beggars’ groups and several castaway youth gangs have been problem fitting in. For the others, the only way to escape the
forming bands controlled by criminal organizations. city slums is to be fertile and thus be evacuated to Ariadne.
Beggars are an important source of information for the Hybrids are admired and Techno-Hybrids feared. In
Watchers’ services and for any person knowing how to talk that respect, Equinox is much like every other city of the
to them. They observe, spy, and take note of everything underwater world. As for those who show any ability to
that can help them survive, and, above all, spare them from master the Polaris Effect, they are immediately enrolled by
the occasional and discreet “purges” set up by the Hygiene the Cult of the Trident, whatever their deformations.
Service. Such purges make the Neptune Division leaders and Nutrition: any kind of food can be found in the neutral city.
the Watchers’ investigators very angry because precious From natural meat to plankton gruel, from synthetic beef to
informants vanish (rivalries between services still exist in fish fibers reclaimed to make them taste and look like meat,
the Polaris RPG universe). diversity is the key ingredient of the Equinox diet. A majority
Information: Watchers are usually available for any of the population eats hydroculture and underwater farming
questions asked by tourists. This is almost always the case, products, but also some synthetic products as well. The rich
except after Level -4. Just about everywhere in the back can, for a lot of money, afford the luxury of eating genuine
alleys of Equinox, it’s possible to use information booths to meat and even dolphin steak (totally forbidden). Food can be
find any particular place. These booths no longer work after bought at stalls in the bazaar, in specialized establishments,
Level -5. or in bars. The city’s hygiene services freely distribute the
Languages: absolutely all languages are spoken on Equinox. most disgusting fish soup in the seven seas to the poor. It is
Some individuals are even known to express themselves in at least substantial, filled with “hygienic” products. Here are

Arkonian. some examples of dishes that can be found on Equinox, as

Law and Justice: law and justice are in the hands of the well as their prices.
Watchers and the Cult of the Trident. The laws are simple: Note: all forms of food are treated with hydrating products
everything that does not serve the interests of the city, the because of the global shortage of drinking water. So you can
Cult, or the Watchers is illegal. Justice is dispensed by the usually eat without needing to drink.
Watchers, who don’t usually bother with a trial. Sentences Politics and Espionage: if we estimate that roughly 40%
risked by criminals range from fines to forced labor to of the Equinox population works directly or indirectly for a
summary execution. nation or an organization, we get a pretty fair overview of
Only light weapons are allowed in the bazaars of Equinox. what espionage is like in Equinox. It is truly a part of the way
They are however forbidden after Level 7 though. of life. Imagine: almost one in two inhabitants is paid to give
It is worth noting that if from time to time people get the information. No wonder nobody can be trusted today!
impression that the Watchers and the Cult of the Trident In fact, the population is often feeding information to
do not rule their city, it is only an impression. It must be espionage services without realizing it. For most people it is
understood that the Cult only worries about international perfectly natural to do a favor for someone in exchange for
matters and that, if one Equinox faction or another threatens Sols or some gear. These favors are almost always pieces of
the safety of the station or the power of the priests, the information.
Watchers can crush it at any moment. Others have made a livelihood out of it that allows them
Leisure: in the Polaris RPG universe, not everybody spends to earn a little extra money. A mechanic repairing a vehicle
their time getting high on drugs, drinking, or watching erotic may very well agree to earn a few more Sols by giving this
piece of information to the right person. Most spies are in


PRODUCTS PRICES fact only informants but secret services from


Abyss mushrooms 300 to 500 Sols per dish (about 100 g) all around the world use their services.
Anemone jams 50 to 90 Sols per 250 g It is in Equinox that the most “all-purpose”
agents, working for more than one nation at
Cereal crisp breads, natural 180 to 600 Sols per 100 g once, are found.
Cereal crisp breads, synthetic 0.5 to 2 Sols per 100 g Prostitution: Prostitutes are usually
respected, educated people and they are
Chocolate, natural 5 to 10 Sols per 100 g sometimes on the payroll of the Watchers
Chocolate, synthetic 0.5 to 2 Sols per 100 g or another faction. If a large part of
the population considers this activity
Coffee, natural 200 to 500 Sols per 100 g acceptable, few people openly resort to
Coffee, synthetic 10 to 30 Sols per kg prostitution.
Religion: although every religion is
Crustaceans (crab, shrimp, lobster, 50 to 120 Sols per 200 g tolerated on Equinox, the Cult of the
etc.) Trident is of course the major one. Places
Dolphin fillet (forbidden, the risked 2,800 Sols per 250 gr steak of worship are forbidden in the neutral city
sentence is the death penalty) and worshippers are therefore forced to go
Dolphin liver (forbidden, the risked 4,000 Sols each underground if they want to have “services.”
sentence is the death penalty) Remember that the Cult of the Trident has no
Fish fillet 30 to 400 Sols depending on the fish “sacred” sites, but places of contemplation.
(per 200 g) These Applied Philosophy Institutes are
Fruits, natural 250 to 800 Sols each not considered places of worship by the
authorities. Therefore there are a few in the
Fruits, synthetic 10 to 40 Sols each
Gruel, fish (common food) 6 to 18 Sols per bowl of soup Smugglers: if there is one activity that
is particularly blooming on Equinox, it’s
Gruel, plankton (common food) 2 to 8 Sols per bowl of soup
smuggling. Sooner or later, everybody
Gruel, seaweed (common food) 5 to 10 Sols per bowl of soup needs to have goods smuggled out of the
city or a few forbidden goods smuggled in so
Harpoon urchin steak 40 to 90 Sols per 150 g
they can be sold in the markets. Smugglers
Meat, natural 800 Sols per 100 g are therefore numerous and particularly
popular. Usually their fees are pretty high.
Meat, reclaimed * 40 to 80 Sols per kg
They are based on the market value of said
Meat, synthetic 160 to 280 Sols per 250 g steak goods and smugglers demand roughly 10%
Molai (stone anemone fluid) 20 to 40 Sols of this estimation. Of course, the price also
depends on the route and the product. A
Mollusks (mussel, oyster, sea-slug, 20 to 60 Sols per 100 g particularly sensitive product, because it’s
etc.) hazardous or totally forbidden, will cost a
Octopus 90 to 150 Sols per dish (about 180 g) small fortune to whoever wants to have it
illegally shipped in or out of the city.
Riftias salad 50 to 70 Sols per salad (about 150 g)
You can usually meet this kind of individual
Salt 40 to 50 Sols per 100 g in bars, and the best informants in that
Sea turtle fillet 80 to 140 Sols per 200 g fillet domain are bartenders.
People smugglers are experts in escorting
Seahorse kebabs 300 to 400 Sols per dish (about 180 g) people. Their fees are completely variable,
Shark fins 250 to 600 Sols per dish (about 250 g) depending on the client and his reputation.
State of Emergency: a state of emergency
Sugar, kelp 30 to 80 Sols per kg has only been decreed twice during the
Sugar, natural 360 to 500 Sols per 100 g recent Equinox history: during the epidemic
of 560 and the riots of 564. Such a measure
Sugar, synthetic 1 to 3 Sols per kg grants absolute power to the Watchers.
Vegetables, natural 40 to 120 Sols per 250 g Every access to Equinox is closed (except,
of course, if it’s an evacuation) and moving
Vegetables, synthetic 10 to 40 Sols per 250 g between levels is granted to security services
* Poison made from fish. This product is forbidden due to the risk of poisoning. The only. In such cases, you had better be patient
risked sentence is the seizing of the seller’s inventory.


and above all not upset

security services, as they SIZE WEIGHT RARITY DURATION FIRM
won’t hesitate to shoot you.
Water, recycled 9,000 Sols 2 4 kg 8 6 months Aqua Life
Taxes: permanent citizens
Water, pure 600,000 Sols 4 12 kg 14 12 months Aqua Life
of Equinox (roughly half the
population) must pay taxes Suit (1 person) 10,000 NA NA 9 10 days Neo Life
calculated every year by Filter for suit 1,000 NA NA 6 NA Neo Life
the Cult of the Trident administration. These taxes amount even administrative services and luxurious establishments.
to roughly 10% of the income declared by individuals. Since, Ambassadors have often been seen paying their gargantuan
of course, fraud is frequent, special services are in charge of dinner bills with rare products.
monitoring the resources of the citizens. These Cult services The Solaris Firm, which mints Sols, has opened offices on
are assisted by the Watchers and have a very bad reputation, Levels-1, 0, and 1 on Equinox, where it is possible to trade
especially when an individual refuses to cooperate. Sentences equipment for Sols. This trading is largely in favor of the
risked by a citizen caught red-handed evading taxes go from firm, which estimates the value of a product at 30% of its real
fines (totaling the hidden revenue plus 40% of declared value, but it can be helpful when wanting to quickly get a
income) to the seizure of all the citizen’s possessions. Of few Sol tags.
course, such controls depend on the notoriety and influence Water: water is rationed because it’s a rare commodity.
of the person in question. Income is estimated in Sols as well On Equinox, permanent citizens (see Taxes) are allowed one
as in bartered value. So an individual who is paid solely in liter of “pure” water per person, per day, when they show
gear will still have to pay taxes. It is possible to pay with their ID to the Water Distribution Service (a branch of the
equipment but its value will be underestimated. Hygiene Service). This pure water is barely better than
Every individual renting a hotel room (even a tube) or an recycled water, but at least it is drinking water and it is filled
apartment, or even an armor dock for a period of over a month with anti-bacterial agents. The water in the pipes supplying
must leave the city or file a request to become a permanent public showers, for example, is especially recycled to actively
citizen. Usually such requests are accepted. An individual fight infections: IT IS NOT DRINKING WATER. Any poor soul
having stayed several times on Equinox, for at least four who drinks it accepts the risk of rapidly developing serious
months in one year, must also make this request. The goal is to stomach ailments.
avoid crafty people who leave the city after 29 days and come The water filters listed above are the most common in the
back 2 days later. Of course this is negotiable if the individual ocean world. Duration indicates when the system must be
works for a government or an important firm. changed, since it tends to quickly deteriorate.
The city also taxes each product that enters Equinox. The information above is given for ten individuals. You’ll
Shopkeepers must pay between 1 and 5% of the global value have to multiply the price, size, and weight accordingly
of their goods (estimated by an expert mandated by the for each group of ten extra people. A system designed for
Watchers). ten people allows the production of one liter of water per
Finally, every shopkeeper must rent his business premises. person, per day.
Prices depend on the level and the kind of location. Renting

six square meters at Level -5 won’t be too expensive, but a

location on the central square of Level 0 or a shop on the DESCRIPTION
embassy levels can cost a fortune.

BUSINESS PREMISES COST PER DAY* Equinox is a city whose proportions are truly colossal.
Walkway (in the streets) 10 to 500 Sols/m² The city is 4,000 meters high. It’s a huge octahedron, the
Square (marketplaces) 20 to 1,000 Sols/m² central level of which is a square of four kilometers by
Interiors (in a “shop”) 15 to 8,000 Sols/m² four kilometers. The whole structure fluctuates in depth
* The weekly rate is calculated based on 6 days, the monthly depending on the variation of the flow. Its base may reach a
rate is based on 20 days, and the yearly rate is based on 7 depth between -4,200 meters and -6,200 meters, and its top
months. between -200 meters and -2,200 meters.
Trade and Bartering: if the Sol is the international This fluctuation can be felt inside the city through
monetary unit used in every trade between powerful societies vibrations and the regular buzzing of the huge machinery
and nations, it is not the currency most acknowledged by that moves the city and ensures its stability. The first time
the population. Bartering on Equinox is 75% of trade. Every someone comes to Equinox, they need a certain amount of
indicated price for products is an estimate that may very time to get used to the constant background noise.
well be translated into barter items. For instance, you can Even if we often talk about streets in Equinox, it must be
pay for a combat fighter with genuine wine bottles (it’s been remembered that these have nothing to do with the city
known to happen). Absolutely everyone agrees to barter, streets that were once found on the surface. They consist


mainly of walkways and buildings which are more like big Repair and maintenance hangars: although the public

metal structures than actual buildings. landing hangars are usually used for ship repairs and
Almost all floors on the levels -8 to 6 are covered with maintenance, some firms have their own repair stations.
grating located above pipes and cables. These hangars have the same characteristics as the public
hangars but they have better equipment.
THE ELEVATORS Diving exo-armors hangars: they can be found at each level.
In the city, hundreds of elevators are available to the public. These hangars for exo-armors can be found in every hangar
They are mainly located at the center of the levels. Those intended for other vehicles, but there are also a large number of
which are not located at the center point of a level only them all around the city. A diver must present himself before an
provide access to the bazaar. Some are available to everyone, airlock. If he doesn’t go to a reserved level or a service airlock,
some to certain categories of individuals. he may enter without problem. Otherwise, he must have the
Elevators on Level 0 for instance are distributed as follows: right access code. Once in the airlock, a crane takes care of his
80 elevators (carrying up to 40 people each) are located at the armor and will carry the diver to his landing dock. These docks
heart of Level 0 in huge molecular-glass columns. Each of the are located in huge lanes where cranes are operating. These are
20 columns holds 4 elevators that give access to every floor small docking areas, the size of which depends on the armor. A
from Level -6 to Level 6. At the center of this circle are ten door gives access to the locker room and transit areas.
columns reserved for the elite and access to them is overseen Small transport ships hangars: most of the hangars are
by the Watchers. These columns are equipped with 4 elevators intended for these ships, and they can accommodate vessels
that can carry 20 people each. Four of these elevators give the size of an escort. All vehicles must dock at a docking
access to the Cult of the Trident’s area, eight to the embassies, station. The crew may then disembark and go to the transit
eight others to the level of the S.M.S.O. and the final twenty areas. These hangars can receive a few dozen vessels. At the
are allocated to the forces of security and maintenance. back of the hangar, it is possible to see through molecular-
It is to be noted that every elevator stops at Level -4 before glass windows into either the transit areas or the peripheral
it goes further below. An electronic voice informs the areas of Equinox. These huge windows are very popular and
passengers that Levels -5 and -6 are dangerous areas. The always attract a large crowd of people who come see the ship
decision to go further down must then be confirmed. Some arrivals and departures. In each warehouse, a Watcher control
elevators dedicated to the elite cannot open their doors at a station is in charge of regulating the traffic. Once again,
sensitive level without an appropriate code. transport vessels wishing to land anywhere other than Levels
All these devices are equipped with a hatch giving access -6 to 6 docks can only do so with an authorization and the
to the maintenance pits. The columns are always made of right access code.
molecular glass except below Level -4 and above Level 2 Frigates hangar: several hangars allow the docking of frigates
where they are made of plastitane. There are no video without any problem. These docking stations are identical to the
cameras in the elevators. others but are much larger. There are none on Levels 11 to 17.
It takes 6 minutes to go from the top of Equinox to its base Hangars for cruisers below 160,000 tons: only Levels 0,
and vice-versa. -1, and 1 can take charge of cruisers. There are only six such
huge hangars. Special authorizations are necessary to access
EVACUATION BARGES them. Only merchant vessels and ships in need of repair can
At regular intervals all along the interior walls of each city use them.
level, there are armored hatches that give access to evacuation Any other ship can only dock at the docks owned by the
barges in case of the evacuation of the city. All these barges company Gladius.
together can only evacuate 20% of the population. These Service and Emergency Hangars: these hangars are
hatches are locked and since they have never been used, their reserved for the city maintenance services, Watchers’
maintenance is not really top-notch. Only the maintenance vessels, and ships in distress.
services and the city control center can open these hatches. Customs can, at any moment, inspect a ship that has just
In case of evacuation, the city control service unlocks them. landed. They usually check the cargo and the weapons
The ejection is then either automatic or manual. In automatic systems of the ship. It is said that this service is performed by
mode, the barge detaches itself 15 minutes after the hatch has people who are very easily corrupted.
been opened. A panel inside the barges, protected by an access After having landed, visitors must present themselves in
code and an electronic lock, makes a manual evacuation the huge transit rooms of Equinox. After showing their ID,
possible. Only the Watchers know the code and possess the they are given a residence permit for a fixed sum of 10 Sols
electronic keys. Each barge can carry roughly 100 people. per person. If an individual comes to the city for commercial
reasons, he must declare his merchandise. The ID controls
HANGARS, CUSTOMS, AND TRANSIT STATIONS are extremely lax, but the Watchers make sure everyone
When you arrive in Equinox, the first things you see are its does go through the transit areas. They also check that no
gigantic hangars. There are several at each level and they are heavy weapons are brought into Equinox.
all different depending on their use.




Between each city level there are maintenance floors that Exo-A/Exo-0/Exo-1/Exo-2/ 5/15/25/30/40 per hour
house the machinery necessary for the full functioning Exo-3
of the installations (power plants, purification plants, Exo-4/Exo-5/Exo-6/Exo 50/80/100/110 per hour.
garbage processing plants, city's stabilizers, carbon dioxide Omega
collectors, water tanks, etc.).. These inter-levels are 50 to 100
Vessel up to 20 t 125 per hour.
meters high. Their access is exclusively reserved to security
and maintenance personnel or in case of serious elevator Vessel up to 40 t 200 per hour.
malfunction (this has never happened). The first difficulty is Vessel up to 60 t 250 per hour.
finding the access panels, after which a security code is needed
Vessel up to 80 t 300 per hour.
to unlock them. These are true mazes of walkways, machines,
cables, pipes, wells, etc. that are known to trap poor lost souls Vessel up to 120 t 400 per hour.
and to harbor rather unfriendly creatures. From time to time, Vessel up to 240 t 650 per hour.
maps of some of these inter-levels are found for sale on the Vessel up to 540 t 1,100 per hour.
black market.
Vessel up to 800 t 1,500 per hour.
Vessel up to 2,000 t 2,700 per hour.
WATERTIGHT WALLS Vessel up to 16,000t 10,800 per hour.
Each sector of Equinox can be cut off by huge watertight
bulkheads in case of fires, flooding, or any other major Vessel up to 50,000 t 23,000 per hour.
catastrophe. These bulkheads mark the limits of 500-meter Vessel up to 100,000 t 35,000 per hour.
per side blocks (the peripheral sectors are smaller on each Vessel up to 160,000 t 50,00 per hour.
level). These walls are partially encased in the inter-levels Tug boats * 5 to 15 Sols per ton
and can slide along easily recognizable structures of the (minimum 3,000 Sols).
perimeter of a sector. The first sector of each level is always * If a vessel needs a tug boat to bring it in to dock (because of a
the one closest to the center; the other panels are arranged breakdown or anything else).
A margin of 10% more or less is allowed for the tonnage of the
from the first sector. These walls are made of Plastitanium
and are 20 centimeters thick. Note : for the private companies, the cost is calculated fo a day and
it’s generally equal to the hour rate x10 to x30. the monthly rate is
calculated on 18 days. Private hangars are seldom free.



Watcher control stations: Unless otherwise indicated, they

are usually discreet and often hidden away behind advertis-
ing billboards.Anti-riot and security forces barracks: Unless This is the largest level in the city with 64 sectors. It is at the
otherwise indicated, each barrack houses four intervention heart of the commercial activity and of life in Equinox. This
squadrons that work on six-hour shifts. level occupies an area of 4 km by 4 km (making it an area of
16 km²). There are over 120 meters between the floor and the
Public showers and bathrooms: Unless otherwise ceiling. Inside this space, the central bazaar stretches up with
indicated, they are regularly checked by the hygiene services anywhere from 3 to 8 floors (including the ground floor; each
and almost all of them are under constant surveillance by the of these upper floors covers about 8 km², while the ground
Watchers. level covers 12 km²) depending on the sector, except for the
center area where the elevators can be found, as well as the
THE GREAT BAZAAR OF EQUINOX main market, which only covers one floor. This is where one
(LEVELS 6 TO -6) can truly get a sense of the immense size of the city, taking in
Over 70% of the population of Equinox are huddled the sights of a ceiling over 80 meters above and a multitude
together in the 13 levels that make up the Great Bazaar. It is of walkways that span across various heights.
the largest existing market in the world. You can find pretty The streets vary in width from 2 to 8 meters depending
much anything and everything on sale there. on the area. The closer you get to the center, the wider the



streets become. As for all the structures of a certain height, of the city, near the frigate hangar A 89. The company is run


the walkways do not exceed 2 meters in width and are all by a man named Mole Ker 17 328, a former Hegemonian who
equipped with safety railings to avoid accidental falls. Cables, would prefer not to have to deal with his fellow countrymen
pipes, animated advertising billboards, and the tunnels of (he usually puts them on a waiting list).
the aerial metro are visible everywhere you look. The streets Sea Eagle Clinic: this Coralian clinic offers a wide range of
are constantly packed and lined with a crowd of all sorts of “discreet” medical services as well as coral implants. Their
merchants who set up their stalls wherever they fancy. Every tariffs are very high, and the vast majority of the population
now and then, a visitor will come across a circular space could not even afford to have the simplest of surgeries there.
where merchants set up their stalls to sell their goods. These The clinic is situated on the eastern edge of the city, in one of
are the market squares, and the largest of them all (a circular the quietest areas. It is run by Eleanora Lestesius, a stunning
space 400 meters in diameter) can be found at the very heart Coralean woman who, according to rumor, also offers her
of the central level, around the elevator block. services for things other than surgery.
There are no less than 429 shops, 85 bars, 36 canteens, Bloodhound: this company of bounty hunters is one of
and 78 hotels on Level 0. There are very few permanent the most famous in the world beneath the waves. It works
living quarters on this level and these few are all found in close collaboration with the Watchers. Its headquarters
around the edges. The classiest establishments are all are situated in Sector 12 of Level 0, and it occupies three
found either around the central market square or facing floors. The ground floor is The Bloodhound, a bar frequented
the great glass walls with a view of the ocean and the by all the independent bounty hunters in the area, run by
docking hangars. You can find everything on Level 0, from a man named Hector Hound. The second floor contains
the best to the worst. The black market is very active, and the company’s offices and the third floor the private living
prices can be doubled depending on whom you buy from. quarters of Lana Criss, the young director of the company
There are very few beggars and down-and-outs—their who is also a bounty hunter herself.
presence is not desirable for security reasons. On the Scavenger Hangars and Workshops: at the northern
other hand, the Watchers are heavily present even though end of Level 0, the Scavengers own four hangars and six
they rarely intervene. There are no sectors reserved for a workshops. They are particularly popular with people who
specific nationality on Level 0. want to sell off wrecked ships or obtain cheap secondhand
The automatic aerial metro lines run about 10 meters parts. The market near these hangars is mainly occupied by
above the floor. They are free and each train can carry 200 the Scavengers who sell pretty much everything you could
passengers. The metro runs on a regular basis and there is imagine there. It is also one of the most interesting places
never more than two minutes to wait between trains. if you’re looking for information of all kinds about what’s
going on or will soon be happening in the underwater world.
IMPORTANT PLACES Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these
Hermes: one of the offices of the company Hermes services are provided by eight stations spread out all over
(Mediterranean Union) is situated close to the central square the Level 0 area.
on this level. Watcher control stations: there are 24 of these stations
Hammerdale: Hammerdale has set up a branch of its on this level.
company on Level 0 of the city. Apprenticeship Department: this department is based
The Neptune: this is one of the most popular bars in the near the center of Level 0. It is an enormous, six-floor office
city. Its patrons are mainly tourists, Watchers, and novices of building. Many of the office workers of the Cult of the Trident
the Cult of the Trident. The prices are high but the food and can be found there.
drinks are good quality. Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only
The Venus: this is one of the most popular establishments four barracks of this type.
on Level 0. It covers eight floors (including the ground Philosophical Institutions of the Cult: there are only two
floor) and offers its customers food, drinks, rooms, and institutions of the Cult.
even company for the night. It is a well-kept establishment, Public showers and bathrooms: Eighteen bathing
with prices slightly above the average level. It is run by Karl establishments are spread out over the whole of the level.
Vandboeuf, a man from the Red League who knows how to
keep the kind of company that ensures he can conduct his INFLUENTIAL GROUPS
business in peace. The Venus also has a few meeting rooms The Free Merchants’ Union, the Submarine Miners’ Union,
for those who want to do “business.” the Aquafarmers and Breeders’ Union, the Independent
Prius Workshops: this is a prestigious company specialized Communities’ Union, and the Transporters’ Union are non-
in maintaining and repairing diving armors, small transport official groups who have a great amount of influence in their
vessels, and escort vessels. It also provides rental services for respective areas on all levels of the city. Their offices can be
vehicles or private hangars. Its prices are a little high, but found on this level. They are well-known and particularly
the work is impeccable. The workshops are at the far north


active pressure groups, and they are suspected of financing union is run by Natalia Desd from the Rockhall community.
some less reputable activities. The Tornado bar (Level 0) is one of the favorite meeting places
The Free Merchants’ Union: run by the six most prosperous for the members of this union.
merchants in Equinox (Prospero Verti, Locknar Liam, Seigfrid The Independent Communities’ Union: this small
Valers, Otro Liberski, Ogmer Tren, Syrula Davenroot), this group, run by Omar Bellus, tries to give a voice to the small
union is especially influential among the priests of the Trident. communities who don’t have their own embassies. It is said
The union, for example, negotiates the taxes to be paid by all that Omar is particularly active and that his union could well
merchants. It also defines the space and position allocated to become far more important in the years to come. At present,
each independent merchant. Therefore, it is best to be on the it counts over 990 micro-communities. The contribution
Merchants’ Union’s good side (and slip them a few Sol tabs) if is 100 Sols per year and the only advantage offered is a
you hope to sell your wares on Level 0. The members of the members’ rate at the Crown bar, owned by Bellus.
Merchants’ Union like to meet at the Charlatan bar on Level 0. The Transporters’ Union: the Transporters’ Union is as
For a contribution of at least 5,000 Sols a year, a merchant can powerful as the Merchants’ Union. Lopmar the Voyager is
obtain certain advantages: the leader of the union, and a friend of Prospero Verti from
• He enjoys the protection of the union’s muscular the Merchants’ Union. The Transporters’ Union’s favorite
flunkies. gathering place is the Radiance on Level 0. For an annual
• He is insured against a loss of goods. The goods will be contribution of 50 Sols per vessel of 100 metric tons, the
refunded at roughly 30% of their raw value. union offers several advantages:
• He gains access to privileged seller spaces. This • The muscular protection of the union’s flunkies.
means that the merchant will only rarely need to go • Insurance in case the vessel or cargo transported is
to the slums to sell his wares. lost (roughly 30% of the raw value).
• He benefits from certain agreements with the Watchers • Access to privileged hangars for their ships.
that allow him to sell sensitive and sometimes even • A more flexible level of customs inspection of the
completely illegal goods. ship and its cargo.
• The merchants get a reduction of 30% on the rent for • A 10 to 30% discount on docking fees (rental of
their trading area. hangars).
The more money contributed, the more advantages are
offered. LEVEL 1
The Submarine Miners’ Union: run by Francis Drake, a Level 1 is similar to Level 0: 80 meters high and built over
solidly built gentleman of 56, the Miners’ Union has been 4 floors. Its floor area is slightly smaller than that of Level 0
battling for many years to make it easier to register a (roughly 14 km²) but it has the same number of sectors

concession. The miners like to gather at the Nugget bar on (64). This level counts no fewer than 229 stores, 80 bars,
Level 0. For a contribution of 500 Sols per year, the miners 46 canteens, and 78 hotels. Residential blocks are more
can obtain some interesting advantages: abundant here, and they are generally spread around the
• The support of the union for the registration of a outer edges of the level. It is from this level upward that we
concession. find sectors that are more or less reserved for the citizens of
• Priority appointments for registering a concession. certain nations or organizations. For example, the sectors in
• The support of other miners in case of security the east are considered to be Hegemonian quarters. Those
problems. in the west are the quarters of the League. The northern
The Aquafarmers and Breeders’ Union: The A.B.U. is an sectors are the home of smaller nations and those in the
important pressure group that fights to defend its members’ south belong to the Coraleans. The differences are not yet
rights against the Merchants’ Union and the industrial all that obvious and you are not at risk of being attacked
aquafarming and breeding companies. The war that put it in based on your opinions. There are several aerial metros on
opposition to the Merchants’ Union is not a recent one. Indeed, this level.
many merchants buy food products elsewhere at incredibly
low prices and prevent the local farmers from selling their IMPORTANT PLACES
goods themselves. The average farmer, therefore, has no The Kryss: this dive bar run by a pro-Hegemonian owner
choice but to accept a poor return selling his products to the tends to attract a bad crowd. Although its patrons are quite
merchants or go and risk worse selling it in the slums. For the diverse, the young soldiers of the nation of the Patriarchs
moment, the members of the A.B.U. only pay a contribution like to gather there. The bar is in the east of the level. It is run
of 50 Sols per year, but the only advantage they get for it is by Olaf Our 27 659, a fat, bearded fellow with a good-natured
the help of some muscle in case of a confrontation with face, who never misses an occasion to sing the praises of the
merchants. However, this union is growing in size day after powerful Hegemony. His prices are low, but what he serves
day and it could well be that, in a few years from now, it will isn’t worth any more than what he charges. Contrary to what
provide its subscribers with especially precious assistance. The one might think, it is whispered that this establishment is


not the favorite meeting place of the Hegemonian spies, but INFLUENTIAL GROUPS


more that of certain smugglers. The Human Coalition: ruled by Manitia Derling, a rich
The Torpedo: one of the most popular bars among sailors businesswoman from the city, the Human Coalition is openly
around the world, the Torpedo is an establishment with a fighting for every oppressed population’s rights, especially
warm atmosphere that can easily turn stormy depending on the mutants, and for a complete reform of birth policies in
the moods of its customers. It is a bar for hardened sailors the world’s nations. She admits that she profoundly admires
who don’t take kindly to the arrival of young greenhorns. The the Coral’s Republic birth policy, and it is thought that her
patrons tell each other tales of campaigns at sea, of legends organization is funded to a great extent by Coralian interests.
in the deep, and of secrets that can be desirable to many. The Sailors’ Guild: this guild is only influential on this level.
The only problem is that these fellows are tremendously It is a group of sailors who are used to travelling to Equinox. It
suspicious and they really have to take a liking to someone came together around Promise and was, to begin with, just a
or it takes a great many diplomatic tricks to get them to talk. group of people who got on well and enjoyed sharing stories
And if they catch you spying on their conversations... about the seas. Today, the guild’s aim is to make the life of
The bar is run by a former sailor, Promise (yes, that is his salty seadogs a little more pleasant in Equinox and in all
first name), who is also the boss of the Sailors’ Guild. The the stations that are members of the organization. On Level
prices here are honest and the food and drink of reasonable 1 of the fluctuating city, Promise’s friends can enjoy free
quality. The bar is situated in the east of the city, almost accommodation, very generous prices on the maintenance
directly opposite the docks reserved for commercial vessels. of their vessels, and, most of all, some muscular support in
Cortex: the headquarters of the Cortex company is found case of a confrontation with another faction. All the sailors
opposite the central square of this level. Its entrances are from isolated communities that belong to the Guild like to
guarded by a squadron of Watchers. The offices span eight gather regularly in Promise’s bar. Several mechanics and
floors (ground floor included) and appear fairly modern. electronics engineers specialized in the maritime sector and
Gladius: the headquarters of the company Gladius are who work on the docks on this level also belong to the group.
situated opposite that of Cortex, on the other side of the Some people claim that the Sailors’ Guild is not content with
square. It spans two blocks of buildings and four floors. The legal operations and also practices smuggling.
place is extremely well protected by the Watchers.
Tri-Pole (Polar Alliance), Neotech (Hegemony), and LEVEL 2
New Dynamic (Independent): these three companies all Made up of 64 sectors and spread out over roughly 12 km²,
have offices near the central square of Level 1. Level 2 is 60 meters high and includes 3 floors. Although
The Sphinx: this fancy establishment situated in the south commercial activity here is as intense as on the other levels,
is renowned for its high-society patrons and its steep prices. it has certain distinct characteristics. This level is mainly
It is said that the waitresses are absolute gems but their covered in residential blocks and hotels. This is also where you
prices are equally as extortionate. The place is run by a rich can find most of the rental companies for vehicles and diving
Coralean businessman who does not live in Equinox. His armors, as well as the offices of many corporations. This level
representative, a mutant with minor deformities, is named counts 119 stores, 76 bars, 28 canteens, and 78 hotels.
Loupar. He is suspected of running a network of spies. The residential blocks are all situated in the eastern and
The Bulldog: this bar is in fact the office of Legion in northern sectors. The companies and stores are all grouped
Equinox. Its owner, Vicos the Moray Eel, is a former fighter around the central marketplace. In the south and the west
pilot who was severely wounded during an operation of the you will find the hotels, some more residential blocks, the
mercenary group. He is half-disfigured and his right arm canteens, and a few restaurants.
is a mechanical prosthetic arm. It is at the Bulldog that the Tensions between the different communities are frequent
members of Legion come to negotiate certain contracts, meet on this level and some sectors are real ghettos into which it is
with other groups of mercenaries, and hire new recruits. dangerous to wander. This is especially true of the residential
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these blocks, as some of them are reserved for citizens of a specific
services are provided by six stations spread out all over Level 1. nation.
Watcher control stations: there are 12 of these stations The docks are mainly reserved for merchant vessels and
on this level. cargo transfer ships. There are several aerial metros on this
Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only level.
two barracks of this type.
Philosophical Institutions of the Cult: there are only two IMPORTANT PLACES
institutions of the Cult. Vigilant (independent), Nova (Hegemony), Union
Public showers and bathrooms: twelve bathing Industries (Mediterranean Union), Siranea (Coral Republic),
establishments are spread out over the whole of the level. Deep Star (Red League), Panam (Hegemony), and Poseidon
(Cult of the Trident) are a few of the companies that have
their offices on this level.


The Toothed Whale: if you are not a docker, be on your LEVEL 3

way—this is no place for you. Unless you need some muscle Level 3 (60 meters high) is much calmer than Level 2. It
for a job that isn’t too risky. This is the only condition, is made up of 64 sectors and covers an area of 10 km2. In
along with a few Sols, under which you can set foot in the the north, you can find residential areas reserved for the
Toothed Whale. The prices there are probably the lowest Watchers, the Cult novices, and other respectable folks.
in the city and the food and drink are of good quality. The Needless to say that the security forces are especially active
establishment is run by Cross Bulldog, a completely hairless, on this level. The rest of the level is occupied by the offices of
2.9 m tall mutant with a powerful build. He is as friendly as large companies, by bars, canteens, private night clubs, and
a plated shark and solves any problems that should arise stores. It is one of the safest and most pleasant places to have
with a bludgeon that he always has close to hand. This bar is a store, but the spaces available are limited. To be allowed
suspected of being one of the main meeting places for most to sell your goods here, bribing the representatives of the
of the criminal organizations in the city. administrative services is mandatory. There are several
Residential block H 56: this block is home to a large aerial metros on this level.
population of totally fanatical Hegemonians. If you are not a
servant of the Patriarchs, you will have trouble walking the IMPORTANT PLACES
streets here. Loscar Flo 17 356 is a kind of half-crazy preacher Gladius (Cult of the Trident), Free Star (Red League), New
who rules the block as a community leader. The many Horizon (Hegemony), Polyphemus (Polar Alliance), and
investigations about him have never managed to prove that Global Oceanus (Hegemony) have offices on this level.
he is a Hegemonian spy. The Urchins Club: this respectable establishment is
Rent-Station: this small company situated in the east of reserved for its members only. It offers drinks, games,
the city is specialized in renting out vehicles of all kinds. Its and female company. Some malicious gossips claim that
tariffs are quite average. The man who runs it is none other it belongs to the famous pirate, Kali. It is true that many
than Crius Bellemort, who is thought to be one of Vurick the pirates have been seen there, which seems rather strange
One-Eyed’s lieutenants (see Level -6). for a classy joint. The club is run by a certain Kate Paloma, a
Dock 223B: this dock for vessels of over 20,000 metric tons young woman of 32 years whose past seems too good to be
has been closed for years. It is called the “phantom dock.” The true. Although the prices are not the highest in town, they
stories say that a few years ago, a frigate docked there with are still rather extortionate.
nobody on board. Strange happenings have regularly been The Excelsior: this bar is the favorite gathering place
noticed there since. After a delegate from the Coral Republic of the Watchers. There is no point causing trouble there;
died there, it was decided to shut it down. It is said that it wouldn’t end well. The owner of the bar is called Fellan
several enquiries are still open to find out what is happening the Cat who, although he looks innocent enough, hides a

there exactly. Several priests of the Trident capable of using troubled past. Some don’t hesitate to claim that he is at the
the Polaris Effect are part of the investigative committee. head of a network of assassins and that he negotiates his
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these contracts in his bar under the very noses of the security
services are provided by six stations spread out all over Level 2. services.
Watcher control stations: there are 18 of these stations Straight Kill: this small repairs workshop is run by a man
on this level. whom some consider to be a true genius when it comes to
Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only torpedoes. He has a reputation for making the best weapons of
two barracks of this type. destruction in the whole of Equinox. This seems to be backed
Public showers and bathrooms: ten bathing establishments up by the interest that several weapons companies have in
are spread out over the whole of the level. him, including Gladius, which would very much like to get
their hands on some plans for a revolutionary torpedo. The
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS name of this sought-after individual is Kromen, and he can
Equinox Dockers’ Union: this powerful group is a real offer you the best secondhand torpedoes in the whole of the
thorn in the side of the administrative services of Equinox seven seas. He can repair those that are damaged and improve
and especially that of the Watchers. Not only does it control on most models. The only downside is that his services are
all the cargo transfer operations on Level 2, but what’s more, expensive and his waiting list never-ending. A word of advice:
its members are also very popular as henchmen for criminal Kromen worships technology of all kinds—this may be good to
organizations. The union is known for its black market know if you want to make friends with him.
activities, its smuggling, and most importantly all the “taxes” Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these
it applies to the merchant ships. The leader of the Dockers’ services are provided by four stations spread out all over
Union is a man named Caliano, a powerful businessman who Level 3.
lives a quiet life on Level 7. He is also one of the most active Watcher control stations: there are eight of these stations
traffickers in Equinox. on this level.



Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only IMPORTANT PLACES
two barracks of this type. The Forbidden Alleyway: this side street in the northern
Public showers and bathrooms: ten bathing establishments part of this level is known and avoided by every inhabitant in
are spread out over the whole of the level. Equinox. In the past, the body of a young woman was found
there, and the mystery of her death was never solved. The
LEVEL 4 problem is that every year since then, a new body has been
This level is divided into 36 sectors and covers an area found in the exact same place, though never at the same time
of 9 km2. The ceiling is at a height of about 20 meters and of year. There is a feeling of dread that seems to hang over
the buildings are on two to five floors. There are no aerial this alleyway, one that even a newcomer who knows nothing
metros on this level. The walkways of Level 4 are much of the place’s history will feel to the very depths of his soul.
narrower than elsewhere. There is a constant feeling of The Scythe: this well-known and popular bar is frequented
being in an enclosed space, far more so than anywhere by everyone. The food and drinks are of good quality and the
else in the city. The streets are dark and there are many atmosphere is pleasant. Even so, some say that patrons have
beggars. Although this level is fairly calm, its shadows have disappeared there and that the boss of the establishment
the reputation of being a hiding place for creatures escaped has no qualms supplying the laboratories with these missing
from the pharmaceutical and genetic laboratories that can people. Others say that, under the bar, an illegal clinic offers its
be found all over the level. Commerce is active on this level, services to all the adventurers and smugglers of Equinox. The
but much of what is for sale is illegal—especially drugs and man—Lomac as they call him—is a very tall and skinny fellow.
human organs. For some unknown reason, the Watchers are Cortex and Hellion: these two companies both own
particularly discreet here and avoid having to interfere as research laboratories near the center of this level.
often as possible. The prices for hotel rooms and personal Orga: it is rumored that this independent laboratory belongs
accommodation are the lowest in Equinox after Levels -4, -5, to Voghn the Renegade and is at the center of the human-
and -6. There are many mysteries that surround this level, trafficking activity in Equinox. There are a multitude of stories
and in the bars here, many tales are told of mysterious deaths about the terrible experiments carried out in this place.
and disappearances, as well as terrible shadows glimpsed at Shadow: this is a bar run by a former Watcher who is now
the back of alleyways. One needs to be especially cautious suspected of having converted to smuggling. Some say that
here. A human body has certain value and is easy to sell off Lerd Benton is trafficking with pirates. His establishment is
to the laboratories. quite reputable and the prices are decent.


Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Department: these
services are provided by two stations spread out around the services are provided by the main building of the Hygiene
edges of Level 4. Department.
Watcher control stations: there are four of these stations Watcher control stations: there are six of these stations,
on this level. situated around the Aeris offices.
Philosophical Institutions of the Cult: there is only one Public showers and bathrooms: six bathing establishments
institution of the Cult. are spread out over the whole of the level.
Public showers and bathrooms: Six bathing
establishments are spread out over the whole of the level. INFLUENTIAL GROUPS
The Coraleans: although it doesn’t have a direct influence
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS on the lives of the other citizens, the Coraleans have
The Body Snatchers: this group is said to specialize in the developed very strong connections with one another. They
kidnapping and sale of human beings. They provide goods have created a real network of solidarity in absolutely every
for the stalls of the organ sellers and are rumored to be domain. Could this be a front for other, less noble, activities?
especially active in the smuggling of that kind of product.
Who is hiding behind this group? Nobody knows, but it is a LEVEL 6
fair guess that Voghn the Renegade isn’t all that far away. This level (20 meters high) is almost as large as Level 5 and
Boman: Boman is the name of one of the biggest narcotics covers almost 6 km2 divided up into 36 sectors. It is mainly
dealers in Equinox. Nobody knows his true identity, but one visited by the operators of the independent stations. The
thing is for sure: he is very influential on this level. markets are all focused on the sale of maintenance equipment
for stations and the Concession Registration Office of the
LEVEL 5 S.M.S.O. can be found in the center, around the elevators.
This level (20 meters high) is slightly smaller than Level 4, There are many very cheap hotels here (dormitories, tubes,
spanning an area of just over 7 km2 divided up into the same and mediocre rooms for the most part), private and public
number of sectors. However, the atmosphere here is radically canteens (such as the Triangle’s canteens), prostitution
different. The residential areas are home to a large amount of services, etc. It is a level that is constantly packed with
Coralian and Polarian settlers. There are a number of private people and crawling with activity. With the embassies just
clinics here, and the most impressive building of the Hygiene above it, the presence of the Watchers is very active here.
Department stands proudly near the central marketplace.
Most of the commercial activity is focused around selling IMPORTANT PLACES
pharmaceutical and hygiene-related products, fluids, and The companies Telemachus (Hegemony), Odysseus (Coral

mixtures. Republic), C.T.C. (Coral Republic), Explora (Coral Republic),

and Pacific Transport (Coral Republic) have their offices on
Aeris: several sectors in the northern zone of this level are The Triangle’s canteens: This network of canteens
occupied by the company Aeris, which produces hyperfluids. found all over Equinox belong to a private organization, the
It is an area under strict surveillance. Triangle. Under contract with the Watchers, they offer very
Coral Bar: this establishment is most popular with the cheap meals. These are real food distribution chains where
citizens of the Coral Republic, but everybody is welcome you can just come and get a bowl of gruel and listen to the
there without any problem. It is a rather pleasant place, very latest news broadcast through the speakers before you head
nicely decorated, and it is said that one can meet the most back to work. Many rumors are spread about the directors of
beautiful women of Equinox there. The boss is a Coralean this company, especially about the contents of the gruel and
named Glessial who is particularly courteous to his patrons. the effects it has on the human body. For it is worth noting,
The Neptune Intelligence Services have noticed a significant the Triangle is most of all a company that is focused on food
increase in its customers over the last few weeks and, research, and 50% of its shares belong to Cortex. The cost of
more importantly, a significant increase in the number of a meal in these “canteens” is 5 Sols.
employees (all hired among Coraleans). Pandora: this company specializes in the sale and repair
The Tomb: this bar is famous all over Equinox for its of station modules. It owns a large repair hangar on
interior design. Indeed, Ochloss, the boss, is a former explorer this level and several branches in the main ports of the
who has brought back a number of relics of ancient times. oceans. Its teams of deep-water workers are capable of
The Tomb’s patrons are adventurers, raiders, explorers, and assembling installations down to depths of 15,000 meters.
smugglers of all kinds. It is also a favorite haunt of pirates, in The company’s boss is a 38-year old Natural Hydrid named
particular the members of the Mermaid Fellowship. Patrick Petrovnick.
The Gorgon: this fairly popular bar is run by a man named
Ronaldo. It is situated on the docks on the edge of this level.


The Nautilus: this is a luxury hotel that is, unofficially, those who appreciate who owns them. It is in fact Malgo


reserved for Hegemonians only. It is said to belong to a Eight-Legs, the famous pirate, who runs this establishment
powerful family of aristocrats from Keryss. under the name of Arthur P. Carridge. Although he puts
The Black Cetacean: this bar is the favorite gathering point himself in danger every time he sets foot in Equinox, he can’t
of the underwater miners. Bar brawls are frequent there, but help but offer his services for fixing absolutely anything and
the atmosphere is mostly welcoming. The establishment’s everything. He is also a very efficient fence and he can get
boss is suspected of being a drug runner on the payroll of you anything you happen to be looking for. His activities
Vurick the One-Eyed. cover absolutely every type of vehicle and diving armor.
The Plankton Dream: this is an establishment popular among The waiting lists to hire his services are near-infinite. He
the hydro-farmers. The food is especially tasty and the prices has many bodyguards who are always very discreet. It goes
are reasonable. The establishment is run by an androgynous without saying that the members of the Spider Fellowship do
mutant named Lepto who has no remarkable history. their very best to protect their leader.
Concession Registration Office: this office complex, built Lipus Repair Service: Lipus is a very talented small
around the elevators at the center of the level, is constantly electronics engineer, mechanic, and computer technician.
full of people. The miners of the whole world come here to His specialty is not repairing vehicles, but repairing the
have their concessions registered. To make an appointment city’s installations. His knowledge of Equinox is invaluable
with an agent from the C.R.O., you will need to wait in line and he is simultaneously closely watched and protected by
for several hours at the number-assignment window. The the Watchers, but also by several criminal organizations. As
average waiting time to make an appointment is from 3 to 6 it happens, good old Lipus likes to sell some of the blueprints
days and as, generally speaking, the administration workers of the city’s inter-levels or machinery to the highest bidder.
are always late, you will also need to wait for a few hours past His prices are astronomical but the information is fairly
the given time. Those who don’t go the distance will have to precise.
come back and make another appointment. The Molecular Bar: this is a bar that is popular among a
Complaint Registration Desk: the C.R.D. is just as popular large number of mechanics and electronics engineers from
as the C.R.O. This is where the many sub-marine communities this level. The owner, Milus Farmo, is a handyman himself
can come to register their complaints and, in some cases, and is well known for the fair quality of his work.
establish the amount of compensation that is to be paid. The Sway: this is a bar whose patrons are often pirates and
It takes 6 to 18 days to obtain an appointment and only by adventurers. There is no specific dominant faction here. The
practically laying siege on the number-application windows. establishment is run by a man named Philar One-Leg who
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these earned his nickname after losing an arm and a leg during a
services are provided by the main building of the Hygiene ship-boarding. He is a former pirate who was part of a now
Department on Level 5. long-gone group, the Chimera.
Watcher control stations: there are eight of these stations, The Kraken: this bar is not one that sees a lot of dodgy
and they are very discreet. customers. In fact, it is almost always full of tourists. It is a
Public showers and bathrooms: six bathing establishments well-respected and reputed establishment. The food and
are spread out over the whole of the level. drinks are fairly expensive. It is run by a woman named Ilva
the Eel. She is a former prostitute of the Cult of the Trident.
LEVEL -1 Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Department: these
Level -1 is the carbon copy of Level 1. Its population, however, services are provided by six stations spread out all over Level -1.
is slightly different. There are almost no residential areas Watcher control stations: there are 12 of these stations
here. It is a huge commercial sector where you can find the on this level.
largest number of bars in the city (roughly 110). The markets Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only
are mainly focused on selling equipment for sea vessels. two barracks of this type. E
Huge hangars have been built all around the level’s edge. The Philosophical Institutions of the Cult: there are only two
repairs and maintenance workshops are many and are among institutions of the Cult.
the best in the city. This is also the area where you will find the Public showers and bathrooms: twelve bathing
highest concentration of mechanics, electronics engineers, establishments are spread out over the whole of the level.
and computer technicians. The narrow back alleys are packed
with pirates, smugglers, adventurers, and explorers of all LEVEL -2
kinds. Beggars are numerous throughout the sectors. The level is similar to Level -1 but slightly smaller in size.
It is 60 meters high, built over 4 floors, and divided into
IMPORTANT PLACES 64 sectors. The markets are specialized in small pieces of
Equinox Workshops: these discreet workshops are little
known to the general public but extremely popular with


equipment and especially survival equipment. There are control the various networks. The hangars are mainly used
also a number of workshops here. The residential blocks are to store industrial goods and toxic products. There is a fair
clustered around the central square. There is a particularly number of private workshops and a few good repairmen and
dense population of pirates, beggars, adventurers, and technicians. However, there are also a lot of pirates on this
scoundrels of all sorts. level.


Titan Transport (Titan), Red League Transport (Red League), The Conger: this bar is not under the control of any of
Unified Oceans Company (Red League), and Electrotech the criminal factions on this level. Actually, it is a watering
(Hegemony) all have offices on this level. hole for pirates from all fellowships, and they are ready to
The Harpoon: this formerly dodgy dive bar was recently defend the establishment’s boss against any form of attack.
“cleaned up” by the Watchers. A fence who went by the The bar is run by a man named Vralack the Indomitable. He
name of Brodvitk, formerly in charge of the trafficking in the is a former pirate.
area, was found murdered in this bar. This gave the security The Trade Winds: this is the home of the Red Cutlasses,
services an excuse to clean up this establishment that used a criminal organization with a lot of influence on this level.
to be a real lair for criminals. Velorg, the man who runs it, This bar is run by a man named Poli who is none other
has cleaned up his act too, and is staying on the straight and than one of the organization’s lieutenants. The place is
narrow. His former pirate patrons are less and less inclined disreputable and not very pleasant.
to visit his bar. Arsenal Hotel: this hotel only offers tube accommodation,
The Seahorse: this is the favorite watering hole for the Orca but it guarantees its guests complete protection once they
Fellowship. Bar fights are frequent here and some consider have checked in. As the Arsenal is financed by Vurick the
this dive bar to be a real death-trap. It is also the meeting One-Eyed, it is understandable that other clans hesitate to
place for several organizations of fences and smugglers. attack it. The security team is impressive. The room rates are
Trident Oceanographic Institution: this institute provides slightly above average.
the general public with detailed maps of the undersea Hunt: this is the office for a group of very well-known
regions. Some sectors are not accessible and visitors need an bounty hunters. A woman named Denea Cillio is the director.
authorization from the S.M.S.O. to be able to study them. The She employs about 30 bounty hunters who practice rather
institute is open to all for the price of 10 Sols per hour of radical methods.
consultation. Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these services are provided by six stations spread out all over
services are provided by six stations spread out all over Level -3.

Level -2. Watcher control stations: there are four of these stations

Watcher control stations: there are eight of these stations on this level.
on this level. Public showers and bathrooms: six bathing
Anti-riot and security forces barracks: there are only establishments are spread out over the whole of the level.
two barracks.
Public showers and bathrooms: fourteen bathing INFLUENTIAL GROUPS
establishments are spread out over the whole of the level. The Red Cutlasses: this criminal organization is involved
in trafficking weapons, drugs, and forbidden materials. It is
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS run by Mad Leoni, an elusive sadist that the Watchers would
The groups of smugglers and the criminal organizations are love to interrogate. The Cutlasses control the eastern sectors
beginning to have quite an influence from this level down. of this level.
They are generally in control of certain sectors and of bars Lupir the Snake’s beggars’ network: Lupir is a
or canteens. despicable human organ trafficker who has gathered a
network of dozens of beggars who serve as spies, thieves,
LEVEL -3 and murderers. He is careful to never take sides for one
The slums of Equinox really begin on this level. From about or the other of this level’s organizations. He is said to be
20 meters above the floor, the ceiling gets lost in a jungle of completely schizophrenic and a lover of certain disgusting
cables and pipes 40 meters thick. The walkways are narrow practices.
and dark. There is still one tiny aerial metro that only works The Blue Coats: this organization controls the western
intermittently and doesn’t connect all the sectors. Everything sectors of this level. Its primary concerns are focused on
is on the ground floor. The area of 9 km2 is divided into 36 smuggling. Its services are often required to get people
sectors and is home to a large number of residential blocks, out of Equinox or get illegal immigrants into the city.
bars, and bazaars. The black market is everywhere on this The organization is run by Ivana Blue Coat, who owes her
level. Four criminal organizations are constantly battling to


nickname to her former role as an administrative agent for of the level and most of the products on sale are illegal. The


the Cult of the Trident. merchants who haven’t found a space higher up to sell their
The Leoren Faction: Leoren is a hermaphrodite capable goods are forced to set up stalls here where space is never
of self-fertilization. He has given birth to so many children scarce. Many prefer to leave the city instead. This level has
that he is wanted by the Watchers. His children, along a ceiling about 5 meters above the street at the highest. The
with the ones he gathers from the streets, form his own layers of cables often limit the height to less than 3 meters.
private army. He is specialized in weapons smuggling and Several sectors are cloaked in mystery and nobody really
assassinations of all kinds. This faction controls the north knows what goes on in them.
of this level.
Galanea: now relegated to the southern sectors, this IMPORTANT PLACES
organization once controlled all of Level -3. The death of its The Purple Area: this sector of Level -5 is completely
leader, Iran Leigh, was the last gasp of its omnipotence. deserted. Everyone prefers to avoid it, but some claim to
have seen Watcher agents there.
LEVEL -4 The Urchin: this is one of the best bars in all of Equinox.
Divided into 36 sectors, Level -4 (40 meters high) is The quality of the food and the drinks is quite remarkable. It
worse than Level -3, except that here none of the criminal counts a large number of pirates among its patrons, but also
organizations rule the nest. The beggars, however, are “normal” people. It is said that this bar more or less belongs
everywhere and have come together to form several groups. to Ashaana Solomon, the famous pirate.
Over half of this level is dedicated to residential blocks. Deep Strike: this is a company of mercenaries trained in
People here live in terrible conditions. The small network of commando operations. The group is made up of 30 members
aerial metros is now completely out of order. or so, led by a former Watcher, Marcus Strike.
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these
IMPORTANT PLACES services are provided by one station in the middle of the level.
The Pit: this bar is one you should not set foot in unless you Watcher control stations: there are two of these stations
are heavily armed. It is a hive of killers, bandits, and pirates. at the center of this level.
It is a place where illegal contracts are openly discussed. Public showers and bathrooms: four bathing
Assassination, theft, piracy, organ trafficking, etc.; all these establishments are spread out over the whole of the level.
activities are tolerated in this establishment run by Agatha, a
young woman said to be connected to Voghn the Renegade. INFLUENTIAL GROUPS
Hygiene, Water, and Maintenance Departments: these Feodrom: this organization is made up of smugglers who
services are provided by one station in the middle of the own most of the hangars on this level. It doesn’t cause the
level. general population much inconvenience. In fact, it’s quite
Watcher control stations: there are four of these stations the opposite—its members would probably prefer to live in
on this level. a quieter area. Therefore, they do occasionally “clean up”
Public showers and bathrooms: Six bathing their sectors to remove any unwanted individuals.
establishments are spread out over the whole of the level. The Enlightened: these fanatics are constantly high on
drugs. They live only to kill targets and to worship their
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS master, Lomnor Ka. This mysterious individual provides
Plycer Darken: this sinister individual is a skinny man them with drugs in exchange for their total obedience. Not
who is 2.4 meters tall. He is always dressed in a classy suit much is known about him, only that he is a particularly
and dark glasses. He smiles all the time so that people can see handsome young man and that he doesn’t come from
his teeth, each one filed to a point. Plycer lives like a prince Equinox or its surrounding region.
at the heart of his criminal organization, the main activity
of which is human slavery and human organ trafficking. It LEVEL -6
is rumored that he is in contact with certain representatives This level only has 16 sectors over 4 km2, almost all of them
among the Watchers to provide them with a rather special continually cast in darkness. The ceilings are a maximum of
form of labor. 5 meters high, but in certain side streets it is impossible for
anyone over 2 meters tall to walk without having to stoop.
LEVEL -5 This is mainly due to the fact that the inter-level is extended
The 36 sectors of this antechamber of hell are mainly especially low at this level. Vurick the One-Eyed, one of the
occupied by residential blocks and repairs workshops. most important traffickers in Equinox, rules over this level.
The customers of these repairs workshops are pirates and However, it is difficult to completely dominate such a diverse
outlaws from around the world. The lighting fixtures on this fauna, and many uncontrollable groups haunt the dark back
level are almost all out of order and the atmosphere here is alleys of Level -6. Some companies still dare to rent out
heavy. The markets are grouped together near the center residential blocks in this hellhole. There are a few people


who are forced to live here, but they never stay for very long. city can be found here. There are no more “canteens”
In any case, most of the residential blocks are squatted by the in the embassies, but “restaurants” that serve the finest
local fauna. It is possible to pay Vurick a tax to ensure your foods that can be found beneath the sea. Security here is
protection. This usually works fairly well. extremely tight and access to the level is limited. You will
need special authorizations awarded by the Watchers, the
IMPORTANT PLACES Cult of the Trident, the embassies, or a few of the criminal
The Rattlesnake: this bar is protected by Vurick, just like organizations. The periphery of this level is occupied by
95% of the other establishments still open on this level. If huge relaxation rooms, installed at the foot of gigantic glass
you put it into context in its surrounding environment, this walls that allow people to gaze out into the ocean. The most
dive bar could almost seem to be quite a pleasant place. At important embassies are found on the lower levels as they
least its customers are relatively safe no matter where they have more space there.
come from. A lot of pirates visit the Rattlesnake, especially These levels are reserved for the elite. These are the
the buccaneers. battlefields of all the diplomatic struggles, all the political
The Abyss of the Damned: these gigantic holes can be skullduggery of the underwater world. The negotiations, the
found dotted around this level and delve deep into the heart betrayals, the assassinations, the espionage, and sometimes
of the machinery of Equinox. A 400-meter drop is waiting for even the wars are all decided in the shadowy alcoves of the
anyone who might dare to dive into one. It is possible to gain luxurious establishments of Equinox.
access to the machinery through these wells, but the noise is The embassies are in the safest and best kept districts in
almost unbearable after a few meters of descent, the stench Equinox. There are plenty of Watcher control stations,
is horrendous, and the only handholds available to the maintenance buildings, and public bathrooms.
plucky are greasy cables and pipes from which formidable
rats or the dreaded gliders are waiting to pounce on you. The LEVEL 7
Dagger Children often use these wells to run away. Level 7 covers 5.5 km2 and is divided into 36 sectors. It
Public showers and bathrooms: two bathing is occupied by the embassies of the Hegemony (northern
establishments are found in the center of the level. sectors), the Polar Alliance (southern sectors), the
Mediterranean Union (eastern sectors) and the Rift States
INFLUENTIAL GROUPS (western sectors). The walkways are wide and pleasant.
Vurick the One-Eyed: Vurick rules over the area, as
detailed below. IMPORTANT PLACES
Lasia: this charming female rival of Vurick has recently The Mermaid: this is a very luxurious establishment
settled on Level -6. She has an impressive amount of reserved for a certain elite, in general the members of the

equipment and an army of amazons whose charm is only diplomatic personnel of the various nations. The Mermaid is
rivaled by their fierceness. Vurick hasn’t taken any actions visited by people from every nation. There are a great many
against her for the moment; he is waiting to find out what forbidden products served here, but the establishment is
she wants. For the moment, it is not all that clear. mainly renowned for its prostitution services. It is said that
The Dagger Children: these children, aged between 6 and the manager, Lestern Kar, works for Vurick the One-Eyed.
14 years old, are the most violent beings in Equinox. They Ellipse Restaurant: This restaurant is one of the most
are nothing more than half-cannibalistic animals that track beautiful and most expensive in Equinox. It is situated
their prey in packs. They use primitive weapons like shards opposite the magnificent glass wall in the northern sectors
of metal or knives, which explains their nickname. They are of the city. Here you can come across the ambassadors of
completely out of control and, according to the authorities, every nation who all like to eat in public. The security here
beyond help. Authorities are wrong about that last detail. is particularly tight. The manager of the establishment,
These children are living in an environment where their Valendro Veet, has his own security service.
only food is a strange hallucinogenic mushroom that grows The Procession: situated right in the center of the level,
on the pipes of the city and that is the main cause of their the Procession is a luxury bar belonging to the Cult of the
condition. Away from this environment and fed under normal Trident. Its patrons are mostly Watchers, Cult novices, and
conditions, they can be saved. This is, at least, what Manitia the administrative workers from the embassies.
Derling claims. She is the leader of the Human Coalition, a The artificial parks: in some sectors you can find small
group promoting the protection of oppressed populations.” artificial parks where you can go for a walk among artificial
or natural vegetation. These parks are closely watched, as
LEVELS 7 TO 10: THE EMBASSIES the ambassadors like to stretch their legs there.
Levels 7 to 10 are dedicated to the embassies of the various
important countries of the sub-marine world. They are INFLUENTIAL FIGURES
vast sectors with a ceiling height of 40 meters. The most Ambassador Ovar Godter: the ambassador for the
luxurious and the most expensive establishments of the Hegemony is a 58-year-old man (it is commonly said that he


is actually over 90 years old). He is especially popular because Leiya Davenport: the beautiful ambassador of the


of his pacifist policies. He is always dressed in a superb Mediterranean Union is without a doubt one of the most
Hegemonic uniform, rich in colors and decorations, and he active representatives in Equinox. She is constantly
loves rare and luxurious things. His residence is one of the organizing meetings with the delegates of all the nations
most closely watched buildings on this level. He rarely leaves of the world under the oceans. Her actions are more to
his residence and prefers to invite people to visit him. He do with economics than politics. She is rumored to be
usually has an excellent relationship with Demeter, although very endearing and full of life. At 39 years old, she is often
recently it has been a little deteriorated after the events that seen in the bars of the Great Bazaar of Equinox where her
took place in Fuego Liberdad. presence rarely goes unnoticed. Needless to say that the
He is known to be a moderate and a great lover of peace, Union’s security service does not always appreciate her
but some people claim that this is just a front. His adopted little escapades, and they use all their available resources
daughter, Ina Godter, is a beautiful creature of 28 years to ensure Leiya is kept safe.
(genetically modified to be perfect), who is said to be none Ibraham Levisk: this small gent of 1.56 m with a notably
other than the leader of the Hegemonic Intelligence Service big round head is the ambassador for the Rift States. He
in Equinox. is said to be especially cunning and devious. He is a born
Ovar is very close to his spouse, Landa, who often counsels diplomat who lives for his work.
him on choices he has to make.
The Ebraer family: the Ebraers are a very influential LEVEL 8
Hegemonian family. Therefore, they have a status almost Level 8, which covers 4.5 km2 and is divided into 36 sectors,
equivalent to that of an embassy. They are represented in is the home of the embassies of the Red League (northern
Equinox by the Count Paul Ebraer, the son of Prince Vaughn, sectors), the Coral Republic (southern sectors), New Lemuria
and the family is said to be almost as influential as the official (eastern sectors), and the Kingdom of the Indus (western
ambassador of the Hegemony. It is strange to notice that sectors).
Paul Ebraer and Ovar Godter do not get along well at all,
despite their officially similar points of view. In fact, some
people suspect Paul Ebraer to only be motivated by a thirst
for power, willing to do anything to get what he wants. Paul
is a man of 36 years (officially), who has a particular taste
for certain deviant practices. It is whispered in certain
establishments that he has had people kidnapped so he could
inflict terrible torture techniques on them. Others have even
accused Paul Ebraer of being directly involved in the murder
of several young people whose horribly mutilated corpses
were discovered in the great bazaar.
The Terrastet family: the economic power of the Terrastet
family, who are the owners of the company Nova, is great
enough for them to have the benefit of private apartments
near the embassies. The Terrastets are more interested in
commercial business than they are in politics, unless politics
can help them make even more money. This family is very
influential on the markets of Equinox and it is said that they
are at the head of a number of gangs specialized in smuggling,
industrial espionage, and the trafficking of forbidden goods.
Paolus: the mysterious ambassador of the Polar Alliance
is an especially enigmatic individual. He is only very
rarely seen in public and he is always surrounded by his
bodyguards who are as warm and welcoming as a tombstone.
Paolus never expresses any form of emotion and some have
begun to wonder if he is actually human. He seems to be
about 40 years old. He is a very thin man, 1.96 m tall, with a
steely blue stare that is said to be as penetrating as a pair of
shield-piercing torpedoes. Over the past few months, he is
rumored to have organized several secret meetings with the
ambassador of the Hegemony.


IMPORTANT PLACES Polaris Effect. His voice is particularly soothing and almost
The Cobalt: this establishment is not open to Hegemonians hypnotic. He never needs to raise his voice, and every time
(unofficially speaking, of course). It is quite common to see he speaks, his audience eventually listens to him. He is also
Veliador Viper eating there. It is quite a luxurious restaurant, said to be able to distinguish truth from lies in speech, which
situated right in the heart of the Red League’s quarter. is especially interesting for a diplomat. He is a good man who
The Blue Tavern: This Coralian establishment is fairly works for peace, but not at any price. He is said to be close to
cheap. It’s characterized by walls made of synthetic coral. Coralia Deventris and to Demeter.
The most delicious drinks in the whole of Equinox are served Note: Olaf has had suspicions for the last few months that
here. The Blue Tavern is mainly populated with Coraleans, Lameas Plis is hiding a terrible secret, but he has never been
but everyone is welcome there. This is a spacious place with able to obtain proof of it—she is an empath and neutralizes
many aquariums that some people spend hours gazing at. his ability to detect the truth. If any of the PCs can find out
It is true that the spectacle of the multicolored fish species what Lameas’s true motivations are, Olaf can become an
zooming in and out of the fragments of living coral is extremely valuable ally.
especially magnificent. The tavern is run by a man named Coralia Deventris: Coralia is the ambassador for the Coral
Lavertis Neljack, a 42-year-old Coralean who is also a friend Republic, and one of the most well-respected and well-loved
of the ambassador of the Republic. people in Equinox. She is a lovely woman of 28 years whose
The Regent: the Regent is the name of a workshop that beauty is only equaled by her talent for diplomacy. She is
specializes in the maintenance of the vessels belonging to entirely dedicated to peace. She looks after humanitarian
the embassies. This workshop is under contract with the causes and she is always ready to help any enterprise that
Watchers and every single one of its employees is thoroughly aims to improve the conditions of human existence or the
vetted. Not just anyone can gain access to the Regent’s good relationships between nations. She is very close to
services; you must be recommended by an embassy. All the the people and never looks down on anyone. If there is one
same, it is rumored that Krullick, the chief mechanic, is a person in this world who can be considered as honest and
friend of Malgo Eight-Legs, and that he is willing to fix the good, she is the one.
vessels of those who are sent by the famous pirate. Coralia can prove to be a very interesting figure to know for
The artificial parks: In some sectors you can find a group of adventurers.
small artificial parks where you can go for a walk among Lameas Plis: she is one of Coralia Deventris’ counselors.
artificial vegetation. These parks are closely watched, as the However, this 28-year-old empath does not share the
ambassadors like to stretch their legs there. ambassador’s pacifist ideals.
Nelzaret Zoctan: he is the ambassador for New Lemuria.
INFLUENTIAL FIGURES This 56-year-old man is not particularly influential. He is

Alma Terrack: as the president of Cliastro, the largest essentially preoccupied with economic contracts and adding
extraction company of the Red League, Alma Terrack isolated communities to the territory of Lemuria.
received authorization from the Cult of the Trident to settle Vrama Loch: the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Indus
in the same quarter as the ambassadors in Equinox. This is a close friend of the Ebraer family from the Hegemony.
60-year-old woman is especially close to the pirates who she He is an especially arrogant 33-year-old man. He is said to
unofficially supports. It is said that they often visit her at her secretly be a member of the sinister cult of Ashnir. He is
residence and that she finances a great number of bars in also suspected of financing groups of assassins and drug
Equinox where the members of the fellowships like to meet. traffickers in Equinox.
Veliador Viper: he is a member of the Cult of the Trident
(novice) and a possible successor to Urik. Veliador lives in LEVEL 9
the League’s sector. He is an unstable person and he dreams Covering 4 km2, Level 9 is divided into 16 sectors and is
of crushing the Hegemony. He cannot stand the presence of the home of the embassies of the Enderby Confederation,
a single member of the Patriarchs’ “lackeys.” He seems to be the Cape Federation, Fuego Liberdad, Tyr, Rogue, Luan,
a megalomaniac of the worst kind, and he is watched closely Helen, Cerberea, and Amazonia. The embassy of Tyr is right
by the Cult who would rather keep him close than see him at the northern end of the level, the Luan embassy is in the
threaten the world’s peace. The leaders of the Trident still south, and the embassy of Helen is in the east. As these three
haven’t decided what they would do if this man were to be nations are at war, it is best that their citizens’ paths do not
called upon to replace Urik at the head of the Red League. For cross. Several sectors are not yet assigned to a nation. They
the moment, they tolerate his scenes in the establishments have been set aside to welcome the future states that are yet
that accept Hegemonian patrons. to arise in the ocean world.
Olaf Faltor: the ambassador of the Red League is a mutant
who has certain powers that make him a very interesting IMPORTANT PLACES
figure. Although he is blind, he has been compelled to Daedalus: this establishment situated in the center of
develop abilities that some consider manifestations of the the level belongs to Cerberea and therefore to Legion. It


is a leisure complex where one can eat, drink, play, and is the only delegate of this community. He does not say much


enjoy prostitution services. The delegates from Legion sign and will never give any information about his nation. He
contracts there with the greater nations. This establishment always tries to avoid having to meet the priests of the Trident.
is constantly packed and has a great deal of success with the He often gives relics from the ancient world to his future
members of all the embassies. It is good form to show one’s customers or to people that he is especially friendly with.
face there from time to time. Elian Cap: the ambassador of the Enderby Confederation
The Prelate: this is one of the most popular places on spends most of his time meeting with his counterpart from
this level. Right in the center, it welcomes the delegates New Lemuria. The two nations are said to be about to sign
of many different nations who come here to drink and an alliance to merge into one large State. Elian is not very
watch the rather “steamy” shows. It is even said that the influential on Equinox.
manager organizes particularly bloody gladiator fights. Calomar Craniende: the ambassador for the Cape
Unfortunately, it is also the favorite fighting grounds for Federation is one of the main intermediaries between his
the citizens of Luan, Tyr, and Helen. The security service is counterparts from Helen, Tyr, and Luan. He is doing his best
therefore particularly muscular to avoid the verbal disputes to obtain a cease-fire between the three nations as quickly
becoming more... intense. as possible. The rest of his time is spent signing economic
The Amazon: this strange establishment is mainly an treaties with the greater powers.
attraction for the curious who want to know more about the Plymouth Levrue: he is the ambassador for Rogue, the
enigmatic community of Amazonia. Apart from them, it is neighboring nation to Fuego Liberdad. He is a particularly
popular with the people working for the embassy of the nation arrogant 39-year-old man who refuses to discuss peace with
and for the offices of its pharmaceutical company, Clystra. the ambassador of Fuego Liberdad. The tension is continually
It is worth noting that nobody who works for Amazonia in escalating between the two communities, despite the
Equinox has ever set foot in the actual community. They are mediation attempts by the S.M.S.O. There have already been
only paid to look after its business. Only the ambassador is several incidents between the two embassies. Plymouth
from Amazonia. Levrue is suspected of mostly being on the payroll of the
Hegemony’s Prism.
INFLUENTIAL FIGURES Karl Glitter: the ambassador of Cerberea is probably
Lopir Corr: the ambassador for Tyr is an arrogant man one of the happiest in Equinox. He doesn’t have much to
who likes to provoke the people he speaks to. He is a stocky do apart from spend his time in the bars and restaurants
giant with a powerful build—at 1.96 m tall, he is particularly with the customers of Legion. He rarely gets involved with
impressive. His diplomatic actions are limited to finding politics and watches the various struggles between the other
allies to crush his nation’s rivals: Helen and Luan. embassies from a distance. He often visits the other levels
Uma Lesarch: the ambassador for Helen is assuredly more of Equinox, especially the mercenary bars. It is said that this
diplomatic than her counterpart from Tyr, but her goals 38-year-old man likes to go on an adventure from time to
are the same. She is always stunningly dressed in black and time, to remember the good old days.
gold dresses that are, as rumor would have it, Genetician
garments as effective as bulletproof vests. LEVEL 10
It is said that in spite of the war that divides the two nations, Level 10 is divided into 16 sectors covering roughly 3 km2,
Uma is in love with the ambassador of Luan. and is home to the embassies of all the other small nations
Iclan Deleber-Luan: Luan’s delegate on Equinox is a much of the undersea world. It also contains the residences of the
more discreet character than his counterparts from Tyr and employees of the S.M.S.O., of the company Solaris, of certain
Helen. He is said to be more moderate and more inclined Watcher officers, and of members of the Cult. It is the most
to negotiate. As Luan is linked to Kilian Enterprises, the luxurious level of the city, probably due to the fact that the
organization has probably put pressure on the nation to try to members of the Cult and the Watchers like their comfort.
end this ridiculous war. Iclan is a quiet man in his forties. He is This level is a lot like the levels of the Great Bazaar, and
said to be secretly in love with Ambassador Lesarch of Helen. some of the smaller nations’ embassies (in the southern and
Vincent Plixen: the main concerns of the ambassador of eastern sectors) are true markets.
Fuego Liberdad are claiming massive compensations for
the temporary annexion of his nation by the Hegemony, IMPORTANT PLACES
countering the expansionist policies of Rogue, and, most of Solaris: the main office building of Solaris is built on
all, recovering his nation’s rights over the depot that they this level. It is a gigantic complex, constantly watched by
have recently discovered and that has been seized by the the Watchers and by security drones. This is where all the
hegemonians transactions between the nations of the world that are paid
Lavara Teknacos: although his main activities in Equinox in Sols take place. This is where the money tags are minted.
are to sell the products of the Amazonian pharmaceutical It is a kind of international stock exchange.
company, Lavara also serves as a diplomat. This discreet man


Cult and Watcher residential areas: in the north of great lounges where they meet with the ambassadors of the
the level, these sectors are reserved for officers and the greater nations. Security here is provided by the Ordainers.
important members of the Fellowship as well as certain The level at the very top of the city (20 meters high) has
members of the Cult. This is the most secure place in the city. two floors. The first one is entirely dedicated to Demeter's
The walkways are wide and the apartments are spacious. private quarters and the second (the tip of the city), is a
Artificial “parks” provide space to relax among synthetic or structure made of ACS in wich Demeter likes to meditate
natural vegetation.
LEVELS 11, 12, AND -8: THE WATCHERS This gigantic 700-meter high complex is the heart of the
Levels 11 and 12 are occupied by the Watchers’ surveillance city. In the center is the huge 200-meter high fusion reactor
centers. These levels are not divided into sectors; they are that provides power for the whole of Equinox. Around it is
instead gigantic complexes of corridors that provide access a veritable labyrinth of walkways, cables, pipes, air ducts,
to the multiple control rooms, residential quarters, and evacuation ducts, etc. Without a detailed map, it is impossible
offices. to find one’s way out of this complex maze. It is also said that
Level 11 (40 meters high) is six floors high (ground floor defense drones are always on the lookout for intruders and
included) and houses the computer centers of the city, the that terrible creatures haunt its darkest recesses. Only the
archive rooms, and most of the control stations. The hangars city’s technical services (on Level -8) have a detailed map of
are reserved for Watcher vessels. The prisons are also this level. Occasionally, some sellers on the black market will
situated on this level. offer partial maps for sale. However, not many people are
Level 12 is mainly occupied by residential quarters and interested in this kind of information as there is nothing to
administrative centers. The level is 20 meters high and all be found in the various machine rooms apart from monsters
buildings have one to five floors. and maintenance teams.
Level -8 is the defense station of Equinox. This is where the
crews of the combat vessels docked at the base of the city are
housed. Gigantic sonar stations and machinery control rooms
are installed around the central well, which is 300 meters
high (330m with the lower tip of the city). In the center of FACTIONS AND
the well, the elevator columns that connect the 20 floors of
this level can be accessed by walkways that span across the
void. The heart of the flux variation detection system is at
the lowest level, an ultramodern room fixed to the base of THE WATCHERS AND THE CULT OF THE TRIDENT

the city. The hangars always hold 40 combat fighter vessels, It is only natural that these two groups are the most
80 commando diving armors, 10 escort vessels, and 2 light influential ones in the city, even if, sometimes, it’s not all that
frigates. simple. You have to imagine these organizations as a kind of
referee in a gigantic arena, a huge crab pot inside of which
LEVELS 13 AND 14: THE S.M.S.O. all the groups who have any influence at all in the world of
These two levels (20 meters high each) are completely Polaris RPG coexist and conspire against each other. The slums
occupied by the S.M.S.O., Solaris and the Genetic High of Equinox, for example, are the realm of the crime lords, but
Council. Their employees are housed on the highest level of if one day the Watchers should decide to intervene, nothing
the embassies. Most of the rooms are gigantic and extremely could prevent them from cleaning the place out from top to
luxurious meeting rooms. bottom. However, that sort of action would be a disastrous
move for the Cult; the criminal organizations would just
LEVELS 15 TO 17: THE CULT OF THE TRIDENT set up shop elsewhere. Equinox would then no longer be at
The distinctive feature of all of these levels (20 meters high the heart of all the intrigues and the Trident would lose the
each) is that they are equipped with great glass tunnels that considerable advantage that it has of being able to influence
are built into the walls to allow the dolphins from outside to that “heart” at every level.
move around inside the sectors.
Level 15 is home to the Cult’s administrative services, THE AMBASSADORS
but also to the Neptune Division and to the data treatment The ambassadors of the entire world have an enormous
services (Neptune’s information service). Cameras and spy amount of influence over every aspect of life in Equinox.
drones watch every corridor. The place is always swarming Although this influence is not all that obvious below Level 7,
with activity. you must not forget that an ambassador is the delegate of
Levels 16 and 17 are occupied by the high dignitaries of a nation. He represents the political power of a nation.
the Cult of the Trident. Here, you can find meeting rooms, Therefore, the amount of influence he has over all the groups,
the apartments of the leaders of the organization, and the merchants, smugglers, and adventurers who identify with


the ideals of his nation is enormous. It is equally obvious that Behind the backs of the Watchers and the Cult of the Trident,


the embassies finance some of the organizations, companies, it finances kidnapping, organ trafficking, and several groups
and merchants who live in the Great Bazaar. of buccaneers. The company is a formidable adversary with
It is said that the embassy of the Hegemony, for example, considerable resources at its disposal and the PCs will often
indirectly supports several buccaneers who provide stock come across its agents. The slums of Equinox are Cortex’s
for their revolting body banks. Although it is extremely rare favorite laboratories and one can often come across its
that an ambassador leaves his place of residence, they all special troops there, hidden behind a Watcher uniform or a
have agents all over Equinox. beggar’s rags.


The presence of the Polar Alliance’s intelligence services This group of fanatics is mainly active in the slums
is particularly discreet. The agents are primarily stationed of Equinox, where its members attempt to recruit new
in the embassies and the companies belonging to the followers among the poor and the needy. The most fanatical
Alliance. To this day, the Neptune Division has not managed of its members are often conspiring against the city, as they
to uncover a single operation ordered by the Alliance. The dream of annihilating it completely. Luckily, until now, the
Polarians seem to be content various intelligence services of the
with observing. There are also no world’s nations and the Watchers
companies or establishments that have always managed to foil their
are known to be manipulated by plans.
the Primarch’s men.
There is, however, a rumor GELLOR THE CRIPPLE
about the presence of cyborgs and This infamous pirate is a
androids in the slums of the city. prisoner in the Watchers’ prison
on Level 11 of the city. He is a
THE SHADOW AMBASSADOR real living legend who has a great
If there is one influential and many supporters in the city. He is
mysterious figure in Equinox, it is well respected by all, and it is easy
indeed the Shadow Ambassador. enough to find daredevils all over
Nobody knows who he is, or Equinox who would be willing to
what his motivations are. Yet try and bust him out of prison.
his influence is considerable. He
usually appears in the city’s slums HEGEMONY
to deliver a message or to give The Hegemony is quite certainly
adventurers a hint about certain the most enthusiastic nation when
leads. He is completely elusive it comes to intelligence activity.
and the few who have tried to It is estimated that one in every
get their hands on him have been two agents is on the payroll of the
left grasping at shadows. This T h e W at c h e r s powerful Hegemony. Their spies
character is the ideal way for a have infiltrated everywhere and
GM to help her adventurers or get they are incredibly active. The
them back on track. He will never act against the interests of Coral bar (Level 4), the Platinum hotel (Level 0), the Aremis
Ashaana Solomon or of Meslar Red-Hand. Workshops (Level 0), Katine’s Bar (Level -4), and many
more are all favorite lairs among Hegemonic spies. All the
ASHAANA SOLOMON Hegemonic companies that have offices on Equinox, as well
Although she has no direct influence on the city itself, as those who claim to be independent, harbor agents of the
Ashaana controls a number of establishments in Equinox. Patriarchs.
The Tiger Fellowship is the power behind: the Liparkis The Prism has even put in place several networks of
Workshops (Level -3), the Mermaid bar (Level -4), Dawn’s smugglers, traffickers, buccaneers, and drug dealers that
Canteen (Level 0), and the Chasm bar (Level 0). The Assessors, it controls directly. For example, Mala and the Pulsors,
a well-known group of smugglers, are directly linked to the two famous groups of drug dealers, are in fact nothing but
Tiger Fellowship. fronts for the Prism. Lesaretick, a particularly revolting
buccaneer, is actually on the Prism’s payroll as well. It is also
CORTEX important to bear in mind that the Hegemonic intelligence
The company Cortex is extremely active on Equinox. services have two priorities secondary to the main activity of
Its directors are willing to do anything for their research.


gathering information—obtaining human supplies for their woman on Level 0), and the Butterfly restaurant (Level 8) are
body banks and fertile specimens for their breeding centers. some of the establishments that belong to the League. These
agents can become valuable allies for adventurers who are
LESTANI able to locate them.
He is a celebrity in Equinox and he is behind a large number
of workshops, bars, and groups of smugglers. His influence MALGO EIGHT-LEGS
in the neutral city is considerable and he is at the head of This pirate is a celebrity in Equinox. He is the main
the Informants, a group of smugglers specialized in the influence behind several smuggler organizations, such as the
trafficking of secret information. The Seaspray bar (Level -5), Equinox Squids, and also behind several repairs workshops.
the Anemone (a club on Level 8), the Orca (a famous bar on He is constantly under the protection of several of his men.
Level 0), the Bertrand Workshops (Level -1), and the Miracle
Workshops (Level -3) are all run by his people. MESLAR
Meslar doesn’t have any particular influence in Equinox.
LESVRICK His fellowship runs the Scarlet bar (Level -1) and the Oriental
Lesvrick lives hidden on Level -5 of the city of Equinox, Transporters (a cargo shipping company on Level -2), but
under the false identity of Rob Necklen. He is intent on that is pretty much all he controls. However, this pirate will
getting revenge on Voghn the Renegade. He is therefore in play a major role in a campaign that will be developed in an
contact with a large number of pirate groups and fellowships upcoming supplement. So you will have the opportunity to
aiming to organize a vast operation against the infamous find out a lot more about him later on.
buccaneer. He and his band also attack all of Voghn’s interests
all over the city. He can become an especially valuable ally MOLOCH KRULL
for those who wish to fight against buccaneering. However, This powerful character is one of the crime lords of Equinox.
be warned: he will do whatever it takes to get his vengeance. He lives on Level 9 of the city and rules over several networks
You can find him in the Shark bar (Level -4), the Filament of traffickers, racketeers, smugglers, and buccaneers. He is
(Level -5), or at the Perkins Workshops (Level -4). an individual whose importance almost equals that of the

high society of the Cult of the Trident. He runs over 80 bars

LIEBUR in Equinox, including the Sunken Club (Level 9) and the Fin
Liebur does not have a great deal of influence in Equinox. Tavern (Level 0), and the vehicle rental company, Fluxia.
However, his people run a network of buccaneers, the There are many groups who serve his interests. Among these
Python Network, which provides fresh meat for the genetic groups are, for example, the drugs traffickers of the Black
research centers and the agents of the Hegemony. Liebur Gloves Gang, a group of specialists in intelligence activities
has never set foot in the city of Equinox. The Python and all kinds of blackmail called the Spiders, and the Surf, an
Network mainly conducts its activities on Levels -2 and -3 organization specialized in smuggling.
of the city. The Stars bar (Level -3) is said to be a regular
haunt for Liebur’s people. THE CORAL REPUBLIC
The presence of the Coral Republic is far from discreet, but
RED LEAGUE it is, in appearance at least, very passive. Everybody knows
It would appear that the League’s that the many prostitution services, clinics,
intelligence services are completely and bars that are financed by the Republic
nonexistent in Equinox. However, as the are extremely efficient information-
agents of the Red League have very little gathering cells. There does not seem to
in terms of resources, they are especially be any covert operations division active
good at being discreet. Therefore, even in Equinox, although there have recently
though every other nation on the planet been a number of new agents detected by
thinks that the League has the least Neptune who don’t really match the profile
efficient intelligence services in all the of the previously known agents. The Cape
seven seas, the number of sympathizers bar (Level 8), the Palia bar (Level 0), and the
who give information to its perfectly Omicron bar (Level -3) are all regular haunts
infiltrated agents easily rivals the for Coralian spies.
numbers of the Neptune Division. Their
role is mainly a passive one, and in ROBERT DE SAUL
general they only act if it goes directly He is at the head of several powerful
against the interests of the Red League. networks of smugglers on Equinox. He has
The League bar (Level 4), the Fire bar men infiltrated into almost every single
R e d L e ag u e
(Level 6), the Amazon hangar (run by a union of merchants, sailors, dockers, etc.


He mainly focuses industries and with Cortex in particular. The Clinic of the


his activities on the Equinox (Level 2), the Belloma Clinic (Level 9), and the
surveillance of the Second Life Clinic (Level -3) all belong to him. He gets along
pirate fellowships very well with the agents of the Prism and with Vurick the
and the actions of the One-Eyed. The Chimera bar, on Level -4, is one of his favorite
Hegemonic spies. He establishments, and he can be seen there every now and
is a fierce opponent of again.
Vurick the One-Eyed
and there are regular VURICK THE ONE-EYED
shoot-outs between Vurick is one of the most influential people in the neutral
the two gangs. His city. He reigns over the slums and runs a great number of
main smuggling criminal organizations He is also at the head of a network of
organization is called informants and assassins who are particularly efficient.
the Vector. His men There is no telling how many establishments are
are in charge of under his protection or how many beggars’
C o r a l R e p u bl i c the Kitai (Level guilds he finances. It is said that he knows
-6), the Minsk so many secrets that nobody can touch
(Level -5), him. His relationships with the intelligence
the Gladiator (Level 0), and the Hurricane (Level services from all over the world are
-2) bars, as well as the Islands restaurant (Level 7). excellent. He cannot stand people who get
They also control a number of workshops, such as him mixed up with Vulrick the One-
the Bounty (Level 2) and the Abyss Department Eyed. It literally drives him crazy.
(Level 1).


The presence of the Black Sun in Equinox
is a very discreet one, and in general its
spies have mostly just infiltrated the
administrative services of the Cult of the
Trident. It does not directly finance any
organizations, as it prefers to infiltrate the
existing ones. For example, one of Vurick
the One-Eyed’s counselors is an agent of
the Black Sun. All the same, it seems that
the Black Sun has set up a base on Level

This famous pirate has
spies who have all
infiltrated existing
organizations. He indirectly
controls a few organizations and groups,
but none of them are particularly
influential. His agents’ only task is
gathering intelligence, and they
perform this task with great talent.

VOGHN THE RENEGADE T h e B l ac k S u n

This powerful pirate is particularly
influential in Equinox. He is in control
of a number of companies and groups
of traffickers and smugglers there. His men M e mb e r o f t h e
are also in business with the genetic research B l ac k S u n


around Equinox
“We felt a certain discomfort as we sailed forward between the Rockhall Mountain Ranges; they look just like a pair of
jaws. In the distance loomed Mount Olympus, and all around it, far above our heads, the powerful red flows were forming
and where they came together blue lightning bolts appeared. On the ocean floor, dozens of stations lit up the sea. Some
ships were leaving the channel; others were following us towards Equinox. We could see a gigantic Watcher cruiser
that was on its way to intercept a suspicious vessel. At that moment, our captain announced that we were about to dive
down to 6,900 meters to approach Ariadne. We stared, mouths agape, out of the portholes in the ceiling of our cabin at
the incredible spectacle of the flows mingling and twisting around each other just a few meters away from us. And then,
Ariadne came into view, a white pearl in the darkness of the oceans.”
—Extract of the audio journal of a tourist found dead in Equinox.

THE OUTER STATIONS A protection squadron and one of the Watchers’ combat
groups provide the base’s security.
The Watchers and the Cult of the Trident are present in a
number of bases situated far and wide under the seven seas.
The most important ones are listed below. CRESCIA
Over the last few months, this research station’s budget
has seen a considerable increase. Furthermore, some units
CARION from the Watchers’ Hybrids and deep-water intervention
Carion has become a true laboratory for genetic research commandos have been assigned to the station. Could it be
and is constantly under surveillance by the Watchers. This that the archeologists and scientists of Crescia have made
station is a home for the victims of contagious illnesses, and some interesting discoveries in the caves of the area? Both
is therefore a restricted area to which only the scientists of the leaders of the Cult of the Trident and the delegates from
the Cult of the Trident have access. In early 567, a second the Coral Republic have declined to comment on the subject.
permanent station was built next to Carion. This base houses
a large number of research laboratories working on genetics,
viral research, and pharmaceuticals. Doctor Relevik has been CROSS
appointed as head of this center. It is estimated that there It would seem that the tensions between Cross and its two
are approximately 800 sick patients living in Carion at the rival stations, Hell and Litua, have lessened a little recently.
moment. The research center is home to about 20 scientists. Over the last few months, there have been no reports of any

form of conflict among these three communities. It is rumored Bay, and in the middle of the bay is Mount Olympus. This


that Milus Trend, the leader of this community, has put aside whole area covers a surface about 900 kilometers long and
his fierce hatred to focus his energy instead entirely on the 400 kilometers wide.
Cult of the Trident. The Ordainers have established their main The plain and the tips of the mountain ranges span depths
training base there, and their influence on Milus Trend grows of 400 to 1,000 meters below sea level, which thus provide an
on a daily basis. Among other things, he has agreed to the efficient base for surveillance of this region. The currents in
construction of a gigantic base for the Cult on his territory, the area are particularly strong. In fact, it is via Rockhall Bay
and the build will be finished by the end of the year. that one usually gains access to Equinox. In some areas, the bay
reaches down to depths of 6,000 meters. Equinox is situated
just above the Ariadne Trench, which is the deepest in the
MERROX area at a depth of 6,900 meters. At the entrance to Rockhall
The agricultural techniques used on Merrox are attracting Bay is a gigantic underwater lighthouse that operates night
an increasing amount of interest. This station, under pressure and day in order to guide ships in toward Equinox.
from the Cult of the Trident, has been classified as a “Sensitive
Area” by the S.M.S.O. It is, therefore, now under the full-time FLORA AND FAUNA
protection of the Watchers. The mercenaries who used to be Both plant and animal life spring abundant in the threshold
in charge of its defense were let go and replaced by a Watcher area and in Rockhall Bay. The main hydroculture fields are
combat group. Some would dare to claim that the Cult of spread out over the great plain* around Equinox. Down
the Trident is in the process of annexing Merrox without there, you can find fields of crops reaching out as far as the
bothering a second to consider what its population may think. eye can see and impressive fields of livestock.
The fauna is mainly made up of crustaceans, common
fish, and marine mammals. There are practically no major
PENDEVEN predators in this area. The main exceptions are the few
Pendeven has recently come under attack from an moray eels that stay hidden in the two Rockhall ridges,
unknown assailant. The damage is said to be considerable one or two wandering titan crabs, the infamous chameleon
and a monastery vessel is rumored to have suffered serious sharks, and the equally feared killer congers.
damage during the attack. The Watchers have not made any * The flows only become dangerous about 10 meters above the
declarations about the combat that has taken place in the surface of the plain, and the currents remain dangerous to 200 meters
region. Some claim that the Black Sun has led a major attack below the ocean’s surface. When the flows are particularly violent,
against what appears to be one of the most closely guarded travelers can witness the grandiose spectacle of what the local
secret centers of the Cult of the Trident. inhabitants call the “sky of the deep.” Divers can see the gigantic
layers of flows form above their heads and fill with lightning bolts
that look like a stormy sky. On the days when Equinox rises up above
VALADES the plain during this kind of disturbance, it’s like a star rising over
This center for research on the conditions of the outside the horizon. Not only is such a sight absolutely breathtaking, but it
world has not seen any major changes since the year 566. is also said that it’s a good omen to see Equinox sparkling away in
the sky of the deep.

Xal has officially been bought up by Cortex Industries. This There are 50 or so species of mammals that live in the
does not seem to have changed anything for the moment waters around Equinox. Whales, rorquals, dolphins, porpoises,
and the treaties signed with the Polar Alliance have been toothed whales, narwhals, orcas (the rarest of all), and so on
maintained. The presence of the Watchers has been reinforced. seem to be irresistibly attracted to the region. This could be
rather worrying, as pretty much all of these races are capable
of using the Polaris Effect. However, it’s quite the contrary.
THE SURROUNDING There are many people who think that this peaceful spot
where Equinox moves around in the middle of these powerful
AREA flows is, in fact, generated by these mammals. These noble
creatures never behave with any hostility and even the whales,
who usually couldn’t care less if a vessel is in their way, seem
THE ROCKHALL THRESHOLD to pay great attention to not cause the destruction of any of
Equinox is situated above the Rockhall Threshold, which the human ships in the area. It is not uncommon to see divers
offers several interesting particularities. The threshold is surrounded by a few curious mammals or even playing with
made up of a great plain that extends out to two underwater some young dolphins. However, the creatures will respond
mountain ranges. Between these two ranges spans Rockhall with a great deal of violence if they are ever attacked.


It is rare to see the leviathan whales in the area around THE WATCHER STATIONS
Equinox, although it has sometimes happened in the past. There are Watcher stations dotted all over the Rockhall
Threshold. Most of them are only surveillance or emergency
NOTE ABOUT MARINE MAMMALS stations, but some of them are veritable fortresses. At the
It is important to remember that most of the marine moment, there are six defense stations known to the general
mammals have adapted and that most of them now get their public and three fluctuating defense stations.
oxygen from the water, like fish do, since the air on the The static defense stations are military bases built into
surface is no longer breathable. There are, however, a few the mountains around the Rockhall Threshold. They are all
species that have adapted to the poisoned atmosphere on connected to one another and also to Mount Olympus and to
the surface. Others cannot survive without exo-respirators. Ariadne by a vast network of fiber optic cables. This network
These are generally farmed mammals that have evolved very also connects to all the automated detection stations and the
little over the centuries. many communication beacons that are situated in this area.
The military bases are equipped with a great deal of weaponry,
THE FLOWS several combat units, such as fighters, marine commandos,
Rockhall feels the impact of very violent currents to a and vehicles that can travel on the ocean floors, such as mobile
depth of roughly 200 meters below the surface. But the torpedo launch platforms and underwater jeeps.
most remarkable thing about this region is, of course, the The fluctuating defense stations protect the area around
strange heat flow that surrounds Equinox. Studies have the Rockhall Threshold. They can vary in depth depending
shown it is the convergence of several flows that forms a real on their requirements. These fortresses are sometimes
and gigantic protective shield around the city. The precise hidden in the heat flows and deploy fleets of sonar drones
nature of this phenomenon remains a complete mystery that that can be sent out of the disturbance field.
nobody has yet managed to truly understand. The flows form Last, but not least, the First Fleet of the Watchers guarantees
at a depth between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, in the region the Threshold’s security.
around Mount Olympus, and they come together in the area
around Equinox. At that point, it looks as if their flow (to the OLYMPUS TRANSIT STATION
northwest) hits a kind of wall. They open up, therefore, and This station is, above all, a military base built into the flanks
wrap themselves around Equinox before joining again and of Mount Olympus. But it is also an important transit station
spreading out as a blanket to cover the Rockhall Threshold. that takes some of the traffic flow from Ariadne when it is
The flows are not dangerous individually speaking, before particularly heavy. The summit of Mount Olympus is home
they come together, although it is wise to avoid them all the to several dozen docking stations and relaxation areas for
same. The Watchers keep them under constant surveillance passengers. The visitors only have access to the top four
and inform vessels of their position whenever possible. It levels of the military base and have to strictly obey the
is usually enough to avoid depths between 1,000 and 2,000 law of the Watchers, who will not tolerate even the tiniest
meters to keep out of their way. However, it has been known amount of misbehavior. Weapons are strictly forbidden

for these flows to form at other depths. and particularly sensitive detectors are installed in all the
When a vessel arrives in the area around Equinox, it is docking areas. Ships do not have to stop at Olympus, unless
directed toward the many waiting areas that are situated at the Watchers require them to. Generally speaking, any
a range of depths around Ariadne on the gentler slopes of vessel headed toward this military station when the traffic
the trench. These stations are, in general, areas that offer to Ariadne is not particularly heavy will be inspected from
shelter from the disturbances of the flows. Vessels can wait top to bottom by the security services. This is, in a way, a
there for a passage to open. These tunnels are detected by kind of border crossing.
the surveillance stations in Ariadne and Equinox. As soon as The underground tunnel that connects Ourgor to Equinox
they give a green light, a Watcher escort brings the waiting leads below Mount Olympus into the Hermes Transit Station.
vessels into the neutral bubble that surrounds Equinox. Olympus is home to a garrison of 4,000 men, under the
This bubble can be several dozens of kilometers wide. The command of Governor Palial. It has an impressive amount of
waiting time is variable. It can range from tens of minutes firepower and two interception squadrons.
to several hours and, sometimes, even several days. GMS
are encouraged to define the waiting time depending on the COMMUNITIES ON THE ROCKHALL
needs of the scenario. The marine mammals seem to be able
to naturally detect these breaches in the flows and are able
to enter them without any problems. To date, 56 communities have been established on the
It is worth noting that, when the flows combine, they Rockhall Threshold. A vast majority of these communities
become visible to the naked eye. are dedicated to hydroculture and livestock farming. The
mining activities in the area are in the hands of just four
of these communities. A dozen others are dedicated to


is estimated at 650 individuals and it employs


1,200 agricultural workers full time. This
community is led by a 48-year-old woman
named Natalia Desd, who is also the president
of the Aquafarmers and Breeders’ Union.

Calymede works the few veins of Cylast and
other strategically important minerals that
can be found in the two underwater mountain
ranges of the Rockhall area. Its economic
importance is fairly low and the community is
completely under the control of the company
Gladius. The workers of this industrial company
are extremely well paid (double the usual
salaries that can be found elsewhere) because
of the risks they undertake while mining these
resources. Indeed, in this region, the veins are
found deep down in the rock and it has been
known for mining tunnels to collapse on the
workers. Furthermore, the nooks and crannies
of the Rockhall Mountain Ranges are home
to predators that have no problem attacking
Calymede is run by Veston Prinst, a member
of the Gladius board of directors. He is 48 years
old. This community’s population is estimated
at 250 permanent residents and it employs 90
specialized workers.

This community, situated on the Rockhall
Plain, specializes in livestock farming. It is
providing services to the public, such as transportation, present in Equinox through the company Synistar, which
tourism, accommodation, etc. provides probably the finest food supplies available in the
Out of these 56 communities, 18 are on the Rockhall Plain city. They are also the most expensive. The community is
and the others are in the shelter of the bay. Their huge run by a 34-year-old Natural Hybrid named Lem Farens. It
advantage is that they benefit from both the protection of is home to a population of 150 residents and doesn’t employ
the Watchers and the enormous economic importance of any external workers.
Equinox. In return, the inhabitants of these stations pay a
tax of 20% on all of their income to the Watchers. It is very
rare for new communities to be authorized to settle in this DELEBIA
area. To do so, one would require the authorization of the Delebia is the most recently created community in
Watchers, the Cult of the Trident, and of the S.M.S.O. the Rockhall area. It was created in 556 by the Cult of the
The largest communities in the Rockhall area are the Trident, and it was offered as a gift to a tiny community lost
following: in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Its entire population
was transferred to the new station. The members of this
community are said to have risked their lives to do an
ROCKHALL enormous favor for Demeter himself. This agricultural
Rockhall was the first community to settle on the Rockhall community is exempted from all taxes, and its patriarch, a
Plain after the construction of Equinox, and it is now 56-year-old man named Malo, is often invited to the private
the largest of all the hydroculture and livestock farming quarters of the Cult of the Trident. This community’s
communities in the area. It is independent. Its population population is estimated at 67 residents.


POLYMA Equinox to see other people and relax a little. Christa is run
Polyma is a small but prosperous community that by a 47-year-old man named Dan Relkajik. It is home to a
specializes in the rental of small transport vehicles, and it population of 228 permanent residents and 89 employees.
offers everything from diving armors to underwater Jeeps
or small transport vessels. This community was created by
a former adventurer, Leobner, who is now 56 years old. He is PHALANX
said to be very friendly and welcoming. He is always willing Phalanx is specialized in making Phalanx torpedoes, and it
to give a helping hand to any adventurers who come to see actually belongs to the company Gladius. This community is
him and especially likes to share his experiences with them. used as a research laboratory for weaponry and an assembly
His community has 98 permanent residents. factory for the explosive warheads of the Phalanx torpedoes.
The community is under constant protection. It is run by
a 47-year-old woman named Vilma Terpine. Phalanx has
QUERELL a population of 117 permanent residents, but it employs
This little community is specialized in tourism, and offers 450 individuals.
guided tours of Equinox and the surrounding area. The
excursions take place onboard small transport vessels that
can hold up to 30 passengers and enjoy the protection of TITAN
two of the Trident’s fighter vessels. Querell is a very small As the headquarters of the Titan Freighter Company, this
station on which only 20 or so people live. The chief of the is one of the most prosperous communities in the area. This
community is called Daedus, a young fertile man of 28 years, station is home to the company’s administrative center and
who definitely hopes to contribute to increasing the number to the families of all its employees. Its population is estimated
of his fellow citizens. at 450 residents. The leader of the community is the creator
of the Titan company, Jusack Leodor, a 76-year-old man who
is unusual in that he has fathered a great number of children,
CHRISTA all of whom are fertile. Jusack and his children have agreed
This community is dedicated to making pharmaceutical to undergo numerous tests and regularly visit Ariadne.
products that it then sells to the company Cortex. It is, in
fact, a medical research laboratory. The station is off limits
to the general public; members of the community often visit TRIDENT
This is the community from which the Cult of the Trident
and Equinox originated. Today, it has become a veritable
monastery entirely consecrated to the adoration of the
Polaris Effect and to meditation. The high dignitaries of the
Cult often travel there to rest. A part of the community is
open to the general public. The security of the community is
managed by the Ordainers. It is estimated that approximately
80 people live permanently on this station.

The company Gladius controls, directly or indirectly, 25%
of the agricultural communities in the area. It also owns
gigantic naval shipyards that extend for over 20 kilometers
along one of the cliffs of Rockhall Bay. These shipyards
are visible from a great distance by any ships travelling to
Equinox, and they offer repair and maintenance services to
any ship that requests them. Its tariffs are quite average.


Ariadne is one of the most beautiful underwater stations

ever built. It is made up of two completely separate sectors:
the underwater city and the underground city. The station


was built at a depth of 6,900 meters, at a distance of at least Levels 1 and 2 are also leisure areas, and these sections are

700 meters and at most 2,700 meters away from Equinox connected to the domes around the base of the station. These
(above it, depth-wise). Several annex installations can be are the most popular levels in Ariadne. The central area is
found at various depths, down to 4,200 meters. The flows home to the elevators that give access to the underground
can have an effect at depths between 1,000 meters and city and they are therefore off-limits. Several squadrons of
6,200 meters. Some transit stations can be inaccessible, and Watchers stand guard over these elevators around the clock.
therefore vessels need to travel under the affected depths Even if, by some great fluke, an individual was to gain access
in order to remain safe. The Watchers’ surveillance stations to these elevators in spite of all the security, he would still
contact all ships entering Rockhall Bay to give them the safe not be able to get it to work without the correct code, which
depths they should use. No weapons are allowed on Ariadne is changed every three days.
and each boarding room is equipped with very efficient The eight domes around the pyramid only have three levels
detectors. The Watchers never take this rule lightly. each. They are made of ACS, and are therefore transparent.
The upper level is reserved for people boarding from the
THE UNDERWATER CITY ships docked at the towers. The central level is a leisure
Ariadne is a gigantic pyramid surrounded by eight sparkling center with splendid lounges where people can peacefully
domes, the base of which is said to have been buried. The gaze out of the glass surfaces at the never-ending ballet
pyramid culminates at a height of 100 meters above the of vessels coming and going around Ariadne. The bottom
ground and the domes are all less than 50 meters high. The level is partly made up of hangars for ocean-floor transport
station has a diameter of roughly 1,000 meters. vehicles, small transport vessels, and diving armors. The rest
Each dome is equipped with docking tunnels that reach up of this floor is dedicated to Ariadne’s security services and
above them like gigantic antennas. Vessels come and dock at the city’s maintenance services.
these towers. Any vessel that is larger than the size of a frigate The prices of the services available in Ariadne are about
(20,000 tons) is not authorized to dock at the docking tunnels. 10% cheaper than the same ones in Equinox. It is, however,
They must travel to Ariadne in their own shuttlecraft or hire forbidden for individual citizens to stay more than a day in
the services of a transporter with clearance from the Watchers the transit station without a good reason.
(on average the fee is 5 Sols per passenger transported from
the vessel to Ariadne). The smaller transport vessels, fighter THE UNDERGROUND CITY
vessels, and divers in armor can all go directly to the docks The underground part of the city descends to 150 meters
that are situated at the tip of the pyramid. As for vessels that below the ocean floor. It is made up of 14 floors, exclusively
move on the ocean floor, they can access Ariadne via one of reserved for the Watchers and the Cult of the Trident. It
the many hangars available at the bases of the domes. is only accessible via the elevators that are found in the
Six of the seven levels of the pyramid are open to the general center of the pyramid or through access tunnels reserved
public. The tip of the structure is occupied by the command for authorized vessels. The entrances to these tunnels are
and surveillance center of Ariadne. It is out of bounds to the situated several kilometers from the city and are protected
public. The center not only looks after the movements of the by small defense stations. The tunnels provide access to
vessels in the sector and the variations in the flows, but also the underground hangars of Ariadne. Only small transport
the surveillance of all the public areas of Ariadne. There are vessels, diving armors, and ocean-floor vehicles can enter
cameras and spy drones deployed throughout the station. A them. There are four tunnels of this kind.
team of 80 Watchers mans this center around the clock. Level -1 of the underground city includes four hangars,
The two levels below the command center are the docking the cabins of the surveillance teams, and the advanced
hangars for small underwater vessels and divers in armor. security station of Ariadne. This station is in charge of the
The central sections of each side of the pyramid are equipped surveillance of the part of the city open to the public and, of
with a vehicle hangar and a diving armor hangar. The center course, of the lower levels.
of these two levels makes up the transit zone and elevators Levels -2 to -14 are entirely dedicated to genetic and medical
are available here to take visitors down to the lower levels. In research. They are equipped with laboratories, delivery
Ariadne, docking stations can be rented for 10 Sols per hour rooms, and the living quarters of the whole of the fertile
for a small transport vessel and 5 Sols per hour for a suit of population of Ariadne. This population lives in the most
diving armor. comfortable conditions that can be imagined in the world of
Levels 3 and 4 of the station are gigantic leisure areas that the Polaris RPG. Level -10 is even said to be entirely made up
offer the visitors all the attractions of a pleasure port: casinos, of a forest, complete with fauna (only creatures that do not
restaurants, hotels, prostitution services, sanitation services, represent any danger, of course). The fertile population of
ship maintenance services, etc. Only service activities are Ariadne is currently estimated at roughly 40,000 people.
accepted in Ariadne. Any sale of goods, except for spare parts A few years ago, it was revealed that the fertile people who are
for vessel repairs, is forbidden. sent to Ariadne do not spend their whole lives in this station.
The Cult mentions several secondary stations spread out in


the oceans around the globe, but it remains extremely discreet immaterial beings haunt every single level of the city and are
about the way it manages such a precious part of the population. said to feed on the vital energy of the living.
There is one more level that serves as a seismic surveillance The Ghost Legion: the Ghost Legion is said to be the crew
center. It is not only charged with predicting any possible of a vessel that was eliminated by the first rulers of Equinox
earthquakes in the area, but it also watches out for any intrusion because the sailors onboard were ill. Since then, they are
of the Burrowers in the sector. This level is situated 800 meters supposed to haunt Level -2 of the city and massacre anyone
below the ocean floor; it can only be reached via a dedicated who crosses their path.
elevator. Although it has not been confirmed, the Watchers are The sailor who won’t die: a sailor is said to have been
said to have installed a very deep underground base and have killed on Level -4 of Equinox, murdered by a gang while
equipped themselves with drilling ships. They are rumored he was on his way to deliver a very important message to
to have called upon the services of Hegemonian specialists in the Cult of the Trident. Since then, he is said to haunt the
particular. If this rumor is confirmed, it could mean that the walkways of that level, still trying to get information across
Burrowers are coming close to Equinox for the first time ever. in spite of the tragedy.
The death dealers: down in the slums of Equinox,
humanoid creatures are rumored to be able to cause their
LEGENDS OF EQUINOX victims to die after a single touch. They are said to be the
avenging angels of all those who have been left to live in
In every bar in Equinox, the patrons tell each other The Devourer: this legendary creature is supposed to
strange stories about the world beneath the waves, but also live in the air ducts of Equinox. It is said that it looks like
about the neutral city itself. Some of the stories have a part a gigantic protoplasm that feeds off all the living creatures
of truth to them, others are completely made up. Here are a that come too close to the air vents. In Equinox, you will find
few examples of these tales. that many citizens habitually give air vents a wide berth.
The flame that speaks (for those nostalgic about The The slum dog: the story says that this legendary dog is
Neptune Factor and the submarine Seaview): the story the master of a pack of Kraal Hounds. It is said that it’s as
goes that somewhere in the slums of Equinox there exists intelligent as a man and that its powers are unimaginable.
a flame that has the gift of precognition and can speak. It is rumored to live in the sordid back streets of the slums.
Its motivations are obscure, but it is said to be capable of The slum mermaids: this legend tells the tale of
hypnotizing the people it meets and is thus taking over creatures that take on female appearances and attract poor
control of Equinox little by little. unfortunates down to the slums where they reveal their true
The Chantak: a terrifying creature is said to haunt the nature before devouring their victims.
slums where it feeds on the poor and the mutants. This The memory drinker: some say that there is a strange
indestructible, immortal creature is said to be the guardian character in the slums of Equinox who feeds on the memories
of fabulous treasures buried under the Ariadne Passage. The of the people he comes across. The only drawback is that his
construction of the city awoke the beast and today it reaps its poor victims lose their minds afterward.
revenge on the poor unfortunates of the city. The Medusa of Equinox: this female-looking creature,
Arimatti’s ghost: there are many who claim to have seen described by the patrons of every bar, is said to haunt the

the ghost of a priest of the Trident in the upper levels of inter-levels and the dark walkways of the city. They say
Equinox who is none other than Arimatti himself. This ghost she lures her lovers back to her lair and feeds on their vital
only appears to warn and protect certain people. It is said energy, which has the effect of turning them into a very
that Arimatti was so closely linked to the Polaris Effect that crumbly kind of chalk.
his soul survived after his death.
The shades: some tell the tale of the unfortunate ones
who have been tracked down and sucked completely dry
by shades that glide along on the walls of Equinox. These


The Cult of the

“The Watchers? I trust them about as far as I can throw them... They may pretend to be guardian angels, walking
around in their fancy uniforms, but they’re real fanatics who despise the rest of the population. They are the damned
souls of the Cult of the Trident. All you need is to see the Condor Faction in operation once in your life to understand
that. As for the priests, their masters, their only ambition is to reign supreme over the whole of the world under the
—Statement from a barman in Equinox

It is impossible to talk about the neutral city without without its demonstration of force in the year 375, humanity
immediately thinking about the Watchers and the Cult of would have quite a different face today. Maybe the Hegemony
the Trident. These two organizations play a fundamental would rule the seven seas, but, then again, maybe there would
role in the world beneath the waves. Some even claim that be no humans left! The Cult is present, directly or indirectly,
they are at the heart of every plot that comes together or in every sea in the world and in every single community. Its
falls apart in the troubled world of the Polaris RPG. The official role is to keep the various nations in a state of peace,
following information is only based on generalizations, as whatever the cost. The Watchers, the S.M.S.O., the neutral
it is extremely difficult to obtain even the tiniest piece of city, and Ariadne are a few examples of this will to unify
information on these so-called neutral powers. humanity by establishing a new order that will, at last, brush
away the rivalries between the states. Equinox was built with
the purpose of becoming the central point of all humanity,
THE CULT OF THE a place where everyone can live in peace in the same
community, and also to be a referee in the conflicts between
TRIDENT communities. The official appearance of the Cult is, therefore,
that of an organization completely dedicated to the cause of
The Cult of the Trident is certainly, at the moment, the most peace and the progress of humanity.
influential group in the underwater world. Claiming the role In practice, things are not always that simple. First of all,
of the one true guardian of humanity, it has managed to use it seems that the Trident will stop at nothing to impose its
the incredible power of the Polaris Effect to establish a kind own vision of the world. Whether it is by the intervention of
of relative peace over the past two centuries. It is certain that international troops, the Watchers (who are supposed to be a

neutral force), or by using the Polaris Effect, the Cult has proved the Action Department of the Trident. Although they are officially
over and over again that it is capable of using force to get any only in charge of the security of the priests, they work directly
rebellious organization back on the true path. Well, perhaps with the field agents of the Neptune Division and they command
radical methods are actually necessary, to resolve extreme the mysterious Ordainers, the monk-soldiers.
problems in a particularly cruel world? However, the fact that Some rumors claim that a traitor on the payroll of the
such a small organization holds such power in its hands is, of Hegemony or the Black Sun has managed to infiltrate the
course, a sizeable problem. As long as Demeter is working for ranks of the chosen ones. The Neptune Division has not, so
the good of humanity, it is possible that the Cult won’t stray too far, been able to find any proof to confirm this accusation.
far from its role as an arbiter. But what will happen if the master
of the Trident should change his mind, or if he is replaced by a
more extremist figure? What would happen if the Black Sun had JASON HELIO (DEMETER)
as much power as the Trident? Many powerful figures around At 113 years old, Jason is an enigma, even to his own
the world have wondered about these questions, and most of entourage. Appearing to be entirely devoid of human
them are convinced that such a risk is intolerable. Therefore, it feeling, it is said that he is haunted by an unknown past and
is hardly surprising that, in the intelligence services around the by his ambiguous relations with the Other, the master of
world, people are crafting dark plots to take down this cult that the Black Sun. He has perfect control over the Polaris Effect
scares even the heads of state, once and for all. in all manifestations, and has experimented with talents
unknown until now, like Foresight and Mind Control. His
THE CHOSEN ONES detractors accuse him of using the latter of these abilities
The Cult of the Trident is ruled by 31 to manipulate people he meets. He is always seen
chosen ones who are the real masters of wearing his inhibitor, even if he has no real need for it.
the organization. The chosen ones are The wildest rumors surround him. Some tell that he
all capable of using the Polaris Effect, has attained such a degree of Polaris mastery that the
and most of them have mastered its Other is merely a manifestation of his subconscious,
powers. The most powerful of the dark side of his personality. It is also said that
them is, of course, Demeter Jason is in fact the person behind the enigmatic
(Jason Helio). He possesses Shadow Ambassador or even that he may
full authority. He controls be a Genetician. No one reliably knows his
the Watchers (off the deeper motives, except perhaps Sernea, the
record, as the Watchers director of the Neptune Division, who is said
are officially run by to be very close to him. It is unknown whether
the S.M.S.O.), Equinox, Jason is sterile or if he has any descendants.
Ariadne, and the Trident.
He could appear as some
kind of absolute ruler, but, LIAM VENGARD (PROMETHEUS)
in practice, he is assisted by Ambitious and impatient, Liam is the
six Prometheus with whom personification of the “hard branch” of
he shares the power. The the cult. He does not hide his sympathy for
Prometheus are his private certain methods used by the Black Sun and
counselors and one of them frequently recommends to Demeter that
will be called upon in the they should have recourse to more radical
future to replace Jason ways to manage certain problems. At 67
Helio. years old, he is the youngest Prometheus.
Below them come the Janus His control of the Polaris Effect is
and the Nemesis. The former imperfect. He is the representative of the
are specialized in intelligence Nemesis and carries out his duty with all
operations, the latter in due seriousness. He is sterile.
the Cult’s “actions.” Each
group is made up of twelve
individuals. The Janus inform KATYA DELERIK (PROMETHEUS)
Demeter of everything that is The representative of the Janus,
going on in the world. They Katya is a close friend of Demeter. This
work in close collaboration woman of 72 years barely appears
with the Neptune Division to be 40, thanks to her use of the
and the administrative agents Polaris Effect, which she mastered for
of the Cult. The Nemesis control
Jason Helio
40 (D e m e t e r )

a thoroughly unusual purpose: Cellular Regeneration. She LOPTEROS (PROMETHEUS)


cannot control any other part of her power and therefore Head of the neutral city of Equinox, Lopteros is a
wears an inhibitor at all times. Katya is a gentle woman remarkable administrator who only thinks of the city’s
who is officially dedicated to assuaging the sufferings of the survival and the largest part of its population. Thus, he
poorest souls. She is the spokesperson for the “soft branch” is regularly brought in to make difficult decisions, which
of the cult. However, it is said, in the shadows, that she contributes to his image as a bloodthirsty monster. The
has performed certain inadvisable activities. Some rumors order to incinerate a quarter with its whole population
suggest fairly benign endeavors, such as that of receiving after the breakout of an epidemic in 560 and the bloody
robust young men in her living quarters, but others suppression of the panic in 564 are two examples of how
speak of real crimes. More to the point, the mystery that he earned among some the nickname “the Butcher of
surrounds Katya might, in fact, indicate that she is fertile Equinox.” Despite this, Lopteros remains unflappable and,
and as a recipient of the Polaris Effect, this may turn out to when asked if he regrets any of his actions, he responds
be problematic. that, if one day the management of the city would leave
him enough time to ponder it, he would be overjoyed to
give an answer on the subject. He is sterile, at age 92.


An expert in biology, surgery, and molecular and
genetic medicine, Krellar Vorhn is the official responsible
for Ariadne and, naturally, its research. He is a brilliant
scientist whose sole preoccupation is to discover
a cure for sterility. He is rarely present in the
neutral city, preferring to spend his time in the
restricted sector of Ariadne. As a result, very
little is known about him. He is 78 years old,
and it is said that he is sterile.

Natahlios is in charge of relations with the
Watchers, as well as with the orbital stations.
In fact, he spends most of his time aboard one
of these stations. Many suspect the Cult of
the Trident of wanting to take control of all
space-based industry and to settle among the
stars, abandoning humanity to its sad end. It is
improbable that this is true since all who use the
Polaris Effect seem to lose their gift outside the
“terrestrial atmosphere.” Natahlios is 74 years
old. He is sterile and has fairly good control
over the Polaris Effect.


In charge of international relations and
the Orpheus (diplomats) of the Cult, Pelen
is one of the most important people in the
organization. Backed up by Marcus Delvion,
one of the oceans’ finest negotiators, he has
the heavy task of ensuring peace and harmony
among the nations. He spends the majority of
his time aboard the monastery ships, traveling
from one capital to another and attempting, one way
or another, to ease diplomatic tensions. Pelen is
K at ya D e l e r i k Lopteros
(P r o m e t h e u s ) (P r o m e t h e u s )

K r e ll a r V o r h n M a r c u l s D e lv i o n P e l e n R ag e n
(P r o m e t h e u s ) (O r p h e u s ) (P r o m e t h e u s )

said to be very cultured and generous, but also extremely The Orpheus are specialized in diplomacy. They look after the
wily. He has proven his absolute cold-bloodedness. He has ambassadors who are present in Equinox and take care of all the
mastered the Polaris Effect almost as perfectly as Demeter administrative tasks that concern the relationships between the
but he always wears his inhibitor to reassure the other nations. Marculs Delvion is the manager of the Orpheus.
nations’ diplomats. The latter don’t fear that he would The Lares manage the economic and social affairs of the Cult
misguidedly unleash his power, but that he might be able to of the Trident. They are the largest of these groups and they can
influence their decisions through Mind Control. Pelen has often be seen in the streets of Equinox going about their business.
often assured them that this power is nothing but a legend, The Vejovis make up the scientific teams of the Cult. They
but he does not seem to have convinced them. Pelen is 97 can just as easily be found in Ariadne as they can in the many
years old. He is sterile. ship building docks of Equinox. They are also in charge of
public hygiene and medicine in general.
THE ORDAINERS The Hermes are the Cult’s missionaries. They travel on
These monk-soldiers from the Cult of the Trident were board the monastery ships and go from station to station to
thought to only be a legend until Demeter himself admitted spread the doctrine of the Trident.
that they were real. The Ordainers are a group of individuals
trained in Pendeven and charged with ensuring the security THE NOVICES
of the Priests of the Trident, both in Equinox and on the These are all the individuals who want to join the ranks of

monastery ships. According to certain witness reports, they the Trident. There are about 10,000 of them in Equinox. During
are fanatics who are completely dedicated to the cause of their training period, they assist their superiors in various
the Cult and who, for the most part, are capable of mastering tasks. After two years, a novice is appointed to one of the
the Polaris Effect. It isn’t hard to imagine the meaning of the administrative roles or, if he is not deemed competent, he will
forming of a militia of mutants capable of using such a great be excluded from the Cult. They have very little influence.
power. Fortunately, there only seem to be a few dozen of
them. These agents are also said to be used for assassinations, THE NEPTUNE DIVISION
infiltrations, and all kinds of sabotage. At least, that’s what The secret services of the Cult of the Trident are grouped
the rumors say. Although they are trained to use any type of together in the Neptune Division. This group is run by
weapon, they prefer combat staffs (modified, of course) and Sernea, one of Demeter’s faithful followers. It is particularly
bladed weapons. They are always dressed lightly and they are feared in Equinox but not very influential in the rest of the
completely imperturbable. Often, they are blindfolded but world. Its specialty is counter-espionage. As it happens,
it doesn't seem to impede them. . It has never been proved Equinox is most probably the place where you can find the
by anyone that the Ordainers have participated in a single most spies in the whole world, who come from all over the
confrontation. planet. Attempts to infiltrate the Cult of the Trident are
commonplace and the main concern of the Neptune Division
THE ADMINISTRATIVE AGENTS is to detect the presence of traitors inside the organization.
The vast majority of the members of the Cult are in this Every single novice is interrogated by this division before
category. In Equinox alone, it is estimated that there are being accepted as a member of the Trident.
about 20,000 Orpheus, Lares, Vejovis, and Hermes. Most of The agents of this division work very closely with the
these members are perfectly normal individuals who have Watchers and the Janus. The Neptune unites a certain number
embraced the ideals of the Cult. of departments that are specialized in a specific area.


INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT Each vessel carries over 5,000 people, medical equipment,


The “Trailfinders” are agents specialized in the search for transport and maintenance vehicles, supplies, and survival
individuals in Equinox. They know every nook and cranny of equipment. Several smaller ships specially designed to reach
the city like the backs of their hands and maintain excellent unfathomable depths are also carried in the cargo holds.
relationships with as many organizations as possible (many
of them criminal). They are not fighters but snoops, true GENETIC RESEARCH
human bloodhounds. The manager of this department is a If there is one research area that the Cult of the Trident
man named Learet Pala. holds above all others, it is genetics. The gigantic company
Cortex is entirely funded by the Trident. Its activities range
SURVEILLANCE DEPARTMENT from the pharmaceutical industry to the latest in genetic
This is probably the most important department of the treatments. For example, Cortex produces the most efficient
Neptune Division. It employs a thousand people directly and medical intraprobes on the market. The genetics research
several thousand indirectly. The “controllers” are infiltrated laboratories are located in Ariadne. The main concerns of the
among the general population in almost every sort of activity research scientists are, of course, genetic degeneration and
(prostitution, commerce, trafficking, etc.). They are the eyes sterility. The Cult of the Trident does not cut corners when
and ears of the Neptune Division. Anyone in Equinox could be it comes to the resources made available to its scientists.
part of this department and, sometimes, they may not even These studies are considered to be an absolute priority by
know that they are. Indeed, it is rumored that the Neptune the leaders of the Cult.
Division doesn’t hesitate to implant ocular cameras or bugs Some malicious gossips claim that Cortex would stoop
into people who are admitted to the surgery services. The as low as to use the dregs of humanity, of which there are
manager of this department is a woman named Gilea Trevors. plenty to be found in Equinox, as human guinea pigs for their
many experiments.
This department is specialized in one of the most sensitive TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS
areas of the Neptune Division: the protection of ambassadors; The Cult of the Trident also has its hands in several
not only of the Cult, but more importantly the protection of companies, the importance of which is quite considerable.
the foreign ambassadors present in Equinox. These agents Hellion Laboratories are the only ones able to “make” Geno-
are among the best trained and the best equipped. They Hybrids. This kind of operation costs a lot of money and,
go by the adorable name of “Cerberus.” This department is in general, is reserved for the agents of the Cult. However,
managed by Marcus Lenag. for quite a hefty sum of several hundreds of thousands
of Sols, and a few months in a hospital, any citizen can be
The Action Department is made up of the assassins on The Aeris Firms own the secret for the production of
the Cult’s payroll and the special intervention groups. The hyperfluids. They also offer a range of mixtures and fluids.
keyword of this department is “discretion.” Their actions are NeoStar fluid is one of their greatest commercial successes
always off the record. They are known as the “Mambas.” This and a very popular product among divers. The company
department is under the management of Piot Molag. also controls the company Cultura, which is specialized in
hydroculture, livestock farming, and synthetic food.
ANALYSIS DEPARTMENT When it comes to weaponry and heavy industry, the
The agents of this department, known as the “spotters,” company Gladius is a huge corporation that produces,
spend their time analyzing any information that they can get among other things, the gear for the Watchers, their vessels,
their hands on. The information can come from transmissions and the famous monastery ships. But it is also a company
intercepted by listening beacons, images filmed in the walkways that builds modules for stations and civilian transport
of Equinox, confidential documents, etc. Their role is to provide vessels. Its research centers are among the most efficient.
all the data that the other departments require in order to take Their most secret project is probably the Reality Vortex, a
action. This department is managed by Milo Pendev. terrifying Genetician weapon of which not much is known
at the moment.
THE MONASTERY SHIPS When it comes to space exploration, although it is not the
These huge cruisers are the mobile embassies of the Cult largest, the Trident Space Agency builds various pieces of
of the Trident. The gigantic vessels are 304 meters long equipment for the orbital stations, satellites, and satellite
and weigh 220,000 tons. Officially, they don’t carry any weapons.
weapons, but they are always escorted by Watcher vessels. Finally, the most important company belonging to the Cult
The Cult of the Trident owns 12 of these vessels that roam in the domain of economics is Solaris, the company that
the seas of the world, going from station to station to assist produces the Sol tags and controls the distribution of this
the more isolated communities and spread the good word. currency.


The Cult of the Trident is obviously a considerable economic methods and their interpretations are radically different.
player, and it has at its disposal resources comparable to As far as they are concerned, only those who are chosen
those of a powerful nation. receive the ability to manipulate the Polaris Effect, and for
the sole aim of leading humanity to its salvation. They refute
the idea that any common mortal can learn to manipulate
THE RELIGION such a power (unofficially, many of the Priests of the Trident
Regardless of the rest, the Cult of the Trident is, above share this point of view). As for the methods to be used, they
all, dedicated to a religion, the Polaris Effect. This very must be firm and efficient. If humans behave like animals,
particular religion is based on a way of life, a rather special then they should be treated as such. Therefore, the priests of
perception of reality and the environment, and, above the Black Sun consider themselves to be shepherds guarding
all, a power that can manifest itself and is tangible. The their flocks.
Priests of the Trident believe that everything that is alive This organization is led by the Other, a mysterious character
(including the earth and the oceans) is united by an energy that nobody has ever seen and whose power is at least
that acts as a sort of cement that allows everything to exist. equal to that of Demeter. His spokesman, Alemsh Palkrach,
The aim of this religion is to be able to control this energy is a former counselor of Jason Helio. There are many who
by reaching a higher level of consciousness. Therefore, believe that the thing that puts these two organizations in
the priests of the Trident officially refuse the theory that opposition is a simple thirst for power.
states that those who are able to control the Polaris Effect
are mutants. The Cult’s believers like to meditate for THE HYBRIDS
long hours in states close to a trance. This allows them to Both the Natural Hybrids and those who were created by
“bathe” in the energy. There are no places of worship in the Cult’s surgical techniques are strangely attracted to the
Equinox, as meditation is considered a personal activity. priests of the Cult of the Trident. Some say that this is due
However, aboard the monastery ships and in a number of to the fact that the Hybrids are more sensitive to the Polaris
isolated communities, there are meditation rooms that are Effect. Whether or not this is true, a Hybrid will always
very close to what could be called temples. There are many hesitate to attack a priest and will feel reassured if he is face
who claim to have been able to manipulate the Polaris to face with one of them.
Effect during one of these sessions. The leaders of the Cult
maintain a rather embarrassed silence about this.


The members of the Black Sun are the sworn enemies of
the Cult of the Trident. They share the same belief, but their


This scenario is a basic investigation set in Equinox, which can either serve as a good introduction to the world of
the Polaris RPG or allow the Players to explore the city, its atmosphere, and its dangers. It can be played best by a
group who can balance action and reflection. Reading the chapter about Equinox is obviously necessary.
Note: everything that follows is for the GM’s eyes only.


Kora Company, a subsidiary of the powerful Gladius and

based in Equinox, specializes in the resale of used weapons.
This company collects obsolete or faulty weapons from the
Watchers, military organizations, or allied stations. They
recycle and recondition them in order to resell them on
the secondhand market. While generating some significant
benefits, Kora is also a means for the authorities to control a
part of the arms market.
The story starts with Winston Shanter, a greedy executive
at Kora, hitting rock-bottom. For some time, and for his
own benefit, he had been embezzling a portion of the
spare part inventory to sell to various gangs of smugglers
and traffickers. One day, he was contacted by a new gang
eager to acquire some gear. They are actually mercenaries
specialized in industrial espionage and the resale of sensitive
technologies. Depending on your needs, they could be
freelance mercenaries or directly connected to one of the
big factions of the underwater world (which will make them
even more dangerous and may also lead you to build on other
plots). On the lookout for any smuggling activities and any
other shady gangs, the gang could have approached Shanter
through these other factions.
Discovering a new lucrative market, the executive then
lured in an engineer from Gladius: Arber Valendo. Gambler,
depressed, and alcoholic, this engineer crippled with debts
was willing to sell a few technologies on minor weapon
systems. Several exchanges were made for substantial
amounts of money, thanks to Valendo’s access to several
laboratories and Shanter’s illegal schemes. The intelligence
being exchanged was becoming increasingly interesting
for the spies, who always wanted more. In the beginning,
Valendo and Shanter were quite glad about the situation: the
former desperately needed money and the latter was greedy
and had a grudge against some of his superiors.
Things changed, however, when the two men were asked to
deliver some highly sensitive technologies that are at the very
core of Gladius vital interests. The two men hesitated, then


refused in the end. Still undercover and having considerable AT THE CRIME SCENE
means at their disposal, the mercenaries reacted very rapidly: Shanter was taken out in a relatively roomy hotel on Level
they forced both men to carry on, threatening to reveal 0 in Equinox. This is actually where the scenario begins. If
their betrayal, and using verbal and physical intimidation. the PCs have official credentials, they can have direct access
Under duress, Shanter and Valendo had no other choice but to the scene. If not, they will have to call on some contacts or
to agree to deliver some important technical information their employers. The leads are rather thin:
concerning prototypes of certain supercavitation weapons. • The man was chased inside the hotel by a group of
The mercenaries felt they didn’t get enough, however; their masked killers who pulled their machine guns out of
threats were not apparently taken seriously. The first to their bags and seemed to have no qualms shooting at
break down was Shanter, the more clear-headed of the two— him in front of many witnesses. The man was eventually
while Valendo sank into alcoholism and drug use. Shanter executed in the bar lounge.
threatened to expose them at all cost as “agents from foreign • According to the hotel managers, the victim had been
powers.” Worried, the group of spies took care of him. staying there for the last three days. Registered under a
Shanter was killed in a hotel in the city while waiting for false identity (they are not being very vigilant here), he
a gang of smugglers from whom he wanted to ask for help paid cash and never left the hotel.
sneaking out of Equinox (for a good deal of money). At the • In his tiny room, the PCs can discover some personal
same time, Valendo was kidnapped: the spies still needed effects in a large travel bag: a medium-caliber gun,
him to decipher several stolen digital files that contain some a bulletproof vest, and a huge amount of money in a
very valuable technical blueprints. In order to force his briefcase locked with a key code. There is no trace of any
cooperation, his sister was taken as well. identity papers.
And this is when the PCs come in... • After the identification, the body is recognized as
Winston Shanter, executive at Kora.
• The killers arrived as quickly as they left (they seem
INTRODUCING THE to know the city pretty well and they started a fire in a
passageway nearby in order to cover their operation). The
CHARACTERS bullet holes show that they used heavy-caliber weapons
with armor-piercing rounds. Because of this, the damage
There are several ways for the PCs to become involved in looks considerable.
this scenario:
They may belong to the authorities (the Watchers) and
will thus be officially entrusted with the investigation of
Shanter’s death. In this case, they will start at the crime Shanter’s living quarters are located on the city’s upper
scene. levels. They are roomy and very comfortable. The place has
They may work for Kora or Gladius, or be acquainted with obviously already been searched, as everything has been
these companies regarding other cases. Their employer turned upside-down. The executive’s personal computer has
assigns them to a discreet investigation concerning been destroyed. The neighbors did see three “shifty” men

the sudden disappearance of one of Kora’s executives, hanging around and they heard some noise. By the time
suspected of embezzlement. Thanks to the ties between they called security, the intruders had already disappeared.
Gladius and the Watchers, the characters will learn about However, although the burglars did manage to disable
the death of their target and then be able to go to the the security system in the flat, they did not have the time
crime scene soon after the official investigators “turn their to break the office safe open. Upon opening it, various
backs.” documents and contracts will be found, as well as a simple
They may be some of Shanter’s contacts, who have numbered magnetic key.
been expecting a “delivery” for several days... under the Here are some leads that can be followed at this point:
surveillance of the Watchers or Kora/Gladius’s agents. • The documents reveal only one important clue: a
They will be contacted and offered to give Shanter away property deed regarding the acquisition from a small
by accepting, for example, to wear a wire in order to security company of a warehouse in the city’s lower
spy the transaction in exchange for a reward (after all, levels. The company itself does not exist: it was a dummy
the PCs are not a direct nuisance). Then, after Shanter’s created by Shanter.
death, they will be asked to lead an unofficial, parallel • The magnetic key opens a luggage locker located in
investigation in order to take advantage of their contacts. a Level 0 storage facility that offers individual (and
anonymous) safes to anyone willing to pay. Inside the
Depending on the selected introduction, some adjustments safe, the PCs find a data-chip containing some bad quality
may be necessary, but on the whole the rest of the events pictures apparently taken in a bar, showing a sunken-
should not change. cheeked, unkempt, and distraught man in the company


of another man. The former is Valendo—who is difficult It could be interesting to have a few Watcher assault squads


to recognize—and the latter is a well-known petty drug show up during the discussion. Alerted by the shooting, it
dealer who will be easy to trace down but has nothing took them a bit of time to prepare, but now are ready
to do with the current case. Shanter believed that this to eliminate any threat in the warehouse—some of the
clumsily built “compromising file” could implicate smugglers (or the PCs!) who are a bit nervous and forget to
Valendo instead of him in case something went wrong. drop their weapons might well try their susceptibility and
marksmanship first hand...
The warehouse is located in a seedy, dirty, and dark level of
Equinox. From the outside, the place looks deserted. The area SMUGGLERS (3)
is actually eerily quiet. On a closer look, the doors appear to
have been forced open. Inside, there are signs of a recent
shooting: the stale smell of pepper gas, bullet marks, bodies Base 15 15 12 13 12 10 14 10
lying of the floor and still holding weapons... The caliber SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
is similar to the one used for Shanter’s murder. Only an Luck - Reaction 12
experienced tactician can figure out what actually happened
here: some armed assailants broke into the building while Melee Damage Mod. +2 -3
other people took refuge inside and defended themselves.
When the PCs figure this out, they hear some noise in Knockout
Stun threshold 14 24
the large dark building filled with containers and handling threshold
equipment. They are suddenly attacked in an ambush.
Their attackers empty their clips a bit randomly and shout Skills: Armed combat 12, Handgun 12, Shoulder-fired
that they will not be taken alive, while insulting the PCs weapons/Rifles 10.
abundantly. The characters should quickly understand that Gear: dagger, Kevlar vest, medium handgun, submachine
they are being mistaken for the first group of assailants. gun.
A good deal of diplomacy—or more likely when their
opponents are out of ammo—will allow the PCs to capture ARBER VALENDO
a group of frightened smugglers who surrender without When investigating Valendo’s dealer, the PCs can learn the
any resistance once they understand they are facing the man’s address or the places where he can usually be found.
authorities and not special forces who want to kill them all... If the PCs go to his quarters (he too lives in the upper levels),
Here is what they have to say: they will not discover anything particularly interesting.
• They were indeed in business with a man matching Valendo seems to have disappeared without a trace: he did
Shanter’s description from whom they would buy not go to work this morning. If they ask his neighbors about
weapons and military supplies. him, they will reveal that his only family is his sister, Janessa.
• They recently put Shanter in contact with a group of She is a technical agent at Equinox’s docks, but needless to
buyers who were not from Equinox—their appearance, say that she did not go to work either, as well as one of her
accent, and behavior marked them as soldiers or co-workers, her boyfriend, Daven.
mercenaries. As those people belong to the huge Although Janessa is nowhere to be found, Daven can be
network of acquaintances found in the underworld, these found hiding at his place—a tiny cell. This morning he
smugglers are uncertain (or unwilling to admit) whether witnessed the abduction of his girlfriend and now he does
they would be able to recognize the attackers’ faces. not dare go out. The kidnappers shot at him and, scared
• They have just suffered an all-out attack, aimed at killing to death, he will not hesitate to empty the clip of his black
them or getting rid of as many of them as possible. The market-bought weapon if anybody knocks on his door. Once
smugglers do not really understand what just happened he calms down, he will give all the necessary information he
to them as they do not have really have any enemies at can provide (few elements that are directly usable actually,
the moment—except the authorities, obviously... Despite except that he was attacked by hooded armed men...).
their assailants’ efficiency, they somehow managed to However, he does remember that Janessa and he were
keep them at bay, thanks to their stocks of weapons and approached several times during the previous two evenings,
ammo. when they were in a well-known bar. The men looked shady
• Some crates do indeed contain weapons and spare and asked the girl some personal questions. Fortunately,
parts that were ready to be resold. Obviously, the both evenings, they were with friends and this seemed keep
smugglers filed off the serial numbers of the equipment those men away. Daven will then insist on being escorted to
with a laser in order to make them untraceable. A deeper the nearest Watcher station in order to lodge a complaint.
investigation at Kora will allow them to discover the
equipment embezzlement orchestrated by Shanter.


DIZLO’S GANG also find some computer equipment and the files stolen
Some searching around, accompanied by either Daven or from Gladius, which might not actually be about any ultra-
one the other friends that had been present during one of sensitive projects but are valuable nevertheless.
those evenings will be enough to expose one or two petty
criminals known to belong to a gang run by Dizlo, who is
a far more dangerous person. This criminal is one of the MERCENARIES*
mercenaries’ contacts in Equinox. After the abduction of
Valendo and his sister, Dizlo was ordered to guard Janessa STR CON COO ADA PER INT WIL PRE
while her brother was taken somewhere else. The gangster Base 15 15 15 16 13 12 17 8
does not know what to do with the girl, whom he actually SECONDARY ATTRIBUTES
considers a poisoned gift. He is thinking of asking for a
Luck - Reaction 14
ransom as soon as possible, although he does not really know
to whom... The PCs will need to call some of their contacts Damage
Melee Damage Mod. +2 -3
to locate Dizlo and his gang’s hideout—in the lower levels— Resistance
which he will defend like a madman before surrendering. Knockout
Stun threshold 15 25
He will even negotiate for freedom by releasing the girl threshold
and revealing the mercenaries’ hideout. In any case, once
captured or wounded, he will be eager to reveal everything *Number to change depending on the PC’s power.
as a form of revenge: his former “associates”—whose origins
also elude him—hide even deeper into the lower levels, a Skills: Armed combat 13, Handgun 13, Shoulder-fired
rather dangerous area. weapons/Rifles 14.
Stats for Dizlo and his men: use the stats for the smugglers Gear: dagger, heavy handgun, light machine gun,
above, and add as many foes as there are PCs. polytitanium fibers protection (full).


The PCs will need to go a bit deeper in Equinox to find the
mercenaries. If they do not know the area, they will need to
find a guide—and they may well find a crook who will drop All of this may lead the PCs to other adventures. Keep in
them in a particularly dangerous area. Keep in mind that mind that the mercenaries present in Equinox can actually
criminals are not the only things that hide here and that the be only a fraction of a bigger group. They could even be
lower levels accommodate a whole wildlife of their own. Feel connected to one of the factions of the underwater world.
free to change this descent into an exploration, and to put These people will probably seek revenge, whereas the PCs’
a few Kraal hounds (CRB2 page 166) or any other creatures employers may want to know more about this group’s
that come from the slums, in addition to some red-herring actions.
individuals that live here.

In any case, the mercenaries are hiding there and will

not be taken out easily. The best option would be to end up
with a difficult encounter set within the dark, disturbing
passageways in Equinox’s lower levels. The mercenaries are
experienced enough to have booby-trapped the area and to
have put in some motion detectors. They will ambush and
fight the PCs in an environment they know all too well.
Therefore, launching an attack will be no pleasure cruise.
Please note that depending on their status, the PCs can call in
the Watchers, or a gang of hired muscle paid for by Gladius.
Once the mercenaries have been taken out, it will be
possible to search their hideout. The PCs will find Valendo’s
body, shot down at the beginning of the fight. They will

-Statement of a Red League diplomat, during his first visit to Equinox

Discover the underwater city of Equinox, this huge octahedron with

its many levels that floats on the Rockhall Threshold. Learn more
about its population and way of life and the most important locations.

This supplement also gives you more information about the Cult of
the Trident, their power and intrigues!

Start exploring Equinox right away with the short adventure

"Industrial Espionnage"!

This book is a setting sourcebook for the

POLARIS RPGTM. You will need Core Rulebooks 1&2 to
play the game.



ISBN: 978-2-36328-214-9

PZO-BBEUS-POL-02 © 2016 Black Book Editions. Polaris RPGTM and its logo are registered trademarks of Black Book Editions in the U.S.A and other countries.
Black Book Editions and its logo are registered trademarks of Black Book Editions. All rights reserved.

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