KC News 00 1995

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At the Sabbath meeting. October 1,1904, the minutes indicate that the
following question was among those placed before the Arc.

how many shall

Shall we make preparations to take more babies; "yes
Ques:1 if
be taken?
Where shal they be obtained, who shall go for them?

Answers to questions placed before the arcwere given in "Decrees".

which we would consider messages through su'is. One of the members sat in
the East and was called "East", for it was the direction through which "light"
(messages) came. Another member took down the decrees.

Dec: The decree has been given by a messen ger from the throne of God
through the East.
A messenger is here from the throne of God, Jehovih's Son in Paradise
and the line of lightfrom this ark to the throne of the Lord of this district is brilliant
vith the sacred fire

Holy Mortal Council of Faithists. Greetingsin Jehovih's Name.

Your Elder brothersand sisters are rejoicing that you are eager to go
forth into the land of Uzand bring therefrom somemore of theFather's helpless liule
ones.They rejoice that ye havefaith to build upon Jehovih's promise that "in a good
wort done vnto my litleones I will provide." It is Jehovih's decree that ye shalí go
the city of Denver and search forten castawayinfants.That the two sisiers
make thejourney assoon as the preparationscan be completed.
They wilI be provided with ample funds and before they start upon he journey.
an assembly of the Councilshall be held and a paper of instructions shall be gíven for
theirguidan ce. The peace, harmony.self sacrifice and faith, showa the last fev
months by his mortalCouncil has won the confidence of Jehovih'sHoly ones,they will
ministerunto his mortal litle ones and Jehovih will manifest in Love, Wisdom and
Power through His mortal servantsvork more than ever before.
Be cheerful, be happy and serene,Jehovih's eye is ever upon you and he vill
surelyprovide. Peace you.
Another message-
Make preparationsto make more infants. Go gather up your arms full of my

Ques. Vhat preparationsshould be made for taking the infants?

Decree: Let the nurse use the music room. Make all
necessary preparationsfor
the velfare of the litle ones beforethe messen gers are sent for them. Your own
experiencewill be sufficient to inspireyou in the care of His little ones.

A in of that meeting which had to do with a

Decree was also minutes
"uniform" type of clothing which should be adopted for those adults and
children already in the colony in Arboles, Color ado.
.et the plan of overalls and jumpers of durable cloth for the men,
boys and
girls week day clothing be tried. The little Lrousers and shirt waists for the boys will do
bloomers and blouses
for Sabbath coswmes for the presentand the little giris may wear
for the Sabbath.
Let all the clothing be made of vash able material and of gray cloth.

The balance of the minutes of that date deals with details concerning
the running of the Brotherhood's farm, and a new divisionof labor when
two of their group will be in Denver to gather in the 10 children. The
Brotherhood already has children which have come to them over the 4 years
in operation, plus children who came with their parents
Lney have been
(who have come as workers) to the colony inArboles. We are not sure of
exact number of children, for no records are kept of children who are not
formally adopted by the Brotherhood. At this time we have records of 13
children having been adopted; the original 5 which Mary Elliott brought, the
child sent
from Canada, the children by the L.A. Lodge. Georgena whose story
was told in our last issue, and two other infants having been adopted by the
Brotherhood in thespring of 1901, apparently from the Denver area.
The following typed insert was placed into the handwritten Minute
11/2 8:00 P.M. ---05

Jehovih's Instructions for the guidance oft his mbassy.

sent into Uz for a group ot Ten little castava7s to be brought to
the central colony to be reared in His Nane as heirs of Light, as
given in nnar Comcil--.--
Decree:-It vill be vell tor the sisters. to tollov closely the
inspirations ad directions given by Jehovih's decree. through the
East. in their regular daily counci In all atters concerning the
infants. and the atter of securing then, since selection must be
ade, it vill be vell for the aortal servants. under Jehovih' s
guidance. to endeavor to secure infants vho appear to be vell
endoved physically and vho seen to be as free as possible fra the
taint of disease. It ill be vell to observe the expressions of the
faces and the contours of the head. the texture of the skin,
strivin to select infants of good normal physical endovment. but
reserving the final choice of possible aelection until consultation
can be bad vith Jehovih and His angels regarding the Es part.
Mortala are fully capable of observing physical conditions and the
Angel Anbassadors vill observe the s
conditions. and 1t ill be
veil to give the choice of aelection to those intanta indications
he ighest corporeal eand spiritual endovments. In this early stage
of the vork. it ia not Jehovih; s intention to aake selection for His
Torkers. tor an bas arrived at aturity of judgnent, tor on Corpor
and in Heaven it is voll tor hia to put forth hia apirit. Jehovih
desires not autonatons in Eis service. but intelligent vorkmen. No
distinction of race or color need be raised. Observe the nobleness
of the corporeal part. and connune vith Jehovih as to the Es part.
and He vill guide through His Holy Ones to wise decision.

Special Directions tor the Eabassy.


lo. 1. Regular business council3 ay be held after breaktast. for

outlining the deays duties. The concils should be held in regulear
business form. The chlof tainess stating questions. the nenber
givig her light. and the final light of decree coning through the
ast, Nane should be present at these councils save the Holy
Covenant menbers. No disclosure ahould be made of the identityof
the chief taine33 to any one. The sisters should appear to Uz and
the Outer Council sinply as sisters, acting as an organic umit
defore Jehovih. The advice of othersay be 11stened to. but
1l nooted questions shall be
discussians ill not be desirable.
settled by Jehovih's decree. through the East in the Holy Council.
To. 2. it vill be vell for the Recorder to ake a briet record of
the days doings. and conduct the correspondence. letter should be
sent to the Colany not les3s than ance a veek to be laid before
Jehovih at the ark. Letters should be type-uitten 1t possible and
signed by rubber stanp. no personality being disclosed. Should any
question arise vhich Jehovih directs shall be sent to Eis Ark tor
judgment.. vrite then on one side of the paper only.. Maber the
guestions and retain a copy. They vll be ansvered consecutively in
their proper order. It viil be vell to vrite an official letter to
the Outer Council not less than once a veek. vith due regard to
their fulness in Jehovih' s labor. placing no burden ofdoubt fear or
controversy upon thea. Let nothing but 1ight. the light of taith
hope and courage and love shine forth fron Jehovih's letters.
Io. 3. It vill be vell for the sisters to take such a period of
rest as shall seen necessary to give thea sufficient elasticity ot
ids and bodies as vil1 enable then to pertorn good vork.
aderate amount ot refined recreation will contribute to this ed.
lo. 4. An allovance of ane dollar per veek tor each sister to be
used for personal erpenses. not including carfare. according to each
ones highest light shall be nade. This expenditure is each ones
personal atter and lies betveen then and Jehovih.
To. 5. It vill be vell to do all visiting together. and such
visits ay vell be confined to the very tev vhose friendship and
good rill ay be trusted. General visitorsay call upon the
Ehbassy at its head quarters, at such tines as ay seen to be
convenient to the Embassy.
Io.6. It vill be vell to mintain the noises (prayers of tor-
giveness of others..ed. ) day by day.
lo. 7. The Enbassy aY perfora good vork by giving the Light of
their presence in tull nifom of the Holy Covenant degree in Holy
Council. to the assenblies of the Denver Lodge.
lo. 8. It vill be vell for the Eabassy to not pemit thenselves to
be sverved by any one or any thing fron the particular labor they
are detailed upon---nanely---that of collecting ten intants to be
reared as heirs of Jehovih's Light.
to be ailing after they are
lo. 9. Should the infantsofappear
3elected. such physicians advanced schools. as bave in the past
proven their triendship ay be consulted and their advice and
judgaent ay be laid before Jehovih by the Enbassy in its HolyY
Council. tor His Judgnent.
To. 10. The brothers vill send to the station every ApollodayY
P.M. train
(Eriday.. ed) and every Sethantesday (Honday) after the
for the ail. rite urgent question if possible in the Monday

letterss. Exceedingly urgent atters vill be ansvered by the return

ail. and if actually necessary. by telegraph froa the Junction. In
any 11fe and dcath atter etc. telegraph to the Junction.
Let the use of the P.0. Box of Caryl or Mr. Zelars or Geo. if
Put the return tickets check etc. in a sate box ost desirable
and convenient.
ails (general delivery) open Sunday 11:00 A.M. Demver.
To. 11. Jebovih appoints imie as chief taines8s of the expedition.
Ee appoints ary as Recorder. The inspiratiom 1s given that the
s1sters sball consider prayerfully this iportant labor vhich 1s
laid umon the. The Chief tainess ill bave charge of the money but
the s1sters vill do the purcbasing together, utually consulting.
The chiettainess of the expedition should hand pronptly the
begiming of each veek. the other s1sters alloance, laying as1de
ber ovn.


(E4itor's Comments) The instructionsgive a picture of gentle people

striving to be thoughtful and considerate of others. The "moises" mentioned
in No. 6. are prayers to forgive others. These were done daily at the Colony.
The days of the week have been renamed with
names from 0AHSPE
the Greco/Roman names of our day. Monday was Sethantesday
and Friday. Apolloday. It appears that Ah Shongday would be Tuesday.
Aphday would be Wednesday, Sueday would be Thursday, and Apolloday is
named at Friday. îhe renaming of days oucured after ine move io Arboies.
In 7
No. full unifor m of the Covenant Degree" is mentioned, which
leads to thoughts of robes and regalia.
The records we have of the Embassy which left Arboles for Denver on
were was the Recorder of this
November 4,1905, written by Mary Elliott who
nezt will turn to Mary's records of their work
undertaking. In our issue we
a meeling With the Outer Council of the Denver Lodge.
in Denver, including
November 12,1905., which was attended by "about 30 people." It would be
to gather
difficult Faithistsfor regular weekly spiritual work anywhere
30 to the ten infants the
theUnited States today.Ittook three months "receive"
Embassy had been sent to gather, and on February 8,1906, the two sisters
and the infants left Denver by train to return Arboles.

An Apology
As all of our subscribers know, publication of KC NEWS has been
irregular during the past six months. hope to We be able to catch up on the
issues we oweyou during the next sii months. We have a great deal of
to with you, and look forward to future publication. Thank
material share
you for your patience.


After the brief announcement in the last issue of KC NEWS, several

subscribers have written asking for more information about the publication
of Lhe new American Edition of 0AHSPE. Although it is not a subject which
be thought of as being a part of this community newsletter, it seems
appropriate to answer briefly some of the questions which have been asked.
The group which is now undertaking the publication was originaly

formed by Sister Cora in 1987. Ken Greer had Iong wanted to publish a new
edition of OAESPE, and when he and Sister Cora met and shared their
dreams they im mediately began to make plans. Joy and Joan Greer joined as
Lee was a part of the original group. Eventually,
helpers, and Erma Jean
Erma the
decided to withdraw from the publication endeavor. and about
$ame time Charles Walker joined the group. So we were basically five
people during those first years.
Sister Cora started a bank account for publication which is still
maintained today. Charles and Sister Cora spearheaded the work to secure
our Non-Profit Tax Exempt status.

We had meetings and worked on an overall general plan for

publication. Because of the advances in computers,
it was decided to use this
electronic technology for the new publication.

Ray Palmer had used plates for printiag wicih were made îrom
photocopies of the Our plan was to actualy scan (read
l1882 Edition.

electronically into the computer) a good "oomputer readable" copy

OAHSPE. Typographical errors would be correctled,the picture plates would
be cleaned up and enhanced for a beautiful new edition.
After the Global Council Regional Meeting in the Catskills in 1994, Erma

phoned to say she had met Barbara and David Starbuck. David was starting
1o scan
0AHSPE, with he a
idea of producing computer copy which
eventually would be prepared for libraries. We immediately contacted David
and Barbara, and told them of our plans to publish 0AHSPE, and asked if we
could have a copy of the discs they were working with to prepare the plates
which we would use to print 0AHSPE. Not only were they interested, but
have become enthusiastic supporters of the publication effort.
David was using the photocopied 1882 Edition (green), and it was not
scanning well. Erma sent Davida pristine Anderson (blue), which to our joy
is scanning vell. of course we do not plan to publish a scanned Anderson
Edition, but will use the Anderson Edition as the the framework from which
we will be working to produce the new edition.
We plan to prepare a new and more complete Index. It if grows too
large we may publish it separately.

We also and
plan to carefully document any typographical changes,
publish these in a book for those who wish to study such things. Wing
Anderson began to gather materialon these errors in the 40's, and we will
be working from his list and from more recent comparisons of editions by
Fern and Brnie Gardner, and others. Students today have been sending us
references to errors which they have found which should be corrected. We
urge all students of Q4BSPE 1o send us inform ation on typographical orrore
or inconsistencies which need to be evaluated for publicationofthis new
edition. This new editionshould be the reflection of
ourbest effort.
At the same tíme that we came into contactwith the Starbucks, we
were contacted by Clyde Ingerham in the Oakland area. When we learned
that Clyde was a computer consultant, we talked at length with him about
the publication. Again, to our joy,we found that Clyde had found quite by
chance two IBM computers which were well suited to thework at hand.
these computers for use. at once
Clyde has donated publication Clyde began
to check out the computers, install programs for the work ahead.
Clyde's contributionsare helpful because Starbucks use an IBM
compuler and in California we use Macintosh computers. Although it is

possible to shift programs from IBM to Macintosh, it is far better to keep all
the computers basically the same, using the same programs.
The Starbucks have found the scanning is not going as fast as they had
originally anticipated.But due to the revolutionary advances in computers
within recent months, all is proceeding on target. New programs and
systems have resulted in the price reduction of equipment which we will be
using. We will be ableto secure what we need much cheaper
than we had
originally anticipated.We are looking at a 2 year time frame to actuallybring
out the new edition. That would place our publication,hopefully, in 1997.
The publication group is composed of David and Barbara Starbuck,
Charles and joy Walker, Ken and Joan Greer, Vernon Wobschall. Ziaa
Szymanski, Clyde Ingerham, Brice Johnson, and Tom Viegel. One really
exciting thing is that several people have already contacted us to say they
will help financiallywhen we get ready to actually start the publication.

is our do a presenlation at theYosemite Conference

It plan to
answering questions that the Faithist Community has about the publication.
At least seven members of the publication group will be attending the
conference so that we can be a panel to answer questions.
April 13-16 the seven California members of the publication effort
met in Inyokern to talk computers, publication,see Vernon's new computer,
and open the first disc of scanned OAHSPE sent by the Starbucks. It was a
great feeling to see 1he work actually begin in California.
We appreciate the interest and enthusiasm of the Faithist Community.
We need your spiritualsupport as well as your financial support.
about how to contribute to this work will be found on page 11

Faithist group ews...

The following is taken from a letter from Leslee Alenander of Flagstaff.
"Katheryn Anderson... joined us again in Cottonwood atour meeting
last Friday. When I asked for input on our "big gathering" a few weeks ago,

Dennis (Renner) remarked again at his surprise at how it seemed to just all
come together and "have a life of its own." I had to concu...Meanwhile, as
you may have heard, we have begun a FlagstaffOahspe Study Circle, meeting
every Tuesday at7:00 pm. Had 5 people the first meeting, ..and an
additional 2 will be joining tomorrow night's meeting. This does not include
Anika Juhn (Chuck Juhn's daughter). due to her work schedule, but she is
still very interested in
joining... Katheryn also wants to
attend in
Coltonwood, bringing her 1I year old son.
The two groups-Cottonwood and Flagstaff-have very different
qualities. Paul, Evelyn (Renner) and Ed (Wilson) are old timers. The grouup
in Flagstaf is composed of mostly newcomers. (LesLee told us later that the
Cottonwood meetings were suspended during the winter months because of
driving conditions...ed.)
It was good getting to know everyone better.This is what promotes
Leslee organized a Thanksgiving Vegetarian Dinner at the
Universalist Unitorian Church. (Sister Cora had helda service there In
1990 on sur way to ine indian Lands). Leslee reports that the dinner
was & wonderful success uwith 35 attending, the main course being a
tofu turkey. They also had a Vegetarian Dinner for the 1995 New Year
celebration with 28 attending, and a
Spring Equlnow egetarian Dinner
with 45 attending. Evelyn and Paul Renner, Dennis and Crystal Renner,
and Ed Wilson drove to Flagstaff to Join the Spring festivities there.
Recently we talked on thephone with Barbara and David Starbuck
and Barbara's mother, Edie Pavlosky who all live in New Jersey. We
had not realized until then that Barbara Starbuck and Bob Pavlosky
(brother and sister) are second generation Falthists. Bob and his wife
are active members of the Elolste (Publshers of "Radiance"). The
Starbuck and the Bob Pavlosky families each have one son.
2iaa Szymanski and Clyde Ingerham have become a workingg
group In the Bay area, getting together often as we move Intoa
working schedule for the publication of RHSPE.
In March Ziaa flew to Arlzona and stayed overnight wlth Bill Rose
and Randi in the Phoeniu area. LesLee drove from Flagstaff and took
Ziaa to Prescott and the Cottonwood area to look ot property with the
idea of establishing a community in that general area. While there Ziaa
met Paul and Evelyn Renner, Dennls, Glenda, and Crystal Renner, and Ed
wlson. Ziaa then went on to Flagstaff with Leslee to meet others

there Including Katheryn Anderson. It was another one of those

vhirfwind trips to Arlzona for whlch the Collformians must now be
famous. Ziaa really enjoyed her trip and meeting some of the Arizona
Falthists. There is o nebulous idea for o children's community/school,
enthuslosm others hove for the Verde
and 2i0o sheres the general
Valley area of Rrlzona.
The Winter Festivol was celebrated in Cottonuwood with 5
members from Colifornia driving to Arlzona and joining some of the
Arizona Falthists. The Spring Festival was celebrated in Inyokern, and
Brent Reese, Sharyle Hagadorm, and Uance Hibbard of Rldgecrest joined
Us. The Dedication of Joshua David Walker was also held during the
Festival weekend. Ken 6reer officiated; ond the parents, Joy and
Charles Walker, each spoke a few words. It was a beautiful Dedication.
Margot Bellando and David Edwords are meeting regularly
Fresno for worshlp and study. Eorl McConnell sometimes joins them,
has been lving in the Bay area recently. Earl also likes too
although he
take aduantageof the Senior Citizen skl discounts and spends much
time on the ski slopes in the winter. Margot and Dauid are hosting the
Slobal Council Annual Meeting which will be held in Yosemite the last
weekend In July. Margot found ORHSPE through David Edwords and his
were long time
parents, Joe and Ardy Edwards. The Edwards family
workers for Faithism. Ardy helped organize 0tis Acres and later helped
Liz Shuey in her elfois in Bragon, calied the Jahspe 7tundatien. Joo

Edwardscollaborated with John Harden on workfor the

Falinist Hymnas
and hls nome and/or initialsappeor throughout the 2nd edition of that
book as composer. it is through the Edwards' thot some of the
Brotherhood of Light Altes and Ceremonies uwere published in that
his parents, and we look
Hymnal. David says he has saved thepapers of
forward to studying them in the future.
sister Cora has left a debt of Deferred Tanes on the Inyokerm lend.
April 13-16th, Clyde and Ziaa drove down from the Bay
Area to meet
with Vernon, the Walkers, and the Greers to discuss ways to pay off this
debt. In upcoming issues of KC News you will be hearing more about
plans which were discussed to ralse money to pay this debt, Including
becominga Certified Organic 6rower to produce and sell orgenic herbs.
We have recently recelved a note from Elizabeth Shuey with a
copy of her newsletter "ELoIN, which appears on the newt page.
Elizabeth sald in her note thot they are stil treveling,having been on
the road over a year. She says they plan to return to Oregon in late
Aprll. For those of you wishing to contact Elizabeth,
her address is: The
Oahspe Foundatlon, P.0. BoH 446, Ashland, OR 97520.






The stated purpose of the 'Kosmon Communities

Symbol Newsletter is to coordinate Faithist Groups and
of The Creator,
Individuals interested in forming Degetarian
The Great Spirit
Faithist Communities. One way in which we fulfill
our purpose is to keep Falthists informed on all
activitieswithin ourFalthist community.

We entend an Invitatlon to you to send orticles,

ideas for articles,suggestions, and announcementss
concening communilty to us. These articles and
Jehovih The I Am Tdeas for articles may be your own thoughts on
communities, clippings from other publications,
letters to the editors, your curent
and/or plans forthe future. Your group'
scheduled activitieswll also be Included.


P.0.BoH 4076
Palm Springs, CA. 92263

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