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Environmental problems
o Waste (aquecimento global) – The rise of air temperatures near Earth’s surface.
o Acid rain (chuva ácida) – Rain that contains dangerous chemicals because of smoke
from cars and factories.
o Endangered species (espécies em vias de extinção) – Used to describe a type of animal
or plant that has become very rare and that could die out completely.
o Conservation of rainforests (conservação das florestas tropicais) – The protection of
animals, plants, and natural resources.
o Greenhouse effect (efeito de estufa) – The warming of the Earth’s atmosphere that is
caused by air pollution.
o Glacier (glaciar) – A very large are of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley or
over a wide area of land.
o Ozone layer (camada de ozono) – A layer in the upper atmosphere that prevents
dangerous radiation from the Sun from reaching the surface of the Earth.
o Ice melting (degelo).
o Oil slick (maré negra) – A thin layer of oil that is floating on the surface of the ocean, a
lake …
o Drought (seca).
o Increasing sea level (aumento do nível do mar).
o Tidal wave (maremoto).
o Hurricane (furacão) – Na extremely large, powerful, and destructive storm with very
strong winds that occurs especially in the western part of Atlantic Ocean.
o Toxic waste (lixo tóxico).
o Pollution (poluição).
o Rubbish/trash (lixo).
o Waste (desperdicio).
o Deforestation (desflorestação).
o Climate change (mudança climática) – e.g. high temperature(temperatura elevada),

Positive Negative
Protect (proteger) Destroy (destruir)
Help (ajudar) Harm (danificar)
Survive (sobreviver) Die (morrer)
Stop polluting (parar de poluir) Continue polluting (continuar a poluir)
Plant trees (plantar árvores) Cut down trees (cortar árvores)
Reduce (reduzir) Increase (aumentar)
Recycle (reciclar) Waste (desperdiçar)
Reuse (reutilizar) Pollute (poluir)
Save (poupar) Damage (danificar)
Present simple (verb “to eat”)

Affirmative Negative
I/you eat I/you don’t eat

He/she/it eats He/she/it doesn’t eat

We/you/they eat We/you/they don’t eat

Do I/you eat?
Does He/she/it eat?
Do We/you/they eat?

Spelling rules
o Nos verbos terminados em: -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o. -es.
o Nos verbos terminados em consoante +y -ies.
o Nos verbos terminados em vogal +y -s

Past simple (verb “to eat”)

Affirmative Negative

I/you will eat I/you will not eat/won’t eat

He/she/it will eat He/she/it will not eat/won’t eat

We/you/they will eat We/you/they will not eat/won’t eat


Will I/you eat?

Will He/she/it eat?

Will We/you/they eat?

Spelling rules
o Nos verbos terminados em -e acrescenta-se apenas o -d.
o Aos verbos terminados em -y + consoante, retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ied.
o Aos verbos terminados em -y + vogal, acrescenta-se -ed.
o Nos verbos monossilabos terninados em consoante, vogal, consoante (CVC), repete-se a
última consoante e acrescenta-se -ed.
If – clauses
o Type 0 (facto/verdade)

If + present simple present simple

o Type 1 (situações reais/prováveis)

If + present simple future simple

 If – possivel, mas sem certezas.
 When – é certo.
 Unless = if not – se não, a não ser que.

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