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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. discover how Non-Euclidean Geometry was invented;
b. recognize and differentiate the two types of Non-Euclidean Geometry;
c. confidently identify the importance of Non-Euclidean Geometry and its’
considerable application to scientific world.


Topic: The Origin of the Non-Euclidean Geometry


Materials: Instructional Materials


Teachers ‘Activity Student’s Activity

A. Awareness
a. Prayer
Everybody please stand for the
opening prayer. Gargoles, kindly lead
the prayer.
Let’s bow our heads and put ourselves in the holy
presence of God.
-(in the name of the father, and of the
b. Greetings
Good morning class! before you take
your seat, I want you to check for
some pieces of paper around you,
and arrange the chairs properly.

How is everyone?
Are you sure?

Alright! Let’s play a game for us to

stay active and attentive.

Today, I will be teaching you a self-

Wow! I can see that everyone is
energetic and is ready for the next

c. Checking of attendance
Now let me check your attendance.
Say present if your name called.

Excellent! everyone is here today.

d. Collecting of Assignment
Do we have any assignment?
Yes ma’am.
Alright Garsula kindly collect the papers
of your classmates and pass it to me

e. Review
And now, let us first recall the topic
we discussed last meeting, who can
tell me? (Gargoles raises her hand)

Yes Gargoles , please stand and share

your answer to the class about the
topic we discussed last meeting.
We talked about the birth of calculous ma’am.
Very good, please take your seat.

f. Motivation
Now let’s have a game called “GUESS
I will show some pictures and you
have to identify if it’s a polygon or
not. After identifying the shapes,
differentiate the objects

(Shows Picture)
Is this a polygon or not?
(Romelgie raises his hand.)
Yes, Romelgie what’s your answer.
Polygon ma’am.
Very good! Let’s give him a Romelgie

(Shows another picture) – 3d

Is this a polygon or not?
(Martinez raises her hand.)
Yes please stand, what’s your
answer? Polygon ma’am.
Very good! Please take your seat.
What have you noticed on the given
(Ahve raises hand)
Gargoles, please stand and share to
the class what you have observe.
They are both geometry but other one has sides
and other don’t have.
Excellent! Please take your seat.



Now what did you realized when

doing the activity?
Any shape is polygon whether it has side or not.

Okay, have you ever heard Euclidean

and Non-Euclidean geometry?
No ma’am!


Now everyone, who have an idea about our

lesson for today?
(Lejano raises her hand)

Yes Lejano please stand.

About non-euclidean geometry ma’am.

Very good, please take your seat.

Now everyone do you know how Non-Euclidean

Geometry was invented?
No ma’am

A non-euclidean geometry is a rethinking and

redescription of the properties of things like
points, lines, and other shapes in a non-flat
Gauss discussed the theory of parallels with his
friend, the mathematician Forkas Bolyai who
made several false proofs of the parallel
postulate. Farkas Bolyai taught his son, Janos
Bolyai, mathematics but, despite advising his son
not to waste one hour’s time on that problem of
the problem of fifth postulate

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