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A: Hi

B: Hi!
A: I’m Joseph, I’m the bride’s brother.
B: Oh, nice to meet you, I’m Katherine, friend of the groom. 
A: Really? How did you guys meet? 
B: We worked together when we were like fifteen at Mountview Cinema and
after that we became really good friends. 
A: Wow, so you’ve been friends for a long time now. 
B: Yes, It’s a lot of time I guess, and everything has happened so fast. Now
he is getting married and everything. 
A: It’s a really big step, but they look really happy together.
B: Totally. It’s weird that we haven’t met before though, I always visit them. 
A: Oh yeah, I live in Seattle, so we don’t see each other that much, but when
we do we really have a good time. Usually for Christmas, Thanksgiving and
our birthdays. 
B: And how long have you been living in Seattle? 
A: Five years now, but I actually want to return to Los Ángeles. It's too cold
over there and I miss the sun sometimes. 
B: Yeah, Seattle is really cold, I couldn’t live without the Californian sun. 
A: Me neither, apparently. Hey I have to make a toast now, I’ll see you
around, it was really nice meeting you.
B: Sure, good luck, see you! 

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